
THE FOURTH BOOK OF EZRA (Late First Century A . D . )

With the Four Additional Chapters


B Y B . M . M E T Z G E R

The treatise identified in Latin manuscripts as 4 Ezra (Esdrae liber IV) comprises chapters 3 - 1 4 of an expanded form of the book traditionally included among the Apocrypha of English Bibles under the title 2 Esdras. This expanded form includes a Christian framework, comprising chapters If. and 15f., c o m m o n l y called 2 and 5 Esdras in the later Latin manuscripts. 1 For the convenience of the reader, the fo l lowing pages provide a translation of the entire sixteen chapters. The accompanying chart shows the confused and confusing nomenclature of the diverse titles applied to the work.

The opening two chapters set forth a divine call to Ezra, a man of priestly descent ( 1 : 1 - 3 ) , to reprove the Jewish people for their waywardness despite God ' s repeated mercies (1:4—2:32). Rejected by Israel, Ezra turns to the genti les ( 2 : 3 3 - 4 1 ) and is granted a vision of a great multitude that stands on Mount Zion , each receiving a crown from "the Son of G o d , w h o m they confessed in the w o r l d " ( 2 : 4 2 - 4 8 ) . Fo l lowing this Christian introduction, the main body of the book (chs. 3 - 1 4 ) , written by a Jewish author and preserved in several Oriental versions (see " T e x t s " ) , sets forth seven vis ions granted to Salathiel, also cal led Ezra, in Babylon. In the first vis ion ( 3 : 1 - 5 : 1 9 ) , presented in dialogue form, Ezra bewai ls the fate of his people and raises perplexing questions concerning the origins o f the world's sin and suffering. He is assured that the end of the age is near.

In the second vis ion ( 5 : 2 1 - 6 : 3 4 ) , after reiterating his complaint that God has abandoned his o w n chosen people to the genti les , Ezra raises a new problem concerning the lot o f those who die before the present age has passed away (5:41) and is assured that their lot will be similar to that o f those l iving at the inauguration of the new age ( 5 : 4 2 - 6 : 1 0 ) . There fo l lows a list o f the s igns o f the end of the age ( 6 : 1 1 - 2 8 ) .

The lengthy third vision (6 :35-9 :25) describes the final judgment and the future state of the righteous and the wicked (7:26—[131]). Expressing great compass ion for the lost, Ezra struggles with the problem of reconcil ing G o d ' s mercy with the destruction of the wicked (7:[ 132 -40 ] ) and once again makes intercession to God on their behalf ( 8 : 4 - 3 6 ) . This is fo l lowed by an admonition that Ezra, w h o is destined for eternal bl iss , would do better to think about his o w n future than to brood over the lot o f sinners, which they deserve ( 8 : 3 7 - 6 2 ) . The vision concludes with a recapitulation of the s igns that will precede the end (8 :63 -9 :25 ) .

The fourth vis ion ( 9 : 2 6 - 1 0 : 5 9 ) depicts a woman in deep mourning for her only son and describes her suffering ( 9 : 3 8 - 1 0 : 4 ) . She is suddenly transformed into a glorious city, identified as heavenly Zion in the day of salvation ( 1 0 : 2 5 - 5 9 ) .

The fifth vis ion ( 1 1 : 1 - 1 2 : 3 9 ) is an elaborate allegory illustrating the course of future history by means of an eagle rising from the sea ( 1 1 : 1 - 3 5 ) . The eag le , Ezra is told, represents the Roman Empire, which will be punished by God ' s Mess iah for persecuting his elect ( 1 2 : 1 0 - 3 4 ) .

In the sixth vis ion ( 1 3 : 1 - 5 8 ) Ezra sees one like a man rising from the sea, w h o , with the

1 Modern scholars sometimes designate chs. 1-2 as 5 Ezra and chs. 15-16 as 6 Ezra.


clouds of heaven at the head of a great army, annihilates his enemies with a stream of fire issuing from his mouth.

The seventh and final vis ion ( 1 4 : 1 - 4 8 ) is an account of how an angel commiss ions Ezra to dictate for forty days to five men , w h o produce in this manner ninety-four books , namely twenty-four canonical books and seventy esoteric books that will remain hidden.

At this point the Oriental versions of the book c o m e to an end (see " T e x t s " ) . The Christian form of the book, preserved in Latin manuscripts, continues with a kind of appendix comprising chapters 15 and 16. These contain denunciations against the enemies of God's people and exhortations for the chosen people to put their trust in God .


The fol lowing translation is made from the Latin text edited by R. L. Bens ly , The Fourth Book of Ezra. In general the translation fo l lows the rendering of the Revised Standard Version of the book (the initial draft o f which was prepared by the present writer), but is modified by minor alterations and corrections.

The Latin manuscripts cited by Bensly are the fol lowing: 1. Codex Sangermanensis , A . D . 8 2 2 , formerly in the Library of the Benedictine Abbey

of S. Germain des Pres at Paris, now in the Bibliotheque Nationale, number 11505 Fonds Latin. This , the oldest known copy o f 4 Ezra, lacks 7:[36]—[105] and is the parent o f the vast majority of extant manuscripts . 2 The missing section had at one time been contained on a leaf that had been cut out in early t imes . Since the passage contains an emphatic denial of the value of prayers for the dead (7:[ 105]) , it is probable that the exc is ion was made deliberately for dogmatic reasons.

2 . Codex Ambianens is , a Carolingian minuscule o f the ninth century is number 10 in the Bibliotheque Communale of Amiens . This manuscript contains the " m i s s i n g " section ( 7 : 1 3 6 H 1 0 5 ] ) . 3

3 . Codex Complutensis , written in a Visigothic hand and dating from the ninth to tenth centuries, formerly of Complutum (Alcala de Henares), is now M S 31 in the Library of the Central University at Madrid.

4 . Codex Mazarinaeus is in two vo lumes , dating from the eleventh century, numbered 3 and 4 (formerly 6 , 7) in the Bibliotheque Mazarine at Paris. The text of 4 Ezra is g iven in the sequence o f chapters 3 - 1 6 , 1 and 2 .

The types of text of 4 Ezra in these and other Latin manuscripts fall into two main families: the French group (represented by M S S S and A) and the Spanish group (represented by M S S C and M) . In general the French family presents a superior text.

Other versions of 4 Ezra (chs . 3—14) are the Syriac, Ethiopic, Armenian, and two independent Arabic versions; the last three are rather free renderings, of little value in reconstructing the original text. In addition, fragments o f a Coptic and of a Georgian version are extant. The fol lowing are the chief editions o f these seven Oriental vers ions . 4

Syriac: The Old Testament in Syriac According to the Peshitta Version, edited on behalf of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament by the Peshitta Institute of the University of Leiden (eds . P. A . H. de Boer and W. Baars) part IV, fascicle 3 , Apocalypse of Baruch. 4 Esdras, ed . R. J. Bidawid (Leiden, 1973) .

Ethiopic: Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici, ed. A . Di l lmann, tomus V , Libri apocryphi (Berlin, 1894) pp. 1 5 2 - 9 3 , based on ten manuscripts.

Armenian: J. Zohrab's text of 4 Ezra, included in his edition of the Armenian Bible

1 So M. R. James in R. L. Bensly, The Fourth Book of Ezra. p. xiii. For a convenient list of eleven Lat. MSS containing 4Ezra see L. Gry, Les Dires prophetiques d Esdras (IV. Esdras), vol. 1, pp. xi-xiii. For information concerning other Lat. MSS containing excerpts and paraphrases of 4Ezra, see M. McNamara, The Apocrypha in the Irish Church (Dublin, 1975) p. 27.

3 See R. L. Bensly, The Missing Fragment of the Fourth Book of Ezra (Cambridge, 1875). Actually, the text of the so-called missing section had been published in Ar. and in German in preceding centuries; see B. M. Metzger, "The 'Lost' Section of II Esdras ( = IV Ezra)," JBL 76 (1957) 153-57; reprinted in B. M. Metzger, Historical and Literary Studies, Pagan, Jewish, and Christian (Leiden, 1963) pp. 4 8 - 5 1 .

4 A convenient edition, printed in parallel columns, is B. Violet's Die Ezra-Apokalypse (IV. Ezra) I. Teil: Die Uberlieferung. This provides a critical Lat. text with German translations of the Syr., Eth., and two Ar. versions, and a Lat. translation of the Arm. version.


(Venice , 1805) and translated into English by J. Issaverdens, Uncanonical Writings of the Old Testament (Ven ice , 1901) pp. 4 8 1 - 6 9 1 , is superseded now by M . E. Stone's edition (based on twenty-two M S S ) and English translation, The Armenian Version of IV Ezra (University of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies , 1; Missoula , Mt . , 1979 ) . 5

Arabic: The version known as Arab 1 is preserved in two manuscripts, the original and a copy of it. The original is Bodleian M S Or 251 (cat. Nico l l , p. 13, no . VI) of A .D . 1 3 5 4 , 6

and the copy is in the Vatican (Arab. 3 ) . The Arabic text was published by E. G. A. Ewalt in " D a s vierte Ezrabuch nach se inem Zeitalter, seinen arabischen Ubersetzungen und einer neuen Wiederherste l lung," in Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaf-ten zu Gottingen, vo l . XI (1863 ) . A second Arabic version, known as Arab 2 , exists in a complete form in a Vatican manuscript (Arab. 4 6 2 ) of the fourteenth century and in partial form in two other manuscripts. The Vatican manuscript w a s edited with a Latin translation by J. Gildemeister, Esdrae liber quartus arabice e codice Vaticano (Bonn , 1877). T w o further fragments o f an Arabic version independent of Arab 1 and Arab 2 are also k n o w n . 7

Coptic (Sahidic): A fragmentary parchment leaf, dating from the sixth to the eighth centuries, was edited by J. Leipoldt and B . Violet , "Ein saidisches Bruchstuck des vierten Esrabuches ," Zeitschrift fiir agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 41 (1904) 1 3 8 - 4 0 . The leaf contains 4 Ezra 3 : 2 9 - 4 6 .

Georgian: Portions of 4 Ezra are contained in two manuscripts: one preserved in the Library of the Greek Patriarchate at Jerusalem (MS 7 + 1 1 written A .D . 1050) , and the other—containing excerpts comprising about two thirds of the book—in the lavra of Iveron on Mount Athos (written A . D . 9 7 8 ) . The two manuscripts, according to Blake, " g o back to the same archetype, and that by no means a remote o n e " (HTR 19 [1926] 303) . See R. P. Blake, " T h e Georgian Version of Fourth Esdras from the Jerusalem Manuscript ," HTR 19 (1926) 2 9 9 - 3 7 5 , and " T h e Georgian Text of Fourth Esdras from the Athos M S , " HTR 22 (1929) 5 7 - 1 0 5 . Blake is o f the opinion that the Georgian and the Ethiopic versions g o back to a s ingle Greek archetype (HTR 19 [1926] 309 ) . In a more recent study Kourtsikidze finds that the Georgian texts edited by Blake are represented also by a fragment of the Paris Lectionary (ed. M. Tarchnichvi l i ) . 8

Greek: A tiny scrap of papyrus found at Oxyrhynchus , dating from about the fourth century (POxy 1010) , preserves the text of 1 5 : 5 7 - 5 9 .

There is also a condensation in Greek o f chapters 11 and 12 contained in a manuscript dated A .D . 1656, which is in the Library o f the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate at Jerusalem (no. 160). When the text is compared with that o f the several versions of 4 Ezra, it appears that the condensation was made from the current Latin form of the b o o k . 9

Orig ina l l a n g u a g e

The relation o f the extant versions of the Ezra Apoca lypse (chs. 3 - 1 4 ) to each other and to a lost original has received prolonged and repeated study. Not a few instances have been collected in which differences between the several versions (with the possible exception of

5 Textural problems in the Arm. version of 4Ezra are dealt with by Stone in Museon 79 (1966) 387-400; HTR 60 (1967) 107-15; and Textus 6 (1968) 48 -61 ; see also Stone's Concordance and Texts of the Armenian Version of IV Ezra (Oriental Notes and Studies 11; Jerusalem, 1971).

6 In 1646, John Gregory of Christ Church, Oxford, called attention to this MS as preserving "the most authenticke remaine" of 4Ezra. At the beginning of the 18th cent., at the request of William Whiston, Simon Ockley, the noted Arabist at Oxford, prepared an ET of this version for inclusion in the former's curious work entitled Primitive Christianity Reviv'd (London, 1711) vol. 4. On the continent J. A. Fabricius made a Lat. translation of Ockley's rendering for his Codicis pseudepigraphi Veteris Testamenti (Hamburg, 1723) vol. 2, pp. 173-307, and J. H. Haug made a German translation (probably from Fabricius) of the "missing" section of ch. 7 for the Berleburg Bibel (1742) vol. 8, pp. 105f.

7 For details, see Violet, Die Ezra-Apokalypse, p. xxxix, and G. Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur (Vatican City, 1944) vol. 1, pp. 219 -21 . For details of a newly identified witness, see M. E. Stone, "A New Manuscript of the Syrio-Arabic Version of the Fourth Book of Ezra," JSJ 8 (1977) 183f.

8 Ts. Kourtsikidze, Versions georgiennes des livres apocryphes de I'Ancien Testament (Academie des sciences de Georgie, Institut des manuscrits, Metsniereba; Tiflis, 1973) vol. 2, pp. 270-308 [in Georgian, with Russ. resume, pp. 309 -43 ] . According to B. Outtier (Bedi Kartlisa 33 [1975] 382), this study represents, with some changes and corrections, Kourtsikidze's work that appeared in Mravaltavi 1 (1971) 93-109 .

9 So R. Rubinkiewicz, "Un Fragment grec du IV e Livre d'Esdras (chapitres XI et XII), Museon 89 (1976) 75-87 .


the Armenian) can be explained by presupposing corruptions in or misunderstanding of a Greek text underlying them. For example , in 8:6 the Latin locum obviously arose from misreading Greek typon as topon, and in 9:19 the Latin and Oriental versions took nomos (accented on the first syllable) as " l a w , " which does not fit the context , instead of nomos (accented on the last syllable) as "pasture ." Likewise the internal ev idence of versions often suggests dependence upon an underlying Greek text. For example , the Latin somet imes reproduces Greek constructions ( e .g . the genit ive absolute) or Greek genders that are unknown to Latin grammar. Furthermore, quotations o f 4 Ezra included in Greek patristic and apocryphal documents presuppose knowledge of a Greek version o f the b o o k . 1 0 In modern times Hilgenfeld, with the assistance of Lagarde and H. Ronsch , reconstructed the lost Greek text from the Latin ver s ion . 1 1

There remain, however , many other phenomena that suggest a Semitic original lying behind the lost Greek text. Several scholars have argued that this was A r a m a i c . 1 2 On the other hand, the presence o f instances o f notable Hebraisms (such as the infinitive absolute construction) has led most modern scholars to postulate a Hebrew original underlying the G r e e k . 1 3


According to most s c h o l a r s , 1 4 the original Jewish document known today as 4 Ezra was composed about A .D . 100. This opinion rests upon a more or less plausible interpretation of the opening sentence, which states that " in the thirtieth year after the destruction o f our c i ty" Salathiel, w h o is also called Ezra, was in Babylon and underwent the experiences recounted in the vis ions that fo l low (3:1) . Although this purports to be in the thirtieth year after the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 5 8 6 B . C . , it becomes obvious when one begins to study the book that this statement is intended to refer cryptically to the fall of Jerusalem in A . D . 7 0 (3:2; 6:19; 10:48; and elsewhere) .

Since it is difficult to bel ieve that a Jewish book o f this kind could have found its way into Christian circles after the Bar-Kokhba revolt, when Church and Synogogue had become hopelessly alienated, the date o f the complet ion of the Hebrew original cannot be placed much after A .D . 120. This would al low time for the Greek version to have been made and taken up in Christian circles.

Near the middle or in the second half of the third century four chapters were added, two at the beginning and two at the end, by one or more unknown Christian writers.


Although several scholars have thought that the core of 4 Ezra was composed in R o m e among the Jewish Diaspora (the reference to Babylon [3:1] being understood as a cryptic reference to R o m e ) , the obviously Semitic coloration o f the work rather suggests Palestine as the place o f writing and publication of the Hebrew original. There is no trace of any influence from Egyptian Judaism or from the Qumran community .

Theological importance

A m o n g the more prominent theological ideas presented in 4 Ezra is the author's belief in God as the one and only Creator (3:4; 6 : 3 8 - 5 5 ; 6 : 1 - 6 ) . The term by which he usually refers

For the quotations, see e.g. Denis, Introduction, pp. 194f. 1 1 A. Hilgenfeld, Messias Judaeorum (Leipzig, 1869) pp. 36-113. 1 2 E.g. Gry, Les Dires prophetiques d'Esdras, pp. xxiii-lxxvi; C. C. Torrey, Apoc. Lit., p. 122; J. Bloch, "The

Ezra Apocalypse: Was It Written in Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic?" JQR 48 (1957-58) 279-94. 1 3 See especially G. H. Box, The Ezra-Apocalypse, pp. xiii-xix; A. Kaminka, "Beitrage zur Erklarung der Esra-

Apokalypse und zur Rekonstruktion ihres hebraischen Urtextes," MGWJ 76 (1932) 121-38, 206-12 , 494-511 , 604-7; 77 (1933) 339-55; and F. Zimmerman, "Underlying Documents of IV Ezra," JQR 51 (1960-61) 107-34. Editions of the reconstructed Heb. text of 4Ezra have been published by A. Kaminka, Sefer Hazonot Assir Shealtiel (Tel Aviv, 1936) and by J. Licht, Sefer Hazon 'Ezra (Jerusalem, 1968).

1 4 See, inter alia, J. M. Myers, / and II Esdras, pp. 129-31; and J. A. T. Robinson, Redating the New Testament (Philadelphia, 1976) pp. 247, 315.


to God is the Most High (altissimus); it occurs sixty-eight t imes in the apocalypse proper, but not once in the Christian additions. Bes ides being Judge at the final judgment ( 6 : 1 - 6 ) , God is merciful and compassionate (7:[ 132—38]). The Law is a divine gift to Israel (3:19f.; 9 :3I f . ) . It had indeed been offered to the other nations of the world but was deliberately rejected by them (7:23f. , [72]); Israel, on the other hand, had accepted it. It was for this reason, the writer holds , that Israel was e lected by God to be his special possession and chosen people .

It is here that the particular pathos of the book emerges as the author wrestles with the question: W h y has God delivered his people into the hands of their enemies? What puzzles the author is that God should permit Israel's oppressors to be in prosperity, while his own people , w h o are at least no worse than these , he leaves to perish (3 :30 , 32 ) . It is with this question bearing on divine justice that the seer agonizes , seeking " t o justify the ways of God to m a n . " In the end, however , the author concludes that G o d ' s ways are inscrutable.

The teaching o f 4 Ezra on the subject o f mankind and human free will is basically pessimistic . Sin is conce ived as consist ing essentially in unfaithfulness to the Law (9:36) , resulting in alienation and estrangement from God (7:[48]) . Although free will is definitely asserted in a few passages ( e . g . 3:8; 8 : 5 6 - 5 8 ) , the seer bel ieved that inevitably all have turned away from God. This defection is due, in some way , to the sin of A d a m (7: [118] ) , who possessed an evil heart (cor malignum, 3:20) in which a grain o f evil seed (granum seminis mali) had been sown (4:30) . S ince all o f Adam's descendants have fo l lowed his example in clothing themselves with an evil heart (3:26) , each is morally re spons ib l e . 1 5 It will be seen that this v iew corresponds to the rabbinic doctrine of the evil inclination or impulse (yeser ha-rcf).

The eschatological speculations of the book are extensive and somewhat involved. The author's consideration of the traditional bel ief in a messianic kingdom set up on earth, a kingdom which in his v iew will endure for four hundred years (7:28f . ) , is overshadowed by concern to penetrate the mystery of the world to c o m e and the conditions of the afterlife. The dawn of the end of the age will be heralded by wonderful and terrible s igns—physica l , moral, and political (4 :52-5 :13a; 6 : 1 1 - 2 9 ; 7 : 2 6 - [ 4 4 ] ; 8 :63 -9 :12 ) . After the resurrection (5:45; 7 :32 , [37]) and the judgment ( 7 : 3 3 - 3 5 ; 7: [105 , 115]) the wicked will g o to the furnace of Hell and the righteous to the Paradise of delight (7:36 , [ 7 8 - 1 0 1 ] ) .

In addition to these otherworldly speculat ions, 4 Ezra also contains, in other sections of the book, quite different eschatological teachings. In the Eagle Vision (ch. 12) a purely political eschatology is concerned with release from the tyranny of R o m e , secured by the Mess iah, w h o will then set up the Kingdom of God upon earth ( 1 2 : 3 2 - 3 4 ; cf. 11 :44-46) . Different again is the eschatology o f the Vis ion of the Man rising from the Sea (ch. 13); in this vision the pre-existent Mess iah , after annihilating all his enemies , gathers a peaceful multitude (the ten " l o s t " tribes o f Israel) to himself.

In this connect ion a comment may be added as to the role of the Messiah in the total eschatological thought of 4 Ezra. This role, as Stone points o u t , 1 6 is difficult to assess . Besides taking up the whole attention of chapter 13 and playing a significant role in chapters 1 1 - 1 2 , the Mess iah is mentioned e lsewhere in the book only at 7:28f. Stone conjectures that the reason for the relative paucity of references to the Mess iah may be that he was not the answer to the questions that Ezra w a s asking. At the same t ime, though the Messiah is not the exclus ive center of the seer's aspirations, he plays a significant role in the author's eschatological scheme.

One other feature of the seer's theological outlook deserves comment . This is his uni-versalism, shown in his world-embracing solicitude not only for his o w n nation, but for all people whose wickedness will bring them to a tragic fate in the next life. His pathetic lament concerns humanity as a w h o l e , regardless of racial origins ( 7 : [ 6 2 - 6 9 ] ) . In fact, the compassion of Ezra for the lost s eems at t imes to exceed that attributed by the author to God himself (cf. 8 : 3 7 - 6 2 ) , for when he makes intercession at length in behalf o f the mass of mankind w h o , as sinners, wil l be d o o m e d , his prayer is in vain. He is told bluntly, " M a n y have been created, but few will be s a v e d " (8:3) .

1 5 For the most recent discussion of this doctrine see A. L. Thompson, Responsibility for Evil in the Theodicy of IV Ezra.

1 6 M. E. Stone, "The Concept of the Messiah in IV Ezra," Goodenough Festschrift, pp. 295-312.


Unity of the book From what has been said in the preceding section concerning the eschatological features

of 4 Ezra 3 - 1 4 , it can be seen that quite disparate e lements are represented. There has been, therefore, not a little debate as to whether the book is the product of a redactor w h o combined the diverse productions of several authors , 1 7 or whether, despite more or less minor incon­sistencies arising from the utilization of varying traditions, the artistry o f the book suggests the hand of a single author w h o managed to fit heterogeneous details into a more or less coherent s c h e m e . 1 8 Although such a question cannot, perhaps, be regarded as permanently settled, many scholars today tend to regard chapters 3 - 1 4 as representing the author's o w n conception and handiwork.

Relation to canonical books

A number of resemblances in thought and diction with the N e w Testament occur in the Ezra Apocalypse (chs. 3 - 1 4 ) , but none of them suggests direct dependence. In 7:7 the writer speaks of the narrow entrance that leads to the abode of the righteous, a concept that occurs also in Matthew 7:13f. With the statement " M a n y have been created, but few will be s a v e d " (8:3) compare Matthew 22:14 and Luke 13:23f. In 4:33 the seer asks, in reference to the time when the new age will c o m e , " H o w long and when will these things b e ? " — w i t h which may be compared the words of the disciples to Jesus in Luke 21:7 .

Parallels with Pauline theology occur in the seer's treatment of the evil yeser (see "Theological importance") as compared with Romans 5 : 1 2 - 2 2 , and the personification of Zion as "the mother of us a l l " (10:7) as compared with Galatians 4 :26 , "the Jerusalem that is above . . . is our mother. ' '

The transiency of human life as described in 7 : [61] , "the multitude . . . are now like a mist, and are similar to a flame and s m o k e , " may be compared with James 4:14: "What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then v a n i s h e s . "

In 4 Ezra 12:42 the comparison of Ezra as being "l ike a lamp in a dark p l a c e " reminds one of the exhortation to pay attention to the prophetic word "as to a lamp shining in a dark p l a c e " (2Pet 2:19) . The Mess iah's destruction of a hostile multitude by the breath of his mouth (13: lOf.) finds a parallel in 2 Thessalonians 2:8.

The reader will find a considerable number of parallels between 4 Ezra and the Book of R e v e l a t i o n . 1 9 A m o n g these are the noteworthy similarities between the account in 13 :32 -39 and the context o f Revelation 7:9 and 14:1. The former refers to the messianic w o e s fo l lowed by the coming of the Son of Man, w h o will stand on Mount Zion and gather to himself "a multitude that was peaceab le ."

Relation to apocryphal books Many scholars have pointed to a very considerable number of parallel passages between

4 Ezra and 2 Baruch, which is also somet imes called the (Syriac) Apocalypse of B a r u c h . 2 0

The latter work, which on the whole represents a point o f v i ew and a theological outlook somewhat more in accordance with later rabbinical Judaism than 4 Ezra, appears to have been written as an answer to the perplexities mentioned by the seer.

Several striking parallels can be found between 4 Ezra and 1 Enoch, particularly the latest section of 1 Enoch ( i .e . chs . 3 7 - 7 1 , the Similitudes of Enoch) . These include 4 Ezra 6 : 4 9 - 5 2 and 1 Enoch 6 0 : 7 - 9 ; 4 Ezra 7:32f. and 1 Enoch 5 1 : 1 , 3 ; 4 Ezra 7:137] and 1 Enoch 6 2 : 1 .

1 7 See e.g. R. Kabisch, Das vierte Buch Esra (Gottingen, 1889), who identified two basic documents and three minor ones that were combined by a redactor; Box, The Ezra-Apocalypse, pp. xxii-xxxiii; W. O. E. Osterley, / / Esdras, pp. xif.; and Torrey, Apoc. Lit., pp. 116-23; and "A Twice-Buried Apocalypse," Munera Studiosa, eds. M. H. Shepherd, Jr., and S. E. Johnson (Cambridge, Mass., 1946) pp. 23-39 .

I M See e.g. H. Gunkel in Kautzsch's APAT; W. Sanday in Box, The Ezra-Apocalypse, pp. 5*-8*; M. R. James, "Salathiel qui est Esdras," JTS 19 (1918) 347-49; Gry, Les Dires prophetiques d'Esdras, pp. cxiii-cxxiv; Pfeiffer, History, pp. 81-86; and Myers, / and II Esdras, pp. 119-21.

1 9 For two dozen parallels see the index to passages in Box, The Ezra-Apocalypse, p. 377. 2 0 See e.g. P. Bogaert, Apocalypse de Baruch. Introduction, traduction du syriaque et commentaire (SC 144; Paris,

1969) vol. 1, pp. 58-67: cf. also Thompson, Responsibility for Evil, pp. 121-27.


The author o f 4 Ezra s e e m s to have been acquainted also with the Psalms of So lomon , though the similarity o f the phraseology of the parallel passages is hardly c lose enough to justify the v i ew that the seer borrowed from the earlier w o r k . 2 1

Cultura l i m p o r t a n c e

A m o n g ancient Jewish apocalyptic works , the cultural importance of 4 Ezra over the centuries is noteworthy. A few extracts from it are still used in the Christian liturgy; e .g . the Introit of the Mass for the Dead in the Roman Missal (Requiem aeternam . . .) is based on 2:34f. The dying words o f Bishop Latimer spoken to his brother martyr when, in 1555, both were about to be burned at the stake in front o f Balliol Co l l ege , Oxford ( " B e of good comfort, Master Ridley. Play the man. W e shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put o u t . " ) echo the traditional rendering of 14:25.

Of greater significance is the remarkable influence of 4 Ezra on Christopher Columbus , Wil l iam Whiston, and John R u s k i n . 2 2 A passage from "the prophet Ezra" encouraged Columbus to venture to set sail. In 6:42 a comment is made about God' s work of creation: " O n the third day you commanded the waters to be gathered together in the seventh part of the earth; six parts you dried up and kept so that some of them might be planted and cultivated and be of service before y o u . " Although, of course, the proportion o f water to dry land is nearly the reverse o f Ezra's figures, Columbus was heartened by Ezra's erroneous comment on Genes i s . In fact, it was partly by quoting this verse to the hesitant sovereigns of Spain that Columbus finally obtained financial support for his several voyages .

In the first half of the eighteenth century the learned and eccentric Wil l iam Whiston, Sir Isaac N e w t o n ' s successor as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in Cambridge University, drew up a list of ninety-nine " p r o o f s " that the end of the age was at hand. One third of these signs c o m e from 4 Ezra ( 5 : 1 - 1 3 ; 6 : 2 0 - 2 4 ; 9 : 1 - 8 ) and are quite general, resembling similar predictions in the canonical Scriptures. For example , the forty-sixth and the sixty-fifth " S i g n a l s " in his total list are that " W i c k e d n e s s should be vastly encreas'd beyond Measure of former A g e s " and that "Incont inency, V i l enes s , and Wickedness , shall be increased upon the Earth ." Much more specific was Whiston's interpretation of the significance of the rumor, circulating in 1726, that an illiterate farm woman of Surrey, named Mary Toft, had given birth to a litter o f rabbits. T o the torrent of pamphlets and editorials written for and against the truth of the story, Whiston added his impassioned defense—for he was convinced that here was a signal fulfillment of Ezra's prophecy that at the end of the age " w o m e n shall bring forth monsters" (5:8) .

A m o n g the books of the Apocrypha to which Milton gave repeated attention was 4 Ezra, which he referred to as 2 Esdras. On the occas ion of writing the introduction to his Deucalion, he says:

It chanced, this morning, as I sat down to finish my preface that I had, for my introductory reading, the fifth chapter of the second book of Esdras; in which , though often read carefully before, I had never enough noticed the curious verse, " B l o o d shall drop out o f w o o d , and the stone shall g ive his vo i ce , and the people shall be troubled" [5:5] . Of which verse, so far as I can gather the meaning from the context, and from the rest of the chapter, the intent is , that in the time spoken of by the prophet, which , if not our o w n , is one exactly corresponding to it, the deadness of men to all noble things shall be so great, that the sap of trees shall be more truly blood, in God ' s sight, than their hearts' blood; and the si lence of men, in praise of all noble things, so great, that the stones shall cry out, in God's hearing, instead of their tongues . . .

2 1 For a list of nearer and more remote parallels, see H. E. Ryle and M. R. James, Psalms of the Pharisees, commonly called the Psalms of Solomon (Cambridge, 1891) pp. Ixvi-lxix.

2 2 For more detailed information about the influence of 4Ezra on each of these three, see Metzger. hur. to the Apoc, pp. 232-38.



Charlesworth, PMR, pp. 1 1 1 - 1 6 . Del l ing, Bibliographie, pp. 1 6 0 - 6 2 . Denis , Introduction, pp. 1 9 4 - 2 0 0 .

Bensly, R. L . , ed. The Fourth Book of Ezra, the Latin Version Edited from the MSS. T & S 3 .2 ; Cambridge, 1895. (The edition of the Lat. version from which the present translation was made.)

Box, G. H. The Ezra-Apocalypse, being chapters 3-14 of the Book commonly known as 4 Ezra (or II Esdras). London, 1912. (A thorough investigation, with commentary.)

. " 4 Ezra," The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, ed . R. H. Charles, Oxford, 1913; vol . 2 , pp. 5 4 2 - 6 2 4 . (A condensation of the preceding work.)

Gray, M. L. Towards the Reconstruction of 4 Esdras and the Establishment of Its Contem­porary Context. Unpublished B. Litt. thesis , Oxford, 1976. (The people in Israel for whom the author wrote did not survive; we do not know w h o he was or to which group he belonged.)

Gry, L. Les Diresprophetiquesd'Esdras (IV. Esdras). Paris, 1938. 2 vols . (A comprehensive study of the Lat. text.)

Myers, J. M. / and II Esdras: Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Anchor Bible 4 2 ; Garden City, N . Y . , 1974. (A fresh translation, with full textural nn. and commentary.)

Oesterley, W. O. E. / / Esdras (the Ezra Apocalypse), with Introduction and Notes. London, 1933. (A brief commentary based on the Revised Version [1896] o f II Esdras.)

Thompson, A. L. Responsibility for Evil in the Theodicy of IV Ezra. S B L D S 29; Missoula, Mont . , 1977. (An informative study of the theology of 4Ezra.)

Violet, B. Die Ezra-Apokalypse (IV. Ezra) I. Teil: Die Oberlieferung. G C S 18; Leipzig , 1910. (Convenient edition of the Lat. text with translations of the several Eastern versions in parallel co lumns , with textural nn.)



T h e g e n e a l o g y o f E z r a

1 1 The s e c o n d 3 book of the prophet Ezra the son of Seraiah, son of Azariah, son 2 of Hilkiah, son of Shal lum, son of Zadok, son of Ahitub, # s o n of Ahijah, son of

Phinehas, son of Eli , son of Amariah, son of Azariah, son of Meraioth, son of Arna, son of Uzz i , son of Borith, son of Abishua, son of Phinehas, son of Eleazar,

3 son o f Aaron, o f the tribe of Levi , w h o was a captive in the country of the Medes in the reign of Artaxerxes, king of the Persians.

Ezra's prophe t i c call

4.5 The word of the Lord came to m e , saying, ' " G o and declare to my people their evil deeds , and to their children the iniquities which they have committed against isa 58:i

6 me , so that they may tell their children's children # that the sins of their parents have increased in them, for they have forgotten me and have offered sacrifices to

7 strange gods . »Was it not I w h o brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the 8 house of bondage? But they have angered me and despised my counsels . •Pull out

the hair of your head and hurl all ev i l s upon them, for they have not obeyed my 9 law; they are a rebellious people . • H o w long shall I endure them, on w h o m 1 have

10 bestowed such great benefits? • For their sake I have overthrown many kings; I Ex 1*2 11 struck down Pharaoh with his servants, and all his army. # I have destroyed all

nations before them, and scattered in the east the people of two provinces, Tyre and S idon; b I have slain all their enemies .

S u m m a r y of G o d ' s m e r c i e s to Israel

12.13 "But speak to them and say, Thus says the Lord: *Surely it was I who brought you through the sea, and made safe h ighways for you where there was no road; Ex 14.29

14 I gave you M o s e s as leader and Aaron as priest; *I provided light for you from a Ex 13.21 pillar of fire, and did great wonders among you . Yet you have forgotten me , says the Lord.

15 "Thus says the Lord Almighty: The quails were a sign to you; I gave you camps Ex 16:13 16 for your protection, and in them you complained. # Y o u have not exulted in my 17 name at the destruction o f your enemies , but to this day you still complain. • Where

are the benefits which I bestowed on you? When you were hungry and thirsty in is the wilderness , did you not cry out to m e , - saying , 4 W h y hast thou led us into this Neh 1*3

wilderness to kill us? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than 19 to die in this wi lderness . ' # I pitied your groanings and gave you manna for food; p s 78 :25 20 you ate the bread of angels . ' W h e n you were thirsty, did I not c leave the rock so 2o!n 2 C

that waters flowed in abundance? Because of the heat I covered you with the leaves W i s S o 1 1 1 : 4

21 of trees. • I divided fertile lands among you; I drove out the Canaanites, the Perizzites, and the Philistines before you . What more can I do for you? says the

22 Lord. # T h u s says the Lord Almighty: When you were in the wilderness , at the 23 bitter stream, thirsty and blaspheming my name, # I did not send fire upon you for Ex 15.22-25

your blasphemies , but threw a tree into the water and made the stream sweet .

1 a. Codex Ambianensis omits "second" here and cities (not provinces) lying west (not east) of the reads "third" in the title of the book. country of the Medes (vs. 3).

b. The author is confused; Tyre and Sidon were


God's appeal to Israel

24 4 4 W h a t shall I do to y o u , O Jacob? Y o u would not obey m e , O Judah. I will turn to other nations and will g ive them m y name, that they may keep my statutes.

25 Because you have forsaken m e , I also will forsake you . When you beg mercy of 26 me , I will show you no mercy. »When you call upon m e , I will not listen to you; isa i : i 5 : 5

for you have defiled you hands with b lood, and your feet are swift to commit 27 murder. # I t is not as though you had forsaken me; you have forsaken yourse lves ,

says the Lord. 28 "Thus says the Lord Almighty: Have I not entreated you as a father entreats his 29 sons or a mother her daughters or a nurse her children, •that you should be m y J e r 2 4 : 7

people and I should be your God , and that you should be m y sons and I should H e b 8 : 1 ° 30 be your father? *I gathered you as a hen gathers her brood under her wings . But ^ 3 . 3 4 31 n o w , what shall I do to you? I will cast you out from m y presence. «When you

offer oblations to m e , I will turn my face from you; for I have rejected your feast 32 days , and new m o o n s , and circumcisions of the flesh. • ! sent to you m y servants

the prophets, but you have taken and slain them and torn their bodies in p ieces; their blood I will require of y o u , says the Lord.

A new people

33 4 T h u s says the Lord Almighty: Your house is desolate; I will drive you out as 34 the wind drives straw; •and your sons wil l have no children, because with you they 35 have neglected my commandment and have done what is evil in my sight. 9l will

g ive your houses to a people that will c o m e , w h o without having heard m e will bel ieve . Those to w h o m I have shown no signs will do what I have commanded.

36,37 They have seen no prophets, yet will recall their former state . c # I call to witness the gratitude of the people that is to c o m e , w h o s e children rejoice with gladness; though they do not see me with bodily e y e s , yet with the spirit they will be l ieve Jn 20:29 the things I have said.

38 " A n d n o w , father, d look with pride and see the people coming from the east; 39 to them I will g ive as leaders Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Hosea and A m o s 40 and Micah and Joel and Obadiah and Jonah - and Nahum and Habakkuk, Zephaniah,

Haggai , Zechariah, and Malach i , e w h o is also called the messenger of the Lord.

Divine judgment upon Israel

1 2 4 T h u s says the Lord: I brought this people out o f bondage , and I gave them commandments through m y servants the prophets; but they would not listen to

2 them, and made my counse ls void . # T h e mother 1 w h o bore them says to them, isa 54:1 3 4 G o , my children, because I am a w i d o w and forsaken. - I brought you up with 1 B a r 4 : 1 9

gladness; but with mourning and sorrow I have lost y o u , because you have sinned 4 before the Lord God and have done what is evil in m y sight. - B u t now what can 1 Bar 4:11

I do for you? For I am a w i d o w and forsaken. G o , m y children, and ask for mercy 5 from the Lord.' »I call upon y o u , father , 6 as a witness in addition to the mother 6 of the children, because they would not keep m y covenant , 'that you may bring

confusion upon them and bring their mother to ruin, so that they may have no 7 offspring. »Let them be scattered among the nations, let their names be blotted out

from the earth, because they have despised my covenant . 8 4 4 W o e to y o u , Assyria, w h o conceal the unrighteous in your midst! O wicked Gen 19:24 9 nation, remember what I did to S o d o m and Gomorrah, • w h o s e land lies in lumps

of pitch and heaps of ashes. S o I will do to those w h o have not listened to m e , says the Lord A l m i g h t y . "

c. Other authorities read "their iniquities." d. God is represented as addressing Ezra as

"father" of the nation (cf. 2:5). e. The minor prophets are arranged in the order

of the LXX.

2 a. I.e. Jerusalem. b. The author addresses Ezra as "father" (cf.



10 Thus says the Lord to Ezra: "Tel l my people that I wil l g ive them the kingdom 11 of Jerusalem, which I was go ing to g ive to Israel. •Moreover , I will take back to

mysel f their glory, and will g ive to these others the everlasting habitations, which Lk i6:9 12 I had prepared for Israel . 0 •The tree of life shall g ive them fragrant perfume, and R e v 2 : 7 ;

13 they shall neither toil nor become weary. «Ask and you will receive; pray that your Mt 25:34 days may be f ew , that they may be shortened. The kingdom is already prepared

14 for you; watch! •Cal l , O call heaven and earth to wi tness , for I left out evil and created g o o d , because I l ive , says the Lord.

Exhortation to good works

15 " M o t h e r , d embrace your sons; bring them up with g ladness , as does the dove; 16 establish their feet, because I have chosen you , says the Lord. - A n d I will raise

up the dead from their places , and will bring them out from their tombs , because 17 I recognize my name in them. »Do not fear, mother of the sons , for I have chosen is you , says the Lord. # I will send you help, my servants Isaiah and Jeremiah.

According to their counsel I have consecrated and prepared for you twelve trees 19 loaded with various fruits, # and the same number of springs flowing with milk and Rev 22:2

honey, and seven mighty mountains on which roses and lilies grow; by these I will Deut 31.20 20 fill your children with joy . • Guard the rights of the w i d o w , secure justice for the 21 fatherless, g ive to the needy, defend the orphan, clothe the naked, *care for the

injured and the weak, do not ridicule a lame man, protect the maimed, and let the 22 blind man have a vision of my glory. • Protect the old and the young within your 23 walls; # w h e n you find any w h o are dead, commit them to the grave and mark i t , e

24 and I will g ive you the first place in my resurrection. • Pause and be quiet, my 25 people , because your rest will c o m e . # G o o d nurse, nourish your sons , and strengthen 26 their feet. »Not one of the servants w h o m I have g iven you will perish, for I will 27 require them from among your number. # D o not be anxious , for when the day of

tribulation and anguish c o m e s , others shall w e e p and be sorrowful, but you shall 28 rejoice and have abundance. 'The nations shall envy you but they shall not be able 29 to do anything against you , says the Lord. »My hands will cover you , that your 30 sons may not see Gehenna. • Rejo ice , O mother, with your sons , because I will 31 deliver y o u , says the Lord. •Remember your sons that s leep, because I will bring

them out o f the hiding places o f the earth, and will show mercy to them; for I am 32 merciful, says the Lord Almighty . • Embrace your children until I c o m e , and

proclaim mercy to them; because my springs run over, and my grace will not fa i l ."

Rejected by Israel, Ezra turns to the gentiles

33 I, Ezra, received a command from the Lord on Mount Horeb to g o to Israel. When I came to them they rejected me and refused the Lord's commandment .

34 Therefore I say to y o u , O nations that hear and understand, "Awai t your shepherd; he will g ive you everlasting rest, because he w h o will c o m e at the end of the age

35 is c lose at hand. »Be ready for the rewards of the k ingdom, because the eternal isa60:2o 36 light will shine upon you forevermore. -Flee from the shadow of this age , receive R e v 2 1 : 2 3 ; 2 2 :

37 the joy of your glory; I publicly call on m y Savior to w i t n e s s / • Rece ive what the Lord has entrusted to you and be joyful , g iv ing thanks to him w h o has called you

38 to heavenly k ingdoms. 'Rise and stand, and see at the feast o f the Lord the number 39 of those w h o have been sealed. •Those w h o have departed from the shadow of this 40 age have received glorious garments from the Lord. # T a k e again your full number,

O Zion, and conclude the list of your people w h o are clothed in white , w h o have Rev 3:4; 6:11: 41 fulfilled the law of the Lord. •The number of your children w h o m you desired is

c. Lat. "those." them to the grave." d. "Mother." probably a reference to the f. Other authorities read "I testify that my Savior

Church. has been commissioned by the Lord." e. Or "seal it"; or "mark them and commit


full; beseech the Lord's power that your people, who have been called from the 4:36f.

beginning, may be made holy."

Ezra's vision of a great multitude

42 I, Ezra, saw on Mount Zion a great multitude, which I could not number, and 43 they all were praising the Lord with songs. *In their midst was a young man of

great stature, taller than any of the others, and on the head of each of them he placed a crown, but he was more exalted than they. And I was held spellbound.

•4,45 Then I asked an angel,4 4Who are these, my lord?" *He answered and said to me, 4'These are they who have put off mortal clothing and put on the immortal, and they have confessed the name of God; now they are being crowned, and receive

46 palms." »Then I said to the angel, "Who is that young man who places crowns 47 on them and puts palms in their hands?" *He answered and said to me, 4 4He is

the Son of God, whom they confessed in the world." So I began to praise those 48 who had stood valiantly for the name of the Lord. *Then the angel said to me,

4 tGo, tell my people how great and many are the wonders of the Lord God which you have seen."


The first vision 1 3 In the thirtieth year after the destruction of our city, I, Salathiel,3 who am also 2Kgs25:ir

called Ezra, was in Babylon. I was troubled as I lay on my bed, and my thoughts 2 welled up in my heart, • because I saw the desolation of Zion and the wealth of 3 those who lived in Babylon. *My spirit was greatly agitated, and I began to speak 4 anxious words to the Most High, and said, •"0 sovereign Lord, did you not speak

at the beginning when you formed the earth—and' that without help—and com-5 manded the dustb • and it gavec you Adam, a lifeless body? Yet he was the

workmanship of your hands, and you breathed into him the breath of life, and he 6 was made alive in your presence. 9And you led him into the garden which your 7 right hand had planted before the earth appeared. *And you laid upon him one

commandment of yours; but he transgressed it, and immediately you appointed wisSoi i:i3f. ;

death for him and for his descendants. From him there sprang nations and tribes, 2 : 2 3 f

8 peoples and clans, without number. #And every nation walked after its own will Gen 6:12 and did ungodly things before you and scorned you, and you did not hinder them.

9 But again, in its time you brought the flood upon the inhabitants of the world and Gen 6.if. 10 destroyed them. »And the same fate befell them: As death came upon Adam, so 11 the flood upon them. *But you left one of them, Noah with his household, and all

the righteous who have descended from him.

The patriarchs

12 44When those who dwelt on earth began to multiply, they produced children and peoples and many nations, and again they began to be more ungodly than were

13 their ancestors. •And when they were committing iniquity before you, you chose 14 for yourself one of them, whose name was Abraham; *and you loved him and to 15 him only you revealed the end of the times, secretly by night. #You made with

him an everlasting covenant, and promised him that you would never forsake his descendants; and you gave to him Isaac, and to Isaac you gave Jacob and Esau.

16 And you set apart Jacob for yourself, but Esau you rejected; and Jacob became 17 a great multitude. • And when you led his descendants out of Egypt, you brought is them to Mount Sinai. *You bent down the heavens and shookd the earth, and moved

3 a. "Salathiel" is the Gk. form of Shealtiel (the c. Syr. father of Zerubbabel, Ezra 3:2; 5:2; Neh 12:1). d. Syr. Eth., Arab 1, Georgian; Lat. "set fast "

b. Syr., Eth.


19 the world, and made the depths to tremble, and trouble the t imes . »And your glory passed through the four gates o f fire and earthquake and wind and i ce , to g ive the Law to the descendants o f Jacob, and your commandment to the posterity of Israel.

The evil heart 20 4 4 Yet y o u did not take away from them their evi l heart, so that your Law might 21 bring forth fruit in them. »For the first A d a m , burdened with an evi l heart,

transgressed and w a s o v e r c o m e , as were also all w h o were descended from him. 22 Thus the disease became permanent; the law w a s in the people ' s heart along with 23 the evil root, but what w a s g o o d departed, and the evil remained. »So the t imes

passed and the years were completed , and you raised up for yourself a servant, 24 named David . »And you c o m m a n d e d him to build a city for your name, and in 25 it to offer you oblations from what is yours . •This w a s done for many years; but 26 the inhabitants o f the city transgressed, »in everything doing as A d a m and all his 27 descendants had done , for they a lso had the evi l heart. ' S o you delivered the city

into the hands of your enemies .

Babylon compared with Zion 28 4 T h e n I said in m y heart, Are the deeds o f those w h o inhabit Babylon any 29 better? Is that w h y she has gained dominion over Zion? »For when I came here

I saw ungodly deeds without number, and m y soul has seen many sinners during 30 these thirty y e a r s . e And m y heart failed m e , *for I have seen h o w you endure those

w h o s in, and have spared those w h o act wicked ly , and have destroyed your people , 31 and have preserved your e n e m i e s , # a n d have not shown to anyone h o w your w a y 32 may be c o m p r e h e n d e d / Are the deeds o f Babylon better than those of Zion? *Ov

has another nation known you besides Israel? Or what tribes have so bel ieved your 33 covenants as these tribes of Jacob? »Yet their reward has not appeared and their

labor has borne no fruit. For I have traveled wide ly among the nations and have seen that they abound in wealth, though they are unmindful of your commandments .

34 N o w therefore w e i g h in a balance our iniquities and those of the inhabitants o f the Job 31:6 world; and so it wil l be found which way the turn o f the scale wil l incline. p^>v*i6:2

35 When have the inhabitants o f the earth not sinned in your sight? Or what nation iEn4i : i ;6 i :8 36 has kept your commandments so we l l? »You may indeed find individual men w h o

have kept your commandments , but nations you will not find."

Uriel's reply: God's ways are inscrutable

1.2 4 Then the angel that had been sent to m e , w h o s e name was Uriel , answered »and said to m e , 4 4 Your understanding has utterly failed regarding this world, and do iEn20:2

3 you think you can comprehend the w a y o f the Most H i g h ? " •Then I said, 4 4 Y e s , my l o r d . " And he replied to m e , 4 4 I have been sent to show you three problems.

4 If you can so lve one of them for m e , I also will show you the way you desire to see , and will teach you why the heart is e v i l . "

5 I said, 4 4 S p e a k o n , m y l o r d . " And he said to m e , 4 4 G o , we igh for m e the weight o f fire, or measure for m e

a measure 8 o f w ind , or call back for m e the day that is p a s t . " 6 I answered and said, 4 4 W h o o f those that have been born can do this, that you

ask me concerning these th ings?" 7 And he said to m e , 4 4 I f I had asked y o u , 4 H o w many dwel l ings are in the heart

of the sea, or h o w many streams are at the source o f the deep , or h o w many streams are above the firmament, or which are the exi ts o f hel l , or which are the

s entrances b o f Paradise?' 'perhaps you would have said to m e , 41 never went d o w n

e. Eth., Arab 1, Arm.; Lat., Syr. "in this thir- 4 a. Syr., Eth., Ar., Georgian; Lat. "a blast." tieth year." b. Syr.; cf. Eth., Arab 2 , Arm.; Lat. omits "of

f. Syr.; Lat.' 'how this way should be forsaken. *' hell, or which are the entrances. * *


9 into the deep , nor as yet into hell , neither did I ever ascend into heaven. * •But n o w I have asked you only about fire and wind and the day, things through which you have passed and without which you cannot e x i s t , c and y o u have g iven m e no

10 answer about t h e m ! " »And he said to m e , " Y o u cannot understand the things with 11 which you have grown up; »how then can your mind comprehend the w a y of the

Most High? A n d h o w can one w h o is already worn out d by the corrupt world 12 understand incorruption?" e When I heard this, I fell on m y f a c e f »and said to h im,

"It would be better for us not to be here than to c o m e here and l ive in ungodl iness , and to suffer and not understand w h y . "

Parable of conflict between forest and sea

13 He answered m e and said, "I went into a forest o f trees o f the plain, and they isa55:8f. 14 made a plan # a n d said, 'Come , let us g o and make war against the sea, that it may 15 recede before us , and that w e may make for ourselves more forests . ' °And in like

manner the waves of the sea also made a plan and said, 4 C o m e , let us g o up and subdue the forest of the plain so that there also w e may gain more territory for

16 ourselves. »But the plan of the forest w a s in vain, for the fire c a m e and consumed 17 it; • l ikewise also the plan of the w a v e s of the sea , for the sand stood firm and is stopped them. # I f now you were a judge between them, which would you undertake

to justify, and which to c o n d e m n ? " 19 I answered and said, 4 'Each has made a fool ish plan, for the land is ass igned

to the forest, and to the sea is assigned a place to carry its w a v e s . " 20 He answered m e and said, 4 4 Y o u have judged rightly, but w h y have you not 21 judged so in your o w n case? •For as the land is assigned to the forest and the sea

to its w a v e s , so also those w h o dwel l upon earth can understand only what is on earth, and he w h o is above the heavens can understand what is above the height of the h e a v e n s . "

Why Israel has become a reproach 22 Then I answered and said, 4 4 I beseech y o u , my lord, w h y 8 have I been endowed 23 with the power o f understanding? »For I did not wish to inquire about the ways

above, but about those things which w e daily experience: w h y Israel has been given over to the genti les as a reproach; w h y the people w h o m you loved has been given to godless tribes, and the Law of our fathers has been made of no effect and

24 the written covenants no longer exist; # a n d why w e pass from the world like 25 locusts, and our life is like a m i s t , h and w e are not worthy to obtain mercy. •But

what will he do for his name, by which w e are cal led? It is about these things that I have a s k e d . "

The near approach of the end of the age

26 He answered me and said, 4 4 I f you are a l ive , you will s ee , and if you l ive long, ' 27 you will often marvel, because the age is hastening swiftly to its end. »For it wil l

not be able to bring the things that have been promised to the righteous in their 28 appointed t imes, because this age is full o f sadness and infirmities. »For the evil

about which* you ask me has been s o w n , but the harvest o f it has not yet c o m e . 29 If therefore that which has been s o w n is not reaped, and if the place where the

evil has been s o w n does not pass away , the field where the g o o d has been s o w n 30 will not c o m e . °For a grain of evil s e e d k was s o w n in A d a m ' s heart from the

c. Other Lat. MSS read "from which you cannot be separated."

d. The text here is uncertain. e. Syr., Eth. "the way of the incorruptible?" f. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. is corrupt. g. Syr., Eth., Arm.; Lat. is corrupt.

h. Syr., Eth., Ar., Georgian; Lat. "a trem­bling."

i. Syr.; Lat. " l ive ." j . Syr., Eth.; Lat. is uncertain, k. I.e. evil ye$er.


beginning, and how much ungodl iness it has produced until n o w , and will produce 31 until the time of threshing c o m e s ! •Consider n o w for yourself h o w much fruit of 32 ungodliness a grain of evil seed has produced. * W h e n heads of grain without

number are s o w n , how great a threshing floor they will fill!"

W h e n wil l the n e w a g e c o m e ?

33 Then I answered and said, " H o w long 1 and when will these things be? Why are 34 our years few and e v i l ? " *He answered me and said, " Y o u do not hasten faster

than the Most High, for your haste is for yourself," 1 but the Highest hastens on 35 behalf o f many. •Did not the souls of the righteous in their chambers ask about

these matters, saying, 'How long are w e to remain here?" And when will come 36 the harvest o f our reward?' »And Jeremie l 0 the archangel answered them and said,

'When the number of those like yourselves is completed; p for he has weighed the 37 age in the balance, # a n d measured the t imes by measure, and numbered the times

by number; and he will not m o v e or arouse them until that measure is fulfilled.' " 38 Then I answered and said, " O sovereign Lord, but all o f us also are full of 39 ungodliness. »And it is perhaps on account of us that the time of threshing is

delayed for the r ighteous—on account of the sins o f those w h o dwell on earth ." 40 He answered me and said, " G o and ask a woman w h o is with child if, when

her nine months have been completed , her w o m b can keep the child within her any longer ."

41 " N o , my lord ," I said, "it c a n n o t . " 42 He said to m e , "In Hades the chambers of the souls are like the w o m b . *For

just as a woman w h o is in travail makes haste to escape the pangs of birth, so also do these places hasten to g ive back those things that were committed to them from

43 the beginning. »Then the things that you desire to see will be disclosed to y o u . "

H o w m u c h t i m e r e m a i n s ?

44 I answered and said, "If I have found favor in your sight, and if it is poss ible , 45 and if I am worthy, # s h o w m e this also: whether more time is to c o m e than has 46 passed, or whether for us the greater part has gone by. -For I know what has gone

by, but I do not know what is to c o m e . " 47 He said to m e , "Stand at my right s ide, and I will show you the interpretation

of a parable ." 48 So I stood and looked, and behold a flaming furnace passed by before m e , and 49 when the flame had gone by I looked, and behold, the smoke remained. «And after

this a cloud full o f water passed before me and poured down a heavy and violent rain, and when the rainstorm had passed, drops remained in the c loud.

50 And he said to m e , "Consider it for yourself; for as the rain is more than the drops, and the fire is greater than the s m o k e , so the quantity that passed was far greater; but drops and smoke remained ."

51 Then I prayed and said, " D o you think that I shall l ive until those days? Or w h o will be alive in those d a y s ? "

52 He answered me and said, "Concerning the s igns about which you ask m e , I can tell you in part; but I w a s not sent to tell you concerning your life, for I do not know.

S igns of the a p p r o a c h i n g e n d o f the a g e

i 5 " N o w concerning the s igns: Behold , the days are coming when those who dwell

I. Syr., Eth.; Lat. is uncertain. o. Syr. Remiel\ cf. the seventh of the seven m. Syr., Eth., Ar., Arm.; Lat. is corrupt. archangels listed in IEn 20:1-8. n. Syr., Eth., Arab 2, Georgian; Lat. "How p. Syr., Eth., Arab 2; Lat. "number of seeds

long do I hope thus?" is completed for you."


on earth shall be se ized with great terror, 3 and the way o f truth shall be hidden, 2 and the land shall be barren of faith. • And unrighteousness shall be increased Mt 24:1 3 beyond what you yourself s ee , and beyond what you heard of formerly. - A n d the

land b which you now see ruling shall be waste and untrodden, 0 and men shall see 4 it desolate. -But if the Most High grants that you l ive , you shall see it thrown into

confusion after the third period; d

and the sun shall suddenly shine forth at night, and the m o o n during the day.

5 B lood shall drip from w o o d ,

t , r . . . . . Hab 2:11

and the stone shall utter its vo ice; Lk 1*40 the peoples shall be troubled,

and the stars shall fa l l . 6

6 And one shall reign w h o m those w h o dwel l on earth do not expect , and the birds 7 shall fly away together; »and the sea of S o d o m f shall cast up fish; and one w h o m

the many do not know shall make his vo ice heard by night, and all shall hear his 8 v o i c e . 8 -There shall be chaos also in many places,* 1 and fire shall often break out,

and the wild beasts shall roam beyond their haunts, and menstruous w o m e n shall 9 bring forth monsters. - A n d salt waters shall be found in the sweet , and all friends

shall conquer one another; then shall reason hide itself, and wi sdom shall withdraw 10 into its chamber, - a n d it shall be sought by many but shall not be found, and 11 unrighteousness and unrestraint shall increase on earth. -And one country shall ask isa 59:i4f.

its neighbor, 4 Has righteousness , or anyone w h o does right, passed through you? ' 12 And it will answer, ' N o . ' # A n d at that time men shall hope but not obtain; they 13 shall labor but their ways shall not prosper. - T h e s e are the s igns which I am

permitted to tell y o u , and if you pray again, and w e e p as you do n o w , and fast 5:20;6:35; for seven days , you shalLhear yet greater things than t h e s e . " 1 2 : 5 1

Conclusion of the vision

14 Then I awoke , and my body shuddered violently, and my soul was so troubled 15 that it fainted. # B u t the angel w h o had c o m e and talked with me held me and

strengthened m e and set me on my feet. 16 N o w on the second night Phaltiel, a chief o f the people , came to m e and said, 17 ' 4 Where have you been? And why is your face sad? °Or do you not know that is Israel has been entrusted to you in the land of their ex i le? -Rise therefore and eat

some bread, so that you may not forsake us , like a shepherd w h o leaves his flock in the power of savage w o l v e s . "

19 Then I said to h im, 4 4 Depart from me and do not c o m e near me for seven days , and then you may c o m e to m e . "

20 He heard what I said and left m e . » S o I fasted seven days , mourning and weeping , as Uriel the angel had commanded m e .

Ezra reiterates his complaints of divine inequity

21 And after seven days the thoughts of my heart were very grievous to me again. 22 Then my soul recovered the spirit o f understanding, and I began once more to


5 a. Syr.; Eth. "confusion"; Lat. is uncertain. b. I.e. the Roman Empire. c. Syr.; Lat. is corrupt. d. Lit. "after the third"; Eth. "after three

g. Bensly's correction; Lat. "fish; and it shall make its voice heard by night, which the many have not known, but all shall hear its voice ."

f. I.e. the Dead Sea.

months"; Arm. "after the third vision"; Georgian "after the third day."

e. Eth.; cf. Syr. and Ar.; Lat. is uncertain.

h. Syr. "a fissure shall arise over wide regions" (cf. Zech 14:4).


23 speak words in the presence of the Most High. *And I said, " O sovereign Lord, from every forest of the earth and from all its trees you have chosen one vine, p s 80:8

24 and from all the lands of the world you have chosen for yourself one region, 1 and 25 from all the flowers of the world you have chosen for yourself one l i ly, # and from song 2:2

all the depths of the sea you have filled for yourself one river, and from all the H o s 1 4 : 5

26 cities that have been built you have consecrated Zion for yourself, # a n d from all Ps 132:13 the birds that have been created you have named for yourself one d o v e , and from p s 74.19 all the flocks that have been fashioned you have provided for yourself one sheep, p s 79:13

27 and from all the multitude of people you have gotten for yourself one people; and to this people , w h o m you have loved, you have g iven the Law which is approved

28 by all. # A n d n o w , O Lord, why have you g iven over the one to the many, and dishonored* the one root beyond the others, and scattered your only one among the iEn 93:8

29 many? # A n d those w h o opposed your promises have trodden d o w n on those who 30 bel ieved your covenants . # I f you really hate your people , they should be punished

at your o w n h a n d s . "

Response to Ezra's complaints

31 When I had spoken these words , the angel w h o had c o m e to me on a previous 32 night was sent to me , *and he said to m e , "Listen to m e , and I will instruct you;

pay attention to m e , and I will tell you m o r e . " 33 "Speak on , my lord ," I said. And he said to m e , 4 4 A r e you greatly disturbed

in mind over Israel? k Or do you love him more than his Maker d o e s ? " 8:47 34 4 4 N o , my l o r d , " I said, 4 4 but because of my grief I have spoken; for every hour

I suffer agonies o f heart, whi le I strive to understand the way of the Most High and to search out part of his j u d g m e n t . "

35 He said to m e , 4 4 Y o u c a n n o t . " And I said, 4 4 W h y not, m y lord? W h y then was Job3:11 •, I born? Or why did not m y mother's w o m b become my grave, that I might not 1 0 : 1 8 1 9

see the travail of Jacob and the exhaustion of the people o f Israel?" 36 He said to m e , 4 4 Count up for me those w h o have not yet c o m e , and gather for

me the scattered raindrops, and make the withered flowers b loom again for me; 37 open for me the c losed chambers, and bring forth for me the winds shut up in

them, or show me the picture of a voice; and then I will explain to you the travail that you ask to understand." 1

38 " O sovereign L o r d , " I s a i d , 4 4 w h o is able to know these things except he w h o s e 39 dwell ing is not with men? *As for m e , I am without w i s d o m , and how can I speak

concerning the things which you have asked m e ? " 40 He said to me , 4 4 Just as you cannot do one of the things that were mentioned,

so you cannot discover my judgment , or the goal o f the love that 1 have promised my p e o p l e . "

Why successive generations have been created

41 I said, 4 4 Yet behold, O Lord, you have charge of those w h o are alive at the end, but what will those do w h o were before us , or w e , or those w h o c o m e after u s ? "

42 He said to me , "I shall liken my judgment to a circle;" 1 just as for those w h o are last there is now s lowness , so for those w h o are first there is no h a s t e . "

43 Then I answered and said, "Could you not have created at one t ime those w h o have been and those w h o are and those w h o will be , that you might show your judgment the sooner?"

44 He replied to m e and said, " T h e creation cannot make more haste than the Creator, neither can the world hold at one time those w h o have been created in i t . "

45 And I said, " H o w have you said to your servant that you" will certainly give

i. Eth.; Lat. "pit ." 1. Lat. " s e e . " j . Syr., Eth., Ar.; Lat. "prepared." m. Or "crown." k. Or "You are greatly distracted in mind over n. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. is uncertain.



life at one t ime to your creation? If therefore all creatures wil l l ive at one t i m e 0

and the creation wil l sustain them, it might e v e n n o w be able to support all o f them present at one t i m e . "

46 He said to m e , " A s k a w o m a n ' s w o m b , and say to i t , 4 I f y o u bear t e n p children, why one after another?' Request it therefore to produce ten at one t i m e . "

47 I said, 4 4 0 f course it cannot, but only each in its o w n t i m e . " 48 He said to m e , 4 4 E v e n so have I g iven the w o m b of the earth to those w h o from 49 t ime to t ime are s o w n in it. »For as an infant does not bring forth, and a w o m a n

w h o has b e c o m e old does not bring forth any longer, s o have I organized the world which I created ."

so Then I inquired and said, 4 'S ince you have n o w g iven m e the opportunity, let me speak before you . Is our mother, o f w h o m you have told m e , still young? Or is she now approaching old a g e ? "

51 He replied to m e , 4 4 A s k a w o m a n w h o bears children, and she wil l tell you . 52 Say to h e r , 4 W h y are those w h o m you have borne recently not like those w h o m y o u 53 bore before, but smaller in stature?' # A n d she herself wil l answer y o u , 'Those

born in the strength of youth are different from those born during the t ime o f old 54 age , when the w o m b is fai l ing. ' •Therefore you also should consider that you and 55 your contemporaries are smaller in stature than those w h o were before you . »And

those w h o c o m e after y o u wil l be smaller than y o u , as born of a creation which already is aging and passing the strength o f y o u t h . "

The end of the age

56 I said, 4 4 0 Lord, I beseech y o u , if I have found favor in your sight, show your servant through w h o m you are go ing to visit your creat ion ."

1 6 He said to m e , 4 4 A t the beginning of the circle o f the earth, 3 before the portals 2 of the world were in place, and before the assembled winds b lew, «and before the

rumblings of thunder sounded, and before the flashes o f lightning shone , and before 3 the foundations o f Paradise were laid, -and before the beautiful flowers were seen ,

and before the powers o f movement 1 5 were established, and before the innumerable 4 hosts o f angels were gathered together, «and before the heights o f the air were

lifted up, and before the measures of the firmaments were named, and before the 5 footstool of Zion was established, # a n d before the present years were reckoned,

and before the imaginations o f those w h o now sin were estranged, and before those 6 who stored up treasures o f faith were s e a l e d — ' t h e n I planned these things, and

they were made through m e and not through another, just as the end shall c o m e through m e and not through another ."

The division of the times

7 I answered and said, 4 4 What will be the dividing o f the t imes? Or when will be the end of the first age and the beginning o f the age that f o l l o w s ? "

8 He said to m e , 4 4 F r o m Abraham to I saac , c because from him were born Jacob 9 and Esau, for Jacob's hand held Esau's heel from the beginning. -For Esau is the

10 end of this age , and Jacob is the beginning of the age that fo l lows . # F o r the beginning of a man is his hand, and the end o f a man is his h e e l , d between the heel and the hand seek for nothing e l se , Ezra!"

o. Lat. omits "If . . . one time." p. Syr., Eth., Arab 2, Arm.; Lat. is corrupt.

6 a. The text is uncertain; cf. Syr.: 4 T h e beginning by the hand of man, but the end by my own hands. For as before the land of the world existed there,

and before"; Eth.: "At first by the Son of Man, and afterwards I myself. For before the earth and the lands were created, and before."

b. Or "earthquake." c. Other authorities read "Abraham." d. Syr.; Lat. is defective here.


Signs of the end of the age

11 I answered and said, " O sovereign Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, 12 show your servant the end o f your signs which you showed m e in part on a previous 4:51-5:13

night ." 13 He answered and said to m e , " R i s e to your feet and you will hear a full, 14 resounding vo ice . # A n d if the place where you are standing is greatly shaken 15 while the vo ice is speaking, do not be terrified; because the word concerns the end, 16 and the foundations of the earth will understand •that the speech concerns them.

They will tremble and be shaken, for they know that their end must be c h a n g e d . " 17 When I heard this, I rose to my feet and listened, and behold, a voice was is speaking, and its sound was like the sound of many waters. # A n d it said, "Beho ld ,

the days are c o m i n g , and it shall be that when I draw near to visit the inhabitants 19 of the earth, •and when I require from the doers o f iniquity the penalty of their 20 iniquity, and when the humiliation of Zion is complete , »and when the seal is

placed upon the age which is about to pass away, then I will show these s igns: The 21 books shall be opened before the firmament, and all shall see it together. ^Infants Dan7:io ; 12:1

a year old shall speak with their v o i c e s , and w o m e n with child shall g ive birth to R e


v m6


22 premature children at three or four months , and these shall l ive and dance. • S o w n places shall suddenly appear unsown, and full storehouses shall suddenly be found

23 to be empty; - a n d the trumpet shall sound aloud, and when all hear it, they shall icor 15:52 24 suddenly be terrified. # A t that time friends shall make war on friends like enemies , 1 T h e s 4 : 1 6

and the earth and those w h o inhabit it shall be terrified, and the springs of the fountains shall stand still, so that for three hours they shall not flow.

25 "It shall be that whoever remains after all that I have foretold to you shall be 26 saved and shall see my salvation and the end of m y world. »And they shall see Gen 5:24

the men w h o were taken up, w h o from their birth have not tasted death; and the 2 K s s 2 : 1 , f

heart of the earth's 6 inhabitants shall be changed and converted to a different spirit. 27.28 For evil shall be blotted out, and deceit shall be quenched; • faithfulness shall

flourish, and corruption shall be overcome , and the truth, which has been so long without fruit, shall be revealed.

Conclusion of the vision

29 While he spoke to m e , behold, little by little the place where I was standing 30 began to rock to and fro . f # A n d he said to m e , "I have c o m e to show you these 31 things this n ight . g # I f therefore you will pray again and fast again for seven days , 32 I will again declare to you greater things than these, 1 1 0 because your voice has

surely been heard before the Most High; for the Mighty One has seen your uprightness and has also observed the purity which you have maintained from your

33 youth. •Therefore he sent m e to show you all these things, and to say to you: 34 'Bel ieve and do not be afraid! # D o not be quick to think vain thoughts concerning

the former things, lest you be hasty concerning the last t imes . ' "


35 N o w after this I wept again and fasted seven days as before, in order to complete 36 the three weeks as I had been told. # A n d on the eighth night my heart was troubled 37 within m e again, and I began to speak in the presence of the Most High. # F o r my

spirit was greatly aroused, and m y soul was in distress.

e. Syr.; cf. Eth., Arab 1, Arm.; Lat. omits g. Syr.; cf. Eth.; Lat. is corrupt, "earth's." h. Syr., Eth., Arab 1, Arm.; Lat. adds "by

f. Syr., Eth.; cf. Ar., Arm.; Lat. is corrupt. day."


Job 7:12; 26:12f. Ps 74:12-15 Isa 30:7; 51:9f.

i. Syr., Eth.; Lat. "was not yet from you." 1. Syr., Eth., Arab 2; Lat. "the first-born j . The text of this verse is uncertain. world." Compare Arab 1 "first world." k. Syr., Eth.; Lat. "two souls ." m. The meaning of the Lat. text is obscure.

God's work in creation 38 I said, " O Lord, you spoke at the beginning o f creation, and said on the first 39 day, 4 Let heaven and earth be made , ' and your word accompl ished the work. # A n d

then the Spirit was hovering, and darkness and s i lence embraced everything; the 40 sound of man's vo ice was not yet there.' •Then you commanded that a ray of light

be brought forth from your treasuries, so that your works might then appear. 41 4 4 A g a i n , on the second day, you created the spirit o f the firmament, and

commanded him to divide and separate the waters, that one part might m o v e upward and the other part remain beneath.

42 4 4 On the third day you commanded the waters to be gathered together in the seventh part o f the earth; six parts you dried up and kept so that s o m e of them

43 might be planted and cultivated and be of service before you . •For your word went 44 forth, and at once the work was done. »For immediately fruit came forth in endless

abundance and of varied appeal to the taste; and flowers of inimitable color; and odors of inexpressible fragrance. These were made on the third day.

45 4 'On the fourth day you commanded the brightness o f the sun, the light of the 46 moon, and the arrangement of the stars to c o m e into being; - a n d you commanded

them to serve man, w h o was about to be formed. 47 4 4 0 n the fifth day you commanded the seventh part, where the water had been

gathered together, to bring forth l iving creatures, birds, and fishes; and so it was 48 done. # T h e dumb and lifeless water produced l iving creatures, as it was c o m ­

manded^ that thereafter the nations might declare thy wondrous works. 49 ' T h e n you kept in exis tence two l iving creatures; 1 4 the name of one you called 50 Behemoth and the name of the other Leviathan. # A n d you separated one from the

other, for the seventh part where the water had been gathered together could not 51 hold them both. # A n d you gave Behemoth one of the parts which had been dried 52 up on the third day, to l ive in it, where there are a thousand mountains; - b u t to

Leviathan you have the seventh part, the watery part; and you have kept them to be eaten by w h o m you wi sh , and when you wish .

53 " O n the sixth day you commanded the earth to bring forth before you cattle, 54 beasts, and creeping things; # a n d over these you placed A d a m as ruler over all the

works which you had made; and from him w e have all c o m e , the people from whom you have chosen .

Why does Israel not possess her inheritance?

55 "Al l this I have spoken before you , O Lord, because you have said that it was 56 for us that you created this world. 1 # A s for the other nations which have descended

from A d a m , you have said that they are nothing, and that they are like spittle, and 57 you have compared their abundance to a drop from a bucket. # A n d n o w , O Lord, I s a 4 0 : i 5

behold, these nations, which are reputed as nothing, domineer over us and devour 58 us. -But we your people , w h o m you have called your first-born, only begotten, 59 zealous for you," 1 and most dear, have been given into their hands. *lf the world

has indeed been created for us , why do w e not possess our world as an inheritance? How long will this be s o ? "

Response to Ezra's questions

1 7 When 1 had finished speaking these words, the angel w h o had been sent to me 2 on the former nights was sent to me again, »and he said to m e , " R i s e , Ezra, and

listen to the words that I have c o m e to speak to y o u . " 3 I said, "Speak , my l o r d . " And he said to me , "There is a sea set in a wide


4 expanse so that it is broad 3 and vast, •but it has an entrance set in a narrow place, 5 so that it is like a river. *lf anyone, then, wishes to reach the sea, to look at it or

to navigate it, how can he c o m e to the broad part unless he passes through the 6 narrow part? • Another example: There is a city built and set on a plain, and it is 7 full o f all good things; •but the entrance to it is narrow and set in a precipitous 8 place, so that there is fire on the right hand and deep water on the left; *and there

is only one path lying between them, that i s , between the fire and the water, so 9 that only one man can walk upon that path. »If n o w that city is g iven to a man for

an inheritance, how will the heir receive his inheritance unless he passes through the danger set before h i m ? "

10,11 I said, " H e cannot, l o r d . " And he said to m e , " S o also is Israel's portion. »For I made the world for their sake, and when A d a m transgressed m y statutes, what

12 had been made was judged. »And so the entrances 5 o f this world were made narrow and sorrowful and toi lsome; they are f ew and evi l , full o f dangers and involved

13 in great hardships. »But the entrances of the greater 6 world are broad and safe, and 14 really yield the fruit o f immortality. -Therefore unless the l iving pass through the

difficult and vain experiences , they can never receive those things that have been 15 reserved for them. -But now w h y are you disturbed, seeing that you are to perish? icor2:9 16 And w hy are you m o v e d , see ing that you are mortal? - And w h y have you not

considered in your mind what is to c o m e , rather than what is n o w present?" 17 Then I answered and said, " O sovereign Lord, behold, you have ordained in

your Law that the righteous shall inherit these things, but that the ungodly shall is perish. • T h e righteous therefore can endure difficult circumstances whi le hoping

for easier ones; but those w h o have done wickedly have suffered the difficult circumstances and will not see the easier o n e s . "

19 He said to m e , " Y o u are not a better judge than G o d , or wiser than the Most 20 High! # L e t many perish w h o are n o w l iving, rather than that the law o f God which 21 is set before them be disregarded! «For God strictly commanded those w h o came

into the world, when they c a m e , what they should do to l ive , and what they should 22 observe to avoid punishment. 'Never the le s s they were not obedient, and spoke

against him;

they devised for themselves vain thoughts, 23 and proposed to themselves wicked frauds;

they even declared that the Most High does not exist , and they ignored his ways !

24 They scorned his Law, and denied his covenants; they have been unfaithful to his statutes and have not performed his works.

25 "Therefore, Ezra, empty things are for the empty , and full things for the full.

The temporary messianic kingdom and the end of the world

26 "For behold, the time will c o m e , when the signs which I have foretold to you 6:20-24 will c o m e to pass; the city which now is not seen shall appear, d and the land which

27 now is hidden shall be disc losed. »And everyone w h o has been delivered from the 28 evi ls that I have foretold shall see my wonders . «For my son the Mess iah 6 shall

be revealed with those w h o are with h im, and those w h o remain shall rejoice four 29 hundred years / *And after these years my son the Mess iah shall d ie , and all w h o 30 draw human breath. *And the world shall be turned back to primeval s i lence for 31 seven days , as it was at the first beginnings; so that no one shall be left. # A n d after

seven days the world, which is not yet awake , shall be roused, and that which is

7 a. Syr.; cf. Eth., Arab 1; Lat. "deep ." b. Eth. "the ways ." c. Syr. "future." d. Arm.; Lat., Syr. "that the bride shall appear,

even the city appearing."

e. Syr., Arab 1; Eth. "my Messiah"; Arab 2 ' 4 the Messiah "; Arm. " the Messiah of God "; Geor­gian " the elect my Messiah "; Lat. " my son Jesus."

f. Lat., Arab 1; Syr. "thirty years"; Arab 2 "one thousand years"; Eth., Arm. omit.


32 corruptible shall perish. • And the earth shall g ive up those w h o are asleep in it; Dan 12:2 and the chambers shall g ive up the souls which have been committed to them.

33 And the Most High shall be revealed upon the seat o f j u d g m e n t , 8 and compass ion 34 shall pass a w a y , h and patience shall be withdrawn;* • but judgment alone shall 35 remain, truth shall stand, and faithfulness shall grow strong. # A n d recompense

shall fo l low, and the reward shall be manifested; righteous deeds shall awake , and 136] unrighteous deeds shall not s l eep . j ' T h e n the pit k o f torment shall appear, and Rev9 :2

opposite it shall be the place of rest; and the furnace of Hell 1 shall be disc losed, Lk i6:23f.

[37] and opposite it the Paradise of delight. •Then the Most High will say to the nations that have been raised from the dead, 4 Look n o w , and understand w h o m you have denied, w h o m you have not served, whose commandments you have despised!

[38] Look on this s ide and on that; here are delight and rest, and there are fire and [39] torments!' Thus he will 1" speak to them on the day o f judgment—*a day that has [40] no sun or moon or stars, *or c loud or thunder or lightning or wind or water or air, [4 i ] or darkness or evening or morning, «or summer or spring or heat or winter" or frost [42] or cold or hail or rain or d e w , «or noon or night, or dawn or shining or brightness

or light, but only the splendor of the glory of the Most High , by which all shall [43] see what has been determined for them. # F o r it will last for about a week of years. [44] This is my judgment and its prescribed order; and to you alone have I shown these

th ings ."

The small number of the saved [45] I answered and said, 4 4 0 sovereign Lord, I said then and I say now:° Blessed [46] are those who are al ive and keep your commandments ! »But what of those for

w h o m I prayed? For w h o among the l iving is there that has not s inned, or w h o [47] among men that has not transgressed your covenant? # A n d now I see that the world [48] to c o m e will bring delight to f ew, but torments to many. # F o r an evil heart has

grown up in us , which has alienated us from G o d , p and has brought us into corruption and the ways of death, and has shown us the paths of perdition and removed us far from l i fe—and that not just a few of us but almost all w h o have been created!"

[49] He answered me and said, 4 'Lis ten to me , Ezra , q and I will instruct y o u , and [50] will admonish you yet again. -For this reason the Most High has made not one 5:32 [5i] world but two . *For whereas you have said that the righteous are not many but

few, while the ungodly abound, hear the explanation for this. [52] 4 4 I f you have just a few precious s tones , will you add to them lead and c l a y ? " r

[53] I said, 4 4 Lord , how could that b e ? " [54] And he said to me , 4 4 N o t only that, but ask the earth and she will tell you; defer [55] to her, and she will declare it to you . «Say to her, 4 Y o u produce gold and silver [56] and brass, and also iron and lead and clay; *bui si lver is more abundant than go ld ,

and brass than silver, and iron than brass, and lead than iron, and clay than lead. ' 157] Judge therefore which things are precious and desirable, those that are abundant

or those that are rare?" [58 | I said, 4 4 0 sovereign Lord, what is plentiful is of less worth, for what is more

rare is more prec ious ." [59] He answered me and said, 4 ' W e i g h within yourself s what you have thought, for

he who has what is hard to get rejoices more than he w h o has what is plentiful. [60] So also will be the judgment 1 which I have promised; for I will rejoice over the

g. Syr. adds "and then comes the end." o. Syr.; Lat. "And I answered, i said then, O h. Syr. adds "and pity shall be far off." Lord, and I say now: i. Lat. "gather together." p. Bensly's correction; Lat., Syr., Eth. "from j . The passage from vs. [36] to vs. [105], for- these."

merly missing in the Lat. MSS used for editions q. Syr., Arab 1, Georgian; Lat., Eth. omit of the Vulgate, has been restored (see "Texts"). "Ezra."

k. Syr., Eth.; Lat. "place." r. Arab 1; Lat., Syr., Eth. are corrupt. 1. Lat. "gehenna." s. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. is corrupt here. m. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. "you shall." t. Syr., Arab 1; Lat. "creation." n. Or "storm."


few w h o shall be saved , because it is they w h o have made m y glory to prevail [6i] n o w , and through them m y name has n o w been honored. # A n d I wil l not grieve

over the multitude o f those w h o perish; for it is they w h o are n o w like a mist, and are similar to a flame and s m o k e — t h e y are set on fire and burn hotly, and are ex t ingui shed ."

Lamentation of Ezra, with response

162] I replied and said, " O earth, what have you brought forth, if the mind is made 163] out o f the dust l ike the other created things! *For it wou ld have been better if the 4:12

dust itself had not been born, so that the mind might not have been made from it. [64] But n o w the mind grows with us , and therefore w e are tormented, because we [65] perish and know it. »Let the human race lament, but let the beasts o f the field be

glad; let all w h o have been born lament, but let the four-footed beasts and the [66] flocks rejoice! # F o r it is much better with them than with us; for they do not look

for a judgment , nor do they k n o w o f any torment or salvation promised to them [67] after death. »For what does it profit us that w e shall be preserved al ive but cruelly [68] tormented? # F o r all w h o have been born are involved in iniquities, and are full o f [69] sins and burdened with transgressions. •And if w e were not to c o m e into judgment

after death, perhaps it would have been better for u s . " [70] He answered m e and said, " W h e n the Most High made the world and A d a m

and all w h o have c o m e from h im, he first prepared the judgment and the things [7i] that pertain to the judgment . *And n o w understand from your o w n words , for you [72] have said that the mind grows with us . »For this reason, therefore, those w h o

dwell on earth shall be tormented, because though they had understanding they committed iniquity, and though they received the commandments they did not keep them, and though they obtained the L a w they dealt unfaithfully with what they

[73] received. «What, then, will they have to say in the judgment , or how will they [74] answer in the last t imes? -For h o w long the t ime is that the Most High has been

patient with those w h o inhabit the world, and not for their sake, but because of the t imes which he has foreordained!"

The state of the departed before the judgment

[75] I answered and said, "If I have found favor in your sight, my lord, show this also to your servant: whether after death, as soon as every one of us yields up his soul , w e shall be kept in rest until those t imes c o m e when you will renew the creation, or whether w e shall be tormented at o n c e ? "

[76] He answered m e and said, "I will show you that also , but do not be associated with those w h o have shown scorn, nor number yourself among those w h o are

[77] tormented. # F o r you have a treasure of works laid up with the Most High; but it 8:33,36 [78] will not be shown to you until the last t imes. * N o w , concerning death, the teaching

is: W h e n the dec is ive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die , as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him w h o gave it, first of all

[79] it adores the glory o f the Most High. »And if it is one of those w h o have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and w h o have despised his

[80] Law, and w h o have hated those w h o fear God—»such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and

[8i] sad, in seven w a y s . # T h e first w a y , because they have scorned the Law of the [82] Most High. •The second w a y , because they cannot now make a g o o d repentance [83] that they may l ive. # T h e third w a y , they shall see the reward laid up for those [84] who have trusted the covenants o f the Most High. •The fourth w a y , they shall [85] consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days . •The fifth way , they

shall see h o w the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound [86] quiet. ' T h e sixth w a y , they shall see how some of them will pass over" into

u. Bensly's correction; the text of this vs. is corrupt.


187] torments. # T h e seventh w a y , which is w o r s e v than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with s h a m e , w and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before w h o m they sinned while they were al ive, and before w h o m they are to be judged in the last t imes.

188] 4 4 N o w this is the order of those w h o have kept the ways of the Most High , 189] when they shall be separated from their mortal b o d y . x •During the time that they

lived in it,* they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every [90] hour, that they might keep the Law of the Lawgiver perfectly. •Therefore this is | 9 i ] the teaching concerning them: • First o f all, they shall see with great joy the glory [92] of him w h o receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders. •The first

order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought 2

which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into [93] death. »The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of 194] the ungodly wander, and the punishment that waits them. «The third order, they

see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while [95] they were alive they kept the Law which was g iven them in trust. •The fourth

order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits

|96i them in the last days . - T h e fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is mortal, and shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil4*2 from which they have been del ivered, and the spacious liberty which

[97] they are to receive and enjoy in immortality. •The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like Dan 12:3

[98] the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on . # T h e seventh order, which M t 1 3 : 4 3

is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness , and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him w h o m they served in life and from M t 5 : 8

[99] w h o m they are to receive their reward when glorified. •This is the order of the R e v 2 2 : 4

souls o f the righteous, as henceforth is a n n o u n c e d , 5 2 and the aforesaid are the i c o r 3 : i 4 ways of torment which those w h o would not g ive heed shall suffer hereafter." Rev 22:12

[100] I answered and said, 4 'Wi l l time therefore be g iven to the souls after they have been separated from the bodies , to see what you have described to m e ? "

[ion He said to me , 4 T h e y shall have freedom for seven days , so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterward they shall be gathered in their habitat ions ."

May the righteous intercede for the ungodly? 11021 I answered and said, 4 4 I f I have found favor in your sight, show further to me ,

your servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede [io3| for the ungodly or to entreat the Most High for them, •fathers for sons or sons for

parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their k insmen, or fr iends 0 2 for those who are most dear ."

H 0 4 | He answered me and said, 4 4 S i n c e you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is dec is ive 4 1 2 and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son , or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be i l l e 2 or s leep or eat or be healed

[105] in his stead, »so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall anyone lay a burden on another;* 2 for then everyone shall bear his o w n righteousness or unrighteousness ."

v. Lat. "greater." w. Syr., Eth.; Lat. is corrupt. x. Lit. "the corruptible vessel." y. Syr., Eth.; Lat. is corrupt. z. I.e. evil yeser. a2. Syr., Eth.; Lat. "fulness." b2. Syr.; Lat. is corrupt here.

c2. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. "kinsmen for their nearest, friends [lit. 'the confident'] for their dearest."

d2. Lat. "bold." e2. Syr., Eth., Arm.; Lat. "understand." f2. Syr.; Lat. omits "on that . . . another."


36(106] I answered and said, "How then do we find that first Abraham prayed for the Gen 1&23

37[io7] people of Sodom, and Moses for our fathers who sinned in the desert, «and Joshua f0


Sh m 38{i08i after him for Israel in the days of Achan, »and Samuel in the days of Saul,g2 and , S a m 7 : * 1 2 : 2 3

39(1091 David for the plague, and Solomon for those in the sanctuary, *and Elijah for those 2Sam 24:17

40(110] who received the rain, and for the one who was dead, that he might live, *and }K|S IM^'*'45

Hezekiah for the people in the days of Sennacherib, and many others prayed for JJfj^g.15.19

4i(iii] many? #If therefore the righteous have prayed for the ungodly now, when corruption has increased and unrighteousness has multiplied, why will it not be so then as well?"

42[ii2] He answered me and said, "This present world is not the end; the full glory 43(113] does not1*2 abide in it;'2 therefore those who were strong prayed for the weak. #But

the day of judgment will be the end of this age and the beginning*2 of the immortal 44(ii4] age to come, in which corruption has passed away, • sinful indulgence has come

to an end, unbelief has been cut off, and righteousness has increased and truth has 45(ii5] appeared. •Therefore no one will then be able to have mercy on him who has been

condemned in the judgment, or to harm*2 him who is victorious."

Lamentation over the fate of the mass of humanity

461H6J I answered and said, "This is my first and last word: It would have been better if the earth had not produced Adam, or else, when it had produced him, had

47( in ] restrained him from sinning. *For what good is it to all that they live in sorrow 48(ii8] now and expect punishment after death? * 0 Adam, what have you done? For

though it was you who sinned, the fall was not yours alone, but ours also who are 49(ii9] your descendants. *For what good is it to us, if an eternal age has been promised 50(120] to us, but we have done deeds that bring death? • And what good is it that an 5i(i2i] everlasting hope has been promised us, but we have miserably failed? #Or that safe

and healthful habitations have been reserved for us, but we have lived wickedly? 52(122] Or that the glory of the Most High will defend those who have led a pure life, 53(123) but we have walked in the most wicked ways? #Or that a paradise shall be revealed,

whose fruit remains unspoiled and in which are abundance and healing, but we jJJJ^j shall not enter it, •because we have lived in unseemly places? •Or that the faces

of those who practiced self-control shall shine more than the stars but our faces Dan 12:3 56(126] shall be blacker than darkness? •For while we lived and committed iniquity we did

not consider what we should suffer after death." 57(127] He answered and said, "This is the meaning of the contest which every man 58(128] who is born on earth shall wage, •that if he is defeated he shall suffer what you 59[i29] have said, but if he is victorious he shall receive what I have said.12 *For this is

the way of which Moses, while he was alive, spoke to the people, saying, 'Choose 60(130] for yourself life, that you may live!' »But they did not believe him, or the prophets 6i(i3i] after him, or even myself who have spoken to them. •Therefore there shall not

be m 2 grief at their damnation, so much as joy over those to whom salvation is assured."

Enumeration of seven divine attributes: an implicit appeal to God's mercy

62(132] I answered and said, "I know, my lord, that the Most High is now called merciful, because he has mercy on those who have not yet come into the world;

63(133] and gracious, because he is gracious to those who turn in repentance to his law; 64(134] and patient, because he shows patience toward those who have sinned, since they 65(i35i are his own works; »and bountiful, because he would rather give than take away;"2

g2. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. omits "in the days of Saul."

h2. Lat. omits "not ." i2. Or "the glory does not continuously abide

in i t ."

j2 . Lat. omits "the beginning." k2. Syr., Eth.; Lat. "overwhelm." 12. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. "I say ." m2. Syr.; Lat. "was not." n2. Or "is ready to give according to requests.''


66i i36 i and abundant in compass ion , because he makes his compass ions abound more and more to those now living and to those w h o are gone and to those yet to c o m e ,

67[ i37! for if he did not make them abound, the world with those who inhabit it would 6 8 [ i 3 8 | not have life; »and he is called giver, because if he did not g ive out of his goodness

so that those w h o have committed iniquities might be relieved of them, not one 69(139] ten-thousandth of mankind could have life; »andjudge, because if he did not pardon

those w h o were created by his word and blot out the multitude of their s ins , ° 2

70[ i40] there would probably be left only very few of the innumerable mult i tude ."

1 8 He answered me and said, 4 T h e Most High made this world for the sake of 2 many, but the world to c o m e for the sake of few. *But I will tell you a parable,

Ezra. Just as , when you ask the earth, it will tell you that it provides very much clay from which earthenware is made, but only a little dust from which gold comes ;

3 so is the course of the present world. # M a n y have been created, but few will be s a v e d . "

Ezra implores G o d to s h o w m e r c y to h i s c rea t ion

4 I answered and said, "Then drink your fill o f understanding, O m y soul , and 5 drink wisdom, O my heart! a »For not o f your o w n will did you c o m e into the

wor ld , b and against your will you depart, for you have been g iven only a short 6 time to l ive. *0 Lord w h o art over us , grant to your servant that w e may pray

before you , and g ive us seed for our heart and cultivation of our understanding so that fruit may be produced, by which every mortal w h o bears the l ikeness c of a

7 human being may be able to l ive . # F o r you alone exist , and w e are of your hands, isa 44:6; 45:I I; 8 as you have declared. • And because you g ive life to the body which is now 6 0 : 2 1

fashioned in the w o m b , and furnish it with members , what you have created is preserved in fire and water, and for nine months the w o m b that you have fashioned d

9 bears your creation which has been created in it. # B u t that which keeps and that which is kept shall both be kept by your keep ing . 6 And when the w o m b g ives up

10 again what has been created in it, *you have commanded that from the members themselves (that is , from the breasts) milk should be supplied, which is the fruit

n of the breasts, »so that what has been fashioned may be nourished for a time; and 12 afterward you will guide him in your mercy. # Y o u have brought him up in your

righteousness, and instructed him in your law, and reproved him in your w i sdom. 13 You will take away his l ife, for he is your creation; and you will make him l ive , H for he is your work. # I f then you suddenly and quickly f destroy him w h o with so 15 great labor was fashioned by your c o m m a n d , to what purpose was he made? »And Ps i39:i4f.

now I will speak out: About mankind you know best; but I will speak about your 16 people, for w h o m I am grieved, «and about your inheritance, for w h o m I lament, P s 2 8 : 9

and about Israel, for w h o m I am sad, and about the seed of Jacob, for w h o m I am 17 troubled. •Therefore I will pray before you for myse l f and for them, for I see the is failings of us w h o dwell in the land, »and 8 I have heard of the swiftness o f the 19 judgment that is to c o m e . • Therefore hear my v o i c e , and understand my words ,

and I will speak before y o u . " The beginning of the work of Ezra's prayer, before he was taken up. He said,

20 4 4 0 Lord w h o inhabits eternity, 1 1 whose eyes are exalted 1 and whose upper chambers 21 are in the air, • whose throne is beyond measure and w h o s e glory is beyond 22 comprehension, before w h o m the hosts o f angels stand trembling *and at whose

command they are changed to wind and fire,j whose word is sure and whose Ps 104.4 Heb 1:7

o2. Lat. "contempts." f. Syr.; Lat. "will with a light command." g. Lit. "but."

8 a. Syr.; Lat. "let it feed on what it understands." h. Or "abide forever." b. Syr.; Lat. is corrupt here. i. Another Lat. text reads "whose are the highest c. Syr.; Lat. "place" (see Introduction, "Orig- heavens."

inal language"). j . Syr.; Lat. "they whose service takes the form d. Lit. "for nine months your fashioning." of wind and fire." e. Syr.; Lat. is corrupt here.


utterances are certain, w h o s e ordinance is strong and w h o s e command is terrible, 23 whose look dries up the depths and w h o s e indignation makes the mountains melt i s a 5 0 : 2 ; 5i:io 24 away , and w h o s e truth is established forever*—-hear, O Lord, the prayer of your ^ 6 : 1 8 * . 25 servant, and g ive ear to the petition of your creature; attend to m y words. 'For as 26 long as I l ive I wil l speak, and as long as I have understanding I wil l answer. * 0

look not upon the sins o f your people , but at those w h o have served you in truth. 27 Regard not the endeavors o f those w h o act wickedly , but the endeavors of those 28 w h o have kept your covenants amid afflictions. • Think not on those w h o have

l ived wickedly , in your sight; but remember those w h o have wi l l ingly acknowledged 29 that you are to be feared. # L e t it not be your will to destroy those w h o have had 30 the w a y s of cattle; but regard those w h o have gloriously taught your Law. 1 «Be not

angry with those w h o are deemed worse than beasts; but love those w h o have 31 a lways put their trust in your glory. »For w e and our fathers have passed our l ives

in ways that bring death," 1 but y o u , because o f us sinners, are called merciful. 32 For if you have desired to have pity on us , w h o have no works of r ighteousness , 33 then you will be called merciful. # F o r the righteous, w h o have many works laid 34 up with y o u , shall receive their reward in consequence o f their o w n deeds . °But

what is man, that you are angry with him; or what is a mortal race, that you are 35 so bitter against it? # F o r in truth there is no one among those w h o have been born

w h o has not acted wickedly , and among those w h o have existed" there is no one 36 w h o has not transgressed. •For in this , O Lord, your righteousness and goodness

will be declared, when you are merciful to those w h o have no store of good w o r k s . "

Response to Ezra's prayer

37 He answered m e and said, 4 4 S o m e things you have spoken rightly, and it will 38 c o m e to pass according to your words . -For indeed I wil l not concern myse l f about

the fashioning of those w h o have s inned, or about their death, their judgment , or 39 their damnation; # b u t I will rejoice over the creation o f the righteous, over their 40 pilgrimage a lso , and their salvation, and their receiving their reward. # A s you°

have spoken, therefore, so it shall be .

Humankind is compared with seeds and plants

41 4 T o r just as the farmer s o w s many seeds upon the ground and plants a multitude of seedl ings , and yet not all that have been s o w n will c o m e u p p in due season, and not all that were planted will take root; so all those w h o have been sown in the world will not be s a v e d . "

42,43 I answered and said, 4 4 I f I have found favor before y o u , let me speak. q # F o r if the farmer's seed does not c o m e up, because it has not received your rain in due

44 season, or if it has been ruined by too much rain, it p e r i s h e s / 'But man, w h o has been formed by your hands and is called your o w n image because he is made like you , and for w h o s e sake you have formed all th ings—have you also made him like

45 the farmer's seed? *No, O Lord 8 w h o are over us! But spare your people and mercy Joei 2:17 on your inheritance, for you have mercy on your o w n creat ion ."

The final divine answer 46 He answered m e and said, 4 'Things that are present are for those w h o live n o w , 47 and things that are future are for those w h o will l ive hereafter. «For you c o m e far

k. Arab 2; other authorities read "bears wit­ness."

1. Syr. "have received the brightness of your law."

m. Syr., Eth.; the Lat. is uncertain, n. Syr.; the Lat. is uncertain, o. Eth. "you"; Lat. " I . "

p. Syr., Eth. "will l ive"; Lat. "will be saved." q. Or "If I have found favor, let me speak before

you." r. Bensly's correction; cf. Syr., Arab 1, Arm.;

the Lat. is corrupt, s. Eth., Ar.; cf. Syr.; Lat. omits "O Lord."


short of being able to love m y creation more than I love it. But you have often 48 compared y o u r s e l f to the unrighteous. Never do so! -But even in this respect you 49 will be praiseworthy before the Most High, ' b e c a u s e you humble yourself, as is

becoming for y o u , and have not deemed yourself to be among the righteous in so order to receive" the greatest glory. ' F o r many miseries wil l affect those w h o 51 inhabit the world in the last t imes, because they have walked in great pride. ' B u t

think of your o w n case , and inquire concerning the glory of those w h o are like 52 yourself, 'because it is for you that Paradise is opened, the tree of life is planted, Rev 2:7; 22:2

the age to c o m e is prepared, plenty is provided, a city is built, rest is a p p o i n t e d / 53 goodness is established and w i s d o m perfected beforehand. ' T h e root o f evil is

sealed up from y o u , il lness is banished from y o u , and d e a t h w is hidden; hell has 54 fled and corruption has been forgotten;" •sorrows have passed away , and in the end 55 the treasure of immortality is made manifest . -Therefore do not ask any more 56 questions about the multitude of those w h o perish. 'For they also received freedom,

but they despised the Most High , and were contemptuous of his Law, and forsook 57,58 his ways . 'Moreover they have even trampled upon his righteous ones , 'and said

in their hearts that there is no God—though knowing full wel l that they must die . Pss 1 * 1 ; 53:1 59 For just as the things which I have predicted await y y o u , so the thirst and torment

which are prepared await them. For the Most High did not intend that men should 60 be destroyed; 'but they themselves w h o were created have defiled the name of him

who made them, and have been ungrateful to him w h o prepared life for them. 61,62 Therefore my judgment is n o w drawing near; ' I have not shown this to all men ,

but only to you and a few like y o u . "

The end, and the signs preceding it 63 Then I answered and said, ' " B e h o l d , O Lord, you have now shown me a

multitude of the s igns which you will do in the last t imes , but you have not shown me when you will do t h e m . "

1 9 He answered m e and said, "Measure carefully in your mind, and when you see 2 that a certain part o f the predicted signs are past, ' then you will know that it is

the very time when the Most High is about to visit the world which he has made. 3 So when there shall appear in the world earthquakes, tumult o f peoples , intrigues 4 of nations, wavering of leaders, confusion of princes, ' then you will know that

it was of these that the Most High spoke from the days that were of o ld , from the 5 beginning. 'For just as with everything that has occurred in the world, the beginning 6 is ev ident , 3 and the end is manifest; # s o also are the t imes of the Most High: The

beginnings are manifest in wonders and mighty works , and the end in requital 6 and 7 s igns. ' A n d it shall be that everyone w h o will be saved and will be able to escape 8 on account of his works , or on account of the faith by which he has bel ieved, 'wi l l

survive the dangers that have been predicted, and will see m y salvation in my land and within my borders, which I have sanctified for myse l f from the beginning.

9 Then those who have now abused m y ways shall be amazed, and those w h o have 10 rejected them with contempt shall dwel l in torments. ' F o r as many as did not 11 acknowledge me in their l ifetime, although they received my benefits, ' a n d as

many as scorned my Law while they still had freedom, and did not understand but 12 despised it c while an opportunity of repentance was still open to them, ' these must 13 in torment acknowledge it d after death. 'Therefore, do not continue to be curious

t. Syr., Eth.; Lat. "brought yourself near." u. Or "righteous; so that you will receive." v. Syr.; Lat. "allowed." w. Syr., Eth., Arm.; Lat. omits "death." x. Syr.; Lat. "Hades and corruption have fled

into oblivion" or "corruption has fled into Hades to be forgotten."

y. Syr.; Lat. "will receive."

9 a. Syr.; Eth. "in the world"; Lat. is corrupt. b. Syr.; Lat., Eth. "in effects." c. Or " m e . " d. Or " m e . "


as to h o w the ungodly will be punished; but inquire h o w the righteous will be saved, those to w h o m the age be longs and for w h o s e sake the age was m a d e . " 0

The fate of the wicked

14,15 I answered and said, - " I said before, and I say n o w , and will say it again: There 16 are more w h o perish than those w h o will be saved , «as a w a v e is greater than a

drop of water ." 17 He answered m e and said, " A s is the field, so is the seed; and as are the flowers,

so are the colors; and as is the work, so is the product; and as is the farmer, so 18 is the threshing floor. -For there was a t ime in this age when I was preparing for

those w h o now exist , before the world was made for them to dwel l in, and no one 19 opposed m e then, for no one existed. # B u t now those w h o have been created in

this world, which is supplied both with an unfailing table and an inexhaustible 20 pas ture / have become corrupt in their ways . * S o I considered m y world, and

behold, it was lost, and my earth, and behold, it was in peril because o f the dev ices 21 of those w h o 8 had c o m e into it. »And I saw and spared s o m e h with great difficulty,

and saved for myse l f one grape out o f a cluster, and one plant out o f a great forest.' 22 So let the multitude perish which has been born in vain, but let my grape and m y 23 plant be saved, because with much labor I have perfected them. # B u t if you will 24 let seven days more p a s s — d o not fast during them, however; «but g o into a field

of flowers where no house has been built, and eat only of the flowers of the field, 25 and taste no meat and drink no w i n e , but eat only flowers, # a n d pray to the Most

High continually—then I will c o m e and talk with y o u . "


The abiding glory of the Mosaic Law

26 S o I went , as he directed m e , into the field which is called Ardat; j and there I sat among the flowers and ate o f the plants o f the field, and the nourishment they

27 afforded satisfied me . # A n d after seven days , as I lay on the grass, my heart was 28 troubled again as it was before. # A n d my mouth was opened, and I began to speak 29 before the Most High, and said, # " 0 Lord, you showed yourself among us, to our

fathers in the wilderness when they came out from Egypt and when they came into E x 19:9; 24:10 30 the untrodden and unfruitful wilderness; # a n d you said, 'Hear me , O Israel, and D e u t 4 : 1 2

31 g ive heed to my words , O descendants of Jacob. a F o r behold, I sow my Law in 32 you , and you shall be glorified through it forever.' »But though our fathers received

the Law, they did not keep it, and did not observe the statutes; yet the fruit of the 33 Law did not perish—for it could not, because it was yours. *Yet those w h o received 34 it perished, because they did not keep what had been sown in them. »And behold,

it is the rule that, when the ground has received seed , or the sea a ship, or any dish food or drink, and when it happens that what was s o w n or what was launched or

35 what was put in is destroyed, # t h e y are destroyed, but the things that held them 36 remain; yet with us it has not been so . # F o r w e w h o have received the Law and 37 sinned will perish, as wel l as our heart which received it; •the L a w , however , does

not perish but remains in its g l o r y . "

The vision of a dependent woman 38 When I said these things in my heart, I lifted up my e y e s k and saw a woman

e. Syr.; Lat. "saved, and whose is the age and for whose sake the age was made and when."

f. Bensly's correction. Lat. " law" (see Intro­duction, "Original language").

g. Bensly's correction. Lat. "devices which."

h. Lat. "them." i. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. "tribe." j . Syr., Eth., "Arpad"; Arm. "Ardab." k. Syr., Ar., Arm.; Lat. "I looked about me

with my eyes ."


on my right, and behold, she was mourning and weeping with a loud vo ice , and was deeply grieved at heart, and her clothes were rent, and there were ashes on

39 her head. # T h e n I dismissed the thoughts with which I had been engaged, and 40 turned to her # a n d said to her, " W h y are you weep ing , and why are you grieved

at heart?" 41 "Let me alone, my lord ," she said, "that I may w e e p for myse l f and continue

to mourn, for I am greatly embittered in spirit and deeply aff l icted." 42 And I said to her, "What has happened to you? Tell m e . " 43 She said to m e , " Y o u r servant was barren and had no chi ld, though I l ived with 44 my husband thirty years. •And every hour and every day during those thirty years 45 I besought the Most High, night and day. *And after thirty years God heard your

handmaid, and looked upon my low estate, and considered m y distress, and gave me a son. And I rejoiced greatly over h im, I and m y husband and all m y neighbors, 1

46 and w e gave great glory to the Mighty One . *And I brought him up with much 47 care. *So when he grew up and I came to take a wife for h im, I set a day for the

marriage feast.

1 10 "But it happened that when my son entered his wedding chamber, he fell 2 down and died. -Then w e all put out the lamps, and all m y neighbors 3 attempted 3 to console me; and I remained quiet until evening of the second day. -But when

they all had stopped consol ing m e , that I might be quiet, I got up in the night and 4 fled, and came to this field, as you see . *And now I intend not to return to the c i ty ,

but to stay here, and I will neither eat nor drink, but without ceasing mourn and fast until I d i e . "

5 Then I broke off the reflections with which I was still engaged , and answered 6 her in anger and said, »"You most fool ish of w o m e n , do you not see our mourning, 7 and what has happened to us? 'For Zion , the mother of us all, is in deep grief and Gai 4:26 8 great humiliation. • It is most appropriate to mourn n o w , because w e are all

mourning, and to be sorrowful, because w e are all sorrowing; you are sorrowing 9 for one son , but w e , the whole world, for our mother . 6 # N o w ask the earth, and

she will tell you that it is she w h o ought to mourn over so many w h o have c o m e 10 into being upon her. *And from the beginning all have been born of her, and others

will come; and behold, almost all g o to perdition, and a multitude of them are n destined for destruction. - W h o then ought to mourn the more , s h e c w h o lost so 12 great a multitude, or you w h o are grieving for one? # B u t if you say to m e , 'My

lamentation is not like the earth's, for I have lost the fruit of my w o m b , which I 13 brought forth in pain and bore in sorrow; •but it is with the earth according to the 14 way of the earth—the multitude that is now in it g o e s as it came' ; # t h e n I say to

you, 4 A s you brought forth in sorrow, so the earth also has from the beginning 15 given her fruit, that i s , man, to him w h o made her. ' « N o w , therefore, keep your 16 sorrow to yourself, and bear bravely the troubles that have c o m e upon you . # F o r

if you acknowledge the decree of G o d to be just, you will receive your son back n in due time. •Therefore g o into the city to your h u s b a n d . " is She said to me , "I will not do so; I will not g o into the city, but I wil l die h e r e . "

Further remonstrance of Ezra

19.20 So I spoke again to her, and said, •' ' D o not say that, but let yourself be persuaded because of the troubles of Zion, and be consoled because of the sorrow of Jerusalem.

21 For you see that our sanctuary has been laid waste , our altar thrown d o w n , our 22 temple destroyed; # o u r harp has been laid l ow , our song has been s i lenced, and

our rejoicing has been ended; the light o f our lampstand has been put out, the ark of our covenant has been plundered, our holy things have been polluted, and the name by which w e are called has been profaned; our free m e n d have suffered abuse,

1. Lit. "all my fellow citizens."

10 a. Lit. "all my fellow citizens.'

b. Cf. Syr.; Lat. is corrupt. c. Syr. d. Or "children."


our priests have been burned to death, our Levites have gone into captivity, our virgins have been defiled, and our w ives have been ravished; our righteous men have been carried off, our little ones have been cast out, our young men have been

23 enslaved and our strong men made powerless . # A n d , what is more than all, the seal of Z ion—for she has now lost the seal of her glory, and has been given over

24 into the hands of those that hate us. • Therefore shake off your great sadness and lay aside your many sorrows, so that the Mighty One may be merciful to you again, and the Most High may g ive you rest, a relief from your troubles ."

A vision of the heavenly Jerusalem

25 Whi le I was talking to her, behold, her face suddenly shone exceeding ly , and her countenance flashed like l ightning, so that I was too frightened to approach

26 her, and my heart was terrified. W h i l e 6 1 was wondering what this meant, •behold, she suddenly uttered a loud and fearful cry, so that the earth shook at the sound.

27 And I looked, and behold, the w o m a n was no longer visible to m e , but there was an established c i t y / and a place of huge foundations showed itself. Then I was Heb 11:10

28 afraid, and cried with a loud vo ice and said, • " W h e r e is the angel Uriel, w h o R e v 2 1 : 9 ~ 2

came to me at first? For it was he w h o brought me into this overpowering 4:i bewilderment; my end has b e c o m e corruption, and my prayer a reproach."

Interpretation of the vision

29 A s I was speaking these words , behold, the angel w h o had c o m e to me at first 30 came to m e , and he looked upon me; # a n d behold, I lay there like a corpse and Rev i: 17

I was deprived of my understanding. Then he grasped my right hand and strength-31 ened me and set m e on m y feet , and said to m e , • " W h a t is the matter with you?

And why are you troubled? And why are your understanding and the thoughts of your mind troubled?"

32 I said, " B e c a u s e you have forsaken me! I did as you directed, and went out into the field, and behold, I saw, and still s ee , what I am unable to e x p l a i n . "

33 He said to m e , "Stand up like a man, and I will instruct y o u . " 5 : i5 ;6 :13 ,17 34 I said, "Speak , my lord; only do not forsake m e , lest 1 die before my t i m e . g

35 For I have seen what I did not k n o w , and I have heard what I do not understand. 36,37 Or is my mind dece ived , and my soul dreaming? # N o w therefore I entreat you

to g ive your servant an explanation of this bewildering v i s i o n . " 38 He answered me and said, "Listen to me and I will inform you , and tell you

about the things which you fear, for the Most High has revealed many secrets to 39 you. 'For he has seen your righteous conduct , that you have sorrowed continually 40 for your people , and mourned greatly over Zion. »This therefore is the meaning 41 of the vis ion. °The woman w h o appeared to you a little while ago , w h o m you saw 42 mourning and began to console—"but you do not n o w see the form of a w o m a n , 43 but an established c i ty h has appeared to you—«and as for her telling you about the 44 misfortune of her son, this is the interpretation: • T h i s woman w h o m you saw, 45 w h o m you now behold as an established city, is Zion. ' »And as for her telling you

that she was barren for thirty years, it is because there were three thousand' years 46 in the world before any offering was offered in it.J • And after three thousand' years

So lomon built the city, and offered offerings; then it was that the barren woman 47 bore a son. «And as for her telling you that she brought him up with much care, 48 that was the period of residence in Jerusalem. °And as for her saying to you , 'When

my son entered his wedding chamber he died, ' and that misfortune had overtaken 49 h e r / that was the destruction which befell Jerusalem. # A n d behold, you saw her

l ikeness , how she mourned for her son , and you began to console her for what had

e. Syr., Eth., Arab 1; Lat. omits "I was too i. Syr., Eth., Ar., Arm.; Lat. is corrupt. . . . terrified. While." j . Bensly's correction. Lat., Syr., Ar., Arm.

f. Syr., Eth., Ar.; Lat. "acity was being built." "her." g. Syr., Eth., Ar.; Lat. "die to no purpose." k. Or "him." h. Syr., Eth., Ar.; Lat. " a city to be built."


50 happened. 1 # F o r now the Most High, seeing that you are sincerely grieved and profoundly distressed for her, has shown you the brightness o f her glory, and the

51 loveliness of her beauty. •Therefore I told you to remain in the field where no 52 house had been built, »for I knew that the Most High would reveal these things 53 to you. •Therefore I told you to g o into the field where there was no foundation 54 of any building, •for no work of man's building could endure in a place where the

city of the Most High was to be revealed. 55 "Therefore do not be afraid, and do not let your heart be terrified; but g o in and

see the splendor and vastness of the building, as far as it is possible for your e y e s 56.57 to see it, *and afterward you will hear as much as your ears can hear. *For you

are more blessed than many, and you have been called" 1 before the Most High, as 58.59 but few have been. «But tomorrow night you shall remain here, »and the Most

High will show you in those dream vis ions what the Most High will do to those who dwell on earth in the last d a y s . "

So I slept that night and the fo l lowing one , as he had commanded me.


(The Eagle Vis ion)

1 11 On the second night I had a dream, and behold, there came up from the sea Dan 7:3 2 an eagle that had twelve feathered w ings and three heads. • And I looked, and e v 1 3 1

behold, he spread his wings over* all the earth, and all the winds of heaven b lew 3 upon him, and the c louds were gathered about h i m . b «And I looked, and out o f 4 his wings there grew opposing wings; but they became little, puny wings . •But

his heads were at rest; the middle head was larger than the other heads, but it also 5 was at rest with them. *And I looked, and behold, the eagle flew with his w ings , 6 to reign over the earth and over those w h o dwell in it. •And I saw how all things

under heaven were subjected to him, and no one spoke against h im, not even one 7 creature that was on the earth. 9And I looked, and behold, the eagle rose upon his 8 talons, and uttered a cry to his w ings , saying, ' " D o not all watch at the same time; 9 let each s leep in his o w n place , and watch in his turn; *but let the heads be reserved

for the las t ." 10 And I looked, and behold, the voice did not c o m e from his heads, but from the 11 midst of his body. # A n d I counted his opposing wings , and behold, there were 12 eight of them. *And I looked, and behold, on the right side one wing arose, and 13 it reigned over all the earth. # A n d while it was reigning it came to its end and

disappeared, so that its place was not seen . Then the next wing arose and reigned, 14 and it continued to reign a long t ime. «And while it was reigning its end came also , is so that it disappeared like the first. *And behold, a vo ice sounded, saying to it, 16 "Hear me , you w h o have ruled the earth all this t ime; I announce this to you n before you disappear. • After you no one shall rule as long as you , or even half

as l o n g . " is Then the third wing raised itself up, and held the rule like the former ones , and 19 it also disappeared. *And so it went with all the wings; they wielded power one 20 after another and then were never seen again. # A n d I looked, and behold, in due

course the wings that fo l lowed c also rose up on the right d side in order to rule. 21 There were some of them that ruled, yet disappeared suddenly; # a n d others of

them rose up, but did not hold the rule. 22 After this I looked and behold, the twelve wings and the two little wings 23 disappeared; # a n d nothing remained on the eagle ' s body except the three heads that

I. Most Lat. MSS and Arab 1 add "these were the things to be opened to you ."

m. Arab 1 "your name is known."

11 a. Arab 2, Arm.; Lat.. Syr. " i n . "

b. Syr.; cf. Eth., Ar.; Lat. omits "the clouds" and "about him."

c. Syr., Arab 2 "the little wings ." d. Some Eth. MSS read "left."


24 were at rest and six little w ings . *And I looked, and behold, two little wings separated from the six and remained under the head that was on the right side; but

25 four remained in their place. «And I looked, and behold, these little w i n g s 6 planned 26 to set themselves up and hold the rule. # A n d I looked, and behold, one was set 27 up, but suddenly disappeared; *a second also , and this disappeared more quickly 28 than the first. •And I looked, and behold, the two that remained were planning 29 between themselves to reign together; *and whi le they were planning, behold, one

of the heads that were at rest (the one which was in the middle) awoke; for it was 30 greater than the other two heads. # A n d I saw how it allied the two heads with 31 itself, # a n d behold, the head turned with those that were with it, and it devoured 32 the two little wings 1 which were planning to reign. •Moreover this head gained

control of the whole earth, and with much oppression dominated its inhabitants; and it had greater power over the world than all the wings that had gone before.

33 After this I looked, and behold, the middle head also suddenly disappeared, just 34 as the wings had done. °But the two heads remained, which also ruled over the 35 earth and its inhabitants. *And I looked, and behold, the head on the right side

devoured the one on the left. 36 Then I heard a voice saying to m e , " L o o k before you and consider what you 37 s e e . " # A n d I looked, and behold, a creature like a lion was aroused out o f the

forest, roaring; and I heard how he uttered a man's voice to the eag le , and spoke , 38,39 saying, • "Listen and I will speak to you . The Most High says to y o u , # i A r e you

not the one that remains o f the four beasts which I had made to reign in my world, 40 so that the end of my times might c o m e through them? - Y o u , the fourth that has

c o m e , have conquered all the beasts that have gone before; and you have held sway over the world with much terror, and over all the earth with grievous

41 oppression; and for so long you have dwelt on the earth with dece i t . 8 # A n d you 42 have judged the earth, but not with truth; # f o r you have afflicted the meek and

injured the peaceable: you have hated those w h o tell the truth, and have loved liars; you have destroyed the dwel l ings o f those w h o brought forth fruit, and have

43 laid low the walls o f those w h o did you no harm. »And so your insolence has c o m e 44 up before the Most High, and your pride to the Mighty One . »And the Most High

has looked upon his t imes , and behold, they are ended, and his ages are completed! 45 Therefore you will surely disappear, you eagle , and your terrifying wings , and

your most evil little w ings , and your malic ious heads, and your most evil talons, 46 and your whole worthless body, # s o that the whole earth, freed from your violence,

may be refreshed and rel ieved, and may hope for the judgment and mercy of him who made it . ' "

1.2 12 While the lion was saying these words to the eag le , I looked, # a n d behold, the remaining head disappeared. And the two wings that had gone over to it arose a

3 and set themselves up to reign, and their reign was brief and full of tumult. # A n d I looked, and behold, they also disappeared, and the whole body of the eagle was burned, and the earth was exceedingly terrified.

Ezra asks for an interpretation of the vision

Then I awoke in great perplexity of mind and great fear, and I said to my spirit, 4 " B e h o l d , you have brought this upon m e , because you search out the ways of 5 the Most High. •Beho ld , I am still weary in mind and very weak in my spirit, and

not even a little strength is left in m e , because of the great fear with which I have 6 been terrified this night. ^Therefore I will now beseech the Most High that he may

strengthen me to the e n d . " 7 So I said, " O sovereign Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, and if I have

e. Syr.; Lat. "underwings." and for so long dwelt." f. Syr.; Lat. "underwings." g. Syr., Ar., Arm.; Lat., Eth. "The fourth came, 12 a. Eth.; Lat. omits "arose."

however, and conquered . . . and held sway . . .


been accounted righteous before you beyond many others, and if my prayer has 8 indeed c o m e up before your face , •strengthen me and show m e , your servant, the

interpretation and meaning o f this terrifying v i s ion , that you may fully comfort my 9 soul. # F o r you have judged m e worthy to be shown the end of the t imes and the

last events o f the t i m e . , ,

The interpretation of the vision 10 He said to m e , ' T h i s is the interpretation of this vis ion which you have seen: 11 The eagle which you saw coming up from the sea is the fourth k i n g d o m 6 which 12 appeared in a vis ion to your brother Daniel . «But it was not explained to him as 13 I now explain or have explained it to you . • Beho ld , the days are coming when a

k ingdom shall arise on earth, and it shall be more terrifying than all the k ingdoms 14 that have been before it. # A n d twelve kings shall reign in it, one after another, is But the second that is to reign shall hold sway for a longer time than any other

i 6 , i 7 of the twelve . •This is the interpretation o f the twe lve wings which you saw. *As for your hearing a vo ice that spoke , coming not from the e a g l e , s c heads but from ii:io

is the midst o f his body, this is the interpretation: •In the midst of11 the time o f that kingdom great struggles shall arise, and it shall be in danger of falling; nevertheless

19 it shall not fall then, but shall regain its former p o w e r . 6 *As for your seeing eight 20 little w i n g s f c l inging to his w i n g s , this is the interpretation: •Eight kings shall arise i i :3 ,n 21 in it, whose t imes shall be short and their years swift; »and two of them shall

perish when the middle of its t ime draws near; and four shall be kept for the t ime 22 when its end approaches; but two shall be kept until the end. «As for your seeing 23 three heads at rest, this is the interpretation: # I n its last days the Most High will 11:30-52

raise up three k i n g s , 8 and they h shall renew many things in it, and shall rule the 24 earth »and its inhabitants more oppressively than all w h o were before them; therefore 25 they are called the heads o f the eag le . «For it is they w h o shall sum up his 26 wickedness and perform his last actions. »As for your seeing that the large head 27 disappeared, one of the kings' shall die in his bed, but in agonies . -But as for the 28 two w h o remained, the sword shall devour them. - F o r the sword o f one shall

devour him w h o was with him; but he also shall fall by the sword in the last days . 29 As for your see ing two little wings' passing over t o k the head which was on the 30 right s ide , •this is the interpretation: It is these w h o m the Most High has kept for

the eag le ' s 1 end; this was the reign which was brief and full of tumult, as you have seen.

31 " A n d as for the l ion that you saw rousing up out of the forest and roaring and i i :37f .

speaking to the eag le and reproving him for his unrighteousness, and as for all his 32 words that you have heard, •this is the Messiah" 1 w h o m the Most High has kept D a n 7 : i 3 - i 4

until the end of days , w h o will arise from the posterity o f Dav id , and will c o m e 1 E n 4 8 : 6 ; 6 2

and speak to them;" he wil l denounce them for their ungodliness and for their 33 wickedness , and will cast up before them their contemptuous deal ings. # F o r first

he will set them living before his judgment seat, and when he has reproved them, 34 then he will destroy them. # B u t he will deliver in mercy the remnant o f my people ,

those w h o have been saved throughout my borders, and he will make them joyful 7:2 until the end c o m e s , the day of judgment, of which I spoke to you at the beginning.

35,36 This is the dream that you saw, and this is its interpretation. # A n d you alone were Ii=i

37 worthy to learn this secret o f the Most High. •Therefore write all these things that 38 you have seen in a book, and put it in a hidden place; # a n d you shall teach them

to the wise among your people , whose hearts you k n o w are able to comprehend

b. In Daniel's vision (Dan 7:7) the fourth king­dom symbolized the Greek or Macedonian Empire; here it is reinterpreted (vs. 12) as the Roman Em­pire.

c. Lat. "h i s ." d. Syr., Arm.; Lat. "After." e. Eth., Arab 1, Arm.; Lat., Syr. "beginning." f. Syr.; Lat. "underwings."

g. Syr., Eth., Ar., Arm.; Lat. "kingdoms." h. Syr., Eth., Arm.; Lat. " h e . " i. Lat. "them." j . Arab 1; Lat. "underwings." k. Syr., Eth.; Lat. omits " t o . " 1. Lat. "h i s ." m. Lit. "anointed one ." n. Syr.; Lat. omits "of days . . . and speak."


39 and keep these secrets. # B u t wait here seven days more , so that you may be shown whatever it pleases the Most High to show y o u . " Then he left me .

Grief over Ezra's absence

40 When all the people heard that the seven days were past and I had not returned to the city, they all gathered together, from the least to the greatest, and came to

41 me and spoke to m e , saying, # " H o w have w e offended y o u , and what harm have 42 we done y o u , that you have forsaken us and sit in this place? ° F o r of all the

prophets you alone are left to us , like a cluster o f grapes from the vintage, and like 43 a lamp in a dark place, and like a haven for a ship saved from a storm. «Are not 2Pet 1:19 44 the evi ls which have befallen us sufficient? •Therefore if you forsake us , how much

better it would have been for us if w e also had been consumed in the burning of 45 Zion! # For w e are no better than those w h o died there ." And they wept with a loud

voice .

Ezra comforts his people

46 Then I answered them and said, • "Take courage, O Israel; and do not be 8 47 sorrowful, O house of Jacob; # f o r the Most High has you in remembrance, and 48 the Mighty One has not forgotten you in your struggle. # A s for m e , I have neither

forsaken you nor withdrawn from you; but I have c o m e to this place to pray on account of the desolation of Zion and to seek mercy on account of the humiliation

49 of our° sanctuary. • N o w g o , every one of you to his house , and after these days 50,51 I will c o m e to y o u . " »So the people went into the city, as I told them to do . # B u t

I sat in the field seven days , as the ange l p had commanded me; and I ate only of the flowers of the field, and m y food was of plants during those days .


(The Man from the Sea)

1,2 13 After seven days I dreamed a dream in the night; # a n d behold, a wind arose 3 from the sea and stirred up all its w a v e s . *And I looked, and behold, this wind

made something like the figure of a man c o m e up out of the heart of the sea. And I looked, and beho ld , 3 that man flewb with the clouds of heaven; and wherever he

4 turned his face to look, everything under his gaze trembled, »and whenever his voice issued from his mouth, all w h o heard his voice melted as wax mel t s c when Micah i:4

it feels the fire. J d t 1 6 : 1 5

5 After this I looked, and behold, an innumerable multitude of men were gathered together from the four winds o f heaven to make war against the man w h o came

6 up out o f the sea. »And I looked, and behold, he carved out for himself a great Dan 2:4 7 mountain, and flew up upon it. «And I tried to see the region or place from which

the mountain was carved, but I could not. 8 After this I looked, and behold, all w h o had gathered together against h im, to 9 wage war with him, were much afraid, yet dared to fight. »And behold, when he

saw the onrush of the approaching multitude, he neither lifted his hand nor held 10 a spear or any weapon of war; »but I saw only how he sent forth from his mouth

as it were a stream of fire, and from his lips a flaming breath, and from his tongue isa ii:4 11 he shot forth a storm of sparks . d • All these were mingled together, the stream of

fire and the flaming breath and the great storm, and fell on the onrushing multitude which was prepared to fight, and burned them all up, so that suddenly nothing was

o. Syr., Eth.; Lat. "your." hold." p. Lit. "he ." b. Syr., Eth., Ar., Arm.; Lat. "grew strong."

c. Syr.; Lat. "burned as the earth rests." 13 a. Syr.; Lat. omits "this wind . . . and be- d. The text is uncertain.


seen of the innumerable multitude but only the dust o f ashes and the smell o f smoke. When I saw it, I was amazed.

12 After this I saw the same man c o m e d o w n from the mountain and call to him 13 another multitude which was peaceable. -Then many peop le 6 came to h im, s o m e

of w h o m were joyful and some sorrowful; s o m e o f them were bound, and s o m e were bringing others as offerings.

Request for interpretation of the vision

14 Then in great fear I awoke; and I besought the Most High , and said, • " F r o m the beginning you have shown your servant these wonders , and have deemed m e

15 worthy to have m y prayer heard by you; «now show me also the interpretation of 16 this dream. »For as I consider it in m y mind, w o e to those w h o will survive in 17 those days! And still more, w o e to those w h o do not survive! »For those w h o do is not survive will be sorrowful, • because they understand what is in store for the 19 last days , but not attaining it. # B u t w o e also to those w h o do survive, for this

reason—they shall see great dangers and much distress, as these dreams show. 20 Yet it is better f to c o m e into these t h i n g s , 8 though incurring peril, than to pass

from the world like a c loud, and not to see what shall happen in the last d a y s . "

T h e in terpreta t ion o f t h e v i s ion

21 He answered m e and said, - " I will tell you the interpretation of the v is ion, and 22 I will also explain to you the things which you have mentioned. • A s for what you 23 said about those w h o are lef t , h this is the interpretation: # H e w h o brings the peril

at that time will himself protect those w h o fall into peril, w h o have works and 24 have faith in the Almighty . 'Understand therefore that those w h o are left are more 25 blessed than those w h o have died. # T h i s is the interpretation of the vision: A s for 26 your seeing a man c o m e up from the heart of the sea , •this is he w h o m the Most

High has been keeping for many ages , w h o will himself deliver his creation; and 27 he will direct those w h o are left. • And as for your seeing wind and fire and a storm 28 coming out of his mouth, # a n d as for his not holding spear or weapon of war, yet

destroying the onrushing multitude which came to conquer h im, this is the inter-29 pretation: • B e h o l d , the days are coming when the Most High will deliver those 30 who are on the earth. * A n d bewilderment o f mind shall c o m e over those w h o 31 dwell on the earth. »And they shall plan to make war against one another, city

against city, place against p lace , people against people , and kingdom against isa 19.2 32 kingdom. -And when these things c o m e to pass and the s igns occur which I showed M t 2 4 : 7

you before, then my son will be revealed, w h o m you saw as a man coming up 33 from the sea.' «And when all the nations hear his vo i ce , every man shall leave his 34 own land and the warfare that they have against one another; # a n d an innumerable Rev i6: i6;

multitude shall be gathered together, as you saw , desiring to c o m e and conquer 1 9 : 1 9

35.36 him. «But he will stand on the top of Mount Zion. # A n d Zion will c o m e and be made manifest to all people , prepared and built, as you saw the mountain carved

37 out without hands. »And he , my Son , will reprove the assembled nations for their Dan 2:34,45 38 ungodliness (this was symbol ized by the storm), *and will reproach them to their

face with their evil thoughts and with the torments with which they are to be tortured (which were symbol ized by the flames); and he will destroy them without

39 effort by the law* (which was symbol ized by the fire). # A n d as for your seeing him 40 gather to himsel f another multitude that was peaceable , • these are the ten tribes 2 K g s i7:i-6

which were led away from their o w n land into captivity in the days of King Hoshea, w h o m Shalmaneser the king of the Assyrians led captive; he took them across the

41 river, and they were taken into another land. # B u t they formed this plan for

e. Lat., Syr., Arab 2 lit. "the faces of many h. Syr., Arab 1 add "and of those that do not people." survive."

f. Eth.; cf. Arab 2; Lat. "easier." i. Syr. and most Lat. MSS omit "from the sea." g. Syr.; Lat. "this ." j . Syr.; Lat. "and the law."


themselves , that they would leave the multitude of the nations and g o to a more 42 distant region, where mankind had never l ived, 'that there at least they might keep 43 their statutes which they had not kept in their o w n land. »And they went in by the 44 narrow passages o f the Euphrates River. # For at that t ime the Most High performed Josh 3 : i 4 - i6

signs for them, and stopped the channels o f the river until they had passed over. 45 Through that region there was a long way to g o , a journey o f a year and a half;

and that country is cal led Arzareth. k

46 "Then they dwelt there until the last t imes; and n o w , when they are about to 47 c o m e again, •the Most High will stop 1 the channels o f the river again, so that they isa i i : i 5 f .

may be able to pass over. Therefore you saw the multitude gathered together in 48 peace. *But those w h o are left o f your people , w h o are found within my holy 49 borders, shall be s a v e d . m •Therefore when he destroys the multitude of the nations 50 that are gathered together, he wil l defend the people w h o remain. »And then he

will show them very many w o n d e r s . " 51 I said, " O sovereign Lord, explain this to me: W h y did I see the man coming

up from the heart o f the s e a ? " 52 He said to m e , "Just as no one can explore or know what is in the depths o f

the sea, so no one on earth can see m y Son or those w h o are with h im, except in 53 the time of his day." 'This is the interpretation of the dream which you saw. And 54 you alone have been enlightened about this, •because you have forsaken your o w n 55 ways and have applied yourself to mine , and have searched out m y law; *for you 56 have devoted your life to w i s d o m , and called understanding your mother. •Therefore

I have shown you this, for there is a reward laid up with the Most High. And after three more days I wil l tell you other things, and explain weighty and wondrous matters to y o u . "

57 Then I arose and walked in the field, g iv ing great glory and praise to the Most 58 High because of his wonders , which he did from time to t ime, «and because he

governs the t imes and whatever things c o m e to pass in their seasons . And I stayed there three days .


The Lord commissions Ezra

1 14 On the third day, whi le I was sitting under an oak, behold , a vo ice came out 2 of a bush opposite me and said, "Ezra, E z r a . " # A n d I said, "Here I am, Lord ," Ex3:4 3 and I rose to my feet. •Then he said to m e , "I revealed myse l f in a bush and spoke 4 to M o s e s when my people were in bondage in Egypt; »and I sent him and led" my

people out o f Egypt; and I led him up on Mount Sinai , where I kept him with me 5 many days; # a n d I told him many wondrous things, and showed him the secrets

of the t imes and declared to h i m b the end of the t imes. Then I commanded him, 6 saying, ' T h e s e words you shall publish openly , and these you shall keep s e c r e t /

7,8 And now I say to you: »Lay up in your heart the s igns that I have shown y o u , 9 the dreams that you have seen , and the interpretations that you have heard; • for

you shall be taken up from among men , and henceforth you shall l ive with my Son 10 and with those w h o are like y o u , until the t imes are ended. *For the age has lost 5:50-55 11 its youth, and the t imes begin to grow old. »For the age is divided into twelve 12 parts, and nine c o f its parts have already passed, «as wel l as half o f the tenth part; 13 so two of its parts remain, besides half of the tenth part. d # N o w therefore, set your

k. Heb. for "another land." b. Syr., Eth., Ar., Arm.; Lat. omits "declared 1. Syr.; Lat. "stops." to him." m. Syr.; Lat. omits "shall be saved." c . Bensly's correction. Lat., Eth. "ten." n. Syr.; Eth. "except when his time and his day d. Syr. omits vss. 11, 12; Eth. "For the world

have come"; Lat. omits "h i s ." is divided into ten parts, and has come to the tenth, and half of the tenth remains. Now . . . "

14 a. Other authorities read "he led."


house in order, and reprove your people; comfort the l owly among them, and 14 instruct those that are w i s e . e And now renounce the life that is corruptible *and

put away from you mortal thoughts; cast away from you the burdens of man, and 15 divest yourself n o w of your weak nature, # a n d lay to one side the thoughts that 2 C o r 5 : 4

16 are most grievous to y o u , and hasten to escape from these t imes . «For evi ls worse 17 than those which you have n o w seen happen shall be done hereafter. »For the

weaker the world b e c o m e s through old age , the more shall ev i l s be multipled is among f its inhabitants. 'For truth shall g o farther away, and falsehood shall c o m e

near. For the e a g l e g which you saw in the vis ion is already hastening to c o m e . " n : i f .

Ezra's prayer for inspiration to restore the Scriptures

19,20 Then I answered and said, "Let m e speak in your presence, Lord . h «For behold, I will g o , as you have commanded m e , and I wil l reprove the people w h o are n o w living; but w h o will warn those w h o will be born hereafter? For the world l ies in

21 darkness, and its inhabitants are without light. »For your Law has been burned, and so no one knows the things which have been done or will be done by you .

22 If then I have found favor before y o u , send the Holy Spirit to m e , and I will write everything that has happened in the world from the beginning, the things which were written in your Law, that men may be able to find the path, and that those who wish to l ive in the last days may l i v e . "

23 He answered m e and said, " G o and gather the people , and tell them not to seek 24 you for forty days . ' B u t prepare for yourself many writing tablets, and take with Ex 2 4 : i 8 ; 34:28

you Sarea, Dabria, Se lemia , Ethanus, and As ie l—these five, because they are 25 trained to write rapidly; *and you shall c o m e here, and I will light in your heart

the lamp of understanding, which shall not be put out until what you are about to 26 write is finished. # A n d when you have finished, some things you shall make public,

and some you shall deliver in secret to the wise; tomorrow at this hour you shall begin to wr i t e ."

Ezra's address to the people

27 Then I went as he commanded m e , and I gathered all the people together, and 28,29 said, # " H e a r these words , O Israel. # A t first our fathers dwelt as aliens in Egypt ,

30 and they were delivered from there, # a n d received the Law o f l ife, which they did 31 not keep, which you also have transgressed after them. ' T h e n land was g iven to

you for a possess ion in the land of Zion; but you and your fathers committed 32 iniquity and did not keep the ways which the Most High commanded you . *And

because he is a righteous judge , in due t ime he took from you what he had g iven . 33.34 And now you are here, and your brethren are farther in the interior.* «If y o u , then, 13:45

will rule over your minds and discipline your hearts, you shall be kept a l ive , and 35 after death you shall obtain mercy. »For after death the judgment will c o m e , when

we shall l ive again; and then the names o f the righteous will b e c o m e manifest, and 36 the deeds of the ungodly will be disc losed. »But let no one seek me for forty

d a y s . "

Ezra's experience in the field

37 So I took the five men , as he commanded m e , and w e proceeded to the field, 38 and remained there. • And on the next day, behold, a vo ice called m e , saying, 39 "Ezra, open your mouth and drink what I g ive you to dr ink." *Then I opened m y

mouth, and behold, a full cup was offered to me; it was full of something like 40 water, but its color was like fire. *And I took it and drank; and when I had drunk

it, my heart poured forth understanding, and w i s d o m increased in m y breast, for

e. Lat. omits "and . . . wise ." f. Lit. "upon." g. Syr., Eth., Ar., Arm.; Lat. is corrupt.

h. Most Lat. MSS omit "Let me speak."

i. Syr., Eth., Arm.; Lat. "are among you.'


41 my spirit retained its memory; # a n d m y mouth was opened , and was no longer 42 c losed. # A n d the Most High gave understanding to the five men , and by turns they

wrote what was dictated, in characters j which they did not k n o w . k They sat forty 43 days, and wrote during the daytime, and ate their bread at night. *As for me , I 44 spoke in the daytime and was not silent at night. # S o during the forty days ninety-45 four 1 books were written. # A n d when the forty days were ended, the Most High

spoke to me , saying, " M a k e public the twenty-four 1" books" that you wrote first 46 and let the worthy and the unworthy read them; •but keep the s eventy 0 that were 47 written last, in order to g ive them to the wise among your people . -For in them

is the spring o f understanding, the fountain of w i s d o m , and the river o f knowledge . ' ' 48 And I did s o . p


1 15A The Lord says , " B e h o l d , speak in the ears of my people the words of the 2 prophecy which I will put in your mouth, »and cause them to be written on paper; i s a 5 i : i 6 3 for they are trustworthy and true. 9Do not fear the plots against y o u , and do not J e r 1 : 9

4 be troubled by the unbelief o f those w h o oppose you . # F o r every unbeliever shall die in his unbel ief ."

God's vengeance upon the wicked

5 " B e h o l d , " says the Lord, "I bring evi l s upon the world, the sword and famine 6 and death and destruction. # F o r iniquity has spread throughout every land, and

7,8 their harmful deeds have reached their limit. •Therefore ," says the Lord, # " I will be silent no longer concerning their ungodly deeds which they impiously commit , neither will I tolerate their wicked practices. Beho ld , innocent and righteous blood

9 cries out to me , and the souls of the righteous cry out continually. • ! will surely avenge t h e m , " says the Lord, "and will receive to myse l f all the innocent blood

10 from among them. • B e h o l d , my people is led like a flock to the slaughter; I will p s44:22 n not al low them to live any longer in the land o f Egypt, 'but I will bring them out I s a 5 3 : 7

with a mighty hand and with an uplifted arm, and will smite Egypt b with plagues, as before, and will destroy all its l a n d . "

Denunciation against oppression of Israel

12 Let Egypt mourn, and its foundations, for the plague of chastisement and 13 punishment that the Lord will bring upon it. 'Le t the farmers that till the ground

mourn, because their seed shall fail and their trees shall be ruined by blight and 14 hail and by a terrible tempest. • A l a s for the world and for those w h o live in it! is For the sword and misery draw near them, and nation shall rise up to fight against Mt 24:7 16 nation, with swords in their hands. # F o r there shall be unrest among men; growing LkVkio

j . I.e. in a new script, the Aram, (square) char­acters.

k. Syr.; cf. Eth., Arab 2, Arm.; Lat. is corrupt. 1. Syr., Eth., Arab 1, Arm.; Lat. is corrupt. m. Syr., Arab 1; Lat. omits "twenty-four." n. I.e. the books of the Hebrew canon, com­

prising the five books of the Law (Gen, Ex, Lev, Num, Deut), eight books of the Prophets (the former prophets, Josh, Judg, 1 and 2Sam [as one book], 1 and 2Kgs [as one book]; the latter prophets, Isa, Jer, Ezek, and the Twelve [counted as one book]), and eleven books of the Writings (Pss, Prov, Job, Song, Ruth, Lam, Eccl, Esth, Dan, Ezra-Neh [as one book], 1 and 2Chr [as one book]).

o. I.e. esoteric, apocalyptic books. p. Syr. adds "in the seventh year of the sixth

week, five thousand years and three months and twelve days after creation.

"At that time Ezra was caught up, and taken to the place of those who are like him, after he had written all these things. And he was called the Scribe of the knowledge of the Most High for ever and ever." Eth., Arab 1, Arm. have a similar ending.

15 a. Chs. 15 and 16 (except 15:57-59, which has been found in Gk.) are extant only in Lat.

b. Perhaps an allusion to the occurrence during the reign of Galienus (A .D. 260-68) of a terrible famine, followed by a plague, which killed two thirds of the population of Alexandria.


strong against one another, they shall in their might have no respect for their king 17 or the chief o f their leaders. •For a man will desire to g o into a c i ty , and shall not is be able. »For because of their pride the cit ies shall be in confus ion, the houses L k 2 i : 2 6 19 shall be destroyed, and people shall be afraid. # A man shall have no pity upon his

neighbors, but shall make an assault upon their houses with the sword, and plunder their g o o d s , because of hunger for bread and because of great tribulation.

D e n u n c i a t i o n a g a i n s t s i n n e r s

20 " B e h o l d , " says G o d , "I call together all the kings of the earth to fear m e , from the rising sun and from the south, from the east and from Lebanon; to turn and

21 repay what they have g iven them. •Just as they have done to my chosen people until this day, so I will d o , and will repay into their b o s o m . " Thus says the Lord

22 God: • " M y right hand will not spare the sinners, and my sword will not cease 23 from those w h o shed innocent blood on the earth ." # A n d a fire will g o forth from

his wrath, and will consume the foundations of the earth, and the sinners, like 24 straw that is kindled. • " W o e to those w h o sin and do not observe m y command-25 m e n t s , " says the Lord; * " I wil l not spare them. Depart, you faithless children! 26 D o not pollute my sanctuary." 'For the Lord knows all w h o transgress against 27 him; therefore he will hand them over to death and slaughter. -For now calamities

have c o m e upon the whole earth, and you shall remain in them; for God will not deliver you , because you have sinned against him.

A vis ion of terr i fy ing w a r f a r e

28,29 Behold, a terrifying sight, appearing from the east! •The nations of the dragons of Arabia shall c o m e out with many chariots, and from the day that they set out, their hissing shall spread over the earth, so that all w h o hear them fear and tremble.

30 A l so the Carmonians , 0 raging in wrath, shall g o forth like wild boars of the forest, p s so-. 13 and with great power they shall c o m e , and engage them in battle, and shall devastate

31 a portion of the land of the Assyrians with their teeth. 9 And then the dragons, remembering their origin, shall become still stronger; and if they combine in great

32 power and turn to pursue them, •then these shall be disorganized and si lenced by 33 their power, and shall turn and flee. 9 And from the land of the Assyrians an enemy

in ambush shall beset them and destroy one of them, and fear and trembling shall come upon their army, and indecision upon their kings.

O m i n o u s s t o r m c l o u d s

34 Behold, c louds from the east, and from the north to the south; and their appearance 35 is very threatening, full of wrath and storm. - T h e y shall dash against one another

and shall pour out a heavy tempest upon the earth, and their o w n tempest; and 36 there shall be blood from the sword as high as a horse's belly °and a man's thigh Rev 14:20 37 and a camel 's hock. »And there shall be fear and great trembling upon the earth;

and those who see that wrath shall be horror-stricken, and they shall be seized with 38 trembling. # A n d , after that, heavy storm clouds shall be stirred up from the south, 39 and from the north, and another part from the west . 9 And the winds from the east

shall prevail over the cloud that w a s d raised in wrath, and shall dispel it; and the tempest that was to cause destruction by the east wind shall be driven violently

40 toward the south and west . # A n d great and mighty c louds , full of wrath and tempest, shall rise, to destroy all the earth and its inhabitants, and shall pour out

41 upon every high and lofty p lace e a terrible tempest , •fire and hail and flying swords and floods of water, that all the fields and all the streams may be filled with the

42 abundance of those waters. # A n d they shall destroy cities and wal l s , mountains

c. Carmania (Kirman) was the northern province d. Lit. "that he ." of the Parthian Empire. e. Or "eminent person.'


43 and hil ls , trees o f the forests, and grass o f the m e a d o w s , and their grain. »And 44 they shall g o on steadily to B a b y l o n / and shall destroy her. »They shall come to

her and surround her; they shall pour out the tempest and all its wrath upon her; then the dust and s m o k e shall g o up to heaven, and all w h o are about her shall wail

45 over her. »And those w h o survive shall serve those w h o have destroyed her.

Asia has become like Babylon 46 And y o u , O Asia , w h o share in the glamour o f Babylon and the glory of her 47 p e r s o n — - w o e to y o u , miserable wretch! For you have made yourself like her; you Rev i4:8; n:4f.

have decked out your daughters in harlotry to please and glory in your lovers, who 48 have always lusted after you . « Y o u have imitated that hateful harlot in all her 49 deeds and devices; therefore God says , # " I will send evi l s upon y o u , w i d o w h o o d ,

poverty, famine, sword, and pest i lence, to lay waste your houses and bring you Rev i8:7f. 50 to destruction and death. # A n d the glory of your power shall wither like a flower, 51 when the heat rises that is sent upon you . # Y o u shall be weakened like a wretched

woman w h o is beaten and wounded , so that you cannot receive your mighty lovers. 52,53 Would I have dealt so v io l en t ly ," says the Lord, • " i f you had not a lways

killed m y chosen people , exulting and clapping your hands and talking about their 54,55 death when you were drunk? • Trick out the beauty of your face! # T h e reward of

56 a harlot is in your b o s o m , therefore you shall receive your recompense. *As you will do to my chosen p e o p l e , " says the Lord, " s o God will do to you , and will

57 hand you over to adversities. • Your children shall die of hunger, and you shall fall by the sword, and your cities shall be wiped out, and all your people who are in

58 the open country shall fall by the sword. # A n d those w h o are in the mountains and highlands 8 shall perish of hunger, and they shall eat their o w n flesh in hunger for

59 bread and drink their o w n blood in thirst for water. • Unhappy above all others, 60 you shall c o m e and suffer fresh afflictions. # A n d as they pass they shall wreck the

hateful h c i ty , and shall destroy a part of your land and abolish a portion of your 61 glory, as they return from devastated Babylon. ' A n d you shall be broken down 62 by them like stubble, and they shall be like fire to you . *And they shall devour

you and your cit ies , your land and your mountains; they shall burn with fire all 63 your forests and your fruitful trees. •They shall carry your children away captive,

and shall plunder your wealth, and abolish the glory of your countenance ."

Denunciation of Babylon, Asia, Egypt, and Syria

1,2 16 W o e to y o u , Baby lon 3 and Asia! W o e to you , Egypt and Syria! O i r d yourselves with sackcloth and haircloth, and wail for your children, and lament for them; for

3 your destruction is at hand. •The sword has been sent upon you , and w h o is there 4 to turn it back? »A fire has been sent upon y o u , and w h o is there to quench it?

5,6 Calamities have been sent upon y o u , and w h o is there to drive them away? «Can one drive off a hungry lion in the forest, or quench a fire in the stubble, when once

7,8 it has begun to burn? *Can one turn back an arrow shot by a strong archer? •The 9 Lord God sends calamities , and w h o will drive them away? # F i r e wil l g o forth

10 from his wrath, and w h o is there to quench it? «He will flash l ightning, and w h o 11 will not be afraid? He will thunder, and w h o will not be terrified? # T h e Lord will 12 threaten, and w h o will not be utterly shattered at his presence? «The earth and its Ps i8:i5

foundations quake, the sea is churned up from the depths, and its w a v e s and the fish also shall be troubled at the presence of the Lord and before the glory of his

13 power. »For his right hand that bends the b o w is strong, and his arrows that he shoots are sharp and will not miss when they begin to be shot to the ends of the

14 world. •Behold , calamities are sent forth and shall not return until they c o m e over

f. I.e. Rome.

g. Gk.; Lat. omits "and highlands.'

h. Another reading is "idle" or "unprofitable.'

16 a. I.e. Rome.


15 the earth. »The fire is kindled, and shall not be put out until it consumes the 16 foundations o f the earth. # Just as an arrow shot by a mighty archer does not return, 17 so the calamities that are sent upon the earth shall not return. # A l a s for m e ! W h o

will deliver m e in those days?

The beginning of calamities

i s The beginning of sorrows, when there shall be much lamentation; the beginning of famine, when many shall perish; the beginning o f wars , w h e n the powers shall be terrified; the beginning of calamities , when all shall tremble. What shall they

19 do in these circumstances, when the calamities c o m e ? •Behold , famine and plague, 20 tribulation and anguish are sent as scourges for the correction o f men . »Yet for all

this they wil l not turn from their iniquities, nor be a lways mindful o f the scourges . 21 Behold , provisions will be so cheap upon earth that men will imagine that peace

is assured for them, and then the calamities shall spring up on the earth—the sword, 22 famine, and great confusion. «For many o f those w h o l ive on the earth shall perish 23 by famine; and those w h o survive the famine shall die by the sword. •And the

dead shall be cast out like dung, and there shall be no one to conso le them; for 24 the earth shall be left desolate , and its cities shall be demol i shed. • N o one shall 25 be left to cultivate the earth or to s o w it. •The trees shall bear fruit, and w h o will 26 gather it? # T h e grapes shall ripen, and w h o will tread them? For in all places there 27 shall be great solitude; • one man wil l long to see another, or even to hear his 28 voice . «For out of a c i ty , ten shall be left; and out o f the field, two w h o have 29 hidden themselves in thick groves and clefts in the rocks. »As in an o l ive orchard isa 17:6 30 three or four o l ives may be left on every tree, *or as when a vineyard is gathered

some clusters may be left by those w h o search carefully through the vineyard, 31 so in those days three or four shall be left by those w h o search their houses with 32 the sword. *And the earth shall be left desolate , and its fields shall be for briers,

and its roads and all its paths shall bring forth thorns, because no sheep will g o 33 along them. 'Virgins shall mourn because they have no bridegrooms; w o m e n shall

mourn because they have no husbands; their daughters shall mourn because they 34 have no helpers. • Their bridegrooms shall be killed in war, and their husbands

shall perish o f famine.

Warnings of impending disasters

35 Listen now to these things, and understand them, O servants of the Lord. 36 Behold the word of the Lord, receive it; do not disbel ieve what the Lord s a y s . b

37,38 Behold, the calamities draw near, and are not delayed. «Just as a w o m a n with child, in the ninth month, when the time of her delivery draws near, has great pains 4:40 about her w o m b for two or three hours beforehand, and when the child c o m e s

39 forth from the w o m b , there will not be a moment ' s delay, ^so the calamities will not delay in coming forth upon the earth, and the world will groan, and pains will se ize it on every side.

40 "Hear my words, O m y people; prepare for battle, and in the midst of the 41 calamities be like strangers on the earth. »Let h im that sel ls be like one w h o will icor7:29-3i 42 flee; let him that buys be like one w h o will lose; • let him that does business be

like one w h o will not make a profit; and let h im that builds a house be like one 43 who will not l ive in it; • let him that s o w s be like one w h o will not reap; so also 44 him that prunes the v ines , like one w h o will not gather the grapes; • t h e m that

marry, like those w h o will have no children; and them that do not marry, like 45.46 those that are w i d o w e d . • B e c a u s e those w h o labor, labor in vain; • for strangers

shall gather their fruits, and plunder their g o o d s , and overthrow their houses , and take their children captive; for in captivity and famine they will beget their children.

b. Bensly's correction. Lat. "do not believe the d. Lit. "consent to them shall be for these in.' gods of whom the Lord speaks." e. The Lat. is uncertain.

c. Lit. " h e . " f. Another reading is "seed ."


47 Those w h o conduct business do it only to be plundered; the more they adorn their 48 cit ies, their houses and possess ions , and their persons, • the more angry I will be 49 with them for their s i n s , " says the Lord. »Just as a respectable and virtuous woman 50 abhors a harlot, »so righteousness shall abhor iniquity, when she decks herself out,

and shall accuse her to her face , when he c o m e s w h o will defend him w h o searches out every sin on earth.

The power and wisdom of God

51,52 Therefore do not be like her or her works . # F o r behold , just a little whi le , and 53 iniquity wil l be removed from the earth, and righteousness wil l reign over us . »Let

no sinner say that he has not sinned; for G o d c wil l burn coals o f fire on the head 54 of him w h o says , "I have not sinned before God and his g l o r y . " • B e h o l d , the

Lord knows all the works of m e n , their imaginations and their thoughts and their 55 hearts. »He said, "Let the earth be m a d e , " and it was made; "Let the heaven be 56 m a d e , " and it was made. # A t his word the stars were fixed, and he knows the 57 number of the stars. «It is he w h o searches the deep and its treasures, w h o has 58 measured the sea and its contents; # w h o has enclosed the sea in the midst o f the 59 waters, and by his word has suspended the earth over the water; »who has spread 60 out the heaven like an arch, and founded it upon the waters; • w h o has put springs

of water in the desert, and pools on the tops of the mountains, to send rivers from 61 the heights to water the earth; «who formed man, and put a heart in the midst o f 62 his body, and gave him breath and life and understanding *and the spirit of Almighty 63 God; w h o made all things and searches out hidden things in hidden places. •Surely

he knows your imaginations and what you think in your hearts! W o e to those w h o 64 sin and want to hide their s ins! • B e c a u s e the Lord will strictly examine all their 65 works, and will make a public spectacle o f all o f you . # A n d when your sins c o m e

out before m e n , you shall be put to shame; and your o w n iniquities shall stand as 66 your accusers in that day. # W h a t will you do? Or how will you hide your sins 67 before God and his angels? •Beho ld , God is the judge , fear him! Cease from your

s ins , and forget your iniquities, never to commit them again; so God will lead you forth and deliver you from all tribulation.

Impending persecution of the chosen people

68 For behold, the burning wrath o f a great multitude is kindled over y o u , and they 69 shall carry off some of you and shall feed you what was sacrificed to idols . »And

those w h o consent to eat shall be held i n d derision and contempt, and be trodden 70 under foot. # F o r in many p laces 6 and in neighboring cities there shall be a great 71 insurrection against those w h o fear the Lord. # T h e y shall be like madmen, sparing 72 no one , but plundering and destroying those w h o continue to fear the Lord. # F o r

they shall destroy and plunder their goods , and drive them out o f their houses . 73 Then the tested quality o f my chosen people shall be manifest, as go ld that is zech 13:9

tested by fire. , P e t 1 : 7

Promise of divine deliverance

74 "Hear, my chosen p e o p l e , " says the Lord. " B e h o l d , the days of tribulation are 75 at hand, and I wil l deliver you from them. »Do not fear or doubt, for God is your 76 guide. # Y o u w h o keep my commandments and precepts ," says the Lord God, 77 " d o not let your sins pull you d o w n , or your iniquities prevail over y o u . " »Woe

to those w h o are choked by their sins and overwhelmed by their iniquities, as a field is choked with underbrush and its path f overwhelmed with thorns, so that no

78 one can pass through! »It is shut off and g iven up to be consumed by fire.
