'JERNKUR HERALD. •ocvBunttm TOOK S3 LT # Acorar 4% 119& •i I M*jl NMM *•* JUnw Me IltaALD sent 4e As mh*mo*\ ik§ addrm fa*ff AiJMnuLoayeiin /I JMHP to *Nvewfie*« • If t . d m "ITtftlelilt FrU-d" idled Io Mg« tbelr M M to *n otbenrtee aeoe«4«Me oem*aaleetloii, for wbleh tl bee found e place In oar Nraete basket. ^ tdHM ••Ml t L •I *Wt yrW cell within thtnext Mreeka, apoa delinquent rob- ber*. M4 Uy»e owing by sou, or wMo f t f - t M r mall at ftoatk Kdfkrde, floe* fal. Pltealm aid fterrletllle? ted ofaeettleaMailnoeft bo ... J , , - v FVBUfKlttl HHUIA * r - v It J. TATUM, Ausirr. i > » »• • • . JMAiiane.-*-Report! of moet reach lie M early ee p. IQ. In order to lneore i **** ,^ M'^ , \m * A* 01ob.~Tbe first regular of tho Gouverneur Garfield Arthur Gleb wUI be held In Kll»- Hell lotttftfnr evening l o g ttb ilng at oTolook sharp* All from this And, otber rdlally Invited* . Tiietrainami boat tor ibe Grand Excursion Wedneedey, Abg< lltb, will be In obarge of cerefbl end ex* perltnoed men, who will look alter the eoasfort end convenience of all thoee who attend the excursion. ' VtiAMuj&Mr. J t N . Weldroai-thae oar thank* for samples coploe of Florida paper** We glean from the News, published el Grange etty,tbat Day too*, neoeet tow* of the state, bee twelve arteelsqi welli; also spring onions meesortng sixteen Inebee In olrcumfcrefcee. T_tA*i_e~W. ILSwenA Co., fob*., OluoinneUJ Obi*, have *oi» thenki torrepobUoa*campaign songs, M Bfalp of our Country nad State, "dedtbeted to General Gard* 1<J. Tbe "iholoe of the Und," li n gUnd end •lining eong end will itirlly be ooe of tbe taking hire of the campaign". ' 'Wn b^f* boloro at » *>pf of the r p^nloni 1M oadrogalotlooior Iho 294 tnoaol oottio yboir ud ftilr «ti -- —- w— GouT«rMur, to bo bold 8«pt. 1, J, 9, °>« r 0 I tbo boriion clotrod »#oy x AocxmMM loprtfloat and DaottU tbroofi tho HBuU» *nd tar pooton, o "4rond ood imbostof ropibblloon nuiaoofion motU»f tnb b«M la GoororBOor Sotordar JoIJr U t t Tbo tpoikon «uMni0oodno idV droti tbo nootla* woro Hon. Thonali O. Alrord.floo. A, X.Putor,o«k 6o% Bradlor Wlntlow—thr»o t«oiI«*)«B woll and IkTorobly known thfoorb* oat tbo tUto lor tbtlr oratorio*! oblli Itr, tbo tint or whom, "Old Bolt," U Mtoomod M odo of tbo otottfbriMonft and ooorlnitng •poaken In tbo ooun« try. Gon, Wlnolow Jbond It Inpoo* •Iblo to bo prooaot bat In bU abowoa oar Jofforton nolfbDon woro ably roproomtod by Hon< Cbao. R. 8klnnor. . 'j '., .... ''',/•. •••••,• A Oardold and Arthar po&rauin* bad bom proTlooalj •rrangod for Saturday. Tho tpnarMk polo H> loot In l<nftb,nlo«1y poUod.(ifnioolloalof tbo poollic tkat awalta tbo domooraoy In November) waa, lost before noon, ffradaally raload, after many a " h«M> •be," to a porpendlottlar poaltlon. At i o'olook every preparation had boon made for the afternoon mooting. At thla moment, alngalarly enough, tho dark threatening olonda that and opon Of (Hoerali. hefeae •»•» |,Ww eng Repnbllcatie of the town of a»d all Jntet-teted In forming a»d diribnr elob f wMI meei * i w n Hall f LUbon Centrel on V Aegnei 7tb» at a o'clock B/ order of Cbalrmab of ma > i »•»• •**** RAU.T.^There will be of tbe (koovemenr Han- figllih elub.at tbelr roome. •etardar iT^nleg^ tbe 7tb Intl. be a falUUMdanofe , •Iff # § t I BT Omvum Cony a> M tfcalrfil •!• ojm» l( ,,' > * larel now g\ "legal t*tbe til intry towde. W mey b#ae4ored for the a* m tbe following pleeee: Le- ft Owe, J. 1C Beynolde, Jr„ U. )••. OoaTerneor'; f. a \% drag Mo|l Rleb?Ule | E. Q r ir and a K. 8tone 9 f l e m o n ; lUUroad SUtlon. DeKelb l ;Keeoe4' and Antwerp. CL Clark, at Clark A flow* UMttbOf* (. II a elallarlty betWiiH the d the pre*; both are reoog- |tml powere for good In tbe it there te a marked differ* ; newspaper oAeea Ibr a Summer iraoatloo.-— , D*X* Vrtth* , yimdo oeeaikmallftaia King With a goternment eteamer er^nlee, 4rtiUlng eroond rammMt't, expenee IMI 1 ! eoal bio le suppliedy#Uh ' will be oanttanthr eentu Her the f Bb#g /oprnaU itiTteaMon^ |y f OewwAi^gfB J**.*the i>f Ogdenebarc/M well ae of \f at largey.Ve looking Ibr. • great r*r dnrlag tba four [lag ot tble eoolety l Sept* tth and 10th. Tbe an- it ll madb that the eomlog til ptrteenti m # >*e attraetito than any of lte predeeeeeore. ilame to be ottered will be vartedi iQeltidlog every* latereet to the farmer and ilA', Tba offloeife are doing all power to dhow that tbe |tf tba eocUiy le etlil Upward fward r —Hiod«lor. w ' ( eMetal feature* we will ipeak >|y later on, ( Hwo about tbelr glr)* f reeil J - ivfr girl loet her foot, and her lortfhed e pocket- book made of tanned ikln ffam the tail member. If *be had been girl ha might have had e >T*i*l/'—iV>/ra<?«* Standard. bail haen m Syraauee girl he lafomada a comfortable lent le eittSw *uJ bed tnough left heistyof a b-iireliey. 4 ^-- f//##v# ' * ' , . \ / ' , ; .• . * * <Un f in pofn tj.i ,iiiaiaii.-f ( j <+ aweaa«>r«u#Hkiiii, j bert***.!- nf O0U?fr?irUf p Kant^olr end Krtgllali (Hila May afiernooo, end l*t*r In thflr banner wee <**•* 10 the bearing Ine portreltaof Hen- Xnglleh. In the* evening A a large and tnthtielestlo loti meeting In Union llalK» Poete end Judge' Sewyer of delivered addrfeecie r which II of eoatoleilon and lutarenf tlithajj^anlerrlKid^ Mr, Tome. \u ^efoquelk lengnei^e paM amagnlfloent 1986, The work wae pobllebed at the H n a u n offlo* and le perfoc^ In w^ry particular. It not only epeaki wall for tba pvlntar. but exhibit* tbe enterprise of tbe fair managers In Issuing th* work thus early In tba seeaoo.—lf'ftfertW* Ti'nui, tHmmo the last* anonth Mr. lobn A. Nloholle bai spoken SI Umea In tble oonnty. under tbe aueplea of tbe Grand Oounail fu. O. a T. Hie en- gagtniwt for tba next'week, as fol- lows: Keeuvllle. Aug.4tb t Gouv*ff>eor Aug.Atb.LltUe York Aug.61b and 7th, rullervllle Aug 8 andA ^th,. Mrs* Kcama Nlobollf of Lowell Mass, has bate fragagad to read id eooneetlon with the leetarl at thesejplaoee. ' mjeei 1 and est the new banner, bearing the porjtraitee of Our brave and noble leader* unfurled to the brtoese, the lm bai taiebad the undying flune^ maneblpsbedig ^ broad repb pegaof our last quarter the name of flarileld. r He blsflmpuhUb notloeootbe fteldeof btmla andoomeoltl tbe most yfetorlone of Taken up by his own served them and hie oountry.in peace ae In war 9 wlth unflinching tfdallty to principle and the oonltltutlon. General Garfield Is a pure mtan and ae leader In tbe house le tbe exjponent and embodiment of the tfreat prin- ciples of tbe party that seted the Union and How ptands alone J In de- tenoeof Ice hondr. Insuring Contin- ued prosperity* We oan rest con- tented that he will be successful In tha oomlng contest And how with Genral Arthur ? f B e stands along side of Governor if organ, was! on bis staff and has always proven irueto our principles* Mr* Engllst^ . hi his letter of acceptance says the Republi- can party bae bad (fontrOl for 26 years and thinks this Is suiBdent; f© why tbe[Demoorac|r should be sup- oessfdL Had be given this as a reason for the abolition of slavery the Icon try and'union soldiers would haVe though t better of hie logic. In i860 tbe south solidly re tubfe bright rays peered forth end I who and where was their eympath ktsAdltba calm fhcee of our eminent Iters? The leader* of tbe Democrat- . t f f l next annual mjeeflng of the grand eounsll of the United Order of Reform Templars will) be held lpj oovsrneur on Tuesday Sept. 7. n^ft he meeting will be addressed' by v George Bowen f G, W. yfr and elegatek from different teniplel of sUte. Tbe friends of uinperance appealed to. to rallyj^ tha oause f reform and make a supreme effort to stay tbe i^agatyof king aloohdl who le carrying ou/noblest and best minds down to $isbono|able and an timely graves. % araiov. s Tbe rallrtad depot ofltee, eraeur action, wae broken into, last TburMlby ifUrnooo, and about. $30 atokyi frod tba money drawer.! It betweota 6:46 and 6^6 o^lock that burglarl wae oommltted.and dnr- ng tba agedt^Mc, W. II. Mur^ay.ab* eenoe at sapper. Admlttanoe wis gained to tha ticket offloe through tbatransont over tbe door and tbe eaeb drawdr forced open, .9360 In currency aikl #76 In gold' and silver lay In tbe drawer obVered up by looee papers throjwn Into tha drawer be- sides tba S80 taken by tha thief, whleb lay oh tap of the papers. V%rf likely ha wae frightened away before having time to fcaake any search. Mr* Marrahr recalls having seen a yctoog man, a stranger, banging around tho depdt during" the day who wae dolubftle* the robber,, Tbe follow l>ft oo>be 6 o'clock train Just after Mr. MWrray dlecovered, the drawer bad been brnbab Into, and before be discovered that any money was mlislng. as he had to makl ap hls4cash aoooont in order to ascertain how tbe aoooont stood. 1 1. k Per««nnis. Mr. J. R. McGuIre, of :,acon* Y, former class mate of David Mjc- Fallsj Is here on visit to the latter and the t^o gentlemen started for the St. IiaWretice yestt relay to spend a few days camping. f , , Mr. Oniiltfl (i. Gilietfo of Now Tortr pfild tin 11 c*ll Iskt HA|ur(Uv. Mr. G. has figured qullo sti^cssfully In tho politics of tho ttictro|K>M*. Ho waa hunt on lfi*uraitcc hti»U*cM, { \ *" Mr. 8. Jaoobaon, of tha x i 7*51 ^oboli I ratu if> otnl laaro |to tbo 'fglodoui n.me and >f Otnijrul llanoook. tlolb «fnitu.i 10 .late (uajngthe of UoLlohn H.y < >#blch >IO«Ud [Abraham , Lincoln ; ofjpoofd, vrflded and $mHy Illlod>l4 ; wbloh utrtd the IT ' rl 'f^laV' > poHy ' wktok Union <* - wMah '• Irtiyof 1% t bory ______ WntlehT id the honor of the flag; ttalaed the financial Integ- ie aattoLifcd made lu credit In Ibej world. But tbeee J o not Jin teres t tbe average mind wbloh prefers) to past ,r abd 1st " hygonr« lie tt Iti-U Tt»» —i|ssi foe tbe Qiabei^ ! O^rpentero a heetbenlsbly of humanity^ living lllal^oriH. wae arraetad Inly warrant Issued by |uetlea f Gonvsrneur. 00 the charge rafede by his daughter» Mlee Uarpoiitor, "aged letenteen [Ths testimony of tbe girl bor father bad committed rt>ew outrage at iVequent for a parlod of several years. bur's testimony a* to the corroborated by that of , the latter having first lte knoif Iadg4 of tba vile it et* mooths slue*. The Ufae M d tot trial; and com* appearat Il^itcjti cilut^hlng s%ore» left for Chicago Mon- day r\ >i. train toJetilo tUO ostato of a recently tleeaa^d cousin who losvM a 76,000 legicy to bis rt Utlro». Mr. .laoobfuii will return by way of Ho* ton and NevrYVrk tu^rsonall) view tbe largo ftill »iock now being nisna* faoturad at tllelr headqunrtors |u IlOStOllo j . j i W, J. Mt Fen*a uf Kdwurds his just returned fitmi Itockacrriy Uouoh. Ma thinks the an n will M tt their pav 401m. L X ! Mr. it. 11. KlliuertJii <>( Cniton Is rustic k<|ij( at Wa<l<Unxtcii. i Mr. itpraoe \f. Taylor and wife, 0f Ksw York, are tlsUlug their Canton friends. '•'':,' 1 . General' Horioe RuMieil, "formerly of Ogdeneburg, lie* been appointed Judge of the Huperlor Count of N*w York city* •• * i | , f 1 . * •' l # 4 Mr*' Nelson, w e Austin, or]Green- ville, Mlcb., Prof. L. K: IIa#Iey 9 o/| New Hocbslle- N. Y* t andf Mr. and Mr*. V. HH Harbor, of Ithaca, Mich,, Potsdam friend*. / chkfftajlns. It wahoertalnly a grandly Igorgeous picture, nature herself eeemtnig tojadse the veil of sor- row frbib o t f n - clouded brow and gate with »Pt»<}ving,happy sunshine upon tbe glad eVent The Edwards band Mruck up and to their lively time the street assemblage marched over Into the jierk and were seated upon 'the temporary benches in front K tbe grand stand. Tha speakers Were escorted to the park by O* If. GlcasonLEsq and took seats with/ those ^Invited upon stand. THamietlng was called to order by ijf. S. 'yonger i*4. and a permanent f'orgaoflajstlon Of a Garfield and Arthur club jeffeotad With Wro* Whitney. President Mr. Whitney then Intro- duced Hon. Chas. R. Bklnner, who In a clear and forcible manner discus- sed tie tissues of the campaign. i ,; MrJ Bklnner briefly reviewed the _>r.nclpj4sof tbe Republican party shpwlngj 1U allegiance to truth, unity for rljgbL ever solid for justice. In, this wleciion the appeal to the people was to Ideolqe whether free Instt* tlonsgo up or down l^i this country ; whether the fruits of the war warn to be trammed In tha dust. Proud of Its reoonp, willing toj be judged by Its grand battle for freedom, liberty J 4nd honest money and conscious of lte abllltl to well and falthfoUvad- mlnlsterltbe affair* Of government, the Republican host* ware going to rblly at the polls on the 2d of Novem- ber and tMy were going to win; no matter about a solid south, a solid north Is uetter yet. ' Not one induce- ment for a Republican to desert the old flag aid go over] to the party of rebellion and repudiation. Ite glori- ous record of the past 20 years, with It* Immortal Lfoccjln \ and world- fkjfaed Grant and iu grand galaxy of heroes abd sUtesrojen, wMb their principles ot progression and chlval- rie itr Idas of adyanoement era the brightest Msavet In American history. Every patfe of Republican history stands for freedomj liberty and equality. The Democratic record Is public property f we purpose placing them In the crucible of public opin- ion ?-~Beb<>ld tbo broken shackles of slavery,' the auction blook*, stibte rigbts dolgmas^ seoe*slon and re- bellion.^ In tbe least they plead for hard money,' in] the west for soft money andjtni the south for sll the moiioy tboy o*n (get bold of. They plead for vUes regardless of prlnci; plea.) ask tMm lf| tliey are In favor of hard or son money and tbo answer Is "yes." (In national convention in '64 they solemnly doclarcd the war a failure and now they uro shonting tho praise of a "failure Oetieral" for President, t'fo-dky Hancock in bin loHttor uf acceptance deolare* the 13th, 14th ami Ifttift amoiulment* arc In- violable iHttwlth*taiiiUui lie wrote an O|KJII h ttpr In '64 commending th < l>,»niMoi*ihj |>Ut(orm and declaring tho*caot* II|M1I 9 v j d aud uuconatltu- tlooal. How much rc*son or pan l- otisiti I* tbeife In thlsf What was the firebjwdt'k c|f the Democratic con- greM?-»-t9 mid low many union soldiers Hieiie wore holding positions, wa* to substitute rebel their place*. .. ? nc thotiwHtid southern otiUl bhve vvted lor President. lor he was "Lincoln'* hirelings." arid ihe nvx bifyrldier* li In f 65iiot Detnncrat* llandock for then one of Blfart I win rciuM from Keabevllle home la about are vlsltl Frank Kan. to h one moot Mr. Geo. Davidson, for Some time employed by the Gooveroetir Pulp Go., bee eeoeptad m position In thf flowering taUls of W. K. rernaee, Ogdeaehurg* u V J Rev. II, W. Wmc* of OgdAnsburg] with the family of W. L. Procter Is visiting Niagara Kallk • Herman a Be^ly, arohllect, and a ly, of Ogdeosburg ted flrtt aseist|mt ullman palace ear ^XmUtad fy ibe aotmty Jail \ aaort of abarlty for tba II may aafoly flmally are a b to state t ralaUd to tba several Aun- OarpenUr* In tttat section MMng tha first people of itti^ i;; ari ' ' ir > ] berad that tha sale m ?• son.of John f baa bean appo architect of tha Co. at Chicago. Messrs. Hofe iand lion. Che* WKT- t* thograad «xear«loa ^•if.;ilt|b la llailto4 tmkim wuAtr win b. ^MfwUaf 4)1 orow^lof boinuQ. Altdrd, It., 8k_#er, paid tkelr rtepeeU t^ thoi IUBALD lost 8at«rday la a #eleooak call ot thla oflte. Tho OoTOrnor brfoge glad Udloga «f moat porlket harmony ud onthaalaatloaoal among tho repabll- ofbju ooaiuir Mid doolaree that aost N«|ronbfir old Onondaga ahall with fall 4,090 majority Garfield and Arthur. Mr. bring, oaooonflng odr lolghbore of Joflir- roe 1* that the ropoMl- rrery M hool dJatrlet U and .MMO with Iho to— p-tridtlo loyalty l o t h , old flag ithaik largelr tnerooeod ropob- n n_j4rl(y may bo oonfljlenUy But aftera\ coward hail alalte Abra- ham Lincoln his mantle fell ou Andy Johnson ; Hancock was sent to Lou- Ulan* and wnat did ha do ? 11c sus- tained tbo rejbelHous government of Louisiana B4 he did alio that ot Texas., 80 Ibng as Hancpck as a union General lielped to whip rebels iho Democratic party spurned him, bhtjthe moment hje Surrendered auu rebelled frpm Repyfbltcaii rocon- structlin 1 He jraa taken to their bosoms. It i^true r as they say, he Is a ban^tome n|an. parte his hair nicely welgUsIa great dial and ll a "superb" man; iut tbl# can't hide tha Demo- cratic party! The democratic party e d a i eaoffht stealing fish s* warned that be should ear a 1 longer coat or- steal a flshj Congratulating hi* that they were about to hear who bail grown gray In ^»e service of the Republican Mr. Skinner cloied bis *cry able and argumentative speech, of which tbe above but * glvee a faint outline. * ; j ,.;; .;*;^ 1 ?.> Atltr music' by tbe RlchviUle band Governor Alvord Was introduced. Ulaplarlou voice rang out In clear tones of gratification and self con- gratulation oo| being permitted to ad- dreee a8tLaa|rance oonnty aodlenoe. Uas|K)keenc^raglnglyof tba work lytngoratad lb tba oantral part of Ibe State kod bf tbe general eathb*!- aelm and bright prospecU of another grand vlciory ibr liberty, onion and proeperttjf ae tereehadowed lb tba triumphant alMUon of Gen. Garfialf and Arthur Ho November., WUb vx&HL aU *mam work Newj Tork ie, and m wUI be Bepuilloan. Garfield aaA Arthur are tbee._po<a- ca.tsof Bapiab|lean view*. Garfield poorboytbebsvan hie oarer In an ibbmbla capacity. Io party throughout the north gave them "aid and comfort" We carried the war to a triumphant end anjd tbe Republican party b4|W resolutely worked to preserve tbe faults of tb<| bloody conflict, while thej Democrat] le party has stubbornly (opposed, In uatlona) convention! voting the war a failure and at the Sooti. they have doffed the rebel gray only to doi. the; mldbight mask of, the' Klb-Klux- Klan. overthrowing the Jgll of the! ballot and striking a dei-flr hpar at liberty. They have begged lue to bory tbe past and let by-gones be by- gones and nbw they have Invited us to review tkat black, disloyal feicord by their taking tip a Gen. of thei onion army. If tbo Democratic part/had ruled four years lpnger—from '60 to '64 where would < the country have been to-day ? Echo answer* *here. The Kepubllcln party has given us a solid money oasis* while peace, pros- parity and happinee*. smile upon oufr country. All honor to proud Obio,fo)r 8herman's wise financeerlng and Gar- field's able leadership in the House. And now with the people rallying for Garfield, Arthur and tbe right, continued prosperity will follow and the Democratic party will ha s^rei^t from tbe free of the earth.: j \| Hon. A. X. Parker followed in a speech which was replete with cleaf- n^f of statement, soundness of rea- soning and of telling weight.. Nearly 200 names were placed up- on the regular roll of membership of the Garfield and Arthur club and many will be daily added. ? With three cheers for our standard' bearers ^he meeting adjourned. . , j Duo* iWpondent sends ne tba foUow^g rbdpe for jthta somewhat prevalent and eveijy prond j dlaease. Ttiesvmptomsofthlsdlsor- bistory!forthai dW are a violent itching of tba tongue to ab^l roof of tbe mouth, which Invarl* ajelfleved I ably Ukes>lace when in company With a spe0lea of humanity called gOesipe. When you feel afitof the disorder coming on take a teaipoon- fUll of the following mixture., Good, Nature I 0un<*, the horb Mind Your Own Business I ounce,mix with a little Charity for others and 2Jor $ sprigs of keep your tongue between your teeth. Simmer them together in a vessel called Circumspection for a 4hort time and it will befitfor use. , K •• — t —'•» ' .' - • cilrpmas from ma muif Oriuc. Mi** Ada. Bell, of Oswego, Is visit- In^ Miss Nina Nelson. ; Mr. Haven* will put up one of his Nsiptba lamp* In Prcecott. Harrison Brothers are doing the stone cutttng on the, new City Hall. A laundry will Ibe started next Week in Porte's block. ] 1 There lyore 88 arrives at tl 0 Soy- mojor House yesterday. .. ; \ s Uuke-warm politicians a^c quite numerous. F. A. 8trough, of Brier Hill, is in the employ of 8. P. Gallagher, the well-known grocer. 1 Miss Hattic Fulton has [gone f o Waddlngton to spend .herjvacaliou^ A large transparency, seven feet long and, five feet high* with the words, "Republican Headquarters," has been put up In. front of their room* in Lyceum Hall. ! ' There are three hundred and ten person* enrolled on tbe Hancock and English dub roll. i .belled; 51 pat ht- w% G:00 A. ir, 6:18 ". 6:50 >'* 7:10 " 7:29 « 7:60, " 9 •fw » - - - iiol u at 10:15, eebver*e«t-a»* Vicinity* Mr. AJ. L. Myers, a typo of our Potedaml namesake" made a pleasant J eall at tne UEHALD office last Satur- day, Geo. 4L Gleason, Esq., la on the ftt Lawrence. , Mies Julia Bews v or Ogdensburg, visited Miss Anna Doyle last week* . Mrs. A. L. Wood worth returned home on Mondav. i I j « Mr. Fred Townsend left for INtiag- ara Falls on a visit, last Tuesday, ac- companying Miss pdllle Porter to her homo. 1 j Rev. C. II. Lovett, of Rlohvilte, will occupy the Bapitist puipit neit Bunday and administer at the Lord's supper. Rev. M. L 9 Rtigg will prsa6h at the BapSstt church, In Klchvllle. same day. j All persons tiavlog rooms to rent to students or who wish to taker* *Ui. dent boarldera should notify O. b. Conger at once as tho opening of the next term [of the Setuinary is near at hand. ! Letters tmcaltcd for in GoOveraeur ^oHton1cc:LMrn. Patscv Bro#n, Ll?a Celas, Mr. rriiorhas Downs 2, Mrs, € . (). Merrimait. Mi*« Kllcn F. 8plcer. Mr. Itarfey.A.' Orinlston ha* rA* turned froth the mat* Mr. Altijond Btrrul, ^ years of age, ft II from a bay stack, last Wednesday, a distance of about Af- teen feet, breaking six ribs and *_UJ- talning several severe bruinea, br^aidea Internal lufuriee from which it is ex- ceedingly doubtful whether he recov- er*. Dr. HOMIU was called ttnd at- tended tho Injuries »* far tie medical akill could reach. > A pleasaiit fnmlly reunion occiidrrcd at tho r.uUleiice of Mr. K. S. Barnes, last week. There were proaont Mr. and M/a. Barnes, and their thr'ee daughters, Lucretia, Celia and Louisa with their husbands, Messrs. Geo. P. Taitt, A. E. Hmlth mid Frank h. Cox.. Tho grand-children of Mr. and Mrs. Barnee preeent were Lillian, Eddie and Mildred Taitt, May and Helen tiniitli. and £rwin Con « . An cnteitaturnout Will bo glvien this (Thursday) oventng in Grangtir* h*ll by Mr*.Emma Niohols n popular elocutionist. Tho loading will be Interspersed with songs, music, and recitations by members of tbe tempi! and an address will be given by John A. Nleho'a. During the evening Mrs Nichols will appear In her bumorob* personation of Mi*s Moloney on .the Chinese Question. > Tickets, ^lpd Let Hie re be a largest tend anc*. j,J The old Grlnu^l planing mill IhaJ recently been overhauled and; thoU oughljf repaired preparatory to puN lug in new machinery for manufadt-j urlng purfvoses. Mr. D. W. Vandut^o baa bad the work In charge and ln ! raising the two floors about one foojt, levelling tbem and potting the whole building 00 a solid foundation be ha* done a good job. ^ Neman's Bteamlon %o Klngstan. The firemen of PoUdaiJi,Norwood, Canton and Gouveyneurf^wiM unite in a I grand excursion to Kingston, OntJ, August 18, 1880. A special traib. via. R. W+ & O. R tt. f ill leav^> / .. ; [ ' •> . r NorWood at--.Li:.i.o Potsdam ,,,.-.•.. Canion . . . u .... -.•>.. Detfalb... A Riobvllle. .. GouVerneur.-... Watertown J.. _. J. .•. . Arriving it Cape Vincent •»» * v —, Where the lar||ie« lake steamer "W-jtertOwn" wjlll bo In readiness to I eontjoy the excursionists across Lake Ontario to Kingston. Reaching Kingston about (noon the party will remain tntll 6HK| o'clock p. m. allow- ing over ^ hout$ time In which to visit the many pliaces of Interest and viewj the numerous elegant public buildings and private residence* of this beautiful cttk He^rigton'* Cor- net Band Of Pbisdam has been en- gaged to furnish music. ' Fare for the round trip $1.50.1 TickoO may bow be procured at tne following places: Norwood, at the! Post Offipo; Pots- dam, at C. M. lUrowfi's Dry Goods Store; Canton, Bonney Brothers; DeKalb, Station Agent; Richville, Statical Agont) (jouverneur, of F. L. Cox, _|t the HKKiAM> office. Parties jit a distance can Secure tickets by re- mitting cash to Mr.Cha has, Deans,arresied on charge bf "aasaolt and bettery M on Mis* Alloe Croeman f a hired servant who becam# angered and M wknt for hifh," wae tiled and, honorably acqulttod having altuply reslatad^ thf youi^g lady's attaaks by grasllng bold^of barhabds^ tUM among ltl mkny elafaiit poblb and; private boilitlng*. There are manyplaeeiof Interest Which may be vlelted by sight-seers that will more than pay for making the city a vielto It le considered one of the finest cities In Ontkrio and 1 is vUited by thousands of excorsiotlsU fvery season. .Street ears are constantly running to all parte of the city; Per- sons going upon this excursion can Uko their lunch bsukcU. or if they prefer oan procure meals at reason- able rates on the boat or at any of the numerous and well appointed Hotels upon the rente. A baggape car will be provided for si! > h o f wish to take their lunch baskets -which will be in charge of a c<>tamUtee who will look after tbe baskets without extra charge. All basket* should be plain- ly and carefully marked so that there will be'no confusion or mistakes. Meals will alio be furnished on the boat at a reaeonable price. Tbe fare for the round trip has; been placed at the very Tow prioe of $l.f>0 #bicbj Is extremely reasonably, when it in> remembered that the rtegular ffre Is $7.60 for tho round trip. f , Those not caring or desiring to visit Alexandria Bay or Kingston can stop oft at Cape Vincent and enjoy a days fishing upon thje best fishing grounds of tbe tit Lawrence River. .;• * !• i i, v ; \/ I'. The exounlon trali Will leavd Cape Vincent at 8 p, m., arriving at Glouv- Cnjeujr 12:30 L m. This will posi- tively be the, oply oxcurson from tbit section thisaeason and should jbo at- tended bjr rf)l who wUh to enjoy a delightful day* ride upon tbo bjoauti- foi 8L Lawrence* M . j. The committee ar* pieased {to an- nounce that the elegant and eojnmo- dlous Steamer iMaud, which is a<3 knowledged by all to be tbo kafest and fastest boat on the rlver,bas been secured fori this excursion. Parties wishing to sjtUud will remember that tbesaloof tfakets is limited aid all n_toufecto4*> jliate prices rWlcd so h, taking Mid as a basis, as jdur- t_ie preeeht season. Plicae of latt week were not only snstalned, bat ne an averige they were fVonf le to||c. higher, ij^ < . * Hales were a* fofloWi: 335 at 9|c i9 19$ at pic., 1,421 at 10c, 5,306 at 10]c, 2,H0 at lO^c, LU7 at p. t , and 1,020 on* commission. Ufll( s {MarriagenptictM U<xnU tacK) I1L-A July wishing ,to secure their kite** tickets a Willi do MLnlieisfcoro K [an early d|iy. •>-t*i«l RIE-PBUKlfifc.-At tbe M. JB. \m Oou-en»*ur, 4 uly 11th, by &••. A. 0*wl#t, Mr, Jobs Petri* Mid Hit* L*nA A. Prtiner, all ot Natural Ham. KEAMES-PALM1I--At VanHaren HotiWi. MaTSraeor, Julf «M f by Her. A. J. Qowlec, Mr Sidney A. Reamea and IIUi Ida _C. - * , aU of IDurtU E ICfUl* Wheawt. ot Black Lake. ' HKiwLY-^OHN8.—At Hermoa,' Joly «•-, Mr. Floyed llea^y and Mlaa Sadie Johfes, both oi T : ii raimer, aU of Haftit-uie. QaiBT8-WUBATKH,-At OinUfttbUr*. Jdly SOth, Mr. T^urmao Roberta and Mlee §o7 Porter H1U Ollti^..,. thrills .... WPotadaai... Roc* bottom.. CloTarHlU... w. ai Cream of VaL W.<5* MorrletowB... Bock Valley.. Modet Uaileeboro... l_Uod Braneb Fowler. .. 80, llermoa Canton ...... Center.. SomerriUe .... Benaparibake PiteaTmCeet't N. Bea*sU ..... -—*- Pied ]*y { per/in^.) * R.-At Weni wife of Cal* et Stoekbolm, J 61/ 851b. Taylor, in the 8*1 year of TSil year* AOIfTJt-Tn KatwtMxl, ^ u l y » l h . Orlando, r son of John aall Jane Itonaghy, aged two andtjiriM lfll( tree moaU»a. I rketft* GonveracvrMarfcet. GoyVlNKCR, Anguit 5,1880, [Corrected aa* Bcrlaed Weekly] FABhlBR'S WHOtKSAXR^ PBIC-C-CUB- uner-.i .... boloe. to RiCNT. 0»a«* BUTtaa. o prime ..... -.-»...--- — boitoiiui.^ j..: iC .1* .1* >i* mm m » » » • will Ligttt i, (cash pne«)*.. r - j b •> JfcT - Aittlen, per tack, larre ....... Aabfeti, per tack, email. Factory filled, per banrel... Factcry SUed. perflc1&. aacL .... Common fine, per barrel . . DEXSSan MKATH, _aeeY jfee*/.*.<*. *••-••.<«. •'•-••••• Cow Beef. ...*,.-J -- MntS*n_v--•---*.•••(• -«i«« •••••—-• • Porlj,.. jL.,«»«..••..». _«. •...•-••••• l_aru a .. 9( 4j». v ..,......- .... - Veal*,/Ire weight.--. f f vkorrABLBu, PotaSoee.. HOOtK-tCXEPBt^' RETAIL PIMOK Lip*. ' j SCOAR.' » G6ffel it A H lUndAxtt-i _;l..^ eitra - 1 .••i.j.^ A. L. MVRki, Potsdam, if/V. ' » • • v I j 'iafMIe Ttne. ; The laws of finance are so adjusted In this country t^iat there is scarcely a limit to the derolopement and suc- cess of tfhe thousand? of shrewd and nar»sighted fldaridiers who engage in obe numerous legitimate callings of tirade. While wild cat speculations and lottery swinjlles may flourish to- ctay by duping the people out of their Hard earnings, such ill-gotten gains itiost Invariably klip from the grasp Of tbe bold and momentary success- ful operators, leaving them In pover- ty and disgrace jw is rightly their duo Bofthoolosb observer will see that to adhleve a jgrowjng and gnand| sUccfsti a business must 1>0 founded! upon the! laws of legitiuiata flnanfco and HO as to be olj|pub|ic good. Take for instance the mercantile clatn, and their success will be greater or ICFS, just In prpportHii to their ability to clter to the ta»*tt|s and demands of theli # trade. \lql in jrio branch ; of njt roantilo oper.iUoii4 »i'n ther t ; a more p o s i n g jlomatid foi 1 shrewd fiutn- cljars thaU In tho general grdcei y and provision^u^inOKH. For thej flint and greatest deint'nd df inttuiv U food for our ever j hungering' bodies and it tdiould b(j supplied at vhc lowest pos- siplo! prfco that the poorest of tbe la|id shalj{ nht hunger and .suffer fpr the want of broadi 60 in reality tbe rgrocery r#_ti who b}!)* his stock in injmense||uantitics4. at about Import- or(* price^ and trinsports thcin into aiityor town, dHvldlng his advan- tage of*lojwer priot^ thiiu his com- peting neighbor obtains with his customers—wo say th.it,, i.ealcr, who- ever ho may bo,, ik u grand public benefactor and is] justly entitled to thji lending tra«lo Ae Invariably holth* iujift* siolion of iountry. Many of thj) MKUALV renders in Jtho vicinity of Gouverneur will douatlesa. apply these remarks^to Mr. Jp^n Killtncr, use he has* gained the reputation pOHt hoi Vimofiii in (tils l|r»e*jViT i thlt* mi Ht> t rrsonal to jpasking attention accordingly. (anjd justly too) of grocery dealer a largest trade of* a$y Nortlicrn section. item is not intern Mrl Killmer in anj| SCI.HH \ ut merely as pointing out) a few itw that it ^woiild •eetn 1 -fell to give a moment* and bo governed is felting Canto*. ^ljtiss Vmle 8he|rmaii frlelnds In Malono. i j v . Ik^n. Sarah Tucker, of ITtloa, Is the fenefet of Mrs. U. W J5oymour. T Miss Lucia Ballek of Ogdenaturg, Is visiting Miss Hatli^ Ppst. Mr, E. K. Weaver and Ml-* Cb- riniie Uartscll are in Buffalo. Mt*s. W.RTanner will spend the re- mainder of tbe summer tyi Minnesota. i Btor/Bobbins and w i ^ of kin- jcheeteK Conn., Is Visiting Mr. JI. P. MatitbafTa , .-.. M. r ; j , :/ ,^* • • Tberlteof cdnflrtaftron was ad- ministered to 120J persons at St. Mainr'a Church Sanpay July 25tb, by E t PsV. E. P.. Wailham*, Bishop of the brWaBxenrsdOMlU Osa _ha r log, by Mr.Jdhn JuN mastardf». O. Tr'.U' Rowland baa aold oml^k ftto Bbck YiOv diocese* r- 1 -*• Aug. 3d.-^-Mr. Obis. j P. 11 dimes and Will Clark started last Thursday for tbo South! IfoodJ! j - Mr. John A. Niciols]i delivjered his lecture here Sunday ere. u Sfkbts in the lanes and alloy* of London/ 9 Tbe church ^is well.filled| and tho speaking goo J. 1 ;, , i- .1 J. We met a gentleman 1 oh tjho sfroet this miming *ud ezjelatmed <4 good morninjg, can't you giveub an Item of news. 19 We d6fled our hat and thanked him jfbr the rej^ly, "Ni, I can not; tba truth is I have to gU» to the IIKRALD tft find out What 'jtho ne#sls." <> I I f : |. j . j / L A few young" people epent Friday at S?l via Lake.., - [ , J tickets for the jgrandj excorllon Aug 11th, can be had of C. Herbert (?Wrk. Price #U0; ( ! j tteV. D. Frabepr leaves 1 this Weoklfor a four; weeks 1 vaoation^ traveling through Canada* i j FxLSTArh ii j •• i'*e»l ! ' •• •• • ( . j .' ( ,. Her-non. ; , • h , - ut. Alexander and' wife, Misses Nina and Mary Clark, : are away at Masaena Springs} , J1 I Mr*. Porter and Mis. ,KeIscy ,of Antwerp, with their mother, ere visiting their brother Hon. I). S. y OaWursdayiast, thtj^e 1 was a pic- nic from thf Acre* neighborhood, at ot Lake, which was largely at* d0d» . .-.. , ' |,.'jl- f . |( T 1 \. E. U. Green had a fallj while at rk on tbe M. % chortt} last Tues- diy\ and was badly injured* but is iiiproviug. j j! ^ v j r After a lingering, painful Illness, Joseph Lemon gfcntly passed away at 11; p. m. July the 28lh aged! 66 years. t JBolo Stone our P. |M. has purchased tbo btock of grdceries formerly owned by W. B. Hajmlin. 1 A .... ^.i-.-l. ooVraa. MtaOfclil*Alf-EOUfi. .••..••-« .... * .k • • • . . • * »_ •...»«• ie >v..-.*> i-— - T 4 •.——•--•-- «...pa...tf ..... •*. *«••-» xanosaxraoiu 1 GovTSrnsiir N. fidwtorda.. Brier Mill BnaMMVlU... Apple Grove,. Tracy] l>«P*J*t*r..... rreenUu... O w rath Pick Ueuv^lton..... HodrikiiiaaCo W. rlerpoat rtaclitille .... Itamtaood... /oIlcrkNichol* Cold wriQf R00I11 Keadftue KaTturr ..... JT. Roberto... Uowijd ruii Creese. Biche^.... : Hertaon,... QonTerae*_T Cant»n ..... Moniatowii. Macomb..... Monriatown. Fowler. Fowler-,. rowler... Uermoa. Canton.. Morriitowiu. Boaaie Diana Lew Cj Piieairn KuteeU Canton Hammond... KeeneTiUe.. llermon Macomb..... BnaeeU Canton ...... (roovemeur fnbidini GooToroeur, Oouferneiur. GoaTernenr. Bdwarde Moniatown.. RnaaeU Uaaeeil Maaeena..... Depereter. ., Cantos*. DeKalb Potsdam.... Oewefatchlel Dianal^ew C jerpont bon mond.. ree^okie ilia 7 : Kalb twerp-.. ton Macomb.... DeKalb Oeperster.. Dektib..;. iseJ Ayfiijmer from Worthy a letter to mail here, and Ju4t lij^en to this from the Oewego Timi Co. finding all the letter boxes locked, be applied to a ladf for information. She piointed to a box in the corner where there was a hydrant, and the last seen of the granger, be was en** deavoring to open tbe hydrant cap with bit jack knife. ' a asrannsM LOCAI*. JouiifD,—In Gouverneur, last 8ate urday; a black leather pocket book 1 containing a small amount of money* Owner can have same by calling at IIKRALD office and paying charges. i , Mltf Advlertising is all humbug, unleal to oall;the attention of the publie to _ something indispensable to tbelr /I welfare, such for instance as Dr. \U Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil which for lte ;J5* I wondejrful healing powers, baa bo- ss I come a household word in moet Sold by l-X as I10 ' American homes. A Vox. LaVack Iw j J 1 XMBOBWBM Oil*. v SIE 110 ^- mmmm ' M Sss III 1 il I IU 1 •_" !_J AjariraTABi_e BL< 'HI Tt-*e and inrbberkn^ 1 CUB T A B L K T J f o EWejr BO J .,-. would announce to the public that wc have purobksed the right for the qounty of S t Lawrence of the MKA0K& HARRIS ADJUSTA SLE I3IX>T- TER TAnLKT., Tlfls ImproverOcot comprises calender, bill noads, notes, and everything refijutito ror dally use of . the accoiwiuiiit. [Particularly adapted to the ujie of bankers and merchants. No coU^ting|house ought to be without It. H avoida all mis- takes by keeping Correct dates and a memoiandtim of cVery transaction in matter* of account between t|ki oriu- cipal and biscUstoiniOr*. , ' We respectfully invite the atfeiitiori of every business man to carefully ex-, amine this blotter, and Intend to re- tail the samo at such a, price as will bring it witbiu tha reach of all and Insure Us general use. j- . Thi8 tabletji* put Up in packages of rw>to and 'cotouicrcMd sire, blocked. Any person ordt-jflng bill, jnoto, or letter heads ol tho IIRHALD ollioe of Gouverneur, can hitvfc tho same tal>- Icted without extra ahar^e. Address all ordei^ to li. G. {tdi'iiolds, Publish- er UKUALD, Gouvelnfur, N. V.. Canton Bonr4 of Trade. July 3let.—Cher^e te quoted steady at 10(^10ic. f with fancy colored at 10|c. seock costbf le«s than 10 cen.ls sells quickest^ l a b l c 53s. Re- ceipts 96,000. Exploits 95,000. Crea- mery butter 26((#7|, -Welsh tubs 23c. and quiet. •* i , r Tbirty*flve factories hav0 tfcred 4,868 boxes ojf creameries 400 packiies of butter. A few salesmen of bcjth butter and cheese refused to "Mil at tho prices offered.. Twenty faitpries of cheese, 3,675 boxes, are rogferted sold at the following prices: * I7i boxes 10|c; 2,600 boxes 1010.; 90+ mbxes 10c. regis- 4hcese, and Ave * To w SipsiiSBaa LrOCALa. l i • v r ' Mbacrinets n»a Frlenae of I j, 1 tl.c "Herat**" • ' Etlry subscriber to the KERALI> Who has not paid in advance should besr In mind that be is being charged at the rate of 11.50 per year, and that the feeding of tL00 for a year's back indejbjtednefes does not pay tho bill. In all jsuoh cases we apply the money as fair as it goes to their credit at the $1.50 Ute. Most of our friends tike a faprj business view of the metier, and lay "the publisher makeaa squire proposition to sell the HEKAU) for $1.00 per year, cesh strictly in ad- vance, or jat the rate of $1.50 until payment it made In advance, if I fail to acdept hia offer, it is my own faulty Uow n»tich more ^uainess like a|id honorable this soundji than it doo4 to bear a mtan try to beg off and ejocuse his own negligence by jjlaimltig that ho u Ought to have tbe paper for a dollar, because be forgot to sent) the amount, or It was so much expense to- mail it (costing a 3-cent stamr)i Or he expected the agent to call "—and a hundred other similar and cqjrjally nonsensical excuses. It is highj time a reforrh be adopted and especially among the agricultural class. If any one should have the benefit of lowest, hard-pan prices for every purchase, it Is the hard-work- ing fatQicr< Still many of tbem, more often through | heedlessness, do not prbdt when opportunities are offered them foV saving ten, twenty, or even! fifty ppj- cejut. on a purchase. Our special offer to cash-ln-advante subscripor, has affordod a good op- portunity forjudging who are wide- awake [and dparp to save when a chance Is offered, and'we sadly regret that Our farmer*, aa a class, are too indlfi|rent to their personal interests In thiji regard. There'are at present 4,000 ia^uiier ^ubicribera to. the HKK- ALI> in tnl* county who are losing in the sggfegatf $2,000 annually, simply by neglecting to profit by our ad- vance rate*. AU this, too* without profit t* us, for a dear experience IJRM taught the publisher of the |JE«- AI.D that Uie expense of a collecting agent and horse hire, with M uead beat" accounts amounts to fully fifty cfnt* on each trust subqeribpr. There- ^ro! we urge our friers, ie our own l a t e n t an well as y^Urs, to pay for papetrjtii advanbe and thus get I benefit of advance ratos. We appejal to you^ do not wait for the ( agent to come and see ! you, for thafu "RiakAKD Snme.'^-If you would "riscandsbine" in this world com- mense at tbe bottom (of yoor boot solos) and work up; and, by the way, the beet boot shine in the world Is S. B. Stinson's unequalled French blacking. It beats any (f n_gger J s heer > on shine that you ever saw. Call and get a trial box at ooet, and Stlnaon will throw in a shoe brush— for a small trifle extra. v , ••«- nr+ r-{, ; Thomas Myera, Brace brtdge, Writes: k< Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil is tbe best medicine rselL It always gives satisfaction and fn oases of coi^E^s, colds, sore throat, burns, A c , imme- diate itelieY bai been received by those wjUo use it?" Sold by LaVack * Cox-j 1 . , . lw youf tho is ad for but one tho cons few jT*ee*t**eana Prtxe. i A Roman pipe organ valued ak 250, toj be given away tb customers: Every ofre having 1 dox.oard photos., will receive 1 tl&et on the organ. Every one having 1 dor. cabinet pho- tograph* will receive 2 tickets on tbe organ. Any one having ldos. panel photographs will receive 3 tickets an the. orgab. When all the tickets are disj>osed of (500) it will be advertised IntheHtBALD and will be drawn any way to suit the ticket holders. I chargp Q6 extra price for pictures but otter tbe Sunbeam Prices extra. Be- sides gelling the best pictures In Northern New York; you have a otrauce to draw th? pHse; cetfte and fee the Sunbeam Prize and examine my specimens and be convinced. * I am making tbe best panel cabinets in town. i r .. CAHLAXD. t Gou?erneur, Aug. 2. 21 tf. wkntod at tbo HttAi-O < [Laee Buotlnrsrednoad 25aatD.G;W< ' s - >e and Plguailbr >. a . Wood*. •»e» •M-feM Bfta to taTD.O. Wood*. M4 dS& rESrimmu'" large et4 Ilea tool bo nelA&ta Met$- oot. "Tl^ bfltf i Ml fft'l'til. Irw«t >U *fc loufcetbf beach, maptag ebarrri neb iM-ber wanta4hby£B. ttm *Ca t GooveiM0r.AT._ having asmsber AM_ tbetteelvee of tUTteve^abaa *f*j ityof aaUingtJ For fartker lars oall at dmir fcrmUore Union Hall U o ^ oradU rr «v &AJ*».^lle cxptpse it hat we dannot afford, . dollar subscription. It cost* our cents nbrec for postage and for paiiernnd onvclope) to send mojnbv hy mail!, J and we der a remittance of a iollare bf letter ftrfketty safe • ': ojaaeoeaarJ aboard. Julr 31aL—Twcntkthree fiictorte* offer 2,44(i boxes cheese, 1 lot sold at 101c;|2 lots 161 sol4 atllO 1-16,; 1 lot 150 sold at 10c; 7 lofls J651 sold at p. t. for I week. Saleameli aroj holding for 101 to 101 W. B; Ilirtfriiifs, Sec f y. ! Aj|rr-nd exoaraioh under tbe/_-#> pbleiit of -U>« Unlonlciob of QouTtr- Ibaoh will laaTB DeKalb Joootlio Waflnaaday Aw Lltb ( at T o^otock f |U..[^rIa. of €apa IVlaoaqt for tba TluMaiiia Ialaod Pairk, Boab4 Ialiuid, kkWdria Bay r ^tanUa« TU. of th* Pmiiiflifwi IrfiM'Wi'- aid —^«»— i*** vli^rall a-^pporiatiUyof TfaMttof taMtlfUialiriM gfertiif a«*to ihti#i A nice : i (JtlcAL Aug. 2, 1880. diifrofc—Tbe m»rkei has done bet- ter to-day than any one anticipated early In the aheraoe)n. Not only were prices Ugbpr, bujt the Amount Sold was larger thai| anjf one expected toa^e. Undoubtedly the price bad something to do with' such a large ptfetlbg. ; ••':)-I jl- /. , j • I- | Qaoutions start 4jff With 800 Voiea it 9ic 9 and 640 at 9|. borne of these are regular made anjd sirae are partly [^krmmed.: Then tbirJB were 1,137 at Ida., 247 dt lOle: MU at 101a, 80 at l0|a, «,13|at lOftc,^ W8 at p. t Commissions, 2,W6. k og.2,I8f0; in Sd Lawrendo county. This is ag eieoptionslljyjlood seaspn, and everyj person ehou[dt pake a supreme eflort to settle up all his accounts, especially his subscriptIcjii to the HIOKAL,D, for by paying In advance a larger per cent, can be saved than in any other purchase of tho year. , , . . »•• **Fr^orlf# Rtmc*^ Beeomne'naea otU* m by CIeriyseati 9 SuiUewien mm I j 8ALT RITXrU. \ . Hon. J. II. Snyder, of Saugertler, N. V., gratefully t*stlfios*to the abil- ity of "Favorite Remedy," says this thankful fkther, "relieved my girl al- together from this fearful affliction, salt rheuca. This occured two years ago, and dot a sign of tM disease has since appeared." Whajd it did for this child It will do for all who use it. j ,j LIVKR DISXASa. 1 Mr. J. II. Northrop, of Lansing- burg, N. If., for several years captain Of the T|roy police, says: "I have been for a long time a great sufferer from derangement of the liver, and many of the medlcinea ed for that complaint,Dr, "Favorite Remedy" U tbe hlch gave me any relief* lleve that the "favorite la good, honest prepars^ thai may be depended uvWiDtitAsa. : - w j iih,ofHartfbrd,Ct, great sufferer frona and indigeeUoaf r^Favorfie Berne- nd Immediate relief, t bottiea, which worked my gtM^jqrttem. Aug, after u*i recommei Kennedy^ 1 only one f firmly Remedy?! / Co-npll-uentarr lottar to MrJ Car- laud,x>f tke eonbeaaa Otadlo, from Prof. Norili, of UUca, ft. T. 4 UTICA, N. X,, Aug. I, 1880. Friend Cariand:—I received yooir letter laat week, also tbe package of photographs. I was oulte surprised to receive such a nide lot of earn plea so toon after starting in a new place, and with so many things to do before you get fWrly settled. Your Work is far better than tne average work, and surpasses a gTekt deal made In cities, where they li aYe better advantages. The ones of the young gents In panel, especially, was very nice fn pose, action and eholee of accessaries. Such pictures cannot but he appreciate by your patrons and I am inure twill keep you busy, as you deseijve. i Yours fraternally, h21tf , II. C. No-mi. Mra. Jicob Willjson, Marion, O., says her fhlld was not expected to live, owing to a severe attack ot croun, sh<> fried Dr. Thomas'Eclec- trlc Oil, Which gave immediate relief. Mr. C. CJendetinen, Marion, O., used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for bunions, ^e says at first start be thought it wo* like the rest of the ad* vertieed humbugs, but was atrbeably disappointed and now would, hot be without airae iu the house for any mopey. Sold by LaVack Jfc Cox. lw • •*— 1—- <*••—.—-— tiooda-Ul Olorlove XJmea#' ' i-tiy prtidctat man will admit that ^the times now are better than they ever were for the last rixteen years. Labor Wages are going up, farmersr produce bfrings a. bigger price now than it erdr has since the war, while Clothing, boots and Shoes arc now ae low and loiwer than they were when butter waa ten cents a pound. Why is tbl* ? Let our readers think it over and they Jwiil at once eee who has done all in their power to keep prices down on diothing, Boots and Shoes. The Jaoobeons, of Gouverneur and Posdam,erp tbe men to whom tbe peo- ple .of the Empire State can be thank- ful, No rnjatter if a man lives 50 or a 100 miles ljrom either of the above place*, he Will save more than double his expenses by going to trade with the Jacobsens, at the Great lte liable Boston Clothing Stores. Tbe Jacob- sons are Already manufacturing a larger stock for their fall trade than they ever klid before,knowing that times uevcif were better than tbey are now. Any loan who is only willing to work threejdays in a week wilrbe able to dreks himself in the Boston clothing stdre like a gentleman, and knowing too that the people appreci- ate the Jacbbaon*, manner of doing business to hell goods lees than whole- sale prices, therefore their fall stock will be the. largest ever seen in St. Lawrence cbonty, and for tbe great and liberal (patronage which the peo- ple have given the the Jaoobeons, tbey have decided in return to give them tbe benefit of buying Clathlng, Boot* and Shoe* at their own price* for only a few days, In order to clear out their present stock. * Persons who do not care to wait until about tba 25th of August- for our fall stock, will save ntyre than half to oome at once and buy before the preeent stock is gone* Bemember tbe place*, at tbe Boston Clothing, Boot and Shoe Stores, In Gouverneur, next door to tbe Van Buttn hotel, or opposite the bank at Pqtedam. Also agent* for the new Remington and William* Singer sewing machine*, office at tha Qouvernetirj store only. bSlwl VJt__i-' '4. % 1 tftp. MtrSiMy sinks aad* t*e_WoedVyUw ass ~~i«_ m letland Shawls,. «-««»«-« ..-«- * to $100 and from |L00 to«l«tt4 O. Wood*. .,., hlitf ^;»5 r AT oaca.—A good ''m^tiUk^jpm- anted Imm^dUttdfA^ . M i l ... , tiV: %_HR -«^* I wool Drees Ooc^i^dnoedllrdm to Uc. at P. G. Wooda. . • '•• • m »e» LaVack M Sox- fdr ICrtJ;.^-. '•NuirN-tfc»_*lDTaa. ForL. txighUi<»u _n<f dorabllitr ot ookw art j%&*•, vMtuML Gok>rfro_iiloftpo«uSaa.iV PrU», lft oaou. gMjl '. KebdaH** TreaU se 00 tbeDdraei ^ * is Dlaoaee/' s^blghly spoken o f l > ^ V a* leading horsTmen Jof tMtK> ,y. is eeillAg rapidly. Aall and f ^^eopf torn oeotekltberof; ^ -, - - Whitney, e. L. VanNamee, J, M. Reynolds Jr., LaVadt k Cox or W. £. Smith. Sent to any address, * postpaid, to tbe U.«. or jCanada. on 1 rec^pt of 26 cents. / Address Pub- lisher HnsAUH Gouverneur, K- %, ^ •j. *tv metf' fl ""fc^ >%•*&' •v^. ^1^** A beautiful end silver , . M. Reynolds, Jr., Goovanaor. ^ hltf tal ipd compete link oi* ver watcbei fnet received ^VJ U V Bunttbgs redooed from Vti c at D. GT Woods. hHtf { f——«•» t * MAXBLS WORXA.— to tbe constant increase of at tba Gouverneur marble -en extra force of been employed* Orders In from all parte of St. Law* ~ border towns ot Jefferson Mr. Whitney le turning out tbe moot elegant monnktanta stone* ever produced la rn New York and bis greet In business is directly at- to tble fkot and bi* ex- on Jl: >t£. ^ : mnabie nrieea. Call dree* A. K Wbltaor, Pf rneor Marble lara. - g Work* for hl9w3 4*— a us- . * •Hi 4 *•• -H * ' : ; 1, ttr.|H. Jf orrAjr aalla Salt bjr barrel or b«%a at tba depot. , b20tf ' -..., i • ». .1 • '" » . "'--'^^Jc-* dodD BABOiui H>H 8 0 _ S 0«~—* J '•'"'•" A pAr, mtjMmh aod daraUe ofea bofgrf for aale obeafk. En^aire of J. W^r N. YJ Barbour, grocer, GoaTemeur, > -20r2 '<»• ^- In another column what St co Co., Jromemeo have to aa^ rof DrV Kendall's ^Treatise t' Horee and bis Dieeaeee. w Now time Io eecure a copy for 25 re tbey are all sold, blttf K i\ et , Murray sells Salt by barrel ai the Depot s . b20tt t v ' J 1 V •^^•»» n, yon A UoBSE.-^Any log to purchase a monument it to tbelr beet interest* illy and every other way to ( petrpwta tbe Gouverneur Marble f worka. { , -~ . ,. *—, v jarAkobd. 1M0 pound road horae ^ % wanted, payment to be taken la my pu-: ' work.f AJUXJS a Wnmnnr Prop. ^ Gouferneur, N. Y. t f bl>w4 fe litter •L %*9* at kiaasy< akSBr itvs, m*i •If '\V.

1 e and inrbberkn^ - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031341/1880-08-05/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Reform Templars will) be held lpj oovsrneur on Tuesday Sept. 7. n^ft

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S3 LT# Acorar 4% 119&


I M * j l

NMM *•* JUnw Me IltaALD sent 4e

As mh*mo*\ ik§ addrm fa*ff

AiJMnuLoayeiin /I JMHP to *Nvewfie*« • If

t. d m "ITtftlelilt FrU-d" idled Io Mg« tbelr M M to *n otbenrtee aeoe«4«Me oem*aaleetloii, for wbleh

tl bee found e place In oar Nraete basket.

^ t d H M

• • M l H » t L


* W t yrW cell within thtnext Mreeka, apoa delinquent rob­

ber*. M 4 Uy»e owing by sou, or wMo f t f - tMr mall at

ftoatk Kdfkrde, floe* fal . Pltealm aid fterrletllle?

ted ofaeettleaMailnoeft bo ... J , , - v FVBUfKlttl H H U I A

* r-v It J. TATUM, Ausirr. i > » »• • • .

JMAiiane.-*-Report! of moet reach lie M early ee

p. IQ. In order to lneore i

* * * * , ^ M ' ^ ,


* A* 01ob.~Tbe first regular of tho Gouverneur Garfield

Arthur Gleb wUI be held In Kll»-Hell lotttftfnr evening l o g ttb

ilng at • oTolook sharp* All from this And, otber

rdlally Invited*

. Tiietrainami boat tor ibe Grand Excursion Wedneedey, Abg< lltb, will be In obarge of cerefbl end ex* perltnoed men, who will look alter the eoasfort end convenience of all thoee who attend the excursion. '

VtiAMuj&Mr. J tN. Weldroai -thae oar thank* for samples coploe of Florida paper** We glean from the News, published el Grange etty,tbat Day too*, neoeet tow* of the state, bee twelve arteelsqi welli; also spring onions meesortng sixteen Inebee In olrcumfcrefcee.

T_tA*i_e~W. ILSwenA Co., fob*., OluoinneUJ Obi*, have *oi» thenki tor repobUoa* campaign songs, MBfalp of our Country nad State, "dedtbeted to General Gard* 1<J. Tbe "iholoe of the Und," li n gUnd end •lining eong end will itirlly be ooe of tbe taking hire of the campaign". '

'Wn b^f* boloro at » *>pf of the r

p^nloni 1M oadrogalotlooior Iho 294 tnoaol oottio yboir u d ftilr «ti - - — - w— GouT«rMur, to bo bold 8«pt. 1, J, 9, °>«rh«0I tbo boriion clotrod »#oy

x AocxmMM loprtfloat and DaottU tbroofi tho HBuU» *nd tar pooton, o "4rond ood imbostof ropibblloon nuiaoofion motU»f tnb b«M la GoororBOor Sotordar JoIJr U t t Tbo tpoikon «uMni0oodno idV droti tbo nootla* woro Hon. Thonali O. Alrord.floo. A , X.Putor,o«k 6o% Bradlor Wlntlow—thr»o t«oiI«*)«B woll and IkTorobly known thfoorb* oat tbo tUto lor tbtlr oratorio*! oblli Itr, tbo tint or whom, "Old Bolt," U Mtoomod M odo of tbo otottfbriMonft and ooorlnitng •poaken In tbo ooun« try. Gon, Wlnolow Jbond It Inpoo* •Iblo to bo prooaot bat In bU abowoa oar Jofforton nolfbDon woro ably roproomtod by Hon< Cbao. R. 8klnnor. . 'j ' . , . . . . ' ' ' , / • . •••••,•

A Oardold and Arthar po&rauin* bad bom proTlooalj •rrangod for Saturday. Tho tpnarMk polo H> loot In l<nftb,nlo«1y poUod.(ifnioolloalof tbo poollic tkat awalta tbo domooraoy In November) waa, lost before noon, ffradaally raload, after many a " h«M> •be," to a porpendlottlar poaltlon. At i o'olook every preparation had boon made for the afternoon mooting. At thla moment, alngalarly enough, tho dark threatening olonda that

and opon

Of (Hoerali.


• » • »

|,Ww eng Repnbllcatie of the town of a»d all Jntet-teted In forming

a»d diribnr elobf wMI meei * iwn Hallf LUbon Centrel on

V Aegnei 7tb» at a o'clock B / order of Cbalrmab of

ma > i » • » • •**** RAU.T.^There will be

of tbe (koovemenr Han-figll ih elub.at tbelr roome.

•etardar iT^nleg^ tbe 7tb Intl. be a falUUMdanofe ,

•Iff # § t I BT Omvum Cony a>M t f ca l r f i l •!• o jm» l ( ,,' > *

larel now g\ "legal t* tbe til intry towde.

W mey b#ae4ored for the a* m tbe following pleeee: Le­

ft Owe, J. 1C Beynolde, Jr„ U. )••. OoaTerneor'; f. a

\% drag Mo|l Rleb?Ule | E. Q r

ir and a K. 8tone9 f l e m o n ; lUUroad SUtlon. DeKelb l;Keeoe4' and Antwerp.

CL Clark, at Clark A flow* UMttbOf* (.

II a elallarlty betWiiH the d the p r e * ; both are reoog-| t m l powere for good In tbe i t there te a marked differ*

; newspaper oAeea Ibr a Summer iraoatloo.-—

, D*X* Vrtth* , y imdo oeeaikmallftaia King With a goternment eteamer

er^nlee, 4rtiUlng eroond rammMt't, expenee

IMI1! eoal bio le suppliedy#Uh ' will be oanttanthr eentu Her the fBb#g /oprnaU

i t i T t e a M o n ^ | y fOewwAi^gfB J**.*the

i>f Ogdenebarc/M well ae of \f at largey.Ve looking Ibr. • great r * r dnrlag tba four [lag ot tble eooletyl Sept*

tth and 10th. Tbe an-it l l madb that the eomlog

til ptrteenti m#>*e attraetito than any of lte predeeeeeore. ilame to be ottered will be

vartedi iQeltidlog every* latereet to the farmer and

ilA', Tba offloeife are doing all power to dhow that tbe

|tf tba eocUiy le etlil Upward fwardr—Hiod«lor.w' (

eMetal feature* we will ipeak >|y later on, (

Hwo about tbelr glr)*freeil J -ivf r girl loet her foot, and her lortfhed e pocket- book made

of tanned ikln ffam the tail member. If *be had been girl ha might have had e >T*i*l/'—iV>/ra<?«* Standard.

bail haen m Syraauee girl he lafomada a comfortable lent le eittSw *uJ bed tnough left

he is tyof a b-iireliey.4^-- f//##v# ' * ' , . \ / ' , ; .• • . ' «

* * <Un f in pofn t j . i , i i i a i a i i . - f ( j <+

aweaa«>r«u#Hkiiii, j b e r t * * * . ! - nf O0U?fr?irUfp

Kant^olr end Krtgllali (Hila May afiernooo, end l*t*r In thflr banner wee <**•* 10 the

bearing Ine portreltaof Hen-Xnglleh. In the* evening

A a large and tnthtielestlo loti meeting In Union llalK» Poete end Judge' Sewyer of delivered addrfeecier which II of eoatoleilon and lutarenf

tlithajj^anlerrlKid^ Mr, Tome. \u ^efoquelk lengnei^e paM amagnlfloent

1986, The work wae pobllebed at the H n a u n offlo* and le perfoc^ In w^ry particular. It not only epeaki wall for tba pvlntar. but exhibit* tbe enterprise of tbe fair managers In Issuing th* work thus early In tba seeaoo.—lf'ftfertW* Ti'nui,

tHmmo the last* anonth Mr. l o b n A. Nloholle bai spoken SI Umea In tble oonnty. under tbe aueplea of tbe Grand Oounail fu. O. a T. Hie en-gagtniwt for tba next'week, as fol­lows: Keeuvllle. Aug.4tbtGouv*ff>eor Aug.Atb.LltUe York Aug.61b and 7th, rullervllle Aug 8 andA ^th,. Mrs* Kcama Nlobollf of Lowell Mass, has bate fragagad to read id eooneetlon with the leetarl at thesejplaoee. '


1 and est the new banner, bearing the porjtraitee of Our brave and noble leader* unfurled to the brtoese, the

lm bai taiebad the undying flune^ maneblpsbedig ^ broad repb pegaof our last quarter the name of flarileld.r He blsflmpuhUb notloeootbe fteldeof btmla andoomeoltl tbe most yfetorlone of Taken up by his own served them and hie oountry.in peace ae In war9wlth unflinching tfdallty to principle and the oonltltutlon. General Garfield Is a pure mtan and ae leader In tbe house le tbe exjponent and embodiment of the tfreat prin­ciples of tbe party that seted the Union and How ptands alone J In de-tenoeof Ice hondr. Insuring Contin­ued prosperity* We oan rest con­tented that he will be successful In tha oomlng contest And how with Genral Arthur ? f B e stands along side of Governor i f organ, was! on bis staff and has always proven irueto our principles* Mr* Engllst^ . hi his letter of acceptance says the Republi­can party bae bad (fontrOl for 26 years and thinks this Is suiBdent; f© why tbe[Demoorac|r should be sup-oessfdL Had be given this as a reason for the abolition of slavery the Icon try and'union soldiers would haVe though t better of hie logic.

In i860 tbe south solidly re tubfe bright rays peered forth end I who and where was their eympath ktsAdltba calm fhcee of our eminent Iters? The leader* of tbe Democrat-

. t f f l next annual mjeeflng of the grand eounsll of the United Order of Reform Templars will) be held lpj

oovsrneur on Tuesday Sept. 7. n^ft he meeting will be addressed' by

v George Bowen fG, W. yfr and elegatek from different teniplel of

sUte. Tbe friends of uinperance appealed to. to ra l ly j^ tha oause

f reform and make a supreme effort to stay tbe i^agatyof king aloohdl who le carrying ou/noblest and best minds down to $isbono|able and an timely graves.


a r a i o v . s Tbe rallrtad depot ofltee, eraeur action, wae broken into, last TburMlby ifUrnooo, and about. $30 atokyi frod tba money drawer.! It

betweota 6:46 and 6^6 o^lock that burglarl wae oommltted.and dnr-

ng tba agedt^Mc, W. II. Mur^ay.ab* eenoe at sapper. Admlttanoe wi s gained to tha ticket offloe through tbatransont over tbe door and tbe eaeb drawdr forced open, .9360 In currency aikl #76 In gold' and silver lay In tbe drawer obVered up by looee papers throjwn Into tha drawer be­sides tba S80 taken by tha thief, whleb lay oh tap of the papers. V%rf likely ha wae frightened away before having time to fcaake any search. Mr* Marrahr recalls having seen a yctoog man, a stranger, banging around tho depdt during" the day who wae dolubftle* the robber,, Tbe follow l>ft oo>be 6 o'clock train Just after Mr. MWrray dlecovered, the drawer bad been brnbab Into, and before be discovered that any money was mlislng. as he had to makl ap hls4cash aoooont in order to ascertain how tbe aoooont stood. 1

1. k Per««nnis.

Mr. J. R. McGuIre, of :,acon* Y, former class mate of David Mjc-Fallsj Is here on visit to the latter and the t^o gentlemen started for the St. IiaWretice yestt relay to spend a few days camping. f , ,

Mr. Oniiltfl (i. Gilietfo of Now Tortr pfild tin 11 c*ll Iskt HA|ur(Uv. Mr. G. has figured qullo sti^cssfully In tho politics of tho ttictro|K>M*. Ho waa hunt on lfi*uraitcc hti»U*cM, { \ *" Mr. 8. Jaoobaon, of tha

x i 7*51


I ratu

if> otnl laaro

|to tbo 'fglodoui n.me and >f Otnijrul llanoook. tlolb «fnitu.i 10 .late (uajngthe of UoLlohn H.y<>#blch

>IO«Ud [Abraham , Lincoln ; ofjpoofd, vrflded and

$mHy I l l l o d > l 4 ; wbloh utrtd the

IT ' r l

'f^laV' > poHy ' wktok

Union <* - wMah '• Irtiyof


t bory



id the honor of the flag; ttalaed the financial Integ-

ie aattoLifcd made lu credit In Ibej world. But tbeee

Jo not Jin teres t tbe average mind wbloh prefers) to

past ,rabd 1st " hygonr« lie t t

I t i - U T t » »

— i | s s i foe tbe Qiabei^ ! O^rpentero a heetbenlsbly

of humanity^ living lllal^oriH. wae arraetad Inly

warrant Issued by |uetlea f Gonvsrneur. 00 the charge rafede by his daughter» Mlee Uarpoiitor, "aged letenteen

[Ths testimony of tbe girl bor father bad committed rt>ew outrage at iVequent

for a parlod of several years. bur's testimony a* to the

corroborated by that of , the latter having first

lte knoif Iadg4 of tba vile it et* mooths slue*. The

Ufae M d tot trial; and com* appearat

Il^itcjti cilut hlng s%ore» left for Chicago Mon­day r\ >i. train toJetilo tUO ostato of a recently tleeaa^d cousin who losvM a 76,000 legicy to bis rt Utlro». Mr. .laoobfuii will return by way of Ho* ton and NevrYVrk tu^rsonall) view tbe largo ftill »iock now being nisna* faoturad at tllelr headqunrtors |u IlOStOllo j . j

i W, J. Mt Fen*a uf Kdwurds his just returned fitmi Itockacrriy Uouoh. Ma thinks the an n will Mtt their pav 401m. L X !

Mr. it. 11. KlliuertJii <>( Cniton Is rustic k<|ij( at Wa<l<Unxtcii. i

Mr. itpraoe \f. Taylor and wife, 0f Ksw York, are tlsUlug their Canton friends. ' • ' ' : , ' 1 . General' Horioe RuMieil, "formerly of Ogdeneburg, lie* been appointed Judge of the Huperlor Count of N*w York city* •• * i |

, f 1 • . * • •' l # 4 Mr*' Nelson, w e Austin, or]Green­

ville, Mlcb., Prof. L. K: IIa#Iey9 o / | New Hocbslle- N. Y*t andf Mr. and Mr*. V. HH Harbor, of Ithaca, Mich,,

Potsdam friend*. /

chkfftajlns. It wahoertalnly a grandly Igorgeous picture, nature herself eeemtnig to jadse the veil of sor­row frbib o t f n - clouded brow and gate with »Pt»<}ving,happy sunshine upon tbe glad eVent The Edwards band Mruck up and to their lively time the street assemblage marched over Into the jierk and were seated upon 'the temporary benches in front K tbe grand stand. Tha speakers Were escorted to the park by O* If. GlcasonLEsq and took seats with/ those ^Invited upon stand. THamietlng was called to order by ijf. S. 'yonger i * 4 . and a permanent

f'orgaoflajstlon Of a Garfield and Arthur club jeffeotad With Wro* Whitney. Pres ident Mr. Whitney then Intro­duced Hon. Chas. R. Bklnner, who In a clear and forcible manner discus­sed t i e tissues of the campaign. i ,; MrJ Bklnner briefly reviewed the _>r.nclpj4sof tbe Republican party shpwlngj 1U allegiance to truth, unity for rljgbL ever solid for justice. In, this wleciion the appeal to the people was to Ideolqe whether free Instt* tlonsgo up or down l i this country ; whether the fruits of the war warn to be trammed In tha dust. Proud of Its reoonp, willing toj be judged by Its grand battle for freedom, liberty J 4nd honest money and conscious of lte abllltl to well and falthfoUvad-mlnlsterltbe affair* Of government, the Republican host* ware going to rblly at the polls on the 2d of Novem­ber and tMy were going to win; no matter about a solid south, a solid north Is uetter yet. ' Not one induce­ment for a Republican to desert the old flag a id go over] to the party of rebellion and repudiation. Ite glori­ous record of the past 20 years, with It* Immortal Lfoccjln \ and world-fkjfaed Grant and iu grand galaxy of heroes abd sUtesrojen, wMb their principles ot progression and chlval-rie itr Idas of adyanoement era the brightest Msavet In American history. Every patfe of Republican history stands for freedomj liberty and equality.

The Democratic record Is public property f we purpose placing them In the crucible of public opin­ion ?-~Beb<>ld tbo broken shackles of slavery,' the auction blook*, stibte rigbts dolgmas^ seoe*slon and re­bellion.^ In tbe least they plead for hard money,' in] the west for soft money andjtni the south for sll the moiioy tboy o*n (get bold of. They plead for vUes regardless of prlnci; plea.) ask tMm lf| tliey are In favor of hard or son money and tbo answer Is "yes." (In national convention in '64 they solemnly doclarcd the war a failure and now they uro shonting tho praise of a "failure Oetieral" for President, t'fo-dky Hancock in bin loHttor uf acceptance deolare* the 13th, 14th ami Ifttift amoiulment* arc In­violable iHttwlth*taiiiUui lie wrote an O|KJII h ttpr In '64 commending th < l>,»niMoi*ihj |>Ut(orm and declaring tho*caot* II|M1I9 v j d aud uuconatltu-tlooal. How much rc*son or pan l-otisiti I* tbeife In thlsf What was the firebjwdt'k c|f the Democratic con-greM?-»-t9 mid l ow many union soldiers Hieiie wore holding positions,

wa* to substitute rebel their place*. .. ? • •

nc thotiwHtid southern otiUl bhve vvted lor President. lor he was "Lincoln'* hirelings."

arid ihe nvx bifyrldier* li

In f65iiot Detnncrat* llandock for then one of

Blfart I win rciuM from Keabevllle home la about

are vlsltl Frank

Kan. to h one moot

Mr. Geo. Davidson, for Some time employed by the Gooveroetir Pulp Go., bee eeoeptad m position In thf flowering taUls of W. K. rernaee, Ogdeaehurg* u V J

Rev. II, W. Wmc* of OgdAnsburg] with the family of W. L. Procter Is visiting Niagara Kallk •

Herman a Be^ly, arohllect, and a ly, of Ogdeosburg

ted flrtt aseist|mt ullman palace ear

^ X m U t a d fy ibe aotmty Jail \ aaort of

abarlty for tba II may aafoly flmally are a b

to state t ralaUd to tba several Aun-

OarpenUr* In tttat section MMng tha first people of

itti^i;;ari ' ' ir • > ] berad that tha sale m ?•

son.of John f baa bean appo architect of tha Co. at Chicago.

Messrs. Hofe iand lion. Che*


t* thograad «xear«loa ^ • i f . ; i l t | b la llailto4 tmkim wuAtr win b . ^MfwUaf 4)1 orow^lof

boinuQ. Altdrd, It., 8k_#er, paid

tkelr rtepeeU t^ thoi IUBALD lost 8at«rday la a #eleooak call ot thla oflte. Tho OoTOrnor brfoge glad Udloga «f moat porlket harmony u d onthaalaatloaoal among tho repabll-

ofbju ooaiuir Mid doolaree that aost N«|ronbfir old Onondaga ahall

with fall 4,090 majority Garfield and Arthur. Mr.

bring, oaooonflng odr lolghbore of Joflir-roe 1* that the ropoMl-rrery Mhool dJatrlet U

and .MMO with Iho to— p-tridtlo loyalty l o t h , old flag ithaik largelr tnerooeod ropob-n n_j4rl(y may bo oonfljlenUy

But aftera\ coward hail alalte Abra­ham Lincoln his mantle fell ou Andy Johnson ; Hancock was sent to Lou-Ulan* and wnat did ha do ? 11c sus­tained tbo rejbelHous government of Louisiana B4 he did alio that ot Texas., 80 Ibng as Hancpck as a union General lielped to whip rebels iho Democratic party spurned him, bhtjthe moment hje Surrendered auu rebelled frpm Repyfbltcaii rocon-structlin 1 He jraa taken to their bosoms. It i^truer as they say, he Is a ban^tome n|an. parte his hair nicely welgUsIa great dial and ll a "superb" man; iu t tbl# can't hide tha Demo­cratic party! The democratic party

e d a i eaoffht stealing fish s* warned that be should ear a 1 longer coat or- steal a

flshj Congratulating hi* that they were about to hear who bail grown gray In ^»e

service of the Republican Mr. Skinner cloied bis *cry

able and argumentative speech, of which tbe above but * glvee a faint outline. * ; j ,.;; .;*;^ 1 ?.>

Atltr music' by tbe RlchviUle band Governor Alvord Was introduced. Ulaplarlou voice rang out In clear tones of gratification and self con­gratulation oo| being permitted to ad-dreee a8tLaa|rance oonnty aodlenoe. Uas|K)keenc^raglnglyof tba work lytngoratad lb tba oantral part of Ibe State kod bf tbe general eathb*!-aelm and bright prospecU of another grand vlciory ibr liberty, onion and proeperttjf ae tereehadowed lb tba triumphant alMUon of Gen. Garfialf and Arthur Ho November., WUb vx&HL a U *mam work Newj Tork ie, and m wUI be Bepuilloan. Garfield aaA Arthur are tbee._po<a-ca.tsof Bapiab|lean view*. Garfield

poorboytbebsvan hie oarer In an ibbmbla capacity.

Io party throughout the north gave them "aid and comfort" We carried the war to a triumphant end anjd tbe Republican party b4|W resolutely worked to preserve tbe faults of tb<| bloody conflict, while thej Democrat] le party has stubbornly (opposed, In uatlona) convention! voting the war a failure and at the Sooti. they have doffed the rebel gray only to doi. the; mldbight mask of, the' Klb-Klux-Klan. overthrowing the Jgl l of the! ballot and striking a dei-flr hpar at liberty. They have begged lue to bory tbe past and let by-gones be by­gones and nbw they have Invited us to review tkat black, disloyal feicord by their taking tip a Gen. of thei onion army. If tbo Democratic part/had ruled four years lpnger—from '60 to '64 where would < the country have been to-day ? Echo answer* *here. The Kepubllcln party has given us a solid money oasis* while peace, pros-parity and happinee*. smile upon oufr country. All honor to proud Obio,fo)r 8herman's wise financeerlng and Gar­field's able leadership in the House. And now with the people rallying for Garfield, Arthur and tbe right, continued prosperity will follow and the Democratic party will ha s rei t from tbe free of the earth.: j \| Hon. A. X. Parker followed in a speech which was replete with cleaf-n^f of statement, soundness of rea­soning and of telling weight..

Nearly 200 names were placed up­on the regular roll of membership of the Garfield and Arthur club and many will be daily added. ?

With three cheers for our standard' bearers ^he meeting adjourned. . ,

j Duo* iWpondent sends ne tba foUow^g rbdpe for jthta somewhat prevalent

and eveijy prond j dlaease. Ttiesvmptomsofthlsdlsor-bistory! for thai dW are a violent itching of tba tongue

to ab l roof of tbe mouth, which Invarl* ajelfleved I ably Ukes>lace when in company

With a spe0lea of humanity called gOesipe. When you feel a fit of the disorder coming on take a teaipoon-fUll of the following mixture., Good, Nature I 0un<*, the horb Mind Your Own Business I ounce,mix with a little Charity for others and 2Jor $ sprigs of keep your tongue between your teeth. Simmer them together in a vessel called Circumspection for a 4hort time and it will be fit for use. , K •• — t — ' • » ' . ' - •

ci lrpmas from ma muif Oriuc. Mi** Ada. Bell, of Oswego, Is visit-

In^ Miss Nina Nelson. ; Mr. Haven* will put up one of his

Nsiptba lamp* In Prcecott. Harrison Brothers are doing the

stone cutttng on the, new City Hall. A laundry will Ibe started next

Week in Porte's block. ]

1 There lyore 88 arrives at tl 0 Soy-mojor House yesterday. .. ; \ s

Uuke-warm politicians a^c quite numerous.

F. A. 8trough, of Brier Hill, is in the employ of 8. P. Gallagher, the well-known grocer. • 1

Miss Hattic Fulton has [gone f o Waddlngton to spend .herjvacaliou^

A large transparency, seven feet long and, five feet high* with the words, "Republican Headquarters," has been put up In. front of their room* in Lyceum Hall. ! '

There are three hundred and ten person* enrolled on tbe Hancock and English dub roll. i

.belled; 51 pat ht-


G:00 A. ir, 6:18 " . 6:50 >'* 7:10 " 7:29 « 7:60, " 9

• f w • • • • • » • - - -

i i o l u

at 10:15,

eebver*e«t-a»* Vicinity* Mr. AJ. L. Myers, a typo of our

Potedaml namesake" made a pleasant J eall at tne UEHALD office last Satur­day,

Geo. 4L Gleason, Esq., la on the ftt Lawrence. ,

Mies Julia Bewsv or Ogdensburg, visited Miss Anna Doyle last week* . Mrs. A. L. Wood worth returned home on Mondav. i I j «

Mr. Fred Townsend left for INtiag-ara Falls on a visit, last Tuesday, ac­companying Miss pdllle Porter to her homo. 1 j

Rev. C. II. Lovett, of Rlohvilte, will occupy the Bapitist puipit ne i t Bunday and administer at the Lord's supper. Rev. M. L9 Rtigg will prsa6h at the BapSstt church, In Klchvllle. same day. j

All persons tiavlog rooms to rent to students or who wish to taker* *Ui. dent boarldera should notify O. b. Conger at once as tho opening of the next term [of the Setuinary is near at hand. !

Letters tmcaltcd for in GoOveraeur ^oHton1cc:LMrn. Patscv Bro#n, Ll?a Celas, Mr. rriiorhas Downs 2, Mrs, € . (). Merrimait. Mi*« Kllcn F. 8plcer.

Mr. Itarfey.A.' Orinlston ha* rA* turned froth the m a t *

Mr. Altijond Btrrul, ^ years of age, ft II from a bay stack, last Wednesday, a distance of about Af-teen feet, breaking six ribs and *_UJ-talning several severe bruinea, br aidea Internal lufuriee from which it is ex­ceedingly doubtful whether he recov­er*. Dr. HOMIU was called ttnd at­tended tho Injuries »* far tie medical akill could reach. >

A pleasaiit fnmlly reunion occiidrrcd at tho r.uUleiice of Mr. K. S. Barnes, last week. There were proaont Mr. and M/a. Barnes, and their thr'ee daughters, Lucretia, Celia and Louisa with their husbands, Messrs. Geo. P. Taitt, A. E. Hmlth mid Frank h. Cox.. Tho grand-children of Mr. and Mrs. Barnee preeent were Lillian, Eddie and Mildred Taitt, May and Helen tiniitli. and £rwin Con « .

An cnteitaturnout Will bo glvien this (Thursday) oventng in Grangtir* h*ll by Mr*.Emma Niohols n popular elocutionist. Tho loading will be Interspersed with songs, music, and recitations by members of tbe tempi! and an address will be given by John A. Nleho'a. During the evening Mrs Nichols will appear In her bumorob* personation of Mi*s Moloney on .the Chinese Question. > Tickets, lpd Let Hie re be a largest tend anc*. j,J

The old Grlnu^l planing mill IhaJ recently been overhauled and; thoU oughljf repaired preparatory to puN lug in new machinery for manufadt-j urlng purfvoses. Mr. D. W. Vandut^o baa bad the work In charge and ln!

raising the two floors about one foojt, levelling tbem and potting the whole building 00 a solid foundation be ha* done a good job.


Neman's Bteamlon %o Klngstan. The firemen of PoUdaiJi,Norwood,

Canton and Gouveyneurf^wiM unite in a I grand excursion to Kingston, OntJ, August 18, 1880. A special traib. via. R. W+ & O. R tt. f ill leav^> / .. ; [ ' •> . r

NorWood at - - .Li : . i .o Potsdam , , , . - . • . . Canion . . . u . . . . - . • > . . Detfalb...A

Riobvllle. . . GouVerneur.-... Watertown J.. _. J. .•. .

Arriving i t Cape Vincent •»» *v—, Where the lar||ie« lake steamer "W-jtertOwn" wjlll bo In readiness to

I eontjoy the excursionists across Lake Ontario to Kingston. Reaching Kingston about (noon the party will remain tntll 6HK| o'clock p. m. allow­ing over ^ hout$ time In which to visit the many pliaces of Interest and viewj the numerous elegant public buildings and private residence* of this beautiful cttk He^rigton'* Cor­net Band Of Pbisdam has been en­gaged to furnish music. ' Fare for the round trip $1.50.1 TickoO may bow be procured at tne following places: Norwood, at the! Post Offipo; Pots­dam, at C. M. lUrowfi's Dry Goods Store; Canton, Bonney Brothers; DeKalb, Station Agent; Richville, Statical Agont) (jouverneur, of F. L. Cox, _|t the HKKiAM> office. Parties jit a distance can Secure tickets by re­mitting cash to

Mr.Cha has, Deans,arresied on charge bf "aasaolt and betteryM on Mis* Alloe Croemanf a hired servant who becam# angered and Mwknt for hifh," wae tiled and, honorably acqulttod having altuply reslatad^ thf youi g lady's attaaks by grasllng bold^of barhabds^

tUM among ltl mkny elafaiit poblb and; private boilitlng*. There are manyplaeeiof Interest Which may be vlelted by sight-seers that will more than pay for making the city a vielto It le considered one of the finest cities In Ontkrio and 1 is vUited by thousands of excorsiotlsU fvery season. .Street ears are constantly running to all parte of the city; Per­sons going upon this excursion can Uko their lunch bsukcU. or if they prefer oan procure meals at reason­able rates on the boat or at any of the numerous and well appointed Hotels upon the rente. A baggape car will be provided for si! > h o f wish to take their lunch baskets -which will be in charge of a c<>tamUtee who will look after tbe baskets without extra charge. All basket* should be plain­ly and carefully marked so that there will be'no confusion or mistakes. Meals will alio be furnished on the boat at a reaeonable price. Tbe fare for the round trip has; been placed at the very Tow prioe of $l.f>0 #bicbj Is extremely reasonably, when it in> remembered that the rtegular ffre Is $7.60 for tho round trip.f,

Those not caring or desiring to visit Alexandria Bay or Kingston can stop oft at Cape Vincent and enjoy a days fishing upon thje best fishing grounds of tbe tit Lawrence R i v e r . .;• * !• i i, v ; \ / I'.

The exounlon trali Will leavd Cape Vincent at 8 p, m., arriving at Glouv-Cnjeujr 12:30 L m. This will posi­tively be the, oply oxcurson from tbit section thisaeason and should jbo at­tended bjr rf)l who wUh to enjoy a delightful day* ride upon tbo bjoauti-foi 8L Lawrence* M . j.

The committee ar* pieased {to an­nounce that the elegant and eojnmo-dlous Steamer iMaud, which is a<3 knowledged by all to be tbo kafest and fastest boat on the rlver,bas been secured fori this excursion. Parties wishing to sjtUud will remember that tbesaloof tfakets is limited a id all

n_toufecto4*> jliate prices rWlcd so h, taking Mid as a basis, as jdur-

t_ie preeeht season. Plicae of latt week were not only snstalned, bat ne an averige they were fVonf l e to||c. higher, ij < . *

Hales were a* fofloWi: 335 at 9|ci9 19$ at pic., 1,421 at 10c, 5,306 at 10]c, 2,H0 at lO^c, LU7 at p. t , and 1,020 on* commission. Ufll(

s {MarriagenptictM U<xnU tacK)

I1L-A July

wishing ,to secure their

kite** tickets a

Willi d o

MLnlieisfcoro K [an early d|iy. •>-t*i«l

RIE-PBUKlfifc.-At tbe M. JB. \m Oou-en»*ur, 4 uly 11th, by &••. A. 0*wl#t, Mr, Jobs Petri* Mid Hit* L*nA A. Prtiner, all ot Natural Ham.

KEAMES-PALM1I--At VanHaren HotiWi. MaTSraeor, Julf «Mf by Her. A. J. Qowlec, Mr Sidney A. Reamea and IIUi Ida _C. - * , aU of IDurtU


ICfUl* Wheawt. ot Black Lake. ' HKiwLY-^OHN8.—At Hermoa,' Joly «•- , Mr.

Floyed llea^y and Mlaa Sadie Johfes, both oi

T • : ii

raimer, aU of Haftit-uie. Q a i B T 8 - W U B A T K H , - A t OinUfttbUr*. Jdly SOth, Mr. T^urmao Roberta and Mlee

§o7 Porter H1U O l l t i ^ . . , .

thrills.. . . WPotadaai... Roc* bottom.. CloTarHlU...

w. a i Cream of VaL W.<5* MorrletowB.. . Bock Val ley . . Modet Uai l eeboro . . . l _Uod Braneb F o w l e r . .. 80, l l ermoa C a n t o n . . . . . . Center.. S o m e r r i U e . . . . Benaparibake PiteaTmCeet't N. Bea*sU. . . . .

-—*- Pied ]*y{ per/in^.) *

R.-At Weni wife of Cal* et

Stoekbolm, J 61/ 851b. Taylor, in the 8*1 year of



AOIfTJt-Tn KatwtMxl, ^uly » l h . Orlando, r son of John aall J a n e Itonaghy, aged two


lfll( tree moaU»a.



GonveracvrMarfcet. G o y V l N K C R , A n g u i t 5,1880,

[Corrected a a * Bcrlaed Weekly] F A B h l B R ' S W H O t K S A X R ^ PBIC-C-CUB-

uner-. i . . . . boloe.


RiCNT. 0»a«* BUTtaa.

o prime.....-.-»...--- — boitoiiui.^ j . . :

iC .1* .1* >i*

mm m » » » •



i , (cash pne«)*..r -

j b •>JfcT-Aittlen, per tack, larre. . . . . . . Aabfeti, per tack, email. Factory filled, per banrel... Factcry SUed. per flc 1&. aacL... . Common fine, per barrel

. . DEXSSan MKATH, _aeeY jfee*/.*.<*. *••-••.<«. •'•-••••• Cow Beef. ...*,.-J --MntS*n_v--•---*.•••(• -«i«« •••••—-• • Porlj,.. jL.,«»«..••..». _«. •...•-••••• l_arua..9(4j».v..,......w» -....- • Veal*,/Ire weight.--.

f f vkorrABLBu, PotaSoee.. HOOtK-tCXEPBt^' RETAIL PIMOK Lip*.

' j SCOAR.' » G6ffelitAH lUndAxtt-i _ ; l . . ^

eitra - 1

. • • i . j . ^

A. L. MVRki, Potsdam, i f / V . ' » • • v

I j • 'iafMIe T t n e . ; The laws of finance are so adjusted

In this country t^iat there is scarcely a limit to the derolopement and suc­cess of tfhe thousand? of shrewd and nar»sighted fldaridiers who engage in obe numerous legitimate callings of tirade. While wild cat speculations and lottery swinjlles may flourish to-ctay by duping the people out of their Hard earnings, such ill-gotten gains itiost Invariably klip from the grasp Of tbe bold and momentary success­ful operators, leaving them In pover­ty and disgrace jw is rightly their duo Bofthoolosb observer will see that to adhleve a jgrowjng and gnand| sUccfsti a business must 1>0 founded! upon the! laws of legitiuiata flnanfco and HO as to be olj|pub|ic good. Take for instance the mercantile clatn, and their success will be greater or ICFS, just In prpportHii to their ability to clter to the ta»*tt|s and demands of theli# trade. \lql in jrio branch ; of njt roantilo oper.iUoii4 »i'n thert; a more p o s i n g jlomatid foi1 shrewd fiutn-cljars thaU In tho general grdcei y and provision^u^inOKH. For thej flint and greatest deint'nd df inttuiv U food for our ever j hungering' bodies and it tdiould b(j supplied at vhc lowest pos-siplo! prfco that the poorest of tbe la|id shalj{ nht hunger and .suffer fpr the want of broadi 60 in reality tbe

rgrocery r#_ti who b}!)* his stock in injmense||uantitics4. at about Import-or(* price^ and trinsports thcin into a i i t y o r town, dHvldlng his advan­tage of*lojwer priot^ thiiu his com­peting neighbor obtains with his customers—wo say th.it,, i.ealcr, who­ever ho may bo,, ik u grand public benefactor and is] justly entitled to thji lending tra«lo Ae Invariably holth* iujift* siolion of iountry. Many of thj) MKUALV renders in Jtho vicinity of Gouverneur will douatlesa. apply these remarks^to Mr. Jp^n Killtncr,

use he has* gained the reputation pOHt

hoi Vimofiii in (tils l | r » e * j V i T i t h l t *

mi Ht> t rrsonal t o

jpasking attention accordingly.

(anjd justly too) of grocery dealer a largest trade of* a$y Nortlicrn section. item is not intern Mrl Killmer in anj| SCI.HH \ ut merely as pointing out) a few itw that it ^woiild •eetn1-fell to give a moment*

and bo governed

is felting C a n t o * .

^ljtiss Vmle 8he|rmaii frlelnds In Malono. i j v .

Ik^n. Sarah Tucker, of ITtloa, Is the fenefet of Mrs. U. W J5oymour. T

Miss Lucia Ballek of Ogdenaturg, Is visiting Miss Hatli^ Ppst.

Mr, E. K. Weaver and Ml-* Cb-riniie Uartscll are in Buffalo.

Mt*s. W.RTanner will spend the re­mainder of tbe summer tyi Minnesota. i Btor/Bobbins and w i ^ of k i n -jcheeteK Conn., Is Visiting Mr. JI. P. MatitbafTa , .-.. M. r ; j ,:/ , * • •

Tberl teof cdnflrtaftron was ad­ministered to 120J persons at St. Mainr'a Church Sanpay July 25tb, by E t PsV. E. P.. Wailham*, Bishop of the

brWaBxenrsdOMlU Osa _ha

r log, by Mr.Jdhn J u N

mastardf». O. Tr ' .U' Rowland baa aold oml^k

ftto Bbck YiOv

diocese* r- 1 - * •

Aug. 3d.-^-Mr. Obis. j P. 11 dimes and Will Clark started last Thursday for tbo South! IfoodJ! j -

Mr. John A. Niciols]i delivjered his lecture here Sunday ere. uSfkbts in the lanes and alloy* of London/9

Tbe church ^ i s well.filled| and tho speaking goo J. 1 ;, , i- .1 J.

We met a gentleman1 oh tjho sfroet this miming *ud ezjelatmed <4good morninjg, can't you giveub an Item of news.19 We d6fled our hat and thanked him jfbr the rej^ly, "Ni , I can not; tba truth is I have to gU» to the IIKRALD tft find out What 'jtho ne#s l s ." <> I I f : |. j . j / L

A few young" people epent Friday at S?l via Lake.., - [ , J

tickets for the jgrandj excorllon Aug 11th, can be had of C. Herbert (?Wrk. Price # U 0 ; ( ! j

tteV. D. Frabepr leaves1 this Weoklfor a four; weeks 1 vaoation^ traveling through Canada* i j FxLSTArh

ii j •• i ' * e » l ! ' • • •• • (

. j .' ( ,. Her-non. ; , • h ,-ut. Alexander and' wife, Misses

Nina and Mary Clark,: are away at Masaena Springs} , J1 I

Mr*. Porter and Mis. ,KeIscy ,of Antwerp, with their mother, ere visiting their brother Hon. I). S.

yOaWursdayiast, thtj^e1 was a pic­nic from thf Acre* neighborhood, at

ot Lake, which was largely at* d 0 d » . .-.. , ' |,.'jl- f . | ( T 1 \.

E. U. Green had a fallj while at rk on tbe M. % chortt} last Tues-

diy\ and was badly injured* but is iiiproviug. j j! ^ v j r

After a lingering, painful Illness, Joseph Lemon gfcntly passed away at 11; p. m. July the 28lh aged! 66 years. t JBolo Stone our P. |M. has purchased tbo btock of grdceries formerly owned by W. B. Hajmlin. 1 A

.... ^.i-.- l . ooVraa.


. • • . . • • - «

• . . . . * . k • • • . . • * »_ • . . . » « •

ie •

> v . . - . * >

i-— • • - — T 4 • . — — • - - • - -

« . . . p a . . . t f . . . . . • * . * « • • - »

xanosaxraoiu 1

GovTSrnsiir N. fidwtorda.. Brier Mill BnaMMVlU... Apple Grove,. Tracy] l>«P*J*t*r..... rreenUu... O w rath Pick Ueuv^lton..... HodrikiiiaaCo W. rlerpoat rtaclitille.... Itamtaood... /oIlcrkNichol* Cold wriQf R00I11 Keadftue KaTturr..... JT. Roberto... Uowijd ruii Creese. Biche^....:

Hertaon,... QonTerae*_T Cant»n..... Moniatowii. Macomb..... Monriatown. Fowler. Fowler-,. rowler... Uermoa. Canton.. Morriitowiu. Boaaie Diana Lew Cj Piieairn KuteeU Canton Hammond... KeeneTiUe.. llermon Macomb..... BnaeeU Canton...... (roovemeur fnbidini GooToroeur, Oouferneiur. GoaTernenr. Bdwarde Moniatown.. RnaaeU Uaaeeil Maaeena..... Depereter.., Cantos*. DeKalb Potsdam.... Oewefatchlel Dianal^ew C

jerpont bon

mond.. ree^okie

i l i a 7 :

Kalb twerp-.. ton

Macomb.... DeKalb Oeperster.. Dektib. . ; .


Ayfiijmer from Worthy a letter to mail here, and

Ju4t lij^en to this from the Oewego Timi Co. finding all the letter boxes locked, be applied to a ladf for information. She piointed to a box i n the corner where there was a hydrant, and the last seen of the granger, be was en** deavoring to open tbe hydrant cap with bit jack knife.

' a asrannsM LOCAI*.

JouiifD,—In Gouverneur, last 8ate urday; a black leather pocket book

1 containing a small amount of money* Owner can have same by calling at IIKRALD office and paying charges.

i , M l t f Advlertising is all humbug, unleal

to oall;the attention of the publie to _ something indispensable to tbelr

/I welfare, such for instance as Dr. \U Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil which for lte ;J5* I wondejrful healing powers, baa bo­ss I come a household word in moet

Sold by l-X

as I10 '

American homes. A Vox.

LaVack Iw

j J 1 XMBOBWBM Oil*. v

S I E 1 1 0 ^ - mmmm'M Sss I I I 1 il I I U 1 • _ " !_J

AjariraTABi_e BL< — ' H I

Tt-*e and inrbberkn^ 1 CUB T A B L K T

J fo EWejr B O |«

J .,-. would announce to the public that wc have purobksed the right for the qounty of S t Lawrence of the MKA0K& HARRIS ADJUST A SLE I3IX>T-TER TAnLKT., Tlfls ImproverOcot comprises calender, bill noads, notes, and everything refijutito ror dally use of . the accoiwiuiiit. [Particularly adapted to the ujie of bankers and merchants. No coU^ting|house ought to be without It. H avoida all mis­takes by keeping Correct dates and a memoiandtim of cVery transaction in matter* of account between t|ki oriu-cipal and biscUstoiniOr*. , '

We respectfully invite the atfeiitiori of every business man to carefully ex-, amine this blotter, and Intend to re­tail the samo at such a, price as will bring it witbiu tha reach of all and Insure Us general use. • j- .

Thi8 tabletji* put Up in packages of rw>to and 'cotouicrcMd sire, blocked. Any person ordt-jflng bill, jnoto, or letter heads ol tho IIRHALD ollioe of Gouverneur, can hitvfc tho same tal>-Icted without extra ahar^e. Address all ordei^ to li. G. {tdi'iiolds, Publish­er UKUALD, Gouvelnfur, N. V..

Canton Bonr4 of Trade. July 3let.—Cher^e te quoted steady

at 10(^10ic.f with fancy colored at 10|c. seock cos tbf le«s than 10 cen.ls sells quickest^ l a b l c 53s. Re­ceipts 96,000. Exploits 95,000. Crea­mery butter 26((#7|, -Welsh tubs 23c. and quiet. •* i , r

Tbirty*flve factories hav0 tfcred 4,868 boxes ojf creameries 400 packiies of butter. A few salesmen of bcjth butter and cheese refused to "Mil at tho prices offered.. Twenty faitpries of cheese, 3,675 boxes, are rogferted sold at the following prices: * I7i boxes 10 |c; 2,600 boxes 1010.; 90+ mbxes 10c.

regis-4hcese, and Ave

* T o w

SipsiiSBaa LrOCALa. l i • v r • '

Mbacrinets n»a Frlenae of I j , 1 tl.c "Herat**" •

' Et lry subscriber to the KERALI> Who has not paid in advance should besr In mind that be is being charged at the rate of 11.50 per year, and that the feeding of tL00 for a year's back indejbjtednefes does not pay tho bill. In all jsuoh cases we apply the money as fair as it goes to their credit at the $1.50 Ute . Most of our friends t ike a faprj business view of the metier, and lay "the publisher makeaa squire proposition to sell the HEKAU) for $1.00 per year, cesh strictly in ad­vance, or jat the rate of $1.50 until payment it made In advance, if I fail to acdept hia offer, it is my own f a u l t y Uow n»tich more ^uainess like a|id honorable this soundji than it doo4 to bear a mtan try to beg off and ejocuse his own negligence by jjlaimltig that ho u Ought to have tbe paper for a dollar, because be forgot to sent) the amount, or It was so much expense to- mail it (costing a 3-cent stamr)i Or he expected the agent to call "—and a hundred other similar and cqjrjally nonsensical excuses. It is highj time a reforrh be adopted and especially among the agricultural class. If any one should have the benefit of lowest, hard-pan prices for every purchase, it Is the hard-work­ing fatQicr< Still many of tbem, more often through | heedlessness, do not prbdt when opportunities are offered them foV saving ten, twenty, or even! fifty ppj- cejut. on a purchase. Our special offer to cash-ln-advante subscripor, has affordod a good op­portunity forjudging who are wide­awake [and dparp to save when a chance Is offered, and'we sadly regret that Our farmer*, aa a class, are too indlfi|rent to their personal interests In thiji regard. There'are at present 4,000 ia^uiier ^ubicribera to. the HKK-ALI> in tnl* county who are losing in the sggfegatf $2,000 annually, simply by neglecting to profit by our ad­vance rate*. AU this, too* without profit t* us, for a dear experience IJRM taught the publisher of the | JE«-AI.D that Uie expense of a collecting agent and horse hire, with Muead beat" accounts amounts to fully fifty cfnt* on each trust subqeribpr. There-^ro! we urge our f r i ers , ie our own l a t e n t an well as y^Urs, to pay for

papetrjtii advanbe and thus get I benefit of advance ratos. We

appejal to you^ do not wait for the ( agent to come and see ! you, for thafu

"RiakAKD Snme.'^-If you would "riscandsbine" in this world com-mense at tbe bottom (of yoor boot solos) and work up; and, by the way, the beet boot shine in the world Is S. B. Stinson's unequalled French blacking. It beats any (fn_ggerJs heer> on shine that you ever saw. Call and get a trial box at ooet, and Stlnaon will throw in a shoe brush— for a small trifle extra. v ,

• • « - nr+ r-{,

; Thomas My era, Brace brtdge, Writes: k<Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil is tbe best medicine rselL It always gives

satisfaction and fn oases of coi^E^s, colds, sore throat, burns, A c , imme­diate itelieY bai been received by those wjUo use it?" Sold by LaVack * Cox-j 1 . , . l w

youf tho

is ad for but one tho cons few

jT*ee*t**eana Prtxe.

i A Roman pipe organ valued ak 250, toj be given away tb customers:

Every ofre having 1 dox.oard photos., will receive 1 tl&et on the organ. Every one having 1 dor. cabinet pho­tograph* will receive 2 tickets on tbe organ. Any one having l d o s . panel photographs will receive 3 tickets an the. orgab. When all the tickets are disj>osed of (500) it will be advertised IntheHtBALD and will be drawn any way to suit the ticket holders. I chargp Q6 extra price for pictures but otter tbe Sunbeam Prices extra. Be­sides gelling the best pictures In Northern New York; you have a otrauce to draw th? pHse; cetfte and fee the Sunbeam Prize and examine my specimens and be convinced. * I am making tbe best panel cabinets in town. i r . . CAHLAXD. t

Gou?erneur, Aug. 2. 21 tf.

wkntod at tbo HttAi-O <

[Laee Buotlnrsrednoad 25aatD.G;W< '

—s - >e and Plguailbr

>. a. Wood*. • » e » •M-feM

Bfta to taTD.O. Wood*. M4

d S & rESrimmu'"

large et4

Ilea tool bo nelA&ta Met$-

oot. "Tl^ bfltfi M l f f t ' l ' t i l .




loufcetbf beach, maptag ebarrri neb iM-ber wanta4hby£B. ttm

* C a t G o o v e i M 0 r . A T . _ having asmsber AM_

tbetteelvee of tUTteve^abaa *f*j ityof aaUingtJ For fartker lars oall at dmir fcrmUore

Union Hall U o ^ oradU rr «v &AJ*». lle

cxptpse it hat we dannot afford, . dollar subscription. It cost* our cents nbrec for postage and for paiiernnd onvclope) to send mojnbv hy mail!, J and we

der a remittance of a iollare bf letter ftrfketty safe

• ': ojaaeoeaarJ aboard. Julr 31aL—Twcntkthree fiictorte*

offer 2,44(i boxes cheese, 1 lot sold at 101c;|2 lots 161 sol4 atllO 1-16,; 1 lot 150 sold at 10c; 7 lofls J651 sold at p. t. for I week. Saleameli aroj holding for 101 to 101

W. B; Ilirtfriiifs, Secfy.

• ! •

Aj|rr-nd exoaraioh under tbe/_-#> pbleiit of -U>« Unlonlciob of QouTtr-Ibaoh will laaTB DeKalb Joootlio

Waflnaaday A w Lltb( at T o otock f |U..[^rIa. of €apa IVlaoaqt for tba TluMaiiia Ialaod Pairk, Boab4 Ialiuid, k k W d r i a Bayr ^tanUa« TU. of th* Pmiiiflifwi IrfiM'Wi'- aid — «»—i***

vli^rall a-^pporiatiUyof TfaMttof taMtlfUialiriM gfertiif a«*to

ihti#i A

n i c e : i (JtlcAL Aug. 2, 1880. diifrofc—Tbe m»rkei has done bet­

ter to-day than any one anticipated early In the aheraoe)n. Not only were prices Ugbpr, bujt the Amount Sold was larger thai| anjf one expected toa^e. Undoubtedly the price bad something to do with' such a large ptfetlbg. ; • • ' : ) - I j l - /. • , j • I- |

Qaoutions start 4jff With 800 Voiea i t 9ic9 and 640 at 9|. borne of these are regular made anjd sirae are partly

[^krmmed.: Then tbirJB were 1,137 at Ida., 247 dt lOle: M U at 101a, 80 at l0 |a, «,13|at l O f t c , ^ W8 at p. t Commissions, 2,W6.


in Sd Lawrendo county. This is ag eieoptionslljyjlood seaspn, and everyj person ehou[dt pake a supreme eflort to settle up all his accounts, especially his subscriptIcjii to the HIOKAL,D, for by paying In advance a larger per cent, can be saved than in any other purchase of tho year. , , . .

» • •

**Fr^orlf# R t m c * ^ B e e o m n e ' n a e a otU*


by CIer iysea t i 9 Su iUewien mm

I j 8ALT RITXrU. \ .

Hon. J. II. Snyder, of Saugertler, N. V., gratefully t*stlfios*to the abil­ity of "Favorite Remedy," says this thankful fkther, "relieved my girl al­together from this fearful affliction, salt rheuca. This occured two years ago, and dot a sign of tM disease has since appeared." Whajd it did for this child It will do for all who use it. j ,j LIVKR DISXASa. 1 Mr. J. II. Northrop, of Lansing-burg, N. If., for several years captain Of the T|roy police, says: "I have been for a long time a great sufferer from derangement of the liver, and

many of the medlcinea ed for that complaint,Dr, "Favorite Remedy" U tbe hlch gave me any relief* lleve that the "favorite

la good, honest prepars^ thai may be depended

uvWiDtitAsa. :- w j i ih,ofHartfbrd,Ct, great sufferer frona

and indigeeUoaf r^Favorfie Berne-

nd Immediate relief, t bottiea, which worked my gtM^jqrttem. Aug,

after u*i recommei Kennedy^1

only one f firmly Remedy?!

/ C o - n p l l - u e n t a r r l o t t a r t o MrJ Car-

laud,x>f t k e e o n b e a a a Otad lo , f r o m Prof . Nori l i , o f U U c a , ft. T.

•4 UTICA, N. X,, Aug. I, 1880. Friend Cariand:—I received yooir

letter laat week, also tbe package of photographs. I was oulte surprised to receive such a nide lot of earn plea so toon after starting in a new place, and with so many things to do before you get fWrly settled.

Your Work is far better than tne average work, and surpasses a gTekt deal made In cities, where they l i a Ye better advantages. The ones of the young gents In panel, especially, was very nice fn pose, action and eholee of accessaries. Such pictures cannot but he appreciate by your patrons and I am inure twill keep you busy, as you deseijve. i Yours fraternally,

h21tf , II. C. No-mi.

Mra. Jicob Willjson, Marion, O., says her fhlld was not expected to live, owing to a severe attack ot croun, sh<> fried Dr. Thomas'Eclec­trlc Oil, Which gave immediate relief.

Mr. C. CJendetinen, Marion, O., used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for bunions, ^e says at first start be thought it wo* like the rest of the ad* vertieed humbugs, but was atrbeably disappointed and now would, hot be without airae iu the house for any mopey. Sold by LaVack Jfc Cox. l w

• •*— 1 — - < * • • — . — - —

• tiooda-Ul O l o r l o v e XJmea#' '

i-tiy prtidctat man will admit that ^the times now are better than they ever were for the last rixteen years. Labor Wages are going up, farmersr produce bfrings a . bigger price now than it erdr has since the war, while Clothing, boots and Shoes arc now ae low and loiwer than they were when butter waa ten cents a pound. Why is tbl* ? Let our readers think it over and they Jwiil at once eee who has done all in their power to keep prices down on diothing, Boots and Shoes. The Jaoobeons, of Gouverneur and Posdam,erp tbe men to whom tbe peo­ple .of the Empire State can be thank­ful, No rnjatter if a man lives 50 or a 100 miles ljrom either of the above place*, he Will save more than double his expenses by going to trade with the Jacobsens, at the Great lte liable Boston Clothing Stores. Tbe Jacob-sons are Already manufacturing a larger stock for their fall trade than they ever klid before,knowing that times uevcif were better than tbey are now. Any loan who is only willing to work threejdays in a week wi lrbe able to dreks himself in the Boston clothing stdre like a gentleman, and knowing too that the people appreci­ate the Jacbbaon*, manner of doing business to hell goods lees than whole­sale prices, therefore their fall stock will be the. largest ever seen in St. Lawrence cbonty, and for tbe great and liberal (patronage which the peo­ple have given the the Jaoobeons, tbey have decided in return to give them tbe benefit of buying Clathlng, Boot* and Shoe* at their own price* for only a few days, In order to clear out their present stock. * Persons who do not care to wait until about tba 25th of August- for our fall stock, will save ntyre than half to oome at once and buy before the preeent stock is gone* Bemember tbe place*, at tbe Boston Clothing, Boot and Shoe Stores, In Gouverneur, next door to tbe Van Buttn hotel, or opposite the bank at Pqtedam. Also agent* for the new Remington and William* Singer sewing machine*, office at tha Qouvernetirj store only. bSlwl

VJt__i-' '4.


1 tftp.

MtrSiMy sinks aad* t*e_WoedVyUw ass

~ ~ i « _ m letland Shawls,. «-««»«-« . . - « - * to $100 and from | L 0 0 t o « l « t t 4 O. Wood*. .,., hl itf ^;»5

r AT oaca.—A good''m^tiUk^jpm-anted Imm^dUttdfA^ . M i l

. . . , tiV: %_HR - « ^ * I wool Drees Ooc^i^dnoedllrdm to Uc. at P . G. Wooda.

. • '•• • m » e »

LaVack M Sox- fdr ICrtJ;. -. '•NuirN-tfc»_*lDTaa. ForL.

txighUi<»u _n<f dorabllitr ot ookw art j%&*•, vMtuML Gok>rfro_iiloftpo«uSaa.iV PrU», lft oaou. gMjl '.

KebdaH** TreaU se 00 tbeDdraei ^ * is Dlaoaee/' s^blghly spoken o f l > ^ V a* leading horsTmen Jof tMtK>

,y. is eeillAg rapidly. Aall and f ^^eopf torn oeotekltberof; ^

-, - - Whitney, e . L. VanNamee, J, M. Reynolds Jr., LaVadt k Cox or W. £. Smith. Sent to any address, * postpaid, to tbe U.«. or jCanada. on 1 rec^pt of 26 cents. / Address Pub­lisher HnsAUH Gouverneur, K- %, ^

•j. *tv metf'fl ""fc^


•v . ^1^**

A beautiful end silver , .

M. Reynolds, Jr., Goovanaor. ^ hltf

tal ipd compete link oi* ver watcbei fnet received




Bunttbgs redooed from Vti c at D. GT Woods. hHtf {

f — — « • » t * MAXBLS WORXA.—

to tbe constant increase of at tba Gouverneur marble

-en extra force of been employed* Orders

In from all parte of St. Law* ~ border towns ot Jefferson Mr. Whitney le turning out

tbe moot elegant monnktanta stone* ever produced la

rn New York and bis greet In business is directly at-

to tble fkot and bi* ex-on



^ • :

mnabie nrieea. Call dree* A. K Wbltaor, Pf rneor Marble lara. - • g

Work* for hl9w3

4*— a

us-. *


*•• -H

* • ' :

; 1, ttr.|H. Jf orrAjr aalla Salt bjr barrel

or b«%a at tba depot. , b20tf ' -..., i • » . .1 • '" » . "'--'^^Jc-*

d o d D BABOiui H>H 8 0 _ S 0 « ~ — * J ' • ' " ' • " A pAr, mtjMmh aod daraUe ofea bofgrf for aale obeafk. En^aire of J. W^r N. YJ

Barbour, grocer, GoaTemeur, > -20r2

' < » • ^ -

In another column what S t co Co., Jromemeo have to aa^

rof DrV Kendall's ^Treatise t ' Horee and bis Dieeaeee.w Now time Io eecure a copy for 25

re tbey are all sold, blttf

K i\

• e t , Murray sells Salt by barrel ai the Depot s . b20tt t

v ' J1 V

• ^ ^ • » »


yon A UoBSE.-^Any log to purchase a monument it to tbelr beet interest*

illy and every other way to( petrpwta tbe Gouverneur Marble f worka. { , -~ . ,. *—, v jarAkobd. 1M0 pound road horae % wanted, payment to be taken la my pu-: ' work.f AJUXJS a Wnmnnr Prop. ^

Gouferneur, N. Y. t f bl>w4


litter •L


at kiaasy< akSBr

itvs, m*i

