
Subjective and Objective Pronouns

Drill - Pronouns Homework: Complete the handout on


Drill: In Romeo and Juliet, find one line that uses thou (as a subject) and one line that uses thee (as an object). Record the lines.

Subject and Object

What is a subject? A subject is doing the action.

Doug kissed Mary. Who is doing the kissing? Doug. What is an object?

The object receives the action.

Doug kissed Mary Who/what is receiving the kiss? Mary.

Subject and Object Pronoun

Doug kissed Mary. If you were to replace Doug with a pronoun,

what would it be and why? ____ kissed Mary. If you were going to replace Mary with a

pronoun, what would it be and why? _____ kissed ______.

Subject Pronoun

A subject pronoun is the subject of the sentence. Example: After five years, I was still in school.

What is the subject pronoun? “I”

Object Pronoun

Object pronouns receive the action. Example: I helped him tie his shoe.

Who is receiving the help? “Him”

Subjective versus Objective

Subjective Objective

I Me

He Him

She Her

They Them

We Us

You You

It It

Object Pronoun

It can also be the object of a preposition. Example: I never heard anything but good stories

about him. About is ______ word. (hint: any way a mouse can

go about a house) About him is a __________ phrase. “him” is an object of a preposition.

Some Preposition Words

about below offabove beneath onacross beside(s) ontoafter between outagainst beyond overalong but insideamong by sincearound down throughat  during intobecause of except likebefore for nearbehind from ofoutside in toover toward untilwith under uppast without upon

Objective pronoun in a prepositional phrase…

Example: I never heard anything but good stories about him. What happens if the example said: I never heard

anything but good stories about Craig and Brett. What pronoun replaces Craig? What pronoun replaces Brett?

Rule: Anytime you have a prepositional phrase, the personal pronoun is objective.

Which pronoun do I use?

When do you use a subject pronoun? When the pronoun is doing the action.

When do you use an object pronoun? When the pronoun is receiving the action.

OR When it is in a prepositional phrase.

Fill in the Blank with a personal pronoun (objective versus subjective)

The girl tried to stop the dog from following __________.

Tom and __________ went to the party last night.

Take a picture of _______, not _______. _________ are in the same class.

What pronoun should I use?

John split the profits between _______ and ______. (Anne and Mike)

Why don’t we ride our bikes with_______? (Peter, John, Kelly and Joe)

Kelly walked in with _______. (Martin) Sammy had to fight against _____ and

______. (myself and Mia)

Describe the picture

Directions: Describe/write about the following picture using

only antecedents (no pronouns). Switch with a partner. Take your partners description and rewrite it

changing all antecedents into pronouns.


Polar Bear Picture

Antecedents everywhere: The polar bear was walking on ice. The polar

bear saw a sign. The polar bear slipped and fell on the ice. The polar bear was not hurt. The polar bear did not cry but instead the polar bear laughed at the polar bear.

No antecedents, only pronouns: The polar bear was walking on ice. He was a

sign. He slipped and fell. He was not hurt. He did not cry but instead laughed at himself.

Closure – fill-in-the-blank

When there is a prepositional phrase, I always use a _________ pronoun.

I use a __________ when the antecedent is ________ of the sentence.

I use a ___________ pronoun when the antecedent receives the action.
