Production Reflection Alisha Harrison

6. production reflection (ah)

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Production Reflection

Alisha Harrison

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• I have opened up Photoshop and set my page size up I wanted to create the front cover of my magazine

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• I went onto the internet and found my self an image I could use or he background of my magazine

• Then I placed it onto my page in Photoshop.

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• I have created a text box using the text tool.

• And added text into it by typing

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• I have then added colour to the text.

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Process• I thought my title

was to hard to read with the background been coloured.

• So I added a black stroke to it which makes it easy to spot and easy to read.

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• I have then added in a picture of Nicole that I had to put into Photoshop first to remove the background from the image using a selection tool and then pressing delete

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• I have put a picture of Justin Bieber into Photoshop

• I have selected the background and removed by pressing the delete button

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• I have then saved my image that I removed the background of Justin Bieber and saved it as a png

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• Then I have gone onto where I am making my final magazine

• And inserted the picture of Justin Bieber

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• I have then resized the picture and put it where I wanted it where I think it looks good within the front cover of the magazine

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• I have seen the picture of Justin Bieber is too small where I have placed it so I have made Nicole smaller

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• I have also noticed that the title goes behind Justin's head

• So I have made the text smaller

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• I have then placed down a yellow spikey bubble that I will put my price on

• I have placed it where I want it to go

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• I have then used the text tool to add text which is the price of my magazine

• And then changed the colour of the text to make it stand out

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• To make that piece of text stand out even more I have made it bold by clicking on the layer and changing the text type to bold

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• I have gone onto google and found an image of bar code I liked

• And placed it onto my image

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• I have resized the image of the barcode and placed it where I think it looks good

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• I have added a banner at the top using the shape tool to make a rectangle

• I have adjusted where I want it to be and the size of the shape

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Process• The banner over

lapped Justin's head so in order to change that I have moved the layer backwards below the layer that Justin is on

• I have then changed the colour of the banner/shape to make it stand out

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• I have made a text box to add text onto the banner/shape and then changed the colour to make it stand out and easy to see and read

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• I have added more text to the banner/shape

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• I have then placed picture’s in of Selena Gomez

• Ed Sheeran, Zayn Malik and Cheryl Cole

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• I have added in a pink spikey bubble and placed it where I think it looks good

• And then using the text box I added some text

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• I have made the text bold to stand out

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• I have added in a text box next to the pictures.

• I have changed the font too French script mt

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• Using the shape tool I am going round the text and setting it to transparent with the edges in yellow

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• I went onto google and picked an image and put it onto my front cover

• I found one of the twitter logo and placed that onto it too

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• The front cover of my magazine has been completed

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• I have set my page up for my double page

• And added a background image that I found from the internet

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• I have added a title to the page using the text box tool then changing the font

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• I have then made the title stand out y adding colour and outlines

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• I have added text and put a red stroke around it to make it stand out

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• I went onto google and found a photo of Katy Perry and placed it onto my Photoshop file

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• I have added Justin biebers twitter into my magazine and found a picture of google and placed that in

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• I have placed a photo of Taylor Swift on that I found on the internet

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• I have added some more text and made it stand out by adding a stroke

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• I have moved up the pictures and text of the celebrities to make it look neater and I have added some more text

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Process• I put a yellow

stroke around my piece of text in order to make it stand out and easier to read on the coloured background

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• I added some more text using the text box tool on the left side

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• I changed the size of the text

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• I added a stroke to the text by double clicking on the layer to bring up the layer styles

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• I changed how big I wanted to stroke to be on the outer edge of the text

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• I free transformed it to make it look better than been straight I wanted it to be on an angle

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• I was happy with the piece of text so I left it like this

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• I used the text tool to add some more text

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• I changed the font style to a more sophisticated look rather than having all the same font on the same page

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• I then added a stroke to the piece of text and selected a color I had already used from the (Fact!) text

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• I then free transformed

• It to sit on an angle

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• I placed a graph of Justin Biebers twitter followers onto my page

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• I put the graph that I placed in where I want it to go but its over lapping pieces of text

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• I have moved some of the text that I put on before the graph to make the graph fit and not over lap them

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• I decided to put a red outline around the shape of the twitter graph picture in order to do that I used the stroke tool by clicking on the layer to bring up the layer styles

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• I decided I wanted the graph picture on an angle so I used the free transform tool on the edit bar at the top

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• I have used the text tool and added some more text to start on the other page

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• I have added a stroke to the outer edge of the piece of text and selected the colour from my previous title on the other page

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• I have changed the size of the stroke by moving the slider

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• I have used the text box tool and added some text and I also changed the font

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I have added a stroke to the text and changed the colour to yellow to make it stand out

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• I have added a picture of Ed Sheerans album and some more text to go with it with a stroke on the outer edge of the text

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• I have gone onto google and found a picture of jess glyns album cover and placed it into my page

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• Then I added text to go with it putting a stroke on the outer edge of the text to make it stand out

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Process• I went onto

Google found a picture f Selena Gomez new album and placed it onto my page

• I added a yellow stroke to the text to make it stand out

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• After that I changed all my fonts to match each other and all the same colour

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• After that I decided it was finished

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• Then I got a few of my peers to give me feedback so then with that feedback I then went back and looked over my product and changed it slightly

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• I am making another front cover

• I have set up the page and added colour

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• I have put a photo of Justin Bieber into Photoshop and selected the background and remove d it

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• I then put the picture onto my page

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• I added in a title and used a stroke outline to make it stand out

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• I found a picture of a barcode on google and placed it onto my page

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• I added in a yellow spikey bubble for my price tag

• Then I added text

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• I decided to change the title to the same colour as my previous one because I really like it but I have moved it because I didn’t think it looked good covering Justins head

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• I put a picture of Selena into Photo-shop to remove the background of the image

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• I did the same with Ed Sheeran I removed the background using the select tool and the delete button on the keyboard

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• I put my photo of ed sheeran onto the page

• I also decided to move my bar code and price tag I think it looks better up there than below

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• I put a photo of Cheryl into photo-shop and removed the background using the magnetic lasso tool then I saved the image and placed it onto my front cover page

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• I then added a photo of Selena to my cover

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• I changed the colour of the title I didn’t think purple mixed in with the rest of the cover

• I added in another title to make people want to read the magazine

• And to make people want to buy it I have put a banner at the bottom in yellow and red to make it eye catching and stand out

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• I have changed the title again I added a buzz word exclusive to make it sound better I also changed the size of the font to make it stand out more

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Process• I have started to do a double

page spread for my other magazine cover

• I have set the background colour to the same colour as what the background colour is on the front cover

• Then I have added a picture of Justin Bieber

• I have added text and changed parts of it red to make that particular part stand out because that’s the key information people want to know.

• I have also added in a picture of a twitter graph that shows is weekly tweets on average that I found on his twitter page

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• I have added more text and changed the font size and colours to make the important information stand out

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• This is my second double spread done

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• I have started to make a contents page for my second magazine

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• I have noticed that it looks plain around the edges

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• I want to add a border around the edge I have a found a piture of some musical notes on google because I think this fits really well with my magazine

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• I have decided to try and make my own border for my contents page as the last one didn’t work

• I have got some pictures of google of a question mark, hashtag and a music note that I have put into Photoshop and remove the background from each image

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• Once I had removed the backgrounds from my images I wanted to use for my border I then opened up a new Photoshop page and removed the background

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• I have then placed an image onto the page and resized it and put it where I want it to go

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• I have done the same with a different image I wil continue to do this until the line is complete

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this is my border finished

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• I have placed my border onto my contents page

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