Page 1: Presentasi Hasil  Penelitian Pengaruh Obesitas Terhadap Tekanan Darah Dan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Lansia







Page 2: Presentasi Hasil  Penelitian Pengaruh Obesitas Terhadap Tekanan Darah Dan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Lansia



Literature review and hypothesis

Research Method

Result and discussion

Conclusion and suggestion

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Elder + Obesity Cardiovaskular disease,

Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Endocrine disease, and

degeneration disease (Darmojo, 1991).

How big the relation between obesity with blood pressure

and blood glucose level in the elder women?

Problem Formulation


Rahmatullah (1999), Different in: Age of group Sample.

Darmojo (2000), Different in: weight body of group


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General aims:

To determine and to understand the prevalention

obesity of elder.

Special aims:

To determine corelation of hypertension,

hyperglycemi, and obesity at elder.

To determine the influence of obesity in blood

pressure at elder.

To determine the influence of obesity in blood

glucose level at elder.

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– As prerequirement graduation of S1 programme in

Medical Faculty of Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah


– The result of this research hopefully can be such an

information material for next step development of

research in order to prevent the obesity as the risk

factor of diabetes mellitus and hypertension in elder.

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UU No. 13 year 1998 : elder prosperity is anyone with

age more than 60 years old.

Age classification (WHO, 1997).

middle age, 45 - 59 years old

elderly, 60 - 74 years old

old, 75 - 90 years old

very old, ≥ 90 years old


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Obesity : an increase in body weight beyond skeletal

and physical standards as the result of an excessive

accumulation of fat in the body (Dorland medical dictionary)

Classification of Asian BMI

Women Men

Normal 17 – 23 18 – 25

overweight 23 – 27 25 – 27

Obesity > 27 > 27

Formula BMI:

Weight/Height2 = kg/m2

(WHO, 2000)

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Hypertension : an increase of blood pressure in the

arterial (Dorland, 2002).

Classification of blood pressure

Category Sistolic blood

pressure Diastolic blood pressure

Normal < 120 mmhg < 80 mmhg

Normal high 120 - 139 mmhg 80 – 89 mmhg

Hipertension mild 140 – 159 mmhg 90 – 99 mmhg

Hipertension severe 160 – 179 mmhg 100 – 109 mmhg

Hipertension hard 180 – 209 mmhg 110 – 119 mmhg

Hipertension maligna ≥ 210 mmhg ≥ 120 mmhg

(JNC-VII, 2003)

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Hyperglikemia : abnormality increase of blood glucose

level, such as diabetes melitus (Dorland, 2003).

Blood Glucose status

Blood glucose status

Excellent Good Not so good bad

On an empty stomach

< 100mg/dl 100-119mg/dl


> 140mg/dl

2 hours after eating

> 120mg/dl 120-169mg/dl


> 200mg/dl

Conceptual Framework

(WHO, 1995)

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Obesity in elder caused increasement of blood pressure

and blood glucose level, and also increase the risk factor

of hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Research method

Research design: cross sectional.

Place and time: In kelurahan Mrisen, Delanggu, Klaten. Central java on Agustus 2007.

Subject: 30 elder women with obesity.

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Inclution criteria: Elder women 60-74 years old with

obesity BMI >27, postmenopause, didn’t consume

anti hypertension and anti diabetes drugs.

Exclution criteria: smooker, suffer of kidney disease,

endocrine disease and hearth disease.

Independent Variable: Women 60-74 years old

(elderly) with obesity (BMI >27).

Dependent variable: Blood pressure and blood

glucose level.

Confounding factor: Smooker, anti hypertension and

anti diabetes drugs.

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Sample Inform consent Questioner height,

weight, blood pressure, blood glucose level write the


Data Analize

Analization data with program SPSS version 15.00

(Evaluation) for windows 2007, with regretion analize


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Normal 0%

Normal Tinggi 20%

Hipertensi ringan 20%

Hipertensi sedang 10%

Hipertensi berat 43%

Hipertensi Maligna 7%

Status Tekanan darah Sistolik

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Normal 10%

Normal Tinggi 10%

Hipertensi ringan 23%

Hipertensi sedang 30%

Hipertensi berat 27%

Hipertensi Maligna 0%

Status Tekanan darah diastolik

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Normal 57%

Normal Tinggi 33%

Tinggi 10%

Sangat Tinggi 0%

Status Glukosa Darah

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Data Analyze regression

Relation between systole and BMI not

significance (p>0,05)

Relation between diastole and BMI not

significance (p>0,05)

Relation between systole and age not

significance (p>0,05)

Relation between diastole and age not

significance (p>0,05)

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Relation between blood glucose level and

BMI not significance (p>0,05)

Relation between blood glucose level and age

not significance (p>0,05)

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The relation between obesity and blood

pressure not significance (p>0,05)

Rahmatullah (1999) obesity blood


It can caused by sport and work

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The relation between age and blood pressure

not significance (p>0,05)

Djojosoewarno (2004) : 25 reproductive

woman and 25 old woman blood pressure

in old woman >>> age blood pressure

It can caused by sport and work

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The relation between obesity and blood

glucose level not significance (p>0,05)

Reaven (1998) : obesity hyperglycemia

It can caused by sport and eating habit.

The relation between age and blood glucose

level not significance (p>0,05)

Marrow & Halter (1994) : 4th, 5th, 6th decade

increasing blood glucose level

It can caused by sport and eating habit.

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There is no relation between obesity and blood


There is no relation between age and blood


There is no relation between obesity and blood

glucose level.

There is no relation between age and blood

glucose level.

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It’s necessary to do the study with more


It’s necessary to do the study with more age


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Alhamdulillahhirobbil alamin

Thank you

Wassalamualaikum WR. WB.
