Page 1: MK^MM^Mriti^, agr>^-^ a lafjfe yleM of rich milk uf eow3 ovet^r day water, warm ftUd ull^h'tl y ailtottf In

•Wh\?ti*H MK^MM^Mriti^, OOtTVKBItttm TOCXKn

f.*» 3rrfcn.a»Mrf.



4*n14*trt;) Wtlnl leaf , *U-I thlU. /

I wan and WM.

Whycr wMh i atoll** | / vain ft) so so fair, but «l4^« /

t h b ^ s ^ s t e r V«*od|M>bn*, '• area )e*n end tea* thrift* ntoae.

a g r > ^ - ^

: • ' /




ofOod,'Mapeia«a>ptW *WlU* em < * point

OuUso»t>6Mfroo*tboekios A N l n i l "ssnafulo),aeejet" AV•

coem look at aor, 4ed tie !

aad etlent. "ItMOOfte,'' , >", Ul, "OsV«a*l UMI world tyose t*

* * , * T u M ^ a l M w r a o o a o w h o l ^ e a W j

I <M

^ tt>lvtaO»y noa«UfuJ,was U^r*\ s

r t**r*«|lf fnto Mr picture ssW«fW Jfon)sjtf end eot her poor dugulae

up of unto and dost, At last i y saw her Willi the Mentor* erei

04%inr.^Cut n|Il gftilon AtQttp pot 111 proicortlug ket-fcol! 1 hour and iron Ibem ,a ee4r* la rcmoYa aklfta^od d | pint eugftr | pint •irong

pettier vtaoffar, 1 Ubltipfeuu aalt, 1 tee> ip#OQ eke* of alUplqfcVloYoe atiA eln-MIBOBijttid 1 tfMpwtyt ir^urtii car­

per to the re IqiUfad thkkti«4» cool fthil botUtv

WWbk ::^£Pft^ ^ntUltlee [|df ctictjta^tfre, onion* irid cabbage,

t * t a » M quwiftlty of the whale of green jomatort, •) mull <iue«tU)r |I*wWlPPP«i*;i ol>*| ut> f cHlea*teljr JfMi ml* together Willi lilt 1o taste t |pui lftj>*g Mil lit It bang .until the

dripped off] put It on the Art with vln*g4r •oougli to eorer ttf

nd fceiaoti with tugarv #plcot inaoe t}lotoe to fjolt the laale. Drip




bytUd 4' ' I * f

'IK. kj-~l pint ofmethod

J quarto* IOIU, 1 oup of 3 of !tug*r< ' Itott 4 oggi

Id tlid bmtor, t^rn tlio pota-tnllkt fl^ror with nutmeg or

?\i*U without on pfuiU

r b M ^ f Ittu i^nuy «rltite i I kmte>iiatfdgiAo; fat la mtUritl Ihlnta/l hawiittnlibt omtilo* of n o© Wor tdL i tm «o«tMipoiirr wiui tM rtlltogf ,tk# t«ltgr»pbt th# rt*un-•hip, iho phoigrtpb, tb# towing m ^ oblxio, thf ttMm plow, tfco IkrMlon mildly tb# gMllgbt; chloroform, nl-trojftroerlnt, the monitor, %h$ onlorlo ifigiio, tbo California gold dtooror* >N, gutto»porobn» oannod frtilta» the elootrlo llgbt, tbo Ulepboo*r tto. ThfUtrotomo of tho footprlnU of material progrtta of the prettnt gtn-traUon«L Do you think tho moral worjd will rttnaln thokamoasboforof —tb|ni tooUty will remain unM&cUd by thoio ohangoe f If you do Mt mo <*%!! your attention to the fbot that tho «tm# goncrttlon haa M M tb* abo­lition of tlarory on a grand icalo, the tacemlaaoy of republican Amerloa» the ipenlng of China pnd Japan, tho tnatltutlon of world'a falrt, and the agitation lor thh fpedom of women* And] the maroh It steadily on, with accelerating motion, What le lta meailngr Where #M U endf— Jhrfktmf TfamcripL ;^ , . : ^ ^

•' r ( . Long Kattlag. \- .j l f c"- : '.••.. Drl f inntrl long fiat of Wty day a

la aetompiMMt ^ttt u w l ' f ^ l o a n d ' aa It generally la when aome one at-tempta a greAt feat, that he haa been aurpaiea4* I In a mantitorlpt written by Cation Mather In relation to one Meroy 8bort, who waaabppoa#d to be a victim of witchcraft, la tho follow­ing statement! "Dr. ftott. In hii Natural Hlator/'of OsfordaUIre/*• flrmatbattn the yoar 1071 one He-becca Bmltb. who waa thought | be­witched, cbntlnuotl without eating or drinking for ton weoki together, and afterward Hred, only upon warm broth* taken In smell <|uaiitltita for a Whole twelvemonth." In tbft cane the ikAting continued ton woek«, and tho experimenter dr victim, aa the

Jaao tuny have boon, wont without rink aa Well aa fuocl.—Jfodon Jour*

qfcddiutniifr Ad#.

tiM tka ^™7£>r Kortb<rtH K«W York



^ 3: 'N


1 V r •» t Aifoorainn





^ntijinivaui^Tiike trifle ia4* bf round, yollo w tomatoa • and

, arid '4 pounds or •ugar.and etaikd t^gotber luntll the nont

lay 1 ihin drain ofTthojayrnp, bolt It itli [ t ^ Mtttn neitaea lp rlae, pift lu

latort and boll ithem ilowly lntitti, take Ihleni-oiiV itlth

^ ^ a t e d tkliiimeri iiul lav tbem b* boll* the jjjrup until U

tlek^nii adding at thkMine mfnutq iliieof alerge ronton | put the

Inlo Jira $pi} pour tho hot r foenk at <AJM« r. . ^

ICfUfUttAlt. •rc*e«i!"nitlk We^^at/

rltrr In Houthi^u Farm jtatoi bowglvcja illibo milk wanted [fir of eight, told tbatfrofn It,

Jlng alt thai' II rt<|Ulred for rpoeet, i>D lbaj«r butter wcrb

yU yekr. 1 l l e W ^ ^ f you de-gat a lafjfe yleM of rich milk

uf eow3 ovet r day water, warm ftUd ull h'tly ailtottf In

biran bietyo* itlrred at tUe fate if r qi iH to 7 gallons bf W|tan You

III flU, If you have not tried tyle2] ally Ittraotloo/ fhat *our cow will' Ive » p#r oon. jmoroimllk ImrttedN! •l|le|t|erther(fleota|of It, and the ill bjcome ao attaobcjil to the dletM Nf\M to drink deaf water unleaa y plraAr 5 but tbje b e n »ho will

ejmoai ^ay tlnjo, and aak for The* amount 1 of thla drink

i|V If ait ordinary water^pelh I time, morning, noon, and

Hematite*. ••••'•* 1 j - r ^Ik^rbaitdn It % i\*\y. iiU i«ot merely a thing of peiraonal choice; It la aa poaltlvo a iluty aa labor,k The athlete who underatanda the economy of atrength* never in hia eaeroitea goc»f boyoud tho pOlot of fatigue, and the regular mental athlete ought to know thai bojyond a certain point all oieroUo U veritable, unqualified sui­cide. It moan* a draft upon mil the


vlul1 rafouroff—tho cutting oft Ufa kt tho other end.. %tfrt>

of are

more waya of not rtiHlettritf'a go<M aecbunt of a talent than our) Ing It In the enrtlrw A man la fclven three* •co^ antMon yoart to do hia work. Itedoeanoi He tlown and cfeep, but makot in tncontiderable ettempt to Improve upon the, divine arrange-incut by making the human life but two worn f s\ j

A|SO baa the Oaeerti ifaneffer tkaWk44




Tiaie ftintnim«ntiniillr« e e # rtealjfiii, W W m improTcmantt.jaml aw a^faej* taiMjfa) modern improTcmantt, ami mre ntj

iilrWnowliMlMfHl tin Mii " OAM. A l * lb* wonderful


m$% wonderful mtttfeftl irtVeptlow M IWillneror wear out. AehildoanoM

Prioat froM $9 to f i x tli bertect «IM»

ET Htfftla M0STO n6oKft. ftlkil^

* f ffattaat variety. »

* • « A r w U i a s I d w * • U o o m l i f o n i w i GATALO<ll bononible daalina.

InmrmAtion J , a ^ ed. iMltfaoUonlaMA^

?#ry" iranMcUon.

a»d Information Jin answer to eotrea-oe promptly fumlffi UiJt

:i jnoisei* 0rM daDWiraBVRO, if. hitf

- ? * - « 5 = f f

weir and 8 tat ion e i v !

h ' ;; ;in i^ii^w, of * »

'7 J.'U.-R 1^ :.


r « e

I K air

f. I

UTiWlftf to iht fact that W n«» nltraynl fo]i gooda tor ao aiwch IOM money^than any MII< aealOr la fhliTTiolnUy. lie l»ellerea In "IVi* a larfj amount of good* and rfcalUIn* a finuil prolt OH aaott article aokl. ami th 1* aw||rea;)iiin On h i aataa In bulk a maraia that will cf jtbl kirn to keep up with the Umea ami

ihfbten»r.ri A\i4 coflrittiTciiti

ITenti wwniiy «dde<i la bit atremty Mn •tokk* a baanilful assortment of

j " i " r i lit" - - ^ - - ^ — ^ - < — - • • « - '




Ibat Dr. HaJehUi's PrOlapata Utei rhoja, Klnor A nation atnl Ulceration of

and varied eii of a

terlnejpatnolloon will euro terl or faJIInf ofjtbe wjomb, iMaoft

r Atbui or Whttaa. Chronic inflam-- „ . Ulceration of Hm Wonth. Incidental

Henmthafe or rioodinjr, PatnfuL Buponrtsised fu^IMjfflarMimstimtfon.ot«.flrith aTlftGelr kooompanylng etlli (canoer>«oapted.) aoj nmt*

kter bow sarerw, or of bow lona* sutndina. I Bond f »M ™ « i . # # ^ . -jtJ, treatrient aid eertidelstes

to How^nO 4 UALtUlaD. or famplet ffoe.wlth treat ro<n physicians

»hl»ps r. For Hale bY all Draakists. 1

daakTforllri bottle. Be sore at hoi Iron. Take nq other J

\UTif A L T A B L K P R O r i


[ 7 ' y ', At 9 0»€focaij a*. will1 \m tc»ld at public aaotioln on all tbat valuable prober^? known afaa»lon, together with ibe mnd

maaslon bouse, with tins gaJden and *»ton4 •Itnait bnildli beautifuUy situated oh

Hbna ont-

tho aneat


and Only aslj

'Attn Am)

s those who desire tn price bis goois. s No one Is com lulled l«] qti^ but those Intindli •tore wUhoiit

1 arsiHtliisa K€HM* art) any

*& »a fVi»

ng to do so will not knye l»uruliasti4s; fart) any oU

If »J04^,


a and iavo had rests o la aeknowiedjrcd

UewfIry dorte Hy wo|kaiett rh<



ink ire.

b at!

too M M bite Wash tar t^arm Fair

^ilowla? alii work J Into a watertight limit half albutbet uf llmof abd 11 with eiiojmla belling water to

wf I *

la e6himended for

... r.. • § h i BeeeamteiHlatl . * j At k Wflier of testtntpnlaJ^ ebm-Wiul tm to Ortil Hamilton^ Recently an Ir|eb girl applied to the principal of tho ftute Normal Hchool at Ba

I lem, Maaaaehuaetta, for a situation aa cook, and exhibited with pride the following toitlraonlal from O. II.: v

: ^Margaht K-r - baa. lived wfth me fbUrtcen week a*, 1 have found her in­variably good-tempered* tmmunda fdlrty|9 cheerful, obliging, crtftoja (<Ms(rnetIve), reapectful, ebd Incor-rlglble, * ttbe la a better took than any Irlab gtfl I have employed, and one of the beet bread-makeri I ever •aw. With neatneait and. careftil* neaa and eodnomy, abd.would make an eieellem tervant. t heartily red-ommend borto all Cf>rUtlao Phllan-throplets, and her employere to Divine merdy/'^iBfliior'$ Dravnr\ in flurper'* Magazine. % ; .,, - -

-Ho, Hatnuer9Mea)mly replied Mra

nartjlott> In answer to hie furloua and •arcsiatlef tjueetloni, ,4no, It Un't be-oauef tbero'a no gr.ty cloib* In DUN llngtrart th*t 1 patched your summer troiiMre;i with soal-browti baaket-oletN» bet I'm going to break yon of

if f xi»crieni)e, and who <oyafl. I l ls stock Of

nbOKft, WATioSlcttV; Kovfctl is tmtmi>ASj<hl by the stork of any other la Northern New YorK If yon have anjf en tbe snbieottonll on htm ami you oan i article in this lth4 that ran t»o |iureha«o<

ate pn OgtlenUi Itlat^d. nml fiear t |a avll abOT

on bo

X b tio.ot I A. i onlla belui

rooms, biafi ceilings, souu aan subatan oapahie of beins; convcrtod Ijito A Ijotel or btace

Waddiaaton, Bt Lawrcmee Oo.f N. V. The abore properey consists of a)

* nfi.

islami (n the 8t Lawrence rlrer, obsti IIO^K 1 he house wA» bnllf by % Bon

nntry eclft ' '" lanfs feiMen

moo ft. x AO ft,, w i n twolwlnas; !$nre hlah oeilinirs, solid aifH sub^tantlaL anU

u a w A. t^frlen, aa a country sckt. and cyoryonili houaa beiu

on. with

omlajTa* a tvntlemanfs'reiWenoe7( The Ao ft. x Ao ft,, w i n two jwlnrs. )$

of summer resort Of uaa<itialfed aittaction The watora adiacent are All naVlaablel iAnd

furnish tho best uthins; strands on [the 8t Law­rence rivwr, and bavins; evony faoiaty for boat­ing and pleasure excursion!/ AJsb the pli avadabie for a park islam}, ekcAlling llland in fertility, beauty of He groiei and elavated lay of Its land, fumikhTns; One vleitfVof sjreatattraoiiveness. ] , | -

Tlte land adjacent* consUtfha of IM aerds^lO acres of which arc a grove of farga hant wOod ilniber. Toe balance is all jrOod uskhle mud of the bes t ia l i ty tn the count/. T ' - Ti

The above property will bo sold On tho let ay aforesaid. J WeVlnatwlay, Oct. fth,) to tho higtjest and Lost bidder. | m^

TKUMa^N.H. A portion] of Die rmrcoMo



re>s Whl<!

v • • > \


and examine elsewhere.

touting C umbAgue

ihd would Ite pieaeed to1 have the Lad! i Block and prices balorsj

IS RiohViUe Station Ad **"-~V3* ";. * --•^—- — i — » • . . . . - , i, i

T ) ^ A € K H ^ r r n BI .AC

AT BlCirr/LLf BTATtONt* A have *ocurU the services of CAA&MJBM exparleKed Blacksmith from Ogdensbnrs;. #no wiq do 41t baaiaaea antmstad

PXOMi^^yh> DESPATCH. j lalsObatoaa


/ . . j orwoodlrert. t

Caniaie i h n m SDtcialtys


GIVE US A CALL I nichvllle SUtlon, Mjarcb 1,1 WO. gffltf .

money mat remain on the lfroiiertty. Pare hire to bo slated at time of sals.


rartle« from abroad {will no oouvoted ttgton from the depbt In Qgdensburg

pror|do<l horlce is given to[tpo unflerslgnelil - r j ingtoh, or MoVrU

a«e ou«

verlt about llvk tilohieedeep. WhenJ ydurjloaftrleh habit of going In your aJeJktng haa|boeii ctTactedi a\d<f| «hlrtUlcevea during buelneaa houreor

I'll make you tbo laughing stock of thotbwn." > ,.- * ,

Add wh ft Mra. Llvdrtpofe itaakea

lOUgM Water to klre the proper con leK two popnda of aulphatc of ope part oil common salt, and

»If a ijound of alum* Varloue rulora fay nefw be lotfojltioott. A rich cream

it la? obtalnadL bjj a<Lllng about jpOuntU of yillow ochre* A

pearl eoloriJ Imparled by lamp-[ rid by Vtnellait red or re;tl

and blue by eulpbafo of coppki*. ie waab Is to be aijpllcd aa eoojn

, With * balnttr'a or yhlft-brutb.i fit la itprable %f wdll



twrwbe>hT ebrwan^i




A •^^ .e rd ttajrkev^i Preyrtr* ebert Collyeru baa made publ ' tb^Chrtntlait UtgUter of Hostofa

*A " ~A lore Tarker wrole Juet before he lert ro no more! anil

ved to be the lalt rotoUTOi* native land, it

to a AHead who ha<l e*j afkltUVtn I the ri*itoratloo of

f and o&jfrtalne the A)IIowing to prajffor i "I ths)nk you

rillyjfor layhtg 7<>n think l abaji I fsafM td4get wotl anil

4o|»lt In myV>wer tp acebmpllsh ntlttl don't pray for It any mora iyo*W~ln tb^eeaio you lite the 4# Wjr prayor le an act of gratl-rltrJufe (If 1 havb done

eeplraf Ion and of J >y, It if not aM act of petition.^ I

H,*KfiOo}t*do my wol-k— to my Wood, to write my be>oket or akaimoa goothmsvn* Ncjw with

tb(^ notjrn i f praJfOrt f should no aal (hni to restore mv health t altould to Ley mo a IbLrgo ol I km ama^d tiiat men I ehtmld

k thatr ftobUJ woi\U can alter the of tho Almighty (Aoil I and

IflOTO that tioy thmilddire do Ihey could. | If 1 though^ it waa

'aiia^tte that I thouht dtejto tlayf

thai liiy aeklng for llfoj would J)l"j , o l c t ^ Mvo thirty yeara

([ abould jnot dare to iut mx d aafalufit His Infinite wie«

for I lie I The real prayer agree^^n, and detent tho i • • ' I " , ? l < * L '•

r of boardlag hobU jtafc-I e*ld*}~<*Yooll eicdee mev

8Hetpsttt# biiit votir apptUfta la Ibat 1 ahall be bomprlied to

j4m a ah It>#iig eitnv, It een't i t two elillllnijar' Olner—

fof oeatetra aakeTlmiH dp that I two ehUlinga' worth ea»T | — to dd tkre>e-l rially—

- lt n i l '

kiv I,'



Up U r Hat Of "superfluous woffaen" •bo [caves Mrs* lUrtlett out every tl|ne

' U i l ^ • - s ^

Thp mlulaier stopped at a bouse on the south tide last week, and sought to Iihprove the time by giving an elghl>yoar*old boy ap Instructive lesv son l i morality* ''My boy,"iald the mlnUter» "1 have lived 45 years, and have pie ver used tobacco In any form, hor tbld a lie* nor *»tiered an oath, nor played truant, nor—T | 'Glmminy crlckbul" Interrupted tlhe lad, <4yer ain't had any fun at ell, have jo?"— Derricks } \ , , , •< '

»Anl Impecunldus /ortune hunter hatvlrig been accepted by an holreai9 at tlis weeding, when that portion of thi eoremony waa reached where $he fctldegroom aaya "With all my worldly goods I thee endow/9 a eplto-* Ail relative of the bride exclaimed, <4Tbcte goes his vallee!" i t

J Thlute t)r. Betbune asged a ino-• rose ind miserly man how be waa getllrjg along. Tho man replied': "Whit business Is that pt yours?" Bald lb* doetor^4<Ob| ilf, I im one ol thcaa who take an Interest even lb tho meanest of OoU's creaturea,"

In nil tea great eeswpeUUona Setwaan Htal baklnilMiwuet aaanolaeturers, with aneosa meads from ohemlats. scleniiSe men and pro* ressorsJ none of taann do or dare ear one word

tisg&mxax *"* , -'

raar t iag nn attaeai ".•I men and

t lor aHi better than thejbeet of thesa. Kioerlhisnt. trt.tesi a* much *k /on please, ohdbuai, pro*assort Mlenjtlsisvona aad all,with oats, d«|ca, rats and mice if yon eioaaa, or with bumajilly.aiHT H a s t U r e r e NaleSlsj^M wUl epme (Sit ahead. Other goods joontain com starch si 4 eeaM par pound, or eeknmen wheat Sour, wlan Hmm1*++*m 9f •ajsjisaalk la asv aoLUTsJV'V re^an-empe, cream tartar an

AUo*h+ kinds aontaui a Suing; saaay are sho*t

tsmr^, It Uaratenlarvementa. iVoea neS

(later. |f |as no aaaal for any




roaaoveslall unnatural aitater. |Uas no

pSlwsBWawCd rhesjasfsm.eoi sniffi

i In a Alee enrad

« or nay Drataea, LmtaeMrepmrjiiv*

aa hade* at dkianansv WM W I T " . ^ » W P ^ ^ ^

raaiias as

! ' • • • •

Vc hi tfalCh o? S1.M

' Cllh()MOSH

•J" V I CllftOM(|)^|tll

has ieVtfrai hninlrcd dollars woVth Of biui* Chrotnos for sale at the extrsmtly Mw iuaa

, ^l.W each, .Nothiog makes a bonis look, torn' desolate than wans devoid of pktuyeaJ

There l i no excuse now for any home;In itiisi section, to moan over bare and naked wilJnf forv the tow prices at which n\e/tiolds la dgellna fiena handsome plsturts plaoiea themIwilhlS t ie reach of ihej humblest Uborar. Masie loaii, bonse attract!V)P. These pictures asa pin< anoegh to adorn! the walls of our moat wefan mansions, F T

O^aemaailier, when you want a (Wrkch,

Stock. Book, l'icture or aiiyUiIng else iohhe ne of Jewelry or mattohery, oall on Reynf Ida

aad by so doiaa save money. k [ tijtf I . . U 1 ' " •••• l, 1 .... l l , ! ^


1 2 y;


* *

^ *s


J ^ I

i \

c ieurtr W*AU aavr APTD The lubfcrlbcrs daalre to sell a Virit-Class

Circular Saw, with a Complete eat of FjjttJrea, aoaiUt BalU and Uearinf, with which tb pit It la perfect nioDint order. For terms, ate,t|eali upon, er +ritm9 6t*Aa* a Ilowijan


coptiT frr.« w i i TJHE i

C l t V CltOCKEkY STbRE is now stocked with the . .

Mt>sT QbMPLnrrii: AssoR+njrata I in NoHhertt New York '

Merchandfee Frbfft, all jxb-ts of ';•' the worlq'now ofi exli|bjtioft f. ;-. ' a id (6t ha\c at,' |

iiib. i /CoUrtSt, Watertown. No advihee in prices afc yet. Now is jtiiE TIME TO. BUY.*.

, , | L . HI MURRAY. •'- N. B.—<})rders by mail will be promptly ihd carefully attended to., Satis^iction guaranteed. J

Ills alhdi Fever nterifiittent,R«-

iit«nt snd Typhoid Fevers, llousness, Uverf 8tom5ch,

I Kidney j disorders, arid AyoWerallmentstdestrojy-

health and. lives bf i t Is driven out of the , and radioally Cured jSe of tho L I O N M A * AND LI VCR PAD and IONIC BODY AND liASTf as , the cheap-

only perfect treat* ho Absorption prin­

ciple. TfW> Plasters acting In conjunction With the Pad up­on the nerVeleenters and re­mote parts of the body, In ab­sorbing and thoroughly rid olngthotystSlnfrom MALA niAlPOMM) v i The whole Oeatment. PAD, UODY PIASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, I all combined, •o ld for OI .OO-ths cheapest and best remedy ever discov­ered, and al • positive cure Buaranteed If worn Sccord-

ig io directions* Remem­ber, Pad, BJ>dy Plasty and Foot Plasters, the whole, • 1.00. Sold |by all druggists,

r mailed on y v . Mr •


Ki«/al eoncems bel lease<I aithe large

oreaainf businaaa

1. JL WATP. OonTernaer*s


is raoelTfaif, are eai etrcnlaalns; reporta wUl seon be able to with this popular

it fa aWles and

• •il-aWl ii ii i i '•*

tent.—rnranasil Job neon*

(nt the fnot U. aa the well know, thai Mr. fires his constant attention to hieC partment and can anord does sell aten'a. Bora1

Children*s Clothina ci than any competitors.

From all appearances the year 1880 known* , | % in tqpbe the largest in Bale

g receipt ol pr^ce


The liEADYMADE department is'better stocked!

The iOYS, department is better stocked 1! * »

The CUSTOM departitient is better stocked"!!!

The FINISHING department is better stocked I!!'!

PMaie <iali whe^erer jrdu can and mtki It a rule cover to purcbaefr garment until after calling at j , J


of InmoSj^ deceased,tha same, with the era, exeoutorai Jfcc at th othy Pope. eMaseiL to said countVvon Or b a m tlMl bar, lone, neat, j

UPBCHI COUKT C arMAa nawOa,*-Cbi

A a

s relUntt WUliasa J Potisr, Eachel rotter and .iJpersnenceor n jnflemssn tm tail

tiaaitna; data the lath day i l ^vifkaa; in t l e oOoe of she^OaHt el e t L e X r ^ Oe**«7 t t t^^ara^nad lUJaies) thiriia, a ^ M a Y ol claa. Anthony tn tee sawa iHBmmgmmttm the iounty of 8c Uawraaoe. j i

ptec^ornnreeiof hnad taws] of rowler In toe OotnUy thai aad MaU of Ji«w York aad t l i : Befiaajsaf nt the storta-weet < T. B. Harcluin*s tana, on the Waal Oswatatohie Rircr, aad n juo west 15 ohs. 50 lka^ to a

tettshsssv iSTaw

of the Little York road; North §0° Weei*chs.S0 14 chs. 00 Iks., to an an«1e North


reeta'farm. thence 50 fks. to the bank of tberii river eonth « k ° Kas>aiha. ohs. aoath *t\° KaaTa ehe. as Kast 7 ehc 60 lka. eottOi twj^r South «K P Ka#t J chain to nlna, and containins; 00 Of-K aurvered by Aileh Wlirht/ A\ ar, part of bin lots Nos. 40 «a4

Dltod Jliiy t»\l, ift* C H A l AUTHONT,

im AUornef. h i* J. Boar**


: X I



LIX1 It It i lyre cure for Coughs, CotyL WH6op!nf*Cough, and all Lurig DisWaae## when ta,kcn In aeaaon.| People die of coaiumption oiny^

lj pecaute of neglect, when tile timjelY use of thla temedjr Would ha4» cured them at once. *r

Jn/lra/Mraasj s/e«ira of cert-•ta4t uae proves the (net that nb cough temedjr haa ftood the toil HkeT«#•*»•» EHxir.l

m s e ^ ^ a n d | I ^ B s r b o t t k \ J |_ [ aVanleawef»wners> , I

DiBaxter '8 Mandrak I D l l T T E B Wist cure Jaundice, Djrspepsl Llrar Complaints, Iptfl^oiflon and ail diseases arising iYorn: Bfl ietilnbaa. Price 35 cto; per bottle).

I. fur nals Kfnrywhste* ^ I IHY ea JOUMWOUm



moat berftct liniment eee^ runded* Price 15c* and 50CJ

IW nals s^stjrwhstn,

Ton Will always rogret it If yOfi buy any « 1 -' ' ' » j • •••' •

other marbino wiiaoui flr^t tcclng (

Or tryiOff tbc'WinTrT: k

it aivEsmMivrasiL SATISFACTION ^Warranted foi\FIre lyars.

fill :in<h of Sewingl

! -." 1 from #/> 910 letntynnany \raveb

i ' < •, •

I* ft gent can sett thkiri:

| M 7 y i


S T l N 8 € ) N f A "" Oonvarnenr, V, Y.


TheiihUii^. THHEfVifCRRI

Buy the BKST. Trio WILLI! pitovKu uonas POW CHICANER Is the BEST,


MacMnw s<id at

or •/»!«

A /


tf IVfttfh St., 6onTerneuli> K, IT.


s Averel


C d R S I N W H E E L H A H H O W . . ,

BEST] I N T i l E W O R L M

2 I f

— • 4 - *


h Fee l leWl VES^

1 i\ K N T ,

It haa a perfect cklindor ana concire, »shlns;all tile are In that can'be

larae sepiratini and cleaning oapaoi< > jtt large separating ana cleaning rill separato and clo^a tn In a perfect man

ifet ty* w

j nor without waste In tbesiraworovo{rselves,a)l the grain the cylinder wit thresh. Has fewer shaft*! uearlnjrs* pulleys olid belfstatid le there* 1 for* easier to manaa*c, leas liable to ket out of order and need repair, flint prise ajt 8t, I«aw-renOe count/ fair, in 1879.

srtlcufars, address , . , J. U. K A Y , BOX 741, Ostlonibnrjif, N. T. agaat for Bt Lawrence , la euCVran

ioounties, or hlOml

A MS III pB.THRKKIiftBknd for the folmwins; rea-

et. JobnsTille • 4

For clronttars f Ivlng



CENTENNIAL MEDAL • s*a, n«*«>-rw»f »*wi TH^.»».^ *** r u * * * , si ss»j3i tll*inV*». <M tlfowt liyilHSrlnl B

fmr Iks liHTMiJmdiaMfn <4 (WlNrsw afesa»r«Jw*l# S>TH«UMI • • wjuiraw «s#|»r«lBrrssi tSvMrs*

»,• | ,M. nn.|'fTil| w r K >i frfnt. MfMt H1N AUl> r^ARI^U. CiWtikfll. adK>SsH« C P . . V, V




LYbi PINI PaalUvoCnre »Bsale CosapUlnfg.

aaTvsui* aasToaas THI nuxm rp IT* meaofa vaa VITAI, I 4 ran ma KoecLBs or ru)t t <rkar»

aan urn rrtare rutoa, AM* mra* rr TOMSJ sTnaaeT«,soTsiA^Tnacuaa wrsWIrmJ aaieav tara. IlsafsasathaaMiTnn aacK AwnraLvibaa-ason; rr eiyns TOMMTO twa WUVLS nanroiil • YS

. ^ .

nait tv aintronaa teri^can onosits 10 thtta aarvnai. rostnon. THAT Fiauna op a«jJntx<j aowW| eaOatns) rstit. wnteuv Awn IACAAC*)*, n aAorAka r«naisjrr>»TLr otraaa at rrs via.

t w r ^ e n t ^ s ^ K J d » i s r r s a a > l s J a i » e f r t » h # r asm t iha Oantpoesnd la

l i pr#pax»d etths prohfMors! sboratory.

t^^lTST******** ***-*** wHa<rotLjc^ari,te1chkm»s

_enre Cenatlnatma^ BUMa. efUsflTor. »eBf.,perbox,

V* at CRITTtNTON, H. VH Qanl Aft

to nt tMrttt, ft, a^rnslllsalstjeflnq|ttT>

iV>'t ^ ' W '


and every kvcakly, sickl^berson can surely strengthen ana build up» the brqklen-down system by taking RICHARD'S TEETOTAL TONIC , Mo reniedy has ever made ihore wonderful cures of Dys­pepsia, Nepousness and Every Weakness tahd Debility. 11 • i

It is the best t-egulatdr of tije f Livdr and Kidheys, ahd'the saft est a|nd beit stomachj brain ahef nelre tonid in the wojld. i ^|

It makes tht Weakest liervfes strong, and the! most despairing mind bright alnd cheerful; it givejs1 new life, vigoi* and energy to ihe overworked body and brain, and WI ivho tdke it eat and sleep better and become [healthier and sjronfijeii <

Free from alcoholic dangei&i 'Physicians pronounce it the if-lest remedy jeveif sold,ahd it must

tried t<b kjiow the perfect ealth and Slirenith Ite ijioe laourea.

VanPtasst lrk lie c i , PruirslsU sell 1

. : balirlr

!>r. J. It. BimpsonJ itlvc enre tpr Stierma noHS and all d I seas Abase, aa Ne#YOusDi Anxiety, tan Spirits and fi Nervous rtyii* »idb. Loss of "

iseases t li adtooonsnni on, Insjanl ml an ear! rnve, or hot! ro matter

n battered system nay froaiexoesses any find, a sho coujrbe of thi Medicine #111 procure Health and was des iolne

The Great Surof fiimpson's Sprcifll

"nf. i Iflc Medicine lihpoft-

1 potency, W s resoltinjr from I8e!


»U*t ffi elf." 'eaa-

y. Irritability, Mental ftude, Depression of

derangements of, Uie lly, Pains in Bacjk or

KBJIOB.—Amos ML »l anlnas Irocy Mi

KllaJ. i&a©,^. Le ' ensic •»lfallavLaey

In pnrtnance of bearing daie the Itth in Urcoflceof the tqe understaned reU lie auction, On the Uh omy ef ftei one o*cloek tn the anTtereaasj. at fha el ChaHes Anthony, 10 the lew* ef in the oounty of bt> I^wrpnoe. all gireel of land situats)in the town of

orasald« described In aereaal ws,rU:

, I. Beffinnlnf iathaK. ebhofell lot In the conUn thenee s\ 18* K. alonf said line continued the retreat a* ahaJl suke; thence & Of* W. lOchs, iTQii thenceM.aV W. «0cha, * e said road 1 thence H. HP %.*M said road If ohs. OS Ike to the ning. eeataAnlnjr 46 oa-taf aerea & Tcyed by K O. I>od«a\

II. rBeginning att fell'i farm and rnnnl the H. K. corner of 15 ohs. 09 Iks. more the Carman lot; 1 bench 6. « * W. *4 lo;thc K K. comer of the John C ibence N. *7,V W. 16 oh*. OU Ik*, the place of beglnnhsg, coal aciesof land as sn^ejrad by <

III. Beginning in th abore daaorlhed aad at 1 lot formerly contracted OS* P ' i t IIohs.ttlka.*

lot tormertjr eeaea thence along tho W'lj



t the & m; mrnhd JTsMe**

or maa to ttoKlaTeamar M [K£L

Hardware, r>OABDI»f Atf sV CUTTIPIO

tore the lost functions and ad ftappineis where

per package, or six packagtoe for sent by man on receipt of jmoney. >Ad orders, J. B^HIatPttON'B fiKDrciNK CO,

00. W i l l lie on receipt of Jmoney. «Addre4« all

. * , . „ , HI*PBON'B fiKDrGINK COa Nos. 104 and lOfl Malt St., BufTato, Xj V.


Sold In O0uve)Hieur by L A T A C X A Cox

gftrelO—eow to Jan Wholesale by Moore A Hubbard, 8yraeu «uae. N.



S p a v i n CVLX©J


M I la fast

Intso first introduction! San, in M>7 ^

PiOt 10 teas eaer Straat. N. Y.

$1.00. gMtyl • = a = f c = 5 S = t

s terMtiis


LH PAIN mini the balrrmanti farohte, its

poinu 01 super1ol|ty oter all oth being se marked ' " '"

other UTentions

a.[fl87»JL ftoritlA


that carries a bodjof

'he Most 8UCC|K$8-KtLUkll) V ever discovered, as

fit is certain in its effects aiul doep not jblUten Head Proof btd^w.

rYoai Rrr. P. K. (.RANlfJEIL rresiding Elder oft he St. Albajis Olstrfct

t. Albans, VL, J4n.*», ]A*X 0r. B. J. Kendall A Oo.,QenU: In^ reply to rour letter I wiU say that my exporieinoe with Kendairs Spavirt Cure has been very shtitfkcto-ry indeed. Three or four years ago I broc^red a potile of your agent, and with lt,cure)ii a liorse 4f lameness caused br a spavin. Last season Iny liorse became very lame and I tuned him Out for a few Weeks and he became lietteri but when I put him on the road he grew wOrse, when I dlaoOverad that a ring«bone wias farm­ing, I procured a bottle of Kendallli ttpavin Cure and with less than a bottle cured biib so that be Is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Kespoctfullj yours, P. N. OKAXOZK.

Piioe $1 per bottle, or six bottles fori f& Al Druggists have II or can get it for you, [or lt wll be sent to any address oai receipt of price by the proprietors. B. J. KENDALL A CO.,

gXSyl Enoeburg Falls, Vejrmopt. -**—-t** NOW TH1fSEK,rt

T n untold mlserleJ ibat re­sult from Indlscief ion in early life may be alleviated and cured. Those who d^ubt thla assertion should purchase the ,new medical work published by the Vm A BOB If MlKDIOAL IwsTiTrTB, Boston, entitled ItllE acIKNCK OR L i r l ; Oh eXLr-PBEBKRvkTION.

Jlty. nervohs and physical debili­ty, or vitality Impaired br the errors of toush or too elose application to business, may be restored and manhood regained.

Two Hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, lahed. If Is a Itandard medicsll work.

of the Water-I^aved Mill ltT7»l the demand haa end-

all the great dairy eon dbnly sprang tinJJ tfes of the oountn(4 . . w , ^ _ . j . ]The invention kbapa ip a continuous clrtrulk-

tim of cool water on allUldea of the milk and Is

equal on aUj tides*, pbrtant. the hot itr of I , labia fettling dojrloa td tho milk by the wates-lekf that covers thk top of the pan. The teWpcrnture only s ^ n f by this intention T T r "* '*-' nadessltylof using loo,and fiCt'alone Is meet hbeeltire and oonclusite evt-

1 that the White srluos idvention In the miurkeLL dOneethat the

(ventlon In t* \Agma$ will be at

let, when the pried will fe guarsnUKKl frorlhfonnktl

H&yl ' Inventor nWdPs^en

R METilCmitHj 1.

j GlBOtEttlbL''

! h o o t s ANtifaiioRs, » , t < \

! ftOll«

I !:•";, ^ AKP' fitATIO^«RV

H A R R J , t i

; I ' 'U < Cvej

1 Ootrv

trrrEfA ANb crt


over tho top of the thO temperature, mak >

r is eqaally lm-thc milk roonY is kept

B milk by the water-thO pan. The eren

" intention does

1 tor favorable terms byl Xb* lav KXwnty RighU fit salejat $100 each

lathe only Hot with pans oath

rento 11




sate wonld say to thh Dairtaaaeia the^

,. jverneur, that I have] opened a Bn Cheese Depot in thh beso^nt of Foster boor, bJocVon Malt 8s. wtorO 1 shall buy and cheese, I woaM taki t^nseansof li ing all who have either o | that! am con Aden!

Yfce , thO market allowaL their buiser In Uoaf interest

that I asm par

whon^aiaape df nitU end It solthsf fcJt&r^

.tariff 'It^mi


Justpubpli the pettin the English' language, written by a

real oxaerl and leweUt


physician of awarded tlonal Mi

led mi Association- It

lo whbm was lal bykhe Ns> ntains beauti­

ful ahd lery ex|>enslve engravlnka. Throe hna* dred raee, mora than fiO ralnable prescriptions forallfnhnsof prevailing dlseaie, the Hssult of many years of extinslve aad sucAessfuluracUce, either one of which la worth ten [Limes the price

..of the book. Bound in French cloth; price only f f l l . sent by mail post-pai^l I

The London Lancet says: MNo person should be without this valuable book. The author la a noble benefactor.'5 , I

The Tnbnno eat*? *TH0 author has had un-1 en ted anooaaa In dealing with nnrvoua* if all kimla aad H* alffectiona, whetiier duo

to pernicious habim or inhOritad. l ie li a Ner-to-specialise, and therefore known whereof he writes with such power and ability," I

An ill nitrated sssnnle seat to all on recielpt of 8 cents for popostagO. I

— ^ •fata, by

B O A R O M A N A c W T l N




v m

ner msi iotaaiJ4-i (li' l^W. it ehs. J8 Iks. to *i° W W. 17 eha.p7 ikA to On) ning, oontaioinjr twenty aaraa teyed by B. n\ Hunt, To Antli, part of aahi J»-ecre lot.

IV. SegianingataatakoN. Iks. from the point whore the ross> lliulO Mill to Dodd<0 (formerly tetsects the town line aad rear '

W. 44 ehs. Oi I Vs. 10 Alex, thence N. «* K. M cits.»Iks,; 44 chs. Of ikA to the town line; t h a i e e « : m I f . ^

ng the 0>wn line U C ^ W & A toTtis ajaeasi 11 nnlngt conuuning iftjr ItwOO ap— — —~

vcacd by Moses Bowiey, all ef tha scril coT bremtacs l»eiag tha oonTufCtfto the eaiu Louis J, Thorn peon and wife by deed da

Also ait j j iat otfccr t r a d e r ate iff tho town of ilcrsaon, N . Y.»j as folssws, v U :

Beginning on the sooth line of and running thence esjsvalon 3H chs.; theuce north fO ehs. Gouveratur; thence h\ 03' W, th tho centre of the road; I henna aU ». y K 4 chs. 8d Iks. to t ie p£*M ooniaing flfty eight 7M0f acres oi 1 reyed by James Bailey, being ite* heretofore connniiedto said Wm. Kitltner and wife A deed d im. - i a

Also all that other traot or i*^»Umd'i ate in the town of GouTamenr aa^«Mairtae^ aa i

BeJI *1' I-ot^ and outer and b'iy line at rode mere sir iasAln-aY^ l*oint where said JL K. traok tn|es^4>)te t i a t e e S of said iiaile's old farm; thence ttfFalaatf l E ? 6*1 v line of taid MBlchAr4soa CbPM ^ ^ * ^ r t

or less to Uic W'ly linn of Ja*VM*nL ibence N'ly along the EMy line ofnaV H>U lot to the place of bes^aniegj half an acre of u%nd7iaora or lees .^ | t .Also all that other tract or parcel i f kaa4

ato in the town of Uouranatsir, daMjaad m lows, via: j IH.^

Beginning at a Hake tn theeantta« the most Kijf corner of & B. 16' *T E. along the centre 0/ aali rea4 0 W Iks. toaatake; thence aVOtj!7^ corner of ihe old Aha, Band latt 6<y K.2JChs,v41kA.; tnOnonaVai esM

Bgtuainx at the tlj Una oflbe jllakliilstiaf « (so called) and tha outer a^isfcesrftSelVt W. railroad track: t h e n c e V l X i k i i a S i f


>to. 10, If am 8*.p noiTEicNEi/ir,

beg nning, eontaiiiing in fbc wholef fS& aSsau Also airtkose euiertmeta or p a M t i o f I M Z ^

in said town of Oouveraanx aM dSorihadaa r follows, t U : [T~

.. 1. Beginning at a stake ^UtHcai jisjlifaaBtli 3 «J. U / ' i c n e ? N. t»- W. il^mT3S7Zi{ 1 suke in the h'rv line of the e*d C B s W l nstaCi;

, J thence 8.3ft* W. £1 lka. to the ft. W»3 said B a ? ' I ^3 i^Jlfsrm; to<»n^N.»'W.7ei is .^KsTn» l K

| | comer of B. LeavlUs lot; thenea aTB* wTtf r« chs. Oi lka. to the comer ef aCKiatnall's ami thence h. Wh* K » c h a . 86 lka.; Ttujii If. U

— DlCALK1?0 IN-* M i itjJi chs. 47 Iks. to the place of Manning 60 acres and t7

I ir n II H II II nan H H a if. H H If

una K u K K EBB it B K H K B

nr>D I> I>


V W W \V r W W W w w w w w w w w W W W W W W W W w w



r ««

ing an ' reserving the school hosjaa aiftn, IL Beclnnmaln theoantreof theK Beginning in the

& E. corner**! toe "B. D. hUee tarmt aad rnsvu x, m ning thence *.*!*- W. 00 aan\n7ia |OMmiT%fe K. corner of said farm; thanes M*w JB» asoast 1 Mvi the Hoe of the -BicWlaoa lot*9 UUsk 44 S T 3 1 *%

a the a. K. corner thereof: tb**K» A n7VB. tfeAA **V | 75 Iks. uii the tirnaA Lot Vine tOLta^asjtoa * S jv I road; t *< ace along the read n\.t#>»'WVl nhnCai f

ikr<. s. j» , ' W.6chA2urka.totMa4hesj of b o r i Kinnl»Vk^nuin ing^«aoOawesf t la^ Is>^

ffl tending hereby lo eouver to Urn aatd bartiaa 0 0 ^ 4 Uie seednd part said L. J. Uaiie's farfs of abowt AloacrOC4mw1hlchheiiewraaldaa. 7 ^^^

l>stod'iuJy«lflwa s , | i « . £ . CM AH. Aawojtv, jr. BOWXA Pn^aToir,

hiawt| Att'y. OTICK.^aratiaat to an order lof J. T2^±


$ Of Erorv IViK-riitrtth.


4 < iOENT8 Vtm I



The (author referi A. BKpELl*, at 1%, pres Modteai Aseooiau

sion, te Hon. P. nt of the National

on. Address Dr. W. If. PAaAkn, a 4 Bulflnch Street, Beaton,

The author may be) c

HEiL lass.

sfclted oh all dlscaaoa requiring '•tnrQrT V I Mil and expellenoa. gftlyl Tf l lOl i l ir !

•• I • ? i II J I I 1

Halle<boro Ad. ing,^e *=zA A N easv setung, perfect

J \ ly possible td get un and owing to thU fact I

rfect Itting boot U ii hard nless made to brder, I An now maJunA a

BmMf^EA/lTT of fln* gentlemen's andiadles' . Ik is truly laid that nature has made

aome queer them l i a 00 those wno hare learned. known to


a that nature baa made there la a way of attlng and becoming manner aa

ed metoith their patronage ea, hosnVmade goods are rablaand ahoirpeT In tho Woaat WARKAETEW.

or aroprtefor of the esv wiU his brother, ^ohn D.

* by hia lo eondnct the casli^STs^cmandredncsd

. jWHIt D. COATS. MavaiTiaTf. *&


Dr.O.J>art9at Depoyiter on ver/ reaaenable tarsia*

and Barn, one, Acre of a Good Opening

h^sictn>; ponssnston giv-iMPslrxsiat fa* rasidsmce, orothetwiae fortetmA



klren to all persons na Sstate of wilUam Non

Chapin, spectai sojTogaie xprdlng I

aa order I rate of UhsJ

f t, Lawreaon,and according to the NatatA tmV |snich cases made and provided, Aotioejij hemwf h

lateoi wuuam Mortosviaa said osninty, o^ceaaeO, that exhlhf t the anma, with tha Uie subac^bwrs, adnUiiis^rators, atlim oeaee W s

ef tjonger A Oleason, in Gon verVesir, in said^vi Jaunty, on or before the Itth day of pdsrnaM *vt tHHl, next. ^^ " o . *



Dated, July 20th, 18W. UKftKIT 8. C^EOEs^Ilsidas^ ^ MAXT NOBTOK, Adm'xT




Do not pnrcb»w elsewhere oi*tll you know (b«lr prices. gS4tf-

Spscial Indnoementa for the Fa l l Trade.

The Plice for Real Bargains! 4

nee, and made and

rvona W ailing

unty, d lbit the ubsori he store otadam,

of October, 1080, next. April 17th, Jnaa.

WILLIAM B. W I L L I K O , POLLY W A L L ^ U . Execu

iokA* 1-aw-


H a%-Pnran>sus^ SJI order OA*X«4 nsjurrognta or tba Conaty e f i L „~,, ,ljrt

ttdaocording to the stainie masjhhcaaa ;f* 1v d i,rovided^otioaMh*iwbrairsn7tOail %^l having claims againat ttmasjitanf W I R U : # railing, lata of OonraTnenrk tm aaltt '' - *V

w 5 frrt'ace, and anoonUns; to tha atatsUh In await c OiOde and provided, nottoe is h«re>y gtvesi

al peraons havin^gclalma against tEf aatate. t ,1 hli Mix, late of Couvemeiu^in eaioTeonsity.V *"**}&

tased. thai they are required ss exifl>it die J

e, with the vouchers? thereof. In ike^aa briber, exocntor, at his residence » X0 atayv Ilia, JeaTersot) County, New Tork, em " »e litb day of DecnmW. Inao, next. Dated June t, lawT hiamo E D W A B D HL 8nrmr, Exoontor.



ffewlsbtooaJIthe Jaatlraoeifed a Urge invoice

attention TO

r pjatrons a id the pu^lfo generally to the fact hat we save

ELEGANT DRESS GOODS! * M 4 L * ? bought na a foe and which we are selling at loc to 96c per rarjL Thev art good* sold khe fere part of the aeaaxm at vs/y m ich higher prices. They include

Afyriktns, Beiges, Bunting^ Bfoc^MohairSuMeltmgs$ &f» &t


B(lack Oaslimeb?eR tit 4 0 q . to S 1 . 0 5 ;; • 1 PUB8TOCB o r " '

PJUNTS, COTTONS, SiiiriTTNck, Treks, COTTOKADES, &C^ 11 complete, and okir prices as l4w as the lowest

TA^LM LINENS. NAP&IN3, DIAPERS, And CRASHES 1 j at tha lowest prions yet heard of. j •

Nott ingham XAOOS H Lambrequins

GtOVES and HOIERY at 6c. to 5Cc. per Pair Bteri mefehsust eswams to hare the beat 10* Eld Glove that Is to he hid in the world, Pleaaa try

UPBEME COUBT, ivr. X^AWEEMca OotTV. r J Y - T H ^ H o a # i l a n 4 s ^ p U a a t r r ^ lubbard and others. nonce is hereby given that

and decree of foreciosnre lent ted in the above entitled action S 2 duly'

tereO in the clerk1* ornce of Bt» LAi uuty, on the 7ih day of October, W L t o d ear* ^nt to an order made in aasd aottosi a t a aaav

term of the supreme cos|niftsi^sAta)0' ' of Justice Bockea, in One yfVa^e sW flstfn-» p r t a ^ . o n t h e » 7 t h o ^ t r f 7 a F i m a a ^ i entered fa aaid cier4?s esEcsT^LjCha r a f - !

named. In aaid fmlgm^mmm.Sk" 0 •IPf

oflioe of the ftermour en»bnric. in said count]

at pablle auction, to ce<" *

r . in said county, on the lstB dajr of ob«r, IttrtO, at one o'clock In the sftntnoon of


thai city of oi i x

Sanaa eswaass to hnvo the beat too, Eld Glove that Is to he hid in the world, onrs before yon give yonr venlict Examineonr stock of

IREADY-MADE CLOTHING, da w i arJoes^MOwf yn« wffl bear as eai W the statement that we nare the MH Qood$, the Bttt isWsjaaA the beat got up goods for the money In this msrkeu Our Jxtrgdy Inert*—d baU* in



thin depajftmunt Intra eneoiuagad na to increase our stnek. Bniu for men and Boys at to TlAai Dont pay OaAOO orTilao for a onatetn made suit when we can give rou one equally aa

I1&00. Wo have a full line of

Gto&frfea, T e a s , Crbckery , H a t s , Caps , & c . WkoViWeiaim m tof*PW"&"&ilBi* *! ?>Wi"«T to aire i asTmswiiialfset lnTOAtory of any goeds, Tpvr policy la bsisWsji, not blow and bluater.

ly$ hm*th* Goads the PtopU want and at Prices tosmtaU.^ yon may baqe aad we wtB m

, t '

t day, all the following described r l U

11 that tract or parcel of laodfsltnsu^ tn noE Oswegatchie, in theoonnty of Si. Law

ce. New York, formerly beionginsj t*> the Henry M. Tan Solipganu deceasadj which lotorparoel of land i« know ajkCdiaths*

shed na farm lot Mo, n, Mi sectiosTio, 0 of Dowell's survev of the Vaa SoBngsk tract I boanded as follows, vis; Begmsung nt an

Do#tEal7aa^la\aMi%eaee s o i t f s l g T ,1» chains to a black ash *ree. Baa. l l a £ t 10;

•outber W. 48 chains at Uahneoja}e4i4 e Otatn Boadi'thenoa nOrth 17* W ififrtna

nksto a point in the roadb tananaa Berth 17* II cTnnlns 41 links to a

s north aft* west 7 it in the (Mate Bond; tU~~ . ms f links to the i>lacs3 of

ining Cigbty-omt 9-100 netae {



OLLXW A w*jrrt* , AtTyk Watertown, If.

^ W r x t i a w H. WAL.LIES>, i lAte dberiE of eu Lawrence 0e„ BesWea.

± sswyns* tverybodv sanka Moneys Watches, _ Ues, Jewelry, Oddities, Motions, EJai Mow I tame to posh your business or store QASW. , goods are of the very lateat sArtmL M a i l d mostly at auction or pHfAtebas^insjA except those we nmani»*aiav WaajraoiB iresentod. 0end for

and order your

k>ot avnd S h o e Sh< - ^ W » a U O f J L Praetlckl

s a & d o t ^ ^ « ' experience on tho boson

PatlCflL rrs^tkil Boot r, shop in haiamaat ofi Qon vernenr, K. T. 9 ionce on tho bonoh git

to a nam aire tho boat nod a work to be hod anywhere In tha

' are nnUormly from M toaO eon for tho name etaes of W h y t o a ^ _

»lh^rs&_^ iss? toiawawparlA J ',

