Page 1: Security Alarm System With Backup Battery and Emergency Light Using Pic - Che Mazlan b Che Marof - TK7241.C43 2008




This report is submitted in partial filfillment of requirements for the award of

Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (Industrial Electronics) with honors

Fakulti Kejunrteraan Elektnnrik dan Kejumtaaan Komputer

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

April 2008

Page 2: Security Alarm System With Backup Battery and Emergency Light Using Pic - Che Mazlan b Che Marof - TK7241.C43 2008


The purpose of this project is to introduce a security system with application

of back up battery. The security system is assembling by using PIC chip to control

this system and its will fbnctioning with the emergency light automatically when it

detect with trouble situation. This security system is designed by using a security

keypad circuit with Liquid Crystal Display (LCD and emergency light circuit. This

system is compatible with the Microchip 40 pins of PIC 16F877A. Then to ensure

this system is running properly it will operate with a back up batteries. This back up

battery will charge while this security system is running with electric power and

ready to apply when there is no electricity black out. The automatic emergency light

is presented when the main supply (230V AC) is available, it charges a 12V battery

up to 13.5V and then the battery is disconnected fiom the charging section. The

battery discharges up to 10.2V, it is disconnected from the load and the charging

process is resumed. If the mains voltage is available and there is darkness in the

room, load (bulb or tube) is turned on by taking power fiom the main power

otherwise the battery is connected to the load.

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Matlamat utama projek ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan satu sistem

keselamatan dengan aplikasi tenaga elektrik sokongan yang menggunakan bateri.

Sistem keselamatan ini akan menggunakan kawalan mikro PIC untuk mengawal

sistem dan lampu kecemasan akan b e h g s i secara automatik dengan tenaga

sokongan walaupun terputus bekalan tenaga utama. Sistem keselamatan ini direka

menggunakan litar papan kekunci dengan LCD dan juga litar lampu kecemasan.

Sistem ini adalah bersesuaian dengan kawalan mikro PIC 16F877A yang terdiri

daripada 40 pin PIC. Untuk mempastikan sistem ini beroperasi dengan sernpurna, ia

menggunakan bateri sokongan. Bateri ini akan mengecas semasa sistem keselamatan

beropemi dengan tenaga elektrik dan bersedia untuk digunakan apabila berlaku

bekalan terputus. Lampu kecemasan akan berfirngsi secara automatik apabila tenaga

utama dibekalkan clan mengecas bateri 12 volt meningkat kepada 13.5 volt

seterusnya akan memutuskan bateri cas daripada bahagian cas. Bateri cas akan

menyahcas sehingga 10.2 volt kemudian akan memutuskan litar dari beban (lampu)

dan akan mengulangi proses mengecas sernula. Sekiinya terdapat tenaga utama dan

sitausi berlaku &lam bilik gelap, beban (lampu) akan berfbngsi dmgan tenaga utarna

sebaliknya juga dengan h g s i lampu dengan tenaga bateri.

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1.1 Introduction

This project will introduce an application of a security system with back up

battery. The security system is assembling by using PIC chip to control this system

and its will fbnctioning with the emergency light automatically when it detect with

trouble situation.

This security system is design by using a security keypad circuit with Liquid

Crystal Display (LCD), magnetic lock, buzzer, and emergency light controller. This

system is compatibility with the Microchip PIC 16F877A. Basically, the hardware is

a terminal controlled by a 40-pin PIC.

Then to ensure this system is running properly it will operate with a back up

batteries. This back up battery will charge while this security system is running with

electric power and ready to apply when there is no electricity black out.

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1.2 Objective

The purpose of this project is to overcome the problem and apply the

existing system security and to design the security system with improvement

emergency light development. Besides this project will apply the software and

hardware development in theoretical also hands on.

1 3 Scope Of Work

The purpose of this project is to design an operational a security system

using keypad lock system, magnetic lock, back up power (rechargeable battery) and

emergency light which are operate well neither use the main power or back up

power. Beside it will save the energy when the light is switch on without to waste the

energy of back up battery.

Then this system is to construct a control security using a microchip PIC

16F877A. A coding or programming system will designed to operate the instruction

of the security system by assembly language on microprocessor.

1.4 Problem Statement

This research is carried out to overcome and used the security system

application using the PIC microchip. Besides this system will have some problem

to do connection between the light sensor circuit, power circuit and battery charger

and discharger circuit.

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1.5 Methodology

The logical structure of design is shown in the block diagram on the right.

The central system will handle light sensor and back up battery and keypad input,

output information to LCD screen, emergency light, and makes alarm.


Sensa Back-u Batter

Figure 1.1 : Overall Block Diagram

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1.6 Tbesis Structure

The content of this thesis is about the flow of the project. This thesis is

divided into five chapters to provide the understanding of the whole project. For the

Chapter I, the overview of the project is briefly discussed.

The Chapter I1 covers the project theory, perspective, method that are used to

solve the problem and any hypothesis that related with the research of methodology.

The Chapter III explains the research methodology in this project. The

Chapter IV is covers the expected result of this project.

Finally, the Chapter V discusses whole content of this project.

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2.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses about the project theory, perspective, methodology and

any hypothesis that related with the research methodology.

23 Project Theory and Concept

This project is present the method that improves the existing alarm security

system. The original system with emergency light warning is not perfectly operated

since it does not use a backup power to support the lack of main power. To overcome

this problem, this project uses PIC (Programmable Integrated Controller). The

security features that is used in this project is keypad lock and magnetic lock with

added the emergency light for a warning and to prevent fiom stopping the electric

current. By designing the circuit to prevent over charge can extend the life of a

battery, and can be as a prevention of electric current in emergency and according to

the lightness around. The emergency light is modified by using the light sensor

circuit to control the battery life time.

The keypad lock and magnetic lock is a kind of the security feature that used

for door lock. Basically, this project is to identify the interface between the

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with the hardware. The PIC 16F877A will be programmed to control

the insertion of pin number on keypad either to lock or unlock the magnetic lock.

The insertion of the pin number is then identified whether the number is true or not.

2.3 Project Components Description

This part will discuss about several component that used in this project.

Basically the kind of components and equipment are important also give a major

effect for this project achievements. Below are explanations about for the


23.1 Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is special type of resistor that reacts to

changes in light level. The resistances of the LDR changes as different amounts of

light fall on the top window of the device. This allows electronic circuits to measure

changes in light level.

11 ->

L r n

: , Ligbt irtersity i (Lux) 1 I IQht

Figure 2.1 : Resistances versus Light Intensity

LDR is used in automatic street lamps to switch them on at night and off

during the day. They are also used within many alarm and others application to

measure light levels.

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The LDR is a type of analogue sensor. An analogue sensor measures a

continuous signal such as light, temperature or position rather than a digital on-off

signal like a switch. The analogue sensor provides a varying voltage signal. This

voltage signal can be represented by a number in the range 0 and 255. The range 0 is

assumed to very dark and 255 is assumed to bright light.

A l i h l


a3 D, (CJ - - 8

dark V

ov - b


Figure 2.2: Voltage versus Time

LDR can be used in two ways and the simplest way to use an LDR is as a

simple on-off digital switch. When the light level is above a certain value which is

called the threshold value the LDR will provide an on signal, when the light level is

below a certain value the LDR will provide an off signal.

In this case the LDR is used in a potential divider with a standard resistor.

The value of the standard resistor sets the 'threshold value'. For miniature LDR a

suitable value is depend on the circuit requirement. If desired the fixed resistor can

be replaced by a variable resistor so that the threshold value can be 'tuned' to

different light values.

A more versatile way of using the LDR is to measure a number of different

light values, so that decisions can be made at varying light levels rather than just one

fixed threshold value. A varying value is known as an 'analogue' value, rather than a

digital 'on-off value.

Page 11: Security Alarm System With Backup Battery and Emergency Light Using Pic - Che Mazlan b Che Marof - TK7241.C43 2008

The type of LDR that we prefer used in this project is the cadmium sulphide

(CdS) photoconductive cells with spectral responses similar to the human eye and the

cell falls with increasing light intensity.

Figure 2.3: Cadmium Sulphide (Cds) Photoconductive Cells

23.2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

Figure 2.4: LCD Model HD44780

HD 44780 is one of the most popular LCD modules used in industry. This

module is monochrome and comes in different shapes and sizes. The display

provides a 16-pin connecter to interface to the external world.

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23.2.1 The Liquid Crystal Description.

The liquid crystal is in the condition to have the nature of the liquid (Fluidity)

and the nature of the solid (Crystal). When the temperature is low, the object

becomes the solid condition. When the temperature rises, it becomes a liquid

condition. Moreover, when the temperature rises, it becomes the gaseous condition.

P o l r r i z i q I t ' s !?a* tpistCd 1 1 - the c r y s t a l

f t l tcr of tk Itquld crystal rd ~t

Cr-al af th. I ~qund eryr ta l 1.Y) *need ~ d l a n ~ thc dstch)

Figure 2.5: The Structure of the TN (Twisted Nematic) Liquid Crystal Display

Polariznw ,

f i l t e r Eacarse I + 8m.t M' t x ~ s t e d .

ttu clcctr-t~c f trld).

Figure 2.6: The Crystal of the Liquid Crystal Matches the Constant Direction

In the liquid crystal condition, it is the neutrality of the solid and the liquid.

The material of the biphenyl of some k i d which has this nature at the normal

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temperature is used for the liquid crystal display. With the material which we know

well, the one of the liquid crystal condition is the soap water or the cuttlefish ink.

They are the material to have the structure of crystals while being the liquid.

Because the cuttlefish ink is always black, it isn't possible to use for the


23.2.2 Pin Assignment

The pin assignment shown in Table 2.1 is the industry standard for character

LCD modules and functions.

Table 2.1 : The Pin Assignment

instruction or data register

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2 3 3 Voltage Regulator

The LM78XX series typically has the ability to drive current up to 1A. For

application requirements up to 150mA, 78LXX can be used. As mentioned above,

the component has three legs: Input leg which can hold up to 36VDC Common leg

(GND) and an output leg with the regulator's voltage. For maximum voltage

regulation, adding a capacitor in parallel between the common leg and the output is

usually recommended. Typically a O.1MF capacitor is used. This eliminates any high

frequency AC voltage that could otherwise combine with the output voltage.





Figure 2.7: LM7805

23.4 Relay



Figure 2.8: Relay and Symbol

Backlight positive input

Backlight negative input

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A relay in figure 2.17 is a simple electromechanical switch made up of an

electromagnet and a set of contacts. Current flow through the coil of the relay creates

a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch contacts. The coil

current can be ON or OFF so relay have two switch positions and they are double

throw (changeover) switches. Relays allow one circuit to switch a second circuit

which can be completely separate h m the fust. For example a low voltage battery

circuit can use a relay to switch a 230V AC mains circuit. There is no electrical

connection inside the relay between the two circuits; the link is magnetic and

mechanical. The coil of a relay passes a relatively large current, typically 30mA for a

12V relay, but it can be as much as 10- for relays designed to operate h m lower

voltages. Most ICs (chips) cannot provide this current and a transistor is usually used

to amplify the small IC current to the larger value required for the relay coil. Relays

are usually Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) or Double Pole Double b w

(DPDT) but they can have many more sets of switch contacts, for example relays

with 4 sets of changeover contacts are readily available.

23.5 Transistor


Figure 2.9: Symbol of NPN Transistor

The transistor used to amplify the current for the relay is an NPN transistor,

2N2222A. The pin sequence is as shown in Figure 3. Beware that wrong sequence

will burn the transistor.

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23.6 Magnetic lock

A magnetic lock is a simple locking device that consists of an electromagnet

and armature plate. By attaching the electromagnet to the door M e and the

armature plate to the door, a current passing through the electromagnet attracts the

annature plate holding the door shut. Unlike an electric strike a magnetic lock has no

interconnecting parts and is therefore not suitable for high security applications

because it is possible to bypass the lock by disrupting the power supply.

Nevertheless, the strength of today's magnetic locks compare well with conventional

door locks and cost less than conventional light bulbs to operate.

Figure 2.1 0: Magnetic Lock

23.7 PIC 16M177A

This powerhl (200 nanosecond instruction execution) yet easy-to-program

(only 35 single word instructions) CMOS FLASH-based 8-bit microcontroller packs

Microchip's powerfi~l PIC architecture into an 40- or 44-pin package and is upwards

compatible with the PIC 1 K5X, PIC 12CXXX and PIC 1K7X devices.

Features of the device:

i. 256 bytes of EEPROM data memory self programming

ii. ICD (in circuit debugging function)

iii. 2 Comparators

iv. 8 channels of 10-bit Analog-to-Digital (AID) converter

v. 2 captureIcompare/PWM functions

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vi. synchronous serial port can be configured as either 3-wire Serial Peripheral

Interfkce ( S P Y or the 2-wire Inter-Integrated Circuit (IT) bus

vii. Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART).

23.7.1 Device Overview

Below is the specific information about the following devices PIC 16F877A

which are existing in 40-pin and 44-pin packages. The available features are

summarized in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: The PIC 16F877A Device Features

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23.7.2 General Description Integrated Circuit 16F877A

Figure 2.1 1 : Shows the Pin Diagram of The PIC 16F877A.

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Table 2.3: The Description Pin Name of PIC16F877A


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C = r +:-s to qs-2 a rssona- I 7 Crpta 2s:Astsruce. 17 RC rnxs C 3 C F.-I =xpmCi<O. 'R7kk w s 1:d +? C r r ? ~ w ~ ~ y sf O S t 1 a d .kno&s h nstrxt io cyck rate

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F - ~ r z m - ng =:tap nxt .

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Mg'ra 1:c. LwCgkLbLt5. 4:: .? v & v :klghr iw:.

mitar 1.C - C r - f * wter mf .&nd as O-tp~t T mtC e m J o l d -&put C.c?~draW '

Digiirs' 1:C. 4 w q i r x t 4 . SJ slave K K. bout. Cs-rpsrstJr 2 out%*.

Page 20: Security Alarm System With Backup Battery and Emergency Light Using Pic - Che Mazlan b Che Marof - TK7241.C43 2008

23.73 Block Diagram of PIC16F877A

Figure 2.12: Block Diagram of PIC 16F877A

Dwioc 3:-.:- .-574.:. ,.-.r:c7: " - - . .

m n Flascl

1.' .m.:r E* a=-::


'2: E f l + ~ * - - a:.: ~ f i e ;


128 ?.yes zce 31.7~

Page 21: Security Alarm System With Backup Battery and Emergency Light Using Pic - Che Mazlan b Che Marof - TK7241.C43 2008

This part describes the software that is used in this project. The soha re is

used for circuit simulation, code programming for PIC 16F877A, and for Printed

Circuit Board (PCB) etching.

2.4.1 SourceBoost IDE

SourceBoost IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a low cost

development environment for Microchip Inc; PIC processors. SourceBoost IDE

includes a modern editor, a project manager, C, C+t, and Pascal cross-compilers, a

Project wizard, an assembler level debugger, a clock accurate simulator, and a

number of virtual devices.

- *. - *c I lei- . .L

5 - r x - 1CaglD--g ( // This a r e w e IS wcrlmgcd nua.EYI =-lei I / on t o an ~ l u port co mln BC0l .U rs: /I access co cbc LCD pi-. BoM.IAN mi I / Tne bits arc ollosolrcd from B0011UI m e : / / lo. order up. WULI -111

4ata : I: // be pin BO. 1

at.:?? i:.? - c / / on to port B Isr &"s 6) =5r<2ce IIC i C l d iz-i,:. let :i>l ? ' X I - - e?~.e,7.. :re r.c* 1 - // T I*-. : 5 i c e v 2 3 // LCD WI sadrcsr for the second l ine srn Ty..s. -m-a~--~~~ - 10120 << Jl,01C,t,6)i

// These bgret -d t o be sent to the LCD // =o s t w c 1r up. // The f o l l o ~ i n g arr -a tor n c t i w I / rht I I O porr direecion rtgi-rer.

arr-:c.. lCaglm--g cnru: LCD-aCITL -; // lor w i r e aode a l l pi- a:r:?ct lcd-pin--g csn-: LCD-mAD - 10.0,0,0,15): // For rcsd mde data pins

srn M-rcad-bV=O ( " . . .......... -- . . . . .

! < D

. . . . . . . . . . = Irwasnmrmla... , Irwas-..

bed,... Roahpnarhad.. ..m- . . . Red,...

Figure 2.13: SourceBoost IDE to Create the C Language

Page 22: Security Alarm System With Backup Battery and Emergency Light Using Pic - Che Mazlan b Che Marof - TK7241.C43 2008


PROTEUS VSM allows professional engineers to run interactive simulations

of real designs, and to reap the rewards of this approach to circuit simulation.

It is possible to simulate complete micro-controller systems and thus to

develop the software for them without access to a physical prototype.

Structurally, Proteus 6 Professional is separated into two main components,

which are ISIS 6 Professional and ARES 6 Professional. ISIS 6 Professional mainly

involved on circuit designing and simulation.

:...... ............................................................... ..................................................................... a:::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................

C 3 F + + l b l u j u ~ m ~ what - - - - . - - - - -- -. --- - - - - - - - - - . -

Figure 2.14: Proteus 6 Professional Simulation

2.43 PCB W i r d 3 Printed Circuit Board Design Software

One of the steps in completing a project is designing the circuit and

constructing the PCB (Printed Circuit Board). PCB is not compulsory to been made

but PCB will make the construction of the circuit easier and neat especially when

Page 23: Security Alarm System With Backup Battery and Emergency Light Using Pic - Che Mazlan b Che Marof - TK7241.C43 2008

constructing a wmplicated or small circuit. There is a lot of software that can be

used to design the schematic diagram for the circuit such as multisim and many

more. Different software is needed to design the PCB for the circuit. There is also

soha re that can provide both of this application in single software. This is much

more useful because it could convert the schematic diagram into a PCB layout

according to the user requirement. Every of software has a different advantage and

disadvantages. It can be downloaded from internet w brought h m a suitable shop.

Figure 2.15: PCB W i d 3 Printed Circuit Board Design Software

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3.1 Introduction

This chapter study is to describe the method or process that is used in this

project. This chapter discusses about the development and explanation of the

methodology or processes.

3 3 , Methodology Flow Chart

The flow chart is used to explain the procedure and the step that will be use to

accomplish this project. It will show the process step by step until the end of this

project. To accomplish this project, there are a few steps that will be taken and

shown by the figure next page.

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3.2.1 Flow Chart

Research Source c +

Learning the C

Hardware I I component I

Repair Design circuit on PCB board



+ + Design the circuit

using Proteus Software

r Write the coding


Repair using the SourceBoost


A c J A

Page 26: Security Alarm System With Backup Battery and Emergency Light Using Pic - Che Mazlan b Che Marof - TK7241.C43 2008

+ The system operates well


Figure 3.1 : Methodology Flow Chart

Combine the two parts and operate with each others

3 3 Flow Cbart Description

Following the flow chart, the thesis will be explained in description below.


33.1 Project Title

Firstly, the project title is identified since the title is a prior aspect in any


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3.3.2 The Information of Project Improvement

After identifying the most appropriate project title, the information about the

project must be collected through reference source. This also includes the

specification of the Integrated Circuit that will be used.

3 3 3 Research and the Basic Project Circuit.

In order to gather the correct information about the project, the objective of

the project must be clear. A basic to the circuit project such as circuit design, circuit

size, component to be used and other things should be identified and understood

before starting the project. All the problem statement has to be considered to ensure

the accomplishment of the project.

33.4 Research on the Project Circuit.

The component that is required in this project is listed before constructing the

circuit. The electronic component listed is IC16F877A, LCD, Capacitor and others.

The figure below shows the circuit project which including two part of

circuit. Those circuits are keypad security and emergency light circuits. This part will

give an explanation of operating block diagrams.