Page 1: Wiuhh Shims QQfi dr. J. o · to keep, AN Aiina, IKc.27. 1673. tiX coc I;l adl a Pijtleu uttx j;. li Ity ot lure, the time required and the expen c. acglZ-5-G awav to your readers




that althon0h ;U(that place. She saya, -. 1 iU. f.fl - nf lipr rill Mr r ?. ' I iWiuhh Shims C70 EACH WEEK. Amenta wsi,ted;arUctilars

XOVKSIKS TUMOR, wm'm QQfi rstaradr. vmr 2B. J. BRYAN, V I C m. J. Worth A Co.. EL UraU, Mo.

' iw.iuh i, lot per day at houo fcasiptes worth ltiedmatter can lie up, $5 to $20 r 1the CI7 St. Char.cs street. St Lcufs, f!o. CJNSULTI.SU PnVSICIASOSTilE iree. A Co., foitl.nd, italce.ofjqzmgallTUUKSDAY. JUXE 22, 1S7C. at probable. afj wt-lt- la

Venereal, Sexual ana Chronic Disease Clinton Medical and gurjr'ctl Institute,tl- - BT llf ltClili t LtU.fJCltVrTsM KFc- - p- - r-?r-.-.: tJraj cueEOOSEY'S BA-- I. Of fen Years' Growth Cured (CrL'jiace41i.--lIr:f87er- ) Ctchlt'e.,


r Rupturo,Ctot-- Str'cturo.n Urinar UTEajt FlfUenthStr.ct, New Yolk, 'fi.JV'ollii's X C- -r rf ,

CROOKED CARL. Guarnxcs thsmou cIenlIae Trrjtuit&t and a

Bound "rrosaitcroai Lifca" 2octa MuprIlkt 8kinrbon?'s&lAitiCMsi - pnacifJsrt.

" uttta rJpoedynMl f rm merit Lumin al cms. Tho 1 Pru Ptc,ore '",, frcelHea

EnttxWhole Ganison-Enn- es tho Artis!ej of 16 MILES OF ItpotencSporntaiorritcBa'iwjiaytfc,Sesual Debility ana HI specially lor thirty jeaia has beeanljecs


in Cod' A'Idre-a- ,1

withAn lotenlosireui!

samp. E. C& 5 5 7 8 9 M0

A Man Marries a Widow in Germany, War into Contempt, anJ Plays Ecash pflMva9eriaifailwisce3etiniirtuiwUnr rr&ra. r!Scrfuir,k4tfk D1SEA-- S; OF MEN. BkSalo. N. Y. ua)5w itand Elopes with Her Daugh-


Oenerally. By Dr. Miay's Remedies. yi.fl94Qftt,rftxt""ww. ?Ji3TP.2v(wtjU, Every Chronic di c se Is trte-l- . but sp'aal Q1Q a daw" hoie. Atents wanted. OutCtard 0 vp i$p Wjj9 s (

loirr I.KivL-NtvoKTi- Kan.,4 atti.tnn Is Kiveo by tiui iu bi ea4 of the ntd QlL ler.u. fr TI.UI.. C i., Aus'a,Ua re.c narrlaSK Improper r unhapcy, hlaitderand lieueratt it137G. beys, cjsletn, twin'sJur.e 32, ltm4a,.BeTX i pcn iiluwctwf IIihhm. ill. lutes fsialnat Wik.esf. Ne..ous

Enrroit Tjmb- - A little affair occurred . Dseascs peculiar to women. fc Deblli-y- , r, Slt'ctutr, and all ducats A MONTH ArenU wanted everv- -if a piivate nature, an I allwhjaea Oexlnc. are wlirre. IEusilieilionoeihlttandHe Comes to this Country and Settles here the olhtr day, which U seally too good I HAVS 1IAI Ali OVABIAN TUMOB ISTiii:

S'trUiytti,tiiic9tutyt?Btt&. Pmc-1m- 1 reiuad lo sead (art'dlars of tbir lOudtli'kB $250clai. Parlletilarsntfree. AddreaErst

and I hate determined to give it OVAUIES AT.K B'OT.L1 FOB TKN YEAKS. UM4tieiftviiuxpi. At & viper Wecta.

&.1 wbeaa candid opliiinn will be giten. the J . vt (Jjrrn Co., at. Louis,3io

Hear this City where he Lives to keep, AN Aiina, IKc.27. 1673. tiX coc I;l adl a Pijtleu uttx j ;. li Ity ot lure, the time required and the expen c. acglZ-5- G

awav to your readers. So, here followcth Dr. Civarir: Thicthcriaiy be benefitted, olr rrrj jt :timit iiS. rtttci. jttcc fdt tMtrmHf rMoawn arica l bt tale I iate ifcl rCK4Uule-vliatie.peraiIl- 7 r tj'r Thai Medical Feos atro MoUerat. and Morpa!-- e halt aMHutc'r mMContentment, and unvarnished ;a plain, 1 Iiitk ti.d an OTiriia Tumor la the orarlei Iirittd. TaUUIftTrSiraltTtUtBett7tirirru pdily rumL Tain!.,. t iWNjiiflr.Corjtfral Michael ltioncy i, as a general and lwe lor tea jeir. I ixleJ Ihe bad !. of

aLL cosKaseoaDKSCE miciLr okkidimul. OPIUM Semi stamp for partularv TJr. CarUthis place and otnei wilhuut any l wbfr4cm3tez.sU It XOH.1& nauutTuMuiies2u.l

Until Hunted Down and Confronted by thing, a man of excellent Eensc. On most It wMicruwioz at uch rapidity that I coti'd1 V.


mrinnj it thtcttf a cmEneaj.l3ii


augl2-S- e

llxed much A Iiiend si minenot bare longer. tiftttT5t. lfftlBUtin&thZa0rL are employeil, ihat have never fa'leI in etTecl-I- cg

subjects his jtiJgment can be implicitely induced we to try Kadwaj's Ueiuolira I hat T. a u liuuu 1 bi hoBteof tvd? rca1 U tt andcuie., which have been uel manythe Wife whom He had alter uiuth t irttT la 1 CsMitry, abrseisc Receptie? - I nllTPQ ro,: LADIES ony. (uentlrmvnnotmach latin in them, but finally,of his softer jeirs wl h and tber,-fr- owhen in result', ararelied upon, l'ul one l o ilj'l4 roBt, CaMrliAtt o4 icrpiaf pLtuft' UQllluO, ceea no aim'T) send 3 three c. litdeliberation t tried them. SOLD DURING THE YEAR 3S75. 1 Vipof tfi-'t-: naprrbesam lAifnurw re i.b e ai.d if t, fu'l a of Ite sy inp-to- I lamps and learn a SECRETDeserted. allowed the wife of his bosom to t.urchisl lz bottle n the BcsolTent, two is every lady, mar-riedmoods, lie I krt all KMtacwJ la thMWoat r pnpuri. gisee, r uiMlei an bs seot by trail or ex single, shou l Addrttsor oussess. MrtKxeiof the 1'iKt, and taro bottle: 01 the Keller. dm. artALtf All Ue Ubrtrj, vafrc tas U atl press fur a lulltalk him into promising to invent a moiety I uel ttioae without any apparent beoefiu I EVERY STOVE IS liwtt kiuJiri wrlc ct allu acaAcU f iaceiar necessity f Q icieiTiew

coir-i- i a: one time without Ihe J nnle.Johnsoji.l.octBoxt.'J, Providence, It. I.hwl. ! iatr.(-r- Ptaf. lif lit aaleclrdtali't may9 dlm-w3-

of hard earned gains gains earned by him to 1 teu tcl more bottleri , lvsJ prsevrM Miecckt, and all ,nr poisonous drsrs anain the far distant city of Berlin, ot Ih- - Kelltf. and two box-

esAway ot tae Booltent, two Unhesitatingly Recommended r-- . I - ! r!M rxpeaM. aed noti't stBVEa uskd la this lasnitrra;it and by mil. Before were gone I Had icut . Xi-rr-r it ib itf TV L'Wsur !lived in at the cannon's mouth, as were, t they ia t. vr

the noble capital of I'rovJa, there twenty-!- ! re pounds. r lei3f. iHfwtMti "The Glory at Voune 3Il U lis IIU TRIPthe year 1SOG, not many squares from tha his wife at the wash-tu- b then he simply I continued to ucthe ciellclne until I wis WnEREVER C3EI1 OK SOU) Mrengtli " FREEuretbit I wastntlielycured. I took tbeinedl-ein- e tO tb CK3TX9S1AX. ftndofOcMon iaih a young man about 35 years ot furnh-he- one more example the some-

whatabout fire and aurtn;that time, n.I he wno us: oottim this glory, lest fulliL's returnf rcco nj ui In

that it in the In all I took three dozen ML b!uiaihitfl.dircouraging fact, is lost xorty-f- ir pounds. is 1 aage, who had just started out uton the voy-

agebottle ol the six loltloi Utlicl, and A POrCLAI . I. BOOK. DK. 1IVUAX l the sulnrol a 9i-- s of essay vtlhln UMcraWDOf e?rT

merchant's clerk. The power of nine women out of tin to gammon aix boxes of the Mil. iitiiii!.r 7 2GC on Ilia suljt as fI.uw,t and whlth every man ndiTft thbpprTaOpc.wfsiiigairWotanta?r--of life, as a .- - should reil: u prltW W iTJfOa KMW UJttTf IB riaf l&C aamwi null

their liese lord's into making as.-s- them- - I ftel pTt-tl- y well, and iny bea-- t l full ot Our New Sizsa. ISliir3tv-- - ; fPAKr of labwnbeti W Tuk Iuxstkaiko of this youns man was Carl Julius

sclvi. Why Mrs. Koonty should have cntltuJe to tiod for his nelp la my dp llu Ihe Defeneration Auirricun Yoalh, lbmJ jour aUdrewi oa post card (or

and To yau. Sir and your wonderful medicine 'o. S7, :5S, 3!), 47, 4S and 1!) I)I.e.e, (he Kaunluiii f Ttionaml Woes,Schulz. patient industry 1 1By jiersevcr-mc- e, of 1 drtlmi.deemed the possession of a ram essential to I feci deeply Indebted, andmyrrayer Is tnai it Itj'Sirne, Kwnlials, Health, hraie.copyvuu

ppertutu VU , nimUOHt-- v

he had so tar worked himeslf u; in her jieace of mind, mutt ever remain an un-

answerablemay l as ciuta of a blessing to others as It has Are a Marvelous Coiuhlnation ol rlSSal fifi A-SR- I AGEI Mislieuaul uud Ursimc Dieae. jjta-tj--H- i .XKT 1ZRBbnf n t uc

the esteem of his employers and associate., conundrum to the average mas-culir- .eIbigueJ, MBS. E a BIBBINS. Itp'a:a!siaoci7w"J at t. ri Infni The--- lectures are of un-ol- l ta ue to eety man,mind, l'rohably, apropos of Mrs, hi. mor especially lo ih who ajv LOSSINC'SabjTeccrtifl.atc. arethat he was legarded as a rising young Sirs, uibblns, wbomikts the Convenience, In w im-- Ja wtl rllieteiToodlc's and the memorable door-plat- tetd with Organic D.s?ss, 1'h'si-c- al vjri2JEJ3k.I"ever toIs tU peioa for whom I reiueied you at KrprciactUiO. XUmt frTr.tI3. $rxl cI"ifnI

man, who would Nmc day make his mark she based her conclusions on the a irioii, mHicine in June, IS75. The medicines abo-- e Lleran ement o the yte n, liu. f VI al Mr,.i.rr,U-.- 5.i 'y IIISTCRY P TIlSUBi(ld.oriJi.TrMi "its t aibti rorce, Nervous 1 cbllry, cr who are weak and taU,iita.kli... Yh...r.

in the business as well as social world. He reasoning that, should the Corporal ever be titled were b lugat ol me, with theI


01 Neatness ft lo uca cutk Aoat i'icww on tfte :- - drs ndent, ant not awar ot ttA precis ature '"i i..iiumiJ ,.ta4 t tt? to tt,t-L.&-what icnt to her by jou. may say It,was ;ittar:j lMltt Kt,alUh isntl Urmau. Omalirysnl r&liJJ IL!did i, as the ferjuel will show. He while the proud jiows.-o- r of a henl of sheep, then Lcr site-cn- t Is correct without a uuilifiratiaa. j

,iifcittdi.btriif iBTrt)tiii4tiw a Ut t oi thcird sea.e acid wnidcs.ra lhse,t ento nix lr.ruM.ylllutrulel, jrlk ndiM,M rvtlL "POLISHED . . OR BLUED.the ram would come in handy ! Without slo1, Is. o- - LfcacH. U 7tclKlprtMk,c-Atkii- wvt U aiIo ttmotlth suhjeet The olunie i. tllu-tri- d Mieaurtir Mbr, cnM,Mir.p n. a ' rs "SKS JLlco -vri Tv !altendins; the many pleasant parties rivtn with eoKfavirus and will ii s nt on reicipt of WANTED!

by his friend3, became acquainted with a stopping to argue this interesting question, !ruist and flitm'st. AnnAibor, Mich.who & Economy, a.r.tsrai4ao4prtftt - fjltftiya TttcNlVFIV CfcSTS Aillre-s- ,

CMibtrr rHAMiERit is only to state that the raui TLIs may cer ifiy that Mrs. liiboi's, .1. U It.l.N, M. II., 1 17 K. I5th N., uiUtoiwsCAlTlHELLlCO.,Vk.l.r-.s.rl-n- p. POINfEPIFlNlSHEOnecessaryhandsome widow, named Maria , male the ot.T ortificatp, 1 and has ln f.r Xesr VorU. St Uuls.Mo.

about lite years younger than himself, with was duly purchased, and, in spite of the i.iany yers well known 10 us, and the 'aeu there-

inAnd all the essential points that goto make DOCTOR WHITTIER,

his in-

stalledMaUil undoubtedly an I undeniably mrreit. 6X7 St. Charles St., St. iouii. SXo.v.hc,Di he liocamc quits intimate, and wmn mo-- t energetic protests tin part, was aie will the Olislocles to Jlariiijrf.Anyone who knows Jlis. JULbtns, up TXtmMtrnettmful 9. vi kM gtnthack-yar-

he learned that he was possewtd of con-- 1 with great jiomp in the her fctat men Sinxel, 1IkiJ. I. Cock e, fi.I3 )pc4Bf mn ( Ift. trrmi a wv The Sure Cure Truss.iilcohlc mean, he beini; toor liimlf, fell Had he Iiecn a tractable beast, Mrs Boon-e- y E. It. 1'iM, WkV IS. I'OKK. Mlr (1XKEK. rMiuffuiaifi.Miiiin longer locatedbypcrately in love with her, proposed, 'ai would have been a happy woman, and Most MftclCott Stove Read his work and Judge for yourself. PItEsCKIlTION FKEK.


Sptnaatarrtea,relief to

acwj.twl. and they were married. The fact this itself, would never have been written. Micuficturnl and sold only by Nervous Wral'mi, tan Decay, and l,ws , 1

in of tractability not Manhood by trie err rand discretion fyulh.that Mrs. Heseermann was the iwsfressor of But, joint fact, wasEwr Offerca to the Public. Send stamo lor l're'cni lion, to Int. .1. Jous-cO-

two daugliters, theelder of whom was eleven one of his virtues; on the contrary, he prov-ed

UK. SS. C li-HJ-

Iock ISox I ST, rruvul-nc- e, U. I mand the other nine years of age, did not in to be a ram of ferocious and a MADE ONLY BY S. V. Cor. Sth and Klin els. CINCINNATI. IIlext interfere with the propose happineM most bloodthirsty turn of mind. On the HAIR DYE.of the htepfather at time, and morning following his induction rile the rpilISTKl'SS lias been alopttd by ejtin.nt PRESCRIPTION FREE.CO.the every-thing

MANUFACTURINGshade of the. Radway's Ready Relief EXCELSIOR

BATCITEI.Oli'S CKLEDUATi;!) HAIIt I)VK A He ic il t'rulrsaors of UncinnJti. It ai

vent merry as could be wihed. umbrageous Booney llielnientor has usnl that iw nanio nipl e. Ihtre U no Fait lor fTIOK thoffeolr Cute ot miiiti WeiinoShortly alter their marriage, Schulz oiieneil back-yar- d he pinned one of the ju-

venileKcs.612. 614. 616 ft. 618 N. Main St., thifi!tcilnl Dje far 37 yrars, with Cuita, as the cute I in Ihe bands of ever, r"!-tiii- C Loot Mac hoc I mnd all dfsord. ra brought ou lf


.1 mercantile extaltlislitrient of I111 own, ami members of that interesting family and no iiury to his health : unof eron uliu app lei thH Trus prijerly loJisrretious cxcim Any Iirucglst hi tbo In- -is true anil )rlcct Dye. Hirin-Ips- s, and continues its use. Cltres have heri erl rtedtliat it only allfHtlPDU.fence in the scientificthus mattera went on for a period of six to the most ST. LOUIS, M0. rrllable. instaniani-oos- . h'o by it in three ruont s. Alan, Ilr Knra's New AJJrtMS DAVXDMJN A CO., box 36. Kw

ytJiT, during which time four children manner and butted another into convul-sions.

(JUKES THE WOBST PAINS no rullcntouj tints; rcmedien the ill .abdominal &up)Krt, tor pronounced by York.were born in the family. About this time When Mrs. It. came out to hang up SOLIl BY ot bail dye; leaves tbebairsolt inJbeai-titu- l, t je Meilieal Fraternity at large as the bent fcuj-p- ort

Schulz began to lose heavily in business, ar.d the clothes he charged her in the mo--t BlackUTCHiL01l'3

or ISrown. S.MWiffrctorj.

anil protxrlyho. IS Fr

iverce ot

worn.Tr iss, SV0D: J3.0U Double Price or

it is reported that he went into bankruptcy savage style, and were it not for the fact In from One to Twenty Minutes. J. W. CRANCER, Boml utrct, N. V -- old by all druggi.ts. Mxlominal S pport, 5.10. St lit by Mali or E. N. FRESHMAN & BROS.,in a manner that caused his presence in that the good lady was fleet of foot it would l'.atchelor's raliTe Soap nrnores atains from Expier-- Free, on receipt ol ord r and mon-

eyhave been all with her then and the HiRcri. stin, Ac Office op- - n during Ihe week, and i verjthat locality, a matter which the officer of up right Leavenworth, Kansas. evening and Sundays. Advertising Agents,the law deemed requisite to the meting out there. That very evening Mr. Itam leaped NUl oi.e hour alter reading this uenl Ux'Hkcict: M. I.. Amick, I'rofevor ofof justice to the injured parties, lie that as the fence and started out in quefctof adven-

tures.uir oc sutUr with pain. miyl -- tutli-w ow-Cin Cnratire Olntmpflt. Anaioiiy, Cincinnati Colleee ot Mediclue and 193 W. Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, 0HIJ,

Surgery; J (iraiijrny, 31. It., V ura it., nearit may. Schulz obtained 31,000 from his Strolling meditatively along, doubt-less

A Pi,Ii.milil IIuiMehold LfmeJv: no famllr Fourth: Dr. J.T. Ilarcnor. 116 W". sixth St.. A ItE authorized to contra 1 for advertisingi, iie and lied to America, where he remain-ed

ruminating upon all the ills to which sbouM be without it. Itcures burnr, chilblains, Cincinnati; J It. Sieves, Covington, Ky. dver Ji in this paner. Keliinatcs furms-e- il tree.for a year, when finding himself short of all flesh and ram llesh in particular is J. W. CRANCER, sore





volu- -hire,cannot

eiema,be tiiement

S3In orderlnzin this paper.

coods say you eaw the a send for a Circular. mayll-dJcw- tf

means concluded to his home, heir, he reached the neighborhood of the told In an advertisement. Try one box ami you lu.iy2l-c.t-

and endeavor to secure from the legacy left guard-bous- e just as "retreat" was being will never want to be without 1. Sold ty all MONEY andlitUe Fcr50eems and awill send articles

to his another sum with sounded. The guard had just turned out 407 Belaware Street. Bondlru?gists, and at Hatcheror's

Ko k.factory, Mo. IC body w.nts

stamp,and bsy it smht Just lo

tlutit at

eterv- -tnem.

which to keep afloat. for inspecti-- n by the officer of the day, and Eadv?ay's iioady Kelief is a street. New Yankee Notion Novelty Cj , FiioviuiNca, It. I.Previous to his return however, he advis-

edthat worthy votary of Mars, in full uniform, Leavenworth. Kansas. W. A. Bailor's Alaska Seal Oil RUPTURE iu

a sister, who resides in lierlin, of his in-

tentions,was standing in an exceedingly martial and for the Hair. The best Hair Oil in isc.

and formed a plan of operation imposing attitude in front of the guard-house,

Cur a for Svery Pain WMteasFiarls! SStoJZOffiJj, Axenupeonle

wasted.ol both

All Ausable Horse Nail Co.,his back the side-wal- k ctuiics in BeantifdlTectlL!which will itself the being toexplain as story pro-

ceed.Dr. SIIESMAN'd treatment tn- - dangers sexes, voung and old, make more money at work

She, upon receipt of his letter, went along which the ram was approaching. At Sound. Healthy Gums, I'rcath Crvrant a the BY rupture and the drenl ul irjuries from lor us, in thcirovn local I tea, during their spareto work, and upon some pretext, induced this point, as ill-lu- would have it, the It e, secured by tuini; W. A Baicheb rs llrn-llfrl- -e the use ol trusstsare at once remortd, and the moments or all the time, than at any thing el.i. MANUFACTURERS OF

devil into the with head Slid wnnleaje and retail at Factory, patient eanl fiom tlieir evrntral hornfyins; MooBcreniiloyictnt that will pay handsomelyMrs. Schulz to distance into the got ram, and, ROYAL & CHA8TEB Mgo a coun-

trylesult Sor hours work. FullNo. !U Bond etr-e-t. N. V . acd by all dmsgista. , some ol w Ich are ntHous'ity, every particulars, terms,

to attend to some business on a farm, in down and tail up, he bore down upon the imp lied ii.emory, lossotene gy, ph (ileal in sc., sent tree. iaJ us your a Ureas at onewhich she was interested. Meanwhile, unsuspecting officer like a whirlwind. . A. Batriielor's New Cosmetiane, opacity, imp y,mt utan) ofier affections Don't delay. Now is the time. Don't look lor PATEKTRAMMEREDi HiMMER-POIllTEOiHIIISM- ED

which in.lo life in serabie. During sjork or tmsic&a elsewhere, uutll have learnedir ntnienl youSchulz sccrefls arrived in the and took Xow, the science of war toially fails tocity,Thit iLtUnlly stops ILe uut ticrudatlcfC paint: OOOl. StOVOB. Black or Brown, for 'intlng the Hair, Wbiikers. ttte pa lent can exercise freely aid pertorm any hat we otVr. (1. A Co , Portland. Maine.

lodgings at an hotel, from which provide for an emergency of this character allayslnflammatiou and rules congestions, wlieiLer or ilustachiis without ireasmg them, .sellnt labor. 1 emu mo rate Those Irom thi- - cun-tr- v majlS-lx-il.t- w

lace he communicated with his sifter, and the tactics are utterly silent on the ot the LuufeS, etoma-- h. Bowels or other gland or thctactnry. No. 1G Bond street. New York, can receiie ireatment and leae for homeinformed her that he would like to Bee his subject of an attack from the organs, on one aptllratkn. ALSO THK CUH1PB3T iHD BIST and by all lnucsiota. svfor them. the same day. I'ooLs, with photos ap" es HORSE NAILS.It. Brown tun these goodi for sale i n I.e of cases befo e and alter trestmtnt, Ornsmenls ia Golj and Silver,children, and a.ked her to have them con-veyed

rear by rams. Taken at such disadvantage ennorth. in ijtilA'v.-l- l mailed Ir 10 cents. I r. SIIEKMVN, cau ionsto him. the fate of the unfortunate officer may be tne jnoii- - aeamsi cisriiianseuin about the FOB

She did as he had requested, and securing easily imagined ; lie went down like a HEATING STOVES rountr,One


Vfli s decei'e


eorxls TJIVlEIt TAKERS. From "BENZON IRON" Excluslvely-Th- e.a carriage, took the four children belonging lightning bug in a gale of wind. Having DR. BADWJiY'3 cleik, was ar etteil In PinnsslvinU fur luni? Dcsi;ns. Improteme-t- s into Schulz, and the youngest , his foe thus luyrs du annbat, the ram did not Tinwaro aad Household the tit'eof ilnc'oi. his gain. Is lo exact 50 NEW vane y not excelled. l Nnilt in liven a SOI rrom llielr victims, who are t!ols. KnnRcs, Dry Goods, &c. As. CltA-Ve- Qnality our FollyMtrie end went to the hotel, evince the slightest intention of staying his andpumsherl often injured for lite. RUKKD . 0.,U3-71- 5 rt'est street, Cin-

cinnatitelling them their father wished towethem hands, or rather his horns. He butted away Office: Park Row and Ann St., N.Y. U.mi upon tlieir arrival ttiey were with such right good will that the chances Resolvent Furnishing-- Goods. The AUSABLE are the only HAMMER-POINTE- D

ushered into a room where they met him, of there being an immediate vacancy in the Sarsaoariliian .w

and he telling them that the nature of the Army Begistcrrecmed to be about nine in la all rrirate Sitters consaltON MAKEIAGE.

business would require their preence on ten. The guard, paralyzed at first, slowly luiprott the Qtuili'g Ir.crea tie Quantity HORSE NAILS in Market.Happy ItIiefior Yount; Men irom tbecUectcfloard of a boat that was lying at the pier recovered tlieir senses and made a movement DR. CLARKE, ISC South Clark Street. errors a l Abu'es i a early life Mtohu-s- l rehe took them all on board, when he, after to succor their chief. Bat the ram's blood The Great Blood Purifier. THMOSTPRFECTMADE. He Is an Old Experienced and IteHniUs Pby torpti. Ifa'Ctlimcnti to Mimge retnoTtti. Nesecuring their passage to America, went was now fairly cp, and he felt capable ol rinan.


DIblLVbBSrosy consult




OKIt ArmstroiiE's Lincoln Butler Powder. taetliud

Booksof Ireatmeit.

ni CircularNew


J'ce,if maxicabie

la eealeja-rclop.1- 3.

nm-ed- 'x ABRAHAM BUSSING, SecV,back and through an agent fpent the next routing the entire Soldiers' Home. He HCLICATE nature with tie assnranco of relief. AdtlrtsVday in disposing of enough of the charged them in front, in the rear, side-

ways,S OK 1 II - CCKK OK il I. Cll BOXIC DlS4SkS, K ;i7Scnd two stamps for "Sarepnard ofllealth." Gootl HOWARD AbSClATIOX.Fresh Titttcrproperty of the family to give all backward, butting vigorously ihe SCKOFL'LA OK SYPHILITIC, Y

Jir. Clarke's Celebrated Female Tills. $1 5 (extra rll tit ' 419 i Ninth St.. FhilulelphU Pa. 35 Ohoixibarts Street, New York.:i comfortable journey. He then went while, and getting his work in to such ad-




.Tessarleper box. Periodic



who want Monev visit thoper $13 Butter in HO Jlluutes. to FULL STUCK of AiisaMe Nail-- , POINTED ami beon board and phortly afterwards the that it reallv seemed probable that Warranted Private Ilorae accommodations and EVERYBODY CKVTEXNI U. send 25 cents Sty A UXPOIXTED, canfhip sailed. During the pas-"jg- e the entire guard would fall victims to his I!E IT bKATED IS THK nursing when required. Butter Puiidrr is an entirely inil;t!irti--c itst.iiip., ami ,t enniple of ar-

ticlefound at the 'Warehouse of J J. iilCH 'VJK.DS tC CO.. LeVFll-Wnrtl- l.I.unksorStoinich, akin or Bjnrs, flesh rr Jfrrrea, Lincoln tu make it. Kvery bouse mail have it.ELECTrtO THERAPEUTICS. Dr. Clarke KaxmS. mayl-5- 8rage. Wholly unu'ed to such novel war-

fare,AM) vniAr-IMJIlI- r. a i tic c made Hum a celilrafeilie told di-

vorcedCOKKUIiIM Till: t"l.ll3 Vitotthe stepdaughter tti at he was Medical Electricity, scientifically (In Lni;lish and nowmriaiU use Adtr'esN D. Payne, idexck. It. I.recipi.. by iLany

from her mother, and that it was they at last fairly took to their heels, FLUIKti.G andular Swel-lin- j, aid of other remedies) for Ilheomatism, Partuutu, of the mo-i- t nrteil lanuers in th; butter counlin may! dlm-3i- c

his and lied ingloriously, leaving their renioro-les- s Chroi ic IlneumaU'in, tro'ula, CtorcaOt. Vitas Dance) c aioumt I'hilad.liihUpurjKK: to Hacking CoJh. Cam crous Attectlons,enemy master of the field. Kyphllitic Loniplainu,i'ry

Bleeding of ihe lutim, Sprrmatorlua, Seminal Weakness, Right li li t weather this l'uwibr uaVes butterMAKE HEIt III3 WIFE. But his triumph was short-live- d. As I))rpiu, v tr Brash, Tie I'oloieur. lMtc EmlfsUnu, and all ncnons and sexual effects of much Urmeranl s witter than itruiully Is, and 50 CENTS FREE.

hkln and lllp k, early Indiscretion or SELF-AIIUb- E speedily keeps itlrom turuu.jr rancid. It also iemoesShe Iieing but a mere child, only fifteen there was not a man in the whole garrison bmel.iiiK.



s. Ketaalo Complaints, cured. 2rScnd two stamps for Boot on these the strong flavor ot turnips, garlic, uwlg. com ftyears of age, and having btu acciisiouud who appeared willing to put hiui-e- lf within Oont, lrewj, KicietJ, bait l'.lirmu, llroLiiillU, subjects. Orders for all kinds ot"Hublier Goods" s al s cott n mil., tto , and the incieasedto oliedienoc', and w one yet, Iieing away butting distance of thue ciuel horns, Consuinitloii, Kidniy. Bladder. Liter Com-

plaint,filled at onrc.


orwrlte. Addressfree, sacrcdandcon-fidcntla- l.

letters. DK. expenseyield of liat:crinu-l- i

of it.jays the trilling Special Offer -- For a Shgrt Time Only.

from friends and in hit potter, could ill do a hurried council of war was held, aud itenild by



i'Ukkjiim:.F.ll.CLAKKE.lbG South Clark bu ChirASO. itii tents p r package.other than consent. They arrived in this was determined to demoli-- h this most pug-

naciousDU. UAHWai aO., WWAIUSI.HST., N. Y. s ml rOoT-rai- o raar. to each new

country, and began to live as man and of rams by a com;) de main. A twenty-fo- ur fabl.1 WHOLE, -- ALK DEPOT- - WILL rot Tin Mw Yoaic Ac.tsm'wife, keeping and taking care of the pound gun was run out, loaded with a 106 Market Street Pniiade.pbhi, Peao.


i.(ina maaniQcent

lancy liox),( EXTsirfiAt.

struck inAlmo--Alln-t- la tS'S

four children lelonging to Mrs. Schulz. double charge of powder, nmmed (this is mavis-tAc-I-?- iv fiate suv.r, laiger man a sliver trauc collar,Sometime in the latter part of the ear not a pun,) up to the muzzle, with grae IS' Inch in dum-te- r PriceM cents each. The le43

and canister, old and THE ENEMY OF DISEASE ! Ai.asTs' Mom iilv is a handsome, spiev, 19JST.'I Schulz and his stolen family arrived boots, rocks, every-thing Subscriplion price 25centsayar

in Leavenworth county, ami he rented a else that was lying around handy, MARRIAGE GUIDE Sendpaepiper.

Scents, jou will ncehe the Ausnti'Mil all farm near KickajKX), wheie he loca-

tedthen the ordnance sergeant took a good long THiii FOE OF PAIN Mo.niiilt lorone jear, poit-pai- d, aLilLh- - above

himself with the intention of becoming aim and tombed her off. Medal gratis.

si fanner. Here they buried one of the When the smoke cleared away that ram Address. 1'E.VrON PUBLISHING CO..

ihildren stolen from the elder Mr. was nowhere to lie seen. They hae lieen W. &j, Jc TO MAN AND BEAST BOOK OF SECRETS. mayn-Cnr- ii m Broailway. J(ew Yo--k

Schulz. They live! 011 this way picking up pieces of him for the past two LEMON SUGAB, ETC. Is the Clrand OldDILBOHANKAITS Mamt?e Route i!Iutrmtelith

punMTutrt rngrinx trrnnlifr.trachtTcaltlheinsTaiaitiT Glolbeuntil recently, when Schulz, becoming tired daj, and a fragmentary portion of his tail ihouMkrorun Courtwhip, MamiKr. the rhjuolofciralof the and hard is still on tcp of the flag-stai- l, where it MriUrisaiKl UrrlaUMDonh how to 4 1

Jilace, being a worker, rim-ed e$ONE THIRD IS SAVEDlrO MUSTANG cureallktntl of I) Br.iaes.vith huiHreJajf TaUutUere

what is known as the l'ranke farm, in gently sways, back and forth, in the morn-ing

reipti,liO honltl m4rry, the iiupcmentituiuvnace.Delaware township, about six miles south breezes, a terrible reminder of "the in rjuantity hy their perfect purity and great timr


wimii& nirc.

mitrrlel ir-- t tior'e r tempted t .v, e.Kof this city, to which place he moved his deep damnation of his taking off." strength; the only kind made by a prac-tical

liesttubjert,ik l!ieir liniilj

butpliTe'e-t- n

are preventetlthouscntl



13 i byon


t HORSEfamily, and there they have resided in ap-parent

After the excitement had subsided, the In I'Yom Qua ia Twenty Minutes, Clicmit and Physician, with scientific LINIMENT, trvxjftj. Thiw wnrk rnwpnjatQv-hqutiont- fullycfilcer for anipLiinTy.B tolrart; uoonefmloubt; it t the only EVESY eAIL IS PCiNIEB. TKIStiu . . Iv.5!i:r. .0 KT( r."S JF.commandingpeace and happiness until lant Mon-

day,sent Corporal care to injure uniformity, henltlifulncxi:, deli-

cacyreally feienfine vork ltheLirde;erpUiheti.

when Schulz startled by the Booncy, and thus gently admonished him : and freedom from all e.ronip'ete in eery revpn--injunotuwas WHICH HAS STOOD THE TEST Ul' 40 Isentbr Mail fcurely tald on rereipt of eta. a. CaCD LVL'KYU'llh I. tnd are j 1' - llirdwr-- 311. :i.v

of an "Corporal, you are an old soldier, and until houiatur how violent or eziruci'tiug the lain, They are fir Mtjierior to the common YEA Its. Dr. C A llirtYXAV. 19 Nuith IJtU atrectV

you got married you were a sensible man; the tlaecmalic, li Ertu, Crippled, adulterated kind-"- . OliLtin the genuine THERE IS NO SOKE IT WILL NOT b Lout. Ma Ksubuhed la 1SJ7. GLOBE HAIL COMPANY, Boson. MasorriCEi: or the uw, but if I know much Nervous, Ncuia'gir. or prostrated witn diacaie HEAL. HO LAMEAKSS IT WILL MITever you to bring so as our Trade i a. above, "Cream"who held a warrant for his arrest ujion the a shred of mutton into this post again I'll way suScr.

JJjKing 1'owiier, "Ilanil and Cbmucopia."CUKh ; O





FLICTS ONE OF TlIESi: Js t'i'T IX JlVKllY StOX.etiarge ot adultery. U course he was in-nocent

dam me; sir, I'll disembowel you I' Buy the Caking Powder only in earn securely BODY OF A HOUSE OR OTHER DOMES-TIC BOOKS for the MILLION. Theea Nolls ar mavdo from tho bet Korcoy Irnc.and wo rqnsttliat nil

of anything of the kind, he paid, AfcCALUN. Radway's Readv Relief labelled. Many have boon deceived in loose TO ITSA.M1IIL,




Imperfect ansa Jjo returned tt tits iiart'oa sollins them, or to ourselrni.and wanted to know by what authority the r bulk Povrdef cold a Dr. Price'. 25c SOc.. or SI. OO. MAS OFTKN MARRIAGE A Phyalological View aad exchanged for Kood oaes, ct car expensoarrest had been made. The caue is, as JIanufacturcil onlv br SAVED THE LIFE OF A HOIAN IlEINfJ, or alarrtae bim! THE UENfKAL PARK TEST. EOcsTOX, June, 1SC9. QI.OBE NAIIs CO.ALL S0STS. CmiiKllvr lur the mamntAND KESTOItI TO LIFEproved,about as follows : When sti:klg & PRICE, AND USE-

FULNESS aTTTTjT:. stmI tuoM enntemplatinf dAwINSTANT EASE. MANY A VALUABLE HOUSE. .VV . b.,. . w niama;e.ontheabu.and NEW TOi:H, May ISth, IsTfi JaaX

WILL fiFFORD Cii'aijo, .S.'. Aoiih and Cinci-iiuit-

THE ELDER XRS. SCIICIZ uime s, Mem, iu tae lar..c uio.rne. Intlie .cletiee ot re.pnNluf1ion. theUuEieiaiMtditiiiial firmlioitS WAKEFIELD EARTH CLOSET CO..Ktery hottl and hoarding hou-- c at (iTo-xC-- c A tMk for pritaje ieruiat. which .Hiiuld tdiscovered the aWnro of her family Innammation ot the Kidneys, Intlauimalinof the rpiunucriurK aiul Lrr raiu Inezes aua man ecfratuifii. 3t Dry street, N. Y. KOETEWSSTEEiv"uipe --May is ojten. sent under si airrr' etfitmi their home in she ofBerlin, cours bladder, lLUsinmatio ttilie u,ieis aiiimB, A UAd if ul Ouldftun al nftrieTTrlnarvanfi GrviLIHEN.

was nearly frantic, and at once began The Summer icsort journals are Iiegin- - ' onrttion of the Lurgs, eore Thioa, Uif-tic- DB. JAMffi OcneratlTe Organs, arruratrly detvntHiiz all ot a 1W lyu- - Wakefield Closet have lecn inning to exist nrituipg, I I Co private nature ami hoir they luay If ptdJy and nse Four nk, in i, nlrai I'att They havenjarch for but for of again.them; a period two nentlr er-d- IM pa? and numcmui illuctratsonawntunlUert. Hj"UrlM, roup, Iiiph-th- er "THEViBElTOR" guen entire Htlttlaetioii U'e have HORSE CO.da?rralfr ceiael iieins; NAILZ rta. Medical Advie.on Seminal Weak-nea- a,vears her efforts were unavailing. She wrote French oyster plantations hae proted a, Caia- - li, Inlluenri, li--" i.s. 1Z Lack Hospital, Nervoua Debility arKlExtiauitron.IottEner-C7- . t Wa'er C n u, which wn oMtaminainv IAf

letters to all parts of the world, employed very successful. Headache, Toothache, neu-ral.

yn - sv it, impotene, &.c, a d ituptuct ia a.a.ri war bfeiurlakispkilled detectives, but yet no tidings. 1 Grand concerts at Foil Adam, New-


fa.(l:h:uuiitisui,hill., AgUJ

1CC0 SOLD LAST SEASO:? ir$ Washingtui uvelope.All tiia


onI)iaKaerereipt of


trefcted pervnnany orI LIUjMUCK Wl!. eipt. D. V. P. ESTABLISHED IH 1S32.nally, .about the time she had given all wnnonr ose failcke ok Eorciio:i )t an i Franklin, by Irttrr. Addre. Dr. Uutf DiiEeanmarr, No, laup commence this week. Chills. tf , 8t h U St. Isouis, 2Io. GRAND EXPOSITIONhope, she received a letter in reply to one The JatZ Theapp'icationof'heKesdy Il!ef to the part This is the famous Thn-.ii!ti-;r inaditnn tliat hat 3-S- rjj.. Chloaco. 111.

mfrnlct-dtfcvl!i- 7HOTEL.

Birdhe liml written to a Judge Morris, at Ga-


is a paper issued from or i arts wbete thefaiu or difficulty exists willaf-or-d swe t tLn field'' and created ttuh a revoluthiu In ties IT mW

VT,--hUteoilv.111 reft

linaisfouf ill 1MME1D Al MSiD BOM NAILS. 1the Colorado Penitentiary weekly. i a e and comfort. trade. by iUxatciile&j Ceaisivixu arn Tixrdie l PHILADELPHIA, May ltf, li C.that he written her thehaving111., story Twenty dro in halt a t"iahtrol water will, in "so priaciplra. E8S3& exrress pur-poseto Gcoige O. Sharpe, K-q.- , of Kickapoo, Mustang horses are selling at from SIS a lew xntnute, cure Craoipe, Bpratus, &our of giving im-mediate We offer or Flmltihed Xail to the trade with theto $20 each at auction in San Saba H omarh. Heartburn, Met H.aJach , ilanh-a- . rel cf iu Wakefield Earth Closet Co.,had dicovered the wheieabouts of her county, tHf.lSSHEPcs:;VIBRATOR: &K ail eoBfldenre that It haM no eqaal In the market. It I theDysentery, CLo.ic, n lad in the tuwds, and all ca e of p 1 fctitjTexas. u C!irt Strut, ftrser of Smorecreant husband. She set out im-

mediately,Internal (tains. 'il.rr: chronic and Cteo I1L 31 Dey Street, N. Y. sreaniBe 5iorthvreftell", .Vail, jVlniKhetl, and we give it oar

and reached Galena about A machine has been invented for mak-ing

Traveler, should always carry a battle of BAD-wA- Uiinary ilisiases. Is still treatinj all Private. .'mm GENTt-xucf- . Ice tiny tardnet CIo.eLs that nnqauUlBed etsstranty.hELIKK iih thru. A lew Z'Jr2iZa in all their com Chronic.and special diseases. Sperms you ent 114 cjv srcncral sat sfaci on tn oura month ago, and after remaining seamless piper boxes. It rolls them dr(.,fin water will prevent s cancsa or ialns friirn lull ateii forms It is well known that Dr James r" ij' !mPtency (sexual incapaciry). cuists ne win send ynu an or er.hortly for Office and Factory, 56 to 68 Tan Bureu st., Ghlcago.

awhile with Judge Morris, with whom she from tie pulp. tharge of water. lnsleter than Fiench Brandy h.s stood at th bead of the orofess on for 30 vm.iw uik.,0 ami ainiculllcS, CIC as nu y mere 31 It I KY, Managerhail she this Bitlers a suiiiu'atit. vear- - Aee and experience are all-i- rlani. personallv or by let. forfurtmrTcstimn-iaisan- d D rrinlivesome acquaintance, came to or as"I heard her it with A. V. KINGSLAND,say my own Sltnlnal 1Vesikneaa,nltht loss-- s by dreams terfree. Green book, illustrated. 50 crs send to WAKEFIELD EARTH CLOSET CO., with letters of introduction to Mr. mouth," is the way a Syracue woman told I Imple rn the lac. lo--1 manhi.O'l, can I ooltiv-el- y Dr. Kean I Ke only physician m iht 31 Dey S'., N Y., r,S0 WanutSt., ThiUdaSharpe, who brought her to this city last it in a Justice s office. br cured Ladies wanting; the mostil-licat- e ji no warrants cures or m pay. JuniS eodAWThun-da- and introduced her to at'enlicn, pall or u rite. Flrasant home forCounty An English company has bought the A boot Lv the million ilarriaic F. BICUABD3. JOH3I COX O VIAttorney Goddard, who having through an lioncon iron works, near Ticonderoga, X. FEVER AND AGUE. bnnle, which tells you all about these ni.ea'es ONLY FOR MOTH PATCHESinterpreter heard her statement, drew tin a who should marry vrhv not 10 cents to t ay JOHN CRETORS,complaint, which a warrant for the

Y., and will set them at work again manu-facturing

postage. Dr. James has 30 rooms and parlor. FRECKLES. J. F. RICHARDS A CO..upon iron and sleek You t no cne but the doctor. Office hours, 8 And Tan. Use Perry's ATTliEarrest of Schulz was issued. She says she A. M. to 7 P. M Sundays, 10 to Ii All bus! Moth and Freck e Ljtioodoes not want anything to do with her hus-band,

Sergeant Botes now contemplates a wa-ter

nets strictly confidential. mayG ilAw-l- lt ItisrelUbla.and that the voyage of 10,000 miles long. If he will Fever and Ague cured lor nlty cents. Than Is THE EXOEMOL'S WAST ACE of urriaUa Pim.les on Ihe Fiee, Buckeye Carriage Works HARDW'RE & CUTLERYmake the first mile of itLAV CAN HAVE HIM,

under water, he cot a remedial agent In the world that will cure vUio&ir tfjUi of,cai, f- -. gWEH iy this B ackhrads or Fleih- -can draw on Detroit for S500. DttroilFru lever ana ague, ana all otner malarious, duious. Improved ilichia- -, trfldrn!, pn rrrrj jii, to runt lia: Electricity is Life. worrns. Askyourdinggists Manufactures all kinds of

but she would follow him to the end of the JWss. scarlet, typhoid, yellow and other tevern (aided rxrjr cl! erpt&art of thrchlng, urrerrys i.einiane ar.dworld before she will let him escape with A much

byaUdway's Fills) so quickEortle.

ca Badway Besaty FLAi, TIHOTirr, MILLET, HUNG AT! IAN" and Hmne Kemedv. ihe In CARRIAGES Fence Rubber It Leatheryoung Lothario, given to Belief. ilr ecntaper like seeds are threshed, separated, cleaned and sartd fallible Skin Mtdielne. or Wire, Belting.l:cr children. moonlight strolls, expresses the opinion told by Drccglsls. as easily and perfectly as Wheat, Data, Bye or Barley. PtWaHV con.ult Dr B. ;. PtBttY.the rmsoNER that "to flirt" may be parsed as a "fine AN EXTEA ruiCE U nnully paid lor grain and Electricity is Health. Bold treet, Hew York

ths noted SkintuneieodAw

ocior, 49 Buggies, Flimetons, Agency for Belmont Wheeling Sails, Maeneele fcnight verb." X. Y. CortuAdc. seeds rleanol by this machine, for eatra cleaclicnra.

last before Justice Vrban'a Fire-Pro- of Safea, Bmdkeja Keaaer andwas arraigned Monday IN '.HE WET GRAIN of 18T3, these were mUUs-tiall- y

Farrell but was granted a continuance on Madam D'Atalie, the strong woman iUr. JKsdway'M the OXLT MACHINES that could rnn with profit prise Wagons Mower, and T.aflin fc Rand Powder Oa.the ground that he wanted time to gather who exhibited in Barnum's Hippodrome or economy, doing bat, thorough and perfect woik. AGENTS! A $5 ARTICLE.evidence from Germany to prove the wo-m- last year, has beea married to Nat. Austin, wlm U&crs ahcrly aAd, Paok's Electro-Volta- ic Chain Belt. hPTfril art wintaj in bar. iau Plal form Wagons, ko. WC HAVK THE BBTZ ABfiKOUin OF

a fraud. He was placed under a the clown. Both are in California with a ALL GBAIX. TIME and U0NET wasting convoca-tions,

A purchtss leads to a dislre for our PRICB LIST:bond of 5500 and was permitted to go circus. "Pickers,"

such asetc,

'ijndlessare nVij



"Beatcre,"tm Una flviaLLB jj

All1 or no

ef Greatsince.

Kx. Top Prsclons FAIHBANK'S SCALES IN THE WES Thome, but yesterday his bondsmen becom-ing

The German Protestant minister, who REGULATINQ one-ha- the mail Gears. Ik lb. Boxes, and Jocruls; M IVE8 a continnons current or ele:tricily Utility. Fine Top Uagglc- l-PILLS, easier managed: mora durable; light rsnning; no cost-ly JT wl hont shoe PHYSICIANS PRtSCRIBc 1HEM.Jarful that ha was guilty of worse resides ks, perm ales and vitalizes the naiiorm ts aaoni -at Jerusalem, was lately attacked repairs; no dust; no"htterlngs" todreu en: not entire eysum, increases the circulation, aids Oromititioritnarkaar rt Pnll fn. Spring Wtgoat All Warehouse, Usy aad Block rcatea Isold hy as will be set op without any extra charge.crimes than that charged in the warrant, by a band of fanatic Mussulmans, and was troubled ty adverse winds, rain or storms. digestion, reanlates the secretions, tones forxnauoDnpand iiaviog learned thatShulz had threat only tuved by the interference of the FARMERS aad CB-M- BAISEES who are rotfal the nepoos centres and cures chronlo and

oa r ceipttf stamp. The beststock, te best styles, the lowest pri-cesened to kill the whole family and then

jo-Iic- the large saving made by it will not cmiloy Infe-rior

U other remedies have 'WAKEFIELD EARIH CLOSET CO., Iiepalnnr cf all kinds at I .west rales. 0r Stock of Ir u4commit and wasteful mvtdnea, bet 1 ca this failed. It ia endorsed by the most eminent phy-sicians hne3el4w Jg Day St., Naw York. 417 lo 423 Cherokee St, between 4th and 5th. jh Steel, Bel'owK, AbtIIs, Vices, Jtc la Complete.

The la'd delay. A care was recently tmprovwl Tiresber doing their work. in Euiopeand Amerirm. Send for tun-l- b rr.ay37-dwl!- 8The attsstloa of sserchaata is called to our stock and prices. OHDERS PRCMrTLY FIU.EDL

SCTCIDE, decided in England, which first commenced perfectly; taitcliar, digaxily ceaUd with twaet FOUB SCTX3 ssads for 6. 8, 10 and L2 Horse ets and Tistimonials Addre sexpressed themselves unwilling to be re- - in the year 1S42. The amount originally stntigiben.

gum, puige,tadway's


purify,'for the



made cxrarstxcAlso a specialty

ton trxaajof BiraaanES,

rowis.designed PAOLIB

1. . Box.LT


Say12 Union

what paper.Sqnjrc, X. Y. A. J. THOMPSON & CO. Ie'awars Street aad IOC and 108 W.Sth Street, Ml Delaware, CornerThlrd Street.

sponsible lor mm any lurtncr. A iace in dispute was 400,000. Nothing was lefL distraeiaotlbe&toiusch. Liver, Boe!a, Jdnea, TWO STTLES OF BOBSE POWEBS, riu car BewareTo th tlatlHom

ofPuUtt: PEAB0DY HOUSE. cZ7-d- Ksuiaaa Cltr. Mo. I LMVsmwsxrtm. Kamsaa--

warrant was sworn out at the instigation f Blaadtr, e'Vous tisiasis. Headache, Ccnsli-tio- n, "Triple Osar,"ad cnnlc feit. Quackery and Im--Albert EmitK's literary signature, "A. Indigestion, Dysrvpsia. Bu-

llboth "

oor-Sp- or feced" (Wood-tnr- y jhe Paoli .Electro-Volta- ic Chain Belt apENEUAL COMMISSION' MEBCHAJiTSAirs. Schulz, yesterday, and an officer was S ," was once shown to Douglass Jerrold, at uantaM, hUiious ever li flan.maUon of tha

Style), Mounted anrr srt. Is the only genuine patented belt in the United 'T lor 'lie purchase and rale of Orain, Seeds,dispatched to arrest him, but at a late hour which the wit remarked, "Ah, that' a fel-

lowBowels. a.d all Mrangeotents ol the latw IP INTERESTED fj, Threshing or Grain Baising. States a d lanads and we warn the incredu-

lousHides, Green and Drie.1 Fruits, Butter, Knrs, Corner of Locnt aor) NisUi Streets.

last night he had not been secured. salvia, eta. narraniea to esect apotltlve tpplT to oor nearest Dealer, or write toes fornir-ra-t- ed 10 beware cf counterfeits, as some unprin-cipled Aj.,ic. rartleular attention given to Wool. 3who never telU more than two-thir- no areolar ( free , gtitga? fall fantkslari of SUex. parties in this and other cities ar: using;If the statement of the young girl who of the truth." ais.

rureiyor ae

egeurie,eiuuas arves.

coniamirg mercury. styles, Prieea, Terma, etc our name and trade mark lor lha purpose of de-ception 193 Sooth water Street, - CHICAGO. PHILADELPHF A, PA.has been living with him airce he has been aaarxibstrre he fouowleg symptoms resultlag NichtU, Skepard & and to fait t npon the pubil: a, wortbltu

here, to the effect that they married Saith the muse of the New York Eien-ing fn m the Diruuve Organs Co., article. to all p'aces ot amasement Mutual Lifewere .Assurancetlieir arrival Joiir Constipation, Inward Mies, rullnasa of Das JUTZU CHEEK. 1UC N B. AH co'smunlctions relating to the belt lUrinKxca" f Mornhv. Ceshier First CONESItKT in tre ci'y No changes to Societyujon at Kansas City, is true, Truth H.ed tn the Head, Acidity cf the tftomach, la ahonld be addressed enly to tae office nt the M.ti nal Ilaok, '.Vrxrl.t ct. 111 : tierman Na and frura the Centennial grounds.the more serious charge of And

crashed to the earth shall rise again, aus-- a, tfeanbum. Disgust ot Food, Fudneas of Paoli Belt Co., It Union Square, New York. tional Daak. Uiicasi', lit.; Hill, Fatter-e- n & Col Watson, propneior of the llrxirr Hor'i,waste Its sweetness oa 1 be desert air. Union L. O. KnifeC).. Stock Yard", Ca'cago:JuneG-dA-EIGAJIY In thunder, lightning, or In rain Weight in the touuuu, eour Eruptioos, einkipg Cincinnati for tne past twenty years, and pres-

entNone but the brave dcserTe the;

fair. or Mattering! In tlie.iitof tlie btcmaeh, THE fen, Slilirautee: Iniostrial Age, Chicago. proprietor, has leased the house for a tens Or THE UKIT3Ea titad, Homed and DltBcult Breath-ing,

maii;-eodAn-G- of years, and has nevly fnrnlsbtd and fitted it.will brought against Uie prisoner and The unhanpievt woman in Washing-ton,

Flutteilcgs at the Eeart, Choking OTEBilocat-in- s: farmteaottr. lie will keep a strictly first-cla- ss

his chances for a term in the State The Truss Co. bouse, and has accommodation foe n mtiprison just now, is one who appeared in com-pany

SensatioB wbea la a Lying Fcsturc, Dimness SHAPLEY TrimnpJi IS FROMare more than good. in calico ot Vialoa, DoU of Webs before the sight. Fever OUR MATERIAL Terms only j day. Prinoipal OfEloe, LaveiiwortIj, Kansaswho isa drtfs, expecting to hear and Dull Pain in ths Ileal. DencteDcy of Perspira- oar naa erer wen kepi in the IlixarMrs. Schulr, at present stopping everybody praise her economy. All rhe Yellowness of the Skin and ftvaa. Pains in Hocsi. nor will any be kept at the PnanoDT.

at the residence of Mrs Olivia Fields, Xo. did hear was: "Good gracious ! what's the aide. Cheat. Luabs, aad sadoUa Flnahes of PORTABLE Ao. 131 Eovery, W. Y. to hom naa j-- -i mo020 Seneca street, is evidently a woman well nnsband been ? ' Heat, Burning In the Flesh. RnwZj was awarded the Premium Kedal osxeme

in heryour doing A few doses of HA.DWaY'8 PILLS will free the for the .best ..educated own language, and in her ENGINE!

general appearance, is refined and lady-like.

The new Society for the Prevention ofsystem25 cent

frostper box.

all thecoldabove

bynameddrug lata.

disorders. Price TYPE FOUNDRY, FINANCIAL. H.D.MACKA1, EL HENSLEY, UKO. iu JIOOBfeShe has the sympathy of all who Cruelty toCnildren has established active TheBast and Cheapest tisTiisj&SDprter, PrsaldaoL VlovPnw't. Hscratary.

lave heard the story of her troubles, which branches in most of the large cities of the .KiHis' Touched for by volumninous documents United States. In Oakland, Cal., a ldToralla Reliable

rnrpos-- s


Is At ths firni Jtsxrieaa iRttrona Fai Sasuca. 187S. No. ail Hortli Jld Street, Tke Wall Street Indicator. .'lirought from Germany, and now in the child ued in circus feats has been HEAD 'FALSE AM) req re.L Eefer. ypossession of the Ilegister of Deeds. rescued, and another in Washington. TRUE."

f Kmission,Mkit nBee.

tovrhcraTHE Cktc Ruatere ia tnm 30 t 90 Kays. SAIXT I.OI7IS, - 3IISSOIKI. THIS WJCKKV ISSUE 8EXT FBEZ. OlrootoraiHer daughter, who is now about eighteen In England a railroad is not permitted ' k'T have bad one running; tneir presses since 000 for a ease they cannot cue. Cootalas Pictorial IUoatratlons of Bulls nd Eearr.

3W. B. HIHKrL Banker. D. MACKAT. FreaidCBi,AVDoSerll rHUH. Contractor. IB. BCE.VL3,MOBOJJt, Insaraneawyears of age, is a very good-looki- young to cross a thoroughfare on a leVel.'except by X vasnber, lKt. Seed for desert pane circabu "!. flist-ela- Also, fall and compi m instructions how to ope-

rate J. C DOTJOLASe), A.Attorney.sad OaBOsUf, Ootct aTaa8UU .1pnos lists. K. W. WILDsC, Ap-nt- , Cure. Qosfantessl. norwoman, and is the mother of two children a special permit by Parliament, and then a a; -- 440arUandt street. Heir Tort siliaaani bsJmw v The, ..oai la mocks aad Stock FriTiieges. Capital hits D. W. HOUSTOrt. I S. HXSSLEY, FrsVt Lsae. baTiafs fiaak.

ivnce she has lived with Schulz. She was gatekeeper; mtal always be on duty. Gen-erally

Send oaa letter-elaa- ap to BADW AT A CO., ASMSlt far Hall 'a Brick Marhirea. LeonarJa aad sosnsttcau. Alio, a list of Valuable Preml- - eKX A. XOOstZ, Sscntary. III. W. EAVES, asiakar.TRADE Ibroughoat Kansas receive oats to -- Heoa sorcan it."with her MMiktr ywaterday, at Mrs. Field's it ia cheaper to build a bridge than thsoasadsa hhibiwill bti

,ssat too..

.wa ssilias BBBIIIIB1 iWtsfUls.STaVsisuas

SawlUUa,Soilen. etn.

Psartable aad Station. rfUIEJL material from theaa JO per ctn'. rheaper KCKtins,

WALTKB CO.. Baaksn aad Broksn all thai atMseaaa, lacladlag aUl9TKXXD AMD TOKTLUK DITIDtHO;residence, whM Th Taos reporter visited to pay ateady wages. aprM-fa--th sat syA-w-l- y jusauicsjsr -a- BMeS2iJLt than any asJaerFocalrr. Send for price lut, F.U. BsrxU17. 10 "Wall SC, Vw Tort CUT

ApsalTwasBw. asiisni, ssaasslt Attssis wanted laautas wesiera, J &'

-j- tt-"-

hfc ' ra . .fe, '&$& ""'if-v-y- r" t "r O r Jt - -I
