OCSE State Systems Symposium March 18-20, 2008 Fairmont Hotel Monday, March 17, 2008 5:30-7:00 pm Registration in Ballroom I Foyer Tuesday, March 18, 2008 8:00-8:30 am Breakfast- on your own Registration- Ballroom I Foyer 8:30- 10:00 Plenary session : The time has come… - Replacing or Enhancing your Legacy CSE system Replacing Legacy System Track Enhancing Legacy System Track 10:00- 11:30 Policy And Process Considerations In Systems Planning Advance Planning Documents (APD’s): Practical Solutions and Tips For Building An Acceptable APD Update The First Time 11:30- 1:00 Lunch on your own Lunch on your own 1:00-2:30 Requests For Information (RFI’s): A First Step In Planning Your Next System? Procurements, Contracts, And Competition – Know The Rules To Use So You Don’t Lose 2:45-4:15 Laying The Foundation To Federal Funding Of Your Next Project: Feasibility Studies And Analysis Of Alternatives The Electronic APD – OCSE’s Ongoing Effort To Streamline The Federal Advance Planning Document (APD) and Contracts Approval Process Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:30- 10:00 Plenary Session: State Systems Roundtable – New automation initiatives 1

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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont HotelMonday, March 17, 2008

5:30-7:00 pm Registration in Ballroom I Foyer Tuesday, March 18, 2008

8:00-8:30 am Breakfast- on your ownRegistration- Ballroom I Foyer

8:30-10:00 Plenary session : The time has come… - Replacing or Enhancing your Legacy CSE systemReplacing Legacy System Track Enhancing Legacy System Track

10:00-11:30 Policy And Process Considerations In Systems Planning

Advance Planning Documents (APD’s): Practical Solutions and Tips For Building An Acceptable APD Update The First Time

11:30-1:00 Lunch on your own Lunch on your own 1:00-2:30 Requests For Information (RFI’s): A First

Step In Planning Your Next System? Procurements, Contracts, And Competition – Know The Rules To Use So You Don’t Lose

2:45-4:15 Laying The Foundation To Federal Funding Of Your Next Project: Feasibility Studies And Analysis Of Alternatives

The Electronic APD – OCSE’s Ongoing Effort To Streamline The Federal Advance Planning Document (APD) and Contracts Approval Process

Wednesday, March 19, 20088:30-10:00 Plenary Session: State Systems Roundtable – New automation initiatives10:00-11:30 Plenary Session: Federal Systems And You: Our PAID Initiatives In 200811:30-1:00 Lunch- On your own

Replacing Legacy System Track Enhancing Legacy System Track1:00-2:30 Implementation Advance Planning

Documents (IAPD), Annual APD Updates, And The Revenue Stream Model For Reporting Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)

Interstate Communications – working for you

2:45-4:15 Independent Verification And Validation (IV&V) – What It Is, What It Ain’t, And Why

Individuality Is Obsolete – Building and Implementing The New Data Stand


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont HotelThursday, March 20, 2008

Breakfast on your own8:30-10:00

Systems Policy issues The Employer As A Major Customer In Child Support Enforcement

10:15-11:30 Child Support And The Enterprise: Cost Allocation In Enterprise Architecture Projects

Web-based initiatives

11:30-12:00 Wrap up


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Replacing Legacy CSE Systems TrackThis Track is intended to help those State staffs looking at replacing their current automated child support enforcement systems. States will deal with various software development methodologies in acquiring new systems. No one option is best, no “one shoe fits all.” Thorough, comprehensive planning can provide a foundation for success in your State; not only in defining the best potential solution from all the options, but also in how best to acquire that system. That success will also include securing necessary Federal funding, a process that has specific steps to be completed. So, whether you choose in-house or vendor development, maybe a combination of both, or participation in a broader enterprise-based, departmental approach, this track will try and lay out the options available and steps to take, providing answers to some of your questions, and the resources to help get you started.

Plenary Session:

“The Time Has Come …” : Replacing or Enhancing Your Legacy CSE System

Schedule: Tuesday a.m.Workshop Coordinator: Robin Rushton, Director, Division of State and Tribal Systems, [email protected]: TBDDescription: Welcome, introductions and an overview of the sessions to be covered at this symposium. This Plenary session will examine the

steps to take if your computer system is past its prime, its useful life. Providing a general overview of the steps States and Territories need to take when considering replacing or substantially enhancing their legacy CSE system, our speaker will discuss the various technical assistance and training materials currently available, initiatives being developed and implemented to new systems, and introduce specific OCSE staff assigned to assist States.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel Session: Policy And Process Considerations In Systems Planning – Whether Part Of An Enterprise

Architecture Project, Or Just Replacing Your Own System, This Is What You Need To KnowSchedule: Tuesday a.m.Workshop Coordinator: James E. Hicks, IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]: TBD Description: As our human services systems mature to the point of obsolescence, States are looking to replace their aging legacy child support

systems with more modern platforms, including as part of an enterprise architecture model, to achieve new levels of return on investment, enhanced data sharing, and improved service delivery to clients. This session will examine the obstacles and opportunities States face in planning new automated systems, including enterprise solutions. From garnering stakeholder buy-in and executive support, through defining project scope, to the weighty issues of securing Federal funding and cost allocation, the speakers will touch on and examine these and many other policy and process considerations in planning your next project.

Session: Requests For Information (RFI’s): A First Step In Planning Your Next System? [Feasibility Studies – Part I]

Schedule: Tuesday p.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Sha-ron Johnson, IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: Invited- Daise Blue (NC), Jason Johnson( TN), Jean Truyter ( MT)Description: All too often, our staffs that planned and helped acquire our current child support systems some fifteen or twenty (or more) years ago

are no longer with the Department. Your agency’s corporate knowledge may now be severely limited as to what types of systems and automation solutions are available today, and how Federal procurement policy and system acquisition requirements have changed over the years. Could a Request for Proposal (RFI) help you investigate the possibilities. This session will look in detail at three such RFI’s: for systems planning, how they were constructed, their scopes of work, what they sought from the vendor community, the support the Federal Office was able to provide, and of course, the outcomes. This session will also examine how these RFI’s supported development of the subsequent, foundational Feasibility Studies and Analyses of Alternatives work that are the underpinning of any State’s acquisition of a new or replacement Child Support Enforcement System (CSES).


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Session: Laying The Foundation To Federal Funding Of Your Next Project: Feasibility Studies And Analysis Of Alternatives. [Feasibility Studies – Part II]

Schedule: Tuesday p.m.

Workshop Coordinator:

Joseph Bodmer, PMP, Senior IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers:Description: The foundation to the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement’s funding of a State’s new system development or replacement

project is the execution of a thorough Feasibility Study, one that successfully meets the five criteria for approval: accuracy, measurability, repeatability, consistency, and reasonableness. From describing why there is such a Federal emphasis on detailed planning, to defining how Feasibility Studies, including their Analyses of Alternatives, are composed, to envisioning, creating, and documenting the Functional Cost-Benefit Analysis Models used in Feasibility Studies, to the intricacies and logical progressions in documenting all the evaluations and scoring involved. This session will help explain why these strategic studies are so critical to garnering Federal funding in your next project and how you can build a winning plan the first time through.

Session: State Systems Roundtable – New automation initiatives

Schedule: Wednesday a.m.- Plenary Workshop Coordinator:

Joanne Benson, IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: All States and TerritoriesDescription: The intent of this session is to go around the room and have all State and Territorial participants give the top 3 automation initiatives

that they are planning for the next year(s) that will impact collection of current support or reduction of arrearages. Here’s your chance.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Plenary Session:

Federal Systems And You: Our PAID Initiatives In 2008

Schedule: Wednesday a.m. PlenaryWorkshop Coordinator:

Linda Deimeke, Director, Division of Federal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBDDescription: This Plenary Session will focus on a primary goal of OCSE’s PAID initiative which is to help States increase

collections and reduce arrearages. Ths session will focus on small technical changes that you can make to your CSE system that will enable you to increase collections and reduce arrears by maximizing the use of FPLS locate sources and services including automating SVES data received from SSA and making minor changes on Federal offset, MSFIDM and passport denial cases.  

Session: Implementation Advance Planning Documents (IAPD), Annual APD Updates, And The Revenue Stream Model For Reporting Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)

Schedule: Wednesday p.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Jean Cost, Systems Analyst, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBD Description: So you’ve finished that Feasibility Study, and gotten the Feds approval of it. You’ve been building the Implementation Advance

Planning Document (IAPD), using a lot of the information from the Feasibility Study to create the six sections of the IAPD, so what could possibly go wrong? Not much, but did you know there’s an insurance policy against a lot of the rework that often accompanies IAPD submissions? This session will explain how an IAPD is constructed, detail the differences between this initial project funding document and future Annual APD Updates to it, and give you an in-depth explanation of how to create a Cost-Benefit Analysis for the IAPD using the Revenue Stream Model.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Session: Independent Verification And Validation (IV&V) – What It Is, What It Ain’t, And WhySchedule: Wednesday a.m.Workshop Coordinator:

David Tabler, Systems Analyst, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBD Description: Considering a new systems acquisition effort? Well this session may be for you. Few things actually cause State staffs, including

program directors, more consternation than learning that they now must acquire Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) services on their systems project. Today, four States have IV&V services on their new systems development efforts, and all States acquiring new systems are subject to this standard monitoring and oversight activity. This session will examine what IV&V is and is not, how it differs from quality assurance (QA), how you can procure these services, and how the Federal OCSE determines IV&V’s scope, frequency of review, and for how long these services will be needed on your project.

Session: Systems Policy issues

Schedule: Wednesday p.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Joe Bodmer, PMP, Senior IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBDDescription: This session will provide both an overview of state systems policy issues described in OCSE’s update of it’s major IT policy

guidance, Action Transmittal (AT) 90-11, now cited as AT-06-03, as well as present some detailed discussion of certain of the policy positions in AT-06-03 through the use of case studies and practical scenarios.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Session: Child Support And The Enterprise: Cost Allocation In Enterprise Architecture Projects Schedule: Thursday a.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Mike Rifkin Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBD Description: So you’ve finished that Feasibility Study, and gotten the Feds in Medicaid, Food Stamps, Child Welfare and Child Support to approve

it. Now you have to craft an Implementation Advance Planning Document (IAPD) that includes a cost allocated budget. But you have a lot of questions to answer first, like:

How do you handle the fact that Child Support will be the first system? It doesn’t seem fair to have Child Support pay for it all up front, does it?

Which costs are direct billable to a single program versus costs that must be shared and thus allocated? How do you create an allocation algorithm? What happens when other State and Federally-funded programs want to join the Enterprise Project later on? How do I allocate costs to really small programs that can’t afford it?

This session will look at these and a growing list of issues that Federal entitlement programs like Child Support, Food Stamps, Medicaid and Child Welfare have been grappling with for the last few years. Hear the problems the Feds have answered as consensus solutions, and the remaining issues that they’ve decided can only be resolved on a case-by-case basis.

Session: Wrap Up//

Schedule: Thursday a.m.Workshop Coordinator:

IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE- [email protected]

Speakers: AudienceDescription: Development of action items. What ideas do you plan to take back to your State? What do you need from Federal staff, (either Central

or Regional office). Suggestions for future Affinity teleconferences (i.e. FIDM, Licensing,) What topics would you like us to provide a PAID Update on? PAID in Full topics? In-depth guidance.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Modernization Track (Enhancing Your Legacy Systems)Not looking to replace your system? The Modernization Track will help State staffs seeking instead to upgrade or enhance aspects of their current automated child support enforcement systems. This session will explain what different tacks States are taking in enhancing or otherwise incrementally updating their automated systems. Today there are numerous approaches being taken by States in acquiring new technologies to improve existing systems, whether acquiring and customizing a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) product to meet a data warehouse need, or maybe transferring in and enhancing another State’s distribution module to provide a more effective accounting solution, the options and opportunities are plentiful. This track will share the experiences of States that have grappled with, and won, the battle of augmenting existing systems, including dealing with the issues involved in Federal funding approval and oversight.Plenary Session:

“The Time Has Come …” : Replacing or Enhancing Your Legacy CSE System

Schedule: Tuesday a.m.Workshop Coordinator: Robin Rushton, Director, Division of State and Tribal Systems, [email protected]: TBDDescription: Welcome, introductions and an overview of the sessions to be covered at this symposium. This Plenary session will examine the

steps to take if your computer system is past its prime, its useful life. Providing a general overview of the steps States and Territories need to take when considering replacing or substantially enhancing their legacy CSE system, our speaker will discuss the various technical assistance and training materials currently available, initiatives being developed and implemented to new systems, and introduce specific OCSE staff assigned to assist States.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Session: Overview of Federal submission requirements for Advance Planning Documents (APD’s): Practical Solutions and Tips For Building An Acceptable APD Update The First Time

Schedule: Tuesday a.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Mike Rifkin, IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBDDescription: This session will cover the information necessary for an Annual APD Update and when an As-Needed APDU is required and how the

submission information differs. When is your next Annual APD due? Why does OCSE need actuals expenditures data from the previous year in the APD Update? This session will address these and many other more information requirements, including:

What information and data is needed by the Federal staff to process your FFP request. Why that information is needed. What you can do to expedite the approval of your APD. What happens when you don’t submit complete information in a timely manner. And a step-through, with examples, of many of the reasons that APD Update’s are not approved.

Session: Procurements, Contracts, And Competition – Know The Rules To Use So You Don’t LoseSchedule: Tuesday p.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Walt Zeitschel, Systems Analyst, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBD Description: Attendees to this session will share in a wide-ranging procurement and acquisitions discussion. Some the topics in this session

include: The dollar thresholds that determine when you will need to submit your procurement to OCSE for prior Federal approval. Federal procurement rules and regulations that govern sole source and single source justifications. Cost reasonableness analyses and when they are needed. Master contracts and how you can take advantage of them to expedite Federal approval. Federal regulatory requirements for full and open competition, and why this is so critical to securing Federal funding. When you obtain your IT services from a different agency – what needs to be submitted and to whom?

This session will also step-through examples and samples of various acquisition vehicles, including Requests For Proposal (RFP). Invitations To Bid (ITB), Requests For Quote (RFQ), etc., and present some of the more critical clauses that affect Federal approval.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Session: The Electronic APD – OCSE’s Ongoing Effort To Streamline The Federal Advance Planning Document (APD) and Contracts Approval Process

Schedule: Tuesday p.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Stan Slominski, Systems Analyst, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: Joseph Bodmer, PMP, Senior IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSEWalter Zeitschel, Systems Analyst, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE

Description: The President’s Management Initiative looks at “e-government” as a vital cog in making the Federal workforce more effective and responsive. In keeping with the administration’s goals, OCSE has undertaken to move the APD and procurements approval processes to electronic formats, potentially saving tens of thousands of State and contractor staff hours every year, and streamlining the time and effectiveness of Federal reviews and funding approval decisions. Hear where the design is today, what the schedule for delivery of a prototype is, and when you might be able to pilot test the design with your next APD Update.

Session: State Systems Roundtable – New automation initiatives

Schedule: Wednesday a.m.- Plenary Workshop Coordinator:

Joanne Benson, IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: All States and TerritoriesDescription: The intent of this session is to go around the room and have all State and Territorial participants give the top 3 automation initiatives

that they are planning for the next year(s) that will impact collection of current support or reduction of arrearages. Here’s your chance.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Plenary Session:

Federal Systems And You: Our PAID Initiatives In 2008

Schedule: Wednesday a.m. PlenaryWorkshop Coordinator:

Linda Deimeke, Director, Division of Federal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBDDescription: This Plenary Session will focus on a primary goal of OCSE’s PAID initiative which is to help States increase

collections and reduce arrearages. Ths session will focus on small technical changes that you can make to your CSE system that will enable you to increase collections and reduce arrears by maximizing the use of FPLS locate sources and services including automating SVES data received from SSA and making minor changes on Federal offset, MSFIDM and passport denial cases.   

Session: Interstate Communications –working for youSchedule: Wednesday p.m. Workshop Coordinator:

Helen Smith, Associate Deputy Commissioner for Automation, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBD (QUICK Team members?)Description: Several initiatives focus on improving electronic interstate communications. These successful State

partnerships include QUICK (Query Interstate Cases for Kids), improving CSENet (the Child Support Enforcement Network), ICR (the Interstate Case Reconciliation project), and the Unidentified Interstate Cases project. This session will discuss these initiatives with insight from both State and federal partners, and offer suggestions on possibilities to converge activities on multiple initiatives to promote a continuum for interstate communications.


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Session: Individuality Is Obsolete – Building and Implementing The New Data Standards Schedule: Wednesday p.m. Workshop Coordinator:

Richard Ordowich, Management Analyst, Division of Federal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBDDescription: Why should you care about data standards?  During this session we'll discuss the importance of data standards

to State system development.  We'll look both at the consequences of inconsistent data and the problems it causes as well as the benefits of data standards to case management, application development and administration.  (The basics of data standards and how to apply data standards to forms and electronic documents. The data standards registry as a reference for metadata.  ) Then we'll examine some tools available to get started, such as Data Standards Registry, and examples of successful application of data standards (QUICK, courts).


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Session: The Employer As A Major Customer In Child Support Enforcement

Schedule: Wednesday a.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Sherri Grigsby, Management Analyst, Division of Federal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: Bill Stuart, Division of Federal Systems, OCSE; Lynnetta Thompson, Management Analyst, Division of Federal Systems, OCSE, Nancy Benner, Management Analyst, Division of Federal Systems, OCSE

Description: This session will cover issues such as EFT/EDI: setting up a web-based payment service for small-to-medium-size employers; programming for FIDM application

identifiers and the DP identifier; working with your bank to send/receive international payments; developing a “work-around” to handle a second payment-in-a-month from DFAS; working with developers of payroll/accounting software; is the new TR3 for the CTX 820 useful to you?

The portal: programming to send income withholding orders (e-IWO) electronically to employers and receive their responses; down the road: sending the NMSN to employers via the portal

FEINS: Identifying employers by FEINs and how to handle multiple FEINsWeb site: Establishing an employer section on your state’s web site where employers may submit new hire reports, report terminations, and respond to income-withholding orders and respond to the NMSN

Session: Web-based initiatives Schedule: Thursday a.m.Workshop Coordinator:

Greg Jordan, IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE [email protected]

Speakers: TBD Description:

This session will look at web-based Customer Service Websites, Employer Outreach websites, QUICK interfaces,


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OCSE State Systems SymposiumMarch 18-20, 2008

Fairmont Hotel

Session: Wrap Up//

Schedule: Thursday a.m.Workshop Coordinator:

IT Specialist, Division of State and Tribal Systems, OCSE- [email protected]

Speakers: AudienceDescription: Development of action items. What ideas do you plan to take back to your State? What do you need from Federal staff, (either Central

or Regional office). Suggestions for future Affinity teleconferences (i.e. FIDM, Licensing,) What topics would you like us to provide a PAID Update on? PAID in Full topics? In-depth guidance.

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