© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Louis Ngai | Solution Consulting Lead Web Optimization To Improve Conversion

Hong Kong Web Analytics Wednesday #6

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This month we have invited John Man (Senior Enterprise Account Manager -- Hong Kong & South East Asia) & Louis Ngai (Solution Consultant Lead -- Greater China) from Omniture to our event. Date: 29th September, 2010 Time: 19:00 -- 22:00 Speaker: John Man & Louis Ngai Topic: Increase Conversion of Website

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Louis Ngai | Solution Consulting Lead

Web Optimization To Improve Conversion

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Area to Optimized for Retail Site

Campaign Optimization

Identify Fallout Point

Content Influence Optimization

Content Targeting

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Omniture FusionExternal Campaigns Success

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What kind of return am I getting for my campaigns?

Which channels deserve more marketing spend?

Relationship between Campaigns

Sample Business QuestionsThe Fundamentals1. Page and Content Identification

2. Page Effectiveness

3. Page Real Estate Valuation (ClickMap)

4. Shopping Cart Performance

5. Payment & Fulfillment Methods

6. Product Category Analysis

7. Product Finding Methods

8. Product Merchandising

9. Internal Search Optimization

10.Internal Campaign Success

11.External Campaigns Success

12.Paid and Natural Search Tracking

Key Metrics Visits






Presentation Notes
In this retail fundamental, we will address External Campaign Success for retail sites. [CLICK] There are a number of basic business questions that can be answered by this fundamental Which campaigns drive the most traffic? What kind of return am I getting for my campaigns? Which channels deserve more marketing spend? [CLICK] I’ve also highlighted a few key metrics: Visits Orders Revenue AOV (which is a calculated metric of Revenue / Orders) Conversion (a calculated metric of Orders / Visits) and finally Yield (a calculated metric of Revenue / Visits) [CLICK]
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Public/Fan Pages

Four Key Areas of Facebook Measurement

Facebook Ads


Facebook Open Graph

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External Campaigns Success

Measure marketing channel performance

Channel by Partner

Presentation Notes
In this first example, we can see a SAINT classification in action In this case, we have created a classification for marketing channel [CLICK] We can see that the Paid Search channel drives one of the highest yield rates. Having this metric is perfect for making a checking against your pay per click costs. If your average cost per click is over $1.18, we need to re-evaluate since we're losing money. We can also see that the marketing emails are driving the highest conversion rate. Making sure this channel is consist will ensure consist revenue. Banners need to be evaluated since the conversion rate is decent but is driving low yield. Measuring this against the budget being spent will determine if Banners are returning a positive ROI. [CLICK] In this second example, we've broken down channel by partner to see the top performing partners. At quick glance, we can see that Yahoo is driving a higher yield and conversion. Having all marketing efforts in one place arms marketers react quickly to the frequently changing landscape. [CLICK]
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Determine Campaign Frequency

Case Study: Measure Campaign Performance

Determine which campaigns influence new vs. loyal members

Measure the channels that are the most influential

Reveal what drives most effective member loyalty


Understand Campaign Influence

Reveal Campaign Channel

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Omniture FusionPage & Content Identification

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What are my most popular pages?

What paths do users most frequently take?

Where do users exit my site?

Which pages have the highest bounce rate?

Sample Business Questions

Key Metrics Page Views


Path Views

The Fundamentals1. Page and Content Identification

2. Page Effectiveness

3. Page Real Estate Valuation (ClickMap)

4. Shopping Cart Performance

5. Payment & Fulfillment Methods

6. Product Category Analysis

7. Product Finding Methods

8. Product Merchandising

9. Internal Search Optimization

10.Internal Campaign Success

11.External Campaigns Success

12.Paid and Natural Search Tracking Bounce Rate

Exit Rate

Avg. Time Spent

Presentation Notes
In this retail fundamental, we will focus on Page & Content Identification for retail sites. Page & Content Identification focuses on two specific areas: Page naming Content aggregation or grouping but specifically departments and page types. [CLICK] Business questions that can be answered by this fundamental include What are my most popular pages? What paths do users most frequently take? Where do users exit my site? Which pages have the highest bounce rate? [CLICK] I’ve also highlighted several key metrics: Page views Visits or sessions Path views (a metric from SiteCatalyst pathing reports) Average time spent Bounce rate (Calculated metric of Single Access / Entries) Exit rate (Calculated metric of Exits / Visits) [CLICK]
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Understand page usage and abandonment

Evaluate high-level content consumption

Page & Content IdentificationUse Case Examples

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Presentation Notes
Now we'll walk through some use case examples and types of reporting we can do in terms of pages and content In terms of pages, we can understand page usage and potential problems with them Besides the homepage, I can see that the next most popular page was the main products page I can create calculated metrics for bounce rate and exit rate to identify potential problems In this report, I can see that the services overview page has a very high bounce rate, which may indicate a problem with the page worth exploring more closely [CLICK] Using the departments report, we can get high-level insights into content consumption We may want to know how many visits occurred for a specific department. The visit metric is the de-duplicated count across the entire department. Understanding how many pageviews are being viewed within a visit for a specific department can indicate interest within the department. It may be useful to know how long visitors are spending in a particular department. For example, a low amount of time compared to the average may indicate a problem within the department in terms of navigation or merchandising.
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Page & Content IdentificationUse Case Examples

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Measure movement through page types

Presentation Notes
With all page and content reporting, pathing can be enabled…which includes our fallout report. The example here is of our page types arranged by navigation…Homepage to Department—all the way down to the product page. Using the fallout report, we can identify the major points of attrition. [CLICK] You can see a high fallout of 71% from the home page to the department pages. Focusing the attention on navigation and flow from these pain points can help improve flow through the site. [CLICK]
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Page & Content IdentificationActions

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Optimize overall navigation and site usability


Enhance landing page performance2 Leverage content

affinities to enhance online experience


Reduce premature site abandonment3

Presentation Notes
To wrap up this fundamental, the follow actions can be taken with Page & Content Identification Optimize navigation and site usability Examine most popular destination pages or departments within the site and top paths to these key pages or departments Consider modifying the navigation when high traffic areas are not supported by navigation structure [CLICK] Enhance landing page performance For landing pages exhibiting high bounce rates, the content team may want to change the messaging, content, images, or page layout A/B or multivariate testing could be used to identify ways of improving poor-performing landing pages [CLICK] Decrease premature site abandonment Identify top exit pages where visitors are leaving the site Consider usability and content changes that will encourage visitors to stay on the site longer and increase site conversion [CLICK] Leverage content affinities to enhance online experience Examine pathing patterns between key content areas such as different product categories and departments Promote positive content affinities that are naturally occurring between strategic content areas by adding more direct links Build affinities between other strategic content areas that should have higher levels of content affinity in a similar manner [CLICK]
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Omniture FusionPage Effectiveness

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Which pages contribute most to an order taking place on the site?

Which pages drive conversion?

What are the poorest performing pages?

Sample Business Questions

Key Metrics Order Participation

Revenue Participation

Page Conversion Rate

The Fundamentals1. Page and Content Identification

2. Page Effectiveness

3. Page Real Estate Valuation (ClickMap)

4. Shopping Cart Performance

5. Payment & Fulfillment Methods

6. Product Category Analysis

7. Product Finding Methods

8. Product Merchandising

9. Internal Search Optimization

10.Internal Campaign Success

11.External Campaigns Success

12.Paid and Natural Search Tracking

Presentation Notes
In this retail fundamental, we will address Page Effectiveness for retail sites Page effectiveness will focus specifically on pages but the content of this fundamental can be applied to all levels of content reporting (department, category, etc). [CLICK] Business Questions that can be addressed by this fundamental include Which pages contribute most to an order taking place on the site? Which pages drive conversion? What are the poorest performing pages? [CLICK] I've highlighted the key metrics involved with this fundamental Order Participation Revenue Participation Page Conversion rate (which is a calculated metric of Order Participation / Visits to the page) [CLICK]
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Page EffectivenessOverview

Landing Pages

Content Pages

Cart Pages

Order Confirmation


? ?

Presentation Notes
A key question that many companies ask is how effective is my content? Or in other words how does our content influence conversion? [CLICK] For example, a retail company will want to see the influence of editorial pages on conversion and revenue. Other content such as buying guides, virtual models, and online catalogs take time and budget to create and maintain. We could look at pathing from each of these content pages, but it would be difficult to isolate pages that are influencing sales, especially if they are earlier in the visit. [CLICK] If particular pages are consistently influencing sales, we want to easily identify them so we can take appropriate actions. In this fundamental, we are only highlighting the purchase as the main success event. Other success events like email sign-ups, registrations, and credit card sign-ups can be enabled as participation metrics [CLICK]
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Page EffectivenessUse Case Examples

Measure the influence of site content on key success metrics

Presentation Notes
Now we'll view a use case example for page effectiveness. Keep in mind that all content reporting can have participation metrics enbabled. The pages report consists of examples of content that is designed to enhance the shoppers experience (buying guides, design center, etc.) [CLICK] In comparing the page conversion of each of the pages, the Laundry Buying Guide has the greatest ability to convert the visitor to an order With this information, a retailer can evaluate the placement of the links and creative that drive customers to the Laundry Buying Guide. [CLICK] We can see that the Kitchen & Laundry Design Center receives more visits so a switch in location between the two on the site may be a possible solution in promoting the Laundry Buying Guide. With revenue participation, we can measure the amount of revenue associated with each of the pages. Design Your Own Room participates in just under 3300 in sales Understanding the cost of this page can allow the user to quickly identify if this page is producing a positive ROI. As demonstrated in the sample report, the Page Effectiveness fundamental requires proper content naming in order to effectively measure the performance of content on the site [CLICK]
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Page EffectivenessActions

Identify and remove “dead wood” content

3Maintain an optimal mix of content

2Promote high-converting content


Presentation Notes
To complete this fundamental, the following actions can be taken with Page Effectiveness Promote high-converting content Based upon performance, identify content that has a great influence on driving the customer to purchase. Find ways to highlight this content within the appropriate site sections. [CLICK] Maintain an optimal mix of content Depending on your sites mix of success events (registration, email sign ups, etc), develop a mix of content that will help drive your customers to success. [CLICK] Identify and remove dead wood content Content that is dated or is no longer driving success can take up valuable real estate and distract the user from your key objectives. Identify similarities in dead wood content and make improvements on creative and content. Retire content that is no longer driving a positive ROI [CLICK]
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Conversion and Acquisition Strategies Are Not Aligned

Conversion Funnel

Drive AcquisitionInvest to acquire more customers to

site and push through funnel

Increase ConversionInvest to make easier for

existing visitors to become customers

Conversion Funnel



Presentation Notes
While marketers have continued to spend on advertising to acquire new traffic and visitors, they have not made sufficient investments in solutions that convert those visitors to customers. In 2008, for every $80 spent online to acquire traffic, roughly $1 was spent to proactively convert this traffic!
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What Would Even a 1% Conversion Lift Mean For Your Business?


Conversion Funnel

Conversion Funnel

$ $$

Presentation Notes
Based on estimates by Forrester and Jupiter on global spend for acquisition and conversion, Omniture estimates that marketers spend 80 Times More on Acquisition Than Conversion. We have customers who spent $100 million per year on search in prior years. This year, their budgets have been slashed—but revenue targets haven’t changed proportionally. The only way to reach revenue targets is to do much better job converting people who already are coming—perhaps thanks to acquisition spending in prior years!
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Understand you Visitors

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Landing Page A/B Test

Landing Page

Landing Page 1

Landing Page 2

Landing Page 3






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mBox Technology to Switch Contents


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Testing to Optimize – Landing Pages

Converting 30% less than general keywords landing page

Goal: Increase “baby names” keywords landing page form completion

Presentation Notes
BabyCenter, a popular Family and Parenting Web site was surprised and concerned to discover that the key words, “baby names” for which the site had a wealth of content was struggling to convert the traffic that hit the associated landing page. With such relevant content to offer and a trusted brand in this market space, BabyCenter was desperate to know why this landing page was converting 30% less than even their general keywords landing page. BabyCenter decided to leverage Omniture’s Test&Target to test new and multiple versions of this landing page to see if they could discover a means to increasing the “baby names” keywords landing page form completions. (a completed form, in this case, was the “conversion” metric for the page). ***It may be worth noting that when the completion of a form is the main objective of a landing page, other offers may distract from the main task. Specifically, in this case, BabyCenter forewent any cross-sell opportunities to get the landing page visitor to engage directly with the form and then enter the free-content areas where other content, offers and recommendations may then be presented***
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Presentation Notes
The following for creative executions represent the versions that would be tested against the control version as seen on the previous slide. [Once you’ve presented the four options, be sure to poll the audience for which execution was ultimately the winner] In recipe B we have the most stripped-down version. Now you can see we’re still asking for exactly the same information as on the default landing page, we’re just saying, “hey we know you’re looking for baby names and you’ll get those once you fill out this form”. In recipe C, we see a little more content with the category links. In recipe D, there is major reinforcement by giving the top 5 names of 2005 in both genders. In recipe E, we have a similar version to recipe B but with a little more copy. Let’s do a poll. Who here thinks recipe B won? Etc etc etc.
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ConversionRate Lift Confidence

Results Summary

Presentation Notes
In the end, recipe B proved the most effective execution – leading to a 66% lift in conversion over the control. Recipe E also proved effective with a 62% lift. It is interesting to note that recipe D actually performed worse than our control. It is certainly possible that without testing these scenarios that any one of us may have proposed that recipe D was a valid improvement to the landing page and updated the page, only to discover afterward that we had worsened the situation and lost valuable time and converion opportunities. Technology today can not only allow us to quickly and easily test multiple scenarios, it also provides us the indicators that tell us when a test has run to the point where are winning scenario can be supported with statistical confidence. These test results allow visitors to vote with their clicks – removing the guesswork that often goes into page design and redesign. Even today, after the entire BabyCenter site has been redesigned and rebranded, the primary learnings and design elements that help recipe B win over other options stood the test of time and the page remains practically unchanged.
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Referring domainCampaign IDAffiliatePPCNatural searchDirect/bookmark

Referrer Variables

Hundreds of Variables Make up the Personalized Visitor Profile

Customer/prospectNew/return visitorPrevious visit patternsPrevious Product interests –

top levelPrevious Product interests –

low levelSearches Previous online purchasesPrevious Campaign exposurePrevious Campaign responses

Site Behavior VariablesIP addressCountry of originTime zoneOperating systemBrowser typeScreen resolution

Environment Variables

Temporal Variables

Time of day

Day of week


FrequencyOffline PurchasesIn-store ActivityService ActivityMore…

Offline Variables




visitor profile


Presentation Notes
Note that data collected is anonymized to protect user privacy Profiles are constantly updating and evolving to provide an current view on what the visitor’s interests and objectives are.
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Visitor Segmentation: Analysis

Passing a User ID for each registered visitor allows you to view who is completing defined

success events

Using SAINT you can group registered users

into segments

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How it Works

Presentation Notes
Default content is the html that lives on your page – we will see an example of this later.
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Visitor Behavior Targeting


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Automated Targeting


To encourage visitors to drive deeper engagement and open new accounts.

To deliver more relevant experiences based on visitor information/behavior.


•250% increase in engagement

•Revenue lifted by $1 million per quarter

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