University of Puerto Rico at Humacao English Department Teaching Education Unit Group Profile Rufino Vigo Elementary School’s 5 th -1 School District: Las Piedras Cooperating Teacher: Luz N. Aponte Sherley Marie Cordero López 842-06-1474 Practice Teaching

Group profile 5 1

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Page 1: Group profile 5 1

University of Puerto Rico at Humacao

English Department

Teaching Education Unit

Group Profile

Rufino Vigo Elementary School’s 5th-1

School District: Las Piedras

Cooperating Teacher: Luz N. Aponte

Sherley Marie Cordero López


Practice Teaching

EDPE 3018

Dr. Aníbal Muñoz Claudio

Date: February 16, 2012

Page 2: Group profile 5 1

The information provided in this profile belongs to a fifth grade group of 18 students of

the Rufino Vigo Elementary School. The certified English teacher of 5 th-1 is Mrs. Luz N.

Aponte, my cooperating teacher. The data gathered throughout this group profile assisted me in

identifying the demographics and interests of my practice group. The instrument that I use as

data-gathering was a questionnaire based on the sample given in the Participant Observation

course. The questions were modified in order to facilitate the understanding of the vocabulary.

The questions were focused on identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the students as well

as their personalities and hobbies. I also used the questionnaire of Mrs. Andrea Ruiz, the

homeroom teacher of my practice group, to gather information that I did not asked in the survey

but I thought that it was important to include it. For example, I included their health conditions

and parents or legal guardian information.

I gave the questionnaire to the group and explain in details every question. The students

take the questionnaire to their home I order to get help from their parents. They were very

responsible and answer the questions for the next day. The information is tabulated in the roll

book along with the percentages for each item.

All this information assists me in my labor as teacher because it makes easier the process

of knowing my students. The purpose of this group profile is to not only get a better

understanding of the students that will be in my cooperating group but also to understand where

they are coming from. The analysis of the data gathered in the survey will help me make wise

decisions regarding to lesson planning, classroom management, and situations of emergency.

Thanks to this information I will focused my planning to their needs and interests.

Page 3: Group profile 5 1

This pie chart shows that most of the students in the class are females, which is a

common thing to see in all levels in education. In fact, there are eleven girls and seven boys in

the group. This factor will be crucial in decision making because I will have to take into

consideration the variety of topics to discuss in class. Based on this information I will generally

pick material that is female related without ignoring the male ratio.

More females could mean a talkative classroom. I have to be aware of the classroom

management techniques for this particular factor as setting rules and procedures, sitting

arrangements, and following estabished contingencies.

Page 4: Group profile 5 1

This chart illustrates a extended range of what is normally for a fifth grade. The class

have four different age groups. In a fifth grade group the majoriaty of students should be

between the ages of ten and eleven depending on their birthdays. This indicates that there are

several students that failed a grade level. There are students who are close in age and can relate

with one another. Those who are oldest tend to get bored on the activities of the class. I have to

make activities that are appealing to the mature audience. In the aspect of classroom

management situations of discrepancies between younger and older children may arise.

I have to encourage diversity, respect and tolerance in this classroom.

Age Distribution

Page 5: Group profile 5 1

The family structure is an important aspect to study. How students behave and what they

will become in life is very much dependent on their family life. Psychologists believe that a child

learns the most from their homes. I quote from an article of Family Structure and Children's

Educational Outcomes. Research Brief No. 1, November 2005 | Center for Marriage and

Families (http://www.americanvalues.org/briefs/edoutcomes.htm).

A comprehensive review of recent academic research shows that family structure — whether a child’s parents are married, divorced, single, remarried, or cohabiting — is a significant influence on children’s educational performance. Family structure affects preschool readiness. It affects educational achievement at the elementary, secondary, and college levels. Family structure influences these outcomes in part because family structure affects a range of child behaviors that can bear directly on educational success, such as school misbehavior, drug and alcohol consumption, sexual activity and teen pregnancy, and psychological distress. There is a solid research basis for the proposition that strengthening U.S. family structure — increasing the proportion of children growing up with their own, two married parents — would significantly improve the educational achievements of U.S. children.

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In this pie chart shows that the 50% of the class live with their parents, which means that

they have a basic or normal family structure. Based on the article, I need to consider their lives at

home in order to target the problem and give them the extrinsic motivation they need.

This chart shows that the most of the students live in a small family group of four people,

including the student. The students who have a small family could be an advantage in that they

may get more attention and help in their assingnments. They may get individualized attention

because they do not have many siblings.

Page 7: Group profile 5 1

This chart shows that the 94% of the students were born in Puerto Rico and only a 6 % of

the students were born in the United States of America. As puertorricans we are US citizens and

this will help me to make a connection with learning English as a Second Language. In general,

our culture has a negative perception of learning English because of political issues. As an

English teacher, I have to motivate my students in many ways. One way must be changing their

perception of rejecting their culture identity because of learning English.

Page 8: Group profile 5 1

This chart shows that most of the students have never lived outside Puerto Rico. The

students who lived in the United States are not fluent in the language because they were little

when they lived outside Puerto Rico. This information has different point of view. As an

disadvantage is that they could not relate with the country and the curriculum materials are made

for native speakers. An advantage could it be trying to relate aspects of our culture that have

been adopted of the United States.

Page 9: Group profile 5 1

This chart shows that there is a percentage that identifies themselves as bilinguals. Those

who their principal language is Spanish, I will help them to establish a comparison in order to get

a positive response. I will limit the use of Spanish in the classroom to a minimum because this

period of time is the only section that they can practice the target language, English.

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This chart shows that the 61% of the students have a computer in their homes. This

information presented in this pie chart means that the stdents could make use of this resource.

This data is beneficial for me too because I could incorporated into my lessons. For example,

students will make use of their computers at home for searching info for homework or to study

with interactive educational games.

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The information provided in this chart is about the usage of the computer at home. The

39%, which is the majority in the percentages that use the computer at home, use the computer

for educational and fun purposes. The 44% has computers but parents limits their usage. The use

of technology in the learning process is beneficial because is appealing to this generations.

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This chart shows that the 50% of the students use the internet in their homes. The 6% has

internet but is control by their parents. In this area I have a disadvantage and is it that not all

students can search for an activity or information on the internet. I know that if I work with

parents that are engaged with the education of their children they will help them in their

assignments. As a student-centered teacher my job is to facilitate learning instead of punish them

or harming them.

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The information provided in this chart is about the usage of the internet at home. The

39%, which is the majority in the percentages that use the internet at home use it for educational

and fun purposes. The 44% has internet in their computers but parents limits their usage. The

use of technology in the learning process is beneficial because is appealing to this generations.

The internet is a wonderful resource and connects them to the world. Those who have not

traveled could investigate the world throughout the internet. If I have the oportunity to integrate

the use of internet, I will use it to connect them with English speakers. For example, is like

having a pen pal but integrating technology into the class. They will learn English make a new


Page 14: Group profile 5 1

This information is very important because this chart shows that there are computers at

school available for students. They could use them for educational purposes. The disadvantages

of not having a computer and internet in home or not having permission to use them are annulled

with the fact of having computers in school. Based on this data I could integrate an activity that

use technology as a medium of a learning aid.

Page 15: Group profile 5 1

Based on the information gathered in this chart this group has a diverse preference of TV

programs. As a generalization they like to see children and educational programs. For example,

they like to see Discovery Kids, Disney Channel, Discovery Channel and local programs. I could

use this information in my lesson planning by creating examples based on the tv shows.

Page 16: Group profile 5 1

This chart shows that these students like a variety of music genres. Knowing this

information will help me to develop motivational techniques that are appealing to them and I

could integrate the reading of songs in poetry lessons or in part of speech lessons. I could use

different activities based on the method of Suggestopedia.

Integrating students interest in class will show them that the teacher is engaged in their

process of learning. The position of the student becomes the axis of education. My goal will be

taking advantage of all the interest of my practice group in order to maximize their learning


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This chart shows that the students spend their time in diverse activities. I was shocked

when I found that the majority of the students in this group spend their time in physical activites.

I was surprise because this generation tend to participate in sedentary activities which my

practice group participate too but it isn’t the norm. It also show that this group is very creative. I

will take in consideration this information in many ways. For example, I will make different

activities thst integrates their creativity. I will also think in hands on activities in where they can

integrates all their senses.

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This chart shows that the students favorite class is English and least favorite is Spanish.

Elemetary students tend to like English because their inhibitions are low permiting them to speak

the language without reserves. Other aspect that may affect in their decision is that the teacher is

student-centered or not. They tend to feel comforatble in a setting where they are the focus of


Page 19: Group profile 5 1

This chart revealed that there is a variety of serious illnesses in this group. The 60% of

the students have a health condition that affects them in many aspects of their education. The

attendance of the students to the school will be affected by all health conditions presented in the

pie chart. This information is vital for me to know as their practice teacher. It is important to

identify those students who have a low sugar problem to always have a healthy snack when they

need it. In case of any emergency, this information is crucial in the teachrs hands in order to act

responsible to the situation.

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This chart shows that the majority of the students’ fathers are high school graduates. This

data shows that to this parents is important to reach high school and graduate from it. Children

tend to follow the example presented in their homes.

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This chart shows that the half of the fathers are currently employed. The 44% of the

information of the fathers is not available and a 6% is handicapped. It is to my concern two

things, the reasons why the information of some fathers is not available. One reason could be that

they do not want to be part of their children lives or the other reason could be that they are not

alive. I worry that these students does not have males models in their lives. Those students who

have their fathers are having the model of being hard workers.

This information help me to encourage values that these students may need in order to

transform my students into responsible and hard workers adults.

Page 22: Group profile 5 1

This chart shows that the most of the students’ mothers graduated from high school or an

Associate Degree. These mothers are models to follow. Their children will like to reach goals

attained by their parents. This could serve them as a motivation to pass all grade levels and

maybe continue on to college.

Page 23: Group profile 5 1

This chart shows that the 47% of the students’ mothers are unemployed or stay at home

moms. Those students could have an advantage over the rest of the group if their mothers are

engaged in their education. Having a parent at home means that the students could have

supervision in their assignments. The students who have both parents working might be at risk.

These students tend to have less supervision, which could mean that their parents do not

supervise if they are completing their homework. If the mother is the only one working or the

only parent at home its more diffucult to them to help their children in the school chores because

they have to do all the chores of the house and the responsibility of bringing money to their


Page 24: Group profile 5 1

I have learned very valuable information throughout this research. The group profile

made me realize that every detail may affect the cognitive and affective development in the

students. The awareness of the characteristics of our students is an important first step in

meeting their needs. Through this investigation I discovered the interest of the students and their

weaknesses and strengths. The information gathered in this document will help in improving my

lesson planning skills. I will integrate activities and use strategies and methodologies that are

focused on the students’ needs and styles of learning.

I learned how to work with a group profile and use the information for my benefit. Now I

have a better understanding of the group and how I will target each problem. I know that this

information is the least that I can found because there is more information that affects students’

progress. This investigation provided essential information about the student that I will use to

support my decisions in lesson planning, methods that I will use, motivation activities and other

services that I will be giving to my practice students in the class of English.

Page 25: Group profile 5 1

Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao

Departamento de Inglés

Práctica Docente

Nombre del estudiante: ___________________________________ Sexo: F_____M_____

A. Demográfico

1. Fecha de Nacimiento: ____________________________________ (mes/día/año)

2. Edad: ___________

3. Vives con: madre_______ padre_______ ambos_______ tutor legal_______

4. Núcleo familiar (cantidad incluyendo al estudiante): _________

5. Religión:_____Cristianismo_____Testigo de Jehová_____Judaísmo_____Islámico_____Budista_____Ateo

6. Lugar de Nacimiento_____Puerto Rico _________________________ (pueblo)_____Estados Unidos

7. ¿Vivió en Estados Unidos? _____ Si _____No

Page 26: Group profile 5 1

8. Idioma(s) principal(es) _____ Español _____ Inglés _____ Ambos

9. En el hogar hay computadora: _____ Si _____ No

10. Estudiante hace uso de ella: _____ Si _____ No

11. De contestar que si a la premisa anterior mayormente el estudiante utiliza la computadora para:_____ Uso escolar _____ Diversión _____ Ambas

12. ¿Tiene internet en el hogar? _____ Si _____ No

13. De contestar que si a la premisa anterior mayormente el estudiante utiliza el internet para:_____ Uso escolar _____ Diversión _____ Ambas

14. ¿Utiliza la biblioteca escolar? _____ Si _____ No

B. Áreas de interés

1. Mencione tres programas de televisión que más le guste.




2. Mencione género de música favorito.


3. Mencione tres pasatiempos.




Page 27: Group profile 5 1

4. ¿Cuál es su clase favorita?

________________________________SherleyMarie Cordero Lopez