Pengantar Leadership and Talent Development Centre (LTDC) Ir. Moh. Haitan Rachman MT, KMPC Founder and Senior Consultant [email protected] / [email protected] www.haitanrachman.com / www.inosi.co.id

Pengantar leadership and talent development center

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Page 1: Pengantar leadership and talent development center

Pengantar Leadership and Talent Development Centre (LTDC)

Ir. Moh. Haitan Rachman MT, KMPCFounder and Senior Consultant

[email protected] / [email protected]

www.haitanrachman.com / www.inosi.co.id

Page 2: Pengantar leadership and talent development center

• Al-quran dan al-hadist banyak menjelaskan perihal peluang-peluang dantantangan-tantangan masa depan untuk kaum muslimin. Tentunya bagi kaummuslimin perlu mempunyai perencanaan dan program untuk menyikapi hal-hal tersebut.

• Persaingan global memberikan peluang dan juga tantangan besar bagi kaummuslimin, umumnya bangsa Indonesia. Sehingga memerlukan keseriusan danfokus bagaimana menyiapkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang dapatmengambil peluang dan menyikapi tantangan dalam persaingan global

• Persaingan global sangat menuntut kesiapan SDM yang mempunyai jiwakepemimpinan (leadership) dan talenta (kompetensi), karena SDM ini dapatmenjadi pionir-pionir (champions) di masa depan

• “Leadership and Talent Development Centre” mengambil peran dan tanggungjawab untuk menyiapkan pionir-pionir (champions) khususnya kaum muslimindi masa depan dan umumnya masyarakat bangsa Indonesia.


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• “Leadership and Talent Development Centre” mengambil peran dantanggung jawab untuk menyiapkan pionir-pionir (champions) khususnya kaum muslimin di masa depan dan umumnya masyarakatbangsa Indonesia.

• Sekarang ini telah banyak pendekatan atau metodologi yang dikembangkan untuk mengembangkan “Leadership and Talent” dariSDM. Sehingga tentunya LTDC ini juga mengambil pendekatan tersebutuntuk proses pengembangan SDM sebagai Human Capital (HC) yang mempunyai nilai besar di masa depan.

• Disamping juga terdapat landasan-landasan yang diambil dari Al-qurandan Al-Hadist untuk LTDC ini, karena universalitas sumbernya dapatmenjadi landasan yang menguatkan terhadap pendekatan ataumetodologi yang berkembang sekarang ini.

Leadership and Talent Development Centre

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• Mendidik SDM untuk menjadi pionir-pionir (champions) kaum musliminkhususnya yang dapat memberikan kontribusi perubahan ataupunpertumbuhan bagi masyarakat Indonesia

• Memberikan pelatihan dan workshop untuk peningkatan kualitas SDM yang mempunyai wawasan pengetahuan dan juga keterampilan untukmenjadi seorang pionir (champion)

• Membentuk SDM yang mempunyai “leadership” (kepemimpinan) dandapat mengembangkan talenta-talenta yang dimilikinya mengikutiperencanaan strategis yang dibangunnya

• Membentuk SDM yang dapat sama-sama menjadi mentor/ pendamping/konsultan dalam memberikan solusi atau jawabanterhadapa permasalahan yang ada

Tujuan dan Sasaran LTDC

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• Business Incubator and Accelerator

• Beasiswa 1 Tahun Lulusan SMK Pelatihan Web Programming danAndroid Programming

• Planning and Developing Innotalenta.com

• Workshop Business Incubator Development

• Workshop Business Development and Business Model Canvas

• Workshop 7 Habits for Leadership and Talent Development

• Workshop Malcolm Baldrige, Excellence Performance

• Workshop Strategic Planning and Action-Plan Development


Page 6: Pengantar leadership and talent development center

• Organizations everywhere are looking for ways to effectively and efficiently meet their missions and achieve their visions. Baldrige provides a framework to improve your organization's performance and get sustainable results. Whether your organization is— large or small, service or manufacturing, education or health care, government or non-profit, has one site or worldwide locations, Baldrige can work for you.

• Baldrige helps organizations address a dynamic environment, focus on strategy-driven performance, achieve customer and workforce engagement, and improve governance and ethics, societal responsibilities, competitiveness, and long-term organizational sustainability. It offers you a comprehensive management approach that focuses on results in all areas, organizational and personal learning, and knowledge sharing.

Malcolm Baldrige, Excellence Performance

Page 7: Pengantar leadership and talent development center

• Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy. Strategic planning became prominent in corporations during the 1960s and remains an important aspect of strategic management. It is executed by strategic planners or strategists, who involve many parties and research sources in their analysis of the organization and its relationship to the environment in which it competes.

• Strategy has many definitions, but generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). The senior leadership of an organization is generally tasked with determining strategy. Strategy can be planned (intended) or can be observed as a pattern of activity (emergent) as the organization adapts to its environment or competes.

• Strategy includes processes of formulation and implementation; strategic planning helps coordinate both. However, strategic planning is analytical in nature (i.e., it involves "finding the dots"); strategy formation itself involves synthesis (i.e., "connecting the dots") via strategic thinking. As such, strategic planning occurs around the strategy formation activity

Strategic Planning

Page 8: Pengantar leadership and talent development center

• The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, first published in 1989, is a business and self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. Covey presents an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls "true north" principles of a character ethic that he presents as universal and timeless.

7 Habits

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• The National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) defines business incubators as a catalyst tool for either regional or national economic development. NBIA categorizes their members’ incubators by the following five incubator types: academic institutions (which are more common since they reside next to universities in order to encourage knowledge transfer from university's to the business incubator); non-profit development corporations; for-profit property development ventures; venture capital firms, and combination of the above.

• Business incubators differ from research and technology parks in their dedication to startup and early-stage companies. Research and technology parks, on the other hand, tend to be large-scale projects that house everything from corporate, government or university labs to very small companies. Most research and technology parks do not offer business assistance services, which are the hallmark of a business incubation program. However, many research and technology parks house incubation programs

Business Incubator

Page 10: Pengantar leadership and talent development center

• Persaingan global memberikan tekanan kepada siapapun untuk lebih dapatmenyiapkan SDMnya lebih kuat dalam kepemimpinnan dan juga mempunyaitalenta-talenta yeng jelas.

• Kelemahan dari pengembangan “leadership and talent” dari SDM memberikan dampak besar untuk kemajuan sebuah masyarakat atau bangsa. Dan tidak heran kalau bangsa-bangsa yang telah maju memberikan perhatianserius untuk hal itu.

• LTDC merupakan organisasi untuk mengembangkan SDM kaum musliminkhususnya untuk menjadi pionir-pionir (champions) yang dapat memberikankontribusi perubahan ataupun pertumbuhan bagi masyarakat Indonesia

• Kami sangat meyaqini bahwa al-quran dan al-hadist mempunyai landasan-landasan kuat untuk mengarahkan pada “Leadership and Talent Development” ini.

• Mudah-mudahan Alloh swt memberikan kemudahan dan rahmatNyaterhadap rencana LTDC ini. Amiin.


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Ir. Moh. Haitan Rachman MT, KMPCFounder and Senior Consultant

[email protected] / [email protected]

www.haitanrachman.com / www.inosi.co.id