
C.S. PEIRCEBahan Kuliah SemiotikProgram Magister LinguistikFakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan BudayaUniversitas Indonesia

oleh Tommy Christomy Departemen LinguistikFIB-UI

the semiotic of Gudang Garam

t. christomy/2009/fibui


Gudang Garam too!!!

C. S. Peirce dan Gudang Garam

Lahir di Massachussetts, 10 September 1839, (1839-1914)

Lulus Havard 1859 Filsuf, ahli matetamatika dan logika Pernah bergabung dengan tim geodesi Collected Papers


Peircean Semiotic:Basic concepts

Signs/representament, Object, Interpretant, Semiotic Chaining/Semiosis Interpretants

Categories for signs and Sign-Object-Interpretant Relationships

Trichotomy I (The sign Itself) Trichotomy II: Sign-Object Relations

Trichotomy III: How the Sign Is interpreted The Combination of three trichotomies

The Three Basic Categories: Firstness, Secondness, Thridness


Bagaimana sebuah representamen hadir. Konsep Ground diam-diam ditinggalkan Peirce (1867) dan diganti dengan ‘relation of sign to object’ (Ane Freedman)

of Contemporary Literary Theory: Approaches, Scholars, Terms University of Toronto Press, 1993

Drop the concept of the term ‘gorund (1867) = ‘relation of sign to objet” (see also Ane Freedman)

Bagaimana sebuah tanda menjadi tanda (Christomy)

Cognitive semiotic

Feeling and imagination Practice cognition

Tiga elemen dasar

Representamen something stands for something else to someone in some way

Objectsomething else, entity, abastrac/concrete

Interpretanthe effect created in the mind of a preceiver

Tiga Kelas Tanda

Recursive application of the categories (Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness)

Berdasarkan kombinasi-kombinasi yang dibatasi logika atau kualifikasi

Icon, index, dan symbol hadir dalam keseluruhan relasi tersebut

Chaining Process

Interpretant1-RO-> I2/R Tiga jenis interpretant dilihat dari segi

effectnya1) emotional intepretant, 2) energetic interpretant, 3) sign/linguistic based concept intepretant

Kategori Tanda dan relasinya

the signs itself/the nature of sign

Kategori Tanda dan relasinya

keterhubungan antara representamen dan objekicon, index, symbol

Icon, index, symbol

Kategori Tanda dan relasinya: how the Sign Is Interpreted sebuah representamen mendapat

interpretasi setelah mengacu terhadap objeknya (rheme, dicent, argument)

Rheme = a qualitative possibility ‘semut’, ‘apple’

Dicent = interpreted as really being affected by its object, penunjuk angin, kompas (externally)

Argumen =“language” based premises upon which the proposition can be interpreted and assesses (internaly)


Interpretant as mediator (representamenobject)

Kombinasi komponen2 berdasarkan relasi trikotomi Tanda dapat dianalisis dengan cara

menempatkannya dalam tiga trikotomi. Mengidentifikasi fungsi2 tanda utama yang

hadir sesuai dengan tujuan analisis

TIPOLOGI TANDA/Triadic1st 2nd 3rd

Qualisign: potensial

Icon: kemiripan Rheme/terms

Sinsign: keterkaitan

Index: kedekatan dan penunjukan


Legisign: kesepakatan

Symbol: kesepakatan

Argumen:hukum dll

Sepuluh kelas tanda dengan contoh dari PeirceIcon qualisign 111 A feeling of red

Iconic sinsign 211 An individual diagram

Iconic legisign 311 A diagram apart from its factual individuality

Index Rhematic indexical sinsign 221 A spontaneous cry

Dicent sinsig 222 A Weathercock

Rhematic indexical sinsign 321 A demonstrative pronoun

Dicent indexical legisign 322 A street cry

Symbol Rhematic symbol 321 A common noun

Dicent symbol 332 A proposition

Argument 333 Abduction, induction, deduction

Abduction or hypothesis formation; perception is interpretative; perceptual judgments; uncontrollable judgments (CP 5. 184), conditioned by the habits of experience.

Induction Deduction

Firstnes, secondnes, thirdness

Object: immediate & dynamical

Representamen stand for ….(object)Object = “anything that comes before thought or the mind

in any usual sense” Immediate/dynamical object ditentukan oleh

perception/pengetahuan atau sesuatu yang harus dipercayai adanya (immediate); sementara itu, sesuatu yang belum persis dapat diketahui (dynamical object)

Pengetahuan/perception bisa berubah oleh karena itu hubungan immediate dan dynamical object bisa berubah pula


The semiotic of Dukun Cilik

Menyembuthkan setrup


