In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Final Question 1

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In what ways does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

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For our A2 coursework we created a trailer and 2 ancillary tasks, which were a film poster and magazine front cover. We were allowed to choose the genre of our choice and as a group we decided to choose horror/thriller.

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Traditional Codes & Conventions of a Trailer

• Title of the film included.• Release date.• Company and cast information.• Length of 2-3 minutes.• Sounds appropriate to the genre portrayed.

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Typical conventions to make our trailer realistic?

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Companies Details

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The length was..The release date was “this summer”

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Codes and Conventions of Horror/Thriller TrailerCamera:The shots used in a horror/thriller vary as the are

trying to create a sense of danger and make the audience wonder. Some of the camera shots used are high and low angles, close ups, establishing shot and panning.

Sound:The sounds used tend to be eerie and create a

dramatic suspense. Also the pace changes to make the trailer more intense depending on the action. Also sound effects are used to make the audience jump, like bangs, screams and echoes.

Also the dialogue used is specific to the genre , to show the audience what genre it is.

Editing: Editing used in this genre tends to be fast pace and

dramatic to build tension and suspense. Typical editing is fades, cuts, fast motion and quick swaps.

Theme:The typical themes are serial killers, revenge,

murders, binary opposition, and mental illness. The reason for this is because they want to create a sense of enigma and danger.

Characters:The typical characters are the virgin girl, the slutty

girls, the hero, the Protagonist male and a villain.

Mise en scene:Lighting:The lighting in a horror/ thriller, always tends to be dark, raining and gloomy. To engage the audience and create an atmosphere and builds suspense. Costumes:Depending on the character will depend on the costume that characters chose to wear. E.g. white for the good characters, black for the bad and the bad girls may dress provocative. So the clothing will depend on the character. Props:The props used in horror/thriller films tend to be weapons, blood and knifes, which are used to give a dramatic effect and show the audience the genre. Locations:Location is key in horror/thriller as it shows the audience the genre straight away and creates suspense. The typical locations used in this genre are the woods, haunted houses/buildings, schools and camp sites/cabins. Titles:The titles are to create a situation and engage the audience.

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We found horror/thriller trailers all had?

• When looking trailers we found that the whole storyline was not told only bits and the end was always left, making the audience want to see more.

• We found that location was key to the trailer as it is a key code and convention to horror/thriller and establishing shots were used to show the audience the different locations.

• We found that the females always tended to be the victim and a male the hero.

• We also found that the trailer was on average 2-3 minutes. • The shots were also very quick within a small space of time. • Sounds appropriate to the thriller/horror genre portrayed.

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You’re Next, Insidious, Sorority Row Scream, & I Spit on Your Grave.

Trailers we Analysed?

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Analysing these trailer allowed our group to understand our genre fully and the horror/thriller codes and conventions we must include. It showed us all the basic ideas behind a trailer and really helped us in our production work.

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Deciding on our Narrative

So after thorough research the group come together to decide on a narrative at first we were all blank with ideas. However we all really like Sorority Row and I Spit On Your Grave trailers and felt they had a very interesting and engaging narrative. So from there we decided to uses them both as inspiration and form a narrative.

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This was our original plot, however it changed due to audience feedback and taking the advice given on board. The audience felt the original narrative was very unclear and the audience could not understand the trailer/plot and what was going on. Are original plot was about grace who moved to the city and was targeted by local lads who end up attacking her which is similar to I spit on your grave. Then she nearly dies but when she recovers comes back for revenge, as a group we felt it was too similar to I spit on your grave. So we redone are plot.

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So we then redone the plot and developed on ideas from Sorority Row and I Spit on your Grave into our narrative.

So are final theme of the trailer is mixed between revenge and murder. So we have used a typical theme of a horror/thriller trailer. Showing that we are using the correct codes and conventions when making our trailer.

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Todorov theory- 1. A state of equilibrium (this is where everything is final and normal.)2. A disruption of that order by an event.3. A recognition that the disorder has occurred.4. An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption.5. A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium. This theory can be applied to our final narrative 2.Everything is normal and the sorority have a new opening for a member.The member must complete a task to prove himself, to be accepted and gain a place. The task goes wrong and the girl ends up dead. The new member tries to fix things, by getting revenge on the rest of the boys and tying them up in the basement.New equilibrium revenge has been served.

Levi status- Binary opposition The opposition within our narrative are the good vs bad, so we have the bad sorority and the good girl and in the end the bad loses and the good wins.


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When filming the trailer, I also referred back to the codes and conventions and looked at the typical shots that were within the horror/thriller genre. The typical camera shots I found in the trailers I analysed which were from, I spit on your grave and Sorority Row were, establishing shots close ups, medium shots and pan shot’s. So throughout the process I referred to the general codes and conventions as I wanted to make sure it was like a real product. The shots we focused on were establishing shots, close ups, medium shots and pan shot’s, as these were the typical shots in a horror/thriller trailer and I included them all.

We used establishing shots as it was important to allow the audience to know the location and this was key for them to be able to know the genre of the trailer. As horror/thriller tend to have typical locations. Also this shot sets an atmosphere and build the tension.

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We used close ups as this was used regularly in a the trailers we had research, as they wanted to show the audience reactions and make them see the emotions. Making them question what is going on while the watch the trailer as all the know it is a horror/thriller and that something bad is eventually going to happen but what?? They can only see bits of the plot within the trailer. So reactions are key as they get a reaction out of the audience and make them wonder.

Pan shots were also used as it allowed the audience to see what was going on. Also these shots tend to create suspense and show the characters as useless.

We also use medium shots as it makes the audience question what is going on as they cannot see everything, only what we want them to see. So it makes the audience wonder and makes them become an active audience.

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Conventions Followed?When looking at the trailer I spit on your grave and sorority row, I found that editing used in this genre tends to be fast pace and dramatic to build tension and suspense. Typical editing is fades, cuts, fast motion and quick swaps. When editing my trailer I used Premier, and I used all the typical edits used in my research. I had the typical fast motion scenes and even used “Time Stretch” to speed scenes up to make the trailer more intense. I also put effects such as dissolve and fades in the trailer to get rid of the jumpy scenes. These effects are also used in the trailers I researched. I put an earthquake effect on some of the clips and I used a contrast and the “Extract!” effect to turn the final shot more scary and make the lightning darker. I followed the main convention of editing when putting the trailer in order, made sure it was not in sequence so the audience did not get told the full story. So overall followed the conventions of a horror/thriller and this caused a dramatic buildup of tension and suspense throughout the trailer.

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Conventions Used ?• I followed the convention of a eerie soundtrack and used a soundtrack

called the prestige which was very effective and helps to create and build tension throughout the trailer. I got this soundtrack from YouTube, then converted it to an MP3 so I could insert it into Premier.

• I also used sound effects was a jumpy sounds, to build tension and show something was going to happen. I got these from “Sinister”.

• There was also dialogue used was screams and basic dialogue to show the audience the specific genre “I think someone is following me”.

• So the sound was used effectively and helped show the genre to the audience and added the final touches to the trailer.

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Conventions Used?• We followed the conventions on characters, as we had the innocent girl

grace who dies.• We had the villains who were the sorority boys.• We had the hero the new member Badia.• However we challenged the idea of the good person staying alive, as we

chose to kill her off. We also challenged the idea that normally the non virgin girls dies, we had an innocent virgin who died in our film. Also we had our hero be part of the bad side first and he swapped and became the unexpected hero.

• So we used the basic conventions of a real media product characters in our trailer, but we also challenged it at the same time.

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Mise en scene

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Lighting • The lighting I used in my

trailer follows the conventions of a real horror/thriller trailer as I used a dark, gloomy lighting. I added this effect to my trailer by adjusting the contrast and adding a tint.

• This created an atmosphere throughout the whole trailer and helped to show the genre of the trailer.

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Dalia costume in the trailer was simple and colourful, to show she was the innocent good character in the trailer.

The boys in the sorority wear dark clothing which symbolises they are the bad characters I trailer.

Badia, costume is grey as he starts as the villain, however then sways to become the hero at the end of the trailer. So he swap sides and can be seen as neutral that’s why he wear grey as it is a neutral colour as he is uncertain of sides.

So the clothing emphasised the opposing sides and the binary oppositions and they are similar to the trailers I have analysed, where depending on the characters will depend on the clothing they appear in. So I followed the conventions that the villains wear dark clothing and the innocent wear like clothing.

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Props • The props used in our trailer:FireEnvelope Letter Picture Rope Phone The semantic elements encourages the audience as they have been used for a

dramatic effect and to show the audience something is happening. Also it shows the genre of the trailer by the props we have used as they are specifically linked to horror/thriller.

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Location • We used the typical locations that are used within a horror/thriller trailer.

The locations we picked were the woods, house and basement. • These are typical conventions of a horror/thriller and we found these were

typical locations in a horror/thriller.

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Titles• These are used to make sure the audience understands what's going on and build

suspense and helps make them wary of what is actually going to happen? So the title helps to tell the narrative

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Conventions of a Magazine• Masthead- is a convention of a magazine. It is at the top of the page and it always

bold and in capitals. I looked at two magazines Empire and Film. However I preferred the Empire masthead and magazine.

• Image- is a convention and all magazine contains at least one image, sometimes more. However there will only be one main image on the magazine and this will be related to the film and the shot tends to be mid-shot.

• Strap lines that will give the reader an insight to what's inside the magazine and engage them to want to buy the magazine.

• Date • Issue number • Barcode

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Comparing Magazine & Conventions

When making the magazine, I decided to use a mid-shot

for my image and this is similar to the Hellboy image. I

placed the image in the centre of the magazine, so

decided to use this convention, which is like the Hellboy magazine and most

Empire magazines.

Also I kept the layout similar as I wanted it to represent

the magazines I had looked at when doing my research.

Also I kept the colour scheme similar to the Empire

magazine I just moved some of the strap lines around to

make it a bit different and we added red to the colour

scheme for some of the strap lines as I did not want it to be identical just similar and have the correct conventions of a


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When creating my magazine, I decided to keep the Empire masthead because the company was well known and I really liked the font of the masthead and how it fit across the top and engaged the audience. So I used the same masthead to make it identical and keep it similar. I also place it behind the image like the Empire magazine. I also decided to keep it red as it went with our chosen genre horror/thriller.

One thing I really liked about the Hellboy poster was the was the circle with writing in it. As i felt it was really engaging and effective as it attracted the audience. However we developed on it by changing the colour scheme and font, also I put it on the opposite side of the magazine.

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Similar to the Hellboy magazine, I kept the name of the film at the bottom of the magazine. Just above a strap line on the magazine. The font is big and bold, in comparison to the other text on the magazine. The reason for this is so it stands out more and so the reader acknowledges the film first and knows its the main article.Also we matched the colour of the films name with the title, to keep the scheme and this is what most Empire magazines do. However we challenged the placing of the text, because even though it was in the middle on the Hellboy magazine. I prefered are text more to the right of the magazine.

I also placed a bar code on my magazine, which all magazine contain regardless of the genre. However we placed it similar to our research magazine, which was on the bottom left hand corner. We also placed it horizontal like the Hellboy magazines bar code, this kept the layout similar to our research magazine.

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Conventions of a poster

• The poster must be eye catching and engage the audience.

• It must show the films genre clearly to the audience, so the correct audience is attracted.

• The relase date must be included.• Cast must be included, so the audience can see

the starring actors. • Directors and production company must be


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Poster Analysis

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Comparing Poster &


When making my poster, I could not stick to just one poster to use for my research. As I found three posters I really liked them all and could not decide, however I was lucky because they had a similar layout. All three posters has a close up image, of some part of a person’s face. This made me decide to take a close up shot, which is similar to the rest.

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All three posters has a close up image, of some part of a person’s face. This made me decide to take a close up shot, which is similar to the rest. I chose a close up of the lower part of the actors face, like “prom night”.The image helps to make the genre clear on the poster which is a key convention of film posters. It shows the genre horror/thriller. Also it has a plain simple background, buI developed the plain background my adding a scratch effect and this made the genre more clear and easily portrayed to the audience.

I tried to use a similar font to the Scream title, however I wanted it more sharp. However I used the capital font and also the colour of the font, which is white. However I challenged the title, because all three images had the title at the bottom, but i put mine at the top as I felt it looked better and made the poster look more effective.

I also used the typical convention, which all poster include regardless of the genre. Included the casts names to show the audience the stars. I used the same font I used for my title just a smaller size and not bold just capitals.

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I also added the convention of a a strap line/ slogan. Which helps to show the audience the specific genre and engages the audience as they are interested. I think the use of a slogan is effective.

At the bottom I followed the layout of Dead Silence and i added the director and production company information. This made gave the poster the final touch and made it look like a real professional poster. I also had the “Coming Soon” right at the bottom of the poster to show the audience the release date and give them information they need.

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Overall Overall I feel that my trailer and two ancillary tasks used the conventions of a real media product and the end outcome was very realistic. Due to the fact I used my research to make sure that my work resembled real media products. My work supports conventions of real media products rather than challenge. This was due to the fact our company was a new production company and we wanted to guarantee success and an audience. So I felt that we should take to many risks and challenge our work to much to jeopardise the end result and quality of our final product. Also I found no need to challenge the conventions to much as due to audience research, I was informed in what they wanted and they wanted the normal conventions of a horror/thriller.