E Business

E business 2014 l 04

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E Business

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What is web?

Web is the fastest growing, most user friendly, and most commercially popular technology to date. Anyone with a PC connected to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP), a browser, and a few plug-ins and surf the Internet and download text, graphics, and even voice.

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What is a Web site?

A representation of a company’s products or services available for available for display via the web,

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Hyper text

Any text that contains links to other documents.

A way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another, and that also link pages to other objects such as sound, video or animation files

Uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and URLs to locate resources on the Web

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A short message (usually 100 to 1000 bytes) sent through a network.

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Who is a Webmaster?

Behind the successful running of websites are experts who do maintenance tasks and other essential roles. A general term that would refer to these specialists is a webmaster.

In broad terms, a webmaster is a skilled person who helps develop, maintain and promote your website.

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The roles of a webmaster

Hosting and Server Maintenance

Webmasters arrange for the purchase of a website's domain name. It's also their responsibility to choose a server, which refers to a special computer where the entire information of a site is stored. They seek to provide clients with the safest and most secure server. They also create emergency back up procedures so the site can continue to run properly even if there's a sudden server problem. Webmasters have to keep contact with the main servers to ensure that these are always running.

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The Role of Professional Webmaster in Website Maintenance

A significant portion of a professional webmaster's time is dedicated to maintaining the site. This involves updating content, making sure that the website's code is compatible with various browsers, fixing broken links and images, adding page animations, new pictures, fresh content, new events and event registration, and product updates among others. If the site owner desires to make changes to the website, webmasters immediately work to implement those required changes. Our company will help manage everything related to your website.

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This is a vital role of any webmaster. To keep the website running seamlessly, webmasters will constantly test your site for functionality, ease of use and load time. They ensure that content on the site is easily understandable for the target audience. If there are any complaints from users, they assess the situation and perform corresponding solutions.

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Basically, a major part of a webmaster's time is spent in programming and project development. This involves various tasks such as the following: coding the site; adding new content and features; enhancing navigation through tweaking Javascript, CSS and HTML; creating animation, video, sound, logos and and artwork; installing Java, Javascript coding and Flash; installing Perl scripts; and backing up the site. They also provide security against hackers and spammers. Our company has highly qualified programmers who can efficiently perform all of these things for your website.

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Marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

One of the most important roles of a professional website webmaster is driving traffic to a website and making sure that it ranks highly in search engines. They will find the right resources to promote your business effectively.

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Web Design

Webmasters can also be specialists in web design. They can design an appealing visual appearance for your website that suits your potential customers.

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What is URL?

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) : A name that represents the address of a specific Web site.

Eg: URL of the Rajarata University http://www.rjt.ac.lk

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The main network of connections that carry the traffic on the Internet.

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Who is a Hacker?

A person who accesses other people’s computers illegally. The term usually refers to skilled programmers with bad intentions who access other people’s computers without permission or cause.

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Unique benefits of the Internet

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Slide 1-17

The Internet and the Evolution of Corporate Computing

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Unique benefits of the Internet

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Limitations of Internet

To appreciate potential benefits of Internet II, must understand the limitations of Internet’s current infrastructure:

Bandwidth limitations Quality of service limitations Network architecture limitations Language development limitations Wired Internet limitations

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Security and Privacy Fakes and Forgeries Problems and Stress

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Internet Service Provider (ISP)

A company that link users to the Internet for a fee; the entrance ramp to the Internet.

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File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Common method of moving files between two Internet sites.

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A protocol that allows users to log on to a computer and access files from a remote location.

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Home Page

The opening screen of a site.

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Internet and E-commerce: Emerging Features and Services

Digital libraries Distributed storage: Distance learning Digital video Video teleconferencing Tele-immersion M-commerce applications

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Contd.. Internet Telephony: Technologies that use

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and Internet’s packet-switched network to transmit voice and other forms of audio communication over the Internet

As bandwidth increases, voice transmission quality will improve, and use of VOIP is expected to rise dramatically

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Search Engines

Identifies Web pages that appear to match keywords (queries) entered by a user, and provides list of best matches based on one or more of a variety of techniques

No longer simply search engines, but also shopping tools and advertising vehicles (search engine marketing)

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Top Ten Search Engines 2003

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Most used application of the Internet Uses a series of protocols to enable messages containing

text, images, sound, video clips, etc to be transferred from one Internet user to another

Also allows attachments (files attached to the e-mail message)

Can be an effective marketing tool Spam: unsolicited e-mail. A worsening problem

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Web Browsers

Primary purpose to display Web pages. Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator

dominate the market (94%) Other browsers include:

Opera Safari (for Apple Macintosh) NeoPlanet