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OF7~ OLlrc.h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S n

Bo}( V I <1?S'

Page 2: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

Warm Springs , Ga., November 26 , 1938 .



Will you send me by r eturn

pouch any information the State Department

has in regard to possible places for

Jewish col onizat ion in any part of the world?

I do not want any extensive m~orandum

just what you happen to have on hand . I

will r eturn it to you at opoe after l ooking

at it .

F. D. R.

SEE 20 for f irst copy

/ //

76 -e-

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For your intormationa

--­,/ ;

J. ehower o.f the .. wae dr opped on t~ downtOirll

streets ot Los J.ngeles by airplane at noon

Monday, J.pril 4th.

Helene F. Glaeer 4463 W. 4th St. Los J.ngelee, Cal.


Page 4: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

JEWS! JEWS! Jews Everywhere! -The Roosevelt Administration is Loaded with Jews -12 =Million White American Worlcers Jobless


Benjamin Fnnklin Said: "Jews are a menace to this country if permitted entnnce And Should Be Ex­duded."

Samuel Roth S~d: "We Jews are a people of vultures, living on the labor of the rest of the world."

The Jewish Talmud Says: "Jews are human beings, Gentiles are not human beings, but beasts.'' (Baba Me.zia, 114, &.)

Samuel Roth Says: "WE JEWS, who come to the Nations, PRETENDING to escape PER S E C U­



Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake upl Get in touch with your nearest .Anti-Communist Organlaation

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~ · -..

Gentl .. elu SteiB~: "!he J'OOl' .Jtw~• r

!o b,i~ with, • .Jew, .J.P. Morsal! alld pal't1111ra were al­

lowed to corral {8 at the wealth ot the ent1r, 11111:1011, tbe fl.dtll'

Morgan having baeo allowed to beoou a .Plr.otor ·ill tOO 4itterent Co.pant.. . wbile the truet bu.at1JIC, ortae oollba t1QI, .Jntfla• oontrollad (T) Depart-tot ot .J111t1oe did a ldp Vto tinkle, and llbic:h th.,- are doing now with regard to the ao1jiT1ti .. ot thet

brilliant .Tewiab Pol1t1oe1 Part)', DOll in oont~l'. ~ tbia nation, the Wew Deal Politic~ Part7.

· Another Jew, Benr7 Morgenth1111, Jr., baa QOntrolled the nation'• tinanoea, the u.s. Mint, to do witb ae be pleaeea, tor IIIID7 7tara DOW •

:Por tha t irat t1ae 1D the h1l torr or the t1D1ted Ota tea, no report na required ot the u.s. ri'eaaurer , no a OO !JQDtiug ezoept

a akeleton report. Bverything ne end still ia allOWed to be done "in eeoret• - the onl7 two people in the lln11;ed Sta tea 1n on the aeoret being Pranklln Delano Rooeevelt aid B.a:!l-7 llorgentha., and with the f orme r awq on pol1t1oe1 tripe an4 pofillg tor the newap aPIIra, I doubt whether be knowa a l l the aeoreta or oarea 111\lOh a bout them. -

It the 'l'reaeurer wanted to take a eYaral bUUona ot good

American dollar a out ot the o101 el7 guarded '!'reaaUl'J' ( (01' othe re) and hand tb- oYer to m~othar Jewiah-oontrollad nation, like France, to help the Jewa there, which he did do no .. one in the United Statu proteatad eatoept two people tha t I ll:na. ot, the ReY.QJaa .:K. Coughlin aDd .,-aelt, bol2l ot wbOII proteeted direotq to the Preai d ent, but wi t hout avail.

' .t.tter making the proteet, Prendent Rooaavelt than gave Bani'J' llorgentbau t wo mare b11Utl:l dollere to do with a a he

pleased , but I f eel aura that not even Praaidant Booaave~t, llbo, h i maelt 1 ma7 have bt~an •~Uad with pla11t7 of mone7 b{ t he u.s. '1'reaeurer 1 are at goba ot 11; 1 mq be 1 know a a aingle th ng ot what .t.aao1oa•a Jewish Seoratii'J' ot the Treu\11!7 hu dooa end 1a na. doing with au the aon.,- ~ tha. United st. tea ot .t.llflrioa.

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Iu add1t1ou to the h'IIP lou 111 • oor~~&r111g" s~ld, bUJ1116 1t fro• Jaw1ab t1D&II01era 111 eTOl"J' ~~at1o11, !l•lplug tll• oqt at tbf upt~ .. of the Geut1loa of tbh uat1on, bUJ111f tt at the top prtoe of ~~ au cnmoe and aelUns, wbeo thq do ael , f~ oonaldar.bl7 le .. 1 there appear a to be auotb .. husa loea ot li b1Uton dollar•, about; wbiob the l'ralidaut and bla aeoret&r7. ot the 't'Naaur,. ap­pear to !mow not~lqr •

It would proba.bl7 taka Ullderworld oharaotora of thta a!Ji other m t10DI oomblued ae·nral 7Mra to aqua 1 tbla hllilll lo.,, end t he losa ot the 2 1/2 b1111o~~a •o~oaead ott• 'b7 tha a ••• o. to ••T uoth1ng o"t blll1on dollor louea resard111s ohangea ot pol107 1n asrtoultur e, eta.

· 1 aa appeal1DS to the Gentllea hera aDd elaawher e to aaeh t ua , t ha BaT. COUgh ltD a!Ji 117aalt, 1n f~ otns Praatd ant Kooaevelt aud bla Seoratal"J' of the TN •lll'T to balenoe the butget, get Troaau17 tranuotloua atratgbtaned out, unoover-i, whlla thq are atlll Uvlng, and not l et thea thruat that bot potato• upou aomeboc!f eloa • ,

'1'be hoada or otflo1als ot qul te a number ot BrCJ!ldoaatl ng Companies are Jewtah, and everybody kDo..a that the b1gheat paid radio entertainer• are Jewa- Eadie Cantor, Waltlll' Wlnohell a!Ji a hoe t of others .

~. Pederal Re .. rn Banldlls Slat•, to wbl<il the people, t ha •nea , ara ooapelled to pa7 t2ooo a .tnuta 1nteraat , 11 undoubtedq a nother Jerlah ayatem. '!'he majortty banka, both large and nall , to aq nothing of p.o aot1 oal17 all. t ho Bulld1qr and Loan Aasoo1at1one are 1n the ba nda of Jan.

Tho n1gbt olub oroheatraa , <Ill' almoet an7 orchestra st1ll 1n exta t enoo, ani directed. aud owned b7 .rewa.

'lh" mjorltT of largo Uquor d11tillors are Jew11h owned.

llaDJ of tho Holl,..ood Studio JJ1reotora, makera ot p1o tur ea auob aa Jlax rlohoher cartoons , are of the Jarlab race.

In '11fT own ottr ot LoubTtllo, up and down Market; Street, Jefferson 8treet i ro~rth and P1fth Sta . , the ma1n bua1neu soot1on, the majorttr who eaasla and retail .. r obanta are Jaw1ah, and I am sure thb 1a true of allaoat OTOl"J' large o1t7 in the U.S .A.

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.l wealthJ' Jew, Bar bert Lebiii8DD, ot our rioheal.' l!lta tee tor JDIIDY J'eara llow1 the tallea or publlo debt hu been reduoea

baa bean Ooverncr ot one but I dont belleve either by hi•, but rather iQOreaaed.

To thia list oan be added 10ore1 ot other aotivities in America controlled by the Jewa.

It was a brilliant Jaw, ·rrotakJ, who oollaborated with other lese brilliant Jews to overthrow the Czarist regime in Russia, bJ' toroe and violence, which they succeeded in doius, nU 01117 excluding Royalty, but God and Jesus, the Christ, Son ot God, alomg with theJD.

It waa a brilliant Jew, Sir Bazil Zaharott, wbo first ID8de billions, aeoretly, out of munition~.

Jewish munition manufacturers in Europe undoubtedly are responsible for the armament race, which is bankrupting moat ot the nations today, with the exception ot Germany and AUII tria.

Jewish inspired fear and hatred of the Jfazi Regime in Germany ia undoubtedly responsible for the huge arma•ent progre m in the UnitiO. States and elsewhere·, to say nothius ot pro1'1te for Jew18b controlled arm&JDent factories down to the tiniest Jewish collector of scrap iron and tin , whiCh busineaa ia on a big boom.

Who but th!l Jewa broke the banlca in the various mt1ona, incluHng our own aD1 llbo but tbo Jaw 1a on the r':'6.d to bus t1ng up all the nations , including this one?

And who, in Europe, was the tirst to see the great need of setting the Gentiles out trom under Jewish alavary, and had the cowage to do something about itt

lfone other than Beer .ldolt Bitler, "Der Puehrer", the man whom the American public reviles both publlol7 and secretly, and tbanka tor sending the Jews over here.

Who, in the u.s. , it·allowed to become Preaident, leader, would adopt a course aomewhat similar , compatible with Chriat1en1ty, and with the aes1atence ot others, would 1111lce att empts to rescue the people at th1a nation from Jewiah alaveryt

Not President Roosevelt but the hUJDbllll wri tar ot this letter.

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Wb. r eaa , too the Ca thoU ca ot oermao{ and .lUI tria, and in all the oationa patronized J'ewiab .,.rohanta ,(m lAI the .Tawiah IIHirohante patronized onlT each other,) a !dug the~~ what tboT ara, thaT now oome to this nation, at the invitation ot President Roosevelt and Sooratal)' Bull, a.nd join the Co11111unhta in an unbolT all1anoe againat them.

It would appear to the.riter ot tbia .Tewe have done avarTwhere i.a to "pass the buQk" to carrT the burden the AlDdgbtT daoreed that

letter that what the tcroing the Gentiles ther ahould carry.

Who but Plleaidant Roosevelt tilled the entire !lew Deal Political Par tT with brilliant .Tewa, the Brain ~rust th87 were called,. and now baa hie Cabine t Members and othera broadoaat to the nation · ~'he Dangera ot .. soiaa•, bnt would have the people believe that CoiiiiiiWiitm, to whioh the .Tewa belq , 1a onlJ an illl8g1narT danger.

Who but President Rooa evalt and Secretary Bull, another high New Dealer, oallad upon the whole world to ~ter themaelvea aa a haven tor "the poor .Tewa" compelled to leave Oermanr and Austria tor reasons above stated, tor the Preule, the ltarl llarxee, the ·.rrot.r;qiata, the exponents ot averr ldnd ot doo trine except the one ot Chris tian1ty?

In ooncluaion, I w1ah to state that I am tired ot running the United Statea trom 117 bOllia in Lolliev1lle (despite the Jewish New Deal) at 117 o.rn axpenaa1 ~ whioh 1e not properlr equipped to run the nation , nor do I have lllilliona ot dollara w1 th which to do it, ea President Rooa avelt, SeoretarT Bull, the Dapt ot Justice, eto. bave, and I call upon everrbodT in the lllltion and out ot it to aee tbs t I 8111 allowed to run the nation, or at least assist in running it, trom the White Bouae at Waabington,D.C.

Alraadr I think I bava oauaad a huge loss to .lmeri eao Oil Companies owning property in Mexioo, to the advanta~ ot v~~~. nations - whJ women should be President - which I would have liked to discuss with others tirat, and now I am not exactlr pleased with the activities ot those two new Zabarotta, absll we say, ot the oil indUBtry, the Britiab and .lmerican JO;J&tor,. men, wbo negotiated apeoteoular Ethiopian and Mexican Oil Con­cessione , and so it goes .

'!'o- Bon.Prankl1n D.Rooaevelt, Rev. Cbaa. E Coughlin Associated Preas, ate.

Vary truly ro..-o _'L) Q ~~.J.::t/L \£( . 6{,-.,~

Elizabeth C.Brand a

1930 Priooeton Drive , Louiav Ule , IJ' .


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" Tb• Countrt..,. Whkb R....on• Cod

rro.ia th• Mind. ol ~n Lump~ All

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.f THE CHRISTIAN FRONT~ by Edward £ odgo Curran, Ph. D .

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Page 10: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

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Page 11: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I



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Page 12: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

JJ:II!IINGS, Bernercic> - 1'1049$ -~~g,;~ .,.,._ IA&roh 2'~ , 1938 New York, N. Y.


RE: Opposed t o the plan t o do awey wlth

t he l mrn1grat1on restr1ot1ons egeinet

Austr i a n and German Jewe .

Page 13: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I


' MeMO for ~ . ~essett :

'J'!'le P.·"ls i llont Okcyed 5er1e ' s S'.lG£0Stcc :nessse:e t o

Ga1ici~n J evi!J . . .l l ,;; e:uli.:l ::- f ro:J her e . - .. }' . ·'- . .. • -.1. .

llarch 26 . 1930 11:50 a . m.

Page 14: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I


?! t/ /f1

Xfrqe ~qite ~ouse ) J ~ns~ington


Yarch 26 1938

The follo11ing tel egram 11as r eceived adares&ed to you by

Congressman Cell£>r 1450 Broadway New York City C..UOTI::

Galician Jews will assemble Saturua;r night and all o&y l>unoay, M!il'ch

26th and 27th in Ne'1 York, thE:ir secono o.nnual convention. George

Gordon ~ttle honorary chairman wrote \',bite House February twenty&i.xth

asking for message from President Roosevelt . V•ould appreciate your

intercession \1ith President to send such & message . If Presic.ent not

availible could you send message for him . Message should be sent to

association at dlecca Temple, New York City in time for &tturtiay ~::vening

m.:etiniS • Thank you for asshtance !TN1,.UOTE PAAAGRdPH

For your information Pl.RIOD This r ec.uest when orit,.inally maCJe

~~ GeorGe Gordon Battle ~as turned oo"n by 5teve upon aavicE: of the

St<.k Pe p&rtment Pi:.?.IOD Assi,tant Sec:·etary llorle t elepbon&d toe oth<:r

d:.y that in view of the changed situation in Austri& he thout,.ht the

Pr~::sitient should send a message P-kiOD Our understanding ib that Serle

'""' mtt of '"""a ~·~•• oimt to ••= "''""'' / -~

\ Jl'j

Page 15: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

,, . ·,



March 11, 1938 .


S. T. E.

Will you t alk with the

Sta te Department about this

and let me know what I should

do because apparently it is

an interna tional organization?

F. D. R.


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March 17, 1988.

IAOORA~OOI.l F:>R GEOJ\G!: SUU.\:£RLI:I: Chief of Pr otocol

~'\.. '

Your me~r8ndua of Marob 6th , with

re&&rd to the request for eta tc::~ents frot~ the

Preeident and t he Secre-tary ot Sttl.te to the

orcanization known a s the "~ssoci•tion for the

Promotion or Trade and Agri culture•, ~ati been

approved . It i s retur ned to you herewith f or

t ransmissi on to 'ir . B. Churney Vlad!'lck .


Seergtary to the Prez1de~t

Letter froro B. Charney Vladeck, 212 Fifth Ave .

New York, N .Y.

RE: r equesti ng statement on behalf of organization

known as the Assn . for the Promoti on of Tr ade and

Agriculture. Summerlin answering the letter i nsteac

of Vohi te House .

Page 17: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

~ . .,._,..._ ... _.._ .. Tnlt H C.IIUfU. 'I Of' II"I'Jrt. l •

••-.. ....._.CI,




I n reply refer t o PR 811.43 Jewish Societ y for Promotion

of Ora!ts and Agriculture

Ky dear Kr. Early :

t/.arch 16 . 1938

With reference to your memorandum of March 12,

with which you enclosed a letter addressed to the

President by B. Oharney Vladeck, the Secretary of

State has received a similar letter f r om ~. Vladeck

requesting a statement on behalf of the Jewish organiza­

tion !mown a s the • Association for the Promoti on of

Trade and Agricul ture11 •

In view of the well-established practice of the

President and the Secretary in such matters, I do not

believe i t would be advisable to singl e out this organiza­

tion tor recognition. I have accor di ngly prepared a

r eply t o Mr. Vladeck, a copy of which is enclosed, de­

clining both requeate. Please l e t me know whe t her this

draft reply meets with the President's approval.

The Honorable

Stephen Early ,

Secretary t o the President,

The White Rouse.

llr. Vladeck' a

Page 18: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I


Wr. Vladeck '• coamun1ca~1on 1a returned herewith. Sincerely yours ,

~~~~-~ef of Protocol.

Et:oloa urea: Original letter from llr. Vladeclt to the President, Karch 8 ,

1938; Draf t reply.

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lta!'<lh lt, l~S8 1


It, 1n your opir:dc;a, the Pres1d&l'lt

ahould aead the atate•eat requested by B. Charney

Vladect, will you please, let 11e han a draft ot

a suggeated see.-ge tor the President's aicnature.

STEPHD EARLY Secretar,y to the Pre&ident

Letter from B. Charney Vladeck, 212 Fifth Avenue,

New York , N.Y.

RE: outcome of the milli ons of Jews v.ho are being driven out of busi ness and ?rofessions .

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B. CfiAIINEY VLADtlCI: Ill nrtB A\'EN'tS


A.IWuld. U$21

Ron. Prankl1n D. Roosevelt , Whi te House , Wa shington, D. c.

Jtr dear llr . Preaident 1


In oODm!on with l i beral man and women of all faiths , you

have, beyond a doubt , been profoundly disturbed by \

the ·-mtestations ot anti - semitism 1n Bastern and

Central :EUrope. 1.t '701.\ have given the queeti on 8.%17

thought at all (and what person concerned with world affairs has not'l) '10U have wondered what was to become ot the milliona ot Jews who are being driven out of blsineaaes and professions, out ot their homes and

fatherlands .

ORT (tho letters s t and tor AssOciation ~r the Promotion

ot Trade and Agriculture) supplies a rationaJ. answer to this probiein. Thi-s orgll.liization, fOunded in Russia more tb&n a half century age , and ot continuous aervioe and growth since that time, baa aa ita objective the permanent economic rehabilitation of the Jewish masses in all countries where they live. It proposes to accom­plish this by teaching productive trades to Jewish youths and adults , and by returning Jewish faml.lies to agri cUlture, converting a non- productive middle class into trained industrial and agricultural workers . It has thus helped hundreds or thousands to help themselves.

Through its 58 '7ears ot activity, the ORT leaders have learned that Jewish skilled workers , both i ndustrial and agricultural , have as geod a ohanoe of survival as any other group, even 1n these days or unprecedented competition for jobs and in the race of political anti­somitiam- ORT trains those skilled workers by thOUsands each year , in its 137 trade schools , 140 agricultural colonies, 133 cooperative factories and workshops in Poland, 14Ltvia, Roumania , Li thuania , Prance an1 other countries .

It 1s important to note that ORT is not a propaganda organization. It is not engaged 1n attacldng any

gevernment or regime. Rather , i t faces a fact - aoruel unwelcOme tact if you will , but a raot none the less -with honesty and clarity. Ita relations are co-operative

Page 21: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

- 2-

with t he governments of the countries in Which it works, and many of them make regular contributions to the maint enance of ORT schools and workshops .

This year for t he first time i n nearly a decade , ORT i s compelled by t he unprecedented world situation to make a nation-wide appeal t o the American people f or support of its work. In making this appeal, it woul d be greatly assisted by some word of co~~endation or support from you. Such is the popular psychology t hat even in the matter of his philanthropies, the average person needs the assur ance of the approval of t hose to whom he looks for l eadership.

May we ask, then, f or a brief stat ement from you

which may help to open the hearts and purses of the I\ American people toVlard t hi s fine pie ce of constructive humanitarian service?

I Vl adeck

' hairman

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Page 24: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

a u pee•tull7 1'ef'ened ~ ~ 6\a\e

oeperl!Nft\ f'or t~pp:roprie\e eolmowledc-

-··· u. H. Nolln'!RK

Seore-I'Y •o the l'l'nldoat

trote to the !'resident 2/2/38 from

Ho:t . !lalph /, . Gal'lhle , X llouso or ~o:presentatlves ,

, l•ashh.gton , o. c.

forvlll.rding a resolution edoptod by

Brooklyn Pos t (No. }2 , JQWt~h Wer Ve~s , 3::\1 Ave. N, flrooklyn , N. Y.

( s irnod by Samuel Rosorr , ~o~ander) ->' • ., <'\.


.\siting the rrcsident to intncodo tlith the !rumanian Gov ' t . t o i;~r:x Itt• "ceesto t ts vicio•t£1:; unjust rl iscriminaTfOO':'lGSinst 1 ts r a cial and '""11~1<'US miJ::orit\'11' nnrl cho•·f' al l !>Ut en end to its cru'!) cn1 l:t.rb~rous .-.1strAet5ent o~ inn~Pnt J&\rlSb c1 tizens" etc

Page 25: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

1!. 1'. l§CDinRE

" .. ( \o t;bo f'rga14 ... nt. .

r .u \ ~c Cnlr..,.,._-'l~>-'"*"ri' tl ot Ccn:JOrco , Chlnuac fl.I!Dkore An:'b. , Hr.Uonnl Ru4 CrosJ

J~sn ., C!\lnt.o&:4.1 S6 . .uon •s Union, CMooao \r«tn' l Ntt¢1onnl Fodor •

Uoa end a~y, lt'..nkov, Cbloa . 1/26 eon·ny ~rtfclt. cro:tl•

tudo bn bvl"..r .• lf of thu Chln;eo p..oplo ro Proeld~"lt 'a "PPJOl to

A:-orler o pcopl~ to fun41 thru Red Cros:J tor outrvrina 1I: Ch!DL .

R. c. &oht. nn4 11. o. \l~tr, tll)w York,t!.Y. , l/2G .

UO b.11 latlQ...bCU t.O pl\.ft'C.11t nny lt:Jero•;.OO lo

Al'rT:/ •.!111 !levy. STA'11

uraca l'r\)aldon t to tho s12b of o\lr'

~ U. RD1d, Z!Peutl'l'o SOorc-_, t""ry, A..L. tar :' . a D. , Now York, N. Y.

1/26 t.A:»rte'!D Lo~o for ..... ~co a. Domcr"c:f) Approcl--tcs ~pp. .. -.1

to n.11u nouoy thru Rod C-roae far Chtnn. Urgoa lLnodL-to nD.Ind.~

Nwtrcllty Act. to qwzrmtin~.; nar.,aeor by cut tins ott oll war

1\q)plica end r w :rtorl'\le tMr. lcp'!D .

B. S . 'Pong , Chc·ir:rn , ChiM Wur Aoliot Aaan. or Aalr1C'l, 643 Stocktou

St. I Sc.n rr'.l\Olaco, Cr.lit . 1/26 btdld arrtitu4o ro ~ppenl to

rr.tao uonoy thru Rod Cross tar wnr 1 triekon Chin" •

B. VanlooUlffOD, The Hr::ugo SehclYontncon, !.i6J'ftvunh·!g0 . l./26 rcdtcgr,. '1 -

Ro dtacatroue 11 tur.tlon or 3t;q lp •o•ol"ftl eoumrte• nokce bl&

ecl'llo tiUi&r· tlOn neoooe1ty . J'o1'fioh'Booplo •o eorvloo toundod b;;

l.tlt u N!'lthc:~ Blrdbnuu po1cte to wry out rtn41d8 torr1tor11le

poUtic'lllY • .1d e,.eonorl1c~ .. ~ly luit-·.blc tor J'"'Wl•b &c-Ulomnt• oc

r 011&1o\lo nntiolw~ bran:. • • • •

fbapc.otf\Uly r-c..n..:rro~ t~ t. ... S&cr"'t'-17' or L bnr tor r.ttootlon.

Roqwnt thnt applic t11:1, or &rold .:lrttc1'~t.- tt, :'ro:.., 1'\tornt~t ' l . Wo-Jd·

or ~'"»ri.oe..n tar vtet> b.J r-.,r- t1tt.~d .

Loc::l 9 Intern· U on;cl L.:t~l\cr'"'.~n'e .t ...... rchow •1: ~·

W. J . Hol.rul , Goo . • r l.Yl'I'J~ & Vont;t..~r Uarkore Lt-e . .J.. f

\:oodw"'rkurs at AJ.urto1 , 6?~ .. 'al·•t\tnu Av • , :.;...

1. G. Bl181n,gur, S..c ., artyaon:l, \:•Ab . 1/26 L:'IC l l•J

l.l'!lio:a, scmt.Uo, • , In:t orneu ont\1. ·.tlo , l.'aah . 1/26 U.I:'U

S"r.Jill Wo:rkon Loor~ UD.Jon 33, Hl..rT.;.)' G rtll..':'l 1 :~ • , •'\tcrn:.Ucmol

Pl\lll , I linn. l/P.5

0. &L Ort'liD. Vt,.o Fro•. , 1:1tornrt'L WoodwortDJra "'f Arl.irtc~ , so.nulo,

Page 26: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

The n..-s or ·-.C' ,lll:lt tel M.t• f'r011 Go1'W&t11 hu

doep.J.y JhockeJ ?tJ.l-lle O'J1.nlon tn thC" 0:\lt,,.j StClLea. :;.uch

"let'S fre>a M.:J .. rt Df tl:• IIOfi 4 "O:Jl j ir'IIII'IJt,,~t--l,y lt'('t1UCe

U Dlr:liLYr ?r'OfOU•IJ T .. le"liQO 'IJIOU~ ·\GIC:"Jt .. n ,.0,\.t in -.VU)

.x..rt. ')( tb_. ~tl...n.

I ~r•lt e4.a11 seucnl,y bdhN llt~t tueh t.h\nora

coul . i"' • t••.nth.\.'l e n\Jr; chiHioitlo•,,

lith,_ Vi\: .. L0"li "'- t-.!"j;t.-t..fll llC"lUr Of

1.h~ ai•.u.a~lo~ 1n c~ 1 .. ~.j the .;,reretA.ry or b\.'1t8 t.O

or-sor our 1Cl~IU1or 1n f!~rll"l '..O rot.•U'!\ «Lt. on:• ror ro:::JOrt

-.nJ C.)r:ro.U\Al.10!".

Page 27: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

11. • •• • .:cU17"Ch..;. !M\)rc~t.o.q· to ?ruJt"""nt.

Kc.v"-r.w4 • · i . 1 .. Pooal~t.a:l, ).; ; ., • .,. 8t.z"Mt.. J, .. :~~~ S.:.... a Cou-ol.lJl& •

Page 28: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

w • LltiCC, ,,

I..IP'Il WA.IIDilNS ¢.,uKM UUIIotiiUI Cllqurrq of lqt '-burnt

£pisropal W.L .......... t !M M , Q...eTOMI

...... w o. ,.,_..oov, 11«'1'001 I IKIIU""'1' AltO ....... ,."""" ...... u-.-

M118 , UlH W. AIICIH. I'OU.I0 0CN' WOM.Ioli'• AltlK.IA.II1'

.,. .... _,. .. " .• ~ ..... .._. ... ~~~···· .. ,. M fll t:IT•Utll S , Mil~ 1111110.:...., ..,0111(1111

•u. """-'' c;M~~ W~'"•M OIOLL.I Mil • . MOLL1'TMOM ... I , \.OC~LAIIIIT~OIT

... ,........., •.•. THiliU!YUIOID W . H. 1C. I"C:NDUrTOfll , ll lCTOII

ltQ IOU.C ... 1-'-1 ALMI#.IoiA ITIIICIIT 1ft,..I(I'M0 10l 110

ori'IICCo ""' """"''.., _ ,,., 1'li.II>MONC IM

November 15,1938

The Bon.Franklin D,Roosevelt,Praeiden t Washington, D. C.

WAJIDQ<I8 C. I", ..... TMIWQ ft, 1.. 8AIIJf ... n.i.

Y II..,-IIYMI;H W . e. iotAH,.,I_,... Ao, A. M.U.JUMD M Q . IITOHc W , e MOO.~III:UO'I' .I, C , M- T. W , CIIIII-H , A. UDON L. 0 , OCLO...CM W , L 11"'11 J , lit. WUTtOOII.UMD IL M M~YtltWJI P M , ALLIIN

~;} i_\) I n addressing t he congregat ion ot t he Chu1e! of the

~dvent on Sunday I deplored the unjust and barbarous treatment ot t he Jews in Oermany ,

My dear Mr . President:

Since I feel that we should do more tban merely deplore or denounce, I am writing as the representative or tbie Cburch respect t"ully to request that ~give OJ£2!:e ss ion to your disapproval of the t reatment to which t be f ews have be~­lected by fne"'llermlin l)Overnm"'!nt - al!d :fo mal<e such protest o.s mey seour·t 9j;Y<511ViT!fe"1.1nder "the elffstinfzfircumstanoes. --- ---- aiii surirl -need not aJ>olo~ ze ro·i'COniiiiunica~ng with

you thus ,Mr . President, tor I kno·R that you wish to be a pprised of the sentiment of t be Chr istian people or t he Na tion and to be assured or thei r support in whatever act ion you may s ee fit t o take.

Appreciating your great s ervices to t he cause or humanity in our own l and an.d to the world, I am

Faitbt"ully yours ,

P.S. Rector J I I t may serve as a point or contact to tell you that t he

Hon .James F.Byrnes is a loyal and honor ed member of this Church Through circumstances Llr . Byrnes was not present Sunday morning.

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:n.~,::x-~ PB· JA- PA WASHINGTON

l.ovcaber 17, 1930

tho 'c'ihi to HOllOO

l..oc.r Ur . Early :

Far be it r r m r:'lO to mko l'l.n:l to tho i l"Oaidt..nt a.a he i.e nhm.yo about ton jlmi{)C ahoo.d ot mo but ' tbou.,;ht ho •··ould bo intor-ootod .in cooint tho tollow· .. in.& oxcorpt t"rom o. lottor I ~·~et r eceived r''O!!l a. vary old JOi11oh friend or mino who hn:~ boon 1.nnuontio.1 i n ~ .er1 York politic# tor ~»ny yoarc .

"'!'ho vrhol.o oittat.icm ia too G)'laatly for 1\'ordo but I do wioh tNI.t tho t'ros, \'dum he oYpres3oG intlie,no.tion , woul d atrooo the attitmlo t-.o'l'i1Lr4 tho Catholic and toward tho l'rOtooto.nt Church OC'J.\IO.lly cttit tho att1tudo to;ro.rd ~ho Jett:s. 'hAt I rOC\r o.t t h o prooont, awl t '- i.a 1o l".c.cod in ::crto pnrt on o.n ob:uwvntion rAde to r.o by a. :;11..., of o.ff'e.iro 'r.ho hn.a VCJ1t .,,·ido conto.ote, tha.t t,y oon1'il11n(; hirl:ol.f to the Attitude toward tho .;, ho io sti.nult.tinG n.nti- SO!•itbm 1r t h ic countJ·y , c1noo qci t o obvioudy, tho cowU:· at luco will not bo 'l'li llinr to co~ into any moo::o nith f'OrDU!y ovoa· it:;: tron't:ocnt o: t l10 .rcr.r.t a.lono - ovon it it v::cro roe.dy to do ao in ru:y cnoo. Arul tho idee. thl\t no a r e in d~or of ;;ottine; into cuc!1 o. t',OCtl booo.\1.3e of aytn.!'l\thy •·i. th tho Jotnc i e Ul"c l y to cau.1o roao:rbnont. "

...... ~ Sincerely yOW'& ,

(. / St-L ~ (._ '-.)

I \;. L,.o... .... c. ,

Chief ot .. ootion of I·~o ArtG

Page 30: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

J~ deer Ur. Druce•

Thank you tar your note ot llovanber

sev.oteenth, ~a paracre,pb fran a letter

reooived from a tr:len:l 1n New York. I shall be

alad to br ine it to the attention or the Presi.o-


Fmnlrd Bruce, EeQ..,

STmiEN EARLY Seo:retaey to the President

Chiet, Section of Fine Arte 1

Treasury Department, lluhington, D. c. pl.S- 1'1'

Page 31: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

' .·


Mov~ber 281 ~9J8

Dear Wr" . Well:

the IJ&ttar which you 1Jrin5 to hi e att.cution hau b1.0ll

oxpr•lll&ed by o!'fi ci:.l. .uct:J :ond l'Y officii:Ll u t t erunce u

~:u ~t 1~ f olt, t hurc!ore, tnat he co~c not ~~:>ke ~

Vur~· :.1.nco.r .JJ.y yours,

ur ~ PH r.J, - Aki..Y

bdC.t"uW.ry .to ~~'' ?r .. :~1a~t

lllr II , vinto i. • k• fti.!. 1

Chi.Laren ' o ,,ttli are .l.od&AUU ,

1l1~ ~outh Or1auao Av~nud,

Los Jlllgels 8 , c"'"" it::: rn i <l . wdh-mv.

Page 32: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

-~ .. ··-·-""' ... _ .. __ .... --·-- ·--------·- c--.. .,..,........,,"".,. CHilDRE 'S WELFARE LEAGUE -------­__ ..._...._._.. , ....... -.. - &1.4••-­•tt-··--.. a -···· ----.--.--.... , ......... ~

II• -1'11 __,..,, .. _ ... . - ___ ., •• L ._ .... 1'tol:l ·-· -....... .. c 0 p y _....,_ ..... ..., ....

.... M"4Vill• a Will .. ...... ......... . , ... ........ . . .. - .. .uu..-.-.. ..... f .. .... . . .. ..

II* .. PIP -11'1 , p , ltf•l ...... """" .....

Dear ----

The preaident and founrter of the Children ' s Welfare Leacue . Uta . ll.illio Thorne , bas voiced a ,lea to the ~enbora or her or~anizatton that each of them and th~lr taoilies fron eatlnt. oeat one day each • .. eek: .. or three months , the money thus saTed to be ror the bt-ner 1 t. or ou r aufrerinc; brethren In Ger~a.ny . A motion to that effect waa nade, aecondod , and unanimously carried by the members or the 01ildren ' • Welfare Le&Lue .

Tbe Children's ~elfaro Le~ue foela that this meatl ess day once a week coul4 be made national and hopes that all tho J awish organizations of tho united State• wlll cooperate .

Plenoe write at your carl1oet. convent ence to toll us tha ~ you gladly fall ln line. TO(...etlwr '.'fe could start thle movement 'by De CCI'! be r 15,

lolo&L cordially ,

cnll.ll'l:a; •.; 1 :n. '" r : t ·:t.Gw.

1ll!Yina z. 1eU Corrfte.,onclint. Gecret.8ry

Page 33: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I


·-~-.. ·-·-"" .. _ .... ... __ _ ........... --.... .... c_. .. _ ....... -....:·--"" ___ ....,_

, ... ._. -·u.·•-t. ···-· .... -----· ... -~-.. _ , .... ~~ •u-·-•uo .. _ .... ,

_,.....,._.._.. ... _ ......... .._ .. _._ .. ...



............ TlooMf!l .. ,.,..._..oun -· ,CMfloo ... --- - ~ ---..... )lo-.. 22 , 19;)8 -·-

...... --...... ... . ·-~ .... .._.._. . .,. .. _ ......... _

l!t .. ___ ...... ,.., • • _...._ .. '"" Thl'l' Praai dent of the UnJ ta• \1h1t.e HOUIJC, Wal'lhil"'l,.. ton, D.c. DeA r Ur . Preqident J ,

Encloa r1d ia a

co.'y or a le tter boil'\. eont. to t.he

!)rfJftidenta of the Y&rioua nat.1on6l

Jewish ~anen ' a or~&ni~t.tone .

we etnoerely hOJO that you Bre in ACCOrd ~ l th

this idea nnd ~ould be ~ratetul to r

' \ \1..111 . \ 0

~ your \•Ord of approv•l •

With our 4eo~reH

grat1 tude Cor your int.oroaJ\. in t.he

J ewish cuuse , '•" are

uoet. cordtn.l ly ,

CIIII.O:t-.• ' " I. "JS .IE L ;AGUE

Page 34: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

• . '

Excerpt from the Journal of Ch8rles Pinckney of the procee~ings

of the Constitution~l Comvention of 1789, regarding the

statement of Benjamin Franklin et the Convention, concerning

the J ewish immigration,

Original of this copy is in the Franklin Institute in

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

"There is a great danger for the United States of

America. This great danger is the Jew, Gentlemen, in which­

ever land the J ews have settled, they have depressed the

moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty.

They have remained apart and un-assimilated - they have

created a state Within the state and when they are oppressed ,

they attempt to str angle the nation financially , as in the

case of Por tugal and Spain,

"For more than seventeen hundre~ years they have

lamented their sorrowful face - namely, that they were

driven out of their motherland - but Gentlemen, if the

civilize~ world today should give them back Palestine and

their property, they would immediately find pressing reasons

for not returning there. Why? Because they are vempires

and vampires cannot live on other vampires - they cannot

live among themselves. They must live among Christians and

other s who do not belong to their r ace.

"If they are not excluded from the Unite~ States by

Page 35: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

- 2 -

the Constitution within less than one hundred years , they

wi ll stream into this country in such great numbers that

they will rule and destroy us and change our form of govern­

ment for which we Americans shed our blood and s acrificed

life , property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not

excluded within two hundred years, our children will be

working in the fields to feed the Jews while they remain in

the counting house gleeful ly rubbing their hands .

"I warn you , Gentlemen, if you do not excl ude the

J ews forever , your chil dren and your children ' s children

will curse you in your graves . Their ideas are not those

of Americans even when they have l ived among us for t en

g enerations . The leopard cannot change his spots . The

J ews ar e a danger to thi s l and and if they are a llowed to

enter they will imperil our institutions - - they should

be excluded by the Constitution."

Page 36: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

C 0 P T .




F. D. R.

Confidential Memorandum on the Jem1,ration ot Jewa_;nto Mexioo aent to the Preaident by Dr. Salomon de 1a Se1Ta. Paaeo de 1a Reforma 18. Mexico. D. F.

SEE 146-A•for first oarbon

Deoember 7. 1938.

Page 37: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

IIC7fiOillft"'JI •to...., 1(1 n.t P'1VJ4'UI o. IICIOSCV'Dl' uaiWI"t

Dee .. ber 1, 1~38.


Thia ia 1Dtereet1~.

r. D. a.

Jlnlo to Mi .. LellaDcl troa J ... e Rcllr•• Jr •• attaoh~ a .. mo. on the Jewiab .9ll••tion whiob waa preparei by &D otfioial in the Labor Dept. Jlemo. 1a the buia ot •· Y. TS..a atory. Although Aaerio&D oitha hia mot her 1a Auatri&D and he baa been ecluoated. abroad aany ye ara.

FDR/dj .

S,:E 3186-for f irat oarbon

C' --

Page 38: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I



0-.JUCK 1li0RNDIK'f7

Drc . ~t"t, ]!'~P.l

De~r "rAn~Jin ~osevPJtf

For t"e J ""t. ten v~11rs I .,,.ve ···orl<ed f'or yn.J • •• Ir

•r~u "oubt it re1'er to y~ttr files • • • I •m enrlii!'ii"IF

one of MV l,test onl<s •• "ro v~u , r A"' sure , -111 ""t

t~"'eo o-r~enre . •..

. io•"evPr '"e " 1" H nP "'"ntile Am~>ric•n <"..,r,Uie~ ··ill

IIOT t"ler"'tP t'le JE'YS ••• Yo11 m•v ""'lee Pure o" t'l-.t ••

. ,,p '"" II"'Pl ~ "'"irFt rnt"'~r $riVe l"n Onr 'l:fvee • • 'I'-t .... 1~· .. ,

of .Ame,.ic" t o<'hv o~e "'e rwer $1' tN5<' •ncl I ,.,n t"rove

it ... I "'m " l"'f'llepe ~rtu~te ftna .-. 1'nmer u. s . L1ari ne •• To""Y I n'"e nobllbcly " "imE> • • • J 1'""'8 •rc

nrosrly es ~nd blood FU<"~Prs t"1s 'll\s bren n"Oven

sinre t"P 1~vs o!' t"" Ut'eopot•ll'i•ns ••• "l..,u ~"n nl'VE'r

nut C"nr~ 'i'torn111<e, on the Sl"'ot, but I "no•· T'lPnt.y

•bt"''\Jt V~"'~11r D,.p,..rt-~nt 0~ +"'e Int .. t-ri or' .... or ev"'f"T'l e .

O.·•pn D. ·romJ in s""• of R~ini ~>r :;,.tinnl\1 P"r'c, f'or

in~t<tnce is" crn.,k 1 • s I .,,s 'lis r'"fpf rJprJc •.• He

padded tlle p•:vroll u-. bu-• 't•met'~ " c ~,. •n" i"'t>rov"

'Us '\O.'lle.t ••If you ""ubt I ' m t~JJinr- t"r t r ut'l---­

~rr8et me ••• I c•n nrove it ••• Loo~ t'lr~u"'" y~tr ~il~s

i f vou ~'ont bPJive C...,!< '1'-tornl!ik e, •''1" 's i n t'le nett

ed l tim o" ·:.-.,o ' s 71>-o i n ~eric• 1• not <""r !'rt~r."1ll"l

D. Roosevelt •• , • I'f' vnn -'ont hi'] l Pve it <~rrl'st rte-­

t.,~t ' s '>n·• •"'<~t I 'l•v!' q'~""'"'J il"~ !"'~n be l'otldtl Cltt t • ••

But no J..- -ill ... , bll~i nPII• ··H'l Me • • · 'me! v~u c•nt

~"t me to. "<? t..n '"" r "',ith HitlPr •• H!. jptn.~. sn "'T'O,Ill' · • •• 0 JF:II , M Y .. '!!'-~ IS A;f'i BA11GAIN ••• , .!EY 0 ... 1 TOO L.t:t:n

AL!lEAt'/ T'rl~)U::H Slll':'i:Rf'U::E! • •• A:iD I Ct.ll P:DVJ: lT •••

IF 'IOU r.o.n Dr:Lir.vE lT ••• CALL MY TtmN!

'""'~:fi;fl?j r.,_.u::r.

8TF.ORl(g""' -(..

r•"'(' ro~··~~

) /


Page 39: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

-- -

?4 .. w!A4 0~ ~~ ~ ~


fl'-'r~~ z;-~

Page 40: OF7~ OLlrc. h ~~'5 7 (, C. .::Je..V I .S Bo}( V I

OAIIf or Sn vte1

'Th» it a (u.1....._ Talqrnra CM' C.W..

NION l4T..c..&o ....... .._

r. .. Ul'lle. ka de­~ c:harKtft I t I~ *-dlrr a -..Jabk .,...,. ·~ or pr.,. " ' • • WHI"''& NCWCONe CAI'tL,TON ,J, O. WU .. L.trVCJt .... ...........

~~~::~~~~~ ~~~:3~~~~~~~~~~~"·=·~··~~:·~-~-~~·~~~·~~~~~~~~ ' D. C.

:!:_ ;i 7 ') DL= TDEX o ; .~.I!G!: !:J 17 1 0~0i, 7 ~ 10 47

P.'::B I !:E ::T OF T :E U:I I TE D STH ES=

.,, P!1CS l u E:!T YOU r.::£ GOI : I ~ TOO F t. ~ . YOU SeW TO FO i. G~ T T" •\T

c.:::U i il:: /,l.; :::·. I Cfl:! G'.:II TILES . :.J ILL IOi!S O F T" ~:.; fi .• E CO I.:PL. E T~ LY

U:I':E!.:: J :C:CAUS.: U:111: L': TO SP:i. K OV E:i OUr: J E'.': I S'! CO:lT .. OLL.: !l

.O::VO LUT !Oil 0!~ 1\:l I!.JP _f, C ';.!2 :JT I F YOU CO.! lT I ::u.: ;', '.: J,TSPi.~' FO'

