What is TEXT all about? Text is any piece of communication that has meaning. It can include: sounds visuals (pictures or images), non-verbal actions (waving, poking out one’s tongue)

Non Verbal Gestures

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Page 1: Non Verbal Gestures

What is TEXT all about?

Text is any piece of communication that has meaning.

It can include:


visuals (pictures or images),

non-verbal actions (waving, poking out one’s tongue)

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Non-verbal Action

1 2 3 4 5Keeping our finger cross (photo 1) is used in Australia, USA, England and Sweden to mean that the person is hoping for the good luck. On the contrary, in Greece and Turkey it means the breaking of a friendship, in parts of Italy it means “O.K.”, and in Indonesia it has no meaning at all.

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Non-verbal Action

1 2 3 4 5

To call a person using this gesture is not rude in United States, photo 2, holding out our hand, palm up, moving only our index finger, but in Cambodia, and Vietnam this gesture is used to call an animal. In Indonesia, to call a person with the same gesture is humiliating.

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Non-verbal Action

1 2 3 4 5

Gesture no 3 caused a serious misunderstanding in America. In 1953, when the Soviet Leader, Nikita Khrushchev, was visiting the United States he used this gestures to show friendship. Unfortunately, Americans understood it to mean the opposite: that the Soviet Union would defeat the United States.

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Non-verbal Action

1 2 3 4 5

Photo 4 means great , perfect, acceptable, O.K. It means zero in Belgium, France and Tunisia. In Turkey, Brazil, Greece and Malta, it has an obscene meaning whilst in Tunisia, it is used as a threat.

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Non-verbal Action

1 2 3 4 5

Finally, number 5 usually means defeat or no good or bad news to American.


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Visual texts no 1, 2, 3 mean “No Smoking”, “For Female”, and “For Male”. Visual text no 4 means “For people with a disability”.

1 2 3 4

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Text can be communicated using any medium that includes any language.

On paper (printed)

By voice (spoken)

On film

Electronically or as multimedia

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We are composing texts when we….

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We are RESPONDING TO texts when we….



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Composing a good piece of text requires us to make the right choices about:

formslanguage features


These choices will reflect our purpose and context.

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Speaking and listening

Writing and reading

Representing and viewing

A text may include more than one mode to communicate meaning.

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Well, you go up to the, um, park and turn, let’s see, right yes, right, then follow the road all the way down to the lights, then you turn left and keep going until you see, um, a service station, then you turn left there and the school is just up the hill.


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To get to the school, follow this directions. First, travel north towards the park. At the park, turn right. Follow this road to the lights, then turn left. At the service station, turn left and proceed up the hill.


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1.Presenting information about a subject2.Retelling past events.3.Describing a particular person, place or thing.4.Giving instruction or providing directions for

making something, doing something or getting somewhere.

5.Telling a story to amuse the readers or the listeners.

Communicative Purposes of Texts

InvitingGiving InformationExpressing ideasOrdering Complaining

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Complete the following tableFragments of Texts (FoT)

Communicative Purposes

The position of FoT in the whole text (beginning, middle, end) Why is it so?

1.1. OK, we’ll turn on the oven first

1.2In conclusion, bikes should only be ridden on the footpath.

To instruct someone how to do something

Beginning – I know that when cooking you generally turn on the oven to start with so that it’s at the right temperature.

To give conclusion

End – taken from a text employee inductive logical reasoning – obtaining general laws from particular facts or examples.

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Complete the following table

Fragments of Texts (FoT)

Communicative Purposes

The position of FoT in the whole text (beginning, middle, end) Why is it so?

1.3A long, long time ago…

1.4After we visited the night market, we went home.

1.5This leads to water pollution.

To give an orientation about the time, when it happened

Beginning – the time setting is usually written at the beginning the story.

To retell past events chronologically.

Middle – when we retell series of events, we put them in a chronological order and we retell those events after telling the orientation.

To show a proven cause and effect relationship

End – It is a kind of a conclusion.

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Identify the type and the communicative Function ofthe following text

I like to eat out and I go to a restaurant for dinner at least twice a month. I go with my friends or my family. Our favorite restaurant is an Indian restaurant in Cleveland Street in Surry Hills. It is not very big but it is always busy. There are only a few tables in the restaurant and there is a white tablecloth on each table. There is also a vase with lovely flowers on each table. There are plants in the corners. The place is very clean and well lighted so the customer can have a nice talk while enjoying their meal. Traditional Indian music can be heard softly from the room speakers. We usually order hot curries and eat them with rice. Its Chai tea is a winner! The food is delicious but the price is affordable. In addition, the service is quick and friendly. We always have a pleasant evening at this restaurant.

A FACTUAL DESCRIPTION To describe a particular place

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Identify the type and the communicative Function ofthe following text

The Eiffel Tower is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars beside the Seine River in Paris. The tower has become a global icon of France and is one of the most recognizable structures in the world.

Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the Eiffel Tower is the tallest structures in Paris tallest building in Paris More than 200,000,000 people have visited the tower since its construction in 1889, including 6,719,200 in 2006, making it the most visited paid monument in the world. Including the 24 m (79 ft) antenna, the structure is 325 m (1,063 ft) high (since 2000), which is equivalent to about 81 levels in a conventional building.

When the tower was completed in 1889 it was the world's tallest tower — a title it retained until 1930 when New York City's Chrysler Building (319 m — 1,047 ft tall) was completed. The tower is now the fifth-tallest structure in France and the tallest structure in Paris, with the second-tallest being the Tour Montparnasse (210 m — 689 ft), although that will soon be surpassed by Tour AXA (225.11 m — 738.36 ft)

A FACTUAL DESCRIPTION (?) To describe a particular place

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The Lion was in a bad mood. That morning his wife, the Lioness, had told him that his breath smelled. He was worried. Then, the Lion called his three counsellors - the Sheep, the Wolf and the Fox.

First he called the Sheep. 'Tell me, Sheep,' growled the Lion, 'do you think my breath smells?' The Sheep thought the Lion wanted to know the truth. So she bowed low before the Lion and said, 'Your Majesty, your breath smells terrible. In fact, it smells so bad that it is making me feel quite ill.'

This was not what the Lion had wanted to hear. Roaring angrily, and calling the Sheep a fool, he pounced on her and bit her head off.

Next he called the Wolf. 'Tell me, Wolf,' growled the Lion sharpening his claws, 'do you think my breath smells?' The Wolf had seen the dead Sheep on the way, and he had no plans to end up the same way. He bowed low before the Lion and said, 'Your Majesty! How can you ask me that? Your breath smells as sweet as the flowers in spring, as fresh as the...'

He could not finish what he was going to say. 'Liar!' roared the Lion, and ripped him to pieces.

At last the Lion called the Fox. The Fox came warily; she had seen the dead Sheep and the dead Wolf on the way.

'Tell me, Fox,' growled the Lion, sharpening his claws and yawning widely so that the Fox could see his long sharp teeth, 'do you think my breath smells?'

The Fox coughed and sneezed and blew her nose, and then clearing her throat noisily, said in a hoarse whisper, 'Your Majesty, forgive me. I have such a nasty cold that I cannot smell a thing!’

A NARRATIVE To tell a story to amuse the

readers or the listeners

Identify the type and the communicative Function ofthe following text

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Our bodies are made of flesh and bones. Anytime any part is injured we feel pain. So we try to avoid injury as much as we can. Usually it takes a painful lesson to teach us to avoid injury. The following was a particularly painful one.

I, like any young child, love to run around as quickly as I can. It is fun. However, there is danger of falling down which can result in painful injuries.

One day while playing "catching" with some friends I happened to run down a hill. I found that running down a hill was easy and I could go very fast. At the spur of the moment I decided to see how fast I could go. So I ran with all my might.

Alas, I ran too fast for my legs to keep up. One moment I was running, the next I fell sprawling onto the tarmac road. The shock was horrible as I scraped along the hard surface of the road.

The pain was intense as I lay on the road writhing. My hands, legs and face were bleeding from the many parts where my skin had been scraped off. When my friends came to help me they were horrified to see me in such a bloody mess.

Anyhow they summoned help and I was taken to the hospital. There they cleaned and dressed my wounds. All the time I felt as though I was on fire.

I suffered for two weeks thereafter every time they changed the bandages. It was terrible.

I learned my lesson. It is foolish to run down a hill.

A RECOUNTTo retell past events

Identify the type and the communicative Function ofthe following text

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Identify the type and the communicative Function ofthe following text

A PROCEDURETo give instructions: provide

directions for making something, doing something

or getting somewhere

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Identify the type and the communicative Function ofthe following text

A rocket looks like a long tube. Most rockets have fins on the back end to help them fly straight.

Rockets that carry fireworks can be short, only a few inches long. They are usually made of cardboard.

Rockets that go into space are huge. They are made mostly of metal.

Rockets burn fuel. Many different chemicals can be used as rocket fuel. The burning fuel makes hot gases. The gases blow out of the bottom end of the rocket. The hot gases shooting downward make the rocket go upward.

People use rockets to carry things through air and space. Different kinds of rockets carry different things.

A REPORTTo present information about a


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Language Structures and Text Understanding

Clause is a group of words which forms agrammatical unit and which contain a subject and a finite verb. A clause forms a sentence or part of a sentence and often functiopns as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

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Language Structures and Text Understanding





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Language Structures and Text Understanding

It all happened when I was walking home from school. Two kids from my class decided to pick on me. They started yelling stupid names like pigface, etc. I didn’t mind this. I also didn’t mind Kelly punching me in the shoulder. What I did mind was that Kelly kept me occupied while Matthew (better known as Roberts) rode my bike around the cul-de-sac of the street.

This was harmless. But, still riding, he kicked off my bag and jumped off the bike leaving it to fall. This made me sore. I gave in to my temper. When Matthew saw this he took off. So it was me and David Kelly to battle it out. I chased him around and around the street. When I finally caught up to him I threw punches galore.

Most of them missed. Kelly managed to escape and run home. I think I was the victor, but if I was, I don’t think it was worth it.

















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Language Structures and Text Understanding

 It all happened when I was walking home from school.

Two kids from my class decided to pick on me.

They started yelling stupid names like pigface, etc.

I didn’t mind this.

I also didn’t mind Kelly punching me in the shoulder.

What I did mind was that Kelly kept me occupied while Matthew (better known as Roberts) rode my bike around the cul-de-sac of the street.










T 1


T 2


T 3


T 4


T 5

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Language Structures and Text Understanding

 It all happened

when I was walking home from school

Two kids from my class decided to pick on me

They started yelling stupid names like pigface, etc.

I didn’t mind this.

I also didn’t mind Kelly punching me in the shoulder.

What I did mind (was)

that Kelly kept me occupied

while Matthew (better known as Roberts) rode my bike around the cul-de-sac of the street.








T 2


T 3


T 4


T 5


T 1










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Language Structures and Text Understanding

Naming ‘who’ or ‘what’

Naming the ‘action’

Naming ‘where’

The frog jumped into the pond.

That green spotted tree frog

jumped quickly into the dirty pond.

We may extend a group of words to add more information.

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Language Structures and Text Understanding

The lion tells the sheep to enter the cave.

Jack found a bird.

The wicked and tricky lion tells the poor and frightened sheep to enter the very dangerous cave.

Jack who lived close to the bush found a very weak bird lying on the damp ground.

We may extend a group of words to add more information.

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Language Structures and Text Understanding

Gold was discovered in Ballarat in 1815.what the action where when

Label the group of words in the following sentences using who, what, the action, and where, when or how.

When the tower was completed in 1889, it was the world's tallest tower.

Roaring angrily, and calling the Sheep a fool, he pounced on her and bit her head off.

Traditional Indian music can be heard softly from the room speakers.

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Language as representations of experiences

Kinds of verbs

Examples Notes

Action verbs

Fasten your belt.I ran too fast.More than 200,000,000 people have visited the tower.We will fly to Bandung on Tuesday.The frog was croaking loudly.

The verb shows an action involving people or things and expresses an event.

Saying verbs

Miko announced his engagement.The robbery was reported to the police.The manual doesn’t tell me anything.

The verb expresses what people or things said.

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Language as representations of experiences

Kinds of verbs

Examples Notes

Mental and emotion verbs

I love to run around as quickly as I can.The little turtle felt tired and lonely.“I’m safe here,” thought the boy.I want a cup of tea.

The verb expresses feeling, thought, and understanding.

Relating verbs

Gloria is the loudest girl in class.The tower has an interesting structure.The process seems complicated.The wall of the eye consists of three layers.

Describing, Grouping, Defining, Showing a relationship between two things

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Label the kinds of verbs in following text.

Dear Mum and Dad,We arrived in Bunaken on Sunday and are staying in a small hotel next to the marina. It has a great pool and lovely tropical gardens. Yesterday, we snorkeled near the outer reef. I took some photos of the fish with my underwater camera. Tropical fish are amazing. Some are rainbow colored and others have fluorescent stripes. Then I noticed two reef sharks near the pontoon and called the diving instructor. She said that they were harmless, but I still felt scared. I loathe sharks!Love,Dinar.

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Understanding a participant of an event

Clauses with action verbs

The spiderdoer

caughtaction verb

the tiny green fly.done to

The sheddone to

was flattened action verb

by strong winds.doer

Clauses with saying verbs

The treasurersayer

promisedsaying verb

an end to inflation.what is said

The instructionswhat is said

were clearly explainedsaying verb

to the children.receiver

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Understanding a participant of an event

Clauses with sensing verbs

The childrensenser

heardmental and emotion verb

a strange noise.what is sensed

The thunder and lightningwhat is sensed

scaredmental and emotion verb

the dog.senser

Clauses with relating verbs


haverelating verb

a powerful snout.description

Helen Kellerentity

wasrelating verb

a famous author and lecturer.description

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Adverbial Clauses give detailed information about time, place, manner, with whom, etc.

Meaning Example

Spoon the mixture into the muffin tray.

Last weekend, we built a tree house.

She jogged for eight kilometers.We had been driving for three hours.I practice the piano every day.

We traveled to Cirebon by bus.Close the door quietly.Cut the cake with a knife.

Place• Where?

Time• When?

Extent• How far?• How long?• How often?

Manner• How?• By what means?

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Adverbial Clauses give detailed information about time, place, manner, with whom, etc.

Meaning Example

The park is closed due to extreme fire danger.Those fish will die as a result of lead poisoning.

Play this game with three other people.The children went to the movie with their parents.

Use the exit in the event of an emergency.We had fun, despite the strong winds.

Cause• Why?

Accompaniment• With whom?

ContingencyUnder what conditions?Despite what?

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Adverbial Clauses give detailed information about time, place, manner, with whom, etc.

Meaning Example

He came as a clown.

According to expert, the water level has fallen.

I’m worried about the storm.He questioned the boy about the robbery.

Role• What as?

Angle• According to whom?

Matter• What about?

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Interpersonal negotiation involves responding to the Mood area. Negotiate interpersonally means using and manipulating Subject and Finite which also means using the correct tense, aspects, agreement etc.“She goes to Sanata Dharma Uni.”“Does she?”


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Logicosemantic negotiation involves responding to the area outside the Mood. It means that the response uses the same Mood, but negotiates whatever it is outside the Mood or the Residue area. “She goes to Sanata Dharma Uni.” “Sanata Dharma Uni? Where about is it?”