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Page 2: Skinner learning theory

Skinner -

Operant Conditioning

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Introduction to B. F Skinner

• By the 1920s, John B. Watson had left

academic psychology and

other behaviorists were becoming

influential, proposing new forms of

learning other than classical conditioning.

• Perhaps the most important of these was

Burrhus Frederic Skinner.

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• Skinner's views were slightly less extreme

than those of Watson (1913).

• Skinner believed that we do have such a

thing as a mind, but that it is simply more

productive to study observable behavior

rather than internal mental events.

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Cont …

• He believed that the best way to

understand behavior is to look at the

causes of an action and its consequences.

• He called this approach operant


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Operant Conditioning

• Operant Conditioning deals with operants -

intentional actions that have an effect on

the surrounding environment.

• Skinner set out to identify the processes

which made certain operant behaviours

more or less likely to occur

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• Skinner is regarded as the father of

Operant Conditioning, but his work was

based on Thorndike’s law of effect.

• Skinner introduced a new term into the

Law of Effect - Reinforcement.

• Behavior which is reinforced tends to be

repeated (i.e. strengthened); behavior

which is not reinforced tends to die out-or

be extinguished (i.e. weakened).

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• B.F. Skinner (1938) coined the term

operant conditioning;

• it means roughly changing of behavior by

the use of reinforcement which is given

after the desired response

• Skinner identified three types of responses

or operant that can follow behavior.

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Neutral operant

• Neutral operants: responses from the

environment that neither increase nor

decrease the probability of a behavior

being repeated.

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• Reinforcers: Responses from the

environment that increase the probability

of a behavior being repeated. Reinforcers

can be either positive or negative.

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• Punishers: Responses from the

environment that decrease the likelihood

of a behavior being repeated. Punishment

weakens behavior.

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Positive reinforcement

• Positive reinforcement strengthens a

behavior by providing a consequence an

individual finds rewarding.

• For example, if your teacher gives you £5

each time you complete your homework

(i.e. a reward) you will be more likely to

repeat this behavior in the future, thus

strengthening the behavior of completing

your homework.

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Negative Reinforcement

• The removal of an unpleasant reinforcer

can also strengthen behavior.

• This is known as negative reinforcement

because it is the removal of an adverse

stimulus which is ‘rewarding’ to the animal

or person.

• Negative reinforcement strengthens

behavior because it stops or removes an

unpleasant experience.

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• For example, if you do not complete your

homework, you give your teacher £5. You

will complete your homework to avoid

paying £5, thus strengthening the behavior

of completing your homework.

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• Punishment is defined as the opposite of

reinforcement since it is designed to

weaken or eliminate a response rather

than increase it.

• It is an aversive event that decreases the

behavior that it follows

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Problems with punishment

• There are many problems with using

punishment, such as:

• Punished behavior is not forgotten, it's

suppressed - behavior returns when

punishment is no longer present.

• Causes increased aggression - shows that

aggression is a way to cope with


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• Creates fear that can generalize to

undesirable behaviors, e.g., fear of school.

• Does not necessarily guide toward desired

behavior - reinforcement tells you what to

do, punishment only tells you what not to


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• In operant conditioning if no food pellet is

delivered immediately after the lever is

pressed then after several attempts the rat

stops pressing the lever

• (how long would someone continue to go

to work if their employer stopped paying


• The behavior has been extinguished.

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Different ways of Delivering

Reinforcement• Ferster and Skinner (1957) devised

different ways of delivering reinforcement,

and found that this had effects on

• 1. The Response Rate - The rate at which

the rat pressed the lever (i.e. how hard the

rat worked).

• 2. The Extinction Rate - The rate at

which lever pressing dies out (i.e. how

soon the rat gave up)

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• An animal/human is positively reinforced

every time a specific behaviour occurs,

e.g. every time a lever is pressed a pellet

is delivered and then food delivery is shut


• Response rate is SLOW

• Extinction rate is FAST

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• Behavior is reinforced only after the

behavior occurs a specified number of reinforcement is given after

every so many correct responses, e.g.

after every 5th response.

• For example a child receives a star for

every five words spelt correctly.

• Response rate is FAST

• Extinction rate is MEDIUM

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• One reinforcement is given after a fixed

time interval providing at least one correct

response has been made. An example is

being paid by the hour.

• Response rate is MEDIUM

• Extinction rate is MEDIUM

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• Behavior is reinforced after an

unpredictable number of times. For

examples gambling or fishing.

• Response rate is FAST

• Extinction rate is SLOW (very hard to

extinguish because of unpredictability )

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• Providing one correct response has been

made, reinforcement is given after an

unpredictable amount of time has passed,

e.g. on average every 5 minutes.

• An example is a self-employed person

being paid at unpredictable times.

• Response rate is FAST

• Extinction rate is SLOW

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• Skinner argues that the principles of

operant conditioning can be used to

produce extremely complex behaviour if

rewards and punishments are delivered in

such a way as to encourage move an

organism closer and closer to the desired

behaviour each time.

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• According to Skinner, most animal and

human behaviour (including language) can

be explained as a product of this type of

successive approximation

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Behavior modification

• Behavior modification is a set of therapies

/ techniques based on operant

conditioning (Skinner, 1938, 1953).

• The main principle comprises changing

environmental events that are related to a

person's behavior.

• For example, the reinforcement of desired

behaviors and ignoring or punishing

undesired ones.

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