What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Question 6 final

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing the product?

Page 2: Question 6 final

Overall , to be able to have created our 2 minute opening sequence we have had to learn various things about our equipment and how filming works. To create our opening, we used a canon camera to film our cinematography shots and used the editing software ‘Final Cut’ to piece together and produce our opening sequence ‘Dead End’. However during this filming process we have had to overcome various challenges, such as a part of our opening sequence ( the news report) not being able to be found on the camera SD cards. Learning from that mistake as a group , from then on made sure that when we had filmed any work to upload it straight to the computer ,as the cameras were being shared amongst many other groups. Another technical difficulty we came across as a group was that some of our work would not upload at times. We personally didn't understand the reason but after asking for help we were able to get our work uploaded to the computer to edit. As a group we are proud of the work we have put into our opening sequence, as we have learnt that for a group with very limited experience with camera and editing, it does not take a day to create a final piece, therefore we have each put in alot of work to making sure our opening sequence it worth a good mark, as we have all had a apart in planning, creating, filming and editing. Whether it be physical contribution or ideas and plan creating.

Page 3: Question 6 final

To Improve our Opening Sequence, we thought that if we were to expand our cinematography shot use, such as including more long shots, to possibly show the movement between all of the characters and the attacker. We would also create more sound to our piece such as adding possible footsteps or heavy breathing, to show the difference between when it was the attackers view and the group of friends view. We also believe that our personal studio logo could have been more animated and created to look more thrilling , as it is in the start of the movie it needs to start the tension in the clip.

Below is a mid –shot that I like particularly as it captures the all the characters reaction to Trey as he tells them to stop and listen. In this shot we are not only able to see their facial emotion but their body language.

Above is a shot close up I think was a very good shot in our piece, as it captures the curiosity in Sarah's face as she possible spots something off in the distant