Page 1: What you need to know about advantages of homeschooling

The Homeschooler's Perfect-Fit College: True Love!

Finding the perfect college for your high school student--where both the parent and the child love the college--can be a lot like finding true love: the perfect college is the one where they love you and you love them, a match made in heaven. Of course, it takes a lot of work to find that perfect match--true love takes time--so there are a few important ways to begin the process. Read the complete article below to know how to search for better homeschooling in California and other states.

The first thing that you need to do is to go to a college fair. There are two main websites to look at, the National College Fair website at, which is absolutely huge, and the National Christian College Fair at, which is specific to Christian homeschooling colleges and a little bit smaller. If you’ve never been to a college fair before, that’s a nice place to start because it’s a little bit less overwhelming. There are also smaller, local college fairs, which you can find with a simple Google search, including homeschool college fairs.

Another way to find colleges is through your student’s testing experiences. When they take the homeschool testing such as PSAT or the SAT or ACT, it includes a college search function, so when they fill out the information and release their test scores to others, colleges can find information about them. That’s actually pretty important as homeschoolers, because our kids don’t go to public or private schools, so their names may not be in the databases for colleges. Although we’re a pretty private group by nature, at a certain point, you want colleges to find you and your children so that they can encourage you to apply. I really do recommend that you release that information, because it can bring up some colleges that you have never even considered or that you never knew existed. There are a lot of colleges in the world, and how are you going to know which ones are out there unless they contact you somehow?

Another way to find a college to visit is through online searches. You can just do a Google search for colleges online, but I prefer the College Board website, at You can also read from books that will help you search for colleges, like the US News & World Report Magazine, which will have some information about different colleges and how they’re ranked.

There are thousands of colleges and universities out there, so start early to weed out the ones that don’t appeal to you, and put together a list of 15 or 20 that are good possibilities. Once you have a list of possibilities, you can start the serious work of narrowing your list down to a few that you will actually visit. Remember, true love is waiting just around the corner, but you must prepare well!!

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