Page 1: Providing sales and service follow-up calls to new car dealers for over twenty five years AUTOCOM Sales and Service Follow-up Calls Next >End

Providingsales and servicefollow-up callsto new car dealers for over twenty five years

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Page 2: Providing sales and service follow-up calls to new car dealers for over twenty five years AUTOCOM Sales and Service Follow-up Calls Next >End

Service follow-up efforts typically focus on identifying problems so you can 'fix' unhappy customers before they are sent a CSI Survey

AUTOCOM lll Sales and Service Follow-up Calls

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As important as these efforts are, if you want to compete in today’s CSI arena they are not enough

Here’s why…

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AUTOCOM lll Sales and Service Follow-up Calls

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Top Box = 90% (90/100)

Your Top Box would be 90%, right?

Let’s say that out of 100 customers who are surveyed

If only it were that simple

… and only 10 are not

90 are Completely Satisfied

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Realistically only about 20% of these customers will respond to a CSI Survey

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Top Box = 50% (10/20) (No, this is not a trick question)

The question is, are your unhappy customers more likely to be among the 20 who return the survey or the 80 who don’t?

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So unfortunately, your CSI is pretty much determined by all of your unhappy customers…

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Top Box = 50% (10/20)

and only a small percentage of your Completely Satisfied customers

Top Box = 90% (90/100) What can Autocom do about this?

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Like any responsible call provider, we will inform you of unhappy customers in time to ‘fix’ them before they are surveyed

AUTOCOM lll Sales and Service Follow-up Calls

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Top Box = 60% (12/20) So we go another step…

But while these efforts might help you save a few surveys…

Top Box = 50% (10/20)

It’s unlikely you will move very many truly unhappy customers to Completely Satisfied

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We identify customers who are not truly unhappy but may not reply with Completely Satisfied

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Top Box = 70% (14/20)

But we don’t stop there either…

and condition many of these customers to give you a Top Box response

Top Box = 60% (12/20)

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We also convince more of your customers to respond to the survey

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Top Box = 80% (24/30)

By definition these ‘extra’ responses come from satisfied customers, so the unhappy ones will have less impact on your scores

Top Box = 70% (14/20)

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So while we do tell you about unhappy customers so you can ‘fix’ them…

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Top Box = 80% (24/30)

Our biggest impact on your CSI comes from convincing more of your Completely Satisfied customers to answer the survey

And we do condition your somewhat satisfied customers to give you a Top Box response…

Top Box = 50% (10/20) Top Box = 60% (12/20) Top Box = 70% (14/20)

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But whether you are shooting for Completely Satisfied, Very Satisfied, Excellent, Truly Outstanding, a Perfect 10, or something else the principles still apply.

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Please understand that this is a generic illustration and the labels we used may not match your manufacturer’s specific CSI program

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Finally, my attorney insists I tell you that this is only an illustration, that individual results may vary, and all the other legal disclaimers you might expect

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Obviously we cannot solve your customer problems and we can't prevent your unhappy customers from expressing their dissatisfaction on the CSI Survey

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What we can (and will) do is…

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AUTOCOM lll Sales and Service Follow-up Calls

Tell you about your unhappy customers before they are surveyed

Condition more of your customers to provide a Top Box response

Convince more of your Completely Satisfied customers to respond to the CSI Survey

Because CSI is what we do… ALL we do.

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Thanks for your time and attention

If you have a CSI concern you could use some help with or just want to hear more about how our process works please call or email

Bill Hendricks, President

Autocom, Inc.37040 Garfield Road, Suite B-1Clinton Township, MI 48036


[email protected]

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