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t\Tol: 3) No . '3£

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Al~i"c ~iv"bo...l

t-.o t~ Bo~;" i.'1-i.,u"'-\ L, ,b -

r-·-g I Pi-l t.:11

I I l S , l :l . t_ __ __

lPOB su.:B1

~ Golden Opportunity :tor the keen Collector of Sexton Blake iore.

UNION Ji&·Cl".51 ··l.2 oopies

20 C0:'..'3 8 27 c~;,ioe 24 copies l.9 copte e 35 copiee 41 copi"a 44 ocp!ae ~"'i cr.;:·,oa 36 copies 27 copies 38 copies ll copies l.7 copios · l.8 copies 28 cop1oe

3 oopiee

1917 ie eue 1918 i os ue 1 92.9 i.eeue l.920 ieaue 192 1 iBBUe 19~2 iBeue l.9:23 issue l.924 issue J.925 il' Btle l.926 issue l.927 ieeue J.928 ieBlle l.929 iileue l.930 1811118 1931 i ssue 1932 188118 1933 iss ue

pi.nlc) ' pink) pink) pink) c ol coloure d ) coloured) d ) cc.loured ) col.otl1'Gd) col.cured ) coloured) d l co l.c ured) coloured) col.ourod) col.cured)

l.8 0 .0d 30e . Od 40e.Cd 36e.Od ?.3s. Od 40e.Od 50s.Od 50s.Od 50 s.Od 40e.Od 3le.Od 40e.Od 13s. Od l.7e.Od l8s. Od 28e.Od 3s-,Od

~ll poet free - with 2s.6d in the pound discount '1 for orders oj'. Tl'O POUNDS and aver. Copies will ONLY be eo1d Ae a dvertiued above a nd will not be split up. Thia applloe t o eve~ advertie'!dl 5PBOliL Ol'J'Ell of 38 U?iIOl!I' J,;.OXS. Ieeuee ~ from 19J.9 to 1929 · and ' in good. oondi tion. 25s.Od Thirv l.e-t Sarles S.11.L' a. (all. camplotc ) 45e. Od Silt Gllr].y 2nd aerie s 8.B.L' e. (ditto). lOe.Od S.B .L. 1st Series lloa.68 And 131. 2e.6d

Price la, 14. Post Pree

.lrotJST 1949 Han I•- Gephmber

Bclitor, 111_11...._.. Section Harbert LecltenbJ, Telephone Emlwlse ,

c/o Cantrel Rogiet:z,- , :lortbam c~ , Yo:dt.

FBW Tiii!: EDl'!al' S CIUill

Our "Annual " : Ordere for the C.D • .Amiunl ore in

in nX7 encoureging foehio n. ..!. good proportion oro !ran "n.,..

chu." whoso wmee will be oppcarlng in the "11ho'e Ibo" for the

firllt time on4 88 o roeul t will edd to ita interaat, And bore

I should jwit like t o explnin that we did not intend the"}O-· .. o,..i

lllllXimam" mentioned on the Quoetionna ire to epply to the DBW­

C<D8r&, for ...., recQ6Diee that thq cmmot nry well give dotllila

of their ccllocUcne end th eir vi.,... an the hobbJ' in th8t number

of words . But ea there will be mare - then enr in the

"'tlho'e Who,• .., went """17CD8 to be ea CClllCiae ea posaiblo, Ono

or two, 1lhoae .._. ban epp eered in the "'> earlier Amlwlla,

heYo been jll8t e U ttle too ''wordr', The "Who'• Who" i11 a very

populer ·em valuable r~at.rro , but we don't want it to ocaup7 toe apace, tor we an «alng to hew tile - old ·hallclaoha -

lloW to pt in 1111 we -14 wieh.

ConoemiJlc tile -X-t" eerioe , -ticaM in. t:be ~

-i..r, I - pttiDC 4- to ~ th- -i. la• t- epllN


moments ond woe rinding it o pretty to:rmideblo job. Then John Geel, stout fellow, C8119 al ong and eportf:Qgl;r wl1111t8*ed to t it oft sq t,,m,18. I gl&dl;r agreed. And DOW Bill Gander bas sen 118 a lot of -,re thtln uaetul notes on the earlier aeries. 'lben coq,latecl tbia feature will fo:rm a veluable rooord raan1:ag to m,qr psgee. We hll4 1ntendod dof:Qg the - with the "Gem", bu.t that I - atre14 will haTe to weit antil next year. St. Jim's won•t be n~laoted thOQl!h. Por inatanoe, Ropr JtmlciJla hsa promised one o! bi.e ohareoter etudies - subject - Card•. Well , you. Jmow what Roger oen do. And I'm gof:Qg to go on 11hettf:Qg J 8ppet1tet1 eeoh 80Dth mitil the limmal eppesrs. I osn Mtrare 7 there' 11 be somethf:Qg for o-re17bc~.

)Iara Old PBYoari'tes Retums Do you Y'Oll old-t.1111 thoee :tine serials and compl<,te stori es concerning ToddJ Lester co. ot Slapton School, by John J'innamore, wbich appeared in the J!eya' Realm, in the oer e-froe days before the Pirst World 'War, the dear, deed dcya when Y® could bu;y e reel f esat of reed1ng for e humble penn;y? If you do re-coll thllD, you will be plesa to bear that "Li>tilller House", Ludgete Hill, hew just r&-j>uhlieh th .. 1n au splendid vol11111es at 6/- each. Th"7 appear to be word for word ea when th"7 were printed on the pillk pepor of the Bo.Ya' Realm o! treasured m11DOr,r.

The aome pubUshera aro deo offering the illlnortal atoriee by Talbot Beinea Reed - "Willouebby Ceptaina", "Fifth Porm st St . Dom1n1oe", "Cock House ct F elleg,,rth" end tho rest of thQIJl which appecred in the "B.O.P" :fifty long years ego.

Goodbye to Ila.Woll Scott , With this issue, regretfully, reeoh the end o! these faacinetf:Qg p eeps into the psst. In its cOlll)nr&tiTel;r brief, but m:citu,g cer&er, the C.D. baa bed m,qr "aooops", but none that hos 1ntere1tad 1ta r ... dara more then the "diaries", .&ild kDow1Dg whDt we do -, I had to lllld.le 'Ilium I piclcad up o -id Union Jeck th o other dey. E,,rly on in his ato17 JISXINll Scott reveeled the 1118egr& tees he got for the caaplete atori&11 he wrote for the ~ Union Jeck end 1ta companlona. Well 1n this particular mmber, deted December l}, 1894, tho editor proudly Annoanced he waa publ1ahi:ag !oar !loleon Lee atorioa the :tollo~ W98lt ( the ttiole four toeether ware, of ccuree. no 10Q8'9!' than the usual cno) • Seid he, "Up to the present

r----------~209--------~~""'\ Belson LN atoriee have only appeared in the Halfp~ 1,!arvel, and it iraa only ti)' outbidding tha ed1 tor of that paper that I 111111 able to eeoure these uoit:l!lg telee!' He goes OD to aa:r tho "there will be no change in price, althousb, of course, four atoriea ooat the poor editor IIIQOb DION than ODe."

Peat meetlll'S at tellillg the tale, some of those editors, waren•t th8,J? I hope you. don't think I follow their 8X8111ple.

Youn eincaral;r, m2iBmr LD:IEIIBY •

P.&.1 Some of :,ou 1111\T have received a oop:, of the SOUth Af'rican "Outapan" containing a fine article OD the Victorian "blooda", and are wondering 1lbom :,w ~to thenk for it. I om tell :,w that it c- ea a k1ndl;r ,-tun t.._ that loo,t cthueiaet 1D that ptlrt 01' the warl4 - A. J. Southlrq. Ou II01'9 ot tho .. friendl:, actione I like to put Gil record.

llmiE Tl!Er .J!B .:iGAill't ''But who ia the • en""lr' -1 Who are thNe I boas ... • the Paddington men want to aack? - ~ doee F1aiJ18 and Callpeu;:, - how it r""'1nda • of tile Ga - propoH to q~ri~ J..S:'i~ on the re1l1ffl7 troubles in the

~ TO Bllf: llsgnata lfo•a 650-999, 1002, 1010, 1011, 1012 , 1013, 1014 , 1015, 1016 , 1017, 1021 , 1024, 1026 , 1030, 1034, 1040 ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.1~~.~ ~ . ~.~ . n~.~.~.~.11~.~.~.~ ~. ~.~. ~. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~ 1222, 1223, 1224, 1228, 1229, 12TI, 1245. Robert Wilson , 484 Springbu:m !load, Glaseo,r, N.

&VE fill Nelson Lees, Populars, end other odcllllenta for axchlmge. Odde required of flZQ" of the old boye' mege . for statistical pur­posaa onl;r. Condition imDsterial. Colleot:l!lg s.o.L. Rookwood !md St. Jim's st ori es • . lleva YOO sq f or disposal? Loan of odd­ments elao appreciated. - A. J. Souttnrs,J, P .o. Box 3, BEM:<IISFIEI o, Cape l'l'Ovinca, S011l'H AFRICA.

WA!iTE2)1 ..Udinb PubUc ations, Tuzp1ns, Duttla, Robin Booda, etc. E. a. ~. 4 lfvneaton Road, Dag,mhall, Eeau .



By Hem;,: Steele

In the pelJIV dB;J1I ot ;youth I wee e keen reader ot the j e pubUahed by Edwin J. Brett and Charles Fo,i;, suoh aa "The llo:,a o the Empire", "Boys ot Ellgland", Bo:,•' Champion Journal" and "The Boye• Standard". I used to revel in the teecinating stori the:, contained, the hi storic or old ones.

In thoae far ott da:,a I waa not concerned with whc th e authors were or f rom what source they derived their inapirstions A.a long aa the story was aufficientl:, interesting and thrilling, that waa ell that mattered. AB we get older 1'9 1111:a to dive a Uttle deeper into the matter, I bsve discovered the D8la88 ot 111&17 of the wri tare l wbo were often anon,ymous) end a lso the faot that some of th ... obtained their ideaa from the claaeice. Dumaa, .u,,sworth, Di c:.Cena, mid Shekeapeere ware made us e of.

In e et017 called "Tho Sword of Fate" (Bo:va of the Empire, 1888), the meeting of the hero with hie three suboequent fri0llda was identical with that of D'At-tegnion and the Three M>aketeere in Dumas' fllllCJUB navel, In the llo;v's Standard (1692) appeared "Clll;JIIIOre and Dirk". The author mat have had•" "llacb e th" in mind, for the noble hero DC1118ld the Brave ia des­cribed ea the Thame of Cewdor. In "Wallace, the Hero of Sootl (Boy' s Stendard, 1882) th e murder ot '!rellaoe•e wife 'by the Engli GOV'ernor ill taken prscticell;v word for word from "The Scottish Cbiafa~ ·; 'by Jane Port or, ''The Outlaw of th e 11.iBhlends", anothe Bqy'a Standard tale, (1891) wee obviousl;v inspired by Scott •a ''Rob Roy''. I may say th at th e bo;v'a ator,y w,,a A great favourit of mine, ao much eo, that it aurvived e "clea.r a11t" urge that I suff ered tram, when 1118QY of my treeeures were ruthlesal:, destroy Tho hero of the tale vae Rob llaT, In oonneotion with thi s I wo,tld Ulte to 11enticn that dur1Dg the course of yean I have mod tbre11 attempts to reed Scott•• "Rob Roy" end i t ia onl7 quite recently ( during the third time) that I succeedad 1n gettiDg through it .

•st. Robert ' • School" and ita eequel "The Student•• Crime" (BcliJa of Jingl-., 1887) ware tabn from r.rtton• • "Eugene i.r-t'. It appeared. a little too ea.rl:, for me to read ea a bo7, bu.t I b the aatiefeotion ( in 1945) ot vis i tiDg Knarea'borough, the eoene

of the famoua crime. In "St. Robei-ta School" I pN8W118 the eutbor relied oa hie imagineticn aa this part of Arm:I'• life is not dealt with by ]Jtton. In ''The Sentinel o! Poq,eii" (Bor'• Stendard, 1891) I.Ttton once moN c ... to the author'• eBBiatallce "Till Jre•er~~ll" (:eq, •a Standard, 1887), - founded on the -ll-lalown story of George Barmrell, i.lllaortaliaed bJ' the pl91 bJ' Lillo. Tho author (vane St.John) haa ~ S0111811hat different con­ception of Sarah Jllllwood, the lad,y who leeda George Bermull from the path of rectitude. In "Ti.m .lfe'er-do-l'ell" he calla he La<IT Lucretia I.enna:r: and i.ntroducee e Jacobite plot.

I have mentioned four lloJ''• Standard atoriea; now let • tcke ono f~ Brett •• "lloJ''• Comic Journal". In 1887 there appeared in that journal a ato17 named "Englmld ' • Bero, or B81'811Ud the lJnoonquaNd". It ia not dllfioal t to gueae whe:re the writer got the idea froa. 119 bed of courae teken Charl• lt:iJl88l"lr'• "B~ the Wl!lb" u e pattern. I could menticm lll8ll;)' more, but apace will not p111'111t.

There are no doUbt aome who do not appNW of using othar people'• braina, but in apite of that I ~ - owed a debt a! gratitude to thoae old writen for •diehi.Dg up• 1:Jle olaaa1ca 1D 811 eppetiai.Dg - ·

WA!PrED tmaliJITLY, o- .lfo's 356, 358, 359, and 375. Top pricee paid, - Leonard Peclmen, 27 J.rcbdele Road, East Dulwioh, London, S.E.22.

WA?fl'ED lmGlllTIJ", ill back numbsra of Collector•• Digest: .Uao .&nnua111. 'ililliam Kartin, 9:, Hillaide, Stonebrid69 Pork, London, 1r.w.10.

JJr Illli:D'BIISIVB lllBBt, Collect apeciaen nmlHln of Victorian 'b<:111 • papen. I oen auppl:, Boye ot J:acland, Bo:r• Standard, lloJ'8 Cold.• Journal, Boye ot »apire, Young Digli~, lloya 1forld, Black Bee , Bleck Bigblmyman, S1ro8J19)' 'l'odd, Blueald.n, 'l'yburn Dick, C'"' - · · , ll,e.rplrq , and lmndred8 more, 6/6 per doson. Jledoraft, 64 9'oodle dll Rood, llford. ABX TOO .l.ifl'.UUi9fbl m F.liltrliSt nc'l'ICS? I •· Pleeae oonta,ct •· Sall or azchange. Helll'J' Bartlett, Peaa Bill, Shiptoa. Gorp, Bric!port.


Contimd ty bf J'ohn P . Wood


Thie mcmth brinfJIIIIO to the conclu1- or what, I bope, baa been 1111 illtereeting e erial to the old •ta«-, 8lld cna which hes helped the 70llllgU' gen eration like "1)'1!1811' to appraoiate mre 1'u1l7 the amount ot 110rll: end thoQght which went into the creation l!IDd denlopmmt or the 'lelllOD Lee BeBa - onl7 real ri to the 1mport8nce wbioh Hamiltoma end Bleld.ena occap7 in the. heart• or Old Boye' llteratun .

In 1111' ll!l8t article we le!t Jlazwall Soott eerning more and more each 7oor, !llld 1904 WB8 no exception to the :rule. Des pi to hie wire's illness, he pegged t!IWff!T at hia writillg , cOl!lploting th e s eriala he hed begun in 1903, and atertillg ot hers .

" I also began a setl el for the B~ Budget ( ' Tr e White Sl ev a founded on 11\Y re cent vi s it to T8llgier1 but this was not publish till 1905. As a result of a .t,ard yoor•a worlc, I ea.ttl8d the bii,igest inoome I had ever earned by writing1 L66l.lla.6d.

"Dur1llg tld.a year (1905) I bad ab: aerial• :running at 'Y8riou8 timee (I had "°" practica l ly ceaaed to write 'short' and 'long complete• storiee). Aa seri als are the lll08t namorotivo kind of worlc, it followa that 11\Y litarer., income was ab~ one . Aa a matter ot faot, it wee (ege:in) the b:legwt I had aver e L733.1&.:5d."

Thare are no referencee to writillg in 1906 or 1907, but in 1908 lll!CtlNll Scott notea: "In 1907 the editor or 'Cbllm' cc-ell.) bad writtan to me and saked me to wrih a aerial !0% that paper. I agreed, innnted a nsw deteoti"n (118rtbl Dale) and began -1ting the ator,- at the end of the 7esr. It waa not published, hclwnr, until 1908. Later in 1908 the editor ot •AD8W8r8' ocmid.aaioned me to write e aeriee ot weekly ah0%t atcriee with Sexton Blelce aa the central chanoter . Altogether I 'ffOte 32 of these, or which 15 were puhliahod in 19()8t and then, out ot aheor weariness, end despite the aditcr•a appeals, I decline to do "ZIT more. Tho earl.ea waa ~tarwarda ccntumed

-by othax- w:ritara. "


In 190'), Scott had more woril: o1'fered to h1.ll - he could do. .lt tho beginniDg of' tba 7ee:r "I had the ·-- · oieri• on hand and e aerial %'lllllllllg in the • Bo;r8 • Realm• • These brought aa e rul e, aboat Ll2.15•· e nek. \Then tile Reale aerial etopp I had another aerial etsrting in a Glaaga,r week:17 papers Bild 1', the the • .&newe:re• eeriee ......, di800Dtinlled (l>T 1118) I -~ with another serial !or the Reellll. The reeult o1' ell thi YOB that IV incomo for the fi:ret half of the 7eez beet ell reoo Alee I the second helf proT8d ea dieestroua aa th e !1:ret had prmneing •"

In th e eecond bolt of the 7ear hie mother died, hie wife'• illness YOB proDOWICed iDcural>le end she bec8lll8 e cr.l.pple, h1B eon o8\l6ht scarlet fever with e BUbaeqwmt heart trouble wbioh _..d him to mies two i- at eohool, and ~ 10llllg nephen, who lived llllrl door, · got diphtheria. In epite o1' theee amlti­farioua worriea, wbioh did not oond'lace to 8!1J noord~ effort• iD the Y81f o1' sto1'7....rtting, he finiehed the aeoond aerial for the Beellll ( 'Bowled Ollt 1 ) and began or» for tbe Bo7B' Herold ( 'The Winged Terror• )

In 1910 SooU. - -1.asioned b7 the editor o1' the JI078' Friend - bia old friend X,,rehsll , who had joinad Haruwortha e£tar the damia e of the Big Bwlg9t - to write 8 eohool ... ertal. Later he ,..... 88lted to write e footbell aeri al "!or the llo7•' R

'!rl,e football serial ("Oon To Win"),,.,. "1110re or leea of a frost, but th o aohool 7arn ( 'The Blot•) proTed ao popular that I TM aaked to write e sequel, Thia I did, entitling it 'Th a :Re,r BroC111'. It started puhllcetiaD on Dec, l}."

With the ou.tbreelt of YSr, the et:reiD of over,iorlt in ll8IV local eppointllenta, coupled with the reeuite of an accident, Scott wee OOlll)elled to give up 110ril: and lNVG llimernll for Bllllford, DBIIZ' Shaffield, where be died iD 1927,

In 1915, howavvr, the Amalgamted Pree• paid him the ....Uicam - of L50 for the richt to use the -BelBOD Lee. HaviDg obta.ined tbie richt, thq br<JQgbt Ollt a nes PBDZO' weekly paper called "The 1'olaan Lee LibrluT' wbioh oon­aiated ~ etori• of 1'elaon Lee Niil llippar. Within three -and deapite the wart1me r...triotim,a (ahadea of the second war callUBl ti•, Mapet and 0-1) it bad echievecl a oll'CQlatiGD of nearq 70,000 , 'l'hree stories for the new paper - .l lliecam.age of Juatic. (7), The C<lllViot•a VendaUa ( 8) 111111 In Borrowed Pl


in 1915 mid • fourth, When Rogues Fell Out (48) in 1916, ware pll tbe wri tillg which Scott d1.d for the """ paper. For the three e~ea in 1915 he received £64, mid in the 811118 7eer he receiTed £96 for a aerial tar •cin..•.

And so, we bid farewell to 118%1Foll Scott, dootor, friand of the countr.,.foll< ot Hindenrell end a wide INn'Olllldi.zlg · district, politician, mid literary geniu.e who triumphed over pereonal and tlllllily tlroublea to give ple88111'8 to tllouaalida, not onl7 of hie own lifetime, but in men;r generetiODB to come. Hi• II\ICOe88 .,.

e writor wu clDa to a now1ng at.,.l,nlbich maintained the izl froa beg1llll1Dg - tar he had the true journallat•e a:rt o! a the intereet in the Tel"J' firet plU'fl!!reph of hi11 11to17 - to the end, thimka to a tborouglmeea 11hich inai11ted on the OCCUJ'IIOT of his feo-w an4 the topio111it7 ot his •tori&11.

Inoidantall7, Jfax1rell Soott• a son, to whom I owe a deep debt of gratitude for the fact11 11hich have formed the baa111 of the eeriea wld.cb end this IIODth, still poaaeaaes II t• ot the ator:1- written b7 hie f"BIIIOWI :rather. Tboir titles 1111.\l" be of interest to colloctora, and include the four Nelson Lee stories to wldcb I referred above ae Soott•e onl7 contributione to the new llbrar,y.

:In addition, he h8e the following stories in the llo7•' Fri 3d Librer7: Bird of "PrflT (4), The Silver llWBrt (16), The l!iae Heir (17), ll'elaon Lee!e Pupil (19), The Great Unknown (24). Th Stolen Submarine ( 25), lfa laon r...e• a Rival (34) • The Football Detectivv (62). Well Clearod (132 ) , Tho Pride of the Teem (133) Nipper' 11 Schooldeya (171), Tho Hidden ~ill (132), On Ria 11.ajoa e Service ( 301), The Silver Key ( 365), J.. Screp of PAper ( }13) 8Jld The Secret of the RiJlg ( 355).

In the Bo.Ya' Friend 4d eeriee, ho poeeeaeea The "\Ybite Sl:i:ve (472), Detective !lipper (483) end The Iron Sla>.11 (589). . It . 1• '1•(! ~teroatinv ;o noje, _ tv-conclusion, that Scott oost ,mjoted ftitiug 'The Silffll' Dwerf', 'The Iron Sml.l' and •The Saven Stare•. At the end of hie work on 'The Iron Skull' he beppened to eee izl an antique shop a dim1Jllltive charm in the form of a tiz\r metal 111a>.ll with two gernete aet in the eye eocketa. Ba imoediatel7 boujibt it and geve 1t to hie wile in ...,r:r of the •tol"J' it bad gi"""1 him ao IIIICh ple8""" to write .

w19, twCtiii .._

I • graMf'al to aote tz- ... poet-Ng that lQ' jottinp lut .-th•- to ban~ ..U r.ceiTed, and I bave bean Bak to OG27 -· '\fall, I ooal4 offlllill17 rind plent;y' to write ·a lllllt I •cm•t keep all the col- to IIIIJll•U', for a wll-lcnown -1ler at the circle who pref'era to dieguiae hiaeU' aa "Mark Zero" is emious to put in 1111 o~ letter f:roa Rooblood . So I 1 11 let hill get in firat. Here it ia •

A Latter Frooa J'illlg' Si1'1'9Z'

Dear cldlpe, We f ound that aaa loftll ollortling hie head ott in

the md ataq, 8Dd 1lban - ~ted - found he - readillg the Colleoto:re D~t. It _. tbe firat time Rall7, BSIIOCDG I bad eean 70/ltt edmrable little paper - but we ecumed it in va1Jl fat ezv u.,.. of dear old lioalmoodl

Pert>apa a fn r-418 or ldna will act aa a refreah .,.... I firet aniTed at lloobood a fw te.- ego (Schoolbo7e 1

Om Jlo. 118) I bee•e tho Tictilll Of the three T""'"IJ'• - Dodd, Jlelirl• md Cocit. Thq l.iterelq fi11QS · • et Lovell who pr,,apt -'84 to field •• Qt _,. all m4ed wll 1'eo-.. I licked _. i.o-u -,, Tomv DoM.


Gre at UJIQs f ollo wed . I was almost Q,cpelled ( llo.12 S. :B. O.

owing to tbe plot be,tw&<m llornington and Be8UIIOl1t. ~ fore

Boaumant to llal<e a false statement about a missing bmilmota

... foand . on me - plmted there by Jloreyl Their rillabv' bee

"""tuolt and :both were expelled. llonv- how,ner etfeoted a last

lldlmte :reec::ue ot the Bead' a 70UJ18 daughter, Doll:,. I Milted tba

Bead to pardon the ruoal - which he did. lt.lch axcitell&llt when TeddJ° (PU.tty) Graoe arriT&d - on the

back ot - al.-it (:lo. 28) "'l'he :&qr 1'bo ~as Soft". Ta.bby

Jllf'tin preteaded to be the hero 1lbo reec:ud old llallcelq t:raa

the -tU7 ciepb ot c~ JIZ'oOlt - and ..,tual.17 preeented Ballcel.Q' with a ldll forepollad olotlwlg. Put~ wu the real

hero. 1)o 'TOI>. -11er how Tabb.T aiffin japed WI all with hi& ir. bec111111 Sir Tllbby, of Bookwood (llo7•' J'riand l

Oct. }()th 1920). Be r aoe i ved t he tolloril>g lat ten

D&.:r a:!U, In oameotiaa with oozr previoue letter to 7ou,

we beg to etate more aplicitl:, the intentions ot oar client, Sir Tudor lll!tin, of TUdor Court, :Jooir respected

UDCle. It ia Sir !wlor' a 4-i1'8 to edopt 701J. u hie eon -- baronatay to deaoent to 7w clireot - - - with the emtatee of Tudor Cwrt, Muffin llmlor -

The llohool nallond thia and Tubb7 waa fawned upon by all

and e,md;q - till he was f01llld out by Peele & Co who bad bean

toadying to him. \Te had to come to Tubb7' a reeaue or Poel e &

Co woul.d have ela:u61itered him. Yee, ""'ve had same exoiting t1mea at the old IICbool. As

I ai t and writ e tha 8\ID ie eillldng throuell the treN over by th field.I. I ehall haft to cloae new - I think I hear

Lonll' e loud voico telling the 'WOrld ha'• aa hUllgZ7 as the

prowrbial ballter. .t.nd if I'm not miatllken that•• Tubby

ontlmaiuticall:, declaring to oome alcmg to the end •tu.17 far

1NpPer. Cheario cbepe,


Well, do ,.w ~ber haw the ed1 tora of the papers uaed

- by all th• gods that Frank Richards 111\d Nm1l1 Clifford

were !!!! cma end th e •-? Do yr:N. recall bow _J_I_, J.. Hinton

,--~~~~~~~~~~~217 ~~~~~~~~~~~~

wrote - .in the G'"" - his recoll8Ctioaa ot meeting tho two, and ()IIQn ccmqu ... t, tor tho tin't time. What a drld .imaginaticm! I nppoae it - juatilied at "the time, but bDw ._ID& it a in vi- of wha1; WII hff9 louned ainoa . The Olla and on4' OIICe

told me he uaed to recebe ~ requena tw .. toerapha. 4'he IDB3ori t;r were for "Frenlt Richards"; a goodly nmller for "Martin Clifford", wt ff!fl for "°""" Conqueat". All Mult Zaro 11e;,11, "Poor old Rooltwoodl" I a.ppoaa tu-- · .... the aohoo nner h8d a papar it -1.d call its own, for the atorlea had same muterly to\ach.

And 11.Y "the 1llli1, I wonder if tJ:ll7 c"thaaiaatto . rellder devot to all three 80hool.e, lllld requeeting 1111togrepbll free "all tbNe authors" wer noticed a IIWlpiciow, aimilari t;r 1n the •18nat.area for the writer of ti- told me he nnv •de ar,, attempt to d.iaemae hie hand. .&h well, . it - all the IIIDN · ­e.nd auzprising - wbezl the whole truth did COll9 Olllt.

And now I want yom: holp . Dr. Wilson, of CUuec,r, in a very letter (part of llhich epp oara 1n the "Letter ") ae,ya, "Then 1e a a ... I ""' llllltio,ua to trace. The . plot go.,. •"""'thing like th1a. .l pepQr (pro'be111y ~ 8afn7'• ~ilelcl;,) 1a preparGd for publioation . .l poem 'b)", I ~. Kellish ia aent in. n ia 1n prau,e of lildan. One line, referring to 1::1.ldare'• prowe•• on the football field, rane, "l'orme hie Wl\1 twixt helTINI mid backs". All ae .... to l>e al>oTe-boazd until J:err•e eegle aye falls an the po'"" and b e abawa it to be & ol acrostic with th o first word of each lin e together to make the aent1J11<:e, "l:ildere is a worm ond ao aq all of u _." Thie etor.r aw,t have made a t errific impreeeion on me for tt . a3e t o hne at11ck 1n "tr mind since llo7hood." ·

Well, can BIIJ of ;,-Oil 1111118 that ator.r? I tbiJlk I llnow OD8

who probably can, for I oen hear John Sha. 8e;Jizlg in that quiet wa,y of bis, ".&h, 7ee, that - - Bo. -" ea he baa ao oftc done before with aillUer pro'bl- .

Did Y<N ever haer of th e other Billy Bunter'? Cll 7ea, theN ,ma onu, and ha ..,,. a echoolbqJ about theOal' • age, Ollle etarr he appwered in - "Billy Bunter•• Baq,er" ~ch -3.d ulto U appear ha - lllte the BIIDter we ell. know. Well, let me apl&in. .llloo&t the time of tbe jd. G<a 8114 llapet thRN 'IIN

a rivel peper, at the Mme prio e , celled the "VIIIISQU'd" publish


by Trappe, Bo1'1oe & Co. It published s co111plete sto17 eBOh

wuek end frequentl:;f they co ncerned Tar~ Llewall:;fn & Co. ot e

school whose - I forget. One ot the pl'Ollllnant chvaot81'8

was - Bill¥ Bunter. In fairness to the author thoush - hie

name .,... H. Philpott Wright - it - probsbl:;f just a ~le

coincidence. ~, his ]!mater - nner destined to become

8 howiehold word. The Vangu.a:rd on1:;f lifld about tbrM yeare,

and Ttd~, Billy and all the rest pused 1'roll the st11119 long

before tile -"·

.And, oh, here ' s snother with a q1WZ7 - '1'hcmaa Johneon, ot

RellY Cottage, laaton. Hs asks it ~ can tell him the JUll~lr of a )lltgn8t and the nae of the •toJT llhowhlg on the OOTU' Bunt, Ir

standiJlg betoro the blackboard on llbich is written -etld.Jlg

abollt l(r. Quelch, and that wortll:( d81118Z1d1llg 1111 explanation.

Mr. Jchnaon tbinlal it appeared in 1920 or 1921. His reason to,

aald.Dg, he once, with a pang , tore up a pil e of lfagnete - tha'

wes the :tint one to go. H• wooud !IOIJ like to aee it ~ -

whole. And do ,ou r ec all s cheraoter in the Meenet who sctusll:;f

,rrew older? Has that got 700. puzsled? Wall, it waa - oh,

dash it, it I go on thBN'll be room for nothillg olee in this

1ssua, 1110 I'll keep ·th at until n..n IIICllth.

llE':I COLLIDI'OR requires DIGE:n' Ne>11. l, 5, 7 llDd 13. Also

COLI.Jir,TCR •s l.USCELLANY No . l}, and STORY PAPF.R COLL"l:TCR J!os. 6

7, 8, 9 end 10, to oo:npl eto sots. A.. J . Soutll1my, P. O. Box,, BePco ,:ari ol l. Cape Prov l,-,co , South l!ric o .

CO'PW!'ii: SRI' 18} coplcs •.-;,o Bul.lee,ye, 50, llouod,Burto.lo BHl ' s;

250 Comics 189}-19}9 1 6oj Modem Boys 4d. eoc h1 Seco:ul-Hond

copios Toa Merry b)' Mend<l'Vill e .Publi cc tion s, Olld Bunter Bool:3

(Sldlton)s 500 Neleon Lees 1/- eeoh • Il=ber 1 ot the Oem1

AJDaricen Scienc e Fiction 2/- each1 Victorian Wool:lies 4d eeoh .

vols l & 2 The Ceptein, and 6 odd copies. s . ~.E. mw,t eccoor;,en

enquiries. - Bill Mertin, 9} Hillside, St onebridge Perk,

London N.1V.10. 'Phone Willeeden 4474.

10R SALE, Schoolgirls' o-n .t.nnwtl, 1929. W.lll'l'EDr lfasnets,

10'J4, 1096, 1()1)9. Oora 916. - Ian Whitmore, T'soiith Bent Lo<IBe, Sllrbiton, 8'lrre7.


The July meeting wae held on SIJl!deT 17th . Boate the brothen 'lhiter, Len Pacliman iD the chair. The ~ extended, on behalf of the club,a heert;y nlce98 to n• fl'i&llde and .... ben, especially to J obn Boland who a.. 0"91' hCll Dublin, Ei.111, to attend the meeting. .

The ld..nutes, correspondence and treasurer'• report 'll91'V duly dealt with.

The chairmen mmounced that ha had contacted a Mr. Gordon, who lllls e large selectiOD of booka for eele, lllld he brcugbt a lerge quantity to the meeting. The club Pre i!ldebted to ur. Gordon, 8Dd both he eJld the chBb,aen were dforded the club'• best thcnlca.

Proposed by Ben Whiter end seconded bT Charlie lfri8ht that; • beerty iDrl tetion to ell readers of the c .D. end members of the olen to attend the September meeting of the club et East l)ll].wiah when it ie hoped that the wort.iv editor of the C .D., Herbert Leckenb,y, end Edwy Seer lee Broolm will be iD et t811dance. Therv will be e large selection of 'boolta for •ale, tbmb to the ch eir­man end Bob B:cythe I e endesvoure. It ie to be hoped that e large e ttendence Will be present eo ee to make it " memorable event. The motio n wee ce.rried unenimousl, v.

ill coats of oatorillg, collecting booke for s el e ru,d other incidentals to be paid out of c lub f'unds.

A sub--<:Olllltl.tto e wee forD>d to di ocuaa the Chris tm,,a soci1>l consisting of Bob Blythe, Ben end Bob mlitor.

The next m"<lting is to be held et 41 1''rier Rood, Brigh ton , Len Peckman to elT!l'.llge cheep fares. Will all those i;o trevel moat under clock s t Victoria Station by 9 a.11. so as to cetch 10 o• clock train. It is hoped to be able to have the oc.:i of Llazwell Scott, the Rev. Steniforth, in attendance. The club' tbsnka ore due to Jack \food for 1111pplying the eddreu of the letter gantlGIDIID.

An object seazoh ._ Ian Whitmore, John Ge,,l end John Yo,mg suoceesflu in finding all the objeMs . .

.l general qub followad which resulted in Lm Paclamn 88

once again w1nnlng e88~, Che:rlea ~ght and Bob BJ;rtba 2Dd .

'Bleen<>r Paallmn ;lrd. ~ttendaDce: Len, Joae end EleaDOr Paclaun, Bob an4 Leura

Blythe, Jolm YCNDg, Ru'z7 BmNr, Si1m4117 <Jodhoer, W. R. Wall , Jobn Boland, Charlie m4 Oliff Wr18bt, Joma Ceal, 11111 "'lhilmore, Ben end Boll Whiter, Mr. and Mrs. J>llbl>.

Bll:H.1AJalf C. VIHITFJ!.

Blllki- (-U1111ed) THI SEl'l'OJr BUD LilllWlr - 1941

J-~ 1.c1.en Pu•eil

Thiri ser1 .. , 1 - 14

John !llmter Anthc,ey Pareczu, Gilbert Chester Anthoqr Skene Jleriin Freeer

2. On The Siron ot li1IMt 3. The ll(Jster., or The Hwlll llmh F11etor)-4. -H'l'bAt b4 SWet~ 5. The c- or Th• Shot Looter 6. Th e R14dle Of The Bod:, on The lloe4 l!li!w7 Smlee .8roob

C1ll>ert Cheater Ant.boll;)r Panone John Hlmter

7. The Crime ot Corporal Sh~ 8. The .... hca Occupied Pnnoe 9. Th11 S801'8t or The Cra-

ll~ '!he Cue or The _.t_,. PenchuUst

Ill ll2 11, 114

. and.

....-rhe H..te4 Hotel !IIJdllZJ' Ant~ Skene The R1d4le · Of Th• lll.Minc J'ire Watclu,r Gilbert Ches ter Th • Clue or The Stolen IIDp8N Anthon;r ParsOIIB One or Sff91l Rax llardblge The ldan 1roll lioJ'.'ftT Gilbert Ch ester

+ Featuring Capt. Dack. ++ Reprint « No. ,56 S.B.L. 2nd Series.

+++ Reprint d U.J. No. 1245.

OwiJlg to unto~..,..,. di fr i cultie• the UNION JM:X list ~ titles cannot appear this -,th , but will be illolwiecl 1n · our Sept•ber iHue tcgether with the tirat i.nate.IJned\ d titlee tor the S.B.L.

1JHQ!2'f,We ere ao• Cll}y juet aorer foir ~ 8IIIIJ' from th e --- publication elat e ot the third C .D. AlllllJil - 1t is

requeete4 that ell article•, clraiDgll etc. intended for pv.blication ~d. neoh 10 erw "!'Ten, Cariitf, "betore the 8114 d Sept-1>er. Con.tril>utiom lllNI uzwrent:17 needed.

Lest month I promised to give some cluae concornillg the two authors who ere unkllalm to ua, 1n the hope thet U .J. oollectore ma,y be ebl e t o help.

We'll telce o.s. Boe. j , 6, 11 end 12 tint. !fr. j3IUTCIWII 811gg88ted thet thee e were b7 the one author, and eince reedtllg t I om incliJMld to agree wt th hia. The tint olue 1a the ~ hel flll. , I th1nlt, 'beo8118e in Bo.} it atete11 that it 1• b7 the author of "The ~92'7 ot The Pivo TOIIDB" mid "'rho Cs!"' ot the 'l'ln'ldah Bonda". This 1a th e only one ot the •1.z atorlu we ere quQZ)'ing that giV811 this 1nt0n>&tion. The detective in tid.• · •tor:r ia Inapect or Qw,z ot Sootlend YP.rdl other polio e ottioi el• -ti ere ,- No. 6 Det. Inepector Burmrood ot Sootlsnd Yerd enil Inapector !171811 ot Bow Street . No. 11. Bo police mentioned. 'lo. 12 Inspector Lorriegsn ot the Downehire County Police end Inapector P8ri.Dga. .ill t hese stories hen the t ollowiJlg 1n· ~. All teature the 1.anooent 7o,q men ~ eccuaed, M4 the ever l oving ewee th aert who beli ave• in him end pr<miee11 to .... u tor bill, for n-er i f n ece 88ery. The peeeegea between the lovers sometimes descend to eheer bathos mid ere reminiscent of Victori l ed7 novelists et th eir worst. Allother point i• that the author bee e penchant for etrene,, sounding eumsmee euch ea Garl<er, Sir Reevel7 Chert llie rstein, etc. With Boe. 5 and 14, bONT er, I'm etUIJl)ed, 88 I O!lmlOt tilld azvthing which mieht gbe ua e l eed There ia e •lieht re!BNDCe in lfo.5 to St.'•, i t's true, but the etoz,- ie not b7 Soott . Regretflll.17, therefore , we eWl hen to lean th eee two. With the others I hen greet hope11 the a-=e will remember the uu ... or reoogaiee the styli,.

Whilat NediQg "°""' eerl7 Bo7B' Ree lu roc81ltl7 I mBd8 the intereatillg diaoonry that the atoriae eppee ring 1n the ll.R . 1'81'9 reprinted, alightl7 cut, in the lfugget jd, Lib . ll!ter in the •­y91tt. ReediQg thae e preou.,,,117 UIIJcnowD St. Prcnlr:11 atori ... baa astietiQ<\ me tbet ~ ore ell <>l'181ul mid thrl thq were D8ftr written b7 B.s.11., the:, weren't - a good imitation .

Thill particular ec,rie11 ren in the Boya • RealJD frat appza,t. Bo.&, (1920 to Bo.183 (192'2); st fi,rat thq ware -tly marisle, bu.t ~ter C!)llplete atoriaa appeared fraqllentl7.

Tha 'l""1'7 froa 'Ml'. S011thll87 at S • th1a -ih. ia "Can we haw II li•t of the St. J'nmlal •tori•, em aerial !foe. that appeared in tha "Gem" and it "'Ir en ~rinta, f'rolll wh1.oh tf.L. were thq taken?

Commencing with B.L. 11'0. 2,, 3rd. lf.S. appeared three atorie oonoerning tba ed'fenturee of the R-,rttee in ChiDa and their ettoru to N8Clll8 Yc,,ang Ch1llg who had ~ lddnappecl.. The t 8to:rJ' wee the laet 1- of the 11'.L, mid the :,ezn oonUmad in the fora of a •arial. in the 0.. Jlo. 1'31 mid te:ndnatad in JJo.134,. The ·'lbol• eeriaa 'ftre nprtata of tbe ~ 8clT9D that 9PPeeftd. _1Jl the 11'.:r.. let 11'.S. 12-19. J'ollowiJlg th1e o­"The WhJ.ta CJi.-ta of Bl Donao" ll'oa. l~ to U54. 'ftl1e aerial eltb:JlafJ!h ~ ...... 111Z88l1' 1lua4 anther._. El Doredo aeriaa in ~ I.L . o.s. 265-27,4 • . ,

ll'erl ,,_ 11 •erial oallecl. ~ Iale" wbiob, el.though I bav-'t NM it, I feel_.. u II reprint. Later, 1lben 11..,..

· bm. a =- ·to .reeol a cOIIIJ, I'll lat 7011 laloor for~. 'l.'bia : ea:ria1 . -rm1 ' boa Jlo.l.:555 to 1'65. 'l'han - "Ghoet B:l.,rer llallge" . trmi 1'66 tc>l'76, reprintecl. rroa B.L. o.s. ,20-,21.

'l'h• ~o~ .. ..i.~ .... ~ -11111! ... a oallecl. "The Sehoo f'rolll Doei 'l1ll4ex" running from llo. 1,77-1}87. "The T., Talons ot Tau" (Noa.1}88-1}98) waa aleo or181nDl. tfoa.1'99-1404 "Handfo the Ghost llbnter", and 1405-14'1 "The Secret World" are reprinte of a r~ tf .L. eeriee, that in 1lh1oh the Reaon.tee go to Horlheavia. The fint part ia :rapru,tecl. frca ll'.L. let B.S. >i and ,5. The •eoond f'rolll '6-43. a- Boa .14,z-105 contaiJlecl. a aariol oalled ")Crater., llill" , bu.t here age1n I'm not sure whe it'• a reprint or not1 it it 1•, I'• al.lion oerteiA it ' • troa tf.L. let ll'.S. tfo.102 "!rhe J(rataz:, .,. the PoillOD8Cl B:l.nrz" • ..., came to "!ha Bl.aalt Band at St.Pnnka". Thi• aerial wee orig.lnal and rm, f'rolll Bo. l4,6 to Jlo.1448. And with tbi11 latter -lier the 'l•t or.lgiDal St. Prallb JIIZ'D enr to be written 1IJ E.S.B. fimahecl . An :I.Jtslorioaa fillale to a ,read pap9r •

.And. ao· to CIIU' racular reatun., tha .. rl.aa and ~ Utl•. Ju.t to reliffll the .motOIQ', let'• IIM-. thi1l6'a the otha- -nr


wrq 1'01IDd this ..,th. Firat, the, the uu ... o.s. Ho; 211, The 'l'repping ot StubJ 212, Th• PNtect•• Rneng ei . 21}, The Schoolboy' ilftnturere1 214, Korth Urican S1c1ee1 215, Into the .Arid Desert1 216, The Treuare ot El Sdre1 217, The ot J'i.N1 218, Caatlllll\T Island1 219, The Prisoners ot tll8 Csvamf 220, The See ot 1>ocaf 221, J.lexi8 ibe )C)'Bteriousf 222, The Great J'ire at St. Franlat1 22,, st. FraDbl in London1 224, The Yellow Bsnd1 225, Sir JICDt)-'• Ordeal.1 226, The )(yster:, ot Reed's ffilartJ 227, The Haunted Sohool1 228, The J'st Bo,y ot St. J'renlal(inuo. Patt)- LiUle)f ~. Back tc the Old School1 210, The Saa tor ••1- Lee.

and naw the series: let N.S. Hoa. 26-}}, st. Franlca on ita Bcmour1 }4-4, Jforthestri ~ Serie• (not• 54 & }5 Chri•1- st Ban4forth r-.)1 ~o. 'l'he Greet J'lood at St. :Pren1a11 51-54, The 1'lllllc ot St. J'rmllal1 (inuo. llan7 Oreebaa). 55~, The Freeh Air l'rianda1 61-67, Congo ..l.dventure1 68-71, The Fetid between the 9-off an4 Fourlh (No.71 Bemszd Porreet apelled)J 72-75, Intro • .ilen Castleton (ll'ote , ;. aeries featuring Castleton'• twin brother appeared in the "Gem" at the 8888 tiae)i 76-79, The "J)eath" ot Walter ClnU'ch1 80-81, .l.nietioe Day and St. Frana in Flandcn"8 •

.._ ~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 BUldana (Contilmid free P• 2}1) Blake ia_set .. a ratl>er . tickli~ pr9blem

1 lfbioh ~ ; as.eo.otten b&

foiee, baftloa the Tazd ~ Pedro """ well to the :CaN in thia non­wer-ection war eto17. The part plqed b;y challiatz,' in the ti.rat World tier waa perbap11 not so great as in the one recent))" dell, but nevertheless it did plq a -...bat important part, eapeoial 17 on the Gezman side of the tence. In 11.J. lo.655 we were treated to e ato:1:7 oalled "Th• Affair Of The J)u.toh llarohmt" bJ' Lftill Ja, k­aon and featuriJ!g that eMs1ng ohaZ'6oter 1- J:eatrel wbo wu Id.zed up in -ttara of national :lllparlence. In the Ger91111 llbll1 Britain ahuttlecl Bl"PilT alOQg the path of progl'M• b1ll4en4..., dr\ll!89d br the bicl<eriJlg of en antiquated oot:erie of lecal qulb'b lera, while the Mater race in the vanguard, ~•ecl wifb clear insi«ht the i;r,.., position of the cb..t.t in the world'• attain. Blab, haviJlg studiecl oh-1•1.J:7 intent))" WU tbe - t solve the 088• of the 80bilieecl. ohmsta so it •-· tor be brougbt a ratbor uaiqu 088& to a -eutul oonolusica and it etlll lll8ba aa sit beak and thim. It - g_ so dittarent as this laat war atter all. Shacles of "The s..U-Baa ROCllli".

(To Be Contt.-.a) ( ,,.,,., 1 Blakiena -W p.,~v

IJ TMt Certain L1Tellnee• ContiJmee\ ------,

Dear Elli tor• Lorldon, .July 4. 1949.

I • 'ffa7 aort7 il 111r ~ re llr . Chapman haft

not met with appronl troc oer1:a1n -1>en ot 1:ha olan, But I

td.l. to 'Qllderetancl llr. Pl!l,JD8'a reproot, atter hie AmmaJ. artiol e

when he •tohd tllat Waniolt Reynolda ' Chri8tmu oonr d•18D wu

"hideoue" • Surely 1 t 18 wo:ree to ar1 ti cia o th e woztt ot 811 art1 t dead than one wbo 1a still ali ft, B8"rlbeleaa, it I ban att ed

08 r1:a,1n ..i,en, I stead oe>rrened, ltr hmllle apoloei•,S-tl l

Dear Ecll tor,

IIOBIIRl' B. Wlll'l'lll,

And J. Cb!9!9!!: for Cbapl!ll 484, Spriagbam Roed,

Glueow, B, 6/7/49.

'1be .July C.D. 1• a greDd ~ and air prel.1111naz7 elda-~ 7<Rr Ollll opin1m of 1\a undoll1,ted 11 ..... u-ne•. llr. l'tlJD8 p1,1ta in a word for Chaplllm , Hen I jUllp e t

into the anne 8lld woald fain let tha w1lld ot air diapl•aaure

rutt].e 70Gr editorial calJI, it :r oen get en;, with mixed metap Chapaum and OrtiJfriare, Jf8ol>onald and St • .Jim'• • th eae eec to

- to be inaape.rabl e pa.1.ra U.t:e Beloi•• 8lld IJ>elard or trip e and

on1ona. If 7ou want st olid find metic:tiloua aoouracy in Toor

Ulustratiom, t hen CbapmaD 1a not the one for )'Oil, You oen got that Jd.Dd ot t.hiJljf in the diasr- of ~d em 1lbo 'llllllta t o

look at thc1 Chap11181l'• drariJIS8 NmJld - ot that poc of

eerriok'• ~ "• neet diaordar in the dreaa", J.:ttq with

J't:Nr oi.rol•, atreicht linM 8lld iao8oelw trimrgl•. Let me

8 fiadble aatl.1- indioati'"' of w ... 8lld Ch.aplml hu thie 1n

fllll -· line 7ou - notioed b18 'baolrgro,mda? J. 81:ile 111 8 dia~t wood end Ure- the fl'ollt ot e ooant17 inn: tha o

of e cottage, all litU• s- of art1a1:J7 . .And haft II look et hie dreWiJl&1I ot ..ariOWI parte of ONJ'(rian in the BoUc!.e;r

Th• main enu,,nce, the c loietere 8lld Big Side, t h e:, ommot be

bettered, Cll 7"8, gb e - Chapmn "'"'17 tiae. I had an intereeting l e tter from Prenlc Rioherde t he other

in to the note I a ... t h1a in prei H ot the """ TOii

~~~~~~~~~~~~~225~~~~~~~~ ............. ~~ boolt. That wee a rettl.1ng good .•to17 and I can• t IN\T haw much I

looldug forward to the othan wbioh are to follow. With 11:een antic:ipaUon of oar tuture oorreepondence,

TOQZ'II verr 11U1Cerely,

Jl[ Wo:rdl

Dez, .. • Lecklenl:v.

liOlll!2r \llUlm.

4, Dixcn !load, Sollth liarwood Lorldoll, s .E. 25.

5th .July, 1949 ,

'lhllm* 7ao. for lio:=n of 1!i1i III08t -J.OID8

A V81'7 bright xmmber indaed. I 11811 intereeted in Jllr. lledorllft'• letter aboo1t the o

illuatrator of tbs Billy Bunter Btari ... , HuttOD 111 tchell ,.... the firllt ertiat to 1lluatr11te these

stories and he thll8 !we the credit of first~ Bunter. I remember it well, Kitchell could heve had the job indefinitely but he,.... al"'l)'II beb1nd with h18 d.rsring9 end at length the ed1 tC'r juet could not stand the deleya 6Zf¥ longer. ldi tchell Wll8 a ve17 BW:lft 110rlter and could dash off a set of pen end illk. drsringll in J18-time, bo.t he 110uld not start work mitil the vw:-, l aat .-it - 8lld 8(1118ti.mee tilter. A IIIID of considere e eruditian, a brUl.imt oonveraaU.onalist, a pailltar Biid e -.u wbo wrote at l..t one novel, he Jun would not ge't down to the •tead1' grilld demmldad b7' the A.P, So IICIIMlbo<IT elee took on the job of illuatreting the J(agnet,

I have boen WBiting for BClD8l>od1' to mention Kitchell, 'llhcm I lalell' -11.

I encloee for the IUllbar for wbiob, again, 11B11J thanlal. All "'II

Youn eTU', ll1JOB .. • J'DIDLL.

Choice Eaater Bgpl .June 22114, 1949 .

Dear Herbert Leoluml!T, I woo' t tell 7<:JD. how llllCh I have eoj07ed

the C .D., or 7ou "111 thinll: I haft tl!llam. to nattering editorel I have jw,t written "Trouble for Three", which 1a a Pel8at•

ator,r for the o- periodical 'llhioh will be ooadJlg along •cae t ll'ow I am buq on "Billy Bunter Ja,aag the Cermibale•, 'Illich will e

ubliahed ll8lt1: Ee.tar. .Just writ!Jw the lut opptar thereof.

. More power to your elbo1r, 1111" :ie81' bo)-, end wider . end wider o1:rouJ.otiOD to that moat ezoellant llZld unequalled of magazines. the C.D.

'l'ith ld.nd regerde, ..u.....,. )'OUl'S,


Dear Herbert Lecksnb;r, July 8th, 1949.

)lacy thanla, for the July c .D. 8lld for y letter thernitb. Tea, another Buntar book 1e now oomplete. end J'renk Richazda ie bwr,r at th e present moment on "Billy Bunter• 11

B<meri.t", 1111ich will moat likely be published along with the CannJ.bal story nan Eeater . Our old friend Wibl<l:Y comes to the

. fore in this story. 11Ddnt ~. ilwep YoUn sincerely,

:nl.t!lllt RICIW!DS .

Freeh J'ielda for C.D.

Dear Mr.~.

UniTe:rai tJ" of California, The Universit)" L1bftZ7.

Lo• .lllgelee 24. California. June 10, 1949.

I ~d appreciate it Y&:rJ' imcb if ,- co,ald tell - U n COllld purohue the back file or 7aa:r COLLl!C'l'OBS• DIGISl' snd wheth er wa cow.d subacribe to it currently. I will look forward to y<Nr advice w1 th lll2ch intereat.

Y oura truly' ROBI!Rr VOOPm,

.Allsiatant Librarian.

Another POpU].ar Jntbor 'l'ri tea

Dear Jlr • Leck.enby' ~ thllnb. for eending me the curNnt iane

of the Collactor•s DiS!!! which I found most interesting . I was nearly writing to you st the time of the bro odoBSt which I felt would bo juat up your street, but on bearing it, I """• like you, greatly dieappoi.nted. I feel they bad to cover too a,ah ground; that 1 t woal:i have bean better to hen etarted juet before the tun> of the oentuz)- and carried on up to about twent.y yean eco, a period in 'lbich, I feel, joumaliam tor boys ..,... in its hey


I aet Stcmiforib on a f- occaaiona, llo.t I went to peanOll•a to be INb on the ~t abort)¥ before the publioe ­ticm of their new paper f'or,;;i;.:tiie ~. ao the trip 'Up the rinr wu before 111r tiae.

Ro, I - DOt R. L. BaMield. I haft BD idea I wrote (lll9

or two Sanon Blake's in the deya when thq were \llllligned, end then when , aa yc:,o:r oontributor mentions, greeter 8treaa waa laid on eotual detective worlt, I did several. The ~ "Blake" ll8ll I lcD8lr et all well was lro1'11181l Goddard (Jlarlt Darren) . He .... IIIT chief on the old f!!!V Illutrated Paper at Oii" time, end 11&e killed in the firet World War. He introduoed the oharecter of' P .C. Speeri.Dg into the atoriea.

I 8111 <1110loeing a au.tting f:rc:a lain wealt I a Xmt lllaeeenger whioh I thought 1118bt int8"at 70'1• .

With~ thllnb for the intereating and -ll-done pepar, end all good 111.ahea,

Toure ainc.,re:1¥, C. JIALCOLII HIRCBB.

(It will be ootioed that llr. Bl.nob' refer,mce to llllrlt DBffllll support. our o-'8 on him in th ... .A»thore' 'Ibo' a 11ho" in the leat .Annual. - H.L.)

W.AllrEl)1 Raleon Lee(old aeries) 17, 30, 78, 107, 114, 120, 352, 396,470. Gem 1351, 1420, 1423, 1425, 1444. Boys' Realm (nGII' aeriea) 38, '9, 44, 91, 92, 127, 1}9, 323 to 331. School'bqJ'• Olill Lib. 4. Boy-'• Priem Lib. (old eeriea) 514 . IIOrlrel, TOl...., One (11194). Buffalr, Albert ~. Teodon, Leed8.

~· Relaon Lees lfo .5, 453, 476, 500, 412, 328-334J 357. Clnlme for Bole. L. ll . illan , 3 ~ Drlw, Shettield 7 •


~ 1949 The ~- ot Blalcl.ana Ilea bad whet OD& aicht cell a

"WindraU•. I have jut oc.e into pou•aion ot a oollaoti.on ot Ulilml ..J.ACIIB snd S.B.:i. th&t 1IOU].d ..... the IIOllth or tra:r Blab oollector -tv • .&nd jwlt i.magina, thia 111Dlldartllll¥ pN9"1'ftd collection ot same 60o copiee cema to .,.. all the wq tl'all a tell collector in the U .s .A. 118Y82' in ~ Wild•t d:re9IIIII did I expaot to rope in aol!III much 'llllntlld issuee f l'.'Olll the other aide of the "po " It do .. , however, only go to ah olf th J 11'1deepread tame ot our t&'t'Olll'ite sleuth, tor it ia very obviaw, that 8" tranaatlentio oolleegw, is ea k • en as I ea to coi;:pl e te hi• aolleotion ot t i te Bl eke stori- . I mention thi a bit or n-et the start or editorial feature in order to drs. ~ attention to the adverti aimt in thi• issue ot the C .D. The boob and papara tor aal.e thOH duplicst... that I MT& tbua aoquired and I expeei then quite a Dlllllber ot reed.era who will wish to teke this =ique tuniV of adding to their Olln little stock. I adviH all who intereetad to let me bBT9 their wenta wi tbout deley. I have pur poaeq split the calleotion up into 7ea:ra end think that thia method ot dispoaal will be aore acceptable to the Sffr"89 oollao tor wbO wiahee to till in PP•. Deteila or the mabara imdlabl will. 'be aent to tra:TCIIM eeldug tor - but I -t point out that delay in ozderllac al.6bt - a diaeppointment, tor I shall aooep

~~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~~229~~~~~~~~~~~--,

ordere in)E· a t rotation . So order YOOR requirement. - Pl .coa ~ are ~ latel .. :;:~ \ .~~

SOll8' ·, ago I diaoOT81'9d the addreaa of Jlrjn~ wbo 18 11 giieat favourite 111D011Pt Olll'Nllt Blalte r-, llll!l. aote at 8CIDII 1811ffth. A tn ~ aco I ... dallchted. to ba99 ·~17 traa b1lll in YCT oordiel t-. I - not at l1berl7 to p,ibliah bi• ~ at the IIIOID&nt llllt hope to be able to lat yr:,o. ell baTit aoae illtereattns illtormati.on ere loag.

So tar onl.7 two Blald.- b8T9 let 11111 llnaw their !8'fOllrl ta atoriea in the Blake aega. Aa yr:,o. lalolJ, th1• intOniBtiOD ia re­e;uifld tor the welcome __. to our OU"Cle, Jll'. Jolin »-nil, I apill eak ALL readers to lat me ruLff tllah' idea ot tba beat Bl ato17 they !lave evar read. ~. tor tba . banafi.t ot llr.DJ:wm11011d,I 8114 ea:r other reader wtio ~t be interMted, here are the idaaa reoeind up to the time ot m.ttns . (e) !roe llr. John Gocber Jnr ot SudlNr:,. 1111 th1nka tha !ollowi.lllg two atoriea ere 1Sl8Ul'peaaed al thoa!!h there are aeverel othere he baa anJ07ed tremendoul7 • (1) "'l'he Crime Qi The Heeth" bJ' c. Vemo11 Froat '!'Ill (2) "The Ceae Of The lmrdered. Caretaker' b,y Clittord Getea. -· (b) from le'. Rott Dolphin ot Amerehem. He ommot ll&ffOIJ hia aelec tion da1111 to leN than f1 ve 78.1'118 111 th 1:bree oloae aeconda. Be reall7 !S'IOU1'8 the whole Coateuretion aeriea ( the orighl81 aeri llllt ea aingle atoriea are cl~ hie aaleotion 1a ea !ollonr (1) "The llm I 1:1.lled" (Hording&) (2) Riden ot The Benda '' (Quiroale), (3) The 11h1te Salute (Skene), (4) 'l'be Victim ot Bleck 118g1c (Teed), (5) The Broken Vel~ (Skane) . 'l'be three naer tsvo itee ere (1) Suspended Prom Duty- (lmlna), (2 ) Carnation Wreoth IC1'•t<a7 ( llindta) end (3 ) Tbe Place Of Fire ( JlniTter) • Rex thinb that a cymposium of read.era' ideBB on this aubject would be very interesting, and I egree. So pleeae let me have TOOR ide811..

In oonclusion I would like to thank ell those readers who aent ll8 into~tillll re the S.JI.L. lat Seriea required for th8 tarthcolling liat publicetion.

Cheerio tor-· H. llWlBI-CE BOIIJ> •


~ y 'l'elter Webll

The pol107 ot ~ty wu renrted to the foUClldng week llben a yen, oelled "ClumpiOll ot ~he Chemwl" -• aw,~. At tilne there were 1118117 atteapta ba11;1g ude to 8ld.lll \be Dlgliah barmel C tain Webb'• - iii ao tia,,1JIS aparred on


'-9 ~ lloill •- co t17 11111! • ..iate ld.9 feet. II 1• 1n

to no•ll that 1n the "Sldpper'•" 'l'Mkl:r Chet p ... •' the and ot t11a P"Oe4i.llr ~. the e41tor 'pn • un ot ld.M bopetlal up

..-, el tbt bead ot ~ - tbt - ot £matte Jr•ll- *'­• 4-nllecl H ·~ Rited i., ,.._.. for the tMk ~ llu

all:ml 1a haall, NiJ1C e 11amlt~ foneol cirl of d&bt.m 11111! e

MU 7- ot eCfll". It 887 be r t llre4 tbat ,. tlM nnmctb ft'i.lm1ns pZWNa, Amlnt. r.11- lled 8 'brief ,,_ OD UM

--· llm, 1mlib 119thar wuu- in W.• .-od.U'll .... ~ 414

not -t wUll UM ._ -- OD oelluloU that llb8 41d ill \be

_tm-, md -- faded Ollt,

"Cbmpim ot !'ll• ~· I be'NI treoe4 .. -uic 'r \bat -

• eporta •'°17 writ. .&rtllar S . Barq. hen et tbat eerl:,

a\ap lJl the biat0r7 of tu 1JD1oa .18Cllt, llri;r ... 11111 - - I

'bMe NOON1 at Mil elori• 111\T 'lleoll: b. 19'0, ~all ..-U ~ for Id• •te.r1Ds pown *- it 1• NoOlleotM tllat bt - 11'1'1 tills tar "l>e"°ti'"' YNk17" in 19'5 - torl7-tin 7Nn leterl

RetumiQs to th a nbjeat an the pol1CV" of en~i;J, 1t 18

b.tereethlg to reoo::-cl. tllat oae •t01:7, the tint earl:, rni""1 ot Blake •t ori•, "Su~on Bloke'• 'l'r1Ulllph", lled the ,,_ ot ~ Mltbon attached t o it • .An~ 1n the prerlom issue

.tilted that the atory - the CODDeptiOD ot .ileo O. Peancni 1lln

when 1 t eppeend during the followiJI&' ""'* unold Dm• - eptn

c1..- u the - ot tile eutbor. 'When tile ellOOlld ot the rerl""1 •torlee - pablJ.ahed -

•Ctlmdng Jgainat Sldll", Tinlcar •• elreed;J in Blake'• e11ploy-,

although t ru.c wos the tint etoxy in which the fSOU8 eaaist=t

eppea:t'<l<l.. 1he BUthor, Harbort lflawell, explained the eituati.on

in th1o ""JI Balf o.llld.J,g up Ida aind to retire, $8"[1;on Blelt• had diam:la

hi.a eenentA ( apporently ha wae al.moat eurrounded by a email

~ ot tllem in those tar ott deye), leaving on]:, Tinlcer,

wbom he lled picll:ed up of f the atreate, a booleleH ~. 1n

hie . eaploy-, to look attar b1a Lando::> offioe wb1lat be took

one ot his periodic tripe il1to the coantr7, to aealt aolitude

and quietneea, D1Q' troa the peraiatent docands b7 woald-be

clients tar hie aarvi co, and the ~ and n.ried appeals

t or fillanoial and other eid b7 otllere . In 1aeua llo.62 appllllNd enotha Bllllte 7Cl'D, the title ot 1lh1

.. "'!ha ic,.t917 ot Bilton Jl0781"• Anlold Dadea,,.. ci.,.. u tbe

- d tu •Uwl1', bGt Oil th1a -1cm 1t 4id IIOt ocml1' tile

.._ttv at .u. o. P •• -1111led.

..... ~~~~~~~~~~~2'1_.~.,._...,.....,..~...,.....,.....,.....,.. ..... 'PBl'l'Off Br.&IB az- ·'l'llll Pillll'l' bID wa., - ,

& B ... llap PS' ?, '1'I!! f!Plop Pm

The~- un~ 11111re Q. lllliUaal IICabl - '° i.­tore 121 • -,, •tarT mtitlacl "Tb• CU• Of 'l'h• .ac-t J'rQII Alllltna• ia V..J. Jo.600 em ~• - ~el;r followe4 by "AD Ottioer and.• Gcltl-" (601). lo.602 tolcl a •MY iaknetilw ator.r ot ..., Wbo oame .09V to Bngl.m4 'tritb ~ C-diul Coa.~t aDll of the peculiar aitWLt10118 brought a\ioQt by a aviowi llixacl iclez1tit7, It ,nut oellecl "The Caee Of The Canadim BrothaN• an4 Blab · Tintar aoon llllrl?'t8llecl th1 te:ltgle, 5- waalal later Blal<e ..,. ill­volved in a e- in s bu:rn,c~. '"l'he Clue Of 'l!be Kbaki Cloth" roth<lr explo.:iiis itself. (Se o !Jo.610), ?robeb]y Blake - ne,,..,r IIUCh W1D£9r 1111 1n the nan atory in Bo.611. "Bi• C8Z11181l Brothlll"' •'When Brit•in Fotlght l!'or 1!1,iht• is a atcny that a1111pq ooeeo p!lt­rloU-. The greet ilete~u, ,o viaitecl the o-• of octian ii:. • in "The Pr:l8011er or The Dr.Tdenallea" (617) ~lld bec;ua ~ bH of en oatlcnr in tto T8l'J' next yoro. "Outaicle ~ fhNe JIUe Lillllt'' 1n whicjr he C6f!in eeta out to outwit the C<mllDM et aee. Atfoio a tr.l ellroecl in 621. Ito]J th1e ill. "The V""ll'NIIC• or Tb• llleak e atorr or the ia:(8l!IO'IIII -t 1tOC1111tY *ic.h tan-orbed tbBt ooun mll'itlg the war. 'l'h• am war atoz)' •• 111.lcl iD OOllpCi•on, al

.'"l'he lfsn Who Mode°*" or "A Solclier'• At-"' wa claf1mte]y war eto:ry ia wbioh iu.b .pls;yecl e ~ 1Jll>C>n$Dt part. (•.628). Spiee ap:bl to ~" fore in lo.63,t. ntn Th• lleeri ot Landon" nnt on Which gave Bleka plenty of 1oope for hia tal.eata eail thia proncl to be II -t uoitblg BtO:rJ ot eej,ionsp in tbe great ... polis. Yet enotha:r angle ~ .war - eppeN12t ill lb• D8ltt real Bl wa:r stOZ7 in llo.638 m>titlecl "The C""8 Of The Pri-e:r ot Wei". Tb C<7ffr of u.1. lfo.643 ahawecl e baclrg:rc,an,cl ot Londal to' 1116ht with the aee.rehli,!lla 1D tull eolian. "Iii J>anioat Lozld<>D" 1>l'<l\'llcl to II most wr yaZII 'tritult - learuig the ciQ', (Jo.643}, In lio.645 Blab hee a nel teak to perl'om tar,.. the UUe sager tecl ha naiq woe "<n war ·Seffio..- .....s tu atoz)', 'lltlicll - Ht Bel61• .... probably the -t Gmiti.Qg RI' IIU>l7 ot the :,.,or, lSl lt.,. o....tainly Blelliil'• -t ax:.itilw - f.m \!let :,ear. The noq of the altnnll,• • Seoret 16.nioa w• ffll7 inianetilw - in teat it .till ia dNpite the ,_ that bBw paewa4 eblcil. '°'1'11• cue Of The llleailw .l.1nlln" (646).,. -u.r aiOZ'J' ad In "the cit;,, ot 4na4flll llfabt• ee ·tt,a a- 1'~ bellneo! - the efter lbnr ~lill l'lliu •• aow - to 1Jo~650 .11114 "'!lie Ce•• or ta.. lb'*1 .AnlW (tnoan.te coloar -·t 1-tTJ lmd ban

( CcmU1111ecl .22
