Page 1: Open call for category "New Producers Video" for Second International Film Festival for Human Rights-Bogotá

Open call for category "New Producers Video" for Second International Film Festival for Human Rights-Bogotá

Consult the requirements of the application Aware of the need to make the work of new filmmakers more visible, the Festival, in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Foundation, will award the best audio-visual productions with a maximum duration of 60 seconds. Now in its second edition, the International Film Festival on Human Rights - Bogotá seeks to spread, promote, and encourage the realization of “amateur videos.” This invitation is addressed to students and enthusiasts of all nationalities who want to create audio-visual productions with a maximum duration of 60 seconds. In this short time, the production must be able to conceptualize the promotion and protection of human rights in Colombia and the world. Interested participants should be holders of the economic and intellectual rights to the work they are submitting. The invitation will be open until March 13, 2015. Registration is available through an online form at the following link: A committee of judges appointed by the Festival will be responsible for choosing productions competing in the official selection. They will evaluate the thematic content and technical quality of the submitted works. The KAS Foundation will award three participants with an invitation to an international activity sponsored by the Foundation. The award recipients will have the opportunity to present their videos to a relevant audience and discuss the topics with experts and assistants alike. The KAS Foundation will provide travel accommodations to attend the event. The official selection of videos will be posted on YouTube by the Festival. The video with most visits will be awarded the “Audience Award.” The deadline for visits count date is April 11, 2015 at noon. The other two winners will be chosen by the jury. All related information will be posted on the official website of the Festival, Additional details and news about the selection will be announced through our social networks. Twitter: Festddhhbogota Facebook:

BOGOTÁ 7 AL 11 DE ABRIL /2015 Twitter: @FestDDHHBogota

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