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  • 8/14/2019 Period of Tribulation


    Seventy weeks of Daniels Prophecy

    DANIEL 9:21-27

    21 Yea, whiles I [was] speaking in prayer, even

    the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the visionat the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly,

    touched me about the time of the evening


    22 And he informed [me], and talked with me,

    and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give

    thee skill and understanding.

    23 At the beginning of thy supplications the

    commandment came forth, and I am come to

    shew [thee]; for thou [art] greatly beloved:

    therefore understand the matter, and consider

    the vision.

    24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy

    people and upon thy holy city, to finish the

    transgression, and to make an end of sins, and

    to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring

    in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the

    vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most


    25 Know therefore and understand, [that] from

    the going forth of the commandment to restore

    and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the

    Prince [shall be] seven weeks, and threescore

    Period of Tribulation (3 years)Quotes from the collection of messages preached by Rev. William

    Marrion Branham, since 1947.

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    The Spoken Word

    and two weeks: the street shall be built again,

    and the wall, even in troublous times.

    26 And after threescore and two weeks shall

    Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the

    people of the prince that shall come shall

    destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end

    thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end

    of the war desolations are determined.

    27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many

    for one week: and in the midst of the week he

    shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to

    cease, and for the overspreading of

    abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even

    until the consummation, and that determinedshall be poured upon the desolate.

    Period of Tribulation

    REVELATION 11:1-3

    1 And there was given me a reed like unto a

    rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and

    measure the temple of God, and the altar, and

    them that worship therein.

    2 But the court which is without the temple

    leave out, and measure it not; for it is given

    unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they

    tread under foot forty [and] two months.

    3 And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses,

    and they shall prophesy a thousand two

    hundred [and] threescore days, clothed in


    REVELATION 12:1-9

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    Period of Tribulation 3

    1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a

    woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under

    her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

    2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth,

    and pained to be delivered.

    3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven;

    and behold a great red dragon, having seven headsand ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

    4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of

    heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the

    dragon stood before the woman which was ready to

    be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was


    5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule

    all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was

    caught up unto God, and [to] his throne.

    6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she

    hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed

    her there a thousand two hundred [and] threescore


    7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his

    angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon

    fought and his angels,

    8 And prevailed not; neither was their place foundany more in heaven.

    9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old

    serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth

    the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and

    his angels were cast out with him.

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    The Spoken Word

    REVELATION 13:1-5

    1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a

    beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and

    ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon

    his heads the name of blasphemy.

    2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear, and his

    mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave

    him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

    3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to

    death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the

    world wondered after the beast.

    4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power

    unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast,

    saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to

    make war with him?

    5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking

    great things and blasphemies; and power was givenunto him to continue forty [and] two months.



    E-26 Now, then oft in these visions He showed him just

    where the nations would be standing. He showed them

    how that there were so many years depended yet on the

    Jews. He said the Messiah shall come. He will prophesy in

    the seventieth week, which is three and a half years, and

    in the midst of it He will be cut off, which is seven years.

    Seventy weeks is determined for Thy people, seven years

    approximately to the Jews. He said, "And Messiah, the

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    Prince shall come and prophesy in the midst of the seven

    weeks, seven days, will he be cut off. In the abomination

    maketh desolations will stand in its place, and they'll treaddown the walls of Jerusalem, Gentiles, for a time, time,

    and dividing of time."

    Now, when Messiah come, Jesus, He preached exactly

    three and a half years and was cut off for a sacrifice. The

    daily obligation was taken away and the desolate, the

    abomination that maketh desolation, the Mosque of Omarwas stood today in the place of the holy temple. The

    Mosque of Omar stands exactly where the temple stood.

    And He said that they would tread down the walls of

    Jerusalem, over Jerusalem, until the Gent--Gentile

    dispensation be finished. But at the end of the Gentiles,

    there would still be three and a half years yet to the Jews.



    E-9 Now, many times, people say, "Brother Branham, you

    feature Divine healing." No, that is wrong. I feature Jesus

    Christ. See? Divine healing is a minor, and you can never

    major with a minor. And Christ is our main subject, thenwe believe that Christ, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that

    He died for our sins, and rose again the third day,

    according to the Scripture, and now sets at the right hand

    of the majesty of God, being a High Priest, to make

    intercessions upon our professions.

    We--we're waiting, expecting Him to leave glory someday

    to return to the earth, to resurrect the dead and to

    translate those that are living into a glorified body to be

    raptured in the sky, to live with Him for the space of three

    and a half years, during the time of the tribulation period,

    and to return back to a purified earth to live a thousand

    years here on earth with His Church, and forever be with

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    The Spoken Word

    Him, when He sets on the throne of David. Now, we're

    looking--looking for that great time.



    108 What did he do? To seal up the vision and the

    prophecy. Daniel had prophesied these things. He had saw

    it in a vision, and the Angel come down to seal the vision

    and to seal the prophecy; they can read it, but can't

    understand it until the end time. The end time, what is the

    end time? The end of the seventieth week, when that

    prince, antichrist, will be revealed, at this time, making

    himself God. How do we know this is sealed up to the

    time? Daniel just got through... This is the last chapter of


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    The Spoken Word

    The 144,000 don't appear there. They're over... They

    appear, not in the 3rd chapter; they're on over in theScriptures farther. And now, we see that all this stuff was

    to take place was over in this time of the seventieth week,

    the last week. Now, if they've already had sixty-nine

    weeks and lived it exactly the way God said they did, and

    it happened exactly the way God said it would do, then

    there's one more week promised to the Jews. Now,

    brethren, just get ready. See, see? Listen how close we

    are. Last week seven--the seventh years...



    118 Now, Pentecostal brethren, how can you apply it all

    over here in the Laodicean church age? They're--they'resleeping through every one of these ages, waiting. "And

    we which are alive (the little remaining bunch over here),

    remain alive until the coming of the Lord will not hinder

    those which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall

    sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first; and we shall

    be caught up together with them (Amen.)--with them

    (here we are, meeting right here) to go to meet the Lordin the air. Amen, and there you are. Where we at? Right

    here. Where did the Messiah get cut off? Exactly where

    the Word said. Where will that seventieth week begin?

    Exactly after this church is cut off. Then God returns to the


    Don't you remember that as soon as the church goes--thechurch goes, then the Jews take hold, come in. But first,

    the next thing in order is not a mighty nation on a national

    revival amongst the Gentiles. The next thing in order is

    the coming of the Kingdom of God, the coming of Christ.

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    167 Now, you Protestants say, "Well, now that's it." But

    just a minute. We find out that the Protestants has an

    organization, and makes a confederation of churches--a

    image to the beast, and go right with them. And we find

    out here that the Jews are called in on this confederation.

    Yes, sir. And they agree. And the Bible said they did.

    And he makes a covenant with them, and in the midst of

    the seventieth week, he breaks--the antichrist breaks his

    covenant with the Jews, "thy people." Why? Now, when

    you read in Revelations 11 that, "I'll send..." (That's 11;

    you're coming over towards 19 now)--that He will send His

    two prophets, and they'll prophesy in that time. And then

    they'll get angry with these prophets and actually killthem. Is that right? And their dead bodies shall lay in the

    spiritual street called Sodom and Gomorrah where our

    Lord was crucified: Jerusalem. Is that right? And they'll lay

    there for three days and nights. And after three days and

    nights, the spirit of life will come into them, and they'll be

    raised up and go into glory. A tenth part of the city fell at

    that time. Is that right? See? What is that? In the middle ofthis last seventy years.



    171 Now, these two prophets, what will they do? It's

    Moses and Elijah. They'll rise on the scene. They'll tell

    those Jews their mistake. And out of that Jewish bunch

    that's there now to be the 144,000, God will call with

    these prophets... What is it? The Spirit of Elijah off of this

    Gentile church will just continue right on into that Jewish

    church, go right on in and call Moses with him. Hallelujah.

    You see it? And he'll preach the same message of

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    The Spoken Word

    Pentecost to those Jews, that they rejected the Messiah.

    Amen. You see it? It'll be the same Pentecostal messagethat these Jews will preach right over to them. And they'll

    hate those Jews so bad till they'll kill them. And they were

    hated by all nations, and in the midst of the week...

    Because that they'd raised up a great powerful 144,000...

    They had the Holy Ghost, and brother, you talk about

    doing miracles; they did them. They stopped the heavens,

    and it didn't rain in the days of their prophecy, smote the

    earth with plagues as oft they wanted to. They give

    plagues and everything else. They'll give them Romans a

    hard way to go. But finally they'll be killed. Our God is a

    terrible God when He's angry. But remember, that's over

    in the seventieth week, and the church in glory. Amen.

    The wedding supper's going on. Yes.

    Now, notice. That's where we seen her coming back to the

    millennial temple over here at the end of the Jewish age--

    the anointed. Here He come riding on a white horse; those

    followed Him on white horses (horse, powers), dressed in

    white, blood--or vesture dipped in blood, wrote on Him,

    "The Word of God." He cometh, the mighty Conqueror

    (Yes, sir.) to set up the millennium--coming to the temple.

    Glory. There He meets that 144,000.

    173 Now, after that seventieth week here--the seventieth

    week... This goes on during this seventieth week. And the

    three in the middle of it, he breaks it, because he kills

    those two Pentecostal prophets (Yes, sir.) that smites the

    earth. And boy, He curses that church, and He burns herwith fire. And, why, she... We find it out that even the

    shipmates standing out for the last laugh, "That great

    immortal city of Rome, she come to her end in one hour."

    She was blowed to pieces. God knows how to do things.

    And one of the Angels looked over and said, "Why, the

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    blood of every martyr of Christ was found in her," for her

    deceiving, going out here and organizing, and making allthis other kind of stuff, and polluting the church, and

    brought them things in there, and martyred the very ones

    that tried to uphold it and tried to bring them out. Glory.

    Oh, I--I don't know. I--I--I feel like traveling on. See?



    189 Now, if the sixty-nine weeks hit perfect, and the Jews

    are in their homeland now, and the Gentile church age

    has hit exactly to the end time, to the Nicolaitane time--or

    to the Laodicean time, how close is the coming of the

    Lord, the end of all things, the end of this age, and the

    rapture? The moment He starts that seventieth week orseven years, the church is gone. Can you see it, friends?

    Raise up your hand if you can see it.

    See, now let's not be children. Let's not be playful

    anymore. We're at the end time. Something's fixing to

    happen. We're at the end. Here we are.

    191 These sixty-nine weeks hit perfect; the going away ofthe Jews hit perfect; the church age hit perfect. We're at

    the end time, the end time, the Laodicean church age, the

    end of it. The star messengers all has preached their

    message. It's gone out; we're just coasting. The Jews has

    been coming back for forty years. They're in their

    homeland. What's to happen next? The coming of the

    Stone. There we are. What time will it happen? I don't

    know. But, brother, that--for me, I want to be ready. I want

    to have my clothes all ready.

    Now, we just got just a--just a very few minutes, and I

    wish you'd listen quietly now just for a minute. The

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    The Spoken Word

    moment He starts the seventieth week, or seven years,

    the church is gone. Now, listen. I'm quoting again,requoting, so you won't forget. This is what the Holy Spirit

    put upon my pen while I was writing. We are in the

    Laodicean age. The Christ is being rejected by His own

    church. The star of this age, the Message has gone forth,

    and Israel is in her land. You see where we're at? We're at

    the end. Now just one or two more comments.



    212 Now, then after that, I turned and looked, and I saw

    this United States burning like a smolder; rocks had been

    blowed up. And it was burning like a--a heap of fire in logs

    or something that just set it afire; and looked as far as Icould see and she'd been blown up. And then the vision

    left me. Five out of the three has happened--five out of the

    seven, rather, has happened.

    And here comes around and shows, and then I predicted...

    I never said the Lord told me that, but standing that

    morning in the church, I said, "The way progress..." I got

    back to one end of the wall and run to the other end of the

    wall, and I said, "The way progress is going on, I'll predict

    that the time (I don't know why I'm saying it.)--but I

    predict that that'll all happen between right now, 1933,

    and 1977. And not knowing it, God knows my heart, I

    never knowed it until yesterday, that 1977 is the jubilee,

    and exactly the same amount of time run out that He givewith Israel and everything at the end. So we're at... And

    here we are at the end of the age, at the coming in of the

    seventieth week. We don't know what time that the

    church will be gone. Oh, my. What can we do, friends?

    Where are we at?

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    214 Do you see where we are now? Do you understand

    Daniel's seventieth week now? See now, when we go oninto these Seals and things, breaking these Seals, the first

    one comes forth a white horse rider, he's got a bow in his

    hand. Watch who that guy is. Watch that pale horse ride

    after him. See? Watch who it is, and look how he come in.

    Watch those 144,000 come in. Watch that sleeping virgin

    when she comes up. Then watch all these things take

    place, the pouring out of the Vials, the Woes, the three

    unclean spirits like frogs; watch those things how they fit

    right in those plagues and exactly when they're poured

    out. Every time a Seal opened, a plague pours out and a

    destruction comes. And watch what takes place right now

    at the end.


    132 Notice, if the Gentile church has to be taken away

    first, for the Jews, then the end of the Seventy weeks of

    Daniel takes place. The three and a half years Messiah

    prophesied, and then He was cut off, the Prince, in the

    middle of the seventieth week. And, then, there's threeand a half weeks left yet. And we find out two prophets of

    Revelation (He never changes His coat again.), of

    Revelations 11, comes down and prophesies to the Jews.

    Now, the Church will be taken away at that time.

    And we see Israel, the first time for several hundreds of

    years, almost over two thousand years is now become anation; her own army, her own money. Israel is in the

    homeland; her own nation, own flag, belonging to the

    United Nations. She is a nation. Why, it's one of the

    greatest signs that we could think of right now: Israel in

    her homeland. And Jesus said, "This generation that sees

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    The Spoken Word

    Israel go back to her homeland shall not pass until all has

    been fulfilled." See, He spoke of this day.


    149-1 {214} Now, look, Malachi 4. He's a prophet and

    restores the original faith of the fathers. At the end time,

    when the tribulation period comes... Now, here's a little

    thing; we're going to reverse back a minute, where the

    three and a half years or Daniel's seventy weeks (the last

    half of Daniel's seventy weeks which is three and one-half

    years.)... Now, we... How many remembers that from the

    church ages? Sure, you see? There's seventy weeks

    determined: look how perfect it was; said, "Messiah will

    come, and He'll be cut off for a Sacrifice in the midst of

    the week, and the obligation will cease."FIRST.SEAL.THE_JEFF.IN MONDAY_63-0318

    150-2 {225} Now, just seventy weeks was determined,

    perfectly, as Daniel said that Messiah would come and

    would be cut off in the midst of the week. And Jesus

    prophesied three and a half years. Now, in the middle of

    this three and a half years of Daniel, in the middle of it Hewas cut off. And now the last part is the tribulation period

    where the Gentile church is... Oh, this is great. Now,

    don't...?... The Bride goes in with the Groom, then after

    the millennium, walks out upon the ashes of the wicked.


    152-1 {232} During the tribulation period... Here's what I

    want you to notice now, a little thing I dropped in here.

    During this tribulation period, after the Bride has been

    called out, and the church goes through the tribulation

    period, the hundred and forty-four thousand is called by

    the two witnesses of Revelations 11. Now, look, they'll

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    prophesy one thousand two hundred and threescore days

    clothed in sackcloth.


    370-3 {297} Now, notice. These Jews... I have to do this

    in order to--to let you see the revelation of this Seal, see

    what it is, these souls under the altar and who they are.

    Now, notice. In the time of Daniel, now, the second half ofthe seventieth week... Now, remember, Messiah was to be

    cut off in the midst. That's the middle. Well, what's half of

    seven? Three and a half. How long did Christ preach?

    [Congregation answers: "Three and a half."--Ed.] That's

    right. Now. But there's determined yet to the people what?

    Another three and a half year.


    420-1 {196} Oh, my. Do you see that? In there--Not the

    Bride, isn't going to be out here laboring in the vineyards.

    No, sir. She's the Bride. She's the Queen to the King. It's

    the others that labor out there, the nation, not the Bride.

    Amen.All right, notice these messengers now... These

    messengers of the Revelations 12, these two prophets,

    they're going to preach, "The Kingdom is at hand." See?

    The Kingdom of heaven's to be set up. The time, last three

    and one-half years of Daniel's seventieth week promised

    to the Jews, His people...

    Remember now, that to prove that, that this is Daniel's

    last part of the seventieth week... I got a question on that

    for tomorrow. See? Now, seventy weeks was promised,

    which was seven years. And in the midst of the seven

    weeks, the Messiah was to be cut off to be made a

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    Sacrifice. He would prophesy three and one-half years,

    and then He'd be cut off for a sacrifice for the people, andthere is still a determination, that three and one-half years

    is still determined for Israel.


    422-3 {210} Notice now, we find out that the time lasts, I

    said three and one-half years of Daniel's seventy weeks.

    Let me explain that a little closer now, 'cause I see

    somebody here that's always watched that now; I want to

    try to make myself clear: a teacher. Notice, when the

    seventy weeks come in... When Daniel seen the vision of

    the time coming and the ending up of the Jews... But he

    said there was determined seventy weeks (That's seven

    years), in the midst of it, why the Messiah would be here--or--and would be cut off for a sacrifice.

    Now, that's exactly what taken place. Then God dealt with

    the Gentiles till He took out a people for His Name. As

    soon as the Gentile church is taken out, He taken up the

    Church. And when He did, the sleeping virgin, the church

    itself (The Bride went up.), and the church itself was put

    into outer darkness, where there's weeping and wailing

    and gnashing of teeth, and the same time the tribulation

    falls upon that people.

    422-5 {215} And while the tribulation's falling, in there

    comes these two prophets of Revelations 11 to preach the

    Gospel to them. And they preach a thousand, one hundred

    and three score days. See? Well, that's exactly, with thirty

    days in the month, like the real calendar has, is exactly

    three and one-half years. That's Daniel's seventieth part--

    last part of the seventieth week.


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    424-2 {227} The tribulation period's right at hand,

    standing right here, and the Seals being opened, theChurch ready to take her flight in the air, and the

    tribulation set in. Then God comes down and pulls the

    hundred and forty-four thousand out of there. Amen.


    Oh, it's perfect. You see where the Seals bring it out now

    (See?), open it up. Now, this is the last three and a halfyears to the people. Also, if you notice, it's the time that

    God will call that one hundred and forty-four thousand

    Jews in this last three and a half years.

    See, He hasn't dealt with them at all. They haven't had a

    prophet. They won't believe nothing else but a prophet.

    You ain't fooling them. So they're going to hear a prophet(Yes, sir.); and that's all. The God told them that in the

    beginning, and they stay right with it.

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    492-5 {224} 18. When was the covenant of Daniel

    9:27 confirmed for a week?

    One half of it was confirmed, the covenant, when Jesus

    Christ was on earth preaching to the Jews. He never went

    to the Gentiles at all. And He told His disciples, "Don't goto the Gentiles"; that was to the Jews alone. See? And He

    preached for three and a half years--that's half of the

    seventy week, now, as Daniel said He would do.

    Now remember, He was firmly a-vindicated to the Jews,

    but their eyes were blinded to bring in this space of the

    Gentiles. Can't you see the whole program? See? And Heproved Himself a prophet, done just exactly what the

    prophet would do, showed them a sign of prophet; which

    your own Word said, "If a man says he's spiritual or a

    prophet, watch what he says; and if it comes to pass (just

    keep on coming to pass, what He said, continually)...

    493-2 {227} Like you look in the Bible, it says, "Knock,and it'll be opened, seek, find, ask, be given." Now, if

    you'll notice, it's knocketh, just constantly knock [To

    illustrate, Brother Branham repeatedly knocks upon the

    pulpit--Ed.], stay right there like the unjust judge wouldn't

    answer the woman, he just kept knocking on her door.

    Saying, "I'm on your hand." Not seek, say, "Lord, I'd like to

    have this. Amen." That's not it; stay right there till you getit. You know it's going to come. So He promised it, so just

    stay right there till you hold onto it. See?

    Now, now, in the last part, the seventieth week, the last

    part of it will be during the time of the tribulation period,

    after the rapture of the Church. Then there is the three

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    and a half years here that it will be confirmed to them

    again by prophets (See?), Moses and Elijah: Revelations11.

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    518-3 {368} 46 Brother Branham, you said that

    Rome would take the government of the Jews at the

    last three and a half years. That is going... The--the

    first three and one-half years of the tribulation or

    will it be the last three and a half years? Is this


    It will be the last three and one-half years (That's right.),

    not the first, 'cause it's already passed. (Got one more

    after this one.)


    536-6 {81} Now, now, we're going to speak here now on

    this 7th chapter just a minute to--to kinda bridge it in

    between Sixth and Seventh Seal, because that's the only

    material that we have to go on right now, is the Sixth--

    between the Sixth and Seventh Seal, is the calling out of


    Now, I have many fine Jehovah Witness friends sittinghere. It's all... Or have been. Maybe some of them's still

    Jehovah Witness. But they've always applied (Mr. Russell

    did.) this hundred and forty-four thousand to be in the

    supernatural Bride of Christ. See? They... It's not. It has

    nothing to do in the church age at all. They're absolutely

    Israel. (Now, we're going to read in a few minutes.) Now,

    this interval between the sixth--the Seals is a calling and

    sealing of the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews called

    in the tribulation period after the Church is gone. See? It

    has nothing to do with the church age at all. Oh, called in

    perfectly in harmony with the Scripture, Daniel's last three

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    and one half weeks allotted to Daniel's people. See? Not

    the Gentiles, to Daniel's people, and Daniel was a Jew.



    952-Q-247 247 Brother Branham, here is a question that's

    been sort of puzzling to several of us here. One on--on

    (pardon me) on some tapes you speak only of the Jews

    being saved after the Bride is raptured. (And it's a line

    across.) Please explain fully about the Gentiles that don't

    go in the rapture. I thought you said that the Gentiles that

    were left went through the tribulation and gave their lives

    for a testimony of Jesus. When He returns from the

    Gentiles to the Jews--when He turns from the Gentiles to

    the Jews, then there isn't any more chance for theGentiles being saved, just the Gentiles who have been

    saved, but not received their last day truth will go in the

    tribulation period and then be saved in the end. Is this

    right? Please explain, because you said that there would

    be just a small number go in the rapture. What about the

    people that believed in the Lord--believes in the Lord now

    and the way--and don't believe the way you preach forthis end-time-day Message? Will they be saved? And then

    the sister signed her name.

    Now, very good question. Now, the first place, the

    confusion is, is what I have said about the Gentile's days

    be done when the tribulation--in the tribulation. Now, I do

    not see the Gentiles in the Bible... The Gentile Bride,Bride, not the Gentile church now, the Gentile church will

    go through the tribulation period (See?), but not for their...

    See, the Bride is the elected; they go through nothing but

    the rapture. They're just changed and taken out of the

    world. See? Now, I'll explain that in a further question

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    The Spoken Word

    here, bringing it from Luther up, and you'll see then what

    it means; it's the maturing of the body. See?

    Now notice. Now, the Jews that's left is the one who will be

    preached to by the two prophets, Elijah and Moses.

    952-147 Now, this is my own thoughts, minister brethren,

    in my own way that I feel the Holy Spirit has revealed to


    Now, the next thing is to happen is the Jewish--or the

    Gentile elected Bride to be caught up with the rest of the

    Gentile elected Bride that's been down through the ages--

    be caught up in the Presence of Christ in the heavens. The

    dead raises; the ones that's alive and remain is changed;

    and they're caught up together in the air to meet the Lord.

    Then, because...

    After the wedding ceremony in glory, Jesus--after that has

    caught up into the skies, Jesus returns onto the earth and

    makes Hisself known to His people in the type of like

    Joseph made hisself known to his brothers. And his wife,

    no Gentile was present, nobody but Joseph alone, when he

    made hisself known to his brethren. All understand thatnow?

    953-150 He sent... Even his wife was in the palace, the

    type that the Bride will be in the palace in glory at that

    time. Then Jesus makes Hisself known to the Jews (See?)

    after the wedding ceremony, the 3 1/2 years, and--and--

    and Jacob's trouble, that 3 1/2 years, the end of theseventieth week of Daniel. The Messiah's to be cut off in

    the midst of the... And He prophesied 3 1/2 years and was

    cut off. Then there's 3 1/2 years left yet for the prophets

    Moses and Elijah, and then at the end of their seventy

    days as yet determined upon the people, as Daniel said;

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    Period of Tribulation


    then at the end of that seventy days, Jesus is to make

    Hisself known to them. He's that Prince that should cometo the Jews. See?

    953-151 Now, and then at that time... See, the Gentile

    Bride is in heaven, and the sleeping virgin, the Gentile

    virgin, is not to be saved during that time; she's already

    been saved, but has been rejected in the Bride. And she

    only goes through the tribulation period for the time ofpurification, because she has rejected Christ, the Word, for

    her purification. Then she has to suffer for her deeds, but

    the Bride who has become the Word, a complete

    atonement was made of Christ, 'cause He is the Word.

    That body was rended, and when that body was rended,

    the Bride was in that body, because It's all the Word.

    Amen. You see it?



    1160-Q-392 392. Ah... The church age ending and has

    blacked out, the Bride is called, we have already entered

    into the tribulation period?

    No, no, no, you're... I wished that I could just have more

    time on that. See, see? The Bride, when she's taken from

    the church, then the church age will cease. Laodicea goes

    into chaos; the Bride goes to glory; and the tribulation

    period sets in upon the sleeping virgin for three and a half

    years while Israel is getting its prophecy; then tribulation

    sets in upon Israel; and then comes the battle of

    Armageddon which destroys all things. And then, the

    Bride returns back with the Groom for a thousand years,

    the millennium reign; after that comes the white throne

    judgment; after that comes the new heavens and new

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    The Spoken Word

    earth and the new city coming down from God out of

    heaven. Eternity and time blends together.



    167 Now, dear God, surely we're not a bunch of hybrid

    Christians, we shouldn't be somebody that has to be

    petted and babied. You don't have that kind, Lord. You

    have rugged believers. The very Presence of God sets a

    man's heart on fire. Like Abraham, he believed God. You

    made Yourself known to him, then You appeared to him

    and performed a sign, and he believed You. You turned his

    body back to a young man, and also his wife, which, his

    wife was part of his own body. Then come forth the new

    child, the promised son.168 God, You promised that it'd be the same thing in this

    day. I pray that You'll confirm this Word. And we'll deal

    right on that one promise there, that it will be like it was in

    Sodom, just before Sodom was burnt and judgment struck

    Sodom, the Gentile world. So judgment is fixing to strike

    the Gentile world, and the Jews got three and a half more

    years through the period of Tribulation, Jacob's trouble,

    the continuing of the seventy weeks of Daniel. But the

    Gentiles' are numbered, it's time to go. And You give that

    sign, and You said it would be again. Grant it, God. Their...

    we're in Your hands, do with us as You see fit. In Jesus

    Christ's Name. Amen.



    Now where will the Gentile Church be while Jesus is

    making Himself known to His brethren? Remember that

    the bride of Joseph with the two children were in the

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    Period of Tribulation


    palace, for Joseph had commanded, "Let everyone leave

    me; put them all out from before me." So the Gentile bridewas hidden in the palace of Joseph. Where will the Gentile

    Church go in the rapture? Into the palace. The bride will

    be taken off the earth. She will be caught up before the

    great tribulation to meet her Lord in the air. For three and

    one-half years while the retributive wrath of God is poured

    out, she will be in the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

    Then will He return, leaving His bride in "His Father's

    house," while he makes Himself known to His brethren. At

    this very time, the antichrist covenant that the Jews have

    made with Rome will be broken. Rome and her allies then

    send their troops to destroy all the God-fearing, Word-

    abiding Jews. But as they come against the city to destroy

    it, there will appear in the heavens the sign of the coming

    of the Son of Man with His mighty armies to destroy them

    who have been destroying the earth. With the enemy

    repulsed, Jesus then comes and presents Himself to the

    144,000. Having seen His mighty acts of salvation, they

    have come to know His power. But also seeing His wounds

    and knowing that they had rejected Him even to that

    moment, causes them to cry out in the agony of terrorand fear, even as did their brethren of old when they

    stood before Joseph, being sore afraid that they would be

    killed. But as Joseph said, "Don't be angry with yourselves.

    It is all right. God was in it all. He did it to preserve life."

    Even so will Jesus speak peace and love to them.
