  • 8/6/2019 Working Safety is Not Just for Studied


    Working safety is not just for studied, but having to involved and

    executed, because working safety is part which

    of vital importance in working in workshop ( workshop). Working safety

    also not merely destined for man is working only, but also

    destined for equipments or machine applied to work,

    job(activity object and area place of working.

    Studies how working carefully and success, must be followed

    by studying how working safely. Works with

    safe is purpose of main of man is working.

    Creates safe situation or working condition, is not accounting

    reply of the instructors or workshop organizer only, but becoming mediocre

    reply between pekerja/siswa and instructor and workshop organizer. The

    student or worker must learn how working without generating

    kecelakaan/ hurts ownself or hurts others is working

    around it, and generates damage at machine or equipments which

    applied to work.

    Accident of job(activity of course cannot be forecasted before all, but

    accident of job(activity ought to preventable. For example by way of

    gives explanation in detail and compact about active stroke

    in doing something certain work, and always reminds

    the workers that working by the way of correct job(activity according to

    with procedure. Hereinafter need to be done some studies in detail

    about problems that is often causes the happening of

    accident as result of work. Most all the equipmentses in

    workshop can generate accident and can hurt worker x'self

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    and also others surounding place of working. This accident effect also

    can destroy equipments and area place of working. For the purpose in

    regular must be done inspection to equipments of job(activity and

    area place of working. The workers also must do

    inspection at equipments before doing of work process or

    the equipments usage. Worker also must know langkahlangkah

    safe job(activity in order not to do mistake in working.

    Accident as result of working can generate various losses, good

    loss at ownself or loss at company place of working.

    Loss happened at pekerja/siswa between of pain taste that is is not

    pleases, body handicap is having continuation, lack of eyesight,

    hearing, excluded from friend as of job(activity and arises inferiority complex as result of

    handicap suffered by worker. Despitefully also can cause haves no

    works like ready of scorpion. Loss for company especially at cost

    therapy, expense of machine repair, losing of office hours, lowering of

    result of production , and decent expenditure of health. If student which

    experiences accident can cause losss to x'self

    student, old fellow and school.

    Job(activity accidentonly just can be eliminated, but this accident

    preventable before happened namely by doing work according to

    technical and correct procedure and must pay attention to condition

    health before doing work. If someone feel

    under the way or pain, hence will result annoyed it

    concentration of in working. Trouble concentration of this job(activity earns

    causes accident that is dangerous enough. At part following

    given brief explanation about way of accident prevention.

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    1. Recognizes Work having Berbahaya.

    What, where, and why accident of job(activity can happened or

    arises. Third this question must be replied by man who

    responsible to working safety problem. Every

    happened accident of job(activity would arising question why

    accident of the job(activity can happened. To answer question

    the need to be done penyelidikan/pemeriksaan to

    the accident. Result of inspection will be able to answer in

    complete about the cause of the happening of accident. In

    the inspection is examiner officer interrogates worker which

    experiences accident, interrogates nearby other worker

    with the happening of accident of job(activity and investigates around place

    case is including machine applied to work.

    Causative the happening of accident noted and documented [by]

    well by the way of listing specially comprises

    about accident type happened, factors cause of his(its and

    its(the penanggulangan stages;steps. This a real special list

    useful later, in the event of again similar accident. In

    the side this special list earns also applied to do

    training/latihan for teknisi/atau new officer. New officer has

    knows beforehand danger of job(activities possibly

    happened and s(he has known cause the happening of accident,

    and knows way is obviating ins order not to invite accident


    Generally accident of job(activity resulted from three main element, that is

    element of its(the man, element of its(the machine, and element of its(the work environment.

    Evaluated from the angle of accident type that is often happened in

    machine job(activity workshop or company is like showed [by]

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    at gambar/grafik hereunder:

    Making of the special list shall can be made cause

    incidence [of] accident in beruntun, for example element of machine, element

    man, and element of its(the work environment. Factors is earning

    causes incidence [of] accident of job(activity given hereunder

    some examples, good concerning element of machine, element of man

    and element of work environment. But because point of discussion we only

    at forming technique problem, hence the example is special

    for equipments of forming technique and operational at workshop

    forming technique.

    2.1.1. Element alat/mesin which can cause incidence [of]

    job(activity accident.

    Has been elaborated above, that most all equipmentses or

    machine can result job(activity accident, but at

    this opportunity will only be given some examples

    peralatan/mesin at forming engineering workshop.

    .. Grinding machine

    Accident of job(activity that is often happened at grinding machine

    it is:

    Hit Electric current

    Accident of job(activity because hit [by] this electric current

    because of installation of installation of electricity at

    machine is not either, so that flowable current passed

    grinding machine body.

    Hit fraction of millstone

    This accident caused at machine is not attached

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    millstone cover?conclusion, so that at the time of millstone

    breaks will be thrown. Because millstone without

    protector, hence possibility that fraction of millstone

    the earns about worker.

    Hand finger cut by millstone

    This accident because of not true his(its

    installation of job(activity object isolator ( interval

    too millstone and job(activity object prop wide).

    correct Prop distance and millstone is

    equal to 2 until 3 milimeter.

    .. Drilling machine

    Hit Electric current

    This accident usually is resulted from usage

    hand drilling machine moved by electrics, where

    its(the ground not incircuit. For desk drilling machine and

    pillar drill possibility that his(its is installation system

    its(the electricity which not true.

    Hair kink by drill eye

    This accident resulted from drill eye cover?conclusion

    at machine is not attached, and man who

    works for drilling machine doesn't apply equipments

    working safety, like hair shaped cover?conclusion or

    head cover?conclusion. If don't use cover?conclusion

    fringe, hence is better if long hair is bound [by]

    beforehand. Despitefully nor

    concentration of in working ( at the time doesdrilling).

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    .. Hand Equipments


    Usage of file that is is not is handle earns

    generates job(activity accident, like hand is jabed [by]

    by file owner.

    Hand chisel

    Usage of hand chisel where part of tool head

    flower has can result hurt at

    hand, caused hand is hit [by] chisel eye body

    what is flower.

    2.1.2. Its(the human factor

    Accident of job(activity in general mostly resulted

    by working human factor, for example worker eye

    hit having general result of grinding, hit having general result

    guywire and drilling. The accident

    caused man is working do not want to apply

    working safety equipments, that is eyeglasses.

    Despitefully there are some possibility is earning

    generates accident of job(activity evaluated from its(the human factor,


    Worker doesn't know way is operating alat/mesin with

    correctness, and loses face to enquire.

    Worker unable to operate machine is caused [by] s(he

    has not trained.

    position of Job(activity that is is not true, like berlari-lari in

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    workshop, jests, bothers job(activity friend, no

    bothers workshop orders.

    Doesn't play the game working safety, like no

    dress job(activity, doesn't apply gauntlet,

    doesn't use eyeglasses, and equipment of working safety


    2.1.3. Job(activity environmental factor

    Many accidents of job(activity resulted from by condition

    work environment that is is safe not, like:

    Situation of sloppy workplace, for example many

    having general and material cuttings to scatter around

    place of working, so that possibility worker can fall

    effect is slip.

    Works close to parts of rotary object

    or part rotary machine, and without protector.

    2. Equipment of Safety and Health of Job(Activity In general

    Ministry of Manpower requires to all

    industrial perusahaan/ that every working worker can work

    safely and safe, as according to safety norms

    job(activity. Everything that is concerning working safety problem has

    arranged with Working safety invitors, good about

    workplace, work environment and equipments applied for

    works, while active stroke or working procedure have been specified

    by company or the industry. Purpose of the same

    in making safety order that is creating situation of job(activity

    safe and safe.

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    Good production process planning and settlement of equipments ( lay

    out) place of working always is developed as a mean to

    creates situation of safe job(activity to all worker and equipments

    itself job(activity. Repair to planning of machine always

    developed like, for example to noise of machine as result of

    friction between machine components or because the relation of wheels

    activator tooth. Clunk at machine can result

    its(the breakdown worker hearing.

    Many things has been developed to prevent the happening of

    job(activity accident, like usage of chemicals dealer pipes

    dangerous, usage of depository tanks appropriate

    with working safety standard. Thereby danger of hurt

    effect is hit [by] dangerous chemicals at the time transportation

    can be avoided. Worker is obliged to uses safety equipments

    job(activity as according to work type done.

    Absolute working safety equipments is required to all usage worker

    guarantees that worker can work safely. equipment of Safety

    the job(activity must have certain clausess,

    that is:

    The working safety equipments as according to type

    work and type alat/mesin operated, so that

    usage effectivity of equipment of really working safety


    The working safety equipments must be used during worker

    resides in in workshop, either they are working and also

    at the time of doesn't work and equipment of the working safety

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    must always is taken care of carefully.

    After equipments of the working safety is obtained,

    usually will arise problem that is less suitably of measure

    equipment of the working safety with man which would

    uses it.

    Level of protection of equipment of itself working safety to all

    worker using it, mean by using equipment

    the working safety is worker will feel safe in


    equipment of The working safety shall can be felt is balmy

    used by the workers, causing security and

    balmy for worker when working.

    Other problem is in usage of equipment of working safety,

    still many the workers uses equipment of working safety

    seems to be as perforced and only uses it is at the time is exist

    inspection and if required only. So usage alatalat

    working safety has not is position of job(activity that is ordinary.

    Equally usage of working safety equipments still

    haves the character of perforced, is not requirement. For the purpose

    required some actions that the workers will use

    equipment of working safety like:

    Obliged every worker to use working safety equipments,

    good when is working, if they reside in

    in job(activity workshop. Mean the workers must apply

    working safety equipments during s(he resides in in workshop


    Provided working safety equipments with various measures,

    so the workers can choose equipment of working safety which

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    as according to its(the body measure and legs and hands. With

    that way the workers will feel is balmy uses it.

    Implements dubious system for worker that is is not

    applies working safety equipments at the time of working or

    s(he resides in in job(activity workshop. Important to remember that dubious

    the must be educative, causing can increase

    position of safe job(activity.

    Equipmentss of working safety covers:

    1. Protective Equipment Head of

    Although every worker is obliged to uses head protector

    ( helmet), but sometime they neglect it.

    Usage of head protector hardly is required to all worker

    construction, dockyard worker, tree hewer worker,

    mining and industry. protective equipment of Head is designed [by]

    or made of good material to can yield

    helmet which really can protect head from hurt as result of

    collision, hit or downfall of object, hit job(activity object

    what floats, danger of electrics and others. Despitefully

    also is made helmet specially must can protect head and

    facial from chemical material or dilution of temperature.

    Helmet is classified to to become two that is: having helmet

    part of periphery of all circle and second is helmet

    with periphery only at its(the frontage. From second

    the classification still divided into four classes that is:

    Class A, that is helmet for public. This helmet only

    has low electricity prisoner.

    Class B, that is helmet for work type at risk to

    hit big voltage ( has prisoner

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    to high tension), or this resistant helmet

    to high voltage.

    Class C is metallic helmet, used for worker which

    works with hot working condition, like at

    metal moulding or at combustion kitchens.

    Class D is helmet with small endurance to

    fire, so that must be avoided from fire sprinkling.

    Special for worker working for nighttime helmet which

    suited for his(its is helmet which can release [light/ray]

    at night or transmits [light/ray] at area which

    dark. Special for helmet which will be applied for area

    which tendency the happening of accident as result of electric current

    hence the helmet must always is investigated regularly character

    its(the stop to electrics.

    Helmet interior equiped with pelapis and place

    position of head.

    Functioning hair protective device that hair can be closed over in

    perfection, so that accident of job(activity as result of belite of hair

    at rotary machine parts can be avoided.

    Hair shaped protective device or hair cover?conclusion which many used [by]

    it is sorban, hair shaped fish-net and head cover?conclusion is earning

    closes in perfection. Usage of hair net is less

    safe if the worker work for area where

    sprinkling of fire often happened. condition of Head cover?conclusion is:

    1. Resistant to chemicals

    2. Heatresistant

    3. Balmy is used [by]

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    4. Resistant to blow

    5. Strong and light

    6. Having colour draws

    7. Has ventilation if not to protection

    to dirt.

    2. protective equipment of Noise

    Usefulness of protective equipment of noise is for

    protects ear from abundant noise, so that

    can cause damage at auditory system

    worker. Many industries which in its(the production process

    generates noise which can cause loss

    hearing to all worker. Noise standard which

    permitted is 90 decibels according to safety [code/law]

    job(activity health job(activity, on that account noise yielded

    by a production process in industry must always is measured

    and laboured less than standard which has been determined that

    doesn't cause damage at hearer of the workers..

    equipment of protection of Noise of there are two types, that is which

    packed into ear hole and the other one is

    type closing all ear.

    Equipment type put into by ear hole

    This equipments type installation packed into hole

    ear and model and its(the measure all kinds. Material

    applied to open this equipments is plastic

    which lunak/lembut, soft rubber, waxy and cloth.

    soft Rubber and plastic is a real material type

    famous for this tooling, because s(he easy to

    cleaned, cheap in price and gives form and

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    very good colour or draws.

    Cloth is bad material for protection to

    noise, because s(he is very low its(the resistivity to


    Earmuff from soft rubber material and plastic

    very effective in its(the usage, because in

    its(the installation is hardly easy to that is only emphasizes to

    ear hole and s(he ear hole plug will in

    perfection, without there are leakage.

    Picture 214. Noise protective device

    Noise protector type closing ear

    Form of this equipments can close all ear, so that

    will be obtained hearing balance between ears

    right and left ear. To yield protection

    effective noise, hence form, measure, material

    insulator, spiral spring type from this earmuff benarbenar must

    selected well, so that the consumer feels


    More and morely grows it is technological hence increasingly good

    noise protector equipments with form that is small relative,

    but having big proteksi/perlindungan energy?power.

    3. Eye-shade

    Hurt at eye can be resulted existence of material or having general

    is stepping into eye as result of cutting work of material,

    sprinkling of firework at the time welder, dirts, radiation from

    ultraviolet [light/ray] and other. Accident at eye earns

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    results handicap for a lifetime, where haves no

    functioned again or equally people becomes blind. In

    a survey is obtained [by] data that accident of job(activity or hurt

    at resulted:

    Object or material which about eye ( fraction of metal,

    beram-beram, fraction of millstone, nail, interest sprinkling

    fire and others)

    Dirt from grinding


    [Light/Ray] or light

    poisonous Poisongas or smoke.

    Many equipments types applied to protect eye

    what adapted for requirement of protection which


    Eye glass type which many applied in industry is:

    Spectacles for work with chemicals

    Welding goggles

    Welding goggles consisted of two types and has

    all kinds of form. Type used occasionally for

    it is welding goggles for electric welding and spectacles

    applied for welder asetilen.

    Form of welding goggles asetilen and spectacles for electrical weld

    it is can be be same, but lens attached is no

    same. The thing because of [light/ray] yielded by fire

    sharper electrical weld compared to [light/ray] yielded by

    weld fire asetilen. Its(the difference only at its(the lens colour.

    Besides form of spectacles at electric welding is provided [by]

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    special of equipments to protect face and eye from [light/ray]

    apai electrics weld recognized as masker weld.

    Face guard

    Many equipments types made to protect face of the

    worker. Usually the equipment also functioning as protector

    head and neck at the same time. The equipment is functioning protects

    head from collision, protects face from dilution of chemicals,

    hot metal and sprinkling of other firework and hurt which would

    happened at head, neck and worker face.

    Material to protect face usually plastical transparent,

    so admits of still see activity done.

    Head protective device type and facial like babbiting helmet

    ( helmet from material babbit), what can protect head and facial

    from sprinkling of hot metal and radiation of temperature. Form of helmet

    equiped with window and chin cover?conclusion and cover?conclusion


    Other equipments applied to protect face is

    masker weld. This equipments type applied to protect eye

    and facial from sprinkling of weld fire and sprinkling of result liquid metal

    welder. At its(the glass window equiped with lens

    addition to take care of dark lens will not destroy

    hits panas/percikan weld fire and sprinkling of result liquid metal


    5. Hand Protector

    Hand radius is part of body that is frequently

    experiences hurt as result of job(activity, like: cut by knife, hurt

    combustible because holding temperature object, incised by

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    surface of job(activity object that is is smooth not and still many again

    form of other hurt. For the purpose hand and radius hardly needing

    under lock and key, because all works entirely

    done by using hand. Hand protective device

    commonly use is:

    Gauntlet from asbestos material, applied for

    protects hand from temperature. This gauntlet type

    flexible so that very delicious of utility.

    Gauntlet from skin material, applied to protect

    hand from sprinkling of fire or situation of job(activity object which

    not too temperature, beram-beram and harsh job(activity object

    its(the surface. Usually gauntlet from this skin material

    used at weight works. Gauntlet f rom

    this skin material used for welder workmanship.

    Gauntlet from rubber material, applied by worker

    part of electricity

    Gauntlet made from rubber mixture material,

    neoprene and vinyl, applied for work

    transportation of chemistry material. While case

    hand from neoprene material and vinyl applied for

    transportation of oil material or petroleum

    Mesh metal gloves, this type gauntlet applied by

    worker the always works applies knife and bendabenda

    sharply other. With usage of this gauntlet

    danger of hurt as result of other keen knife and object can


    Gauntlet from material cotton applied to protect

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    hand from dirt and dirt.

    Beside gauntlet there are other material of is earning

    protects hand skin and arm skin from pain hurt, that is

    of a kind cream. This cream dabbed at hand and arm

    that skin protected from material which can hurt


    6. Foot/feet protector

    Brogan or foot/feet protector which must be applied at

    machine job(activity workshop, must fulfill certain clauses, that is:

    must can protect worker foot/feet from hurt downfall of object

    job(activity, hit having general, object panas/pijar, chemistry material which

    dangerous and accident that is possibly arises and

    causes hurt for worker.

    construction of Machine job(activity workshop brogan is at part

    tip of shoe attached or arranged in layers with steel plate, that

    can arrest;detain falling object befalls foot/feet. With

    existence of the retainer, hence foot/feet doesn't experience hurt.

    Part of its(the pallet must enough strong and not easy to sliped.

    Common material used in making of brogan is

    skin which in tanning. Special for electricity area worker,

    hence shoe maker material shall be selected xenon material


    7. Body protector ( appron)

    Body protector or recognized by the name of appron is applied [by]

    to protect frontage body that is of neck until foot/feet

    from hurt possibilities, like hit [by] radiation of temperature,

    sprinkling of firework and sprinkling is having general and other. Material for

    makes this appron from asbestos and skin which has in tanning.

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    Appron made from asbestos usually is enriched with kawatkawat

    smooth, that the appron can arrest;detain benturanbenturan

    light and equipments that is keen.

    Picture 222.

    8. Overalls

    Overalls or fatigue clothes

    special made for

    diguna-kan works in

    workshop or laboratory

    usually must enough strong and

    its form having to as according to

    work type done.

    Clothes must can protect

    worker from hurt as result of having general,

    job(activity object shiver, goresangoresan

    and temperature. Clothes

    must really ter-ikat or

    snugly with its(the consumer. In

    works, clothes is latched in

    perfection, so that not exist

    parts of legs and hands

    open or no


    3. Working Safety Before,

    At the time and Having Working

    .. Before working

    Working safety which must be paid attention before melaksakan

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    worker covers :

    1. Preparation and usage of complement of working safety

    for the worker namely; brogan fatigue clothes , helmet ,

    gauntlet and others.

    2. Inspection of equipments and supply applied

    like; inspection of hammer head , peacemaker supply

    at machines and others

    3. Inspection to material which will be employed like

    inspection of plate sides that is keen.

    4. Area of place of working also need to be paid attention, because

    balmy work environment can give motivation

    faced worker to work for working for

    more kosenstrasi, so that possibility that the happening of

    small accident happened.

    .. At the time works

    Pays attention to working safety at the time works requiring

    attention which is serious, because usually accident that is often

    happened is at the time melaksakan work. Businesss which

    treated to avoid or lessens the happening of

    accident can be gone through by way of as follows:

    1. Applies equipments as according to its(the function.

    2. Doesn't dabbl operates machine that is is not

    knows correct job(activity principles of tehadap works done.

    3. The worker must master working safety knowledge.

    4. full Konsentrsi in working.

    .. Having Working

    After completed works working safety also requires

    attention. Because effects that is often happened after completed

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    works this between it happened damage at equipments and

    machines, also enables the happening of accident to

    the worker and area place of working. Despitefully negligence

    often happened is forgetting kills electrical control panel. Thing

    this hardly endangers for other worker of which is not

    knows like without intending buttons machine or

    treads on of electric current cable etcetera.

    4. Ambit

    Every work there will be its(the risk either small and or big. Big

    or the so small risk which accounted on depended from work type

    and work environment of itself. a technician or mechanic must

    pays attention to working safety because many factors which

    influences someone working safety. Hence from that is s(he must

    pays attention to 3 working safety criterion, that is safety

    its(the man ( worker), safety of alat/mesin/perkakas which

    applied and safety from job(activity object. Every job(activity accident

    it is of course will harm either from the angle of matter, non matter even

    even a soul.

    Accident of job(activity cannot be eliminated at all but earns

    diminimalisir and is prevented before the accident comes with

    does work technically and correct procedure and

    must pay attention to condition of health before doing

    work. Side that also we also memperhatika type must

    work done and safety supply of any kind of

    that need to be applied to avoid accident when working.

    Frequently happened accident when working hardly influenced by

    human factor as main component.

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    Absolute working safety equipments is required to all usage worker

    guarantees that worker can work safely. equipment of Safety

    the job(activity must have certain clausess,

    that is:

    The working safety equipments as according to type

    work and type alat/mesin operated.

    The working safety equipments must be used during worker

    resides in in bengkel/lokasi.

    Level of protection of equipment of itself working safety to all

    worker using it.

    equipment of The working safety shall can be felt is balmy

    used by the workers.

    Equipmentss of working safety covers:

    Protective Equipment Head of

    protective equipment of Noise


    Face guard

    Hand protector

    Foot/feet protector

    Body protector
