Final evaluation question 2

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2. What age group do you feel my trailer is aimed at? Under 15's 15-20 Yr Olds 20 or above What age group do you feel my trailer isWhat age group do you feel my trailer is aimed at?aimed at? 3. Before showing a group of twenty people my trailer, I asked them what age group they think it is aimed at, to my satisfaction the majority of them answered 15-20 year olds which is in fact my target audience. This has shown me that my trailer has been made to successfully appeal to my target audience. The people who watched my trailer were all a variety of ages and a mixture of genders so that the results I received were as fair and accurate as they can be. As well as that, I then asked a few people what age certificate they would give the film and again to my satisfaction nearly all of them answered 15. I have attached a video that I recorded of a 17 year old Jordan Lake saying that he thinks it should be a 15. Unfortunately I was unable to attach the video to my Slideshare, therefore I have placed the video below the slide in my blog post. 4. Do you feel the trailer successfully showed its genre of Horror? Yes No Not sure Do you feel the trailer successfullyDo you feel the trailer successfully showed its genre of horror?showed its genre of horror? 5. I then asked the same twenty people whether they felt that the trailer successfully showed its horror genre, again to my satisfaction nearly everyone answered yes which shows me that it is obvious what my trailers theme was and I successfully made it scary. However, ideally I would like everyone to answer yes which wasnt the case, therefore this has taught me that if I was to get the chance to create a horror trailer then, next time I would include a few more scary scenes and add a few more effects to exaggerate the spookiness of my trailer. As well as that, I feel that I could have used better sound effects which really exaggerated my trailers theme, I feel that I could have improved this area of my trailer and would a wider variety of sounds and music as I feel this would make the trailer better and enhance its overall scariness. 6. What would you rate the trailer out of 10? One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten What would you rate the trailer out of 10?What would you rate the trailer out of 10? 7. I also asked the same people what they would rate my trailer out of ten, ten being the highest and best answer and one being the lowest. I was pleased to see that everyone answered above half way meaning that overall my trailer was rather successful. However, although I was pleased to see that most people rated my trailer a 7 out of 10, I would rather receive a higher score, therefore this has taught me that there is still room to improve on my trailer and that there are a few things that I would need to do in order to perfect my trailer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8. Do you think that the editing of the trailer was effective? Yes No Do you think the editing of the trailer wasDo you think the editing of the trailer was effective?effective? 9. I then asked the same people whether they thought the editing of the trailer was effective, again I was pleased to see that the majority of people answered yes this showed me that I had edited my trailer rather successfully and that people were impressed with my work. However, not everyone said yes which has shown me that if I was to do this project again I could improve the editing on my trailer and make it look slightly more professional. I feel that this has also shown me that the editing of a trailer is a very important and vital stage of a successful trailer, therefore I would spend more time working on the editing of my trailer if I was to do the trailer again. 10. Do you feel that there is room for improvement in our trailer? Yes No Do you feel that there is room forDo you feel that there is room for improvement in my trailer?improvement in my trailer? 11. I then asked them whether they felt there is room for improvement in my trailer, to my dismay most people replied yes which has shown me that my trailer is not the best that it could be, therefore there is room for improvement so if I had to do this project again I would change many things to make it better and more successful. I wasnt 100% satisfied with my trailer, therefore this criticism has added to my unimpressed feelings towards my trailer. I feel that I should have spent more time on the editing of my trailer, as well as that I would have liked to add a few more clips that were a little scarier to make my trailer more creepy and for its theme of horror to be clearer. 12. What did you think about the length of our trailer? Too long Too short Just right What did you think about the lengthWhat did you think about the length of the trailer?of the trailer? 13. I then asked them what their opinion was on the length of my trailer, I asked them this as I wanted to see whether it was too long or short so that I could see where I could improve if I was to make a trailer again in the future. I found that some people said that they felt the trailer was a little too long, however the most common answer was that its length was just right. Therefore this has taught me that my trailers length was ideal and wasnt too long for people to watch and they were still intrigued by the trailer and it wasnt too short and didnt show enough. However like I have previously said, I wish that I had made some of the scenes slightly scarier and if given the chance I would have improved the editing of my trailer slightly. 14. Was the storyline of our trailer clear? Yes No Was the storyline of our trailer clear?Was the storyline of our trailer clear? 15. After that I asked them whether they thought that the storyline of my trailer was clear, I asked them this as I wanted to make sure that my trailer was clear and easy to understand as this is a very important feature when creating a trailer. When receiving the feedback I found that most people said that yes the trailer was clear, however I would have ideally preferred it if everyone answered yes not just over half of the people asked. This has therefore taught me that I could have made the storyline a little clearer, I could have done this by either adding in more text scenes or by adding more scenes at the start of my trailer which made it more obvious what was going on. 16. Did you think that the sound effects went well with the trailer? Yes No Did you think that the sound effects wentDid you think that the sound effects went Well with the trailer?Well with the trailer? 17. Finally I asked the same people whether they felt that the sound effects that I used went well with my trailer, over three quarters of the people I asked answered yes which was pleasing to see, however it has taught me that I could have made my trailer a little better by spending more time on finding better sounds to use and spending a little time on the overall editing of my trailer. Overall, I am happy with the feedback from my random audience as it has mainly been positive answers that have benefited me massively, however I can also see that there is room for me to improve my trailer and that there are parts that arent as good as they could be, therefore if given the chance to do this project again, I would spend more time on the construction and editing stage of my trailer and would have made it as professional as I could by using better sound effects and adding in necessary scenes.