Production Reflection Your Name

6. production reflection (1)

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Production Reflection

Your Name

Page 2: 6. production reflection (1)

Process• First I will start by thinking of

where to put the boxes and have a rough idea.

• for my comic page I start with making rough sketches in each box of the story.

• I then will put more detail in the drawings as I go along.

• Ill then put indication of where the text such as speech bubbles will be.

• Finally I ink the drawing with a fine liner whilst putting more detail in the drawing.

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Process• When I have finished drawing my

page I scanned it to my computer to edit on Photoshop.

• Once I have scanned in my page I will then open it on Photoshop.

• On Photoshop I fist clean the the rough sketch marks so that it looks clean and professional.

• I then add the speech bubble and also I add the text which will be comic sans.

• I then add the sound effects texts.• Finally I will draw the boxes with

the pencil tool.

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• Here I have started my cover with a rough sketch of my design so that I can see if it will suit as a cover or if I can add anything to improve.

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• I have no added texture to the design by putting detail with pencil

• I then fine lined it giving a bold professional look

• I have sketched where the title will be

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Process• First I scanned in the picture so

that i can edit it.• I then coloured in the tree by

using the magic tool so that it can be easier.

• I then added the colour with paint tool and then used the burn tool too add shading

• I made the blue background a different layer for it to be easier.

• The black out line was very light so I used the colour selecting tool to make it black.

• Finally I added the text with the text tool with a nice font. I then coloured it to make it more bold.