App Store Optimization Introduction: App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of improving the visibility of a mobileapp (such as an iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry or Windows Phone app) in an app store (such as iTunes for iOS, Google Play for Android, Windows Store for Windows Phone or BlackBerry World for BlackBerry, Kindle for Amazon). Reference App: Google Allo: Itunes:

How to optimize your App? : App store optimization

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App Store Optimization


App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of improving the visibility of a mobileapp (such as an iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry or Windows Phone app) in an app store (such as iTunes for iOS, Google Play for Android, Windows Store for Windows Phone or BlackBerry World for BlackBerry, Kindle for Amazon).

Reference App:

Google Allo:


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Google Play:

What is Google Allo? : Google Allo, a smart messaging app that helps you say more and do more. Express yourself better with stickers, doodles, and HUGE emojis & text.

Benefits & reachability:

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Available in multiple languages serving multiple regions ( that’s also the objective of this document to see how can we optimize an app for different regions)

Steps to optimize:

Keywords: It’s not about including keywords into your app (as in case of website). Its more than that we need to focus on certain aspects. Our purpose isn’t generating app-page traffic, but instead making sure your app is discovered by relevant, loyal users who will not only visit the app page but continue to install your app and use it on a regular basis. It’s not about traffic, it’s about conversion.

Tools: SensorTower and App Annie

App description:

Focus on call to action

Don’t compromise the user’s integrity: Potential users don’t know or care about keywords. They want the app asking permission to access their most sensitive information to be serious and smart. Don’t write text that might suggest otherwise

App logo:

Should look attractive.

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Give it a 3d effect to look catchy It could be the first thing that user notice about your app.


Make the most out of this space and look at it as another advertising platform. Use to tell a story, a sequence which would rather engage your audience.

Video trailer:

If you choose to invest resources in creating a trailer, our advice to you is to put users before Apple. A recent study we’ve conducted proved that Apple doesn’t enforce its own guidelines and is quick to approve videos containing footage that goes way beyond the same old in-app footage.

Remember: Your trailer allows users to see not only what your product does, but also how creative the people behind it are. Keep potential users both informed and entertained.

Competitive research:

Keep an eye on what your competitors are up to and discover certain keywords you might be missing. Use existing measuring tools as well as your own common sense, and update your app page accordingly.

Reviews & 5 Star ratings:

Engagement is the key here.

App Name & Category:

Name should be catchy and within the right category we need to submit the app.


LocalizationApp developers and marketers must speak their users’ language, literally. The UK Appstore and the US one require separate keyword research, and if your target audience speaks Korean – so should your app description.

Remember: There’s no “one size fits all” in ASO. Include local phrases, slang and cultural references to match each specific location


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Upload an appAfter you've signed up for a Google Play Developer account, you can upload apps to Google Play using your Google Play Developer Console.

Add an APK1. Go to your Google Play Developer Console.

2. Select All applications   > Add new application.

3. Using the drop down menu, select a default language and add a title for your app. Type the name of your app as you want it to appear in Google Play.

4. Select Upload APK.

5. Choose from the Production, Beta, or Alpha channels and select Upload your APK. For more information on alpha/beta testing, go to use alpha/beta testing & staged rollouts.

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Measuring, Analyzing, and Responding to User Behavior

One of the best ways to spot issues to resolve is by measuring user behavior. Optimizing your app

becomes much easier when you analyze performance before and after you launch. Drop off points, low ratings, and high percent of uninstalls can be indicative that there’s a problem. Measuring

and responding to user-related metrics such as download sources, retention rates, and in-app

behavior regularly is critical to keeping and bringing back your hard earned user base.

You can get data from tools in Google Play or third-parties to analyze user behavior. You can

identify details such as:

Where installs are coming from.

The types of users you are acquiring.

What is causing user churn and how to reduce it.

Statistics for analyzing installs and ratingsOnce you’ve published your app, Google Play makes it easy to see how it’s doing. The Developer

Console gives you access to a variety of anonymized statistics and custom charts that show you the

app's installation performance and ratings.

You can view data and charts for active, daily, and total installs per unique devices or users, as well

as upgrades and uninstalls. You can also view the app's daily average user rating and its cumulative

user rating. To help you analyze the data, you can view install and ratings statistics across a variety

of different dimensions such as Android version, device, country, app version, and carrier.

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Tracking and analyzing Marketing campaigns

While you should consider monitoring user behavior data as a part of your normal activities, it’s

particularly important when you’re running any form of marketing campaign, to make sure you’re

getting the right users at the lowest cost possible.

One way to track your marketing campaigns is to link Google Analytics with your Google Play

account to analyze activity from source to install.

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Mobile Deep Linking:

Using a Uniform Resource identifier (URI) that links to specific location within a mobile app rather than simply launching the app.

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Deep links are hyperlinks that lead to a specific piece of content within an app. This isn’t the homepage, but often a product page or landing page a marketer wants to highlight.

How to enable it?

Enabling deeplinking for a mobile application will allow you to invoke deeplinks that open an app and launch specific, defined screens within the app, such as the homepage, product pages, and shopping cart, much as you would on a website.




Mobile seo overview:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">






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