Grammar Book

Grammar book 2

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Grammar Book

Page 2: Grammar book 2

Table of Contents• Preterite• Preterite trigger words• Car, gar, zar• Spock• Cucaracha• Snake• Snakey• Imperfect• Imperfect trigger words• Preterite vs imperfect• Ser vs estar• Verbs like gustar• Comparatives/superlatives• Transition words• Future• Future trigger words• Future irregulars• Por• Para• Demonstrative adjectives,• Demonstrative pronouns

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Preterite Tense• Preterite tense is a completed action in the past and

not ongoing. Verbs end in ar, ir, or er have different endings.

• Ar: Er/Ir: Example: Comí mi pizza al mediodía.

• E í• Aste iste• Ó ió• Amos imos• Aron ieron

• Uses of preterite: used to express complete actions and to express the beginning or end of a past action

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Preterite trigger words

• Ayer• Año pasado• Anoche• Anteayer• El mes pasado• Ayer por la tarde• La semana pasada• El otro día

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Car, Gar, Zar

• In the car, gar,and zar verbs the endings of the conjugations are varied.

• Verbs ending in:• -car: -gar -zar:Que camos

Caste casteís

Có caron

Gue gamos

Gaste gasteís

Gó garon

Cé zamos

Zaste zasteís

Zó zaron

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Spock Verbs

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Ir Ser Dar Ver


The verbs Ir (to go) and ser (to be) are conjugated the same way.

Fui Fuimos

Fuiste Fuisteis

Fue Fueron

The verbs dar (to give) and ver (to see) are also conjugated the same way.

Í imos

Iste isteis

Ió ieron

The verb hacer (to make or do) is conjugated differently from the rest of the “Spock” verbs.





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Cucaracha Verbs

• Andar- anduv__• Estar- estuv__• Poder- pude__• Poner-pus__• Querer-quis__• Saber- sup__• Tener- tuv__• Venir- vin__• Conducir-

conduj__• Producir-

produj__• Traducir-

traduj__• Decir- dij__• Traer-traj__

Changes into:






“j” verbs drop the “I”- eron

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Snake Verbs

• Snake verbs are verbs that only change in the third person.

• The verbs that change from e to I are: pedir, preferir, competir, repetir, servir, sentir, and venir.

• The verbs that change from o to u are dormir and morir.

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Snakey Verbs

• Snakey verbs are also irregular preterite verbs that change in third person only.

• In these verbs either an I or an E changes to a y.

• In the verb oír the I changes to a y.

• In the verbs leer and creer the E changes to a y.

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Imperfect Tense• Imperfect tense is a tense in spanish that is an imperfected

or uncompleted action in the past that does not have a definite beginning or an end.

• Ar: Er/Ir:• Aba ía• Abas ías• Aba ía• Abamos íamos• Aban ían

• Uses of the imperfect: describes an ongoing past action with no definite beginning or end, to express habitual, and to describe physical or emotional states or characteristics.

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Imperfect irregulars

• The irregular verbs for the imperfect tense are the verbs ir, ser, and ver. The conjugation is below.

• Ir: Ser: Ver:• Iba era veía• Ibas eras veías• Iba era veía• Íbamos éramos veíamos• Iban eran veían

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Imperfect trigger words

• Siempre• A veces• Mientras• Frecuentamente• A menudo• Todos los dias• Cada dia

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Imperfecto vs PreteritoDefinition: An imperfect or uncompleted action in the past that has no sure beginning or end and is ongoing.Verbs ending in ar and er/ir :Aba íaAbas íasAba íaAbamos íamosAban íban

Ex: Ayer , comía mi pizza al mediodía.

Irregulares: Ser, Ver, and Ir

Era iba veíaEras ibas veíasEra iba veíaÉramos íbamos veíamosEran iban veían

Definition: A completed action in the past that has a sure beginning and end and is not ongoing.Verbs ending in ar and er/ir:E íAste isteÓ ióAmos imosAron ieron

Ex: Comí mi pizza al mediodía.

Irregulares:Yo tú él, ella, usted nosotros ellos, ellas, ustedes Andar: anduve anduviste anduvo anduvimos anduvieron  Conducir:* conduje condujiste condujo condujimos condujeron Decir:* dije dijiste dijo dijimos dijeron Estar: estuve estuviste estuvo estuvimos estuvieron Hacer: hice hiciste hizo hicimos hicieron Poner: puse pusiste puso pusimos pusieron Poder: pude pudiste pudo pudimos pudieron Querer: quise quisiste quiso quisimos quisieron Saber: supe supiste supo supimos supieron Tener: tuve tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvieron Traer:* traje trajiste trajo trajimos trajeron Venir: vine viniste vino vinimos vinieronDar: di diste dio dimos dieronSer/Ir: Fui fuiste fue fuimos fueronVer: vi viste vio vimos vieron

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Ser vs. Estar• Both of these verbs mean to be but are used in different contexts. Ser is used for to express time or the day, place of origin, to express nationality, to express relationship, to express where an event is taking place, and to express possession. Estar is used to express geographical or physical location and to express state or condition.

• Ser: Estar:• Soy estoy• Eres estás• Es está• Somos estamos• Son están

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Verbs like gustar• aburrir to bore • fascinar to be fascinating • bastar to be sufficient • importar to be important • caer bien (mal) to (not) suit • interesar to be interesting • molestar to be a bother • disgustar to hate something • parecer to appear to be • doler (o:ue) to be painful • picar to itch • encantar to "love" something • quedar to be left over, remain • faltar to be lacking something

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• In order to say something is more than another you use más + ajective+ que.

• In order to say something is the most you use el/la más + adjective+ de.

• In order to say something is less than another you use menos+ adjective+que.

• In order to say something is the least you use el/la menos+ adjective+ de.

• The irregular forms of certain adjectives are: bueno-> mejor, malo->peor, viejo->, and joven -> menor.

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Transition Words

• Aunque- even though• Mientras-while• Por lo tanto-therefore• A pesar de- in spite of• También-also• No obstante- nevertheless• Sin embargo- nevertheless

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• In the future tense is an infinitive plus an ending.

• All the endings are the same for -ar,-ir, and -er verbs.

• É emos• Ás éis• Á an

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Futuro trigger words

• Mañana

• En (numero) días, semanas, horas, años, minutos…

• El proximo día, hora, año, semana, minuto etc..

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Future irregulars• Caber-> cabr• Decir -> dir• Haber -> habr• Hacer-> har• Hay-> habrá• Poder -> podr• Poner -> pondr• Querer ->querr• Saber -> sabr• Salir -> saldr• Tener -> tendr• Valer-> valdr• Venir -> vendr

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• Por has many things that its used for:• To express passing through• To express general rather than specific locations

• To express a period of how long something lasts

• To express the cause of something• To express an exchange• To replace something • To express a means of transportation

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• Para is used to express many things such as por. Para is used for:

• To express for whom something is done.

• A specific rather than general location

• To express the purpose for which something is done

• To express an opinion• To contrast or compare• To express the idea of a deadline