Page 1: Strictly Training & Conference Programme · 2020-03-17 · understanding of the DfE ‘Early Years Foundations Stage’ ... methodology in inspecting it. Strictly Education 4S Dorking

Strictly Training &

Conference Programme Helping schools to improve their strategic &

operational effectiveness



A complete solution for the

training & development

needs of school staff,

governors and clerks

To book your place:


Email: [email protected]

Call: 0800 073 4444 (Option 2)

Page 2: Strictly Training & Conference Programme · 2020-03-17 · understanding of the DfE ‘Early Years Foundations Stage’ ... methodology in inspecting it. Strictly Education 4S Dorking

Improving outcomes for children and young people

About us Strictly Education is a successful education services provider, delivering a comprehensive range of support services to over 1,500 schools, 500 academies and 100 MATs in over 120 local authorities.

As partners with education to hundreds of education establishments, we will continue our commitment to improving the outcomes of children and young people, working alongside schools and academies to pursue excellence, challenge underperformance and offer support across all aspects of education.

Harnessing the combined capabilities and resources of the two organisations will provide school leaders with an integrated service answer across HR, payroll & finance, premises, IT, governance and organisational development. Our focus will be to provide a strategic solution with hands-on operational support to reduce the administration burden and enable schools to focus on improving pupil outcomes.

Conferences focus on the latest national initiatives, best practice and innovative learning. This includes addressing issues faced by schools from business, financial and educational perspectives. Conferences are ideal forums to stay informed, network, share professional practices and advice, address issues also faced by others and meet suppliers.

Training courses support effective professional development. With a particular focus on practical skills and techniques and utilising best practice in education, they enable governors and staff to improve their effectiveness.

Prices If your school has a Service Level Agreement with

us (e.g. School Governance) there is no charge for

attendance at these courses. For other courses our

training and conference prices are reasonable and

vary from £100 to £210 (+ VAT). Some training

programmes command different pricing

depending on specialist content.

Early Bird discounts are available for a limited time or other special discounts may apply so book early to avoid disappointment. Please check our online booking system at: for the full range of events and prices.

In-house training Most of our training can be delivered in-house at very competitive prices for whole-school staff or groups of schools. If you would like to invite a consultant to train in your school or provide training for a cluster of schools at an external venue, contact the Training and Conference Team 0800 073 4444 option 2 or [email protected] We produce over 1500 market leading events every year so our portfolio of courses is always developing. This booklet contains a selection of the courses we offer, so please visit our website: to browse our complete portfolio of forthcoming training courses and conferences.



Email: [email protected]


0800 073 4444 option 2

Page 3: Strictly Training & Conference Programme · 2020-03-17 · understanding of the DfE ‘Early Years Foundations Stage’ ... methodology in inspecting it. Strictly Education 4S Dorking

› Governance 4

› Clerking 8

› HLTA accreditation 9

› Education HR 10

› School Finance 12

› Facilities Management 13

› SIMS training 15

› Upcoming conferences 17

Page 4: Strictly Training & Conference Programme · 2020-03-17 · understanding of the DfE ‘Early Years Foundations Stage’ ... methodology in inspecting it. Strictly Education 4S Dorking

The Governance of Safeguarding in 2020

This session will provide governors with an overview of safeguarding issues in schools and also a clear understanding of their statutory duties.


Hot Topics for Maintained & Academy Governors This session will cover a range of "hot" topics for this term, ensuring governors and clerks are kept abreast of the latest developments in education.

Introduction to School Governance This course will provide newly appointed/elected school governors with an understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

Understanding EYFS This session will provide participants with an understanding of the DfE ‘Early Years Foundations Stage’ and the inspection of early years in their school under the New 2019 ‘Ofsted Common Inspection Framework’.

Holiday Inn



Golf Club

Holiday Inn


The Thames






19:00 - 21:00

10:00 - 12:00

19:00 - 21:00

10:00 - 12:00





Holiday Inn



Golf Club


Education 4S





19:00 - 21:00

10:00 - 12:00

19:00 - 21:00





Golf Club

The Thames



Education 4S





10:00 - 12:00

10:00 - 12:00

19:00 - 21:00





Golf Club

20T/15269 10:00 - 12:00



Education 4S


The Thames




19:00 - 21:00

10:00 - 12:00



Governance Oversight of School Mental Health and Wellbeing Following the publication of the government’s Green Paper ‘Transforming Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Provision’, in 2017 and recent policy announcements, many schools have recognised the value of reviewing their approach to pupil wellbeing and developing systems and practices to identify and support individuals in a range of positive ways. Effective governance has oversight of this provision and should be mindful of its impact.

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The Governance of SEND in 2020 Governors need to ensure they know their responsibilities and those of their school with regards to SEND and must ensure that they are monitoring their schools work and its impact on outcomes for this group of pupils.

Parental Complaints and the Role of Governance Evidence suggests that complaints and concerns raised with schools are increasing, in both frequency and complexity. This workshop will explore the role of governance in responding to complaints.

Taking the Chair This session will provide a functional introduction to the role of the Chair and an opportunity to understand the expectations and explore what constitutes good practice in chairing in 2020.

NEW: Planning a Learning Walk Governance knowledge is enhanced by visiting the school and experiencing first-hand how our schools and trusts operate. Learning Walks are an invaluable way of securing our knowledge and triangulating what we hear with what we see as governors and trustees.


Education 4S


20T/15278 19:00 - 21:00


Met Police

Imber Court

Sports Club

20T/15274 10:00 - 12:00



Education 4S


20T/15275 19:00 - 21:00



Golf Club

20T/15279 10:00 - 12:00


Questions and Challenge - Developing Effective Practice in Holding the School to Account Board members hold the school or academy to account by establishing clear expectations, ensuring clear lines of responsibility, putting in place systems for monitoring appropriately, accurate and robust evaluation, and by taking action in response to that evaluation.


Education 4S


20T/15281 19:00 - 21:00



Golf Club

20T/15273 10:00 - 12:00


Personal Development in the New Ofsted Framework This new session will focus on the Personal Development judgement introduced in the latest Ofsted framework in September 2019. We will explore the evidence that Ofsted inspectors utilise to inform their judgement and reflect on what governors and trustees need to know.

Safeguarding Children and Young People From Radicalisation in 2020 This session raises awareness of the complex spectrum of radical organisations and their thinking which can present themselves to pupils in Surrey schools in 2020.


Education 4S


20T/15287 19:00 - 21:00


Behaviour & Attitudes - Exploring the New Ofsted Judgement This session will ensure that all those involved in governance understand the judgement and Ofsted’s methodology in inspecting it.


Education 4S


20T/15288 19:00 - 21:00


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Education 4S


20T/15284 19:00 - 21:00


Ofsted - The Quality of Education This session will explore the Ofsted framework introduced in September 2019 and focus specifically on how the new Quality of Education judgement impacts on those responsible for governance in our schools and academies.

The Governance of Online Safety in 2020 This session will provide governors and trustees with overview of e-safety in schools in 2020 alongside clarity over the strategic role and responsibilities of governance in this crucial aspect of safeguarding. We will explore the most recent data from Ofcom, which includes children and young people’s use and access to technology, reflect on the implications this has for schools, and identify the expectations of governance in 2020.

Reigate Baptist


20T/15285 19:00 - 21:00


NEW : The Effective Governance of Pupil Premium in 2020 Governing Bodies in maintained schools must ensure that there is Pupil Premium strategy in place. This is regarded as good practice for academies. Effective governance holds school and academy leadership to account for how the funding has been spent, and the impact that funding decisions have on the achievement of disadvantaged pupils.

Holiday Inn


20T/15295 19:00 - 21:00


NEW : Teachers’ Pay Decisions - The Role of Governance This session will equip those responsible for making decisions on pay with a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities.


Education 4S


20T/15289 19:00 - 21:00


NEW : Relationship & Sex Education - The Role of Governance in 2020 During this session governors and trustees will have an opportunity to develop an understanding of the new DfE guidance, and understand the preparations schools should be making to ensure that they are fully compliant by September.


Golf Club

20T/15294 10:00 - 12:00


Evaluating Governing Body Effectiveness The session utilises a workshop approach in which governors and trustees will have an opportunity to reflect on self-evaluation processes that may be appropriate for their context. We will use the Competency Framework for Governance as the backdrop to this session, enabling those in governance to consider effectiveness against government expectations.

Reigate Baptist


20T/15286 19:00 - 21:00


The Role of Governance in Ensuring Compliance This session will focus on how those responsible for governance ensure that they are aware of their statutory duties and are equipped with strategies to ensure they monitor compliance effectively.


Education 4S


20T/15290 19:00 - 21:00


Headteacher Appraisal - What Governors Need to Know This session will focus on best practice when conducting headteacher appraisal in both maintained schools and academies. We will also explore the ongoing role, of those responsible for governance, of monitoring performance against objectives throughout the year.


Education 4S





19:00 - 21:00

10:00 - 12:00



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Golf Club

20T/15296 10:00 - 12:00


Visiting the School - What Governors Need to Know This session focuses on how governors and trustees should plan, conduct and report on their visits to their school. Governor visits to schools and academies should be effective and contribute to monitoring and knowledge of school effectiveness.

NEW : Effective Parental Engagement - Governance Oversight This session will enable governors and trustees to develop an understanding of the variety of mechanisms used to support meaningful communication with parents and carers, and how to use the feedback, from this engagement to inform the strategic decision making of those responsible for governance.

Holiday Inn


20T/15299 19:00 - 21:00


NEW : Financial Benchmarking for Governors This session will focus on the range of benchmarking opportunities available to schools and trusts and how those responsible for governance in both maintained schools and academies, should have oversight of this vital aspect of financial leadership.


Education 4S


20T/15298 19:00 - 21:00


NEW : Safer Recruitment - A Strategic Overview This course will ensure governors and trustees are aware of the steps that schools should take to ensure that staff working with children and young people are safe to do so.


Education 4S


20T/15297 19:00 - 21:00


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Clerks Briefing - Maintained Schools Clerks briefings provide clerks with the opportunity to receive up to date information on the statutory duties of governing bodies and other key procedural matters.

Clerks Briefing - Academies Clerks briefings provide clerks with the opportunity to receive up to date information on the statutory duties of governing bodies and other key procedural matters.

Clerks Briefing - Maintained Schools & Academies Clerks briefings provide clerks with the opportunity to receive up to date information on the statutory duties of governing bodies and other key procedural matters.

Clerks : Better Minutes A practical workshop for clerks to both explore and understand what constitutes good minute taking.

NEW : Monitoring Work Planners This session will explore how the use of the annual work planner can be instrumental in supporting the governance role in monitoring the school development plan. Clerks will have the opportunity to share practice and apply their learning to practical examples.

Managing Information - What Clerks Need to Know This session explores the role of the clerk in managing a wide variety of information, both externally and internally generated and the regulations that inform practice and compliance.




Met Police

Imber Court



10:00 - 12:00

10:00 - 12:00



Reigate Baptist


20T/15261 19:00 - 21:00




20T/15263 13:00 - 15:00



Education 4S


20T/15267 10:00 - 12:00



Education 4S


20T/15270 10:00 - 12:00



Education 4S


20T/15272 10:00 - 12:00


Introduction to Clerking This 2 hour introduction will provide newly appointed clerks in maintained schools and academies with an overview of the function of governance and an understanding of the role and responsibilities of the clerk.



20T/15277 10:00 - 12:00


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HLTA Accreditation

Strictly Education 4S are the Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) regional provider of preparation and assessment in London and South East England.

HLTA status provides schools and parents the assurance that Higher Level Teaching Assistant staff in their schools have been independently and rigorously assessed against the national standards for HLTA. Candidates will have demonstrated competence in supporting teaching & learning when working with individuals, groups and whole classes through assessment against their knowledge, skills and attributes when working in their roles. Schools can save on their supply budget by using HLTAs in the confidence that their support staff are working at the highest level

› Externally accredited, nationally recognised professional status › Highly positive impact on outcomes for children › Can support progression to qualified teacher status › Develop your workforce, increasing their confidence and skills

Requirements for HLTA applicants

Experience of being involved with planning (not necessarily carrying out the planning) and delivering 1:1, group and whole class learning activities leading to progress. All applicants must have, and be able to provide evidence of, level 2 qualifications (equivalent to GCSE A*-C grade).

Join the 55,000+ HLTAs nationwide who

are helping improve outcomes for learners

Dates and more information

For course dates and additional information please contact the HLTA team: Web: Call: 0800 073 4444 option 8 Email: [email protected] Costs - £748.80 (inclusive of VAT) (price includes: materials, certification, 3-day preparation, 1/2 day in school

Strictly Education 4S on behalf of the HLTA National Assessment Partnership (www., are the regional providers of HLTA assessment in London and South East England.


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Education HR

Introduction to Education HR for Admin Officers - Part one

This course provides an introduction to the key HR administrative processes and procedures needed to ensure best practice in your education setting, with a focus on support staff. Topics include safer recruitment, pre-employment screening, types of contracts, continuous service and more. [See part 2 for teacher HR administration]

Safer Recruitment for School Managers

This workshop is aimed at all those with a responsibility for recruitment, including those who may be shortlisting and interviewing staff as well as those responsible for undertaking vetting checks.

Adult Mental Health First Aid (Champion One Day)

This is an awareness and skills course to train a mental health first aid champion who will be able to raise the profile of wellbeing, stress and mental ill health among their direct reports and peers.

Adult Mental Health First Aid (Two Day)

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training programme that teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. Just like physical first aid, this course will teach you to identify signs of need and the support measures that are available to enable recovery. Learning takes place over 2 days through a mix of group activities, presentations and discussions.

Christ’s College


Christ’s College


Christ’s College


Christ’s College






09:30 - 17:00

09:30 - 17:00

09:30 - 17:00

09:30 - 17:00





Christ’s College


Christ’s College




09:30 - 17:00

09:30 - 17:00




Education 4S



Education 4S




09:30 - 12:30

09:30 - 12:30






20T/15231 09:30 - 15:00


Introduction to Education HR for Admin Officers - Part two

In this course the focus is on the HR administration processes and procedures for teachers, including teachers' pay and conditions and leadership pay, as well as defining a school group size. Additional topics include absence management, sick pay arrangements and the range of family care entitlements that are available such as maternity leave and flexible working. [See part 1 for support staff HR administration]




20T/15232 09:30 - 15:00


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Education HR

Training for Appraisers - Teachers

Being an appraiser, reviewing and assessing the performance of teachers can be quite a daunting process, especially if this is the first time that you are performing this role or have not performed this role in a long time. Whilst there is the annual appraisal meeting itself, there is also the ongoing assessment of performance throughout the year, which has implications for any pay recommendations. In this workshop, the key areas are reviewed within the overall context of school policies, the appraisal regulations and Teacher Standards.


Education 4S


20T/15241 09:30 - 12:30


Training for Appraisers - Support Staff

In this workshop, the key areas are reviewed within the overall context of National Occupational Standards. There is ample opportunity to discuss and explore the role and responsibilities of the appraiser and appraisee and practice the setting of robust objectives. Likewise, the necessary skills and other essential tools will be reviewed to ensure the successful engagement of the appraisee before and during the appraisal meeting itself.


Education 4S


20T/15242 09:30 - 12:30





20T/15233 09:30 - 15:00


Managing and Processing DBS Checks

This course is aimed at Primary Applicant Managers/Applicant Managers/ID Checkers/DBS System Users who manage and process DBS checks. The session includes: *Safeguarding Legislation *Who requires a DBS check? *Workforce, miscellaneous terminology and processing requirement *DBS Update Service *Single Central Record *Risk Assessments (pre-employment positive disclosures)


Education 4S


20T/15240 09:30 - 12:30


Redeployment - Job Search Training

This workshop is aimed at all employees who are vulnerable due to changes in their working environment and are seeking new employment. The focus of the session is to provide the necessary understanding and skills in order to engage with recruitment processes with confidence.

In School Training

We provide a wide range of training workshops in the

management of human resources which can be delivered

at your individual school, at a time to suit you. Whether

you are a senior or middle leader, school business

manager or working in a teaching, classroom support or

office role.

All our courses are designed specifically for staff working

in schools and the precise content and duration can be

tailored to the particular requirements of your


If you would like a book an in-house training session or

discuss your requirements, please email:

[email protected]

Page 12: Strictly Training & Conference Programme · 2020-03-17 · understanding of the DfE ‘Early Years Foundations Stage’ ... methodology in inspecting it. Strictly Education 4S Dorking

School Finance A Financial Overview for New School Bursars

This course will look at statutory financial requirements and will guide you through an overview of funding, budgeting, monitoring, accounting and reporting in Surrey schools together with advice on what you need in school to work effectively.

Financial Planning - Budget Construction and Salary Costings

This course will cover the key features of financial planning within the local management of schools. Participants will look at building up a budget, with particular emphasis on calculation of salaries, profiling and associated issues.

CFR Briefing

This briefing session looks at producing the CFR report. It will demonstrate how to identify and reconcile differences to the local authority Tabs, correctly apportion balances and so help ensure that the information submitted for benchmarking is accurate.

Financial Monitoring

This course will cover the key features of financial monitoring and reporting including a comparison of actual costs against profiles and producing a monthly financial monitoring report for submission to the headteacher and also to governors to enable them to fulfill their statutory financial responsibilities.

Financial Management of School Unofficial Funds

This course provides an overview of managing the unofficial funds of the school.

Christ’s College


20T/15040 09:30 - 15:30


Christ’s College



09:30 - 12:30


Christ’s College



10:00 - 12:00


Period End Procedures

This course will look at the monthly period end reconciliation and is designed to complement the SIMS FMS on site training.

Christ’s College



09:30 - 12:30


Christ’s College



09:30 - 12:30


Christ’s College



09:30 - 11:30


Page 13: Strictly Training & Conference Programme · 2020-03-17 · understanding of the DfE ‘Early Years Foundations Stage’ ... methodology in inspecting it. Strictly Education 4S Dorking

Facilities Management - Health and Safety

Course titles





Health & Safety Management and Risk Assessment

Expert advice from experienced Health & Safety Professionals dedicated to school settings

Health and Safety Premises Management

Lifting and Handling - half day

Portable Appliance Testing and Inspection

Swimming Pool and Plant Operation

Mobile Tower Safety

Safe Use of Ladders and Steps - half day

Legionella Awareness - half day


For additional information please contact:

Kenneth Holdsworth

[email protected]

0800 073 4444 option 7

07968 834358

Stand-Alone Services for Primary & Secondary Settings

Complete audit of existing H&S documentation, process & facility, provision of gap analysis and action plan to support the school H&S improvement.

School site inspection to identify hazards and areas for improvement. Either one-off or cyclical.

CLEAPSS registered Radiation Protection officer/Radiation Protection Adviser.

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Swimming Pool Operation Training

This course is aimed at persons tasked with managing the safety of swimming pools, together with the quality of the pool water and environment.

School Health & Safety Management and Risk Assessment

This course is primarily aimed at persons appointed by the Headteacher to lead on H&S functions within the school. This person is often referred to as the H&S Coordinator, retains an overview of H&S within the school and advises the headteacher of issues requiring senior management action. This course explains typical functions of the Key H&S lead as outlined in model school H&S policy.

Premises Health & Safety Management

This one-day Health and Safety (H&S) management course is for school managers with a buildings management and maintenance emphasis, and seeks to provide participants with sufficient knowledge and confidence to ensure appropriate H&S standards are maintained.

Portable Electrical Appliances - Inspection & Testing

This one-day course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and understanding necessary to competently carry out user checks, formal visual inspections, and testing of portable electrical appliances using a PAT tester.

Legionella Awareness/Management

This half day course will provide a basic understanding of the requirements necessary for managing the Legionella risk in hot and cold water systems. The course explains the role of the responsible person, the Legionella Risk Assessment requirements and outlines a Control Scheme e.g. carrying out temperature monitoring, asset inspection and servicing.

Walton Leigh


20T/15216 09:30 - 15:30



Education 4S


20T/15217 09:30 - 16:00


Ladder & Steps/WAH Safety Awareness

Working at height is a significant risk to many people at work. It is a legal requirement for employers to ensure that staff who are required to use access equipment are competent to do so. Participants will be asked to demonstrate competence in the use and handling of basic access equipment, and will receive an attendance certificate.


Trinity School

20T/15244 09:30 - 12:30


Lifting & Handling/Back Care

This half-day course is suitable for any person in a school who is required to lift and handle as an intrinsic part of their work. It provides a range of strategies for reducing the likelihood of musculoskeletal disorders.


Trinity School

20T/15245 13:00 - 15:30



Education 4S


20T/15218 09:30 - 15:30



Education 4S


20T/15220 09:30 - 15:30



Education 4S


20T/15219 10:00 - 13:00


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SIMS Onsite Training

A comprehensive programme of training focused on management

information, enabling schools to improve organisational efficiency

and inform planning

We will be providing SIMS scheduled training courses in

our training locations and consultancy as an on-site visit. A

list of some of the available training courses is displayed

on this page.

All on site visits and scheduled training courses are either

a half day or a full day.

Bespoke training and remote training to assist you with

your SIMS data can also be arranged.

If you would like to book a training session or discuss

consultancy please contact:

Email: [email protected]

› Ensure compliance with statutory requirements for management of information in schools › Ensure appropriate recording of information › Understand managing and reporting of data particularly for Ofsted requirements › Produce accurate data to inform school planning and enhance teaching and learning


Course titles

SIMS System Manager

SIMS Office User Advanced

SIMS Student Quick Reports

SIMS Attendance

SIMS End of Academic Year Procedures for Primary Schools

SIMS End of Academic Year Procedures for Secondary Schools

SIMS Discover

SIMS Special Educational Needs for New Users

SIMS in the Office for New Users

SIMS Attendance Refresher

SIMS Reporting on Pupil Data—Introduction or Advanced

SIMS Behaviour Management

SIMS Personnel—Full course or Refresher

SIMS School Census

SIMS School Workforce Census

SIMS Interventions

Page 16: Strictly Training & Conference Programme · 2020-03-17 · understanding of the DfE ‘Early Years Foundations Stage’ ... methodology in inspecting it. Strictly Education 4S Dorking

SIMS New User Training

Investigate the key functionality and features in SIMS to enable your school to run efficiently through the effective use of data. Find your way around SIMS, look at pupil information and learn how to use quick letters and attach documents. Key pupil routines include managing leavers and re-admissions.

SIMS Attendance and Reporting

Learn how to use SIMS Attendance to fulfil day to day statutory attendance monitoring requirements.

SIMS End of Year - Secondary

Learn how to configure SIMS for the new school year including setting up the new pastoral structure and dealing with admissions. This is classroom based training for new users of preparing their school for the new academic year or anyone needing a refresh on the procedures.

SIMS End of Year - Primary

Learn how to prepare and configure SIMS for the new school year including setting up the new pastoral structure and dealing with admissions. This is classroom based training for new users of preparing their school for the new academic year or anyone needing a refresh of the process.


Education 4S


20T/15246 09:30 - 16:00



Education 4S


20T/15247 09:30 - 16:00


SIMS FREE User Group

Our free user group gives you the chance to network with other schools, get updates on the latest information in education, school census and SIMS software changes.


Education 4S


20T/15249 09:30 - 11:30



Education 4S


20T/15250 09:30 - 12:30



Education 4S


20T/15251 09:30 - 16:00


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Upcoming Conference Programme

Getting it Right in EYFS : How to inspire great learning

1st July 2020, Sandown Park, 20T/15123

Join us for the 2020 conference which is centred on inspiring high quality learning in EYFS in this time of change. Explore ways to help extend children’s thinking and under-standing, as they make sense of the world around them. Re examine the vital role of the teacher and TA in supporting the learning process and why it matters so much to “get it right in EYFS” Hear, first hand, about the revised OfSTED framework. Gain an understanding about how best to present the specialised phase of EYFS, and your underpinning pedagogy as you meet the needs of your cohort. Be re-invigorated in your quest to offer developmentally appropriate opportunities, and be reassured that good practice, aiming to meet the needs of individual children in developmentally appropriate ways remains the best way to encourage life-long learning. Keynote Speakers: Jan Dubiel, Phil Minns and Ruth Swailes.

Employee Mental Health & Wellbeing Conference

3rd June 2020, High Ashurst Outdoor Learning Centre, Dorking, 20T/15124

The focus for this year’s conference will be for delegates to gain an insight into how improving their staff wellbeing can impact on the quality of education their school provides and how they can make changes to key practices in order to develop a culture of staff wellbeing and in doing so ensure a positive impact on pupils.