BTSA- Culturally Responsive Classroom Management March 18 and 20 ,2014

Culturally Responsive Classroom Management March 18-20

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Culturally Responsive Classroom Management presentation by Lori Chamberlund

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  • 1. BTSA- Culturally Responsive Classroom Management March 18 and 20 ,2014

2. Culturally responsive classrooms specifically acknowledge the presence of culturally diverse students and the need for these students to find relevant connections among themselves and with the subject matter and the tasks teachers ask them to perform. Winifred Montgomery, Teaching Exceptional Children, Vol. 33. No. 4, pp. 4-9 (Council for Exceptional Children) 3. 5 Ways to Create Culturally Responsive Classrooms Understand Your own Cultural Identity Know Your Students Well High Standards and Expectations Build on Students Life Experiences Create a Classroom Learning Community 4. What is Culture? Bridging Cultures in Our Schools: Reading Individualism vs. Collectivism Framework Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Strategies Examples of 5 Essential Elements AGENDA 5. What is Culture? 6. What is Culture? On each post-it, write one element of culture. Share at your table. Walk to other tables, reviewing their post-its. 7. Surface Culture vs. Deep Culture Sort post-its placing those aspects of culture that are highly visible above, vs. those that are not easily apparent below. 8. CORE VALUES ATTITUDES & BELIEFS 9. Culture is to humans, as water is to fish! --Dr. Wade Nobles 10. Bridging Cultures- Table 1 INDIVIDUALISM (Representative of Prevailing U.S. Culture) 1. Independence & individual achievement 2. Promoting self- expression, individual thinking, personal choice 3. Egalitarian relationships & flexibility in roles (e.g. upward mobility). 4. Physical world as knowable apart from its meaning for human life. 5. Associated with private property, individual ownership COLLECTIVISM (Representative of Many Immigrant Cultures) 1. Interdependence and group success 2. Adherence to norms, respect for authority , elders group consensus 3. Stable, hierarchical roles (dependent on gender, family background, age) 4. Understanding the physical world in the context of its meaning for human life 5. Associated with shared property, group ownership 11. Article: Bridging Cultures . ! ? Bridging Cultures 12. Culture is like the air we breathe, permeating all we do. And the hardest culture to examine is often our own, because it shapes our actions in ways that seem second nature. What feels normal, Small (1998) reminds us, is molded by deeply ingrained social habits and ways of valuing were scarcely aware of. --From Bridging Cultures in Our Schools The Invisibility of Culture 13. Sources of Potential Home- School Conflict INDIVIDUALISM 1. Child as an individual 2. Independence 3. Praise (to promote self- esteem). 4. Cognitive skills 5. Oral expression 6. Parents role includes teaching 7. Personal property COLLECTIVISM 1. Child as part of the group 2. Helpfulness 3. Criticism (to achieve normative behavior) 4. Social Skills 5. Listening to authority 6. Teachers role includes socializing 7. Sharing 14. All instruction is culturally responsive. The question is: To which culture is it currently oriented? -- Gloria Lansing-Billings 15. Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Recognition of ones own Cultural Lens & Bias Knowledge of Students Cultural Background Awareness of Broader Social , Economic & Politcal Context Ability and Willingness to Use Culturally Apropriate Management Strategies Commitment to Building a Caring Community 16. 1- Recognition of Ones Own Cultural Lens and Bias Reflecting on the article, What might be a way that your classroom management reflects your cultural upbringing? Personal Identity Story Culture Proficiency Scale 17. 2- Knowledge of Your Students Cultural Backgrounds Explore Literature from Different Cultural Perspectives Students share their stories, *3 Things in a Bag * I am Poems * Home Visits Culturally Proficiency Receptivity Scale 18. 0.92 0.7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Home Visit Non Home Visit 10th Grade Class Attendance Richmond High Home Visits 2008-09 19. 0.58 0.68 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% CAHSEE ELA CAHSEE Math 10th Grade Class CAHSEE Home Visit Non Home visit 20. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Home Visits Non Home Visits 10th Grade Referrals for Behavior Referrals 21. 3- Awareness of Broader Social , Economic & Political Context How does an Individualist Culture vs. a Collectivist culture play out in classroom management practices? In regards to classroom management, examine how current discipline policies and practices might discriminate against certain children. 22. 4-Ability and Willingness to Use Culturally Appropriate Management Strategies Visuals, signs, pictures reflecting the students, their culture and their work. Classroom arrangements, group activities/ collaboration Clear explicit, expectations Classroom Agreements & Procedures 23. Dont spend all of your time reinforcing classroom rules, Practice procedures until they become routine, 24. 5- Caring Community Show an interest in students as individuals Personal Relationships for Trust Establish School to Home Relationships. 25. The brains primary job is to scans its environment for threats. The social brain is 20 times more focused on negative comments and actions than on positive ones. The Negativity Bias Experiences like being criticized, ostracized, or labeled are like Velcro and compliments and positive actions are like Teflon. --Rick Hanson, Psychologist, Author Hardwiring Happiness 26. The Value & Importance of Relationships Rita Pierson 27. At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel. Maya Angelou 28. The Value & Importance of Relationships Rita Pierson 29. Closure Summary BTSA-- Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Article and Complete Cultural Receptivity Scale 30. http://www.pthvp.org/