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�UNIFEM’s work IN sUpport oF GENdEr rEspoNsIvE BUdGEtING

Table of conTenTs

overview ..............................................................................................2

national level Gender Response budgeting........................................3.

local level Gender Response budgeting ............................................4

Global advocacy ...................................................................................5

case studies .......................................................................................7

. Latin.America.................................................................................... .8

. Morocco.......................................................................................... 10

. Philippines...................................................................................... 12

. India............................................................................................... 14

. Mozambique.................................................................................... 15

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� UNIFEM’s work IN sUpport oF GENdEr rEspoNsIvE BUdGEtING

oveRviewFor.the.past.8.years,,.capacity.and. commitment. to. incorporate. Gender. into. budgetary. processes.’‘ Government. Budgets’,.launched. in. 2001,. provided. technical. support. to.gender.budgets. initiatives. in.Latin.America,.Africa,.and.Asia-Pacific..

The. first. four. years. of. the. programme. focused. on. making. gender.budgeting. tools. and. methodologies. available;. increasing. stakeholders’;.improving.budgeting. and. planning. processes. to. enhance. gender. equality;. and.increasing. resource. allocations. to. support. implementation. of. gender.equality.plans.and.policies..

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naTional level GendeR Responsive budGeTinG

The.second.phase.of.the.program,, reflect. in.poor.women’s.priorities.. Initiatives. are. currently. underway. in. Morocco,. Senegal,.Mozambique.and.Ecuador.. In.these.four.countries,. make. concrete. changes. for. resource. allocations. towards. women’s.priorities..The.identified.outcomes.of.the.program.include:.

. •..National.budget.processes.and.policies. in.four.countries.reflect.gender.equality.principles.

. •

The. strategies. adopted. by. the. program. focus. on. positioning. GRB.initiatives. within. the. framework. of. mainstream. fiscal. policy. as. well. as.national.planning,.programming,.budgeting.and.monitoring.processes..In.Mozambique.and.Senegal, Strategy. Paper. (PRSP). formulation. and. review. processes...The. program. builds. capacity. of. key. national. actors. to. engage. in.’, design. budget. monitoring. systems. and. support. the. participation.of. civil. society. groups. dedicated. to. social. and. gender. justice. in..budget.processes.

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� UNIFEM’s work IN sUpport oF GENdEr rEspoNsIvE BUdGEtING

local level GendeR Responsive budGeTinG’’ and. can. respond. by. ensuring. that. resource. collection.

UNIFEM’s.Local.Level.Gender.Responsive.Budgets.program.(LLGRB),.funded. by. the. European. Commission. (2003-2006),. provided. local. initiatives. in. India,.Morocco,.Uganda.and. the.Philippines..The.project.focused.on.strengthening.women’ supporting. their. effective. participation. in. budget. processes.. The.project.also.built.awareness.of.gender.budget.analysis,.and.advocated.for.adequate.allocations.for.local.women’s.priorities..

Other. leading. experiences. of. local. level. gender. responsive.–,.Ecuador,.Bolivia,.Mexico,.Argentina.and.Brazil.

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Global advocacy application. of. GRB.. In. 2001,. UNIFEM. organized. an. implementing.gender-responsive.budget. initiatives. in. all. organized. in. collaboration. with. the. Government. of. Belgium. as.President. of. the. European. Union,. the. Organization. for. Economic..Co-operation. and. Development. (OECD). and. the. Nordic. Council..Since. then,. the. Commonwealth. Finance. Ministers. in. 2002. and. and. to. establishing. institutional. mechanisms. within.,.the.2004..Inter-Governmental. Authority. on. Development. (IGAD). meeting. of.senior.East.African.government.officials.called. for.policies. that.ensure..that. gender. aspects. are. considered. when. making. budgets. and..allocating.resources.. In.2005,. the.EC/UNIFEM.conference.“Owning.Development:. Promoting. Gender. Equality. in. New. Aid. Modalities. and.Partnerships”. was. amongst. the. first. multi-stakeholder. gatherings. the. issue.of.gender.equality. in.,,.including.the.joint.meeting.of.the.OECD-DAC.Gender.Network.and.the.UN.Inter-agency.Network.on.Gender.Equality.(Nairobi,.2006).and.the.OECD.workshop.on.“Development.Effectiveness. In.Practice:.Applying.The. Paris. Declaration. To. Advancing. Gender. Equality,. Environmental.Sustainability.And.Human.Rights”.(Dublin,.April.2007)..

UNIFEM’,.Belgium,.Canada,. the.European.Commission,.Italy,.and.the.UK,.and.partner.UN.organizations..

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�UNIFEM’s work IN sUpport oF GENdEr rEspoNsIvE BUdGEtING

case sTudies compiled by debbie budlender based on presentation by

implementing partners during unifeM/unfpa GRb workshops in cape Town and bangkok, april and June �006

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� UNIFEM’s work IN sUpport oF GENdEr rEspoNsIvE BUdGEtING

laTin aMeRica

Latin.America’, emphasis. on. women’s. participation. in. decision-making-building.on. the. ‘mainstream’. participatory. budget. initiatives. that. already. the. region–also. distinguish. Latin. American. initiatives. from. those. in..other.regions..,.so.that.different.countries. in. the. region. can. learn. from. each. other.. At. the. local. governments. (both. officials. and. elected. representatives),. NGOs.and.women’s.organizations,, the.United.Nations.Population.Fund. (UNFPA),.United.Nations.Development.Program.(UNDP).and.United.Nations.Volunteers.(UNV).

In Ecuador,. the. municipality. of. Cuenca. worked. with. women’s.organizations. to. draw. up. an. Equal. Opportunities. Plan,. which. is. now.being. implemented. by. the. Department. of. Social. and. Gender. Equity..In.parallel,. the.municipality. rural. areas,. which. provided. opportunities. for. women. to. organize.themselves.and.participate.

In Bolivia,.the.1994.Law.of.Popular.Participation.established.participatory.development.of. de. Formación. Femenina. Integral. (IFFI). of. Cochabamba. has.mobilized.and.trained.members.of. local.women’’s.advocacy.campaign,, resources. to. programs. that. promote. gender. equality.’s.victims.of.violence.

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In Brazil,. the. Municipality. of. Recife. created. the. post. of. women’s.coordinator. in. 2001,. to. assist. with. addressing. women’s. demands. for.gender. mainstreaming. and. to. promote. the. participation. of. women.,.women’s.poverty,.participation,.racial.inequality,

In Argentina,.the.women’’

In,.a.federation.of.grassroots.women’s. organizations. provides. volunteer. services. to. the. community.through. programmes. such. as. the. “Glass. of. Milk”. and. the. “Popular.Dinning-Rooms”.. The. participatory. budget. process,. launched. in.2000,.has.provided.opportunities. public. services. and. better. conditions. in. which. to. carry. out.

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MoRocco’ supporting. GRB. work. over. the. period. 2005-2008.. Morocco. by. the. Moroccan. government. in. advancing. women’s.rights. and. also. because. of. the. good. opportunities. for. government. reforms,. including. devolution. to. local. government,..results-oriented. management. and. budgeting,. and. reforms. of.,.education,.housing.and.justice..These.reforms.provide.entry.points.for.GRB.

GRB. work. started. in. Morocco. in. 2002. with. a. study. assessing. the.possibilities. for. a. GRB. initiative.. The. assessment. report. stressed. the.importance. of. working. with. and. building. on. other. reform. processes,.rather. separate. initiative.. The. report.,

The. GRB. initiative. has. engaged. in. capacity. building. and. training.activities.on.gender.analysis.and.GRB.for.senior.planners.and.budget.professionals. from. the. Ministry. of. Finance. and. line. ministries.. It.,.and. a. handbook. on. GRB. for. parliamentarians. and. non-governmental.organizations.(NGOs)..The.initiative.has.also.supported.the.development.of. gender-sensitive. indicators. as. part. of. the. performance-oriented.budget.reform..In.2005,.workshops.were.conducted.with.the.Ministries.of.Health,.Education,

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The. initiative. is. led. by. the. Ministry. of. Finance,. involving. the. Budget.Directorate,.the.Directorate.for.Studies.and.Financial.Forecasts,.and.the.Directorate.for.General.and.Administrative.Affairs.

The.production.of.the.first.Gender.Report,,,.which.accompanied.the.presentation.of.the.Bill.of.Finance.(the.Budget.Law) budget. documents. by. involving. a. greater. number. of. Ministries. in.its.production, focused.on.sectors.most. important. in.achieving. the.Millennium.Development. Goals.. In. 2007,. nineteen. ministries. and.,.Health,.Education,.Agriculture,.Justice,.Employment,.Family. Affairs,. Housing,. Energy,. Water,. Infrastructure. and. Transport,.Habitat.and.Urbanism,.High.Commissioner.for.Planning,.Foreign.Affairs,.Modernization.of. the.Public.Sectors,.Vocational.Training,.Literacy.and.Non.Formal.Education,.Handicraft.and.Social.Economy,,.and.the.Ministry.of.the.Interior..

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Over. the. period. 2004-2005,. UNIFEM. supported. the. Women’s. Action.Network. for. Development. (WAND),. a. well-known. women’s. coalition,.to. implement. local. level. GRB. projects. in. two. local. government. units..(or. LGUs,. the. term. used. for. local. government. in. Philippines).. longer.history. in.Philippines. than. in.most.other. agencies. must. be. allocated. for. gender. and. development.. This.GAD.budget.policy.was. later. extended. government,..including.LGUs.

After.some.years,.both.the.National.Commission.on.the.Role.of.Filipino.Women.(NCFRW)–the.Philippines’ in. gender. being. regarded. as. a. separate,. marginal. issue,. rather.than.being.incorporated.into.mainstream.budgeting..NCFRW.therefore.began. asking. gender-related. questions. about. the. remaining. 95%..of.the.budget.

WAND. hoped. that. the. GRB. project. would. increase. civil. society.participation. in.budget-making,, measuring. the. gender. performance. of. sectoral. programmes. took.advantage.of. the.Government’s.shift. it.easier.


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seminars. and. workshops.. Topics. covered. gender. sensitivity,. strategic.assessment.and.planning,.gender-responsive.budgeting,.monitoring.and.evaluation,.resource.mobilization,.public.participation,.and.advocacy.

The. concrete. outputs. of. the. project. include. gender. profiles. of. and. agriculture. sectors. of. the. two. sites. and. sectoral. GAD.plans. to. be. incorporated. into. the. existing. multi-year. plans. of. local.government..In.addition,.the.2006.budgets.of.the.two.LGUs.were.more..gender-responsive.and. results-based. than.previously.. For. example,. in.Sorsogon. City. the. health. budget. increased. from. 25. million. pesos.,.family.planning,,,’,

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GRb woRk in the.size.of.and.diversity.within. It.,,.state.(provincial).and.local.level.

GRB. the.Government.of. India.began.when. the.Ninth.Five.Year.Plan.of.1997-2002.introduced.the.“Women.Component.Plan”..This.plan.required.all.central.and.state.plan.(i.e..non-recurrent),.in.fact,,

The.Tenth.Five-Year.Plan.of.2002-2007.again.reinforced.that.central.and.state. budgets. must. have. a. Women. Component. Plan.. In. addition,. the.Tenth. Plan. also. introduced. a. broader. notion. of. GRB. and. “ gender. budgeting. to. establish. its. gender. differential. impacts. translate. gender. commitments. into. budgetary. commitments”..Government. and. UNIFEM. commissioned. the. National. Institute.of. Public. Finance. and. Policy. (NIPFP),. an. economic. think-tank.respected. and. used. by. government,. to. analyse. the. Union. (central).Budgets. of. 2001-02,. 2002-03,. 2003-04,. 2004-05. and. 2006-07. from.a. gender. perspective.. The. National. Institute. of. Public. Cooperation.and. Child. Development. (NIPCCD). was. meanwhile. 2002. by. the. Department. of. Women. and. Child. Development,..– India’s.national.gender.machinery–to.analyse.the.budgets.of.22.states.from.a.gender.perspective.


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in �00� The finance MinisTRy. established. an. expert. group,.which. it. tasked. with. to. make. recommendations. on. GRB.. The. recommended. that. an. inter-departmental. committee. on., in.all.departments,,.and. that. a. new. expenditure. category. be. established. in. the. budget..The. recommendation. about. a. new. expenditure. category. was. made.because.India.was.using.line-item.budgeting, recommended.that.departments.monitor.outputs.and.outcomes,, the.states–Karnataka,.West.Bengal,.Kerala,.Himachal.Pradesh,’s.Component.Plan.

For. the. 2005-06. Union. Budget,. the. Finance. Ministry. introduced. a.gender.budget.statement.that.identified.“demands.for.grants”.(proposed.allocations) the. 2006-2007. Union. Budget,. the. gender. budget. statement. was.expanded. to. 24. demands. for. grants. of. 18. ministries.. Each. ministry.identified. two. categories. of. allocations.. The. first. category. concerned.allocations. that. targeted. 100%. women. or. girls.. The. second. category.concerned. allocations. where. at. least. 30%. of. the. allocations.,.51.ministries.have.set.up.gender.budget.cells.and.twenty-seven.ministries.present.annual.reports.and.performance.budgets.highlighting.budgetary.allocations.for.women.


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in MoZaMbiQue. the. GRB. initiative. started. out. as. a. partnership.between.Forum.Mulher. (a.national.coalition.of.women’s.organisations).and. government,. with. support. from. UNIFEM.. The. Tanzania. Gender.Networking.Programme,. the.NGO. that.has. an. important. focus. of. the. project.. These. key. policy. documents.are.the.Government.Five.Year.Plan.(2005-2009),.the.Poverty.Reduction.Strategy.Paper.(,.which. lays.the.basis. for.sector.policies.and.budgets..A. special. interest. group. has. been. formed,. bringing. together. donors,.government.and.civil.society,. in.the.PARPA.and.national.budget.

The. to. raise.the. issue. of. public. participation–and,. in. particular,. participation. of.women–in. the.development.of.government.policies.. The.participation.of.Forum.Mulher,.the.Mozambican.coalition.of.women’,.HIV/AIDS.and.implementation.of.the.national.gender.policy. and. establishing. entry. points.. For. example,. women’s.organisations,. UNIFEM. and. the. Ministry. of. Women. and. Coordination.of. Social. Action. (the. national. gender. machinery). have. met. with.representatives.of.the.Ministries.of.Planning.and.Development,.Interior, police,. who. should. play. a. key. role. in. combating. gender-based.violence.. The. Ministry. of. Health. was. targeted. because. of. its. role. in.addressing.the.HIV/AIDS.pandemic.


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