  • Serita Bernama Julai 1, 1976.


    The year 1976 will undoubtedly be marked as a turning

    point or watershed in the history of our nation. And

    we in . ernama should be mo st full,:)" aware 0 f the events

    that are taking place around u~.~- for it is our duty and

    objective to report on such ~~tters.


    In this eventful and exciting point of time, it is

    particularly appropriate for us to re-appraise ourselves

    and consider our future disposition.

    We can fairly take satisfaction in the level of opera

    tions which we have achieved in the comparatively short

    period of our existence. However, inasmuch as our

    country is now poised to enter into a new development

    phase, so should we in Bernama now prepare ourselves

    for a more active role in national development.

    In such circumstances it is always useful to return

    to fundamentals, for Us the Charter of Bernama as set

    out in the Pertubuhan Beri ta ,Nasional Malaysia Act, 1967,\

    more particularly the preamble to, and the objectives

    set out in the Act. I believe that it would be useful

    to quote the relevant portions of the Act. At the

    outset the international criterion was adopted by

    stating that:

    "in accordance with UNESCO definition a news

    agency is an undertaking of which the prin

    cipal objective is to gather news and news

    material and to distribute it to a group of

    news enterprises and, in certain circumstances,

    to private individuals, with a view to provi-'

    ding them with as~complete and impartial a news

  • -; --.

    - 2

    service as is possible, against payment and under

    conditions compatible with business laws and usage ll

    The Act then went on to afirm the decision of Parliament to ~ .

    create a national news agency by stating that: >,

    ." ."

    lilt is desired that a non-profi,t making body be. ..... , .., t 1 .ill " !? ~ . ,'/"

    established in the Fe-derat'ionfor the purpose of-... ...._-- ..... "" collecting and distributing news generally and for

    the purpose also of encouraging and promoting regional

    and international co-operation and understanding and

    promoting a greater flow of news about Malaysia in

    particular;, and that the aforesaid body shall, at

    all times, observ~ and respect the principles in the " Federal Cor 'i tutilNl relating to free.dom of speech

    and expression and any laws made thereunder and be

    ,guided by the declaration of the United Nations

    Conference on Freedom of Information of 1948 11 (.

    The Act also clearly states that:

    liThe objects of Bernama shall be:

    (a) to seek for and present complete, objective

    and impartial information, news, or news

    material or features on any matter of public

    and national interests within and 'outside

    the Federation;

    (b) to distribute such information, news or news

    material or features to subscribers against

    payment ei ther in the form of' fees or news

    exchange or both; and

    (c) to report truthfully and fairly, without

    prejudice to public and national interest,

    the views of all sections of the population

    of the Federation ll

    I especially commend to all of us in Bernama a clear under

    standing of the objects quoted above, so that in moving

    towards a more broadened responsibility we do clearly under

    stand that our Charter does in fact provide the proper

    framework for such a course.

  • - J -

    However, we must also clearly appreciate that the wider role

    envisaged can only be achieved by a willingness to assume

    greater responsibility, and a wish to achieve a more dynamic ~'.. structure. This means greater effort, dedication and


    If I have used mild language in this messag~ it is because

    I do not think that it should be necessary to make dramatic

    exhortations for Malaysians to work for the betterment of

    Malaysia, or for the staff of Bernama to take pride in tpe

    improvement of their own organisation. However, this does

    not mean that our determination is to be regarded as being

    anything other than complete.

    It is with confidence, therefore, that I look to a period

    of growth and development for Bernama and its activities

    coinciding with national development in the period of the

    Third Malaysian Plan.

    Lorrain E. Osman. Pengerusi, Lembaga Pengelola, Bernama.



    Pengurus Besar Bernama

    Saya berasagembira mengalu-alukan munculnya BERITA HEHNAMA,

    penerbitan dua bulan sekali, mulai Ihb JUlai, 1976. Saya

    berdoa agar para petugas Bernama bukan sahaja menikmati dan

    mendapat faedah dari kandungannya bahkan jua menyumbangkan

    bahan-bahan yang berguna dan menarik, sambil mem~jukan syor

    dan teguran yang membina dari ma~a ke masa dalam ertikata

    menjaga nama baik dan mutu aktiviti Bernama dalam semua


  • - ---


    - 4:


    Semenjak awal tahun 1975, beberapa ~emajuan utama terdapat

    di sisi Bernama, seper~i: pelaksanaan perakuan-perakuan

    Suruhanjaya Gaji Harun, pemakaian lbgo baharuBerna~a yang

    terpileh melalui satu pertandi~gan kebangsaan, penubuhan

    Jawatankuasa Bersama (Jabatan Pengarang dan Jabatan

    Pentadbiran) yang berme~yuarat tetap dua minggu sekali,

    wujudnya Kelab Keluarga Bernama, penyediaan "News Manual ll

    dan deraf lIStyle Book", adanyaMajlis Bersama pihak

    Pengurusan dengan Kesatuan Pekerja Bernama, pelancaran Yunit

    Latihan yang giat berusaha semenjak Ihb Januari tuhun ini,

    pertalian dan kerjasama yang-lebih erat dengan Antara

    (Indonesia), penyertaan Bernama dalam Jawatankuasa Tetap

    Sebaran 'Am ASEAN dan dalam SLminar Akhbar ASEAN, pelancaran

    perkhidmatan Laharl.l "Daily Selected News Service", perjanjian

    penukaran be111~ dengan ajensi beritanegara Rumania,

    Bangladesh d n Iraq, dan lain-lain lagi.

    Namun kemajuan dan perkembangan seperti di atas ini tidak

    akan berterusan atau membawa makna besar kecuali para

    petugas Bernama sendiri terus bertikad dan bersemangat serba

    maju dan berdayacipta (innovative). Sambil senantiasa giat

    memajukan diri mereka da1am bidang kewartawanan yang menjadi

    sumber "periok nasi"nya maka mereka juga hendaklah bersemangat

    kekeluargaan (espritd'~orp) serta bersikap penuh dorongan

    (motivatf'd) dan terlibat (involved) d~ngan kepentingan Bernama.

    Saya akhiri dengan ucapan II Syabash" kepada Si dang Peng-arang

    BERITA BERNAMA~ Semoga dayausaha, mutu dan kandungan

    keluarannya akan maju sebilang waktu.

    Dol Ramli, Pengurus Beaar Bernama.

  • -


    - 5


    'BeritaBernama' bukanlah penerbitan yang ulung pernah

    dikelolakan oleh kakitangan Bernama untuk kakitangan Bernama.

    Tak berapa lama dahulu 'Keluarga Bernama' telah diterbitkan

    khusus menghidangkan berita-berita anekaragam - dari kisah

    keluarga, biro, sukan, perkembangan sekitar pertubuhan kita,

    hinggalah kepada pengalaman seseorang mengenai kerjaya dan

    pengembaraannya di dalam dan di lua~ negeri. Malangny~

    'Keluarga Bernama' hanya,mendapat sambutan 'passive' sungguh

    pun meriph. Pengarangnya tidak mendapat pertolongan yang

    seharusnya dari kakitangan yang lain dari segi sumbangan

    makalah atau erita, seh~ngga 'keluarga BernamQ' terpaksa

    gulung tikar~

    Untuk mengelakkan pengalaman pahit 'Keluarga Bernama' it~

    maka 'Berita Bernama' diletakkan di bawah kelolaan dan

    pengawasan sebuah jawatanku8sa editorial yang akan mempastikan

    penerbitannya seeara tetap berkala terus menerus. Bidang

    kandungannya pun diperluas supaya ia menjadi bukan saja sebuah

    media hiburan dan maklumat tetapi juga pendidekan

    Salah satu masalah besar dihadapi oleh Bernama sekarang ialah

    kekurangan kakitangan yang mahir dan terlatih di bidang

    pengkhususan. Dan Bernama sentiasa mencari jalan supaya

    kualiti pcmberitaan kita bertambah ba1k dan penyiaran copy

    kita bertambah cepat. Yunit latihan yang ditubuhkanbaru

    baru ini adalah bermaksud mencapai tujuan mengatasi

    kelemahan-kelemahan tersebut. Beberapa cara latihan, di

    dalam Bernama, di luar Bernama bahkan di luar negeri sedang

    dirancang dan dilaksanakan untuk segenap lapisan kakitangan,

    terutama di bahagian editorial. Hasil dari latihan-latihan

    ini akan menjadi bahan-bahan kandungan 'Berita Bernama'

    supaya pengalaman dan fikiran baru dapat dinikmati jua oleh

    seluruh kakitangan Bernama untuk faedah kita bersama.

    Dengan harapan semoga 'Deri ia B"rnama' dapat terus memainkan

    peranan yang penting ini maka saya dengan segala sukaeita

    mengalu-alukan terbitannya yang ulung ini.

    Selamat maju jaya.

    Salleh Daud, Ketua Pengarang Bernama.

    @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

  • - 6


    Congratulations to the new Editorial Board of BERITA

    BERNAMA. Like many others I am looking forward to receiving

    my copy!

    Our collegues, particularly those fr6m outside Kuala Lumpur,

    will certainly welcome the revival of the newsletter - BERITA

    BERNAMA - as it is the most effectiv~ media to keep them

    informed of development in the Organisation. To make it

    a more meaningful media, it wi-II need the cooperat ion 0 f

    every member of the staff, I hope everyone of us,

    especially those in Sabah'and Sarawak, will mak~ it a point

    to submit 'news' items regularly so that there will be plenty

    of stuff to read in every issue o:f BERITA BERNAMJ\.

    To the members 0 f the flew Eu i torial Board, I wi sh them all

    the best.

    Mohd. Yusof bin Bador. Secretary Bernama.

    * ~ a * * * *


    Dsaha menjalin kemesraan dan perasaan m hibbah bukan sahaja

    antara para petugas Bernama dan keluarga mereka bahkan jun

    antara Bernama dengan masyarakat 'amnya terus dilakukan dari

    masa ke masa. Misalnya: mnaa negara meraikan Mauludun

    Nabi pada Sabtu, 1) Mac, 1976 seramai kira-kira )0 orang

    petugas Bernama yang ada dengan isteri masing-masing, telah

    menyertai perhimpunan rarnai di Stadium Merdeka, mendengar

    syarahan sebelum berarak beramai-ramai menuju ke Masjid

    Negara. Inilah kali pertama sepanduk Bernama dengan logo

    bahrunya dijulang dan diarak dalam satu perarakkan raksaksa.

    Begitu jua, seramai kira-kira 25 orang petugas Bernama

    bersama isteri mereka telah mengadakan majlis bacaan yasin di

  • - 7

    Makam Pahlawan, Masjid Negara, pada Ahad, 21 Mac, 1976 sebelah

    malam, sebagai hadiah kepada roh Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak


    Tahun ini, sebagai ganti majlis tari menari yang lazimnya

    diadakan di hotel besar-besar kerana merayakan Ulang Tahun

    wujudnya Bernama, maka satu majlis Jamuan Teh Keluarga

    Bernama telah diadakan di perkarangan rumah kepunyaan Pengerusi

    Lembaga Bernama, Encik Lorrain E. Osman, di Jalan Kia Peng

    pada petang Ahad, 2J Mei~ 1976 dengan dihadiri oleh seramai

    kira-kira 250 orang, terdiri dari para petugas danisteri

    serta anak masing-masing.

    Berbagai al~t mainan kanak-kanak telah disediakan bagi anak

    penak petugas Kita, selain dari jamuan rengan untuk semua.

    Majlis juga mengvmbil kesempatan menyampaikan hadiah-hadiah

    sukan kepada para pe\nenang Bernama. Temasya petang itu

    sungguh meriah merupakar> benar-benar satu perjumpaan keluarga

    Bernama untuk para isteri dan suami serta anak-anak mereka

    berkenal-kenalan satu sarna lain.

    Diharap majlis serups ini -sederhana tetapi berkesan dan

    bermakna - dapat diadakan di tahun-tahun hadapan, bukan sahaja di Ibu Pejabat Bernama di Kuala Lumpur bahkan jua di

    biro-biro dan pejabat Bernama di luar Kuala Lumpur - DR.


    The Malaysian Red Crescent Society liked our Rernama feature article by Jin

    Yap-Goh called "['rom Red Cross to Red Crescent" so much that it reproduced

    i,200 copies of it (600 in Bahasa Malaysia and 600 in English) for distri

    bution to Society members allover the country.

    The special feature was written for World--Red Cross Day (May 8, 1976)

    celebrating 25 years of humanitarian work by the Society in Malaysia and

    the name change this year - from Red Cross to Red Crescent i~ our country.

    In a general note to Branch Secretaries for distribution to Committee

    Members and Members at Branch and District level, the Secretary-General of

    Malaysian Red Crescent Society, Dadn Ruby Lee, enjoined,them to rrread~

    commit to memory and pass on .... copies to all (Society) Members and

    supporters" .

  • - 8


    Saperti lain-lain organisasi, Bernama juga tidak sunyi dengan perubahan

    kedudukan kakitangannya -ada yang naik pangkat, bertukar jawatan arou tugas,

    dan ada pula yang berhenti untuk mencari pekerjaan lain, dan sebagainya.

    Ramai juga yang bertukar dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dan beberapa orang lagi

    . baru hendak mula mencerburkan diri dalam lapangan kewartawan~n

    Mulai 1hb Jun lalu, beberopa orang yang bertugas di beberapa buah negeri

    bertukar tempat. Sdr. Jamal Ali, Ketuo Biro di Kuala Trengganu ditukarkan ke

    Ibu Pejabat, Kuala Lumpur.

    Ternpatnya di ambil aleh oleh Sdr. Nik Mohamed dari Pejabat Kota BOOru. Tempat

    Sdr. N ik pula digantikan oleh Sdr. Nordin Arshad dari Kuala Trengganu.

    Sdr. Othman Shafie dari Johor Bharu ditukarkanke Kuala Trengganu dan Sdr. Teng

    Cheng Siong dari Kuala Lumpur dipindahkan ke Johor Bharu.

    Wakil Bernama di Bangkok, Sdr. Gauldin Miranda ditukarkan balek di Ibu Pejabat

    dan tempatnya digantikan oleh Sdr. Abdul Rahman Sulaiman.

    Sdr. Azman dari Sibu ke Miri. Di Ibu Pejabat pula, Sdr. Jaafar Hussein,

    pemberita kanan di tukar ke mejo penyunting. Sdr.-Jamal YGng baru beberapa

    hari di meja penyunHng di pindahkan ke News Desk.

    Yang mendapat kenaikan pangkat. pula ialah Sdr. Nazlee Ismai I dari Kedet kepada

    Wartawan dan Sdr. Muhamed Manaf dari TP Gred Satu kepada TP Gred Khas.

    Sementara itu Sdr. Siti Zaleha Sulaiman ditugaskan menjadi pegawai yang ber

    tanggungjawab bagi pengurusan perpustakaan.

    Yang di lantik menjadi kakitangan sementara ialah Sdr. Moksin Bakhari (kerani)

    dan Selr. Zulkarnain Abdul Ghani (kerani rendah perpustakaan).

    Yang meletakan jawatan peda 30 April lalu ialah Sdr. Loh Yoon Min (warta'l-{an)

    untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di luar negeri; Sdr. Nithi Kandiah, Pustakawan

    yang bemi jrah untuk menetap di Canada; Sdr. Ghani Ismai I, (wartawan) ke

    Universiti fv40laya bertugas sebagai Tutori Selr. V. Ravindran (wartawan) melanjutkan

  • - 9

    pelajaran di Universiti Sains Malaysia dan Sdr. Syed Md. Damiri Md. Nor

    kakitangan sementara, untuk memegang jawatan tetap di Felda.

    Muka-muka baru yang akan memulakan tugas di Bernama mulai 1 Julai ialah:

    Saudara Azmuddin bin Ibrahim, seorang siswaz~h Universiti Sains Malaysia yang

    akan bertugas di tbu Pejabat, dan Sdr. Augustus Anthonymuthu, seorang bekas

    Wartawan Kanan di RTM Kota Kinabalu yang aka_~ metaporkan diri di Sabah.

    * * * * * * * * *


    On June 1 this year, Bernama in Sarawak spread its wings wi th the setti ng up of an

    office in Miri with Sdr. Azman Ujang as our correspondent. Sarawak's Chief

    Minister, Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Rohman Yakub, in an exclusive interview

    to mark the openi ng of the office said: liThe opening of Bernamas office in Miri

    will bring to the atte~tion ofMalaysians events happening in this part of Sarawak.

    This is because the fourth Division occupies a very important economic position in

    Sarawak. Tremendous development is taking place in this region and it is therefore

    important that the many efforts made on the ground are brought to the noti ce of

    Malaysians in othe'r parts of the country. II

    Prior to opening of the Miri office, Bernama had an office in Sibu with Sdr. A. S.

    Jaya, now our Kuchi ng Bureau Chief, as the first representative. On bei ng

    transferred to Kuching at the end of 1972, he was succeeded by Sdr. Effendi

    Ariffin and later by Sdr. Azman. The office in Sibu has been closed. But we

    still have a retainer there. - ASJ.

    * * * * ,* * * * *


    Tidak lama lagi kita akan mengeluarkan Kad Pengakuan (Accreditation Card)

    baru kepada semuo petugas Bemama.

    Mungdn anda ada mempunyai cadangan atas format, style, warna dan lain-lain

    berhubung dengan Kad Pengakuan baru itu. Silalah sampaikan cadangan saudara

    kepada Pegawai Kerja Kanan sebelum 21(hb Julai, 1976.


  • - 10


    By now everyone should have got his copy of the news manua I. Outsiders who

    have scen it are very impressed with the publication. It is hoped that every

    editorial staff member goes through the booklet and practises whal' is laid down.

    The Style Book (English) should be out shortly. If everything goes well, it will be

    distributed on July 15.

    A lot of painstaking effort has gone towards its production and again it is hoped

    that reporters and subs siudy it dill&cntiy and observe the style Bernama has adopted.

    The Style Book in Bahasa Malaysia ;5 ':urrently being compiled. When ready it

    will be the only one of its kind in neV'vs l:rganisations in Malaysia. Every effort

    is bei ng made to cO'.,' pIete it as soon as possib Ie. - SNR.


    The First Secretary of the Yugoslo\1 Embassy, Mr. A. Veselinovic, sent the

    following letter to Encik Yusof Bador:

    II In writing these few lines to you, I would like to thank you for the close co

    operation extended to us on.the occasion of the recent official visit of our Deputy

    Foreign Minister, Mr. Lazar Maisov, to Malaysia.

    II Your assistance was very valuable and therefore, I would like to express my

    gratitude to you and to convey,. through you, my appreciation to your staff that

    has so nicely and highly professionally cove:-ed the visit. II


    A lecturer with the Pusat Bahasa, University of Malaya, Dr. Barclay M. Newman,

    conducted a special one~onth course on tran~!ation for subs and others involved

    in translation work. The course proved highly popular.

    In a letter to the General Manager, Encik Dol Ramly, this is what Dr. Newman

    has to say of the participants:

    II Frankly, I was very much impressed with your staff -- evidently you have chosen

    them well. They caught on immediately, and wanted to continue the course. II

  • - 11


    On Friday morning (June 4), six Bernama staffers from the Newsdesk, Subs desk

    and Economic Service led by News Editor, Muse Scully "assaulted" the Guiness

    Brewery in Sungai Way.

    The squad joined more than 30 other pressmen from' other news organisations on

    a tour round the brewery billed very temptingly by the Guiness management i

    and its advertising agency, Burson Marsteller, as On "open day for pressmen".

    On hand to greet pressmen at the brewery were Gui ness executi ves and smooth

    ta Iki ng Jacqui C 'aD F -thei r Pub l.ic-R'e-laHons woma n. - ....-...........--- - _/

    After a hasty "beer breakfast II at the brewery bar, pressmen were divided into

    two groups and taken round the brevJery by two brewers who explained the beer

    making process

    Each member of the beer squad kept his cool for as long as the tour round the

    brewery. It was for a tortuous half hour.


    Then the moment came. Pressmen were herded into the brewery bqr and told to

    "drink Up".

    As the drinking progressed', the goldie theme song used in the Guiness advert was

    sung in umpteen tunes by some pressmen, much to the delight of t,he Guiness folks.

    The Bernama staffers remembered Musa's word of warning, "I don't want to see any

    casualties in the breweryll. Nobody fell.

    With this initia I success, they ded ded to form a "beer squad II and are lobbyi ng

    for similar visits to the Malayan Breweries a~~ the Carlsberg Brewery in Shah Alam.

    The beer squad plans to meet once a month after pay day at some of the local pubs

    at $10 per head. Those wanting to join the fellowship get in touch with Reporter

    Rajan Moses.

  • - 12


    Lain padang lain be>lalang, lain orang lidn ra~amnya -- ini lah

    masalah yang harus dihndapi oleh para wartnwnn k(> n1emlHlll t

    Iiputan di luar negeri.

    Selama seminggu di Arab Saudi kerana membuat liputan lawatan

    Datuk Hussein Onn baru-baru ini, banyak pengalaman saya

    perolehi -- kadangkala menggelikan 4~n ada juga frustnya.

    Arab Saudi yang kaya raya it~ sedang pesat membangun. Dalam

    proses pembangunan irii sudah tentu terdapatbeberapa ke

    kurangan. Sebagai wartawan kekurangan yang am~t dirasai

    ialah kemudahan perhubungan untuk mengirim berita. Dan

    yang menjadi lebih frust ialahpe..rbezaa~~_!1l"",sa untuk mengejar

    de~diine -- umpamanya pukul 10.00 pagi Waktu Arab Saudi, , ..~-

    pukul 3.00 petang di Malaysia.

    Apabila rombongan Perdana Menteri menjej~k kaki di Riyadh,

    ~andar Diraja' pukul 10.)0 pagi (kira-kira pukul 3.30 petahg

    waktu Malaysia), soal utama yang ada dalam kepala para wartawan

    yang mengikuti rombongan itu ialah bagaimana hendak mengirim

    berita dengan segera.

    Oleh kerana kesebukan urusan protokol dan kenderaan kira

    kira dua jam, barulah kami dibawa ke ~ebuah hotel -- tempat

    kami menginap yang mempunyai kemudahan perkhidmatan telex. )

    Waktu itu sudah pukul 1.00 tengahari. Setiba di hotel, kaml

    segera menyerahkan berita di pejabat telex untuk dikirimkan.

    Lapang sedikit hatl kami kerana berita pertama sudah

    dikirimkan dengan harapan akan tiba di Kuala Lumpur secepat


    Biia kami datang semula waktu petang untuk bertanya sarna-ada

    berita kami telah dikirimkan, agak terperanjat juga apabila

    diberitahu berita kami belum dikirimkan. Sebabnya, antara

    jam 1.00 tengahari hingga lima petang, orang-orang di sana

    berehat. Ini sudah menjadi kebiasaan cara hidup mereka.

    Mahu tidak mahu,kami terpaksa berdiam diri dan tidak ada apa

  • - 1J

    lagi yang dapat dilakukan. Hubungan talipon juga sulit

    dan belum tahu sarna-ada boleh mendapat line walaupun

    tempahan dibuat.

    Inilah saja masalah yang kami hadapi semasa berada di

    Riyadh dan hanya dapat diatasi dua hari kemudian selepas

    diberitahu bahawa talipon "hot line" ada dipasang di Istaria

    tempat Perdana Menteri menginap dengan Wisma Putra di Kuala


    Sungguhpun begitu sambutan yang diberikan kepada k~mi oleh

    negara tetamu adalah paling istimewa dan kami, para wartawan

    dilayan seperti VIP.

    Hotel-hotE_"ldi bandar diraja itu sederi"lana besardan cukup

    dengan segala kemudahan. Makanan tidak menJadi masalah

    dan hidangannya lebih merupakan ala barat.

    Yangmenjadi rnasalah ialah sewanY-i},,- antara $200 hingga $llOO

    semalam (wang Malaysia). Bagi orang-orang Arab, wang tidak

    menjadi masalah. Mereka banyak wang dan boleh menyimpan.

    Mengapa tidak kerana arereka tidak biasa dengan cara hidup

    berpoya-poya di waktu malam. Lagi pun nait kelab, panggung

    wayang, dewan dansa dan sebagainya diharamkan.

    Cuma yang mereka enjoy -- pada pandangan saya sepintas lalu

    -- ialah berkereta besar buatan Amerika. Mengapa tidak,

    harga minyak mural}, kira-kira JO sen segelan -- cukai Jalan

    dan insuran tidak perlu. Kereta-kereta sederhana besar

    seperti Datsun, Austin, Mini Minor, jar-ang kelihatan cli.

    jalan-j~lan raya.

    Untuk membeli sebuah keretn pun nUdah seperti rlurian di

    le10ng di Jalan Chow Kit. Mithilnya, di beberapa tempat

    di J eddah, kereta-kereta besar buatan Arm rika berhawa dingin

    yang berusia antara satu hingga Cua tahun di lelong tiap-tiap

    petang. Menurut seorang rakan ::-aya (orang Arab), harga

    kereta yang dilelongantara $3,0(0 hingga $5,000 sebuah

    walaupunharga asalnya berpuluh ribu ringgit. Saya

  • dibcri tahLl bahawa sesua tu k(; luargL\ dari gal.angan pertcngahan

    mempunyai dUD hingga tiga buah kereta.

    Walaupun semua ini mencerminkan kemakmuran rakyat dan

    negara itu tetapi pegangan merekaterhadap ajaran Islam tidak

    berganjak. Bila tiba waktu sembahvang, mereka tetap

    menunaikannya tanpa bertangguh lagi sama-~da di tepi-tepi

    jalan dan sebagainya.

    Coretan serba rengkas~ni sekadar memberi gambaran tentang

    pengalaman yang harus SBlid :lra hadapi kirariya di tugas membuat

    liputan di Arab Saudi.

    Pesana saya idJah: BAWA DULl' BANYAK. H'r.

    * * * * * * * * * * * ;-"'.< .,..' "':t-


    The stork finaLly called on Syed Imrall and wife and presf.,nLed

    them with a cancer baby boy, Syed bin Yamin AlsagoJ'r on .June

    22. The - 7 lbs 15 O.~S - boy [1nd mother are now sat'e and

    home. Ho,,'ever, the good news did no'L COH1C witholi L any'ous

    pense as the baby was said to be two weeks over-due I (-\rlll in

    this a re-calculation by a doctor proved Syed's bidan wrong.

    But that led to speculation in the office here that Syed

    might have an "Arab twin" as the doctor pronounced that

    there were twins. The final happy ending is Syed did have

    "an Arab" boy afterall. LKC.

    * * * * * * *. * * * * *


    lIfv4tasih ada petugas Ibu Pejabat yang tiOOk tinggalkan pesanan kepada retainer

    atau ahli keluarga 'NCIkil bila menalipun ke pejabat negeri.

    Ini menyebabkan waki I 'suspense I tak tentu sebab dan terpaksa membuat panggi Ian

    talipun yang kadang-ka~ngmembazir kerana bilo si pemanggil cuba dihubungi

    dia tiada di pejabat sedangkan wakil masih tak tahu maksud dia memanggiJ."

    Wakil Pahang.


  • 1.5


    One thing that passed unnoticed was the success of our recent election. team

    in Sabah in filing minute-to-minute report on the hijacking of a Philippines

    Airline jetliner.

    On receiving a tip-off from UPI in Singapore,~?ur boys in Kota Kinabalu

    alerted the News Editor in Kuala Lumpur for confirmation from the Federal


    The team rushed to the airport o~ly to find that the entire area sealed

    and newsmen barred from entering the airport compound .

    .The situation was hopeless as the authorities completely refused to co

    operate with the press.

    However, our boys did not g1ve up hope -- with the help of their contacts

    in Sabah Air, they managed to "smuggle" themselves into the airline's

    operation room.

    Using the Sabah Air radio, our boys monitored the conversati,ons be.tween the

    hijackers/pilot and the control tower and filed minute-to-minute commentary

    of the event to K.L. through Kota Kinabalu Qffice.

    They also serviced the local radio and TV stations and press.

    This is a distinction rarely achieved even by international news agenc1es.

    Congratulations to our team - Osman Taib, Zailani, Jaffar Husin, and Effendi.


    \ . d' SitiBEHITA nKHNA~IA n!engllCi1p]\

  • 5 ::;:::::

    - 16


    Satu Bengkel penulisan pertanian anjuran Institiut Akhbar Malaysia dan Universiti

    Pertanian telah diadakan pada 3 hi ngga 12 Mei di Uni versiti Pertanian Serdang.

    Seramai 20 orang peserta menghadiri bengkel itu. Antaranya tiga dari Indonesia

    (Kompas, Pikiran Rakyat dan Suara Karya), tiga dari Sabah (Daily Express), tiga

    dari Sarawak, dua dari Bemama dan lebihnya daripada akhbar~khbartempatan

    kecuali Kumpulan Utusan Melayu dan RTM.

    Pada keseluruhannya bengkel tersebut bertujuan untuk mendedahkan para wartawan

    kepada masaelah-masaelah pertanian dengan menyaksikan sendiri kegiatan. .

    kegiatan pertat-,1IJn di Universiti Pertanian dan juga di beberopa buah kawasan

    pertanian di NeSjri Sembilan. la juga bertujuan untuk memberi panduan kepada

    para wartawan cara-cara menulis berita atau rencana pertanian yang lebih berkesan.

    Tiga hari pertama telah dihabiskan dengan penyampaian 12 kertas kerja oleh para

    pensyarah Universiti Pertanian, termasuk satu dari unit perhubungan FELDA dan

    satu dari bahagian penerbitan I

  • - 17 -

    Ternyata para petani yang menghasilkan 60% pengeluaran negaro mahukan ruang

    yang lebih besar untuk mereka dalam akhbar-akhbar. Dalam kunjungan ke tiga

    buah kampung itu telah depat dipelajari bahawa rnereka mempunyai masaelah-

    masaelah tersendiri, berlainan antara satu sarna lain.

    Ternyata juga perlunya bagi rencana-rencana pertanian disiarkan sebelum musim

    untuk mencapai kesan memuaskan dengan bahasa paling mudah difaham serta

    ayat-ayat yang pendek dan pasHif. Tetapi ini juga akan menimbulkan masaelah

    kerana musim-musim ke sawah, misalnya Hook sarna di negara ini.

    Akhbar mempun)'oi peranan yang lUGS sebagai salah satu ajen pengembangan yang

    berkesan di bidang pertanian. Ini terbokti kerana adanya perhatian istimewa

    daripada Kementerkm Pertanian yang meneliti dan mengambi I tindakan atas setiap

    berita dan rencana pertanian yang menyiarkan kesulitan-kesulitan petani .

    Untukberita dan rencane yang lebih berkesan para wartawan seharusnya lebih

    banyak melawat ooeroh-daerah pertanian untuk depot menggambarkan keaooan

    sebenarnya perihal kehidupan petanL - Shukur Hi. Ahmad.

    SMAll BUT. .......

    The United Press International Vice Presidem & General,V\anager, Asia-Pacific

    Division, Mr. Frank W. Beatty, accompanied by his Singapore bureau chief,

    Mr. Joseph l. Galloway, visited Bernama's General Manager at his office on 23rd

    March, 1976.

    The VP was surprised at the production of our IIManual Book ll - something which

    (according to him) the UPI hasn't got yet, remarking that its content applied as

    much to Bernama's staff as to UPI's. Needless-to say he took along several copies

    for reference.

    He was equally surprised at the livery good print qualityll of our cyclostyled material

    for distribution to subscribers and personally visited our Printing Section on the

    ground floor of Wisma Belia accompanied by Encik Yusof Bador, to look at the

    machines and technique employed by Bemama.

  • Berita Bernama BERNAMA

    Bil. 2/76 September 1, 1976

    , '


    Dua orang 1agi waki1 Kerajaan te1ah di1antik menganggotaiLembaga Penge101a BERNAMA menjadikan bi1angan ah1i Lembaga itu sekarang enam orang mewaki1i Kerajaan, enam mewakili Akhbar, dan seorartg Pengerusi bebas.

    Encik Lorrain Esme Osman te1ah dilantik semu1a sebagai Pengerusi Lembaga itu bagi tiga tahun 1agi .

    . I Kesemua waki1 Kerajaan yang menganggotai Lembaga tersebut ada1ah ahli-ah1i baru.

    Timba1an Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Penerangan, Encik Abu Bakar bin Haji Mohamed Said, dan Ketua Pengarah Penyiaran, Encik Abdullah Mohamed memenohi dua jawatan yang tel ah kosong ..

    Ketua Pengarah Penerangan, Haji Kassan bin Hassan, menggantikan bekas Ketua Pengarah Penerangan, Datuk Ahmad Nordin, sementara Timba1an Ketua Setiausaha Satu Kementerian Luar, Datuk Ahmad Zaina1 Abidin menggantikan Datuk Zakaria Ali yang sekarang ini Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian tersebut; .

    Dua per1antikan tambahan itu ia1ah Timba1an Pengarah Be1anjawan Perbendaharaan, Encik Jaafar Awang, dan Ketua Jabatan Pengajian Sebaran Am Institut Tekno10ji MARA, Puan Shahareen Kamal.

    Enam orang Ah1i Pengganti Kerajaan ia1ah Encik Seow Ewe Hoe dari Kementerian Penerangan, Timba1an Ketua Pengarah Penyiaran, Timba1an Ketua Pengarah Penerangan, Pengarah Bahagian Penerangan Luar Encik Murtadza Za'ba, Peno10ng Pengarah Be1anjawan Puan Asiah binti Ahmad, dan Pegawai Perhubungan Awam Kanan ITM Datin Sharifah Mariam Ghaza1i.

    Ah1i-ah1i penoh yang mewaki1i Akhbar ia1ah Encik Lee Siew Vee dari New Straits Times, Encik Maz1an Nordin dari Utusan Me1ayu, Encik Chew Chon Pin dari Sin Chew Jit Poh, Encik Toh Ching Kiong dari Nanya~g Press, Encik Murugu Subramanian dari Tamil Nesan, dan Encik Mohamed Fauzi Patel dari Kinaba1u Sabah Times.

    Per1antikan Encik Fauzi yang menggantikan Encik Desmond Leong dari akhbar Vanguard, Kuching, merupakan hanya perubahan yang di1akukan.

    Senarai bagi nama-nama Ah1i Pengganti dari Akhbar termasuk dua perubahan. Dr. Nordin Sopiee menggantikan Encik Samad Ismail bagi New Straits Times, sementara Encik Tan Hiong Boon dari International Times, Kuching, mengisi kekosongan jawatan bagi Malaysia Timur.

    Lain-lain Ah1i Pengganti ia1ah Encik Osman Abadi dari Utusan Me1ayu,Encik Lim Toong Kwong dari Sin Chew Jit Poh, Encik Chu Chee Chuan dari Nanyang Press, dan Encik S. Natarajan dari Tamil Nesan.

  • 2

    BagiMajlis Penyeliaan BERNAMA, Hakim Datuk Abdul Hamid Omar telah dilantik Yang Di Pertua baru menggantikan Hakim Raja Tan Sri Azlah Shah.

    Perlantikan bagi jawatan selamatiga tahun itu bermula 22 Jun dibuat oleh Yang Di Pertuan Agung dan telah diwartakan dengan lain-lain perlantikan bagi Majlis tersebut dan juga Lembaga Pengelola.

    Di samping perlantikan Hakim Datuk Abdul Hamid, terdapat satu lagi peru-bahan dalam Majlis Penyeliaan itu. Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Penerangan, Encik Mohamed Yusof Abdul Rahman mengg~ntikan Encik Osman Cassim yang sekarang menjadi Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri.

    Tiga orang lagi ahli Majlis itu ialah Encik K. S. Choong dari Star Publi-cations, Naib Canselor Universiti Malaya, Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz, dan Encik Mohamed Kassim bin Sulong dari Syarikat Kassim, Chan &Co.



    The Editor-in-Chief, Encik Salleh Daud, who recently attended the non-aligned ministerial conference on news agency pool has filed the follo-wing report for Berita BERNAMA.

    There is a serious imbalance in the current global information situation which puts many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America at a disadvan-tage in the international news business. Many of these countries lack the technical facilities for transmitting information throughout their own territories, much less to the qutside world.

    The dissemination of information has been dominated by a few international wire services and ~roadcastingagencies located in a few developed countries, resulting in the third world getting too much news of the world as seen through western eyes and the western world getting too little news of significance about the third world.

    And what is considered even more humiliating by the non-aligned countries is that, because of their individual weakness in mass information tech-nology, they are having to face the undesirable situation of seeing each other, even themselves, th rough wes tern eyes.

    Something has to be done to break this information monopoly to balance the often distorted picture of the non-aligned movement presented to the world by the big western agencies.

    And so last July in New Delhi 62 non-aligned countries, 33 of which were led by their information ministers, met to study in depth the global information situation and after six days of gruelling sessions decided to set up a pool of their national news agencies.

    As a first step the pool's constitution was adopted and a l5-member coordinating committee, headed by India, was appointed to get the poolstarted as soon as possible.

    The conference also appointed a 12-member international committee of experts to study telecommunication facilities in non-aligned countries and a plan of action for cooperation in the field of information and other mass media, including radio and television.

    The conference also recorrmended to the non-aligned Colombo summit in August the setting up of a coordinating council at governmental level for continually devising specific measures required for cooperation and coordination and for reviewing periodical implementation of various decisions.

  • As an immediate move, the 12-member expert committee on communications, comprising Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, India, Iraq, Malaysia, Qatar, Cuba, Peru and Yugoslavia, has been scheduled to meet in Baghdad~ Iraq in September or October and submit its report within six months. Malaysia was privately lobbied by India to host this meeting but our delegation declined.

    The Baghdad meeting will consider technical problems and study the pos-sibilities of cooperation among non-aligned countries in the field of communications. It will also deal with the question of bilateral and multilateral tariffs within the movement.

    A movement as disparate as the non-aligned cannot avoid demonstration of differences whenever it meets. At the Delhi conference such differences were used in evidence. As expected, speeches at plenary and conmittee sessions were loaded with political and ideological overtones with Laos attacking Asean as tool of US imperialism; Sudan accusing Libya of interference in Sudan's internal affairs; and PLO protesting against Syria's intervention in Lebanon. Indonesia and Malaysia, being the only Asean countries represented at the conference, issued a joint protest note against the Laos accusation.

    Otherwise, however, the conference buckled down to serious business and there was unanimity on the urgent need to pool non-aligned information resources to inform on each other's development progress and national aspirations, reduce dependence on western international wire services both in terms of information dissemination and mass communication tech-nology, and help each other within the movement in upgrading mass commu-nication facilities, including professional and technical training and promoting cheaper direct communication.

    However, because member countries are presently at different levels of mass media development, implementation of the press pool and of coopera-tion in other mass media fields will necessarily be a slow process. Its success would heavily depend on the policy and attitude of eiFil national government concerning mass media cooperation within the mov~nent, irrespective of differences in ideology, social and political systems,r and on government's willingness to finance national mass media infra-structure to facilitate the fullest possible participation in the press pool as well as in other mass media fields.

    For a start, several member countries including India, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Iraq and Yugoslavia have offered themselves as regional centres for redistribution of pool news but this would be a subject for further discussions. Feasibility studies would have to be made by the newly-appointed press pool coordinating committee on the practical implications of such regional redistributing centres in terms of geography, language, ideological differences, and a common pool news clearing base.

    The establishment of regional organisations of news agencies would obviously have to precede the development of regional redistributing centres. Black Africa and Latin America are alrea~f thinking of estab-lishing their own regional news organisations along ;ANA lines. Recently the Afro-Arab countries decided to form a similar or lanisation. Then a decision would have to be made on locating the pool headquarters or a common pool news clearing base.

    According to its approved constitution, the press pool is intended to' facilitate dissemination of correct and factual information about non-aligned countries, their mutual cooperation and other subjects of common i nteres t to the movement and to the i nterna ti ona1 community in general.

    Its fi~e objectives include f~lling t~e information ~ap, improving and expandlng mutual exchange of lnformatlon and strengthening cooperation. Its basic premise is objective information and it is not intended to substitute news exchange arrangements already existing in and among member

  • 4

    countries. Nor is it intended to be a supranational news agency.

    The pool will be founded on agreements reached on the basis of full respect for the democratic procedure and equality among participating agencies. It will be open to participation by press agencies in the non-aligned countries as well as any comparable body in the field of news service of a country which has no established news agency of its own. None of the participating agencies will have a dominant role.

    Foinancially, the pool will be a self-f"inancing activity and each parti-cipating agency will bear the cost of its own participation. Each par-ticipating agency will itself prepare and select all information "on the basis of mutual respect and common interest which will be offered through the poolll. In other words, no propaganda stuff.

    The constitution also urges each news agency to try to the full extent of its possibilities to promote utilisation by its subscribers of the news and information carried by the pool.

    The Colombo summit has endorsed the New Delhi decision to set up a non-align~ press pool. About 40 agencies are expected to start the pool. The p~iticaldeclaration of the Colombo summit said lI a new international order in the fields of information and cormlUnications is as important as a new international economic order ll .

    In an interview after the Delhi conference Indonesian Minister of Infor-mation, tncik Mashuri, said the western mass media had not only given a raw deal to the developing nations in reporting the non-aligned world but also managed to pollute' the minds of people. The advantage of communication facilities and the liberal doctrine of 'freedom' of infor-mation had enabled affluent countries to inflict a subtle form of colonialism over the other nations.

    IIOur skin is black or brown but our attitude to things or a situation is often wes tern white", he said.

    If the restructuring of the world economy is part of the process of decolonisation, the New Delhi declaration is another step in another dimension of the gradual process of decolonisation. - KP.

    @@@@ @


    Kad selamat hari raya akan disediakan oleh BERNAMA tahun ini. Kad ini jauh lebih cantik dari yang dikeluarkan untuk hari raya tahun lalu.

    Kad berukur satu kaki panjang yang berlipat dua mempunyai reka bentuk yang menarik dalam warna biru, putih dan emas berlatar-belakangkanputih. Logo BERNAMA juga tidak ketinggalan.

    Kad ini berharga 15 sen sekeping (bersama sampul). Jika anda mahu nama dan alamat dicetakkan, anda perlu memesan tidak kurang dari 50 keping dengan harga 20 sen sekeping.

    Sesiapa yang berhajat hendaklah membuat pesanan dari Cik Rosita (Admin) dan bagi mereka di biro pula boleh memesan melalui borang yangdisediakan.

    STOK TERHAD: Siapa tak cepat akan terlambat::~

    Contoh kad akan dipamirkan di papan-papan kenyataan dan bagimereka di biro akan dihantarkan contoh. - Ratna Melan. '

  • 5


    While in New Delhi attending the non-aligned press pool conference t KP managed to squeeze a little time to visit Samachar headquarters and discuss matters of mutual interest with Samachar chairman t Mr~ G. Kasturi, and general manager, Mr. W. Lazarus and other executives. It was agreed on the spot that BERNAMA and Samachar would step up their mailer exchange by sending twice weekly with immediate effect the news-letter they had been sending weekly to each other under the OANA arrange-ment (the same arrangement has now been extended to other DANA members and to other foreign national news agencies with which BERNAMA has exchange understanding or agreement).

    Samachar also proposed a daily ZOO-word news exchange by telex, with each paying for its own transmission cost. However, BERNAMA has now decided to defer action on this because of current financial stringency.

    Samachar, which has the combined force of formerly four competing

    Indian news agencies, has also started regular transmission of non-aligned news to national news agencies in Asia, including BERNAMA. The Samachar ~-move is in line with the recent Delhi conference decision encouraging well-equipped member agencies to take the lead in widening the scope and area of cooperation with other members.

    @ @@ @ @


    Senarai Buku-Buku Perpustakaan yang telah dibeli dalam tahun 1976 **********************************

    Untuk kegunaan dan pengetahuan kakitangan-kakitangan BE RNAMA , terutamanya Bahagian Pengarang, Perpustakaan telah membeli beberapa naskah buku-buku baru. Di antara buku-buku tersebut adalah seperti berikut:-

    1. Director of the Federation of Malaysia Manufacturers 2. Tun Razak speeches, 1961 3. Malaysian Income Tax by Aurther Singh 4. An Introduction to the Malaysian Legal System - by Wu Min Aun 5. Professional Journalist - by John Hohenberg 6. Personal Laws of Malaysia by M. B. Hooker 7. Essential Laws for Journalists - by LCJ McNae & RM Taylor 8. Suka Duka Tun ~azak by Subky Latif 9. Tun Razak - His Life and Times: by William Shaw

    10. Third Malaysia Five Year Plan 1976-1980 11. An Introduction to the Constitution of Malaysia - by Tun

    Mohamed Suffian Hashim 12. Director of Special Libraries 13. Krisis Timbalan Perdana Menteri - by Subky Latif 14. Fi~ance and Accounts for Managers - by Desmond Groch 15. Dictionary of Economics and Commerce - by J. L. Hanson 16. A Man of Malaysia ~ by Nordin Sopiee 17. Information Malaysia: Jabatan Cetak

  • ., 6


    Sri Lanka --or at least Colombo-- was closed for everything else but the non-aligned summ it conference (August 16 to 20). Whi Ie heads of Government and delegates travelled a spanking new highway from the airport to the city 35 kilometers away, the press party travelled in a run-down Datsun and an Opel through narrow back roads.

    The delegates stayed in the posh Oberoi, security men at smaller hotels. The pressmen put up in the Summit Flats --44 blocks of four-storeyed flats with each unit having two floors. We were lucky because we have been registered as part of the Malaysian delegation. Independent newsmen had a multitude of problems. We lived in comfort though at greater expense.

    Our flat comprised a downstairs sitting room and two bedrooms upstairs -- a single for NST's Cheong Mei Sui and a double for Utusan1s Zainuddin Mydin and myself. There was a di rect phone in the house. The embassy assigned a car to us --alternately the Datsun driven by a Sri Lanka broadcasting company technician and the Opel driven by a lawyer from out of town making some extra money. But many times we had to hire Itourist cars' or run-down Morris Minor taxis.

    Getting a ca II to Kua la Lumpur from the flat was possible but sometimes the delay was not worthwhi Ie. Shortly after we registered and obtained our delegates security passes life became much easier communications - wise. The passes enabled us to not only enter the Bandaranaike Memorial International conference hall --the venue-- but also to use the telex and telephone facilities $pecially laid out for delegates. So while other pressmen queued up for filing by telex or telephone at the press centre, we just handed our copies to the telex man or booked a call to K. L. through the international exchange --moved for the time being to the conference hall. A half-bottle of White Label whisky, a few JXlckets of Bensons and Three-fives cigarettes smoothed over queries over why we Idelegates I were filing news copy. We let the word out we were Government information officers filing in news-style for various Ministries --information, foreign, etc.

    The conference proper dragged into late nights. Information was not difficult to come by as we met our real delegates outside committee rooms and conference halls. North Korean Ispooks' were scattered all over the conference venue and they kept looking at us with suspicious eyes. Especially when we sat in the corridors outside the telex booth typing out stories --the only ones doing that in the conference hall. One small problem for BERNAN\A was that the NST girl insisted on fi ling late copy for Malay Mai I --and since many of the newsbreaks came late at night this ki lied many stories for us. When the rest of us went our own ways since we could not file late, she complained to officials -- at one stage even the Foreign Minister -- that we had been boycotting her, altho~gh we had stayed up late to keep her comJXlny on almost every night whi Ie shed led her Malay Mail copy.

    Overall the organisation of the conference was marvellous and we had really no problems in communications, accommodation or reporting. But the pace was hectic to keep up with developments just on Malaysian-angled issues.

    Besides work there was time to do some shopping and gems galore tempted those with money. Tea also was naturally a favourite shopping item among delegates and others. It was served free at the conference hall but was sold in every other place.

  • 7

    Libyan strongman Muammar Ghaddafi fired the imagination of the Singhalese like no other man there. Every move of his drew crowds of surging men and sari-clad maidens. He reciprocated with flashing smiles and majestic waves. His leg-men were outside all major hotels distributing coloured portraits of the boss -- and they were snapped up like hot cakes. People jostled each other to get a copy. Work sometimes came to a stop wherever the portraits were being distributed.

    Security was very tight but the delegates passes worked wonders for us. GetHng into any hotel with delegates as guests required the right passes. But staying and moving around like delegates had its drawbacks. Costs even in hotels like Oberoi and at the conference hall restaurant were prohibitive. A lunch at the delegates restaurant at the hall cost about 30 Malaysian ringgit. Outside rates were cheaper but we often did not have the time to eat elsewhere.

    Once outside the circuit of delegates places, costs tumbled to very low. A lunch in a restaurant cost about four ringgit a head. Colombo had gone 'clean' for the conference so there were no places for males inclined to let off their steam. Except in the two main hotels which had discos if you had the dames.

    The most pleasant meal of the trip was dinner at the High Commissioner1s house. The wife took pains to cook satay under circumstances which would have made even a professional satay seller give up. Ingredients for the sauce were hard to get --like many other essen-tials. - Ratan Singh.


    By Jamal Ali, (who recently covered the Islamic Foreign Ministers conference)

    A visit to the city of Istanbul wi II give one a chance to sai I from one continent to the other on a commuter ferry.

    I discovered Istanbul to be more beautiful and active at night, especially with the swi ngi ng hi ps of scanti Iy dressed belly dancers.

    Istanbul is also a city of mosques with more than 600 minarets.

    Unfortunately, during my three-week stay in Istanbul, I found the mosques were not packed on Fridays and during other prayer sessions.

    The mosques were beautifully bui It with large domes of Ottoman touch and decor.

    Istanbul is rich with cultures and traditions apart from its most treasured Islamic relics which sti II stand today. .

    To any Muslim, a visit to Topkapi palace museum, particularly the holy mantle chamber of the building, is a memorable experience. It is in this chamber that one can see the most treasured relics of Islam.

    The "holy relics" kept in the chamber included a piece of hair from the Prophet Mohammad's beard, his letter, seal, swords and also a tooth belonging to him kept in a golden casket decorated with valuable stones.

  • 8

    When in this chamber, I thought that if it was possible to live in a IItime machine ll

    I would have liked to go back to the days of glory and triumph of Islam.

    In the chamber one can never miss the footprint of the Prophet.

    The plaque reads -- the footprint of the Prophet's right foot was found by a regimental commander of the Imperial regular forces named Ahmed Bey somewhere in Tripoli, Libya, in 1874 during the reign of Sultan Abdulmedjit. The officer took the relic to Istanbul and presented it to the Sultan and received the sum of 114,000 kurus as a reward. Later, a gold frame with a lid was made by Sultan Abdulhamid II in 1877 to enclose the footprint.

    The footprint is sti II kept in the same frame at the museum.

    The seventh Islamic Foreign Ministers conference was held in Istanbul for a week. Forty-five muslim nations took part.

    More than 400 journalists and TV cameramen including four of us from Malaysia coverged at the historic city as guests of the Turkish Government during the conference.

    Members of the press were housed at various hotels within the city.

    The f.kJlaysian pressmen were accommodated together with 15 African pressmen and Indonesians at the Park Oteli (Park Hotel)

    The Africans shared the same views that our hotel now represent an lIa fro-asian li

    muslim press, while the Arab States and Indians as well as Pakistani journali~ts were housed at another hotel close to us.

    Many African pressmen who covered the fifth conference held in Kuala Lumpur still talked about Malaysia's hospitality and could never forget the reception that Malaysia accor~ed to them. This is a credit to f.kJlaysia.

    Africans can be tagged as boisterous and active talkers compared to us Malaysians and Indonesians who preferred to be quiet.

    'Welll leave the Africans alone as far as talking is concemed ll , said Pak Sukardi, a seasoned Indon~ian journalist who has never missed a single Islamic conference since the first was held six years ago.

    The city offers exciting night attractions dear to the hearts of men such as oriental belly dancing and daring and seductive floor shows by international strippers.

    Well, while in Istanbul never miss the floor shows.

    However, a tourist on holiday in Istanbul has to remember not to be attracted by the flashing neon lights with words IITurkish bath II.

    To my surprise, when I stepped into the parlour for a try, I was welcomed by a burly rnul;cular man.

    What I had were heavy karate chops by steel-hardened hands.

  • BURMA Of Cheroots, Longyis, Matches and Guides

    Datuk Hussein Onnls Burma visit (Aug. 13-15) came during the rainy season. But overcast skies were not the only reason for a visitor to get bored in Rangoon.

    Onels first impressions of the city are: drab, dull and austere. These impressions are borne out by the facts of life. The buildings are drab, crying for a new coat of paint. The roads are clean but the traffic can be depressing -- outmoded cars, run-down buses and shaky three-wheel taxis. Traffic jams are rare but driving on the right-hand side with a vehicle meant to be driven on the left side can be equally unnerving.

    The economy is also lethargic -- being SociaHst most commodities are produced by the Government and therefore hard to come by. The Inya Lake Hotel where the press party stayed ran out of matches and there was no way to get a box. IWelve used up our quota and there'll be Done unti I the new quota comes, II 'Horkers there said. Like most things in Burma the hotel -- bui It by the Russians -- is Government run.

    The people are honest and hard-working and look contented despite the daily struggle to exist.. Some say this is because not many of them are allowed abroad and not many luxury goods are imported, so they donlt know of a better life. They all look alike because of their national dress -- short jacket-like shirts over longyis and sandals which look like our Japanese slippers. The only way to differentiate the taxi driver from the civil servant is the quality of the longyi cloth -- checked, dirty kain pelekat for one and a bit more colourful Mandalay silk one for the other.

    Entertainment is limited to football and cinemas. The people know all about the Merdeka soccer. Malaysia is thus one of the better known foreign places in Burma. Cinemas generally screen cowboy films if they screen a foreign film at all --apparently the Government feels the rugged life of cowboys would not raise people's expectations too much or influence their cultural attitudes. There are no nightclubs. There are bars but they stop serving beer after 7 p.m. Imported liquors are avai lable but cost something like $5 per peg.

    The press corps problems began on landing. They were assigned a car and minibus. Appointed as guides were the news editor and another official of the News Agency of Burma (NAB). News editor U Myint stuck closely to ,the reporters -- not letting them out of his sight most of the time. The answers he gave to our questions, we later discovered; were in line with GovernmEnt policy. NAB is a Government department created basically to censor inflowing news. Outgoing ney.lS also goes through the censors.

    At first U Myint informed us there would be no problem filing through commercial telex at the post office but soon retracted that, sqying because of our PM's visit this was impossible. The Straits Times and Utusan reporters sped to Reuters to fi Ie. Yours truly went to the tv\alaysian embassy and with the help of an official secured permission to file through their telex. The first day's stories moved within minutes of my handing them--in.

    At the embassy, I found out that there were only three telex lines linking Burma to the world. Apparently one was reserved for Government use, the second for embassies and the third for general use. But because of the visit the third had been reserved for the Malaysian embassy. Overseas telephone calls are available only for a half-hour period every morning.

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    On the second day, the other reporters having had problems at Reuters decided to follow suit and deposited their stories at the embassy too. But because of heavy traffic between the embassy and Wisma Putra and partly because of a breakdown --which happi Iy came after BERNAMA's main story had moved -- their stories were again delayed. Thanks are due to a Mr. Lim from Wisma Putra who was in Rangoon specially to handle communications.

    On departure day on Wednesday, I handed a round-up story to Mr. Lim early in the.morning and a brief departure story at the airport where he also turned up. But the stories came through late. Considering the problems our communications worked the best way they could have. - Ratan Singh.


    By Hoo Ban Khee (who covered the ASEAN Foreign Mi nisters conference

    between June' 24 and 26)

    An overseas assignment is always a dream come true. It could also be a nightmare. The recent ASEAN Foreign Ministers ' conference in Manila began daily at 9 a.m. and se1dom finished before 7 p.m. By the time the reporter packed up his typewriter, took a bath and was ready for dinner, it could be well after 9 p.m. Local journalists were obliging but seldom helpful because what they had didn It always suit our angle. Whoever is assigned overseas must be prepared to stand on his own.

    Work aside, Manila is an exciting city. Itls young, hospitable and fun-loving. Things are cheap. Handicraft, like woodcarvings, are fantastic. Manila still offers a colourful nightlife especially around the tourist area facing the Mani la Bay despite the one a.m. to four a.m. curfew. Sauna bath parlours, nightclubs offering "bold shows II and "pretty hospitality girls" are abundant. The problem is how to avoid their touts.

    In downtown areas, Playboy, Penthouse and Oui are freely available at about $10 each but they attract little attention from the thousands of Manila youths milling around the shopping complexes, cinemas and eating shops.

    Cinema show starts at lOa .m. and continues non-stop until midnight. The timetable suits the audience and it's sure a great way to solve the before and after-show traffic jams: For the poor, the locally brewed San Miguel beer costs only 45 cents and he can sip it at the sprawling and beautifully kept Rizal Park together with its free musi c, sea breeze and beautiful sun-set.

    ''rOK MISAI"

    Percayakah: "semua kakitangan Bahagian Perkhidmatan Ekonomi BERNAMA (Ielaki sahaja) -- Rejal, Amin, Ariffin, Ooi, Ahmad, Mervin dan Kadir -- menyimpan misai kecuali Pengarangnya2" -- HT.


    ,IIDear Encik Salleb Daud t

    Thank you for your kind letter of 4th, August 1976. It is our pleasure to give maximum support and cooperation to BERNAMA and to any staff from your organisation tasked to deal with the RMN. '

    I assure you of our maximum support and cooperation always and hope that the close rapport between BERNAMA and the RMN will continue well into the future.

    * * * * *


    Prof. John C. Merrill, Dean of the Missouri Univey'sity's School of Journalism, spoke on "Mass Media and National Development ll to staffers at the head office on August 16.

    Prof. Merrill began his hour-long talk with a brief description of the various progral11Tles and courses at his university and mentioned the fact that there were no Malaysians pursuing courses there.

    His talk centred on the need for and the role of media in helping to maintain security and stability in the country.

    He was of the opinion that the "pluralistic journalism" practised in the United States, for example, was not applicable to some Third World countries.

    Media in developing countries, Prof. Merrill said, should not over-play the negative aspects of development but rather should "give people a sense of pride in their national institutions and a sense of hope".

    A short question-and-answer session followed the talk.

    * * ** *

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    *************************** * * * * * ** ~ PER SON N E L * ~ * ~ * * ~*************************t

    01 SEKITAR BAHAGIAN EKONOMI ...........................

    Timbalan Pengelola Bahagian Ekonomi, Saudara Mervin Nambiar, akan berada di Paris/London selama kira-kira empat bulan mulal penghujung bulan Ogos. Beliau ke san~, antara lai~, un~uk be~ajar dan meninja~.operasi Ajensi Berita Perancls (AFP). Laln-laln keglatan yang akan dlJalankan oleh Saudara Mervin yang masih bujang, tanyalah sendiri padanya bila beliau balik nanti~

    Antara barang-barang yang dibawa bersamanya termasuk batu lagan atau batu tumbuk lada. Untuk buat sambal, katanya. Kami harap Saudara Mervin ti dakakan ditangkap keti ka hendak na i k kapa lterbang nanti kerana membawa "offensive weapon": maklumlah batu penumbuk 1ada itu sebiji macam peluru meri am ka tak ~ ~

    Kepada Mervin diucapkan Selamat Jalan dan Selamat Segala-galanya.

    * * *

    Saudara Ooi Yeow Hon pula, setelah 24 tahun membujang, mendirikan rumahtangga pada 28 Ogosia Taiping dengan gadis pilihannya, Michelle.

    Oengan terantainya Saudara Ooi, maka kini hanya tinggal dua orang sahaja yang masih bujang di Sahagian Ekonomi; tetapi seorang darinya sudahpun bertunang dan khabarnya tidak lama lagi akan masuk perangkap juga.

    * * *

    Bercakap tentang kahwin, Saudari Fuziah Ayub, ibu kepada seorang anak perempuan berumur sembilan bulan, nampaknya sekarang, selain dari menjadi wartawan, juga menjadi juruunding atau consultant kepada 'expectant fathers' di Bahagian Ekonomi.

    Oua orang wartawan di Bahagian ini yang tidak lama lagi akan menjadi ayah ialah Saudara-saudara Mohamed Amin Omar dan Ariffin Omar.

    Saudari Fuziah hari-hari dihujani dengan berbagai pertanyaan mengenai hal-hal berkaitan dengan kelahiran anak oleh kedua-dua bakal ayah itu. Saudara Ariffin nampaknya agak teruk sedikit kerana dalam hal menunggu-nunggu kelahiran anaknya, be1iau hi1ang 11 paun. Kurang makan agaknya.

    Menyentoh tentang makanPengelola Bahagian Ekonomi, Saudara Rejal Arbee, mengadakan jamuan makan tengahari di rumahnya untuk para petugas Bahagian Ekonomi pada 22 Ogos. Jamuan tersebut merupakan satu mystery. Ada ada-apa ke?

    Oa1am musim durian la1u, kami di sini te1ah mengadakan party makan durian di rumah Saudara Abdul Kadir Jasin. Dengan ongkos sebanyak kira-kira $60.00, kami membaham lebih darl 100 blji durian. Turut hadir ia1ah Pengarang Encik Nordin Zainuddin dan keluarga.

    Untuk dua hari kami sendawa durian. Bilik Pengarang BES pun khabarnyabau durian untuk beberapa ketika~

    * * *

  • 13

    WELCOME BACK TO HQ It.""" """"" .""" "

    Our correspondent from the "land of the thighs", Gauldin Miranda, has joined the Subs Desk after a two-and-a-half year sojourn in Bangkok. He says being on the Subs Desk is like being "confined to barracks" and he misses the neon lights, go-go dancers and the magic cure for a hard day's work -- massage -- whi~h is the speciality of the Thais.

    A few days after reporting for duty after the fun and frolic in Bangkok and after a tour of Europe when he was on leave, Gauldin would chuckle when our mates asked on seeing him bashing away on the typewriter: "How is it doing some work for a change?"

    * * *


    Mrs. Ghee Wan Siew, Personal Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief and girl Friday to almost all in the GNS, has left us to join the Straits Echo.

    One of the pioneers in BERNAMA, she was one of the first members of the BERNAMA staff, joining the organisation in June 1968 as Secretary/Steno to the late Tuan Syed Zainal. She also served fora brief period as Secretary to Encik Mohamed Sopiee (who, by the way, is now a director of Echo) .

    In September 1973, she became PA to the Editor-in-Chief. Any number of staffers will testify that Mrs. Ghee was more than a PA -- some have even described her as a stationary store manager (you go to her to get pins, paper etc.) and a walking encyclopaedia on BERNAMA affairs.

    Though we are sorry to see her go, Berita on behalf of all BERNAMA staff wishes her the best of everything in her new post. (Ratan).

    * * * Kita akan kehilangan seorang rakan iaitu Saudara Ariffin Marzuki,

    Pegawai Kerja (Akaun), yang akan bertolak ke London pada 2 Januari akan da tang untuk mengi kuti jurusan Associ ati on of Certi fi ed Accountant (ACA) di Luton College selama dua tahun.

    Saudara Ariffin telah lulus Diploma in Accountancy anjuran Institiut Teknoloji MARA bulan lalu. Beliau bersyukur kerana penat lelahnya meng-hadiri kelas malam sejak 3i tahun lalu berbalas juga akhirnya~ Beliau akan menerimadiploma di majlis konvokesyen 11M yang akan diadakan padapertengahan bulan depan.

    Saudara Ariffin mengambil kesempatan di sini mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Setiausaha (Encik Mohd. Yusof Bador), Pegawai Perjawatan (Encik Wan Mustapha), serta ternan-ternan serumah yang banyak memberi perangsang dan i nsentif semasa bel i au mengi kutikurs us tersebut. Nas i hat terakhi rnya pada teman-teman yang masih belajar: IITak lulus sekali, cuba lagi di masa depan dan jangan 1ekas putus asa. II (Idzan Ismai 1).

    * * *

    Seorang pemberita, Begum Suraiya, yang membuat latihan di BERNAMA semasa dalam tahun akhirnya belajar ai ITM telah mencapai kejayaan dalam pelajarannya baru-baru ini. Beliau ialah penuntut terbaik sekali dalam kursus yang diambilnya: Suraiya akan pergi ke U.S.A. tidak lama lagi untuk pelajaran lanjutan (post graduate studies).

    Sementara itu, Roselin, anak seorang bekas Ketua Pengarang BERNAMA berlepas ke United Kingdom untuk melanjutkan pelajaranny~.

    Berita BERNAMA mengucapkan tahniah kepada kedua mereka dan mengucapkanmaju jaya.

  • 14


    Beberapa orang muka baru dijangka masuk bertugas di Jabatan Pengarang mula; bulan depan. Para pengarang dan pegawai kanan pentadbiran sibuk menjalankan temu-duga dan ujian bertulis baru-baruini.

    Seramai 144 orang telah memohon untuk jawatan-jawatan Pegawai Berita II, Wartawan dan Pemberita Kadet. Daripada jumlah ini, seramai 85 berkelulusan SPM/MCE, 11 HSC/STP, 28 berijazah (tidak berpengalaman), 14 berijazah dan berpengalaman atau ijazah sebaran am, dan enam sahaja berpengalaman. (Idian).

    * * *


    Dalam sebulan dua ini ramai kakitangan dan keluarga BERNAMA menamatkan "r iwayat" hi dup membujang. Ke1uarga BERNAMA mengucapkan se1amat berkeka1an sehingga ke anak-cucu.

    Mereka yang melangsungkan perkahwinan ialah:-

    Sdr. S. Nadarajan (Timbalan Pengarang Berita) dengan Cik N. Vimala Devi (FIDA Kuala Lumpur) pada lOhb Julai, 1976. Sdr. Ahmat Wahab dengan Sdri. Idzan Ismail (kedua-duanya wartawan BERNAMA) . Sdr. Samsudin Kechik (Utusan Berita BERNAMA) dengan Cik Aishah Ali.

    Sdr. Sakuan Supenoh (Pemandu BERNAMA) dengan CikSalbiah Sahar. Sdr. Ooi Yeow Hong (wartawan BERNAMA) dengan Cik Michelle Leong Mee [eng.

    Sdr. Richard Thean dengan Sdri., Janine (kedua-duanya wartawan BERNAMA). Sdr. Yong Soo Heong (wartawan BERNAMA).

    Anak perempuan Sdr. Ibrahim Awang Chik (TP Operator), Cik Hamimah. dengan En. Zainudin b,n Yahya.

    Anak lelaki Sdr. Aziz Mat. Darus (Penjaga Keselamatan). En. Rosli.

    Mereka semua mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kakitangan BERNAMA yang telah menghadir~ majlis perkahwinan dan mengingati mereka.

    * * *


    Sdr..Abdullah Ismail (Juru Talitaip) yang lebih dikenali dengan panggilan . ATAN sahaJa, telah mendapat seorang cahayamata (" putri sri dewi") pada 19hb Ogos di Kampungnya, Melaka. Kedua ibu dan anak berada dalam keadaan sihat. Diucapkan tahniah kepada mereka.

    * * *


    . Bo~da kepada Sdr. Abu Bakar Hj Wahap (Juru Talitaip) telah meninggaldunla dl Nyalas. Melaka, pada 2hb Julai.

    . Ib~ kepada Sdr. Awang Nordin bin Abdul Rani (Pelayan Pejabat Biro Pantai TllTlur dl Kuala Trengganu) telah meninggal dunia kira-kira sebulan la1u.

    Keluarga BERNAMA mengucapkan takziah kepada kedua-dua mereka ini.

  • 15

    HOSI - gila mencari ketenangan * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    - nasi hat ALI MAMAT

    Kalau anda orang yang masih belum membuat keputusan tentang apa-kah yang patut dijadikan hobi di masa lapang, satu nasihat dari saya ialah: jangan jadikan memancing sebagai hobi anda.

    Seperti juga merokok, memancing adalahsatu hobi yang boleh menjadi kemarut atau ketagih. Bila seseorang itu sudah mula berjinak-jinak dengan pancing dan ikan, maka alamatnya ia telah melangkah ke satu alam yang luar biasa.

    Luar biasa yang saya maksudkan ialah ia akan lupa kepada banyakperkara. Lupa kepada tugas-tugas rumahtangga, lupa ke~ada tugas-tugas harian, lupa kepada membaca akhbar, lupa untuk menulis surat kepada keluarga di kampung, lupa kepada aktibiti-aktibiti sosial .... hatta, kadang-kadanglupa kepada makan. Tetapi, yang paling penting ialah ia akan lupa kepada

    . ..;- peredaran masa. Memancing adalah satu-satunya hobi yang paling banyakmenelan masa. '

    /I Orang yang sudah ketagih memancing tidak tahu sekarang sudah pukul

    berapa. Sudah berapa lama ia ada di tepi sungai, kolam, lombong atau di teng'a:h lautan. Masa bagi seorang pemancing berligar terlalu cepat sehingga tidak terasa langsung olehnya bahawa ia sudah berada di tepi sungai sejak mentari belum naik sehingga mentari sudah hampir jatuh di ufuk barat. Apa yang disedari olehnya tidak lain dari ragutan ikan pada umpan yang tersangkut pada mata pancing yang dihulur ke dasar sungai. Ragutan ikan adalah satu keseronokan yang sukar dilupai oleh setiap pemancing ..... biar-pun kadang-kadang ragutan itu tidak menghasilkan apa-apa dan umpan habis begitu saja.

    Yang anihnya, salaupun 10 kali ikan meragut dan sekalipun tidak menyangkut, perasaan AKAN mendapat ikan itu tetap tidak luput. Semakin galak ikan meragut semakin leka si pemancing mengharap pancingannya mengena. Oaya penarik ragutan ikan itulah yang menyebabkan sesorang itu bol eh menjadi 'gil a'.

    Dari pengalaman, saya dapati jarang sekali orang yang menjadikan memancing sebagai hobi yang tidak merokok. Kadang-kadang, tidak terasa oleh si pemancing ia telah menghabiskan sekotak 20 batang rokok dalam masa tidak sampai satu jam. Semakin rancak ikan meragut, semakin kencang si pemancing itu menyalakan rokok. Dan anihnya lagi, bila seseorang itu sudah menjadikan memancing sebagai hobinya dia akan dengan sendiri menjadi perokok, walaupun sebelum itu ia tidak pernah merokok. Ini mungkindisebabkan oleh 'tension' atau 'thrill' ketika ikan galak meragut umpan.

    Memancing merupakan satu hobi yang agak mahal modalnya. Seorang pemancing amator memerlukan setidak-setidaknya $20 sebagai permulaan. Harga sebatang joran yang murah $9; pemutar $4; dan tali $3. Mata pancing serta timah pemberat juga mesti dibeli.

    Setelah pemancing itu mula ketagih pandangannya akan beralih kepada alat-alat yang lebih mahal .... untuk setaraf dengan pemancing-pemancing veteran.

    Bila tiba ke perengkat ini, seorang pemancing itu memerlukan wangsampai beratus-ratus ringgit. Sebatang joran yang baik, misalnya dari jenis 'ABU' atau 'DAM' berharga sampai $80. Bagi pemutarnya pula, harga-nya berjenis-jenis. Bag; perengkat sederhana sebuah pemutar jenis 'PFLUFGER' atau 'OLYMPIC' atau 'EXCEL' berharga sampai $50 satu. Pemutar

  • )


    jenis 'ABU' atau 'DAM' atau yang paling latest dari Jerman ialah 'MITCHELL' kadang-kadang berharga sampai $200 satu.

    Kalau pemancing orang yang segan-segan untuk bermain tanah menggali cacing untuk umpan, maka baginya tidak ada apa pun yang percuma sebelum pergi memancing. Sudah terdapat beberapa kedai di Kuala Lumpur yang menjual cacing, kira-kira 10 ekor bagi 10 sen.

    Bagi pemancing harun, sebarau, kelah, tapah atau tumang, harga umpannya lebih mahal. Seekor anak katak berharga kira-kira 30 sen. Sementara satu set Ikilat, atau 'gewan' (besi atau plastik yang menjadi umpan mengganti umpan hidup) berharga kira-kira $10.

    Sebelum seseorang itu turun ke sungai, paya atau lombong untuk memancing haruan, ia mesti sekurang-kurangnya menyediakan 10 ekor anak katak. Bagi pemancing-pemancing kelah, sebarau, tapah dan tumang pula ia memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya satu set 'kilat ' tadi.

    Bagi pemancing-pemancing lampan, likuh, terbul atau tongsang, umpannya berlainan pula. Sebelum turun pemancing hendaklah membeli sekurang-kurangnya sekati tepung gandum, sekati abu {dedak padi yang paling hal us) dan kunyit debu. Barang-barang ini diuli dengan air dijadikan semacam roti untuk umpan.

    Pemancing-pemancing di laut memerlukan perbelanjaan yang lebih besar. Pertama, kerana tali yang diperlukan untuk memancing ikan laut lebih mahal dari yang digunakan untuk memancing di air tawar. Seutas tali jenis 'DAMYLL' atau 'MIMICRY' yang mempunyai kapasiti 20 paun berharga kira~kira $5. Pemancing tenggiri atau tongkol perlu membeli anak ikan selayang atau tamban kira-kira $1 atau $2 untuk umpan. Pemancing selar, kembung, cencaru atau kerisi perlu membeli 'kilat' yang sudah dibalut dengan bulu ayam putih yang harganya lebih mahal dari 'kilat' biasa. Penyandat sotong perlu membeli mata candat berharga antara 80 sen dan $1 satu, berbanding dengan mata pancing biasa yang berharga lima sen dua atau tiga bentuk.

    Perbelanjaan paling besar bagi pemancing di laut ialah sewa bot (jika tidak ada bot sendiri). Dari pengalaman, sewa bot dari Kuala Dungun ke kira-kira 10 batu di tengah lautan ialah $40 sehari~ Sewanya agak murah sedikit jika memancing di laut Pantai Barat seperti di Kuala Selangor iaitu kira-kira $20 sehari bagi jarak yang sama di tengah laut. Sewa ini pula bergantung kepada keadaan laut. Jika gelombang besar lebih mahallah sewanya ..... kerana minyak yang digunakan oleh bot itu akan lebih banyak jika laut bergelora.

    Bagaimanapun, bagi orang-orang yang sudah ketagih pada hobi ini, mereka mempunyai alasannya sendiri. Ada antara alasan itu yang agak menasabah. Umpamanya, pemancing ikan mempunyai pandangan yang tajam kerana sentiasa dilatih supaya menumpukan pandangan kepada setiap gerak ragutan ikan pada mata pancingnya, biarpun ragutan itu perlahan sekali. Perhatian itu sangat perlu kerana ada ikan yang 'cekap' memagut umpan tanpa mengusik mata pancing sedikitpun. Kalan pemancing terlewat membalas ragutan itu, maka melepaslah rezekinya.

    Di samping itu, pemancing ikan mempunyai kedamaian jiwa yang tersendiri. Ia akan merasa terhibur apabila berada di tengah-tengah lautan atau jauh ke ulu sungai. Segala perasaan harubiru baik yang berhubung dengan tugas atau rumahtangga akan lenyap sebaik saja mata pancing pertama jatuh ke perut air.

    Memancing juga melatih seseorang itu bersi,fat sabar, sabar, sabar dan terus sabar .... biarpun seekor ikan tak dapat dalam sehari. Kepercayaan pada diri sendiri bahawa lambat laun ia akan mendapat ikankerana adanya ragutan pada mata pancing membekalkan sifat sabar pada pemancing bila ia keluar semula di tengah-tengah kesebukan kota.

    Kesimpulannya: jangan memancing kalau tak mahu 'gila' dan memancing-lah wahai orang-orang yang mahu ketenangan jiwa.


  • 17


    1kIru~aru ini saya telah diarahkan membuat liputan di atas laut bukan sebarang laut -- jangan salah faham -- mengenai kebakaran dikapal haji Malaysia Raya di Pelabohan Kelang.

    '.. r ",

    Apabila saya tiba di Pelabohan itu, pihak Pelabohan memberitahu saya boleh menyewa bot untuk pergi ke Ideep water point I, lalu saya berjurnpa dengon tuanpunya bot dan berkatalah ia "mau pergi itu kapal kah, sewa tatak mohal $25 saja ".

    Saya garu kepala dalam poket hanya $10 saja -- maklumJah 24 haribulan. Menong punya menong,hisap rokok saya mengambil keputusan untuk berjumpa kawan saya seorang Pegawai Lembaga Pelabohan itu.

    Nasib saya agak baik dia berada di pejabat dan dengan jasa baiknya ia telah mengarah pihak Marin Pelabohan itu membawa saya ke kapal yang sedang terbakar itu.

    Pemandu yang membawa saya ke Pelabohan itu berkata kepada saya lepas itu "seronok jadi pemberita ia abang Karim ".

    ''Calling Mr. Pintoo ... "

    Having a four digit telephone number'" 2333 - can be both tiring and soul inspiring. I t is not uncommon for the waki I negeri to wake up late in the night or the wee hours of the morning to answer the phone -- only to discover it is a wrong call.

    And on numerous occasions the Iwrong number' calls occur in the day. A most memorable one was this:

    Ring . ring ... - Hello~ ..

    Caller: Can I speak to Mr. Pintooplease ..

    - (Knowing it's a wrong call) Which pintu please.

    Caller: As far as I know there is only one Pintoo.

    - Well, as far as 11m concerned here there are many pi ntu IS. Upstairs .downstairs front arJ back ..

    Ca lIer: I'm sorry I've got the wrong number.

    Take it easy .. you Ire most welcome

    . .end . - Mazlan Saleh.

    ,; )


  • 18

    A $100 JUDGMENT

    Did you know that the judgment of Mr. Justice Raja Azlan Shah in the HongKong and Shanghai Bank case involving Dato Harun bin Haji Idris cost $100?

    It would have cost about twice as much had the judge not intervened and directed that his secretary should charge a cOncessionel flat rate of $100 per copy.

    Originally the 79-page judgment would have cost $158 at $2 a page plus another $15.80 for photostati ng it.

    Even at the concessional rate, the secretary made a clean $1,500 from the sa Ie of 15 copies of the judgment to the various press, news media and lawyers.

    So, it seems being a judge1s secretary has its perks too.

    The $2 charge for a page of a judgment is the nonnal fee every judge1s secretary charges for his work in typing it. However, it is not often that judgments a re sought for Iike IIhot cakes II as in Dato Harun IS case.

    Many a time reporters have diddled the secretaries out of this side income by some deceit -- borrowing a copy just to copy but qui etly sneaking of to photostat it be~ind his back.

    Cunning arlnt we?

    IIA-so iii ng we wi II go"

    Painted a colour call IIrescue orange ll appropriately or otherwise, a little craft was launched in Port Di ckson last weekend.

    It is the handiwork of two of our colleagues Tan Tock Saik and Donald Baptist. Putting in what little time they had during weekends, it took a year to build the seven...foot, rowing-cum-sailing dinghy.

    The project got underway last June or July when the enthusiastic Tock Saik acquired a set of power tools, doubtless, under the influence of IIdo-it-yourself ll

    buff Baptist who already had a set of his own.

    Came January, visistors to Tock Saikls house during the Chinese New Year, received a conducted tour of the IIdock-yard ll converted from the garage, where a contraption with the appearance of a boat, became the object of attention of many who learnt for the first time the type of after-office activities being indulged in by the two.

    At last weekend's unceremonious launching, Tock Said, who promoted himself to tester from being Baptist's assistant, made the pronouncement lIit f1oats ll This declaration certainly answered the critics, who came mainly from members of the two families. lilt will surely go -- like a'submarine", wasrme of the favourite digs by Tock Saikls sons.

    To mark their proud achievement of completing the boat, Tock Saik and

  • 19

    and Baptist and their families were away during the weekend in Port Dickson to put their handiwork through its paces.

    On T-day (test day) after some last mir1ute touches, the boat was carried, sai I and all, to the beach and launched with Baptist at the helm in less than favourable conditions. Rolling waves threatened to swarm over the boat any

    ,minute but it got off alright.

    The elements were not with them and some distance out Baptist was seen trying this way and that to catch some wind whi Ie a patient Tock Saik waited.

    Silent urgings to Mother Nature for a puff of wind were in vain and soon Baptist had to lower the sail a nd row to shore.

    In the next attempt, minus mast and sail, Tock Saik and Baptist rowed the boat out. It went quite well except for the loose rowlocks which proved troublesome.

    In the afternoon, a lone attempt by Tock Saik ended in proving his sons right. Pulling away from shore, a huge wave washed over the bow and the boat, Tock Saik and all, went down. No damage was done though and it was soon righted.

    All in all, there was much fun. With their success, Tock Saik and Baptist may be looking forward to more ambitious projects. Anyone interested?


    The Management has decided to distribute attractive plastic cups free of charge to each BERNAMA staffer at Headoffice to replace the present paper cups which would ceased to be supplied as soon as the present stock is dried up.

    According to the Management's calculations, it is cheaper to supply permanent plastic cups than the paper cups which has been costing BERNAMA about $500 annually.

    The plastic cups will be the individual's responsibility. The Management wi II not replace it if it is lost or damaged. -- Sajad Hussein.


    Pada tahun ini buat pertama kalinya BERNAMA mengaclakan kelas Agama dalam bulan puasa. Kelas ini diadakan sekali seminggu selama tiga minggu. Syarahan-syarahan Agama ini diberikan oleh seorang Ustaz dari Institut Dakwah Islam, Kuala Lumpur. Syarahan Agama ini akan memberi faedah kepada sesiapa yang mendengarnya dan pacla bulan puasa yang. mulia ini eloklah kite menambah pengetahuan untuk kebaikan masi ng-masi ng.

    "Se lama t Berpuasa II.

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    Dalam musim penyu bertelur baru-ooru ini, anggota-anggota keluarga BERNAMA di Kuala Trengganu turut juga berkunjung ka pantai Rantau Abang. Tapi kami tidak pergi beramai-ramai. N\asing-masing pergi diam-diam saja. Bawa rahsia ' sendiri-sendiri. Tahu-tahuesuk datang ke pejabat, mata merah dan selalu menguap.

    Soya yang tiOOk pernah melihat penyu bertelur tidak melepaskan peluang itu. (Ayam yang bertelur begitu bising pun tidak pemah saya Iihat , apa lagi penyu yang bertelur diam-diam. )

    Sungguh kagum saya melihat begitu ramai orang di pantai itu. Tua muda, lelaki perempuan dari jauh dan dekat. Ada yang'datang berrombongan dengan bas. Ada yang bermotokar membawa seisi keluarga. TiOOk kurang pula yang datang berteman dalam kumpulan berenam, berempat atau lebih kecil dari itu - berdua saja.

    Biasanya penyu naik bertelur selepas tengahmalam. Jadi malam itu berjagalah saya dan pengunjung"1>engunjung yang lain. Sementara menunggu penyu naik, ada yang duduk-duduk soja di atas pasir pantai atau berjalan-jalan ke sana ke mari atau bermain terup, dengar lagu dan sebagainya.

    Tapi malam itu nasib saya kurang baik. Puas berjaga dan menunggu semalam-malaman, yang di tunggu tak tiba. Tidak seekur pun penyu naik bertelur malam itu~'- Ada orang kata, penyu tak naik kerana orang terlalu ramai. Hai, penyu pun ada rasa malu juga.

    Walau bagaimana pun saya tidaklah hampa benar. Tak dapot tengok penyu pun dapat juga tengok benda yang seakan-akan penyu. Yang saya maksudkan ialah pasangan"1>Osangan manusia yang berlonggok-Ionggok di atas pasir pantai itu, di sudut-sudut yang gelap.

    Maklum sajalah, dalam suosana yang begitu romantis di tambah pula kedinginan embun dinihari, dengan angin pantai yang nyaman dan cahaya bulan yang samar-samar serta alunan ombak yang bagai irama musik itu - hati mana yang dapat

    .--- bertahan. Hati saya yang sudah toa ini pun menggelepar juga ....

    Soya beritahu kawan-kawan di pejabat, saya bertaubat untuk ke Rantau Abang lagi. Tak padan' penat dan nyantuk. Rupanya ada juga kawan kita yang lain turut senasib dengan saya. Dia juga bertaubat. .... - Nik Mohamed Omar.


    Pengalaman Saudara Abdul Aziz Mat Darus, jaga Ibu Pejabat BERNAMA, sebagai ( seorang tentera selama 20 tahun tidak sia-sia sahaja walaupun beliau telah meninggalkan bidang ketenteraan beberapa tahun sudah.


    Saudara Aziz atau lebih mesra di ~lggil IlBang Aziz ll oleh para staff BERNAMA telah di beri surat kepujian oleh IbulPejabat Polis Wilayah Persekutuan baru-baru ini atas kejayaannya memberkaskan \;eorang pemuda dalam lingkongan umur duo'" pulohan yang cuba hendak mencuri l/artabenda BERNAMA.

    ) . Berita BERNAMA mengucapkan syab~s kepada beliau di atas penerimaan surat itu.

  • Berita Bernama BERNAMA

    BIL.3j76 November 1976


    " "

    * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * *

    Komi meminta maaf kerana lewat menerbit BB keluaran ini. Kelewatan

    itu disebabkan mereka yang bertanggungjawab mengeluarkan BB sibuk dengan

    sidang belcinjawan. Walau bagoi manapun, BB dapot juga dikeluarkan untuk

    "tatapelO anda.

    Keluaran akan datang akan diterbitkan podol haribulan Januari 1977

    dan diharapkan mereka yang ingin menyumbang rencana atau berita menghantar-

    kan bahan berkenaan selewat-Iewatnya pada l5hb Disember ini. T erima kasih.


    Bahagian Ekonomi:

    Bahagian EkonOmi kehi langan seorang wartawan berkebolehan dan seorcing sahabat karib kepoda semua komi di sini, Saudara Abdul Kadir Jasin. Beliau meletakkon jawatan podol Oktober untuk berhijroh ke Business Times di mana, agakn)I
