
    dr. Rahmawati Minhajat. PhD.,SpPD

    Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin

  • Imunitas (Immunity) kekebalan atau resistensi terhadap penyakit, khususnya penyakit infeksi.

    Sistem Imune kumpulan sel-sel, jaringan & molekul yang berperan pada kondisi resistensi terhadap infeksi.

    Respon imun reaksi sel & molekul terhadap infeksi mikroba.

    Immunology ilmu yang mempelajari sistem kekebalan tubuh dan responnya terhadap patogen.

  • Fungsi fisiologi sistem imun

    mencegah dan mengeradikasi infeksi

  • Immunitas dapat diinduksi pada seseorang melalui:

    - Infeksi atau vaksinasi (active immunity)

    - Transfer antibodi atau limfosit dari seseorang yang sudah mendapat/mempunyai kekebalan (passive immunity)

  • Dua tipe respon imun:

    Innate immunity

    Adaptive immunity

    =natural =native =nonspecific =nonadaptive

    Immunity/immune response

    =spicific =acquared Immunity/immune response

    This type of host defence is always present in healthy individuals, prepared to block the entry of microbes & to rapidly eliminate microbes that succeed in entering host tissue

    The type of host defence that is stimulated by microbes that invade tissues, that is, it adapts to the presence of microbial invaders

  • Imunitas nonspesifik


    - Selalu siap

    - Respon cepat

    - Tidak perlu ada pajanan ebelumnya


    - Dapat berlebihan

    - Kekurangan memori

    Imunitas spesifik


    - Tidak siap sampai


    - Respon lambat


    - respon intens

    - Perlindungan lebih baik pada pajanan berikutnya

    Presentasi antigen


  • Peranan sistem






    (kulit, epitel)




    protein fase

    akut, sitokin,




    (enzim, asam

    lambung, dll)


    selular (fagosit,

    sel NK, eosinofil,


  • Organ Lymfoid 1. Organ Limfoid Primer a. Bone marrow - Tempat limfosit B dan T diproduksi - Tempat pematangan sel B b. Thymus - Tempat pematangan sel T 2. Organ Limfoid Sekunder a. Limphonodes b. Spleen c. Malt (Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue). - Gastrointestinal tract - Respiratory tract - Genitourinaria tract

  • The lymphatic system

    The major lymphatic vessels and collections of lymph nodes

  • Hematopoesis di Bone marrow

  • Thymus

    -A bilobed organ - anterior mediastinum

    Cortex dense collection of T lymphocytes (thymocytes= T lymphocytes at various stage of maturation)

    Efferent lympatic vessels drain into mediastinal lymph nodes

    Medulla contains mostly mature T lymphocytes

    Only mature T cells exit the thymus and enter the blood circulation and peripheral lymphoid tissues

  • Secondary limphoid organs

    Lymph nodes


    Cutaneous immune system

    Mucosal immune system

    Where lymphocytes responses to foreign antigens

    Connective tissue & virtually all organs except the CNS Poorly defined

  • (Bone marrow)



  • The lymphatic system

    The major lymphatic vessels and collections of lymph nodes

  • -Naive T cell chemokine receptor CCR7 that binds the CCL9 & CCL21 chemokines produced in the T zone. -Nive B cell chemokine receptor CXCR5 which recoqnized a chemokine CXCL13 produced only in follicles (B cell zone)

    Lymph nodes

  • Spleen

    Major site of immune responses to blood-borne antigens

  • Cutaneous immune system

    Langerhans cell encounter microbes

    Activated by engagement of Toll-like receptors

    The cells lose their adhesiveness for epidermis

    Enter to lymphatic vessels, begin to Express the CCR7 chemokine receptor

    Migrate to T cell zones lymph nodes in respons to chemokines produced in thar location.


    Dermis Intraepidermal lymphocytes only + 20% of skin associated lymphocytes >> CD8+ Cotains T lymphocytes (CD4+ and CD8+ cells)

    Phenotypic markres Activated or memory cells

  • -Intraepithelial layer >> T cell (>>CD8+/10% TCR) and TCR have limited diversity of antigen receptors - Lamina propria mixed population of T cells (>>CD4+) and B cells (plasma cells), macrophages, dendritic cells, eosinophils, mast cells. -Peyers patches follicles : >> B cells Interfollicular region:
  • M cells: transport macromolecules From intestinal lumen into subepithelial tissue. Transepithelial transport mechanism =transitosis. Deliver antigens to peyers patch

  • Defense in innate immunity

    Epithelial barrier natural antibiotics present in epithelia To block the entry of microbes

    Phagocytes, NK cells, plasma protein (complement system)

    All these mechanisms of innate immunity specifically recognize and react against microbes but do not react against noninfectious foreign substances

    If microbes do breach epithelia & enter the tissues or circulation

  • Different mechanisms of innate immunity may be specific for molecules produced by different classes of microbes

    To providing early defense against infections, innate immune responses enhance adaptive immune responses against the infectious agents.

  • Innate immune recognize structures shared by classes of microbes.

    adaptive immune express receptors that specifically recognize different substances (antigens) produced by microbes as well as noninfectious molecules.

  • adaptive immune are only triggered if microbes or their antigens pass through epithelial barriers & delivered to lymphoid organs where they can be recognized by lymphocytes

    adaptive immune - produce antibodies - to eliminate microbes in extracellular fluids - to activate T limphocytes and eliminate microbes living inside cells - use the cells and molecules of the innate immune system to eliminate microbes

  • Types of adaptive immunity

  • Antibodies are produced by B lymphocytes secreted into circulation and mucosal fluids. They neutralize & eliminate microbes and microbial toxins that are present in blood and in the lumens of mucosal organ.

    Antibodies do not have access to microbes that live and divide inside infected cells

  • Antibodies produced by B lymphocytes are designed to specifically recognize extracellular microbial antigen. Able to recognize many different types of microbial molecules, including proteins, carbohydrates & lipids

    Whereas, T lymphocytes recognize antigens produced by intracellular microbes. T lymphocytes recognize only microbial protein antigen

  • Phase of adaptive immune responses

    Antigen recognition


    Elimination of antigen

    Activation of lymphocytes


    Lymphocytes require at least two types of signals: - antigen binding to the antigen receptors of lymphocytes (signal 1) is required to initiate all immune responses - signal 2 are provided by microbes & by innate immune responses to microbes are needed for activation of lymphocytes in primary immune responses

  • Innate Immunity

    dr. Rahmawati Minhajat, PhD

  • Innate Immunity = natural/native immunity

    -Always present - ready to recognize & eliminate microbes

    - They recognize & respond to microbes but do not react againts nonmicrobial substances. -May also be triggered by host cells that are demaged by microbes

  • Innate Immunity - specifically targets microbes - a powerful early mechanism before adaptive immunity becomes active -Not only provides the early defense against infections but also instructs the adaptive immune system. Conversely adaptive immune responses often uses mechanism of innate immunity to eradicate infections

    There is a constant bidirectional cross-talk between Innate Immunity and adaptive immunity

  • Imunitas nonspesifik


    - Selalu siap

    - Respon cepat

    - Tidak perlu ada pajanan ebelumnya


    - Dapat berlebihan

    - Kekurangan memori

    Imunitas spesifik


    - Tidak siap sampai

    terpajan alergen

    - Respon lambat


    - respon intens

    - Perlindungan lebih baik pada pajanan berikutnya

    Presentasi antigen


  • Recognition of microbes by the Innate Immunity

    Component of innate Immunity recognize structures that are shared by various classes of microbes and are not present on host cells

    Each component of innate Immunity may recognize many bacteria or viruses or fungi

  • For instance: Phagocytes express receptors for bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS/endotoxin), which is present in many bacterial species but not produced by mammalian cells. Other receptors of phagocytes recognize terminal mannosa residues on glycoproteins (many bacteril glycoprotein Have terminal mannosa). Phagocytes recognize & respond to double-stranded RNA, which is found in many viruses but not in mammalian cells

  • The receptors of the innate immunity system are encoded in the germline and are not produced by somatic recombination of genes

    It is estimated that total population of lymphocytes can recognize billion different antigens, but innate immunity Probably recognize less than a thousand microbial patterns.

    Innate imunity system responds in the same way to repeat encounters with a microbe, whereas the adaptive immune system responds more efficiently to each successive encounter with microbes

  • Components of innate immunity

    - Epithelia - Phagocytes ( neutrophils and monocytes/ macrophages) - Natural killer (NK ) cells - Complement system - Cytokines

  • Phagocytes ( neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages)

    Neutrophils = polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) The most abundant leukocytes in the blood (4000-10.000 per mm3)

    Infections production of neutrophils from bone marrow increases rapidly ( 20.000 per mm3 ) Production of neutrophils is stimulated by cytokines, known as colony-stimulating factors, that are produced by many cell types In response to infections and act on bone marrow stem cells to stimulate Proliferation and maturation of neutrophils precurssors. Neutrophils are the first cells type to respond to most infections, particularly bacterial and fungal infections. Neutrophils ingest microbes in the circulation & they rapidly enter extravascular tissues at site of infection, where they also ingest the microbes and die after a few hours

  • Monocytes are less abundant than neutrophils (500-1000 per mm3) Ingest microbes in circulation and tissue. Unlike neutrophils, monocytes that enter extravascular tissue survive in these site for long periods; in the tissues, these monocytes differentiate into cells called macrophages

    Neutrophils and monocytes migrate to extravascular sites of infection by binding to endothelial adhesion molecules and in response to chemoactractants (chemokines)

  • There are several different types of receptors, specific for different structures or patterns are frequently found on microbial molecules : -Toll-like receptors (TLRs) -Receptors that recognize N-formylmethionine-containing peptides (produced by microbes but not host cells -Mannosa receptors -Integrins (Mac-1) - Scavenger receptors Machrophages also express receptors for cytokines, such as interferon (INF-)

  • Natural killer cells (NK cells)

    NK cells are a class of lymphocytes that respond to intracellular microbes

    By killing infected cells and by producing the macrophage activating cytokine


    NK cells recognize host cells that have been altered by microbial infection

  • The complement system

    Collection of circulating and membrane-associated proteins that are important in defense againts microbes (>> proteolitic enzymes

    Complement activation involves the sequential activation of these enzyme (enzymatic cascade)

  • Complement cascade may be activated by one of three pathway

    Alternative pathway

    Classical pathway

    Lectin pathway

    It is triggered when some complement proteins are activated on microbial surfaces and cannot be controlled because complement regulatory protein are not present on microbes (but are present on host cells) this pathway is component of innate immunity

    It is triggered after antibody bind to microbes or other antigens and It thus component of humoral arm of adaptive immunity

    It iss activated when a plasma protein, mannosa-bindi ng lectin, binds to terminal mannosa sidues on the surface glicoproteins of microbes. This lactin activates proteins of classic pathway, but because it is initiated in the absence of antibody it is a component of innate immunity

  • Central component of complement is a plasma protein called C3

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  • Innate immune recognize structures shared by classes of microbes.

    adaptive immune express receptors that specifically recognize different substances (antigens) produced by microbes as well as noninfectious molecules.