


WITH BRUINS All is in Readiness for Visitors' Day. Classes will not be Held this .\fternoon and all will Join in Showing Visitors the Different College Departments. Many Interesting Exhibits Arranged.!

AT COMMENCEMENT. George Tning Christie. Founder and 1 College Track :'.\Jen \\.ill Lea,-e for

:->l')lBER ~l


Second Game with Helena Sectarian School Resu lts in Decisive Victory for M. S. C. . 4 to 1 is Score at End of Ninth Inningi P igg's Pitch ing Baffles Visitors.

I Head of Agricultural Extension )lissoula this Afternoon to Compete

Fmal arrangement~ have been made and all the cngitH.'('ring departments De1>artment of Purdue t:nh·ersity, 1 with State l.JniYersity )1en for By a score of 4-1 :\lontana State S. C.-Alqui::.\t out short to first.

f r the greal;(>st visitor~ day in the will be well represented. Likewise \\-ill Speak at Commencement. State Track Honors. College Defeated Mount St. Charles I Larse 'lUt on foul fly to first. Finley

h. tory of Montana State College, and the vi~itor~ will find the work of all on the college: grounds yesterday out, pit.cher to first.

the program is in the hand:; of the 1thl'J departments well displayed. George Ir\'ing Christie. ~uperinten- .The track team leaves. this week f~r afternoon. The game was one of the Fourth inning- Mt. St. Charlcs-

prmtM"!'. The program as arranged . The elec:tr·fral show i!i one of the I dent o.f ~gTi~ultural extensio~ at Pur- ~~1sso~la where t~ey will e~ter then· 1 tastes: th~~t the coll~ge ha~ pa~tici-1 Marion and Murrny stntc:k out. De­fM' this year is in accordance with ~tatures of the day nnd represents, due l_;m,·cr~1ty 1 Lafayette, Ind., will .irst intersch~last1c rneet. rhe Bob- I pated in t.h1s year. V1ctor Pigg p1tch-1 laney safe on error at shortrtop.

tht· «ollege cus.tom or allowing one tht• F.ll'drical Engineering- Depart- deliver the commencement address j rat~ and~ Bruin~ are about to clash ing for the Varsity allowed the \risit-1 Freeney out on fly to ~H'tond. 1\1. s.

day for the public rnspection of all 1111,;nt. It will contain, besides the here> nt the twC'nty.fourth annual nita1n. ~everal men have been out ors only four hits and passed one IC. :L\lcCarren struck out. }1"'lynn out

l~t· buildings and for the purpose of regi.ilar apparatus now in the labor- i exercises \Vednesclay morning. June every night. and t~ey. are working man. on fly to sho~tstop. Jacques hit by

1c ... ting the pt:ople of the ~tate know ~1t1Jry a <lispl_ny of high tC:'nsion apar- 16. The ~ubje<:t of hi!'I acldres~ will hard to. produc:C' a wmnmg- team. Be- T~1e scoTc by innings: pitched ball went to third on Pig-g's

tlit.• colIC'gl· anci its work, it." accom- hlJs Thl· high fr1..•11uenry coils with bP "Edueation and Public 8en·ice.'' f•)re tl11s week the team has been F1rst in11111g- - Collins wnlked, two base hit over the bleat.•hcr::;. Jor-

pii.:hm<·nts and its ne<'d::'· The cus- wh"ch expert"' are $tartlingo the world :\-JI'. Irving- i~ a goraduate of Ontario working at a :rreat handicap, and the :'.1ari<-n struck out. !\1urray and De- ~ens.on out 011 fly to short.

toil of holding- Visitors Day wa:5 be- re also in the laboratory rC'ady for .\.c-riculturnl Collt•g-e. '02. and the ·ontinual rain$ and a muddy track laney were thrown out at fir:st on Fifth innin,:?. lilt St. Charles-Stan-

1!' 1 n in 1912 anrl with the exception of t <.' di5pla~. AnothL·r fc>ature will be lnwa A£;ricultural College, 'O~. Short- ha,·e bet:!n \"t:'l':'>' discourag-ing. How- nfield hits. College-McCarrcn stn1t·k I t011 got a hit over S('cond. Ho.g-an went

thr two yC'ar.:; 0 • the ,,·ar. it has been t (' "Tin f'an )lotor" con~isting- of a ly after his ~raduation he started l'HT the g"ood Wl'ather thei:-e last fow ut, Flynn out s~eoncl to first. Jae- to first on Jotgenson's error. Scanlon

tnuJition m tht yc-arly l'Vents. ·when aJ?tH.·th; ,..H·l~l whid1 is ~et in motion hi~ work at Purrlu~ rnh·ersity and in day:-; ha:-; offered the men an oppor- 1ues ~trutk out second-St. Charles I struck out. C'rO\'lfley out on a fly to

•he.: c-ustom was fir~t instic-atcd. it :::oon a~ a t;n ran i:-; thrust into !!tOh founded the ag-ric·ulturaI exten- tumty lo g-et m a few fmal licks. Freeney, Stanton. and Hogan went I Flynn who doubled up on Stanton at

v;a hPl<l during comnu.mcE·mcnt week The: sp1..~aki11>t :P·c· lamp is another -.i<m department of that institution Smee tht.· int<:r<:lass meet last Sat- 1ut m one, two. t~ree order. l\I. S home. 1\1. S C.-RasslC'y out, pitcher

Lit it ha~ C!JnCt. hNn t·hang-Nl to any part of tht• display Urnt will attract and his work since that time has been nrday, a better mterest has been (' Pigg- ~truck out, Jorgenson out on to first. Alquist struck out Larse

ar ifrar1l) cho~a·n clay. \"isitors day -:pet·ial attt·ntion. It is an arrange- a !'UJ1erintenrlent of that department. "how-n m trac·k by the i:-tudent body a fly to second , Rasslcy out, pitcher went to first on an error. Finlav

th.s \"('aJ' will be of "'PP<"1al intere:o>t :1(•r:t "uth that any ROunrl recei,·ed Ile. is ahm director of the summer! Jn g-enC'ral ConsHh.·rable new mater- w first I out, sho1t to first. ·

t 0 bN•au.o::.p of th'- fac·t that it is h:: the trano.:mitkr will br reproduced •whoo] for teachers at Purdue. Re ial from the Freshmen class and some I Third innmg St.Charles-Scanlon Sixth mning-. Mt St ('h.lrles-

firC!t. of itc:. kimJ to hr ht•ld in thr at th1• arl' }amp at the> other end of ha" writtC'n sPveral bulletins which at~letes'. which should prov~ to be I ~truck out. Crowley out. second to Collins l?Ot a three. base hit to renter.

1n titution and thl• prngro;s that ·will !he t•ircuit. A 1k•monstration of e1e- have been u~crl by the U. S. depart- I po~nt wmne-rs, Wl're brought mto the! fir~t. Collins out third to first. :\I. I Marion stn1ck out. Murra:'>r hit to

he ~hown will ht mark<•1L All daRses trinll spot wcl<lin.c" sut·h as that used rnC'nt of agriculture and other books fmeground. second and Collins made 1\It. St.

wtll lie cii~mi!' ... C'd durinrJ' tht• after- .n thP ('Onstrudi(ln r.£ battleships will nnd articlei:; w~ich have been very I Track is n~t as a~ e~e~~ s1r.NERS FOR BOND I Charles only run of the gnme. De-! n 1ri nrrh.r that nil -tudents will be ·l~o be gi\·en. fm·orably l'C'ce1vecl throughout the as fo_otball.ol bas_e~all, it· 1.· hald woik U llaney struck out. Fl'ene:'>~ out, pitch-

li\ailablc to act as g·ui<les and to per- The 11ri.gre.m a~ planned now will <"01mt1-y.. HE' was superintendent of J anrl rnvoh"es a l'l$?ld trammg. ed to first. "!\f. R C.-JMcCarrcm hit

... (f'T"l t':ic exp rinwnt:-- that will be i11dudt1 exhibits of the following- de- the Indiana Agric. ultural Exhibit of men, then ~vho have workcc~ consis- ISSUE roME SLOUllY by pitched ball. w. ent to second on condut ted f)=i.rtmC'nts. the Panama Expoc;;ition In 1917 ~Jr. tently gettmg ~ut every n_ight_ for lJ fY I Flynn't infield hit .Jacques walked,

Thr exh Lit 'havl fer the most Agriculture Didsion: Ag-ronomy rhristie wa~ st:ite food director in the n'lost part m almoRt mul-wmter --- Pigg out on foul fly, 1\fcCnrren

Jlf>T"t ':>ern in tht. hand of the !-'tudents ~epartmcn.t; "'oil ~abora~o1-y, mcchan- I~rliana He is secretary of the In- wea~her. dec;;erve a _g-reat deal of 1 \\'ork on the ~5,000.000.00 bond scored on a pasi:-ed ball. Fl)-,,n and

t 1.;;t l\'l and tht faculty committee H·al analysis of s01,; Gram laboratory. dtana C'o111 Grower's As$oeiation, a f credit. . . is...,ue hafi been goin~ with quite a bit .Jacques sccrt•d on .Jor1?C'nso11's single

i~ 'icrely . tlpt n bingo th1..· \\.'ork and ~t>erl _t('~ting. I ~ncmber of. t~e Xational Seed Analy- .'T'hP nwn w~~ '~1111 . n~n~~ t~e trip I ~f succe~s the Inst few weeks. Of the '1 to center field. Ras!:lley ~truck out. nrra1'"' ·1g tht• hl'~ine~s f'nd of af- An1111a1 husbandrv department, t~ts Asi:-oriation and the A~sociation a1e Coach Po" ell, ~licker Rice. and . l l..t 000 . t ht t A.lquic:t out on technicality fc. r~ This wiJI bt• on opportunity Champion row. l!l.000. pounds of milk for the Promotion of Agricultural i\Ianager Roney. The team of nine I req~1re<. '~ ... ~·.1gna urc~ t a mus . Se\·~nth inning-. )It. St.. C'harles-

f11r al vi:--itor~ to sec the need of new 7.;fi pound.-; of buttC'r in a vea·r. Sheep Teaching. men rom:isb of Cates, ObeTle, Sue- be m b) the fn:-,l.of .Jul~. there are S1.antt.n sinrle-d to cer!l't and wa:-. :mt f'..ncl ho~ buildines. · \ --- ! rctti, Farnum. Pig£!', MrCarren, Hol- 1 ~~w about 8,000 signers to each pet- . . ,. .

huildm::rs and :o>hould help them to see . · . . 1. • F' 1

. d I·l . ._ itlon. At the present time there are m tIJ mg to mctkn two bases. Ho~ai1

t• nt•e1 o pass111g w om l~~ue. . . . I C'L.\SS T '\J·~ES J~' TER- Tl 1' f d l returns from about half of the coun- cu . pt c er o ir:-:; . •"'can on ~true. th I f · ll b I · :\.gr1cultural cngmeermg depart- 11ste1, m C), on astmgs. t ·t h t r· t ~ 1 k

The work in all ckpartmcnts will ment. Farm powC>r im~lemC>nts, Dan·y l ESTI:\'G lC' m~-up o evC'nt~ an tie entry I tics in the s"L.1.te . Silverbow. Cascade out. M. S. C.-Larse a.nd Findlay hr ~hown to as gr1..•at an c•:'>.:tl•nt a~ .;_ 'partmrnt, Buttermilk for every- TRIP for each rn as follows. <l S t G. t' . 11th II out. :'IIcCarren out on fly to second .

hody; cheese making. I Two mile; Farnum. a1~ wee. 1ass coun IC'S arc a .. ru . . . . i possibk'. In tnc ( iYil Eng-inecrin;::r Poultrv department: Wild geese; The l•"'erleral Board men in :\Ir. One mile; Farnum. Finley. with their work and the petit10ns Eighth mnmg. Mt. St. Charle~-tkpartnwnt there will bC' a rlas:.: test· Ph .,. t . bb't t k d d k Tretsven's class visited the W. O. Half mile· Finley. hm•e been returned to l\lr. Brewer at. Crowle~r out on f1y to ~cconcl . Colhns l·,,o slr n"th ( r niatc1·1'al con•·f"'te .ea.ens, la 1 s. ur evs, an UC s • HI I II f h . h t "th t r· t 'I . f

... t.' '""' ~ • ' • • • ..: "' 'r t .· . ,J ·t t .. \' t · Bohart ranch on Thursdav where Quarter mile· Hollister ~frCarren e ena. n a o t ei:-e counties t e


ou . p1 c er o ll'R . ...~ anon sa e on and ~o forth. The mat·hine shops, e t.1t1naiy •iepai men · ·e ermary · · · ~ ' · · ' b f · · · f" 11 I "t I ht t t 1·

nquipment. I they were gi\·en an opportunity to Cates. num er o signers is much more than m te c 11 nnc C'aug ou s ea mi:r

wood W(.lrki11t! !>.hop:-. for~\.'es and E . . d ' . . r· ·1 . :nspcct ~\[r Bohart1s fine herd of ??O yard dash. Cates Oberle Hol I the required amount. However there se-:-ond. l\I. S. ('.-}~1ynn struck out. foundry w 11 lH open fol" inspettion n.cnneedrmg-+- 1v1st10n : T 't''.1 engtihn- Brown Swiss .Cattle This is said li.o::.'t;r , . ' ' - I are counties throughout the state who :\kConnell, batting for Jacqueg. g-ot


0 crino; epai ,men ; e> mo; e '· · I · · 1 • • • • t . b h · · tl bl h M '"'trength of materials; Electrical En· to be one of the finest Swiss herds 100 yard dash; Cates. Oberle. I have. not sent m their pet1t1ons yet a wo ase it m . ie ea~ e1;s. ~-

. · . d t t El · 1 I I in America (C . d I and m fact have done very little work Connell went to thira on Pip:g- s sacri-gmeermg epar men ; ectr1t'a s 1ow ontinue on Page 4.) C . d J . including- hig-h tension apparatus. -- = ( ontmue on page 3) (Contmuecl on pag-e 4) .:

~~~f~~:L;J~"r~::;i~~:::t~ica~1ep:::1 i Degrees To Be Granted In June 11 fRESHMfN ARE EASY VICTORS IN ment: Demonstrations of appltrat1ons I I

Cla" of 1!121 Plans to Hold lliggest ?.nd Ilest Junior Prom of Years. Committe~s Appointed to llandl e _\ffairl".

~i~'.;i;:~~,i~~~,~~i:~,~~:.:::~i~::~:;:~:; I Car!~m~~denburg El~:.u~~~g-inming-. ~~=1~b;~d~:,~: I ANNUAL INTERCLASS TRACK MEET Henry S. Peek . Electrical Eng-ineering Butte

Chemistry department: Exhibit of Lawrente Wylie . Electrical Engineering Bozeman 1'

chemicals made b)-• students. includ- t Elmer l\I. Arneson A

. d ff I _,.,gronomy .... Big Timber tn2' ye ~tu s. anrf indu~trial pro-1 Ada Baker s


1-:een ('ompetition i'l Feature of Interclass Meet but Infants Easily

I d t h .b. f f d d I ecretarial...... Columbia Falls At a meet"~1g- of thl• jumor cla~:; a. t uc :::; ex i its o state oo and rug Albert J. Borton Agronomy. Glasgow I

)fonday afternoon, it wa~ decided by lab"ratorics, State Water and Sepage · 1 Clifford L. Coi·ki.ns E ............ nto. and Zoology............ .Joliet

Outclass all Others and Win Meet by Large Margin. With Twenty-six Points to His Credit Cates Wins Individual Honors.

the class of 1!121 tn 4aJ!t.' one of the laboratories and State Oil Jaborator- A. L. Christensen ... Mechanical Eng. Lancaster, Wash.

b1~:..:t .Junior Proms that the collC?!?C ies. !' Earl \\r. Chattin Agronomy ha;; en.:1' g-in·n in honnr of the gradu- Phvsits deparlmC'm:; Equipment on Hei·man L. Dickman AgTi. Education · Big Timber

at in!! senior~. President Hibbert at r.xhibitton James H. Dickson -····Animal Husbandry Boz!:u~~ onte appointl'cl SC'\"N'al C'ommittees to Art clC'partment; Demonstrations of Jc:::s C. Flynn .. . ................ Electrical Engineering Logan take rare nf the dL'L·oration of the :-;tudents work. Ruth ).I. Green ... ..Botany and Bact. Belgrade

Elk"'' Hall, music which will be rend- I Home Economics Department; Ernest R. Glass .. Elec:. Engineering- Waverly. Kas.

::~~;! ,b;~ .. :~l~n~~~t' t~'i::~~ '":·i~o~:~~~:'t (Continued on pap;e 3) ~:~~,~~v~a~:~I ~::~;:a~;~~~~,~~·~. ry Glendive f I I } r h f h I ... ... Dozeman

t' pune l arn ot wr 1g- t 1·e res - Vera B. Harris Home En;nomits Bozeman

ments. Proirrams that ·an;· ,,,..i will SPLENDID PROfiRA~f Fonest G. llenr)' Elec. Enp;ineering Townsend • ome .. conom1cs, Thomp~on Falls hp proud to p]ate in thC> 111t•mory bun]: 1' E\'elena A. l'e1·1·1·ott H E ·

will be one of the foatures of the ..\ithur 1. Hoem ... :.\Ierhanieal Enginel'ring- Butte

dn:~::.l' mu<h discussion. it was de- BY NOTED PIANIST I I ;~:~:hH~ili~I;lden ~::: ::;~;,:~~= Lebano~o~:~:h~ <·iclcd that the Pn 111 would be strictly George Jacoby Architectural Eng., Helena fcrma: instead of ~emi-formal or that X. R. Jones Agri. Education

thC' men would Wl'ar white pants and .\•·thur Frazt•r Render~ Pleasing John H. Kohnen .... CiYil Engineering. n sport coat as ad\"Ocated earlier in Piano l~ oeital lo Small but "\ppreri· Kenneth ~f. King .. Ento, and Zoology the sprinl?· Thi~ resolution was pas- ath e .\udienee. Vil'tor F. Larse Ag-ronomy . sec! in arcordante with the college Leila M. Linfield ......... Applied Art

c·ui:-tom that has alway~ prevailed An audience of college students Helen E. Lease Home Economies since a .Junior Prom has been in and town people enjoyed the con- Grant B. McConnell Civil Engineering.

vogue. t«:rt given by A1·thur Frazier, Amer- Ladimir Mashin ... . .Animal Hu sbandry As to the number of invitations that ican pianist, at the colleg-e auditorium William B. Mabee ... .Ento. and Zoology

.. i\Iazeppa, Minn. Great Falls

\Yhitehall Plains

. Bozeman Great Falls

Helena Chicago, Ill.

will br given out, it was furtheT de- last Tuesday. .Mr. Frazier was for. Grace B. Nutting .. Botany and Bact. cided and duly passed by the class nwrly a piano student of professor Henry Oberle .. . .................... Electrical Eng-ineering-

Glasgow Lititiz, Pa.

that the Prom be limited to onlv :'\ash, and has given concerts here Russell M. Pickens. . .. Chemistry f:Pniorc;;, .Juniori:- 1 and the facuJtr. A~<;:. se\'(.)J'al times before. According to Otto P. Roberts... . ... Animal Husbandry . Bozeman

thr number of thes.e clasRei:: and the local musical critics hi~ work, which Clyde E. Roney ... Elee. Engineering- Missoula

Bozeman . Huntley

faC'ulty number over u;o no under- was always good before, has improved H elen Rose .Botany and Batt. Bozeman da~~men will be alJowed to attend un- noticeably, and every number 011 the Harold J. Reitz . . ...... Electrical Engineering. Terry le~~ they are in company of a senior, progoram wa:e; enjoyPd. Hubert l\l. Rice .Animal Husb .......... Los Angeles. Cal. junior or member of the facultv. The proirram fo ll ows: Stephen E. Smith .. Agri. Education

Fnrthermore it is a custom that is io Sonata, F minor . Brahms Mary L. Stone ...... Home Economics ..,,. livNl up to that in case an under- Allegro 1\faestoso Bess I. Snyder . Home Economics

c!assman is invited to the Prom , he Andante (Twilight) Albert P. Stark .Industrial Chemistry. will remember that a dress-suit should Scherzo Alexander P. Stone ..... Animal Husbandry

no~ be. worn . . Romance, F Rharp .... Schumann Evelyn G. Seeley ... Secretarial

. res.ident Hibbert WIShes the co- Bird aR Prophet. . .... Schumann ~:~~e~~e s~~~:i::~l' Home Economics

Bozeman Bozeman

Clarion. Pa. .. Livingston

Bozeman Bozeman

Townsend Jeffers ~nera~on ho~ every junior at this time I Elude. C Minor ............. Chopin Jack Sweat . ~nto. and Zoology

0 ma ·e t is Prom one of the best if Nocturn, F major .................... Chopin gronomy Dutton ot the best social function of the Andante and Minuetto ................ Grieg Willard H. Tobey Animal Husbandry.. Highwood

yea~. As. the various committees Elfin Dance .. MacDoweW John L. Tyler .. Industrial Chem.. . Nashville, Tenn. nnthne their plans, they should con- "Guine\'Cre" MacDowell Earl F . Woolridge...... Agronomy Chinook

Fl:::~~::~YSoi:~!~:·:;:'~,.alt~·m.~~1-~~:~ I FIFTY. TWO WILL held. The frosh fm1shed v1rtor10us,

~:i;:,.a final score cf 91 to 17 in their RECEIVE DEfiREES I

rhe frosh were pu.:ked as wrnners from the first, due to the training l their best athletes have had . The day Of Thi., , umber Xine \\'ill Graduate

t .,,·as perfect for the meet and nothing- \Vith Hcnors. Cumml~nrement E,-

!J nrevented going off in first class erc·i~·e, ,,.ill be ll e lcl June lfi.

,hape. In spite of the ideal weather

I conditions the attendance was notably I Fifty two studl•nts will rc•reh·e the mall. degree of bachl'lor of ~eii.·nt:e at thu

! The rivalry between the classe~ was com.mcncement < xf·rdsl's of June 16. -·trong. The Junior..:; :.urprised the Of thi numLcr nine wil1 g-raduatc.


1 rowel by their good work, succeeding with honor:-;, n peri:r·ntag-l· Jarg-er than n taking t\'lO first pla('es and four in any prc\'i~iu:- g-ratlu.ating c·las!S or

1 c:cconds. Their good cla~s spirit was :\!. S. C. I ,no~t strongly manifested in the relay ComnH ... ncC'mt•nt wc..•t·k will 011e11 with

1-a.ce. Theil· athletes tun1ed out in the bacc:.alaurcate servin~$ at the -ihirt sleeves, heavy shoes, nnd a years Presbyterian ehun·h on Sunday June smoking- back of most of them and ac- l :l. Chan<"cllor E. C. Elliott will cle­C'ording to their story would have pu1- li\'er the b:wcal:.un•nte :.H..ldn•ss. Senior led second place had they not had Cla" Day and \'isiturs' Day will be to nm one man twice. ::\lonclay with a musical recital in the

Cates was the heaviest point win- evening by the collt•ge music depart.­ncr for the frosh with a total of ment. The president's H'1.:eption and twenty six. Knight and Husemeyer the causlomary :-;l·nior ext·rrises will followed with several placings to their take plat·e Tuc·~day e\·cning the re­credit. Wildman did good work in the ception bcini: h"ld in Hamilton Hall. field event for the sophs. Farnum The twenty-four annual c·ommence­mad.e several placings in the distance ment l~\·ercises will be hC'ld in the runs, showing himself to be a runner :\lunicipal Opera House• the morning of no mean ability. Succetti has a of "\\'ednesday, .June lG. The com­good record in pole vaulting, but mencc·mcnt acltlregs will be 1?iven by owing to the clumsiness of some of Ge~rg-e lr\'IJlt! Chrh:tie of Purdue

I the upper classmen competing-, all the University. The :ilumni banquet will 1 cross bars were broken and the event be hf:ld 'Yednesday evening. '"a~ called a tie between him and The honor graduates of this year'~ Shoebotham, at eleven feet. There class are : Gc1wvicve Hall , Bozeman;

I were no records made in the events Vera Harrii:-. Boz(;'man; Trena Hollier, although good time was made in Bozeman; Kenneth King, Whitehall; se,·eral of them. Swingle and Senm- Leila, Linfit.'ld, Bozeman; Ladimir

(Continued on Pa<?e 4) j Finale from Op. 50 ............ MacDowell I mans acted as j~dges in the track ~lash in, , Chical!o; Russell Picken~. events and Ray Pitts In the field. The


Huntley; Lc.ui'° Stone. Bozeman; -------------------------------.! (Continued on Page 4) Parker Stone. Bozeman.


'- C"I ~ A// o • 'lhe Weekly Exponent 1s stnctly .a student enterpnse. Its <:htef pur- ~

~ r towers r or - ccaszons , pose is to present to its readers, each week, an accurate and complete _record ~ ~ ~ of the developments in college affairs dnring that period anJ to XI.:'!" l~S full I~ " ~ influence for the upbuildinO' of Montana State College. The pa11e1· JS the ii

~ Lango hr' s Greenhouse ~. result of voluntary effort p';,t forth by the students who compose the staff. I ' ~ Published every Frillay of the Colleg-e year b~· a SUI ff thvsen from the

~ PHONE 95 -:- -:- 315 S. TRACY ~ students of the llfontana State College of Agriculture aac! :\leehank .\rts.




THE HUB '~'''-"'"-"~~~-...'~"''-"''~'-~''''-'~ "'-"'~'-'-'-~~'~ of the University o( Montana, Bozeman. Montana. ~ ED and LOU HOW ARD


Acceptance for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage provided for in :;ection Ii_ \\"alk O\-er Shoes =

llQ::, Act of October~. 1917, authorized :February 17, 1~19. - Nobby Hats ===========--=================== 0 1 I I I I I 11 1 I I: I I I I I l 'I l l 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I l't ~


~t~!~tic fioods ~ Tennis and Baseball


Two Dollars Per Year _ - - - - Ten Cents Per Cop~ . . , • ._ _ llSlai~~~~~~.._.~~~ \.'tudents become subscribers upun payment of the regular Activity Fee~ ' · ~ - - -

!~::~~;;:.;'~'~~" STAFF xc,;,~:r :,,~~::.'.:~: ::': I Gallatin Grocery Co. I ' BUSINESS l\IANAGER ..... ............. AUGUST 11!. SCBN. EIDER, '21 t m


SOCIETY EDlTOR ....... .. .. MARLYN JUDD, '22 5 5 55 5 I The Geo. H. Willson Co. I


GENERAL REPORTIAL STAFF ,.._,..._._._ ______________ - - - •


r---::::::::-:==---~ -AND-


REPORTERS BEING SELECTED BY COMPETITION. Evelyn Seeley Minnie Ellen Marquis Geol'gia Hannah Arnold Kreuger Leon Mink

Cornelius Harrington Merrill J. Alquist Dean Hauseman Minor Holliday Merrill Luther


Considerable surprise and disappointment has been express­ed in college ci rcles in the manner in which the people of Bozeman ha,·e been signing the petitions for the bond issue. The cam·ass of the city by the college students with the petitions has not re-







D. D. SMITH sulted in near the number of signers that could reasonably be ex- n..~~~"~""",;~ pected from a place of this size and with the advantageous position

·------~~~..--.~~~~- --~~~ II



J part of the state asking him when he

EXTENSION NOTES turned Irish. This at least shows us

I that the Exponent is widely and caro-

l.'.==============' fully reacl.

that Bozeman has. Possibly many Bozeman people do not r ealize that if the bond

issue passes it will mean about a five year period of construction at the college and the expenditure of sornethiJ1g over a million dollars . Possibly they do not r ealize that the failure of the bond issue will mean that Montana State College, with the rest of the Greater University of Montana, will sin k from the rank of a first

:l!r. E. 11. Lott has been at home ill this week.

J. c. Taylor left for Roundup and grade college to one of little importance in educational circles of T-lurlo\vton Thursday morning where the country. he will spend the rest of the week on We have a lways maintained that Bozeman was one of the best

Edgar Johnson has been making ad- extension duties. cities, .if not the best, in the .state., Thos.e who have lived here vanced registry tests on the herd of --- know 1t as .a mighty fine place m which to h ve and a city of people

~Ir. Bohart, a rancher near I }Jiss ~liriam Birdseye of the main I wt. th t he nght Hlea. It cannot be dened that the. co.llege has ex­office of the Extension Service at erted no lttle mfluence to make Bozeman what it is. That the

111 w E T --. · ·t· r r Washington D c will be here Sat-I presence of college people has added a touch of r efmement to this 1

111" d ·th. omsotn ~s visii hmg ~al is- uni~,. to 00;,fe~ "~t'h Miss Quaw and com munity, t hat is not present in other communities, must be

J>e an o er porn s m nm em " on- · . l f l It . ld t th t B tana this week on dairv e:>..-tension ~liss Rowe in regard to the moving evident to al thought l1 persons. :~ou ~eem o us .a oze-

For the Latest in Dress and School Shoes


Exclusive Shoe Store 22 West Main Street.

J.E. LANG, Proprietor.

work. · picture upon which ~1iss Quaw is man should be most eager and unamrnous m its suppmt of the I working. bond issue, and it is our hope that later developments will prove ~~u""""u""""~"""""

thi s to be the case. ~ ~ The Ca,.don family have rece11tly I }leda Becker and Evelyn Border ___ ___ THE NATIONAL BANK OF GALLATIN VALLEY.

moved from an apartment on Lindley · 1 --- I ~ Place to the house just Yacated bv E. I a~·e among the number of Bozeman [ I tnp This is a trip that is made ~ J. E. Martin, President. Amos C. Hall, Vice President ~

.T. Parkin. . girls who expect to attend the summer i Engineering I every year by the t-1ect1·1eal seniors ~ H R Greene, Cashier. 0. A. Lynn, Assist. Cashier ~

W. B. Mabee, known on the hill session at .Dillon. . 111 Notes I 'l'omo1, ow the fate of the now en-1 ~ Chester A. Morton, Assit. Cashier. ~ ~1~ "Bill," has recently left to ac:C'ept _. ?l.I~·s .. Julia Osburn w!10 has neei.1 I - . . . . . . . ; ·. g~nL•ering ~hops. will be decided. The ~ ~

a position in the State Department \l'ltm.e: at the home of her brothe1, Last "eel, it \las stated m th bids un these will be opened then and I ~ YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. ~ Oscar Tretsven for some week::; Te- ~nate t!.utt c.:.·crta111 tool.:'> whll:h t.he it th~·.· arc <:.,atisfaetor~.'- the rontratt ,. ~

of A!:!Ticu1ture of North Carolina. His -• v l ~ r

friends are Yery glad to know that his turnL·cl to her home in the en~t last Cfl!lL'J!l' 1s g-oing to receive from Jf1s- will ~oon be let. ~ ~ '''~ek. I soula, ,,·ert! scc:urc•d thru. the go\·ern- 1 __________ ~ Bozeman - - - - - - Montana. ~

position i~ ve1·y good, permanent, a11d I r> ~

well 11aid. mt>ni. That was" .011stake, th<'Se ALl'll .\ El'8!LO:-I TllET.\ ~~~-....~~~

___ "\'OTICE tools berni:::. ones that .were ti>ed m • HOLDS ELIK'llO.'S I ==============================

I thC' mrchanH.:al l.'11l!'ineenni; laboratul)-,.

Arcade Billiard Parlors Finest Parlor in Gallatin County


Dul' to carcles~ reporting-, )fr. -

O~anrd"s name was J?iven as. J.Ir. .\II Dnt•s plea~c> pay lOc lo Doroth~· thr.L wa!-; fr,·nu•i·ly at Jliss~ula. _That Alpha Ep:silun Th('ta met on \\"ed- 1

O'Gord in an Exponent of a few weeks Ann Holland before the end of next clt>partment hus ?C'en di:-;~ontm~erl ncs<lav i.'Yl'Tiinl!' at the Alpha 0 Hou~e.1 1 t1tt'l'i'> and all eqm·,mL·11t 1:s br·mg I .. ~ · l

ng-o. He ha~ since recrived three weC>k. :\Toney 1s ncede\.I to make up 1 _ Olfll'C'r:::. for nt~xt year were ch~c:ted trnnsff'1T1!d tc1 :\lontana State Collt~g-e. I f II I

1: tlt r~ from friends in the northern ck•fieit. · a:s o OW"·

Tht• t_:->ol~ 111dulkd. in this lot .are, a Pn•,.;idl.!~t_ Aline Btng-es.s 1 !-:hapemg- anti millfng mnehme Yicl!-Prt!i:.idt•nt. :.\Iarjorie Bohart •,>r nf fol1l"l'", ~e\-(:1':<1 \\'Ut•d\\Ol'k-

Sery~Treas. Flot·enre \Yest'h I lllg' ma.·hirn; · 1:md omc shaftin~ and AftC'r the business of tht>- evening \;citing. I was dispr.-sC'.'d of an Irish program was

1 ·- radio ~tation "/ X B 11 c1t

A Barber Shop for the Students YOU "WILL LIKE OUR CLEAN' SHAVES


A. B. Williams 28 \Yest :Main St. Bozeman, Mont.


'fli~. ~iven. FlorC'TI\'C Aitken spoke 011 the

1 the l"Ollege will senil messages to .Jiodern l rish Drama and reviewl1d thC'

-.unateur::,; over the state 011 Friday b1;·st lllays of ~everal well known ~·-------

Jrom 8 to S:J;) and frorn 8:30 to 8:45 lri~h dramatists. ==================..,-=========== in the evenings and on 1\londay, \Ved- Professor O'Gorrnon who wns to

- ._. - - - -. .-.~.-..~~~~- - ._,~ ncsday. and Friday of each week be- have ~iven a talk on the present sihl- 11111fI1111111111111111111111~1B11111t11t1111·,,,1111

l tween 5 and 6 p. m. Friday evenings ation in h·eland w~s unable to be



the message will coustst of college presen_t m~d l\lr . . J. c. -i\IcCarthy ';ho news notes. On the other days the came m his place treated the su?Jett

HAS A CHOICE Y ARIETY OF HOME MADE CANDIES .11 b i 11 in a ,·ei·i· original and cntertauiing messag:es w1 e o a niore genera I ·

FOR YOUR PICNICS AND HIKES. nature and will be more fot the ex- way.


perience that they will give to I ===============

I amateurs than for any '!lews value ~ 11 I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I • I I I I 1 I I I~

they may have Amateur radio o-pe1·- ~ ~

The Home of Home Made Candies. meo"ages are i equested to send in ~ ~ I


ators who desire to "listen in" on the I ~ ~

thl'1r names to thC' e1ec:trira1 cnitin- ~ ;

- - - ~~~~~~ ... ~CD>-~ - -... ---~~ cc•rmg department at the 1.:olle~<.· The , ~ ;

~ . . . .. _ , • . 11wxsag-c-s will be sent slm.vly und wi11 ~ : I "'-~"»~~~,_,..,.,~,.~~""'-~~"' 11,., r"pentecl thi·ee time< so that the ~

~ ~ amatr.m·~ mny chcdc tbeir work cnre- !ii

~ F ashio11 Barber Shop ~ ::~,'.::~~.u~h~~,:ot~~'.:t'~l~=s :~;ltt'~,~~~ a ~ ~'.::u:,~:~or:~~~r~:~tesi~~~t tl::·;,V;l~:~~ •




,-le ~ 1·nmnwrdal messng-(' ii; ::.cnt too fast I ~ _ !

~ ~ r RE.\DY FOR YOUR - "'"*~-~**-*-*~·~¢-<~KX>ii:><XH:moil-lXH:«:!-l);;H:A;l<:l-<:>l!H:~lllX~lllX><:!i:>~ ' CLEAN A, "D SANITARY. .. nr omateurs to eatch. The messages ; • ~"

~ ~ frt>m this station rnn be pi~ked up 0 SU1\11\1ER y ..\( ATION ·1 ;, I ', ~ at ony point from the immediate ~-· L-.-.0-..-0-.~~ ........... -L-.e __ ~af'O ~' IT ,~.~~PO~. O Ok S $ ~ Gallalin Trnst and Savin_g s Bank Building, Bozeman, Mont. ~ n<'i."hborhuod of Bozeman to "' far .••• ~ __ ~ distant as tlw Pacific Coa~t. : : I ,~~~~,.,.,.,.~~~..,._~.,.,., ~Everything for vacation clay~ :

=- r The senior eleetl~ical Pnginecrs are ~ -For work. outing or a trip-:

~~...._..~~ ...... ~----------- - planning- to nHl.k<.• an ilispcrtion trip ~in Ties, Shirts, Socks, Under- : - : wear, Shoes. Hats, Caps, and ; I

I FINE SHOE REP AIRING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. I i ~~i~~v:~::~· ,:;~ii·~~"; a: 1~0:~01~1:,1~~ ::.~ ~ everything yon will need for~ G and E FILINGS SYSTEMS FOR OFFICE, BANK, ~ summer wear is now readv for~ I

------ on return ''"ilini::: tlw sub stations - l t' d · STUDENTS Et Electrical Machinery; best tan oak leather; expert work- f I of the ?.lontnna p,," '"r ro al Butte. ~ ~·our se ec 1011 a~1 at reason- ; , c.

& manship does it. Ladies heels a specialty. The sen""'' who will make this trip ~ able pnces. ~

; No.7EastMainSt. . CHAMPION SHOE SHOP ! ~,';~·~n.0~~:~"rr~~~m·y,~,.:r~:::r~~~;:'.: @MBERSTI'SHER©~ I Phillips' Book. Store ---~<81o-4E>~~'Cl»'"~<CJ1t·~..__,41D.......,..~ ... ~~~ 1\Vlil a<:compi111~ Lh<m ancl manage thej -A LWAYS RELIA&L&- ~(H:fQ ~~

THE WEEK LY EXPONENT, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1920::·----::::-----------:=-::======:---::= -PA_G_E_ T-:H=R::E=t;=-:: ~~~~~~~-=-~~~------:==~-~~



• .... • ................ ~ ........ • .. • ~ .......... ~'/ NOMINATION OF ~:: ::::::::::::uu:::::: :: :: :: I

Base Ball 1920

11 ~ Society -~ i OFFICERS TODAY~ I . ''.'' '' I I I I I I I I I I I I I If I I It I I I I I I I I I I I l;I I I I I I I I I I I~ :...·.

:: ! 1If1 :: I

:: 1' 4 lav 22 Ometra Beta Dan\.:e ... 1 >Ia;· 29-Junior Prom at th<: :: I

_ fo.y ~1- Si• ma rhi Dance l I I


• 'ew Line just in


Tm:.: a"'"'t"T1 1 ly h ur t lay 1s hcmtr


-- - - j serl by tht• stu1l<'nt lody "or the pur- -:-:iunday ":'\lugsC'y" ~IcGraw was a A h r \ ( ook, l'rovince Ari:hon p1•st' or*"m~ rar.1 clat<>s for t' c :.:

Elk•. .. I .June 4

I nee \lpha Omicron P1 "! I :: I


I !

I Rose Drug Co. I I I

j The (Mf.,cJJl Store j


The Individual Candy. I I I j Schmidt Bros. I


Story Block Bozeman

,_Je' t of Sigma Chi. frov P ' .. mbda of Sigma Alpha ofi'ices in t e Cuun ii o :.' udl.• 1t ~ ·r .. ;: Ep il on i ... \ itmg at ttie S. A. E. ate. F!·om all uppeara•·we~ ..,,_, fa.r tnL ••

Ly <l Uav1<lsor- din<:<l at the Iota houst tin Wl'(:k. election t'-1 s V< ':l"' prom -.:-:; to IJc or ::

.Tune 5-P 1i f;amltla Dance Tun 16 C· mmt.n mt.nt ; I

I De1ta hot. • ~at .... rday.

.11 f r"da bull d,ned at the Phi G .. 1 1ia v >Use \\' t: ncsclay.

lie • n H "as a dmner guest at , A.p ,a 0 house Tuesday.


I' <;corJ..: Al a:!.a q

Ro . Dtan Ilauseman, of tlv· most live!: h 11 for som ti1 \s is the cu~tom tl-.c nomin ti ,M:-­

st~,. e Pierct:' and ha,·e t sta d r "' at lca"t a. '' ""t>k bt.: \ re ~ ie r~ at the un elc .• t .m 1 h'-' cl. T. c !ectwn rom

u u Sunday. all aYaik. 1 c in nn iori will p1·o~ahn be held a 'teek r ·om tou.i~ alt':lo it m

re- ..l Knott an<l be ut off fo :-e cr.d aays. The o -

t::i::::::::::: :: :: t: ;; t:

E. 1.. u h \ II ~ l <l the we<k fu:e..: \\hleli ·11J !Jc \:'.leant and o end out on the ''"Lc;;t Gallatin nt the , hi1..h nomma n" \\111 be hl'ld to '~~:,:

lln1ry I u. dell was initiated into home of Evelina's :sister. a1 1'1c~ic e1t \. :-'i. :.\1. ~ . C., (om- t i1 i,. Wt•1k ,,n 11 Ucta Ep~1lon Tuesday evening. ilL ... ~ioiwr of In.en.=-b ::-:oeial. tom- plnc:e t1w:.- linvc l(n~ 11t1-11g at

Sunda\· Budtrl'r Jiikf!r:s were; :\Iarie mi" ii,n 1 11 Tnh·n·::b Fort..•nsic, Com- to help. It i.s prad1cally the ~:1

E. ther Hartz \\~l '!. a dinner guest Evans, ·Martha Robinson, ::\lildn~rl rni&:--Joncr of Pul liratinn:..;. Commi~s· with the ~tuch.·nt hod~·. Th'~ i~~;1• at tht> Tlwta Xi hou::;c \\'cdncsday. -~harp, Yal llt.!nddck~on, Arthur ioner of Ih~iron.,tratwn~, Commis~- i:;; fi.r our goNI :rnd why n1..nt th•,

Wakefidd \'(•rnun AndC'rsun, Ifl.rbeTt rnner ut Tnkn:st!' Athletic. Com- students g-c>t b<•hind am! do n littll' II war<l Kirk wa~ a dinner guest .anl-( and Arthur Sears . missionl'r of lnlerc~ts l\.lusic:al, ::n< pu'-'hing. Tlwre r1n~ rlarr~ in thr

at the Sigma Chi house \Ve<lne::;<lay. Councilman al Large. The abo\·c of- gtatP ~uch a<> ll"l1 County wl1<'rr thM'"

Initiate" to Beta Rho thaptc·r of tic·es tol-!'ellw1• with three uppcn-Ja:-; i~ e-oing to be ~ome org-~rnized oppo;-;:. Elmer .-\rncson and .Jot..· Arne~on SiJ!ma Chi are: ~iy-\·ahl Bene, Lewis r>rc~:.dents tolllJlO~I.? the ~tudent Sen- tion becau~C' thc·:i-· hnxe a Pl'l'!-:Pnal

wen• guests at tht> Omega Bda house Erwin, Ted (.'ak!', Ha\·ard :\Iann. After ate. The presidents will probably he mi~direrted hard feeling toward thC'

Sunday. j the initation N·remony the boys en- elt:'cted at :.ome time in the near future rnin'r~ity of :\lontana. and should -~- . joyed a clclif!htful banquet at the in the diffor('nt cla~~cs . .Some doubt ~ornconc nroYe to tlwm that the Uni-

Gladys \Vh;tacre wa (•ntertamcd at chaph·r hou~e. The initiation was has been shown as to when another vcrsity of ~fontana is not the rause dinntr at thl'" Theta Xi house Tuesday , held at --; ::{0 o'clock Sunday afternoon. eledion wi1J be held in case of a tic. 0f their bm"J1s. their cooperation

t:vening. It is not nc1..:cs.sa1'Y that there be a lite might be gained. --- The Phi Gamma girls entertained for another ell'dion. hut in the event\ P1·of ConklinQ', chairman of the

AJ Hoth of Gn·at Falb has been at a shower Saturday afternoon in I that when there are more than tw<· campaign in Ga.llatin County has ~o \'I.siting his. sh;tcr Lillian for the past honor of :\1iss De""old who left Sun- candidate8 for the same position and far only r•·ri:.•ived :1 ·1 signatures to-

fcw days. day for eattle where she was mar- none of them ohtain~ a marjority of ward the petition.

--- I riecl in \i\~cdncsday to l\Ir. \\'. IT. Rac:er the votes , then another election mu~t Se\·eral week~ ago he sent out men

I I I A'l CoJol'. I

- "'THE\ \\EAR ..

I . v. D's I I In all the new patterned .N ai ··-I 1 sook; algo the Athll'tic \ a~~ar ! lJnion i:"\t1it. f I t 11 Ho~~1!,~:~;,:~ • I

Marx Clothes. I ~

Sunday dinner g-ue~ts at the Sigma of Anchorag-e, Alaska. Mr. and 1\11·~. be held between the two hig h men in to g-et the signatur1..'s and had very

Chi house wcn.1 Don Lani.rohr and Rag-er wiJI make their home in Anch- order to elec:t one of the1n. I t is quite ~ood lutk in receivin_g- about 800

G('ne Bunker. I 0rage. The color scheme of the pa1~ty probable that such a thing will happen ~dtrnatures bu t on lonking them np ---------------,

--- wag carri ed out in l'ed and white and no doubt this election wiJI take at the Clerk and Recorders it was The Pei·fect Service in : Friday evening the F . S. C- g-irls hearts. The guests were the intimate I place somewhere around the last o-f' fcnnd that only about half of these i

g-a,·e a surprise party in honor of Bess friend!' of Mi ss De\Vold and the the fir"t. w,,nk in June. were r eg- istered voters. Another PHOTO fla• "" , , , ,, , , , , , , , , ,, , •, , , , , , , ,., Snyder's birthday. mother• of the J?irl•. The election of the student man- j campaiJ?n to get the necessary quota PRINTING ~ o RS~ I --- agers of the athletic teams also is I will start and continue thru until t

~THE ELLEN PARL : Lloyrl Brackett of WashinJ?ton. _has Friday eveninJ? the T.heta Xi girls held at this time. These positions to be tomorrnw niJ?ht. ~Ir Conklin g will I DEVELOPING f ~ ~ hc>en Y1s1tm~ at the Beta Epsilon entertamerl at a delightful party. I filJed are manager of the football go to -:\Ianhattan and Belgrade today

• ;;

?~~~~~~~~~~~~=': ,house this last week I There were about thirty couples pre- team, manager of the basketball and tomorrow and expcets to have the ENLARGING

Robert f:mith was in Bozeman for Georgia Rnott and Coach Powell as ag-er of tra<.'k. These 1nen will all be night. I Now for a summer of acti~;ty the week end. He was a f,?Uest at the chaperong. Almos t a11 the dances were recommended to the coach by the in Photo takmg. B1 mg your films

Theta Xi house Sunday. favors and many of them we1·e quite preYous manager after which the I I to us for prmtmi.r. developing anr1

unusual. At midni~ht, a picnic ~up- coach recommends them to the ::;tu- ~ 1 1'

1'11' ' '

1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'

1 1 11 ' ' '~ enla1g-1ng. \Ve' ll take care of the




:. : I sent, with ~fr. and )frs. Lou Howard . tee1m, m~~nag-t'r of baseball and man- whr.Je county c:anvassed by Saturday I of ~~;:,J::t~;;.~::~~: ~:~;:~;~~:~~~~ ~:~, ~~;~:~::"\~;ec~i:i:r~~~ :;.dnnh:~ dent body. '-= SUMMER DRESSES !_=- 1 ;·:~; c~~n::.~ :~~:';o:~y~:·r\:;~:~!:~

~ ner Thur~day evening. I to have a picnic but the bad condition CO LLEGE WlLL THROlV OPEN savmg you ftom f1eqnent d1ssa l Quall.ty ,_=_· I of the roads made other plans neces- ;; • pointmerits in picture 1·esults . Very E Service

DOORS FOR Y!SITORS - OF FIGURED VOILE - 1 - :'.!rs. Stanley, of Whitehall, Edith sar.;'. I -~ · E_

1 little cost and certainly no muss

'- , j' THIS A FTER!\00:'.'\ ' 'II ;, , • .1 : • ·

1 • •• '

1 • • · • • ' •

11 • '

1 11 1

' ' ' Stanley and Ruth Noble had dinner --- ~ ~ fuss or bother to you. You

~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the S. A. E . house W ednesday. I Last Sunday the local chapter of ;; JTTS"' ARRIVED. • ne,·cr J?et better photo work n o 1 (Continued F rom Page One) - '"' 1 = h

COLLEGE STUDENTS Sigma Alpha Epsilon ga,·e a lar<!'.e ~ i matter where you J?O and at ome :\Irs. Ginske, aunt of Anita Thomp- party to Morri~on ('ave. At five I Co0king demonstration and exhibit of I ~ ~ or away you c:an deliver your fihn R

Try The I son has been Yi•iting nt the Iota twenty a. m. thirty couples were on work in servin(!'.. ~ EXQUISITE )IODELS. to us for a perfed process oi

Exchange Cafe Delta house for the last few days. their wav to the cave "rarin" to go. Secretarial Department; Demon- ;; I f in ishin g.

I ~ ' On the w·ay from Logan the conductor stration of office work. I ~ REASONABLY PRICED. '1 EAS·T~L\N 1,0DAKS ,\ND

FOR YOUR LUNCH Miss Laura Randall moved to the had to collect the fares of sixteen I Dl'partmcnt of Entomology and ~ Sl.'PPLIES After the show or dance. Phi Gamma house Monday to act as couples on the t<·nder of the eng_ine. Zooh·gy: lns<'ct collection o~. fo·,t ~

1 chaperon m place of Miss De Wold. The Ca\-C was 1·eached about ten-thn1:y floor, 80,000 spccm1ens . exh1b1t of ~ • R ' s =.· .. =_ I r.ALLATIN DRUr. ro

Our Pastry is the Best I and all descended to a lo,·cl of about army cutworms and gra•shoppers of I ~ w A L K E U U lJ in town . ~!rs. Fred Schick and :'.!rs. William eight hundred feet below the entrance Montana. exhibit of •potted fewr E I

S · R I Reimers. of H avre visi ted Jorene After dinner the party left the cave ticks and other ticks, exhibit of ap- ~_. SPl-.'Cl.1.LTY STORE ~._ I Qua lit y and Sen ice Prompt erv1ce - eason- • able Prices . Gaston at the Phi Gamma house last in time to cakh the 5 :30 train to paratus usecl in physiological studies, , • ___ _,

'l===~~==========~'~ve:e~k~·============= I Whitehall, whe1e they ate a hearty, exhibit of bird~ and animals of 1\1on- •• •' i • ' • • 1· 1 • i • • • • 11 111 . 11 "' • • • • 1 1 •1 -

I hot <hnner The remainder of tbe tana.

~S"S~ evenm{?" wa~ spent in variou" way~. Departmt'nl of Botany and Bacter-1 11m•am•i::i:taE:m•Eillli•!aEl!M~3£:l;;l:~~;:i•ma•••~ ~~~~'-~""-~ jll -some wont to ehurch others, to the ioloJ?y. ~ QUALITY SERVICE ~ show The party returned home on

~ After the Dance Come to the ~ ~:o. 4~. wry tired but happy after SIG:\El:S FOR nOND

~ ~ >tich a won<l,·rful <lay . JSSrE CU\IE SLOWLY


EUROPE-via Historic St. Lawrence Rot1te.

ALASI{A-l\Iidnight Sun Excursions.

~ c I u b ca f e ~ .. :~'.:::::,;':~;:,<::,:~:""' w<<> '~::::"'., F:'.:" ,:",:'..,,., ~ Dance Hall for Private Parties at all Times ~ hmfl of puro brc'd dairy stock to the ~natures. In talkmJ? to }[r. Brewer

PACIFIC COAST-British Columbia, \Yashington, Oregon and California.

B.\.NQUETS A SPECIALTY ~ American Raneh of which C. • la"t Sal! day he •aid that work was ., ~ Arnett is now mnnaQ",.1·. Mr. Arnett 1n·ogrt's~ing- ~atisfal'torily but that he

CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES-Switzerland of America -Banff, Lake Louise, Glazier .

~ V. C. Wray j, was fo11110rly an instructor at ~Ion- was afraid the people of thi' >tate

,~~S~~~~ I tana State College. were not hearing- enouJ!'h of the bond Honolulu, .Japan, China. Phillipprnes, Australia.

Coming--Ellen One Night Only Sat., May 29

b~8llC'· His eontcntion was that stud­ents were not doing- all that they

A.G. ALBERTSEN, G. A, CANADIAN PACIFIC 611 Second A\·e. S. Minneapolis, Minn.




:~M:A~:, 1 1 1;:1-;;E~-ruc;ci:~- i .


SOUYINER t Save money and time and enjoy good h alth •

and happiness. '

, ~

Our college seal J ewelry (in I RIDE A BIKE TO WORK. Blue and Gold) Pins, Cuff I Buttons, Laviers, Broaches, It's the most economical and pleasant means t Rings , Hat Pins. and many of travel. Ii other patterns in Sterling and I SEE OUR LATEST 1920 MODELS. '

I ~:::~~~hl;:1;,~~4~·~;· I !-~~:.~~~:<:.~~.:~~~ ;\'ELSO:\' CAB COMP ANY

The Oldest and Most 11 Reliable in the

I City Phone 27:l-W Auto Livery



12 So. Black A,·e.

Ce~ ~



Our ( a fe and Fountain Alwa}s at Your Service


' L--~~:-~-~~~!~~ ___ :




J. H. Baker, Cashier

Capital Stock.... ..$150,000

Surplus and Profits ... $250,000

j Bozeman, - - Montana





(Continued from Page 1).



(ContinuC'd From Page 1.)

ficc a11d scored on Delaney's error. JC;ilcwh1g- are the results of the meet

I B) C'lo!<-e Score of t to 3 ;\1. s. c., .Jorgcnson stcle second and third and with the time: Pi:t Tossers Luse to i\lount St. Rassley struck out. \ 100 Yard Dash ="'ine in Helena. Ninth inning .. Mt. St. Charles- Cates, Frosh--iFirst. 11 flat.

i\lurray singled to left field. Delaney Oberle, Senior-Second.

By a sc:o1-e of 4-3 Montana State \\~as defeated in baseball at Helena

hit by pitched ball. Murray out steal- Hauserneyer. Frosh-Third.

in~ third. Feeney safe on fir;t on l\lile Ru n

on last Saturday by Mount St. Charles , 1 a

1 1 fhe g-ame was very fast from the

ll;;! " 1

' • •

1 11 11


'n"' E' 11

' ' '



1 1

au•" ·~· start with the exception of the fourth

infield hit. Stanton struck out and Farnum, Sunier-First. 5 :03 Hog-an was out on a fly to Flynn. :Montjoy, Frosh-Second.

The Box Score · Shindall, Frosh-Third. i\ lonlana Slate Coll('ge 220 Yard Dash

AB R H PO A E Cates. Frosh-First. 24 :3 3 O 2 ] J Oberle, Senior-Serond.

: = inning when St. Charl<:s scored four

fl MODEL uROCERY ___ ! ~~:-~r:.n ~1~e~h:i~:n: ~~.:~~ :~~r:~I~~ I the. first. and third jnnings after which

the garnc was absolut.ely airtight.

George Bartz, Prop. i fhe sensational part of the game was

i Staple and Fancy Groceries ~ cho several catches that St. ChaTles

l\lcCarren, ss . Flynn, 2b Jacques, rf McConnell, rf Pii.rg. p .Torgcnson. lb Rassloy, ob Alquist, c Larse, If J•'inlPy. cf

.4 2 O I Hausemeyer, Frosh-Third.

.. .. 1 1 O ~O


. Two Mile Run

l O o Farnum, Junior- First. 11 m 42 sec

. ..... 3 O 3 Montjoy. Frosh-Second .

I Keeps a complete line of ~ .:1ade of line dri,·es by Pigg. Alquist

Lunch goods of the best ~ and Rassley, all of which would have

quaiity. Prices always right. ~ heen good for two bases each. n1m1u111tl1 1 u1 11 1 11 1 11 1n 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1m 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 11 , 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 n a t ~ l\.f ontana State College

.. A .4 ~

0 0 0 0

1 6 enny, Frosh-Third .

2 O I 120 Yard Hi gh Hurdles 11 2 o Shoebotham. Soph-First. 20 sec. O O O Eaton, Junior-Second. O O O I llolderby. Sophomore-Third.

0 0 1

( ................... ,,._.._. --· ........ ...,. ·-· ...,._._._.._.. • BOZEMAN ~ ~ FARMERS' CREAMERY ~ ,• Uses Pasturized Cream in ~

I their ~

Gallatin Gold Ice Cream. ~

All Orders Promptly ~ Taken care of. ~

3. Bozeman.~ ...... -..-.-..-.-.................... ~.......,..J

M. H. WHITE 23 W. ~fain St.

.\IcCarren. ss _\..IQuist. c }icConnell. rf Jorgenson, lb

f'irrg. P Ra"ley, 3b Finley, ef ... LHrse, lf \\'atts. 2b ............. .

_____ _..__ 440 Yard Rnn

27 10 2 Hollister, Frosh-First 55,4

AB RH PO A E 5 0 2 0

2 9 1 1

v 0 0

2!J Totals

0 0 0 'f ount St. Cha rle~ I Wildman, Soph-Second

0 .4 .3 0 .J. 0

. 3 0 4 0



1 1 1

7 0 2 O Collins. lb

2 3 2 1 0 0 3 0

;\!urray. ss Dela11l'y. 2b

AB R ll PO A :l 1 I 8 0

0 0 0 0

a 0 .. ,J 0

.... .... 4 2 A 0 0

E Newman. Frosh-Third. O Half Mile o ! Newman. Pl.·osh First. 2 m 22 sec.


0 I Mashin,-Second. H0llistcr. Frosh-Third.

01 01 0

F'eenp~·, rf 8tanton, If .

24 11 3 I lh1~an. cf St. Charles Scanlon. 0 0 ll 0

220 f_Jow Hurdl e~

T-lansemcyer, Frosh-First 29.4. Sho<•bctham . Sonh-Secon<l. Holderby. Soph-Third.

High .Jump

C:cllins, Jb .... :.Iarion, :lb . Ft•t•ney. rf }.fUlTHY 1 SS ... .

D<!laney 1 2b .. . r~rowley. p .

Ho~an. cf ... Stanton, lf .

Cate>. Frosh-First 5 ft. 6 in. 0 1 0 AB R H PO A E Crcwley. p

J 2 12 0 Totals ;3~ ..i_ 2:~ 6 Snth<'rl:md. Junior-Second.

0 0 :l " 0 ScorC' by Jnnings

1 Thien, Frosh-Ties for second.

0 .J. 0

] 2 :1 4 5 () 7 s n I Jcneun )fontana State O O O O O ~ o l x Kni!!ht, Frosh-First. 132 ft.

0 0

2 ~It St. Charles .0 O O O O 1 o o o Wildman, Soph-Second. o Summary-Eai·ned nm~. l\f. s. c. 2 1 Ha~tings 1 Senior-Third.

2 0 2

O O :\lt. St. Charlc>s; 'fhrec bn~c hits. al- Broad Jump 3 o !ins. Two base b;tg, Pi~g. i\lc.'Connell; 1 Cates. Frosh-First

Bases on Balls, Pigl.!.", 1: Crowley, 2. Htt<::t:>me:-.·er, Frogh-Second.

:12 -! 8 27 15 31

Struck out. by Pigg. 10: by Crowley, Suceetti, Soph-Third.

Rummnry: Two ba::;c hit. l\Iul'l'ay. 10. Left on bast's. 11. S. c., 5; l\It. St. " 'ei.c:hts :1t 1'uck out; By Pigg, ~. IJy Crowlc>y. I C'hm·]es, 8. \Yild pjtch Crowley J; I Knight, Fi.·o~h-First. -; . Hits ~ff Pigg. 8. Off Crowley, 8. Pi,!.!.Q', 1. Hit by pikher 1 i\.kCarren. J, Fro~h-Second. H1l by p1t.chC'Cl ball Ra:.slt·y. Stolen Jacques, Delaney. Passed ball, Al- Tiihbert1 .lnnior-Thh·d.

ha~p~ .. \lquist. Piµ:J.!, ~ieConnell. Pas- I quist. l; Scanlon. 1. Dnubll:' 1,!ay.1 Discu~ \.'cl halb Alquist, 2 .• sca~lon, :.t Time F~ynn t() •. .\lquist. rmnire Hammer, I Kni1?ht. Soph-First. 109 ft. 7 in.

! '' ''''' '''' '"'"' '' '"' ''''" '' '• of g-:une, ~ hom,. l m1i11·rs. Spencer Tmw l:·l>. Cate•. Fro•h-Serond. :tnd PL•lky. I I Ha~tinf.!S. Senior.-Third.

Sroro hy lnhin!(' Jl i\'!OHS PREP.\ RE Pole Vault 1 2 :1 4 5 G 7 8 !I R R E J FOR \N:\ L\L PRO)! Sucretti and Shoebotham Tie oi

~ ~lon. ~ z 0 1 0 0 0 () 0 0 ·~ 8 :1 1' firc:t (~onh~.) ~ PL.\~ XO"' St. Char 0 0 4 n fl 0 0 0 fl -! s :} (ContinuC:'d F1·om Pa,,..c 1.) Snthi,,-land • .Tunior-1'hircl.

~ - As a whole the ttam has improYed ~ . I Thf' rrlaY l·acP. counting ten points

f I\.E:r\YON-:';OBLE LI'."l\lBER ~ l v ah11ut two hundn•d per cent. Flynn tl :· ·wlth t~"le U'<-'lll·rnl exl•cutiv" com- iri th<" final c:cnre was won bv the - ' b niJtt\;'L'. r_cw ll~ approval Lil' any further I f·· ... ~1111'"n. Tn tho nthe1· "\'"nts. e<""h

~ CO!IIP A. ·y • "' ocn •hifted to second base and " , < < < '"

~ Rai:;:.;lcy hns been workitHt 011 third '"' 11 g'~c:--tlNl:-> '"hat nay br rffC>rcd to .-:r-.·t. rl.,c·f t•r mt<::. fh.·C' noints. the

-. .. -:\I (' t h t . t' b put thL' Pron atro~s in the hest pos- c:~('onrl tln-Pr- nnrl thE' thh·d pl~.cP one.

~ :'20 Vi. i\fain Phone No. 4 ~' . r an-en a s or " 1tel mg· etter <ihlt• mannd-. • ~ '\'Cry day. Ilis thl'Ow lo first is one 1111011111•111111111111111111,1~ L.f the strongest that ha~ been de-- Tl --- .

. ] l I f . 1c I lo ng <.C''"HPiJtt PS we1·e ap- ---~~~.-..,....~~

~ ' opct H'rc. or some time Jorgen- [pc inted . l l!!v by -:\c rm an TI.b- i . ' '' n at fn«t is a;; g-ood a man as can 1 h ·t t 1 II •L • I \OUR OLD CLOTHES i

ae:sJiiiW=: :-:--.:;;:~ ::§W"!" ~~....,.,,.,., • ('l o rnn< ~ ~:1e prom· J .H' Pxpected any plat't' "Y1c" Pigg- in :.\f · ~ • ...

1,e hox is one of the hesl pitchers - usic ' VlLL LOOI\. BETER

C e Ben Beach I t lgars

!:at has been .•een m Bozeman fo1· Aug-ust ''chiwi,lrr , " 'HEJ\ YOU HA YE THEM & snme time. \\~1th some practice Rav 1 i V


1,uhns. Zook,_ and McConnell will b.e Myi-tle H llier CLEANED AND PRESSED A . DC'coralion!:I '

C 1n <::.hap.e to g1vc any team a good run Lucif'n Bencpe BY t

and I. r then· money. The outfield is con-1 Hamid Eaton l c· D ;

Y sicl<'rably much b.etter since they have l(Y ye Works Evc>J_,,, Waterman ~-:!!cl a chance> to gel nut and get some Ph "

~ iractice. The lo"" of Atterbury be- Grant Hodgkiss one 180

~ Henrietta Moebus I Bl

.llz .. ards I hind the plate is keenly folt altho ...__ _____ __ p Jriuist has been doinrr ~ome ver\." T~nwcll Bowen -===============

!:" Vf'rn P(')nl

1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ 'o:;:n;vo~·~tt!~ ::~:,~ p;:~,i~1-n and is Tm·i1;~1~:·:::ce I r'rl'cruR'['r i~M,IN'fi""!

O\~ ;, Yon: OWN HO~m.

ll. F. WEST Funeral Director



Phone 690-R-2

The exuberant tastes of youth and the more quiet pre­ferences of older folk. are both provided for in the many styles of Crane's Linen Lawn and Eaton's Highland Linen.

There a.i:e styles enough to supply the ocial needs of every man of every age. And every sheet, no matter what its style, 1s the last word in correct \\Titing paper.

Gox·Poett~r Drug Go. I TIUCK ARTISTS WILi, A. :lkFarlin • -

r. Mr'lillan ! AS IT SHOULD ~ Prog::~::: .• ~to;~;~cs I ._I:=_ Ire DONE ;i=_ r~~~';::~;~~~~

Harlev Hollingsworth UL ~ BUY ''OUR SHOES." ~ Tl l•n Tripp = ii ~ ~ PA RK11 I ___ c_o_~_IP_E_T_E_'_:V_1T_II_B_R_l:_l1\-·s

~ (ConLinued from Pag-e l)


129 W. Main . Phone 21 •

Everything from the Plans To the Shingles

. we are in .a posiLion to supply yC'u wuh cvcrytb mg from tbc pbns to the shingle!> if ynu int ·nJ to build this yc:tr. You should talk to us about

Building Material bl"l.·ausc our }'r.:ars of expt:ricnce in th.: lumber business will pron: ve1·y hclptul to you. A sugg1.·~uun of a :~ffrrcnt kind of wood or perhap-. a

ddlert·nt crade will :.:t\'\! yrnJ mrrny

l on your hnu-;e. 'Ve'\'I.! all kinds o( I umbel'. L<'l '<i go O\•cr the pLu~s together a.nJ th!! co~t.


»20 hunlles; Mtf'arr1..•11, Hollister. '~!) hig-h hurcU(s; Pigg :-;hot put; Oberle. Cates. .Ta\'1·lin; Cales, Hastings, Pigg.

Discus; Oberle. Pigg, Hastings. I Pol(' ,·ault; Succetti. lrigh jump; Cates, Pigg, Sucetti. Broad jump; Cates, Suctetti, Oberle It is not known whether or not I

tl'e meet will include a relay. If so, thn~e who will run arc·; Cates, Oberle, Hollt5tet, an<l McCanen.

r~~;E~~~eman 1-_! LINOLEUMat AND ART-_; ~ To be shod \\'tth "OUR SHOE ., means freedom ~ Rdre<hmrnt• ~ from doubt about shoes. ;

~::~,;::;if,.., l STORE ! ~ l A Pinclrno,. 1 ~ "Japanese Art Goods" ~ ~ SPECIALTY BOOT SHOP~~~~;;,0:.!"~rJ ~ "

1 m. Ne\'ille 111111u1t1111 111111 11 1u1u11t111111111 111 u 1111 111111 1111u1u 111 111 1r1111; ~ Joe Conaty. John Hines ~ ~ - - - --- ~~~~'-~'-~~..,.,.,~~~'-~'-~~"''-~~ ~ ~~~'X.~'-~'-"""~'-~'--~""

=M=A=00=0=X=rR=E=AM=E=RY= : ~ The Graduation Gift ~ t;- - ---;-.;;;:;:-;;~;;:;:;;~----,, lJ ; a ' IN FLOUR AND ROLLED OATS.


We Make MACCO Phone 389 ; That good Butter & Ice Cream ~ Does Y?u~· son or daughter graduate this year,. You f DIVISION f =============!~ know that 1t 1s the greatest event of a young person's life a MONTANA FLOUR MILLS CO. t

~ Make it the happiest one, too. · ------------ - - -----

SAVE $10.00 AND



Fabrics and Models of the latest designs.

We have just what you college men want.


~ At no other time is the gift of jewelry from Pease's so ac~~pt~b~e. It's fine quality and permanent character pre­se1' e_ 101 the graduate the happy memory of the time and the giver of the gift .

The watch or diamond cepted excellence, carrying gi l'! who graduates.

Bracelet Watches Men's Watches ...... . Diamond Rings ... ..

from Pease's i the gift of ac­lasting pleasure to the boy or

.$26.50 to $100 .00 .. $25.00 to $170.00

..$35 .00 to $1,000 .00

i lll ll l !l l ll l ll l l! I Ul ll l HI Ul ll l ll ll ll lU lt l l I I I HI Ll l JU J I 11 1 l l l: t ! I I 11 I I I J 1 IM I 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 l I I ~ 1 1 ·1 1 ' l l! IJl l~

- Montana State College of · I Agriculture and Mechanic Arts ;;, Practical courses in Architectural, Civil, Electrical and

I ~ Mech.anical Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agricul ture, Dairy, Horticulture, Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry, Econ­

, 1-_~ omics, Biology, Music and Art.


Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art studio.

H. A. Pease & Co. I :_~ JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS. Alfred Atkinson, President

206 W M . St- t ~ • · am ree · The Hallmark Store. , ~ BOZEM.AN, MeNTANA. i

!~~~~ ........ ~ • I ~hlttlll l ll lll l lt l ll l tl l UIUl ll l UIUl ll l Ll l Uf ll l !l 1 1 1 Ul l! l ll l Ul ll l l! I U I Jl l U l jj lU l ll lU IK l l! IH l !l lUlll ll lHIU IUIU IU l l l ll l t! llll 'l ll · l ·lllll~