Gr10 lesson4

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What Is Marijuana?• Marijuana is produced from the dried leaves and

flowers of the cannabis plant. • It is a dry, shredded green/brown mix of flowers,

stems, and leaves of the plant Cannabis sativa. • A stronger form of marijuana called hashish (has

h) looks like brown or black cakes or balls. • The active ingredient is THC (tetrahydrocannabi

nol), a fat-soluble drug, which produces marijuana's psychoactive effects.

• The many street names for marijuana include pot, herb, weed, grass, Jane, reefer, dope, dagga, and ganja.

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• Fat-soluble means that the drug will be distributed to those areas of the body with high fat content, such as the brain, lungs and reproductive system.

• It also means that THC will stay in the body for several weeks.

• THC is not water soluble and cannot leave the body quickly.

• A person who uses marijuana may be under its effects several days later, even though the "high" has worn off.

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How It's Used

• Marijuana can be smoked, ingested or taken as a pill. • Marijuana is typically smoked in cigarettes

(joints or spliffs), hollowed-out cigars (blunts), pipes (bowls), or water pipes (bongs).

• Some people mix it into food or brew it as a tea.

• When smoked, much more THC enters the bloodstream.

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Effects• It is used to achieve a state of calmness or euphoria.• When it reaches the brain, THC connects with a certain t

ype of receptor on nerve cells in areas that affect coordination, thought, memory, concentration, sensory and time perception, and pleasure.

• This causes the marijuana “high”.• Short-term effects include increase in heart rate, reddeni

ng of the eyes, talkativeness and giddiness.• Other effects include:

– difficulty in thinking and problem solving – problems with memory and learning – loss of coordination – distorted perception

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• Some users tend to become quiet and reflective.

• Almost all users report a change in how they perceive time.

• Larger doses may produce anxiety and feelings of paranoia.

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Medical Use of Marijuana

• THC can lessen the nausea associated with chemotherapy.

• THC may also help people with AIDS to regain their appetite.

• THC can also be used to treat glaucoma, which is the build-up of pressure on the eyeball.

• The debate at present is whether smoking marijuana or taking synthetic THC in pill form is the most beneficial. Not enough data exists to determine which is better.

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Long Term Effects

• Habitual or long term users of Marijuana are susceptible to numerous other physiological effects which can cause problems in your brain, lungs, reproductive system, as well as having a marked influence on your personality.

• Using marijuana may lead to other drug use. • It is also illegal, and the penalties and criminal rec

ords can affect your education, job and future.• Please read the handout on the effects of Marijuana use on the various body systems.

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GRADE 10 PROJECT:• Each student will be required to make an awareness

poster on one of the 3 topics covered: Tobacco, Alcohol or Marijuana. You may also choose to do a poster on addiction/s.

• Your poster should be no smaller than A4 and no bigger than A3.

• Your poster should be visually eye catching and convey your message clearly. A slogan or catch phrase is a good idea to help get your message across.

• You will need to prepare all your information, pictures, ideas and materials before the next Health class (which is in one week’s time). You will then create your poster during the next class. No finished posters may be brought to the next class (you will be deducted marks if you do).

• All the information covered in class can be viewed on the PE blog.