“TIME OF THE MONTH” Shafiq Hamka

Lsp 401 oral (2) time of the month

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Page 1: Lsp 401 oral (2) time of the month


Shafiq Hamka

Page 2: Lsp 401 oral (2) time of the month

HAVE YOU EVER?...... See the changes of your wife/gf behaviour? Deal with mood swings of your S/O? Felt like you’re being abused by your loved one? Felt like everything you do and say is wrong? Listen to this famous ‘I look/feel fat’ statement or even question?

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GIRLS ON THEIR “TIME OF THE MONTH” Everything you say and do will be wrong. Lets not beat around the

bush. However unless you are in fact a female, you will never understand the pain. It's like mother nature is so pissed off at you for not doing your job and getting pregnant that she wants to cause you as much pain as possible.

What and why of a period: Each month, to prepare for the possibility of pregnancy, a woman's uterus

develops a lining intended to nourish and protect a fetus. If no pregnancy occurs during the cycle, that lining is shed; the shedding of that lining, which consists of blood and assorted other secretions, is what's known as getting your period.

Menstrual cramps, (its not the same for every girl though) Anyway, menstrual cramps are caused by the uterus contracting into itself which limits the flow of blood and causes cramps. A woman's body is so pissed off that it basically tries to suffocate itself.

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THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER DO IF YOUR GF/WIFE IS ON HER ‘PERIOD’Everything You Say and Do is Wrong, But Don't Just Sit There and Do Nothing.

This may sound like an oxymoron but it really isn't. It's quite simple, the look of you may put her into a homicidal rage but at least try and be there for her. Bite your tongue, you don't have to try and console your body that it's not knocked up.

They know better~

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Whatever You Do, Don't Mention 'It'

I think it's pretty clear when a girl is on their period. It probably became more obvious after she cried because she couldn't open the carton of milk. So why is there any need to mention it? Why do this to yourself?

Don't Talk About Yourself Who do you think you are? Why do you think the world revolves around

you? You are the most insensitive person in the world.

Don't Be Logical She does not need you to point out the fact that the reason she may feel

bad is because she ate 6 cream eggs and devoured a share size bag of crisps in a half hour. Just agree with her that this is all nature's fault.

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Don't Tell Her She Looks Sick She knows sweat pants and an old grey t-shirt with pit stains is not a sexy

look. She knows she looks bad~, she doesn't need you confirming it.

Don't Tell Her She Looks Pretty She knows you're lying.

Don't Try and Understand You don't understand, you will never understand. Stop being so condescending and it is better for you just to shut your


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IDIOMS:GET BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARDMeaning : When an attempt fails and it’s time to start all over.

So, based on this content, let us all ‘get back to the drawing board’ and focus on what to do if your girlfriends is on her period ~

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THINGS YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY DO WHEN SHE’S ON HER PERIOD.How to make she feels better while she’s on her ‘period’. Sometimes men have a hard time understanding what a woman goes through during her "time of the month", and therefore do not know what to do to help her. Being a reasonable, considerate person all the time ought to be everyone's goal.

If you want to give a woman or girl in your life some extra support whilst she is suffering a bad or heavy period, these steps will guide you.

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Realize what a woman goes through during her period. 

Obviously men can't put themselves in the place of a woman and understand what it's like to have a menstrual cycle, but they can try to understand what symptoms they go through.

Woman can get terrible menstrual cramps, which are never fun, and can range from a dull pain that simply annoys, to a stabbing pain that practically paralyses a woman.

Women can get mood swings, they can get headaches, restlessness, become extremely tired or sleepy, become sore in their genital regions, and their appetites can dramatically change.

Symptoms will vary from woman to woman and some women may not even have symptoms at all!.

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Don’t blame her behavior on her period. Which should be a given. Not only does it invalidate how she feels but it’s

counterproductive. “Is it because you’re on your period?” very rarely yields a calm response of, “Oh, yeah, that is it. Never mind!” It makes her frustrated, probably angry, and then everyone gets tense. Don’t do that.

Be patient. She might sound irrational for whatever reason and it may bug you, but relax.

Unless she’s being physically or emotionally abusive (which probably has nothing to do with her period, frankly), try to understand where she might be coming from instead of brushing her off as “hormonal.”

Her favourite snacks/foods. At the end of the day, it’s still a hormonal situation. She’s going to have huge

cravings for certain things because that’s the nature of her body chemistry. Bring them to her. Bonus points if you don’t even have to ask what she wants. This doesn’t make you a saint or a savior, it makes you a good boyfriend.

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Suggest a night out for whatever she’d like to do.

If you’ve been avoiding that play she’s been excited about, now is a good time. If there’s a movie she won’t stop hinting at, go see it. Whatever it may be, just do it. You should be making such compromises around the clock but if you’re dragging your feet about it, again, now is a good time.

Suggest a night in for whatever she’d like to do.

Because, most of the time she might not want to do anything after coming home from work or any activity she’s involved in. So, bring her favourite dinner and settle down for games, movies, puzzles — basically whatever strikes her fancy.

Advil. Or Midol. (PAINKILLER) Frankly, most women will probably have something like this already, but in case they

don’t, it’s the quickest trip to your local pharmacy. (if you’re not used to this one, at least get her paracetamol)

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Be attentive. Some women want a great deal of company and affection, while others just want to be

left alone. Still others want a balance between the two. It’s part of your job to pay attention to those needs and considerations. It’s easy to do and will make you both feel great and more connected.

Comfort her. Have her sit down and give her a massage or give her a warm hug. Even a comforting

arm rub might make her feel better and will at least show you care.

Make her feel loved and appreciated. Let her know how happy you are to have her in your life. Tell her she's a great friend,

girlfriend, or wife. If she's at work or away from you, get in touch with her, (whatsapp,skype,wechat, and so on) and tell her how beautiful, sweet and all-round awesome she is. It's not even describable how nice it is for a person to do this. Don't go over the top her if she's snappy and irritable from the mood swings.

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TIPS Even if a woman doesn't go through any symptoms during her period, it's still nice to help her out and comfort her to

make it less hard on her. Just chat with her, keep the conversation light, avoid confrontational subjects. She will just enjoy you helping her forget

about the way she is feeling. Make her smile. Tell her a funny joke or story to get her spirits up. Try not to mention it at every opportunity—just act normal but still let her know you're there for her. Sometimes, going out can be a lot of hassle for her. Maybe you could set up a restaurant in the dining room. She will

find it funny and it will help get her mind off the symptoms. Do things she wants to do. If you're going out to eat, let her pick the restaurant, or if you're going out to the movies,

let her pick what movie to see. Just holding her, or letting her sleep in your arms can make her feel comfortable. Just being there and being sweet

makes anyone feel better. Don't make rude (mean) comments when she leaks or when she is trying to tell you how she feels. Offer her a hot-water bottle: the heat and pressure will decrease the cramps. If you're unsure of whether she's on her period, it may be best not to ask. Regardless, make sure she's comfortable

with you and doesn't feel offended. Try to get her out of the house. Ask her if she wants to go see a movie or go out for a walk in the park. If she doesn't

want to leave the house, don't force her. Some women are perfectly capable of dealing with their monthly period all by themselves. Your understanding and

consideration will be appreciated but don't treat a woman on her period like an invalid unless she is actually suffering. Let her sit quiet if she prefers.

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WARNING Never be rude and tell her "You'll get over it". Remember that she is very emotional, so don't take her action to heart but know and expect that

she will take every thing to heart. Remember to be patient and understanding. If things get too out of hand, take a deep breath, and

leave the room to cool off. Don't make any joke about periods and PMS. If a girl actually faints during her period, it's important not to panic. Google the 'recovery position'

or just make sure she's laying on her side and she's able to breath. You an put a pillow/something soft under her head and (if nothing else is showing, blood or trouble breathing etc.) just wait until she wakes up again. Make sure to tell her what happened and that it's going to be alright. It's possible she will vomit after she fainted, or maybe cry and you have to make sure to be prepared for those things. If she has experienced this more often, she'll probably tell you about it, and you will have to make sure you know what to do.

If she is in extreme agony, leave her alone. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about her pain, and being there might just make it worse. Comfort her later on when the pain has eased off a bit. Ask her what she prefers.

Some women vomit or faint during their periods. Feeling dizzy or lightheaded is common, actually fainting is a bit more rarely, but it happens. Make sure to leave the room if you really can't stand vomit, but if you can, just touch her arm/hold her hair and just 'be there for her.' Make sure she has no reason to feel embarrassed, don't say 'ew' and do not stroke her back or head, because this can only make the vomiting worse and she'll most likely say; 'Don't touch me, it's distracting!'

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