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  • THE 1990S By: Mark Griffith, Alexis Rodriguez, Mia Laserna, Hansa Naimpally, Nick Shenkler Block 2B
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  • 1990
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  • Fall of Soviet Union 1 Chernobyl- meltdown of nuclear power plant close to capital of Ukraine, Kiev 350,000 people relocated Under Jurisdiction of Soviet Union Soviets attempted to cover accident- failure Gorbachev realizes he cant support Eastern Economies-b/c failing economy, pulls troops out and local leaders reform economies Fall of Berlin Wall Gorbachev- popular in East and West Germany Protesters in East Berlin persuaded East German Govt to open gates- Nov. 9, 1989 Germany 1990 reunified AR
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  • Soviet Union 1989 Glasnost-rid of media censorship and permitted public government criticism Perestroika - restructure govt bureaucracy Soviet Leader Gorbachev puts glasnost and perestroika into place to fix failing Soviet system Effect - no longer repressed by government authority, nationalism rise of subject nations AR Gorbachev wants to decentralize govt, give more power to local officials over farm and factory Fired 40% of regional officials 1989 - free election, first time since 1917 1989 - Soviet Union removes troops from Afghanistan 1989 - Gorbachev goes to China to soften tensions between Soviet/China border
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  • Fall of Subject Countries Poland - Lech Walesa- starts strike and revolution 1990 - hold elections Walesa become President, Communists fall Hungary 1989 - opens borders with Australia, people go West Romania 1989 violent revolution brings govt down Soviet Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu executed, with his wife Czechoslovakia Velvet Revolution 1989- peaceful revolution in Czechoslovakia, took power from Communists (Soviets) Vaclave Havel becomes President AR
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  • Fall of Soviet Union 2 Coup detat - Gorbachev seized Boris Yeltsin - leader of Russian Republic - quits Communist Party, led revolt from Communist Gorbachev returned to power but resigns as President No one replaces him Soviet Union-collapses START 1 - strategic arms reduction treaty- George Bush and Gorbachev, 1991, reduce number of nuclear weapons START 2 - 2 months later, Bush and Yeltsin- no longer potential adversaries, enemies AR
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  • Education: al-Karh Secondary School Work Information: President of Iraq Religious Views: Islam Relationship Status: Married to Wafa el- Mullah al-Howeish, Nidal al-Hamdani,Samira Shahbandar, Sajida Talfah Samira Shahbandar Baath Party The GodFather Doritos Frank Sinatra Favorite Quote: Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down. Malcolm X Interests: Swimming Watching Movies Reading Books U.S. President just told me to get out; Pfft I dont think so! (Jan 15,1991) Okay that was longer than I expectedanyway its over. (August 20, 1988) Invasion planned latershould be easy (September 22, 1980) Back in power baby! Just got appointed al Bakrs deputy! (1968) Saddamwhered you go? (1959) That did not go as planned(October 7, 1959) I am excited to help the Baath Partys goal to unite the Arab states in the Middle East (1957) We believe we have made a fine addition to our group. (1957) Saddam Hussein
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  • 1990-1991 H.N.
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  • Kuwait increased oil production Drop world prices- Iraqs main recovery source Iraq could not repay loans from Kuwaiti and Saudi regimes during Iran-Iraq war Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Refused to forgive debts H.N.
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  • Iraq led by Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait August 2, 1990 Large portion of Gulf oil supply put in anti-American control Threatened flow of oil from Saudi Arabia (controlled fifth of worlds oil supplies) Iraqi threats: - 4th largest armed force in world - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical - Scud Missiles H.N.
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  • Authorize trade embargo on Iraq Operation Desert Shield: Quarter of a million UN troops sent (mostly Americans) to defend Saudi Arabia Used military force to intimidate Hussein to withdraw Forces soon grows to 550,000 troops H.N.
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  • Commanded by General H. Norman Schwarzkopf UN deadline for Iraq to evacuate Kuwait- Jan 15, 1991 Hussein refused- Mother of all battles ensued 700,000 troops assembled Phase I- Air Offensive-gained control of Iraqi air space and air superiority Iraqi counter offensive- launching of SCUD missiles (failed) Phase II- Ground Offensive American, British, and French forces blitzkrieg deep into Iraq Husseins forces defeated and surrounded, announced withdraw of troops from Kuwait Feb. 26 H.N.
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  • Gulf War Syndrome- illnesses including joint pain, fatigue, headaches, and memory loss suffered from by Gulf veterans Decision to end the war without removing Saddam Hussein from power. ( thought he would be overthrown by dissident Iraqis or Iraq would fall apart along the lines of Lebanon.) Prompts Iraq War of 2003 H.N.
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  • Gulf War Syndrome Pres. Bush promoted the Uruguay Round General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Consulted European allies to stop Serbian aggression in Bosnia and Herzegovina *Ordered U.S. troops to Somalia as part of Operation Restored Hope Signed START II Treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) H.N.
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  • K3A K3A
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  • Apartheid Apartheid- legal system that segregated South African blacks from South African whites. Prevented them from getting good jobs and living or working in primarily white areas Prevented interracial relationships/marriages Required South African blacks to carry identification papers System enacted by the National Party in 1948 M.L.
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  • Nelson Mandela Married to: Graca (Machel) Mandela Christian Was president of the African National Congress and South Africa during the 1990s Jailed for about 30 years because he was accused of treason Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his anti-Apartheid movements M.L.
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  • U.S. Reaction- Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act: restricted South African imports and direct flights to and from South Africa and United States In 1990- F. W. de Klerk became president of South Africa and he released Nelson Mandela from prison He traveled around the country to gain support and money for the anti-Apartheid movement After Klerk and Mandela worked out negotiations, the dominantly white-government was disassembled and Apartheid was put to an end Apartheid M.L.
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  • 1991
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  • Break-Up of Yugoslavia
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  • Break-Up of Yugoslavia- 1991 Yugoslavia- populated by many different ethnic groups Many different presidents after Tito By the early 1990s, Yugoslavia began to fall apart June/July 1991 Croatia declares independence Slovenia gains its independence after short war September 1991- United Nations Security council enforces arms embargo in Yugoslavia M.L.
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  • Break-Up of Yugoslavia- 1992 Bosnia Bosnian Catholics and Muslim Slavs wanted to break away from Yugoslavia, Serbs did not January 1992- President Franjo Tudjman of Croatia wanted to take over areas of Bosnia that were primarily Croatian March 1992- Bosnia- Herzegovina breaks away from Yugoslavia M.L.
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  • War in Bosnia: 1992-1993 Serbian militia began a method of ethnic cleansing and sought to remove all non-Serbs Muslim men, women, and children were murdered Accounts of rape Death and detention centers in Omarska, Trnopolje, and Manjaca M.L.
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  • War in Bosnia: 1994-1995 April 1994: NATO launched air strikes against the Serbs 1995: Mass killings in Sarajevo and other safe areas where Muslims were by Bosnian Serb forces August 1995: NATO bombed Serb forces in Sarajevo M.L.
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  • End of the War in Bosnia- 1995 Dayton Peace Accords Ended the War in Bosnia Wright-Patterson Air Base in Dayton, Ohio Began November 1, 1995 Formal agreement signed on December 14, 1995 United States negotiating team leader: Richard Holbrooke, Serbian president Slobodan Miloevic, Croatian President FranjoTudjman, and Bosnian president Alija Izetbegovic. M.L.
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  • Aftermath- War in Bosnia 140,000 Bosnians, 97,300 Serbs, 28,400 Croats killed ( 1.37 million refugees ( M.L.
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  • Clarence Thomas Republican Senate member Republican Senate member George H. W. Bush wanted him to be a Supreme Court Justice (1991) George H. W. Bush wanted him to be a Supreme Court Justice (1991) Anita Faye Hill declared that he acted inappropriately toward her Anita Faye Hill declared that he acted inappropriately toward her Accepted into the Senate 52-48 Accepted into the Senate 52-48 Sparked a womens revolution Sparked a womens revolution Introduced the idea of sexual harassment Introduced the idea of sexual harassment MG
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  • Facebook Page MG
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  • 1992
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  • Watch this video After watching, if you were the judge of this case what would be your ruling on these policemen? Charge or release? M.L.
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  • The Los Angeles Riots- Rodney King African-American male March 3, 1991- Led Los Angeles police on a high- speed car chase and was pulled over He was beaten by several police when he resisted arrest The beating was caught on tape by George Holliday M.L.
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  • The Los Angeles Riots- 1992 April 29May 4, 1992 Also known as the Rodney King riots Riots began because the four white police officers who were charged were ruled innocent and released Residents of the southern central section of Los Angeles, mostly black, responded with violence Affects: 55 people dead, 2,383 injured, 8,000 arrested, and $1 billion in property damages. M.L.
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  • The Los Angeles Riots M.L.
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  • NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement (1992) North American Free Trade Agreement (1992) Abolished all trade barriers between Mexico, Canada, and the United States Abolished all trade barriers between Mexico, Canada, and the United States Added to the economies of all three nations, but helped Mexico the most Added to the economies of all three nations, but helped Mexico the most MG
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  • 1993
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  • H.N.
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  • Declaration of Principles on Interim Self- Government Arrangements or Declaration of Principles (DOP) Conducted in Oslo, Norway Completed by August 20, 1993 H.N.
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  • The first intifada in 1987 President George H.W. Bush arranged Madrid Peace Conference in 1991 b/n Arab nations and Israel Did not succeed Yair Hirshfeld and Ron Pundak (Isreal) (Shimon Peres later took charge) Ahmad Sulayman Qurai (Abu Ala). (Palestinian Liberation Organization(PLO)) H.N.
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  • ArabsIsraelis Self-governed Palestinian land IDF taken out of the Gaza Strip and West Bank Recognize the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as the Palestinian representative Acknowledge Israel as independent state Renounce terrorism and destruction of the Israeli state. Agreement- Committee for economic cooperation ->united Palestinians and Israelis in economic issues Elections for a Palestinian council Specific steps for permanent peace for five years H.N.
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  • It as signed by Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and PLO official Abou Abbas Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat shook hands "Today marks a shining moment of hope for the people of the Middle East; indeed, of the entire world -President Bill Clinton H.N.
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  • Yassir Arafat(1929-2004) Full name is Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini He was the chairman of the PLO Founded the Fatah political party in 1959 Received a Nobel-Peace Prize for his work with the Oslo Accords Yitzchak Rabin(1922-1925) He was Involved in the Knesset before being elected Prime Minister of Israel He was later elected Prime Minister of the Israel Labor Party In November 1995, an Israeli named Yigal Amir assassinated Prime Minister Rabin for his cooperation in the Accords Won a Nobel-Peace prize along with Shimon Peres for his accomplishments with the Oslo Accords H.N.
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  • The Oslo Accords angered many people on both sides which lead to more violence It was eventually violated and the negotiations for permanent peace were called off It worsened the relations between the Israelis and Palestinians causing deaths, and escalated conflict H.N.
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  • Background After WWII, Britain and Italy fought for control over area British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland merged-> United Republic of Somalia Somali president assassinated Major General Mohammed Siad Barre took power Somalia increased alliance with Soviet Union-> 1974 friendship and cooperation treaty Conflict along Somali-Ethiopian border Ethiopian forces aided by Soviet forces Friendship treaty repealed Barre turns to U.S. for help against Ethiopian forces Sparks rebellion in northwest-> 1991 former British Somaliland declares independence as Somaliland Barre flees to Nigeria Mohammad Ali Mahdi and Mohammad Farah Aidid each claim presidency Sparks Civil War H.N.
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  • U.S. Actions UN sponsored cease-fire and peace-keeping intervention failed Defeated Pres. George H.W. Bush launches Operation Restore Hope 1993 27,000 U.S. soldiers sent to help UN forces Objectives to distribute food and restore civil order Failed-> food went to warlords Aidid began to attack UN (mainly U.S. forces) Primary U.S. Objective became to capture Aidid H.N.
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  • Blackhawk Down Aka. Battle of Mogadishu Task Force Ranger comprised of U.S. Army Rangers and Special Forces Detachment-Delta (Delta Force) Plan- raid compound where Aidid was thought to be hiding Rangers would create blocking positions on roads surrounding building Delta Forces capture two warlords, Aidid escaped capture Two Blackhawk helicopters shot down Difficult to take out ground force by helicopter because of heavy ground fire 17-hour gunfight in Mogadishu 18 Americans dead 84 wounded 500-1,000 Somalis dead, 1,000 wounded Footage of U.S. Army Rangers dragged through street of Mogadishu H.N.
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  • Blackhawk Down Plan H.N.
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  • U.S. Foreign Policy President Bill Clinton withdraws troops No direct involvement in Somalia Indirectly train Ethiopian soldiers to stabilize country if needed Support counterterrorism efforts After 9/11-> aggressive foreign policy Currently 8,000 tr0ops Strengthen Transitional Federal Government (TFG) H.N.
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  • Modern Somalia Since 1992 12 attempts at national reconciliations have been made Central government still does not exist Somaliland still breakaway republic-> joined by Puntland and Jubaland declares independence 1998 Southwestern Somaliland independent 2002 Radical Islamic groups establish bases there After 9/11, activities of such groups are monitored by U.S. policy makers H.N.
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  • Waco Siege 1993 In Waco, Texas In Waco, Texas Religious group Branch Davidians, leader David Koresh Religious group Branch Davidians, leader David Koresh Govt thought Koresh had firearms and drugs violations at Mount Carmel Center ranch Govt thought Koresh had firearms and drugs violations at Mount Carmel Center ranch US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has search warrant- gun battle for two hours and ends with four agents and six Davidian dead US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has search warrant- gun battle for two hours and ends with four agents and six Davidian dead The FBI then launched siege to get Koresh to surrender property The FBI then launched siege to get Koresh to surrender property Siege lasts 51 days Siege lasts 51 days FBI has final attack against Koresh with tear gas FBI has final attack against Koresh with tear gas Three fires in building- controversy on origin of fire was never proven Three fires in building- controversy on origin of fire was never proven Result: 76 men, women and children died, including the leader Koresh Result: 76 men, women and children died, including the leader Koresh Real Video Footage Real Video Footage watch?v=jRTfEjhdvSo&nor edirect=1 watch?v=jRTfEjhdvSo&nor edirect=1 watch?v=jRTfEjhdvSo&nor edirect=1 watch?v=jRTfEjhdvSo&nor edirect=1 AR
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  • NS
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  • Impeachment of Clinton Accused off having an affair with 22 year old White House intern Clinton met with his cabinet, denied the affair Ken Starr gave 60,000 page report full of sexually explicit evidence Clinton later admitted to the affair on television. Impeached for perjury under oath and for obstruction of justice NS
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  • Monica Lewinsky 22 year old white house intern from Beverly Hills Had an affair with Clinton, 10 over 18 months Transferred to job at the pentagon on April 5 th, 1996 Told Co-worker Linda Tripp about the affair Tripp recorded 20 hours of phone conversations as evidence Who is to blame for the affair? NS
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  • Evidence Against Clinton Ken Starr Report 20 hours of phone conversations between Lewinsky and Tripp Testimony by Lewinsky NS
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  • Should Clinton have been removed from office? Why or why not? NS
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  • Clinton was acquitted of all charges and finished his second term in office. NS
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  • Clintons Economic Policies and Acts Lowered taxes on the poor, middle class, and small businesses Raised taxes on rich Cut welfare spending and government spending Establish fiscal discipline Maintain lower interest rates for private sector growth Invest in human capital through education Increase minimum wage Minimum Wage Increase Act of August 20 th, 1996 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 NS
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  • Did It Work? Unemployment below 4% in April, 2000 90s was the longest period of peacetime economic growth in American history Minimum wage increased Ended on a budget surplus NS
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  • Clintons Social Policies Funded AIDS research Cut back on welfare Disapproved of discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation Increased education Lower crime DOMA Dont Ask, Dont Tell Health Securities Act (failed) NS
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  • In Your Mind, Was Clinton a Good President? Why or Why Not? NS
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  • Al Gore Education: Harvard 1969 Relationship Status: Divorced from Tipper Aitcheson Work Information: Tennessee Congressmen- 1977 Senator-1985 45th Vice President of US- 1993 Environmental Activist Favorite Quote: As I have said for many years throughout this land, were borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroys the future the future of human civilization. Every bit of that has to change -Al Gore "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, & that one word is 'to be prepared'."- Al Gore AR Interests: Environment, Global Warming, Politics, Military, News, Business, Writing Political View: Democrat Religious View: Baptist
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  • Al Gore AR News Feed Al Gore: 1965- enrolls in Harvard, first major in English, then Government Al Gore: 1970- served as army journalist in Vietnam Al Gore: 1976- run for House of Representatives in Tennessee, served 1977-1985 Al Gore- 1985- run for Senator of Tennessee, serves until 1993 Al Gore: 1988- run for Democratic nomination for U.S. President, loses to Michael Dukakis Al Gore: 1992- publishes first book Earth in the Balance Al Gore: 1993- Become 45th Vice President of United States Bill Clinton likes this Al Gore: 2000- loses Presidential election to George W. Bush Al Gore: 2007- receives Noble Peace Prize for fighting environmental issues Friends (1,342) Bill Clinton,Tipper Aitcheson, George W. Bush
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  • European Union Greece, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, France Greece, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, France Boost European economy, help other uninvolved European countries, provide justice, liberty, and safety Boost European economy, help other uninvolved European countries, provide justice, liberty, and safety Origins in the early 50s, but agreed upon freely trading without barriers in 1993 Origins in the early 50s, but agreed upon freely trading without barriers in 1993 MG
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  • 1994
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  • Rwanda: 1990-1994 Divided into two social classes, Hutu and Tutsi Hutu: Cultivators, poorer, 85% of the population, in control of Rwanda by 1963 Tutsi: Cattle-owners, more elite, better educated, less populated Tutsis were exiled by Hutus and went to Uganda where they formed the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) 1990- RPF invaded Rwanda causing a civil war 1993- Rwandan government and RPF agreed in Arusha Accords to cease fire and start a transitional government M.L.
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  • Rwanda: U.S. Reaction After civil war, United Nations Security Council created: UN Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda Resolution 872- United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda: military personnel During and after genocide: Resolution 918- Increased number of military in UNAMIR and enforced a restriction on arms in Rwanda Resolution 925 Resolution 929 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) M.L.
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  • Rwanda: Genocide Start of Genocide: April 6, 1994- Plane carrying President Habyariman of Rwanda and the president of Burundi were killed when it was shot down From then on, genocides beganRwandan militia/Interahamwe tried to kill all Tutsi and moderate Hutu civilians Women were raped Casualties: About 800,000 people killed throughout 100 days M.L.
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  • Haiti 1994 1990- Jean-Bertand Aristide elected President in Haiti 1990- Jean-Bertand Aristide elected President in Haiti 1991-Military dictator takes over govt by force- leader General Raoul Cdras 1991-Military dictator takes over govt by force- leader General Raoul Cdras Aristide exiled Aristide exiled 3,000-5,000 Haitians killed under military 3,000-5,000 Haitians killed under military Massive refugee exodus- About 40,000 Haitians leave Haiti to go to U.S. but denied so retreat back to Haiti Massive refugee exodus- About 40,000 Haitians leave Haiti to go to U.S. but denied so retreat back to Haiti Aristide General Raoul Cdras AR Military intervention (Operation Uphold Democracy) Sept. 19, 1994- UN sent American troops (under Clinton) Troops bring peaceful change in Govt- Military leaders step down Oct. 1994 -Aristide returns
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  • WTO World Trade Organization (1994) World Trade Organization (1994) Consists of nations from GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and many other countries Consists of nations from GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and many other countries 136 countries involved 136 countries involved Regulates trade agreements and sets standards for international trade Regulates trade agreements and sets standards for international trade MG
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  • 1995
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  • Oklahoma City Bombing April 19 th, 1995 Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City Homemade truck bomb explodes at 9:03 a.m. Kills 168, including 19 children, hundreds injured Work of Timothy McVeigh atch?v=l08zD9Pn1jk atch?v=l08zD9Pn1jk NS
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  • How is the Oklahoma City Bombing similar to the Boston Marathon bombing? Both in how it was done and how it was handled afterwards? NS
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  • How is this Significant? Very expensive High casualties Almost 20 kids die The killer is a U.S. citizen NS
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  • Meet the Killer Timothy McVeigh (born 4/23/68) from Pendleton N.Y Loves his country, hates his government Gun enthusiast Weapons expert Wanted to help overthrow the government Was arrested on get away for a series of misdemeanors Why were so many Americans so shocked by this? NS
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  • 1999
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  • Kosovo- 1999 Tensions began between Kosovo Albanians (Kosovars) and the Serbs Kosovars wanted independence from Yugoslavia Miloevi, president of Yugoslavia wanted to stop this 1996- Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) attacked Serbian police January 1999- mass killing of Albanians by Serb forces March 24, 1999- NATO starts bombing targets in Yugoslavia M.L.
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  • Kosovo- 1999 June 3, 1999- Miloevi accepts a peace agreement with the United Nations to end the war in Kosovo 850,000 people are displaced U.N. force called the Kosovo Force monitors peace in Kosovo M.L.
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  • 90s Fashion Guys: Guys: Birkenstocks Birkenstocks Gelled hair with sideburns Gelled hair with sideburns Ripped baggy jeans Ripped baggy jeans Chinos Chinos Cargos Cargos Backward hats Backward hats Girls: Girls: Belly shirts Belly shirts Big flannel/plaid shirts or vests Big flannel/plaid shirts or vests Ripped loose jeans Ripped loose jeans Long hair with bangs Long hair with bangs Mini skirts Mini skirts Patterns Patterns MG
  • Slide 83
  • 1990s Music Destinys Child Destinys Child Boyz II Men Boyz II Men Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys *NSYNC *NSYNC New Kids on the Block New Kids on the Block Tupac Shakur Tupac Shakur The Notorious B.I.G. The Notorious B.I.G. Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Britney Spears Britney Spears Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Aerosmith Aerosmith Nirvana Nirvana MG
  • Slide 84
  • Entertainment, Fads, & Fun Facts Cartoons Cartoons Toys & Games Toys & Games Wearing clothes backwards Wearing clothes backwards Sagging pants were introduced Sagging pants were introduced World Wide Web and DVD player invented in the 90s (1990 & 1995) World Wide Web and DVD player invented in the 90s (1990 & 1995) MG
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  • New Kids on the Block!! PM PM PM PM
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  • Citations (Websites) style/90s/1990s-fashion-trends/ style/90s/1990s-fashion-trends/ style/90s/1990s-fashion-trends/ style/90s/1990s-fashion-trends/ greatest-90s-fashion-trends/the-gap greatest-90s-fashion-trends/the-gap greatest-90s-fashion-trends/the-gap greatest-90s-fashion-trends/the-gap favorite-toys-from-the-90s favorite-toys-from-the-90s favorite-toys-from-the-90s favorite-toys-from-the-90sMG
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  • Web Citations Continued odern_5.htm odern_5.htm odern_5.htm odern_5.htm thomas-9505658 thomas-9505658 thomas-9505658 thomas-9505658MG
  • Slide 88
  • Database Citations Hastedt, Glenn. "North American Free Trade Agrement (1992)." American History Online. Facts On File News Services, 2004. Web. 10 May 2013. Hastedt, Glenn. "North American Free Trade Agrement (1992)." American History Online. Facts On File News Services, 2004. Web. 10 May 2013. Hardman, Stephen, and John Korasick. "World Trade Organization (WTO)." American History Online. Facts On File News Services, n.d. Web. 10 May 2013. Hardman, Stephen, and John Korasick. "World Trade Organization (WTO)." American History Online. Facts On File News Services, n.d. Web. 10 May 2013. MG
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  • Citations (Pictures) content/uploads/2012/05/birkenstock-papillio-sandals.jpg content/uploads/2012/05/birkenstock-papillio-sandals.jpg content/uploads/2012/05/birkenstock-papillio-sandals.jpg content/uploads/2012/05/birkenstock-papillio-sandals.jpg fashion-plaid-FINAL.jpg fashion-plaid-FINAL.jpg fashion-plaid-FINAL.jpg fashion-plaid-FINAL.jpg Ka8jkeOM.jpg Ka8jkeOM.jpg Ka8jkeOM.jpg Ka8jkeOM.jpg VaHIcCn7jOY/Tzc0JjQfeII/AAAAAAAABPM/rP_VVVZFxqs/s1600/Whit ney VaHIcCn7jOY/Tzc0JjQfeII/AAAAAAAABPM/rP_VVVZFxqs/s1600/Whit ney VaHIcCn7jOY/Tzc0JjQfeII/AAAAAAAABPM/rP_VVVZFxqs/s1600/Whit ney VaHIcCn7jOY/Tzc0JjQfeII/AAAAAAAABPM/rP_VVVZFxqs/s1600/Whit ney _11_Points_Countdown _11_Points_Countdown _11_Points_Countdown _11_Points_Countdown child-original.jpg child-original.jpg child-original.jpg child-original.jpg MG
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  • Pic Citations Continued 11-Doug-s-Shock-Therapy--Doug-Is-Hamburger-Boy.jpg 11-Doug-s-Shock-Therapy--Doug-Is-Hamburger-Boy.jpg 11-Doug-s-Shock-Therapy--Doug-Is-Hamburger-Boy.jpg 11-Doug-s-Shock-Therapy--Doug-Is-Hamburger-Boy.jpg content/uploads/2013/03/Nirvana-Desktop-Wallpaper.jpg content/uploads/2013/03/Nirvana-Desktop-Wallpaper.jpg content/uploads/2013/03/Nirvana-Desktop-Wallpaper.jpg content/uploads/2013/03/Nirvana-Desktop-Wallpaper.jpg agotchi_0124_ubt.jpeg/220px-Tamagotchi_0124_ubt.jpeg agotchi_0124_ubt.jpeg/220px-Tamagotchi_0124_ubt.jpeg agotchi_0124_ubt.jpeg/220px-Tamagotchi_0124_ubt.jpeg agotchi_0124_ubt.jpeg/220px-Tamagotchi_0124_ubt.jpeg kross1.jpg kross1.jpg kross1.jpg kross1.jpg flags.gif flags.gif flags.gif flags.gif MG
  • Slide 91
  • Book Citation Kallen, Stuart A. A Cultural History of the United States: Through the Decades - the 1990s. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 1999. Print. Kallen, Stuart A. A Cultural History of the United States: Through the Decades - the 1990s. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 1999. Print. MG
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  • Citations AR on-1734075 on-1734075 m m
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  • Works Cited Information- Facts on File Database ( H.N.
  • Slide 94
  • Works Cited Pictures: H.N.
  • Slide 95
  • Works Cited Becker, D.J. "Former Yugoslavia." Facts on File. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2013.. Horvitz, Leslie. "Rwandan Genocide." Facts on File. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2013.. Patterson, A. "Apartheid and the United Nations." Facts on File. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2013.. Pitman, Julia. "Nelson Mandela." Facts on File. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2013.. Sides, Josh. "Los Angeles Riot." Facts on File. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2013. M.L.