£ MUSI HERALD ^oodnrnviUB Tufas. DoiiV W * of ftlrl» •rt» *•* + h o wftstofto f i a ( t o «th Hi' £•- i Cfte addrv* o$tfm«* tfestVW.- I i j Of fOUt€$Q$ A m aaftuaioi A»«fc Mi ir t w tar toll wfthia tfctfttxi ttfott dtllnqoM* rab* owing bfaoto or ba |«t Iholr null »t PUrpolat Watt tad So. Ooltoo. WillMBOBl AMI b» tfuouaaas IlnuLo. R. J. TATUM, AaBft. N DoJlyOrilloMvar "Or. S a l * •M ft bOW t o l l Of <*M* pftOU, >oplM *i tho Thoooand I»> U4fto6l t*ioI4gooM. *•«" (^UilOr^Lo^Jo^OlwoA. Which kxilbft ||i Weterttwn, Friday, lth onr «|ebangea without a tin* afetpilon pptak In the fitartlett arfcuA, .i> - • > » < i. 1 * \' or M|itm*-r0. W. Btf noh- nnteelL hat » cat wboee claws M,titJ lop side of iMf feet. It tfee "Bottom U|j Oat." Barntum? . • I v ' Brtcon.—A riomber ItlMMjof OxBow rtoelved a leak ftfont a thundtrholt, last * at l l q'clook If, Tht rs> I trul/ttrrlbls. Ri fi W. BUataa) dentist, will V* it week* end at Ul week In guaraniatt to id bif prices ttit fbr rarmnlt. wtgrr l4 wl Ak Ul Tbi tllqot thinks, bf put- <tng thttf bill fboii forward, they tan r f u Mm In for a U*nM tcf m do they? ;..•.-• 1 .• •«. / - u *. •! iiiri» L <•»» I ihft II 111 1 I ! ,' „ ; P*TI/>, M* l)nowi| f v of Lofralne, J$& ^Oa» li rkow abllnff at elork y «n4#r Cmpi. Oto. Parktr In GOUTOI^ nrar f In oompUlng ibt o#niua of this •rrtnth Mnmornllon D U t , and nr* rwftnli Iho plqr of wnntrntort. Mr. Brown bad two j<nri oxporloneo In tbo Steto mm* dopnrtmont at Al* bany. at tba taking of tbo latt catuoi and, altkoOgkj a nodal dtnaorai, bli ?albab)o axp^rlraca aakea blm a In ail A No. 1 plaoo* Kl&B*iDfa,of itlaiiUfrtbiia^WCwti.. I 1,, : -BbUtfb W. C. Do^W hi* bMn pro*- trtteoibyftMToro fttUckbrneorftlaW. lUntj narrdriAJ* of fVf»l4rt<ywi, ibftdo ibo Hiuitbk pliijwoi^ll laifi Hfttordftj; "'•1 krnehr toff flrti olftot mi ! •avi Ipon llfn, oif JUL**—Wa afaeorat that a porr+ipondanoOf froip lUnio f tvlVf te aoeount of tbo iao 9 t b4labrallon# WM on#- arowoad out IMI waak. Wa ir aiy, tbo aalabratlon wail U tha bof bad a foyal and 1 tbadlnnar t by Jobp wa# Iff arary way lint CIMH irlky of itba ooaaalon*' < r — — -f. *•#•«.•-——,.»- JM. 0»iui TALii^th of Oaoion !• 1,175; that cjf irttS.100. but tha Cantoji try to aaooont for ilialr batil \Hr fumbar than Ooufaij-1 il$g that tbalr larrltor|r| W dotibttoh Thatntt- Ir kiYnmant taama to ba Oonrarnaor WM not a farga^ | than Canton, It would bfc tiii HAt tinor.~Tha bay erop la 8 t Lawranoa Co. thla yaar pror#a to ba bailor tbhn fkrtnart antlolpalod It would bo ^tllar.j In tbo op-aottn* try towna of |Pltaalrn t Edwarda and rowlar, wajara Infattoad that tha arop la fblly L largo ka laat yaa«% whtlt tba quality ta maofa bailor. And throngbonl tbo ooanty, bay It *of •noohloarqn^ity tbanotiia). Qolta a nooibar of fhrmari aro a llttlo lata In tbalr hnrr*UngJ and thay will tbaraby looaa probably fhll ona-ltoorib of tha goodnatt of tba bay* ( ••4 ofOootar- atlona ana 1 •W hlntr Aotldani/r Laat Friday JTamaa and Fttar Ctl- lagan. with a boy nomad La Boat *U lada, of Ogdtoibiirg, with a horto and wagon aollkUtd with a railroad train r Hantalton* The bortt wai) Iliad, Wagon damollahadj La Itoa pad tariooa lojory; Jamat wat rtrtly oat about tbo baad, bad two ba lYaatorad, whll# Patar had hU lag ao ihooklngly oraahad that It at ampotatod balow tha knaa., Dr. Banton of tbo 'Burg drtaead tba wonnda. \ t H , . » ' Bt. LAWBEncRDwttiCT.^A Sunday Sohool Oontant^oa tor tba Wattern half of tha District will ba held at Madrid, eotnmanolng Monday *?en- log, August 9tb* 1680. Barmon by ROT. N. M. Catonv , ' \ TnsfHlsy. ^^M^0«tWktMi ttr?i«st, M kf t m A.U-BW*»4— mmiiiir* Su& A.M ^iMAT^iMDorUino« of fottowinrx UM ill Jo « qm^-imva*S*e*9i D##pMlrtt- 11)00 ^ ^r«rfOfM4aspaH#^oftlisBtt«tts k hat ra- tilt M ll«Bft4 lO All .1. 4*0 rtr. «,- 1 i ' UitarttsttolOom|^U. m* fto«t Htwftnl^ for* •tipmlu* to oar HuouUr ~ A. K Tort A. Tunis, UTS cmia. Mmm TisMli i|IU bsjttstt to sit wkt hitf rota. sr lbs iioftasni b l l tM «s rtUy (•tollTcooTfBiioB t sad is tartr* a protlsbW that. a^ «¥trno«r Ov Namely SMtb, afWftwi y abtendt In jWltoontln, ttaa ritornajft to Ootj?aro4ur on a sboijt Ylsljt to hit many j risnas, N C^nnor^ of , lows! fb now Tbltlng In this oiunty. K. Gloiaon, t to Canton torntdl to bit homo In Nathan Frank and JU BL Bhilth h Sons, 6f Ogdaclsbarg, lift fjor thb South Woods M way of bouYOfiaaw on Mobday, BL ft. Hottfort UforV pooraylng tbattj Into Walnr^a lb llraly tjlmo* '_ r! . ,.-,,; J,-, j ^ , .1 N. B t l l o ^ who &as Wen <lon<itfrkl tor on tha R, W. * O, hdlrojad tlJ- toan yjoars, haJ rocentiy gbnai to Poablaj Naw Maxltd. wMra [bo baja .bean tendered the position af trnlfi despatcper on the DenHr tod KU> Grando ^tilroad.U/Vi/M4aa^ n 1 Dr. W. B. Bullkrd. of d f defistlurg, started' last Morldty for Ro^kawa^ beach t6 visit an old patient. * H I Mrs. Nai)cle Ilutohlnibb, it Ma- comb, ll at Orlskkny Ftl|s. cOJoylng the splendid hospitality of Dr. JDygort andfkdlly.V,_ !;•*,_. _ | 1( y George l(. Sweet, 0t Poted^n, hall been appointed or Irate secretary of Colioct^r MerrittL of the Naif York outtom|houta» j t At Mi Knickerbocker, for on the Dtspatch r lias recently aaoepted a position on tha local staff! of tb^ Syracaslt Herald. We heartily conf gratulate Knlck. on his well deserred good fbjrtone; v ,•• -. j 1 • r ».: \ Mr, JL B. DfbarJ Wauiedah, Mich.; son of (japt, Hoari is on a visit to h\p old Bb Wwrance home : Tha total bopolatkod ranoeOo(, aa| thown by cental !§ BiMU Tha Hammond and Stocks In yet, the population towna la iaaUmiaitd MM 1876. The ottyer re^oi Tbofollowlug table paratlve (population bated pb 1880t \ townaa 1875 tod • I d »-#- An4Vleltiliy> Brasher. I.. Canton 4.. CliftJn,4..;. Coltin H ...:. Da Mali,...,. Dcpdys<er.,.. Kdwkrds; FlneJ..,,,...^. Fowler Goorerideur.,. Hammond 1,7S7 i 1,8 Ilermon^- ........ 1,7(|2 j 1,90^ Hopkinton 1,007 Ltwrcnce ..^...2,5*317 Lisbon ^..•••.-..4 t 4 Loaftvllle.^ 2,1 Ifacomb..* »«*»...1,6? Madrid 4...;.>-.2J07 Maasena M *}56 Morrlstown . 1,95 Norfolk 4 2,44 Ogdenibqrg city— Flrtt, Ward .... 3,20 Second ward..2,88 Third ward!...3,9 Fourth wara.M . . . Totil Ogia>, city. 10,0' Oswogatqhiel.. 3,0lb 2,80Jt Parlah?Ule.\T...2,24i 2,04? Pierfopoot PUcMrn .. Potsdam u. Hossle.^. Kuttall.U^.. Ptockholm.^. rsk 3,571 6,4$1 72 l,9t8 3,001 1,193 1,085 852 1,M2 4,1$3 ettl,813 1,628 1,010 2,494 4,140 2,030 1,732 2,188 2,737 ; 2,174 2,550 tHa part) bat HM Waddln|tton,..-.2,69 J; ll t **<$ The gain of the county a hs8, therefore, 1870, 1,165. 8 10,349 2,942 2,408 2,4G5 804 7,588 1,617 2,238 est3,546 2,409 85,991 nco 187ft been l,059 l i n d line© 4-—. (Prosperous Tlmt«. One of the most certain evidences of prosperous times in the the fact that there never has Irtnlition If the (proud : ' ? ii I] '* 1 KlOqier It ip*u<ftng k Charles C fttfien \ v Mr. a» P. few days at Masse ha Springs. Mitt Hattla Fajmer of Cahtoh, ll visiting Miss Grade D. VanBuron, Sevan swarms of pure Italian Beei* fbr sale« Inc>uiro Gouveroeur. , , - A. A. Simons, d of C. W. Barbery hl9w3 brilliant sprig of the law and a right genisl gentleman was In town on Monday. • > ; Mrs, B. Crptt and daughter, Ukk Sarahs left for 1 ? B,—Tba ranks of tba 6ranA iiklny|ortha Rapublleara Ineraaaloir rabldlk and, u at tha next moating df II Birnti Pott, U| ba bald on tlie %t* df # ^- A -^•— 9 July J9 f a largo number df Will bf mosurad, a ganarnl la detttod* Kfary old tblatlatnlty should Join tba I oooe t» that tbay may paif In IN grand M Camp FlroT 111 bo keld^aoott after harvest, OtaonintiVn^rn Wan.—Thi teotautby tba IIsnAUM* rant bbl,tof tod cheese M* tba signaluro of oordalryM koold ba signed and retnrnad l tAs aa aarly at poasiblej. Mlkatora abd taleofoleomarl gtjload mammoth prol tlaba, and Ihraatant disaster t^ wa^la dairy Interests Let fkti mare awaken 10 their own welfare a4d wm ararr potalbia effort to supf HAma m oleomargarine butlneas. • -LA>vL"" , ' L * mm ,m ' u ' — ;'•• lln.|RAtrfi Caarmrrfm, of Iltiin %k Valla tolobfata^ tha annlvaraart of hie ktaaUttb birthday on tha UthL IfgL kf Jkffgi number of tbo old gentUUfi'i rislatlvfs a^d frlendk gaiMjkd roiind blm at tM residence of bMdaaabter, Mrs. J,| Luoaa, df Ulaoaiay Fall$, whara all enjoyed Ofe ofHbe bapilaat occasions of their llW I Mf. Carpenter enjoys eicepf U^nalbr^ood health, It an aarncsk AapuWcan, and walked four mUek laat Ml to hear tha lata Hon. (tact Chandler spaai at Potsdam. | ^ •wary, JfT, r \,\ ar the tali ik at Pottd rienr neml t 5 Whltna|r and Maokey who arfc ooalpy pronllnent potltlotyi In th vsfnaiir Wasleyan Seminary a ooktngtfler tha IntcresU thb tMoo^ prtufaralory to the openln ofhthlftU tarm, Aug aoth. W arg pMftUad to know t|iat the Trustee { hll long ea^ablltljad and popula Itifloq havjp sparid neither pain liifceottrlog a lull c<wpt c(f able Ilrofettorikwho will more tbaji mklntlin tba f<||-^er high ttgndlngof •> tfejls ftfrorlta Ifistr^utlon oi ijearnlng. ^. m A m\ «>o>V . --f— th* t Pi i»f a * t: f i ^ * » \>U l PnatnUM Liar, lot ttja fair qf onvarnsnr Agrloultojral and leal Mclety, dn the agrloul- ndajskpt. 1,2 and », will from j tl|e IURALP offloa In a ya. It loOqUlos a full list of ate; Wllab. In jvarltty and aro In lexcata of any hereto* 1 at wall ak tbo ragultv overolng exhibitors, eo^gaa- aontrlbutort, and other 1 mat- interest In connection with the he epojrtt will ba a balloon by Mlas Neiljl Thurston, trotting and running rates* grand Ittaaplo aaaaa | 11,700 wfll bd ptM In prlaat ai Iba 1 • I »-.,„,» X- M I .» a ,, v * L iollllnai cievee €iarn. ' •f twwgh tba polltanatt and kind Nknamhranee or our alfted, talented eijd dkerradl^ popular young towna- wbmiati MleeJlJlilan CUvti Clark, wis bare reeetwrd one of -the beauty* h|l ttjboased rfograramet with oasts siaraclertji In Joaquin MIllar> pUy, ^Tbe Danltaai^wblcjk being jpuaaamfhlly p4rf>rtnai Globe theatre In London, Rng* by. a ir#Vclaat oompany ff acujra and letreeeae. waajMbamad and by MfJ and Mrs, Me . Ad in none bul A wat enakgad, and MlmClar a promlitnt part In tbo cat! hi Iff aharacbara, we moat beartlhr talaia tor on IbU bow add artdtooa of snoeeet in thit h tba tidoma bit Mr inary ability. ( VpL * ^ w t v Kaglando MlmlOarka wUI again fkvor IT # i t x Pati—The lira toWn Is always known by the liberal spirit of publla enterprise that oharacterliet Ita butlneat men. Appreciating this truism tha live men of Ogdanthorg art moving to raise ample fhnda with whlehto make their coming fair a grand totnttt. We true! and bellkve tbatAOur enlsrprtslng oitlatoa #111 Ira*; spond In a ganaroda and f substantial bay will ba oalled upon to do era lo^g, ao that our n^xt fair may bo a grander success than ever before. No clttaen should stand back j when tha bast Interests of our town aro at stake, for It will pay to be gen-1 erous in all public matUrs. With tha united support tod aotlve aselstanee of otir eltlsans the board of manager* can, tod will, make this! year's Gooverneur foir the grand MIO- qtaa, which It thonkTbe the ambition of all to see achieved. 1 • ... , Ifbe torronnfe 4«eeiten. . JUifon Herald; Inasmuch aa the principal ^bfeetlon offored agalnat my nomination, for Surrogate, 1* the ground of location. 1 deej/a to In- n^unee that In oate I am elected, I aball bold one term of court, monthly, at Ogdantbnrg, say on seaond Tues- day, and one monthly at|a|totpn, say fourth Tuesday of each month, tud tball oootldue each term at long at there It any bus tuesa to transact. . \ Younf, Ac.f j v \ . ' / H I \. I V. P. AruiotT. ; nouverneuri July 20, t»80. ' I \t\ publishing the above announce- ment, we will stttc that inasmuoh as the late surrogate, who resided here, WM elected for the fall |<jrm, WO regard It as no more than fust and flair that the office should, remain la Qoaverueur during the balance of the utiotpl^ed term. \ - . KD. ! Mr. IKditor: Now that yoti bave f driven jthe Jodrnal pooplo Intoge tting •ofno news Into their sheet, what lm« prove uiPbt woiud you suggest next f , Im*ATIKNT. A bronte *>littio of the Goddess of Llt>erty on the ctidtoni house with, a broken ring, In; her hanri.-o-Zta/ty Make yoiir status a brt«n one of selfish gttodo perched IUB a bui»ard| above tha rains ot the H«ptfct>t!<"fflf 'party* tod wo will second your stog4 g4stloo.—GovvaaKKua HERALD.,.1 It la moved and ttoonrifd—trt yoii retutyfot^the quetttoiv~Jtotff Vrjtiei All In Ikvor of the Motto* will tlg4 ttlfY by takbig a wkaek ai the King -*>•«• wmseTom : 1 If Job had bean one of Unqla Sato'l poat-matt4ra whan ha was so terribly afflicted h4 would most assuredly have Uken tbo advice of Ms better half- I wUI glfe the reader the ree* eon why I coma to tbo above condor Aon, by tilallng a ctrcniuttance whlok ealqoe mftt' my own observstlon last wtreiu WWlf la the pott edjBoe, at OtDow* quite a smarti appearing young man (whtte) bet weebte>jen teen tod twenty yaart of age, eamejln and inquired of tba P. M. If ba had any S4cnt atampal The P MJ answtred, very pleasantly, that be bad, at tbo tame time aaklt% how Laikyfho would have. ••If I knew wtjet tbay were 4 plece, H said tba young]mto» u l oould Ml better how many I would have. H ••!< you want three-oeit ^tampa tbay will bo about three ckntt a plaoa, 11 rented the P. M* Tie )roung man then asked: "How kudh will tU ttampt eottf^ ^Abpnl Mieentt, 19 waa lb* reply, "|"wlH gift fou lust IB atota for the sU tUispt^ 99 taid tba yotog man. Thlt otter wat irmly Tba young mto 1 teemed to bta muscle, tilling the P. M. t o b - l w l i h bla Mjut*iovk»™ % onnboAfb A. •«. tk k I «Bno>^^W^B9 Wv ^HMQploWftWI ftaaanl to 1 J. II. Fordhttm, Clayton, aifd the Thousand Itlandsi yesterday, t ; Mrs, Mary Ilemenway of ^Vater-i town, spent a couple of days last week visiting friends In town.i ; ; F. L. Porter, amployod lb New York custom houie, was In town lait week on a visit toj Dr. A. J. Spencer. Letters uucalledj for in Goutemear postoffice: GeoJ Barrlgan, Mr. John Cass, Miss Harcena Kellogg, Mrs. Dr. MansHold, Mr. Slmob Runy.i ' 1 > j 1 j MrsJ John Adams of Boston, with er two sons Walter tod Henry aro spending a fWw days with G. & Conger and Ihmilv. < last Mondayi pre** Spcriccrs llotol touted ut with th|roe ripe tomatoesv either of which wkt over three lnohee 1 In dlatdeter, raised In Mr. F's gardtoi Mr. W. H.i Bul ard, with J. * C. I •tognston, wholesale and retail dry ^oads, N. Y.icity.L is spending a few weeks vacation at his mpther's la tbii village. ! j / Herbert AtdrloH knd itr. Knot of gooverneur, went to the Woods last Saturday. G. L.i YanNamee wont Monday, and other parties arc expec- ted to leave this week. I Lost—Between and fliat railroad crossing toward Utohvllle, a,, large Uack p*rssoK Finder will please return the tittle to this office kt j request ol owner., • » j The ^dndiiy night expfets brought a strange acting stranger truest to the home of Charles Onni.Lon. Tha whole household 'Moved at first sight ; f> an eight pound youngster and he*s a screamer! .1 Frod C. Treadwcll wendod lil^ way up from the river last Saturday night #lth the mosf. sheepish looking cxprciilon on his ftc<\imtgloablc> and hei looked lamb llko^ust as one docs after its annual ducVIng; only Fred was ducked from a boat Instead of a shheppen. , ; \ j Mr. f. P. Cofiger and wife rotntWi from a two weeks trip to the HU Lawrence the first, of the week, They natscd the time most pleasant* IT In trie vicinity of Oak Point neat Allcnsi Dock. The boarding hotis^ of Orvlllc Daniels Is rwomendpd at first clp*t and rates reasonable.) Mr. I James II. Ford ham closed negotiations fdr the purchase of tire livfry nnd sale stable and goodwill of business of Geo. II. Freeman or! Friday and took possession last Mon- day, Mr. F. IL Kltts is Mr* Ford* ham 9 s suecessor as proprietor of the barber! shop and bath room's formerly owed by Mr. Fordham. : B>th genu lemen having our best wishes for their success and continued profperlf l y«< I ;. . • . - ; , ,; ' Ao biucua COMIRO.—After much patient waiting, the circus-going poo* pit of this section are to bo regarded with i circus in Gotfverneur.l It ll theNtfw Murray's Circus, and'is tin** der tlie management of John IJ. Murf ray, to old and well-known olrcus asaq. The date Is Montrmy July 26th and id will exhibit on J.M.8pencer>, lot and what tl)e show is to constat of wllf bin round in our edvertislng| col< umt>sJ Here is a short account of Mrj Murray's recent flnto^H dlsaster,an<jl how lie managed to Urea himself from II: i : r . •*.•'•.• ! •: S 4 *Sdrae be cfur readers may recollect reading* a year of so ago, of tbo lost of John II. Murray's Circus at sea; IP thlt iliaaster the manager lost hit aU,anjd saw swept away that which he had' labored a life timo In aceumulai DM ba alt blmaelf do#n and r tbo lorn r Not he; on the , ba bJtopX himself to th ng of hit^fortunee and th J of a New Murray Qlroo 00I4 outabine tba old on< bothlin tmafal outfit and of thief tainment Fortonatery, he at borne, on emlmrkin|r on bla toluoky ^royaga, tome Shetland On bla ratombomaha d hit time through many tnon to tl^e education of thaee tiny equln ~ rmanoa of tome remar' andaxhlblUontof unpa tagacit tth< » In, tbo autumn _ out lnpuWkln No Pblindelpbia an UMT MlfsMnttt Of and Inflnrtaaslmal atmi tba road In fortnnsL :urray it all hit anandaa to 1 <» u t wow 4bjp * 4.-4«TW. Big Sooth W 4blea&lr; but John P. Matteton B 3OI^ of Gouvemior, |d fro#it foil of [the i They left Gooflrer- tba 10th bitty tod BHdga the nkme tjnoon; ] fr<ftrt thence, Sunday mjor^ing, thef went eight miles^ up Inlet, to dktnp Cox, wher| a of Gohveijidur boys were lazily happily tdeiiding their time, they weiej hospitably enter- ndd for an anprnoon and nlgbW d ihe next kening left for (J?an- betrri Lake. ^hsj|r| stayed at Tho#as f hotelon the! laksj antil Tuesday n<jon, and then left fori {the plains, arr lying at 8 l t tn. jPronj thence, the nex| af- 'terndon, to BesslOlt Pond, and ttc^t day (ta Cat Mountain Pond, where two Aays W4re m n t in trouting and (othet wilderncift pi versions. Dick to to the plains Sataplay morning -I At the High Falls, (On the plainsJtheir best fishing was pone. 1 Two ai tod ras 4a, y. s., is [been be- fore in the history of this cduntry so |- l a r g e a demand for printing [paper.— To give sbme idea of the way! t>rIntor« are riow driven with work land the amount of paper used- wo give the following facts concerning the largb amount of work which ia bd|ng done in the pojblication of M A Treatise on the Horss) and bis I>tseases,[' which is now havflng an' immense aalh throughout this country. It has beohj asoertalndd that \UQ ipuhliMhbrs who) at first had tpcm printed bv a large) printing establishment at Clfremonj N. Hi, found " that the book was bd* t coming so popular and ganre suc„ universal {satisfaction that they mu$t secure the fervlpee of other hrlnteN, and conacduently a j large brinting house In $osjon was j^ngagedL and as the demai>a kept increasing | another large printing house in Ckiiago^wsis also eoga|fcd| totHslst the others.! The sale of thisj W0rk in English alone is now about 2v,000 c o n n A IJAV. r Vo print and bind these requires tbo ser* vices of arouk 120 persona end ^ight large oyHndcp* presses, two df Which are thoimplrOved fast running, with considerable other machinery, j Be- side* what Is printed at the three et- tabllshmcn|si mentioned abdvc it it also being I printed in Gcamto it Clcvelsjad, Ohio, and in Frincb snd English ai [Montreal, Ctoads). Being illustrated with about 6ft fine engrat- Ings, fuB df important and | rellabje Informatjion for horse ownjert and told^at ths) l i w prick of 26 Icenls, It the greait seoret of tho large sale of this book which is published by Ds. H. J. Kendbll & Co., Knlosburgh Falls, Vt. lUeing desirous oil placing pix 21 pounders, pesidea any | u k>f errialler fry, wtlro hauled in]. ay [iras moktlvl spent will prinde of landiorL, Nick Bush, 4t| the t. Nicholas HotM in Fine; and last Monday thoyfcrriyedhome,refreshed land linvigbraiedj by the pure air, »plendId exetjplsfl and good living which the gantgflf the woods affords. *Micager Acketnolb was their guide, and If afirstoUas[mo in every respect Parties are Codtinually going and jcomifagj from I tfle woods, and the sport) it kept url during the entire Reason, with liittll or no cessation. H you want ta Ifun and grow fat, or put the r^oym pronie of vigorous health upoii yoorkhecks, don't Isjil to f lsit ibe Big Ay odds; and remember bat Gouveraebr Its one of the I best and most coavdaient points from which the best flthing and hunting^ grounds can be readily .reached. / FRANK ImptWiment m HvUeiwchetse Wtr4 beaUrill meyoK of tales at t3ad tLTtitm lassie rails, Canton, COUT* ^rntofv suisl Watertown Boards. < I NKW TORE IfARKXT. ;. I Urinratt—State goods are a little niore] plenty, but with no great sup-j pHcl (of stock offering, and there itl np further positive buoyance on any gfade. The export demand for cream*; eryhjasbeen much curtailed of late, [ I and shippers are also handling dairy iudifl»tfmtly,whilo ihe home demand; dpetJnot increase, tod buydrs seem 1 Idclitjed to caution beyond immediate wants. > Holders, however, askjusf/w much at before, and appear to haire quite as great confidence in the nj/ar- k^t. It is understood that quite a Urge amount of freight-room has been engaged ahead* Receipts for the past Week 3f,249 package*; exports ",:ir>:i. rsnoy -i-w ; Wt Jioios..... 4...4 2* C«easser3| f food'U> prims^.. fkmory forts* PW...I 9U11 .... HnttUifUls... wrotsdsnu. EockbotlQBi :l •ttOBl... Clover w. H«rmon. tfrosm of VaL| Oa«t<m_ Morrfstowa. lock Valler KaUe%oro.! laad Branch owl isr...i... gennoii. nj, poor to fair..., Ulp and tabs, choice, froth— 20 IS 21 1H 17 IS 10 16 14 IS ft90 A19 a— sl7 »I7 AlO au < Jur dhoe^e fac or West Fowler. * Juljjr 16.—-Lipnol Lamb is impro Ing. j L. G. Uraper and^Wlfe a spending si few wbeks ariho «prlng Jlbbn Bpriague la^^roturned from tbord feeling uetun Dr. Allen, of kecwville^-MaVi afcnty of buslnefts. tepai ts WeUb t choice to Welsh! flood.. utero foliation creamery, choice astern dah% choice ..... Western dairy, lair to soodc W%ettrn Okciory, eholeo Western factory, aooil to prime Weejbrn factory, poor to fair €|IKI£8)C--Another "boom" has been worked up during the past week,and whilo the extent of the fluctuations has not covered quite so wide a range as formerly, 4 thoro was a touch of ex- citement ikoticcable,espccially toward tho close.] All grades of State were skW op close, with Western, ^tock }^toWihg a cort^sponding "cleaning out." Values Wore, of courso, stimu lated "along the entire l|no n untii»c. wat reached, and the market virtually bare of anything desirable^ There it simply a clean sweep of stock. The market, however, ofosed in a some- what donbtfuImposition, and neither buyer or BfelMr were willing to nego- tiate foy^this week. Receipts for the as^Week 69,034 boxes; exports 78,10$. 0 factory, fancy seleoUons te factory, choice inrolcos do rood to prime, d nur. J**^'* .•••- ........ •*« .... 1. s%fma f. and Wsatern, skU&SL bio. flat, Sne .... ^ do' do fair to good. : ,. \ do choddar, Sne d«' do poor to aood nloa e>itevi>..». menrille..-., partLaioed PltcalniCentM K. Bqaselt..! Barats ...... ! N. Hammond HodaKinA....! ElrnQroTe..} ColdSprinflJ Russell..! V. Cap ton..! [Can toe kock islandi kiooTerru liar g J/oneai Potsd( GoaTcmectr] GOQTI fourernetir H . K. KdwSrtU T Sail. Kd gussetl Vltl.I pple Orove| raoy *. >epeyster.. frosinati t>w Path ..... Ickeit... lemrqlton. lodfltfcinsaCoi iV. Pitrpont nacktSlIeT llammpnd ZollergKK Icholi Cold Spring. RouUtlM.... ReadYllle^.. ravlil^ .1. itoherta.. sr* Nsriftmlu. M Utrtaen .... Lffboi Potsdtia.J. Dtpeister.. aesaetl iltrmta QonTern erri atsomt Morrisfiown.. fVwrlek.... fnowler, rowiey. flermtn Cantos).. Slorrlitown. Koaele Dianajlsew V PitcaiHi .... Rassell...v. Cantoi Hammond.. KeeneNriUe*. Hormtn. Macombw... ROJRC]L m 184 165 JatT m n»sv n Is in dk manufactures the niilkbf 600 CO^H tfals neason, make U ^becHc per dav wlikch command the highest prici ieU Irving Ilamlllion is salesman. makdr, John Mary Barnef elbbed her sohool, at feteelfB Corner*, 1M Saturday. Sban- tyvilio school ps laving a vacation Miss Ilattle IkCllyl is teacher*. We can botnt 01 at least one rriodel avmpr s wife in ttiis town, and th>t s Mrs. 1^ Gravfcft. She kdepsrio iervkntfl, ao^ tjakw care of the milk df 39 cows. 8ne pilks 10 cows in morning, cooks p| iflcals, does Other house fwprkjycry nicely, rajkejd 10 loadm of baj, chjurncd, packed jone tub of butter ajnd billked 14 cowl it nig^t. We ^hjalldiigo the town for bigger days wprkjj CoNSTANca. the her OxBow. j July 19.—Mr. A^ B. Lewis foud<\ pocket pistol in the highway, |la*t keeky examined lit as he eupp<is0d carefully, come tM tho -oonplut5on ihat the barrel m a empty, shajiped It In the houso InltWe presence of [Ms Wife and a young lady, Mlss ; UsUtlo poena, rretentliysharp repbrt Uke iho crack of arinelwas heard anjfl'a bullet passed thrmigh bit hand. | AS soon as be saw wnu he had donef lie remarked, "M dlbj'iit think that ItUc little d— 01 thing was Iradod. Bin at bo tfas able ti aftend a tempering lcctur;o at OxBowlthe same evening he atitll thinks tlkt it is more Jntl- _ w ^ m gerourf to handle mie tho intoxicajLi^g thein witiit! the" reach of all of thelj>owHa^ a charige Worn tho cupalWh^rt bits tho head pcing somcti^nes f||ow but always surie dpath. ( j Mr. and 'Vfet. M. M. Gillctt their-daughteij] MbiUio v/ill be atltljo Thousand lsla|d Bark for tho iielt $0 days they lcavjo htre Tuesday mprh- l"g says he h 1, %< a ar|d IICKALD readers we have pilrchasod a number df J-opiea of tho book whic,h will be fUNijishcd by the following doalers in atl Lawrence county Wm. Whitney, druggist (lOnlrerneur, LaVack ft |qox, O. L. Vao J. M j e w l e r y (S( W. E. t| douvcrneju Or sent ltd dress |n| Canada on Addresii, Crneur, Nl; tmeo no)ds Jr., ' ho^ks rerneur.- 1 • j 1. jthi ^books and jjcwolr^, mall, pOHt pajt tfaje Tnitcd Stjstcs 4)c01 pi of price, 23 cts ^ubliher HKUAIJI, till *•» , to atly or (1OU|V. l^tf.i July quiet nan by tho apo of Antoinc object In place hie boldly woij dentburgJji the heart at»fl damsel, MUSM si sromb« The monotony of o.ir hfiikrhborhood 14 broken ncement of tho tfiarrlago IMarshaw. Seeing no ftTlr is vicinity whereon Ito undivided 1 affections lie |to the great city ol 6^- I there wooed abd won h»uid of tho aOtiable Lu;y King, j Being After rut^4 i ays ; ant senorv aiili ll only about ninety years of age, and his loved |»le About sixty, he with unosteutatloiis i dignity, h^cbndng tho youthiiil swain, lot) his fair one to Ujfel alter * in tin* Catholic church oijj SablVuh tnoiruiiig Juno 27th, whetitUie two wcr* in fide on 0. tiu^ in viewing the citiy a f^w the] lleautifol very^ lovingly aoro 1 by ni ••Spiritual new Hrnu 8chools, hy|[R author of Honfl«. H et York. \ It wat the series known manual 0 should for the hit blushing brllte to his seven iby nine rural hofnA situated in the swampy near thcfhlbtp of Yellow Lakq. When Mrs. Marslslw viewed her homo she was strucij With' astonlshni^nt f) fo^ instead Of I si house sho found merely a aut, and! Doing a city lady, also a dress manor,' they w4ll leave their rude apaHpipnt snd locatb in k higher street, wblri she will t witbouit doubt, wait uposjllle ladies with tbo latett styles of |tl|o niresjf maker's art* it. . 4 ' j . c^oblicatlona. j •. . j for, the BIUKIJU tehoor' A nd Time, Book for Sunday ?. CJiw. a Botlnsba,' D. b., for the taaotuary,*'! dpirtUial r|bai*> * Co., Pikbt., Vl*w pp^ thought to extend octor HobinsoH's Well- every way admirable Skcred Song, to that there ojt only 4< 8plrltuaa Shngt /hnrch and- Choir" and "Spiritual 8i>ngs for Social Worship/ hut "SpMtukl 8oogt for tho tkiridey- schoor 1 si Wel|| Tho chaijaetetr of the. lelaeuons poetic merit ahd gene- ral literaJjy tWlsctloita, challibge the hlgbati tlmjrations, whUe tn t^fo- f ^ P k j W> publlthert have made It an cquUlfcly] beautiful volueBJe using fine papel of] light tint, with oareful printiai^ Ltd gfrtng lt a dutfble ana exoeedipily ^ handsome binding In mdelot^i j j|.|^V^&v{h^J: , I Oil **? 9* ^p;. W;^. 1 KaKaWLwI iMfraaohna ill, bcrl II lallow fifing ubodt y person ever tddn M. V. tiraina rfectly white *\ barn, tlas AI ihe like bcfbrdl? j We are pleatedUo report that Lucus Uillot \j enjoying goodLhciltb having jut^ paWl the 94th yca^ k tiiri a g e ; reads all the news of day, write* a| tflod hand,| is posted in poltiictj and is tltc person In thin JjlMrft. lie savjHt seems the Mrangest tiling to him tin hear a democrat pr4*o| IWocock^ at tjils (ate date, ^rS\pi| \< ind trying,tii'tWi bower by claim ink usir- lea (liiriug the ro It i» burah 1 <*rat« trying toj t?\A sonj( wl»i( iang yearii alto, (miior and up|wi S iost of them wittt enew i h e db*qi>rit PIIYSIOIASS 'honiaH* Kelc ar&n and iilcroasih)f %u\% of tjhc ipping thb rebels, ellldn. Itutbfrthin to hear dheddnUo- ji to sing that good tljrj Uopuhliian pnrty 4 do$vn wl tn i^ e thft sta^! , ' OThe lave it v(ce vwisi, w3 t<!>MMKNI> trio k ihein8elves Into to have qeen lpyal Od coirirhan iavc :ilwff)8 found helUful; I uflb It i «\ f ichly inerUs* I! I t excee<iingiy e-ifles of rheiinlatitjn, as well avfrHtc-t iions and di^lbealjons. I ^mdej \w? 4>f.lt myself tftvvi broken leg w|th footj and In 'two d^ frlielved froin feslrj. m tlie pf!ns UlHh^ttt s)ys I \\u* •S& t.4-Vour Ut a wtiicfi iwaya qaVtaJ MarcH 0o. rd in liror kldney-ll|orS |lB»aaM. WflLJ,S,BtlCllAKHO|l A ; QtnUvmen—reiinit tie to say WjifoiM in rsror Last Hpring she Wka ab bad aa to] nsweaUfcalS barukingsplrlUtf ndrestlsaat thrsstiUss/a «| Ay whad a most anarmfog ptlp In Mr side autch numbness. I(After Uking oneibox ofl«.v ney-Wert the pun and/ numbness diSAppeVsjred tier appetite ISapifpred at once, and ah© nm noi taken a drop o| irilrlU nitre alnoe. #ho nee<t «nch a tio«ii()|ne to give it a triult iw s 1 I :. MKS, W. H. rAuk*. J Rdbert. LuWboqk, ICedaij UajJldg, lowi writes b vt'have used |pr. t h O o W K(jledtrid OH both fAr Uiy 4elf hndfafsilf ffr diphthbria, With Very best results, j I regardlti as bne Of the best remedHcs for th|0 disease, •tnd would usdijno other." ]Pops) ft llffllati druggist Itapids, lowaU write: njever told anHr liedicino snob tatlsCtotifin uu the customer land pleasuret6.thai tetter aa l)L Tl^n|naa , Bclectrlc Oll.lj Hold by LaVslkfA <^ox, Oouyerpjjur; N. V* 1 i Mw » •halo laash poW*yer the wide wide WoM, ^ power tlia^o^p serf ej^aax^ 1] Bttni«^cnowaaMnonow4ronn^e, y \ \\ la oi4or t^loonco] Bft«D«oT Aj ffi Ott ^Ibln* fo rfcon bM rLoVi ns. >f A •1 uflichfl M. it •r tl CM Wo tire hU dive* **+• utokfil JaroorM. witt, Ifbnte I)r. Thomas/ beWt by aod^ colds, orktllkaac \\f triad lo M % fTltcsL B o a r i . July 19, 1880—Again we ha^e a brisk market, although it did not look like it In the middle of thkafter- noon, There were about one! red lotftidtapogcd of, prices , r from nine to ten cents.j Transactions were as follows : 2,(175 boxes commis- sioned ; 100 at 9c; tlC boxes, yic; 4f> at 9|c; 1,0G7 bo^esjat 9|c; 585 008 boxesl at 93c; at9|c,;7j OJc; C7 at 10c; and tlti boxes, at p. t 9HaOV » a9J2 HHa H\ 7.^a IX 6Ha 7 * a a fi as ssv aT3? a(*^ had hnnd- nging boxes, 100 at Corresponding da)J of 1879,117,634 boxes; of 1878, 13,427 boxes. Prices tn 1879, C@6|c; in 1878, 7i@8fo , j Little Fall* Board. \ ^ July 19.—The transactions to-day were 13,038 boxes, the largest of the season* Of thepe 1,127 went forward on commission, the balance selling at from 8|(^9|c> only 3G5 cheese selling at the latter price; 5,357 boxes sold a£ 9|c. and 4,834 at 9]c. - *- Canton Beard off TrmAe| ; JuW 17.—Our telegram quotes the market strong for fancy cheese, 9|c. being the highest'price actually paid; A quarter more wat asked. J\11 told ouL^-Cable 51@52s. Receipts 69,000 ] box^s. Exports 78,000 boxes. Crea- mery butter 24c Welsh tubs 21c: and firm. .. „ 1. Twenty-tix factories offer] 4,180 boxeja of cheese, and four croslmeries offer/293 tube of butter, I , There are no reports of buttbr told. Seventeen factories - report cheese sold at the following prices: 200 boxes at 9| ; 194 at 9 516; 30ol at 9|; 1,000 at 9 , . 200 at 9 1-16 ; and 530 at making In all 2,424 boxes. ' . | f M. K. WAITJ Seiri ,clans called Oraval. I bad employed some or the mostjnotod doctors with- out obtaining any permanent relief, and for $ long tine my case was re- garded as hopelfcs* All who knew I the clroumstancds said I must die. Finally;, my wlfejinduced me to try a bottle o< Dr. Ivtonnedy'a Favorite Itemedy' which the had somewhere board of oc seen!advertised. With,*] out the slightest faith in it, but solely 16 gratify her, 1 bought a bbtt^e of a drugglttjin our hrillage. ' I used that and tW6 or three?bottles more, and— to make a long stary short—1 am now as healthy a man [as there is in the country* I avo recommended 9 to others whom 1 ered from kidney ints; and. I assure e publiMhat'ttfe 'Favorite Remedy' hhs done its work with a similar com- r letenost in every single instance, and Itrust some other sick anf discour- ed mortal mar bear of It and try the 'Favorite ItetoWy/ as udfd." Jul v I ' ' •'< [>e / » ^''{l / -. Jacob L^eckrnin, 274 Clinton 61., 1 cheese^ fiouveriienr Board of TrsM July ,17.-^-2,200 boxet of 1 Wdro offered on this board of trade last Saturday. But one factotW sold on Baturday, price 94a i^oiiaay fol- lowing nnout 1000 boxep were sold, an at 91c The telegjttra to Uie board quOfied the nwirkeirstron^ at 9Ji(f( *J|o. wi h receiptjs art>9,000 bttxes tud ex- ports 78,00^>fH>x€S wltbntho cable at 51 shilling*; ('ompared with the wsekva year ago, / h e receipts in Vork wore ipmeuts 107,00 shillings, 61 cents. 5,000 boj[bs and . avaiertownBeaicT. ' July 19.—Larjicnt attendahce at tho board of trade Saturday time of tho season* 7.856 cheesu were offered frokn factories. Six lot* *old at 10 special order. .Mine lots teen lots at 91c, seven lojts at He; and one lot at 8{o., Home held over bobtes about at 94c four- GoiiivernevrlfCaijatef. Uouvawaut^ July, FCorrcctcd au<l Hcvi«cil rAItafKlt*S WIIOLRSALE Up NT. . GaAHH BurrKM. r snoy.*^«^«.*^. t..»««M*4> •**••< Cf nooce...-.». .^._ ....... ,^^,.. Good to prime...'. Li^tt bottoms* ., m -| /t *.. i*.^ • w o a Fr^lWahpW... » e . » : ' «ALV. Asttoik, per sack, larae ..4 ..... per sack, small J tilled, per barreL.. Aftton, rso HI ISH0» Wsokll'l , rnii*B-cult« tory Kaotory fllled, per M lb. tack. Coramon line, per barrel '/ _ DUCSAKD MKATltt. Steer Itetf^—M ........ •-. cWBeef ,.. Mjjitioa...», ....... •< ...... 4.. K v'a».'•-»•»•••.»•• ........ ..... ^»» Lswtfc',-X*--—-*•••••- * •- VetOs. Ihe weight. 1= 10 w* ' , . Va<iKTA»LKN. ] Fotaiiesw.^ ....... HOUtJf-kKKPKnS' BKTAII,! FHIt|£ M«T. » . j - ^ SUOAM. H Msmiard , LI >t M I aatra-U H -... •. ' ^C. O.O. J Mexican. Mooaa.^ ftio, bsstv*. Bio COFVBE. . Oatnieal ..... Lard M Pork, kilear.. Butterj ........... KflflS* i ........ *. Fotatoe*. I, rearl|tMurlo)y.... Kttcmaif« OIL- ^mnion to toed ..... oat 34 0 and Hec i of any of 70 cts. on IS M Mir MK<fis ll . SO . i.oo l|aoos37.os 6.006*0.00 U.SUSJ7.0Q s.0^.00 ( Mania** notices U tmU took \ KKOS-CULBKETSOK.-ln OonTeraeaT. Jnlr 6Ca« Mr. Geo. P. Baos, ol Bsa?er Falu, Ley Oa> t y. Y. v to |tlss Jtttatit Cnib^rUoti, Gottvssnset^ H. Y. aa Died 1 &• {NoHemo/D0CUh /r**-OUhw^i Semi* fAIgBAXKI^At KenVs Comers, Hersm, t Kealfs July mt, iSSa, of consnnipiion, Mies V. rair- HOltV-In PaHstWlUs, It, T. t July IStb, Daniel fiolt, aatd 7S jtars. Mr. Von earns U to this W n ia Xttt.a* that UamaaTotac lata ol 17 years, f o r Sbot^t SO TsarsJoeUfed on tat fsrsa wbere he .died. Be was foraboatSSysarsaaaeaaber ol (at BapjUft and 4ttg ta taa ooaadeat hope of a tss. terUlkv ForSMtsr/years a t lubd s e s ^ a f i U t HsaWrsMs IsW we hart>ltk to be* AttiowjKhY FrffcK!—AH persona af- flictod^th Dysdepsia, Constipaiion, Complainjtiliilllousncs6 In any 'ro, Kidney treubles, or Nervous JebilUy, please tall on (r. L. >an- Namne, DrupgiHt and got a sample bottlo of Dr. Lrfo's New Constjefla- tion; or, if suffering from a Cough or Cold, a bottle oft Frederick's Lung- wort 8yrup, FKKL Only one bpUle willbeglvon to atfamily. I M » p^» ' "•"<-•' ' | .] WO SXatATirY HIS WIFE. ry-A Hazeless pmmm •Ureetl infntereatings Csnag-pA Goo4 StaWmeritof rooofCatskill, j -'For many y from t domplain ] t sXtaaon for Hcjppl Washington Mon- n County, N. Y. art I had suffered which the physi- STA. iJSkme. K.A.lilUpanflfa M.K oMa .... K. B. Chafee.. Wm.li.Lc^ia. HI. L. Weil urn jit. .T. Kinney iVincent Bvaaa iJohnUHnlta~. u n.Mead .... !J. II. WUson... Kugene Harder] i. w. rox. It- F. OotlB... A. A. Gates... ia W. Uarrls.. <i. A. Laloae.. F. L».GUl. MenEoBeolU... C. W. Fanner.. ll.Kirkpatrirk. Charica Obey.. C.M. Clark..... j&U Barnes .... . Wilson Bros .. J, F. Hodcklo. 0. M.Dow .... li.refek. a G. Maine... L.n.ilead .... J. Ueseelflrars G. & bay ton.. >C, W.prerackcr IW. WIJlaU... tO. WJ Bailey., ^lobn Beeae...« Itowl'hd, Dyfl*rt K. A. pheffner Angle] tantyaiy T.T. Ho Klockaitfchard H. II. F. IKj;arney J>C Welli4.^ rjrelb Steele.. L. i>. fenner^. A. A.flalburvJ fa. C. fell iK. K i l l e y jll Chan. f\ Kealll. Joffert.. doflin. v-. tbenlr .f. \y cetera kl.UobterU. II. W. Si. .F. i l\ w. K8. 1 Bince then I 'ator^ti Reme< ew tp hiave si id liter compl lluffalo^ N. Y., ttyt lie hat been us* tag Df. Tbotnaf Eclectrfb Oil for rhoumitUiBf he had sucn a lame back hh cuujld not do anything, but one bjottle has, to usdbls own expression, 'Icuredi h;lm urx"|he thinks it is the beet thjiijg in thb market. Sold by IJaVae^.jfc Cox. t , lw A JfditUM^NT FOB, A UoBtav—Any one rwiBliing to purchase a monument 4iiliftnd it to their best Interests Wood tlf lAitn chr loud list 1 payment to be taken i ALXISB. WIHTKKV Pr uvofrncur, ^ # Y. hl9 UAST^UJI—I will tqu^iny (kisiness villi of la my employ aim con^a6rlt~4f gbod reputation *T^'V 1 J suoocfessar to J f Boat l-rtavlnt pure 11 r. J. H. For auy ana every other Ixc tho ttouveraeur loop of plater, (w shall rec^iio th pound road fabraa w«y to Mstble Dress Lawnt worth 12|c 12|c. at D. last ill be the ),atcosl quantities of By the hun- $4J$0 perl VoUi in tbnl or upwards. d|red, 30c. pciHhundred. . x , hiutf I vW-jlC Mciuiir, Wpot. buAiivs^S Cha _ sedthe interest of orcuiaHl, in the barber includlrig baths and good 1 will say to our mends qnd ctilttmers that 1 sha^l do all iu m>J power [to please one and all who continue! their patronage, rc- spectfully'soliciting any now custom ujrat may. ba e^t^nded. .1 have now first-class roan, and sustaining the same the shop hat always F. II. KITTS, . I. Ford ham, barber. 'Oouvtjrneur, % Y., July 17,1880. hl9tf CrlllNKS*—J Stejtislfi MACridNKS^Messrs. 1. & B, tJjacopson, clothiers, T of (iouvorneur, have been apppimed local agents for t|e New Uemlngton and tho Wit liim* Singer, chlnei. Both jo ellged by all co Huperlor to any njarketJ The r dpubijed'confi(}« ajid >tiperior|t roily sewing ma- beso are acknowN >etent judges to be chines now on the ers have 'such un* o in the durability >f those machlncjt that jjhe'y wari[ait ; each«for Ave ycar^i. 1 ji i JJitliVn ft TCWLK, f tieiiT Atrta lor Northern N . Y . Midoue, N . V I July 19, '80. { 1 w It Us your djitr an a Republican \o\ sle t<| it that! >pdr ticrman Neigh- burs lishall vote for the Republican npmqiee fon IfrdRident. One of the best toeaus Af isecuring this result is bjy holidtng iVyUi A good Hcpubllcan gprntau papPr. I l4 I)er New Ydrk Repitpiikanerff it Hiich a paper which will Jbo sent for tho Ave months of the (|atnpaignjt(|i any address fon50 cfciits! lor eacli jCterman whom >|ou propose to cnljiHl In 4f tho Itepublioan armyjof voterp.l A few Dollars in- vjpslcd by eathf Kepublican club in this jincthod ! tjf making converts aponjit the only lelement available to tlie llepublican party will do more than J Banners music and fireworks ctarikoftipllsh kith the "thinking rCff ruian Ameiflcsn voters.'j Addrej-4; r »•' •« ' l - * ••Kfci NKW Yihik IlKrrnKiKAKEn f M ill Owl i 1 New York City. If Mi. t * elnesa a ioribs an have been * oonjlng th from renco and" horde tyt Mr. W a cif the m hdad ttnne iToHMr* New Incraaae In ba tirlbrjuible to t tjreinely reaeoi dr addreat A (^mverneur Mi ie}ri4oulara. RKEUR iMAnm.E -•••- \Aoiir ho^rsfc ha*' a spavin usi Keridairs Spavin Curef M »ee the Advertisement. 1 *v lw 0>U ••« 1 .tin* • rrtbof Pottnf n. -r-^Wh^t ctrefy- ody says must be true, w irrercforo It >rox)f positlvelthat Kendall's 8pav- ure will cure spavins, splints, irbs and all unnatural enlargements d frill removeltto bunch without listj»ring.| Read their advertise- enf^ for the remedy is having an deted sate which is entirely merits.. Sit is now if not allfdrusrgistt. name is Kendal t .r ' i A\ WOEXS.*- onstant* increase M Gouvcrneur rnar^ie force of workmen oygdt Onlera are U of St. I>v- tb|rht of Jefi&rton itnh# it turning out elegtbU monuroanU ever prodncad in York and his great neat is directly at- is fact and ^t\is ibx la prices. C Whitney, P le Hforka. for , r * 'hl»ir3 Mr. Fordham. % ttUailf K8S iLrOCALA. I LAXD PLASTKU.—I will sell my lastj; Scar l o a d of plaster, (which will be th Hast I shall receive this seasop),at cos viz: $4.50 per ton, in quantities o pne ton or upwards. By the hun dred, 30c per hundred. bl9tf W. II. MtRttAr, Depot MVtry rr%s»rictorsk!i> csiana c. Having told my entire livery out-tl lit and good-will to M. J. UJTPordT ham, In retiring from the business, I take pleasure in assuring my friends over tha count* who have given me^ a most liberal patronage, that my4| successor will serve their every with and requirement fully as satisfactory as I have been ftble to do. Thanking alitor patronage extended to me, 1 shall esteem It a further favor to see the tame liberal support contlnbed to Very truly, GEO. JI. FRXEMAK. proprietorship of the Mtflt sale stables and > In assuming entire livery oi good-wlU of business formerly owned bv Geo. II. Freeman, 1 can "onlyf pled go the former patrons, and the public generally, that I shall devote my entire attention and utmost en gy to favor all with anv style ofaiig they may desire, and always ar satis factory prices. J. II. FoRptfAM, * hl9tf . Er^rietor Hundreds of clergymen, doctors and others hare' uied ^Kendalls Spavin Cure' with the beH of suc- cess. KeadV tho Advertisement, wl •»-r Cottehadat reduced trofc at D. G* WOOD'S. . •••• WOOD WASTSD.-50 oo wood wanted at the IIKRA 10 to 25c hUtf -^4VO- -»—i Correct your habits of crooked lag Lyon's Patent MetaUic Heel l!lrV-^»#^ A Mots' 'r*J*Mif}fK ''ii-if'I^W '^, Lace Bunting's reduced irom to25catjl>.U. Woods, , hUtf "»•• < •« slntil nnd Silver Wsrtcfct*. ? A beautiful and complete Ude of gold andliliver watches Just^rfcceivfd by J. MJJteynolds, Jr., G^uvomeur. b2tf 1 -I —*#v ' Muslhis /or 8c. ues for Clc^ worth! oods. hUtf Euntlngs reduced from 2oc. atD. G. Woods. hl4U HOUSE AHD Lor FOB I SAL!.—Any one wishing to purcbaseil a detlrable| house and lot in Gouvcrneur at thej rock bottom price, should inquire off hitf^ , FBX4>LAVA|P4 <Jood isrvles. WsTadrlae trery family to keep D S w a s * E l i x i r a|war» on band. It Is ibe best rswedy tor coaabs and |oo|da tver oSTar- edtotbe public ^ , , £ For clednsififl Ute ajsteia of all morbid auttttr ardbgoff A! a liniment for horse* .irtvav of Joat*- ao^H AJLKICA and Oil. LIJUMKKT IS tin* eqaallcd. It curee sprains, braises, and lame- nesf, at once. ' Julyy ,.,, 1 ..... ^-^0)»y. <...l. *— J*' 500 SUrflmer Hats to close 6tH re- gardless of cost at I>. G* Woods. bl4 uaparallsttd gshury sg ssjrs. M < r V H f t > / r ^^ v vclrcts cMsapaay tf j ; _ .^T'Tir PEEkLlfi 7 *A r \ ' % * , 4 4hSKlll -\ . » ; m* l;i::v ^tmnasl Mtllpmtla* fyi VIvMIViUK %f|C . J i U J I i l *". ... I S W A V W WU.WW. and wardlig off dtj»ea*o«. no midlGine pmnessos inch e/tteacy as BAXTEB'9 MABOBAKB niTTEBU, - l *. •^*> estrt; Killmer ft Jcpaon have a very large aitock of clothe and catai- meret which ^111 be told at a great sacrifice to close out. ,.. hlltf -^o>*- Bd^BDEBS WAHTED.—-The "uiidlr- signed is prepared to take a few! boarders, ladles or gentlemen, or] both;. residency tfre Morris Kllltter] house. Price offioard reasonable. h2tf 1 E. 8. FAVIULE. N.. Lohmn WAKTKD.—One quarter mi'lion feet of beach, maple, cjierry| and ash lumber wanted by 8. B. Van- Duxee to Co., GouverneoT, K. TL jNTThose having lumber ^hoold avail themselves of this favorable op- portunity of selling it*. For further particulars call at their furniture warcrooms, Union Hall block, or ad* drees tbe firm at Gouvcrneur, N. Y, CM^tomer-^W^y arc'•Malt liltters'ao pdpt >ruggi4t—**Becsiise, as a Food Had lar? M Druggls 1 !—'•Beossise. as a Food Medi- cine, they eariab the blood, bardeo taa muscles, il aiet tbe net v#s, pcrfec4 digcsUon." blSwS farmers wilf consult their own ln-1 terests by buying their lard oil, ma chincoil and castor oil of F. )». Bea>| man. Uichvllle. N. Y. hl4tf Heady mixed paints, white lead and oil varnishes, and brushes for tale cheap, by F. 11. Beaman, Kich- Villc, K. V.' lildtf J"^ej# ii I A THo of Celebrated Ctowas, and a late Class of OaniDie r*. .'«*? rwmi*m *| m If. if errays Cel&ratad 6aqss of 1^;J : r u ^% { | >i:::| fk9TB t ACROBAT^ AKDLiaUFaOlBtf ? -\ ^ -'js:v:^ 1 ' Great Elder, and * t <, ^-e., ***% - r :^ IM.-,, ii 'film ? 1 "•••" 2<hawle, reduced from| $3.00 to $2.00 and from $2.00 to $1*251 at D. O. Woods. W4tf * u. APFLY AT OKCK.—A good ist wanted immediately. 14tf Pi H, m kchkn- DBAEE. J All wool DreasGoods reduced fromf SOc^to 15c at D. ii. Woods. hl4tf ^ * Go to •••• LaVack & Cox's for Mrs. Freeman's New National Dyes. For I brightness sfnd durability of coinrare uoequeled. Color from 2 to 5 pounds.| Price, 15 cent*. g50yi —•*•» ' rive Hsisiareel Tlae>Soesuaa Sironsi. In tbe past few m<mtba toers has been more thanftUO.000bottlesftbilofa'aCora aol^. Otit of tbe vast nanrber of people who hare used ft, J more taan S,0U0 cases of oonaumpiioa have been 1 cured. All eongbs, cronn, astbma, and broa- i otitis, yield atone*, bencc It Is that everybody 1 Speaks In Us>raise. To those who nave not 4 usfd it, let us lay, if you have a tonga, or your child tbe orotiDTand you value life doPt fall Aoesitlon froettbe | Af 1 F. at Moaa, wonderful feat of ' ^ * *", I.L - At io A. M. wdA* 'mte*4h S ; i'^ I M4M.UO. t r o a i ^ r i n M toO&tov of tkt ^M t . I -•$ V: t '-Mm •v-r- >': L»d you value life doa't fall to baoL aide or cheat, use StUtoh'* |old Ly yoar druggist i . j try H. For ^~ sold by 1 porous pUsUr 1 Hr^wllr ' * nsrs^Treapl^ bpavln r>o you know that there are strange pet] 1W our oommun*T, we j*y strange teetaea soent to prefer to suffer and pass their days erably, made ap by uyspepsla. and Uver < f plaint, IndigesUon, eonstlpa^ioa. and speneral ] HeUiity, when Hbiloh'4 ViUUixer bj guarran tood to cure Wehaveaspeody and poaiUvs core, f^r ba- ^rrb, dipbthnxta. canker me nth, and head ache. In hbllotfe Catarrh Reaasdr. A nasal hOeeterl meeSOoenta. tekt Lawrence Co. tarrh.di Inabiiot Ires with each bottle. health, and sweet breath. by all druggists tn St. La • o« >rs open at 1 and TF/W'Cotsla^^ idailttien f 50c DB.Eendall'8 Treatise on tbe Uorte and hit Dlteaie^ to highly spoken, ol by the leadjtag horsemen of thla county. It selling rapidly. ' Call and secure a copy for 25 cents either of Wm. Whitney, G. U VanKamaej J % M. Reynolds Jr., LaVack * Cox or Eo Smith. hl8tf •:<4>t % li X v ,v,* ii, '>:f •4. ; ba 6^ire4 •' •"•>i**-j tolV*sb;am^M*«Kd Goanrornook trid.rridKjL C*nton, 8*to|d»^^oly »4ik ^ i-.^ :

MUSI i fro#it foil of [the - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031341/1880-07-22/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · fi W. BUataa) dentist, will V* it week* end at Ul week

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HERALD ^oodnrnviUB Tufas.

DoiiV W * of ftlrl» • r t » *•* + h o wftstofto f i a ( to «th



Cfte addrv* o$tfm«* tfestVW.- I i j

Of fOUt€$Q$ A

m aaftuaioi



ir t

w tar

toll wfthia tfctfttxi ttfott dtllnqoM* rab*

owing bfaoto or ba | « t Iholr null »t

PUrpolat Watt tad So. Ooltoo.

• WillMBOBl AMI b» tfuouaaas IlnuLo.

R. J. TATUM, AaBft.


DoJlyOrilloMvar "Or. S a l * • M ft bOW t o l l Of <*M* pftOU,

>oplM *i tho Thoooand I»>

U4fto6l t*ioI4gooM. * • « " (^Ui lOr^Lo^Jo^OlwoA. Which kxilbft ||i Weterttwn, Friday, lth onr «|ebangea without a tin*

afetpilon pptak In the fitartlett

arfcuA, .i> - • > » < i. 1 * • \ '

or M|itm*-r0. W. Btf noh-nnteelL hat » cat wboee claws M,titJ lop side of iMf feet.

It tfee "Bottom U|j Oat." Barntum? . • I v '

Brtcon.—A riomber ItlMMjof OxBow rtoelved a leak ftfont a thundtrholt, last * at l l q'clook If, Tht rs> I trul/ttrrlbls. R i

fi W. BUataa) dentist, will V* it week* end at

Ul week In guaraniatt to

id bif prices ttit

fbr rarmnlt. wtgrr l4wl

Ak U l Tbi tllqot thinks, bf put-<tng thttf b i l l fboii forward, they tan r f u Mm In for a U*nM tcf m do t h e y ? ; . . • . - • 1 .• •«. / - u •

*. •! iiiri» L < • » » I ihft II 111 1 I ! , ' „

; P*TI/>, M* l)nowi|f v of Lofralne,

J$& ^Oa» l i rkow abllnff at elorky «n4#r Cmpi. Oto. Parktr In GOUTOI^ nrarf In oompUlng ibt o#niua of this •rrtnth Mnmornllon D U t , and nr* rwftnli Iho plqr of wnntrntort. Mr. Brown bad two j<nri oxporloneo In tbo Steto mm* dopnrtmont at Al* bany. at tba taking of tbo latt catuoi and, altkoOgkj a nodal dtnaorai, bli ?albab)o axp^rlraca aakea blm a

In ail A No. 1 plaoo*

Kl&B*iDfa,of i t l a i i U f r t b i i a ^ W C w t i . . I 1,, : -BbUtfb W. C. Do^W hi* bMn pro*-trtteoiby ft MToro fttUckbrneorftlaW.

lUntj narrdriAJ* of fVf»l4rt<ywi, ibftdo ibo H i u i t b k pl i i jwoi^l l laifi Hfttordftj;

" ' • 1 krnehr toff

flrti olftot mi




l l fn, oif JUL**—Wa afaeorat that a porr+ipondanoOf froip lUnio f tvlVf te aoeount of tbo

iao9t b4labrallon# WM on#-arowoad out IMI waak. Wa

ir aiy, tbo aalabratlon wail U tha bof • bad a foyal

and 1 tbadlnnart by Jobp wa# Iff arary way lint CIMH

irlky of itba ooaaalon*' < r — — - f . * • # • « . • - — — , . » -

JM. 0 » i u i TALii^th of Oaoion !• 1,175; that cjf

irttS.100. but tha Cantoji try to aaooont for ilialr batil

\Hr fumbar than Ooufaij-1 il$g that tbalr larrltor|r| W dotibttoh Thatntt-

Ir kiYnmant taama to ba Oonrarnaor WM not a farga^ | than Canton, It would bfc

t i i i HAt tinor.~Tha bay erop la 8 t Lawranoa Co. thla yaar pror#a to ba bailor tbhn fkrtnart antlolpalod It would bo ^tllar.j In tbo op-aottn* try towna of |Pltaalrnt Edwarda and rowlar, wajara Infattoad that tha arop la fblly L largo ka laat yaa«% whtlt tba quality ta maofa bailor. And throngbonl tbo ooanty, bay It *of •noohloarqn^ity tbanotiia). Qolta a nooibar of fhrmari aro a llttlo lata In tbalr hnrr*UngJ and thay will tbaraby looaa probably fhll ona-ltoorib of tha goodnatt of tba bay*(

••4 ofOootar-atlona ana



hlntr Aotldani/r Laat Friday JTamaa and Fttar Ctl-

lagan. with a boy nomad La Boat *U lada, of Ogdtoibiirg, with a horto and wagon aollkUtd with a railroad train

r Hantalton* The bortt wai) Iliad, Wagon damollahadj La Itoa

pad tariooa lojory; Jamat wat rtrtly oat about tbo baad, bad two ba lYaatorad, whll# Patar had hU

lag ao ihooklngly oraahad that It at ampotatod balow tha knaa., Dr.

Banton of tbo 'Burg drtaead tba wonnda. \ t H , . »

' Bt. LAWBEncRDwttiCT.^A Sunday Sohool Oontant^oa tor tba Wattern half of tha District will ba held at Madrid, eotnmanolng Monday *?en-log, August 9tb* 1680. Barmon by ROT. N. M. Catonv • , ' \ TnsfHlsy. ^ ^ M ^ 0 « t W k t M i ttr?i«st, M kf

t m A.U-BW*»4— mmiiiir* Su& A.M ^iMAT^iMDorUino« of fottowinrx UM

ill Jo « qm^-imva*S*e*9i D##pMlrtt-

11)00 ^ ^r«rfOfM4aspaH#^oftlisBtt«tts

k hat ra-

t i l t M

ll«Bft4 lO All

.1. 4*0

rtr. «,- 1 i ' UitarttsttolOom|^U. m* fto«t Htwftnl^ for* •tipmlu* to oar HuouUr ~ A. K Tort

A . Tunis,


cmia. Mmm TisMli i|IU bsjttstt to sit wkt h i t f

rota. sr lbs iioftasni bll tM «s rtUy (• tollTcooTfBiioBt sad is tartr*

a protlsbW that.

a^ «¥trno«r

Ov Namely SMtb, afWftwi y abtendt In jWltoontln, ttaa ritornajft to Ootj?aro4ur on a sboijt Ylsljt to hit many j risnas, N

C^nnor of , lows! fb

now Tbltlng In this oiunty.

K. Gloiaon, t to Canton

torntdl to bit homo In Nathan Frank and JU BL Bhilth h

Sons, 6f Ogdaclsbarg, lift fjor thb South Woods M way of bouYOfiaaw on Mobday, BL ft. Hottfort UforV pooraylng tbattj Into Walnr^a lb llraly tjlmo* '_ r!. , . - , , ; J,-, j ^ , .1

N. B tllo^ who &as Wen <lon<itfrkl tor on tha R, W. * O, hdlrojad tlJ-toan yjoars, haJ rocentiy gbnai to Poablaj Naw Maxltd. wMra [bo baja

.bean tendered the position af trnlfi despatcper on the DenHr tod KU> Grando ^tilroad.U/Vi/M4aa^ n 1

Dr. W. B. Bullkrd. of d f defistlurg, started' last Morldty for Ro^kawa^ beach t6 visit an old patient. * H I

Mrs. Nai)cle Ilutohlnibb, it Ma­comb, ll at Orlskkny Ftl|s. cOJoylng the splendid hospitality of Dr. JDygort andfkdlly.V,_ !;•*,_. _ | 1( y

George l(. Sweet, 0t Poted^n, hall been appointed or Irate secretary of Colioct^r MerrittL of the Naif York outtom|houta» j t

At Mi Knickerbocker , for on the Dtspatch r lias recently aaoepted a posi t ion on tha local staff! of tb^ Syracaslt Herald. W e hearti ly conf gratulate Knlck. on his wel l deserred g o o d fbjrtone; v ,•• -. j 1 • r ».: \

Mr, JL B. DfbarJ W a u i e d a h , Mich. ; son of (japt, Hoari is on a vis i t t o h\p old Bb W w r a n c e h o m e

: Tha total bopolatkod ranoeOo(, aa| thown by cental !§ BiMU Tha Hammond and Stocks In yet, the population towna la iaaUmiaitd MM 1876. The ottyer re oi Tbo follow lug table paratlve (population bated pb 1880t \

townaa 1875 tod

• I d

»-#-An4Vle l t i l i y>

Brasher. I.. Canton • 4.. CliftJn,4. . ; . C o l t i n H . . . : . Da Mal i , . . . , . Dcpdys<er.,.. Kdwkrds; FlneJ..,,,...^. Fowler Goorerideur.,. Hammond 1,7S7 i 1,8 Ilermon^-........1,7(|2 j 1,90^ Hopkinton 1,007 Ltwrcnce ..^...2,5*317 Lisbon ^..•••.-..4 t4 Loaftvllle.^ 2,1 Ifacomb..* »«*»...1,6? Madrid 4...;.>-.2J07 MaasenaM *}56 Morrlstown . 1,95 Norfolk 4 2,44 Ogdenibqrg city—

Flrtt, Ward.... 3,20 Second ward..2,88 Third ward!...3,9 Fourth wara.M . . .

Totil Ogia>, city. 10,0' Oswogatqhiel.. 3,0lb 2,80Jt Parlah?Ule.\T...2,24i 2,04? Pierfopoot PUcMrn .. Potsdam u. Hossle.^. Kuttall.U^.. Ptockholm.^.

rsk 3,571 6,4$1

72 l,9t8 3,001 1,193 1,085

852 1,M2 4,1$3

ettl,813 1,628 1,010 2,494 4,140 2,030 1,732 2,188 2,737

; 2,174 2,550

tHa part) bat H M


J; ll •• t **<$ T h e ga in of the county a

hs8, therefore, 1870, 1,165.

8 10,349 2,942 2,408 2,4G5

804 7,588 1,617 2,238

est3,546 2,409

85,991 nco 187ft

been l ,059 l i n d line©

4 - — .

(Prosperous Tlmt«. One of the most certain evidences

of prosperous times in the the fact that there never has

Irtnlition If the (proud

: ' ? ii I] '* 1 KlOqier It ip*u<ftng k

Charles C fttfien \ v Mr. a» P. few days at Masse ha Springs.

Mitt Hattla Fajmer of Cahtoh, ll visiting Miss Grade D. VanBuron,

Sevan swarms of pure Italian Beei* fbr sale« Inc>uiro Gouveroeur. , , - A. A. Simons, d

of C. W. Barbery hl9w3

brilliant sprig of the law and a right genisl gentleman was In town on Monday. • > ;

Mrs, B. Crptt and daughter, Ukk Sarahs left for



B,—Tba ranks of tba 6ranA iiklny|ortha Rapublleara Ineraaaloir rabldlk and, u at tha next moating df

II Birnti Pott, U| ba bald on tlie %t* df #^-A-^•—9 July J9f a largo number df

Will bf mosurad, a ganarnl la detttod* Kfary old

tblatlatnlty should Join tba I oooe t» that tbay may paif

In I N grand MCamp FlroT 111 bo keld^aoott after harvest, OtaonintiVn^rn Wan.—Thi

teotautby tba IIsnAUM* rant bbl,tof tod cheese M*

tba signaluro of oordalryM koold ba signed and retnrnad

l t A s aa aarly at poasiblej. Mlkatora abd taleofoleomarl

gtjload mammoth prol tlaba, and Ihraatant disaster t^ wa^la dairy Interests Let fkti

mare awaken 10 their own welfare a4d wm ararr potalbia effort to supf HAma m oleomargarine butlneas. • -LA>vL"",' L *mm ,m'u ' — ;'••

lln.|RAtrfi Caarmrrfm, of Iltiin %k Valla tolobfata^ tha annlvaraart of hie ktaaUttb birthday on tha UthL IfgL k f Jkffgi number of tbo old gentUUfi'i rislatlvfs a^d frlendk gaiMjkd roiind blm at tM residence of bMdaaabter, Mrs. J,| Luoaa, df Ulaoaiay Fall$, whara all enjoyed Ofe ofHbe bapilaat occasions of their l l W I Mf. Carpenter enjoys eicepf U^nalbr^ood health, It an aarncsk AapuWcan, and walked four mUek laat Ml to hear tha lata Hon. (tact Chandler spaai at Potsdam. | ^


4£ JfT,



ar the tali ik at Pottd

rienr neml t

5 Whltna|r and Maokey who arfc

ooalpy pronllnent potltlotyi In th vsfnaiir Wasleyan Seminary a

ooktngtfler tha IntcresU thb tMoo^ prtufaralory to the openln ofhthl f tU tarm, Aug aoth. W arg pMftUad to know t|iat the Trustee

{hll long ea^ablltljad and popula Itifloq havjp sparid neither pain

liifceottrlog a lull c<wpt c(f able Ilrofettorikwho will more tbaji mklntlin tba f<||-^er high ttgndlngof

•> tfejls ftfrorlta Ifistr^utlon oi ijearnlng.


m A


«>o>V . - - f —




i»f a



f i

^ * »

\>U l

PnatnUM Liar, lot ttja fair qf onvarnsnr Agrloultojral and leal Mclety, dn the agrloul-

ndajskpt. 1,2 and », will from j tl|e IURALP offloa In a

ya. It loOqUlos a full list of ate; Wllab. In jvarltty and aro In lexcata of any hereto*

1 at wall ak tbo ragultv overolng exhibitors, eo^gaa-aontrlbutort, and other 1 mat-

interest In connection with the he epojrtt will ba a balloon

by Mlas Neiljl Thurston, trotting and running rates*

grand Ittaaplo aaaaa | 11,700 wfll bd ptM In prlaat ai Iba 1

• • I »-.,„,» X- M I .» a , , v * L iollllnai cievee €iarn. '

•f twwgh tba polltanatt and kind Nknamhranee or our alfted, talented eijd dkerradl^ popular young towna-wbmiati MleeJlJlilan CUvti Clark, wis bare reeetwrd one of -the beauty* h|l ttjboased rf ograramet with oasts

siaraclertji In Joaquin MIllar> pUy, ^Tbe Danltaai^wblcjk being jpuaaamfhlly p4rf>rtnai

Globe theatre In London, Rng* by. a ir#Vclaat oompany ff

acujra and letreeeae. waajMbamad and by Mf J and Mrs, Me

. Ad in none bul A wat enakgad, and MlmClar

a promlitnt part In tbo cat! hi Iff aharacbara, we moat beartlhr

talaia tor on IbU bow add artdtooa of snoeeet in thit

h tba tidoma bit Mr inary ability. ( VpL

* ^ w t v Kaglando MlmlOarka wUI again fkvor

IT # i t x Pati—The lira toWn Is always known by the liberal spirit of publla enterprise that oharacterliet Ita butlneat men. Appreciating this truism tha live men of Ogdanthorg art moving to raise ample fhnda with whlehto make their coming fair a grand totnttt. We true! and bellkve tbatAOur enlsrprtslng oitlatoa #111 Ira*; spond In a ganaroda and f substantial

bay will ba oalled upon to do era lo^g, ao that our n^xt fair may bo a grander success than ever before. No clttaen should stand back j when tha bast Interests of our town aro at stake, for It will pay to be gen-1 erous in all public matUrs.

With tha united support tod aotlve aselstanee of otir eltlsans the board of manager* can, tod will, make this! year's Gooverneur foir the grand MIO-qtaa, which It thonkTbe the ambition of all to see achieved. 1 • ... ,

Ifbe torronnfe 4«eeiten. . JUifon Herald; Inasmuch aa the

principal ^bfeetlon offored agalnat my nomination, for Surrogate, 1* the ground of location. 1 deej/a to In-n^unee that In oate I am elected, I aball bold one term of court, monthly, at Ogdantbnrg, say on seaond Tues­day, and one monthly at|a|totpn, say fourth Tuesday of each month, tud tball oootldue each term at long at there It any bus tuesa to transact. . \ Younf, Ac.f j v \ . ' / H I \ . I V. P . AruiotT. ; nouverneuri July 20, t»80. ' I \t\ publishing the above announce­

ment, we will stttc that inasmuoh as the late surrogate, who resided here, WM elected for the fall |<jrm, WO regard It as no more than fust and flair that the office should, remain la Qoaverueur during the balance of the utiotpl^ed term. \ - . KD.

! Mr. IKditor: Now that yoti bave f driven jthe Jodrnal pooplo Intoge tting

•ofno news Into their sheet, what lm« prove uiPbt woiud you suggest next f

, Im*ATIKNT. A bronte *>littio of the Goddess of

Llt>erty on the ctidtoni house with, a broken ring, In; her hanri.-o-Zta/ty

Make yoiir status a brt«n one of selfish gttodo perched IUB a bui»ard| above tha rains ot the H«ptfct>t!<"fflf 'party* tod wo will second your stog4 g4stloo.—GovvaaKKua HERALD.,.1

It la moved and ttoonrifd—trt yoii retuty fot^ the quetttoiv~Jtotff Vrjtiei

All In Ikvor of the Motto* will tlg4 ttlfY by takbig a wkaek ai the King

-*>•«• wmseTom •: 1

If Job had bean one of Unqla Sato'l poat-matt4ra whan ha was so terribly afflicted h4 would most assuredly have Uken tbo advice of Ms better half- I wUI glfe the reader the ree* eon why I coma to tbo above condor Aon, by tilallng a ctrcniuttance whlok ealqoe mftt ' my own observstlon last wtreiu WWlf la the pott edjBoe, at OtDow* quite a smarti appearing young man (whtte) bet weebte>jen teen tod twenty yaart of age, eamejln and inquired of tba P. M. If ba had any S4cnt atampal The P MJ answtred, very pleasantly, that be bad, at tbo tame time aaklt% how Laikyfho would have. ••If I knew wtjet tbay were 4 plece,H said tba young]mto» ul oould Ml better how many I would have.H

••!< you want three-oeit tampa tbay will bo about three ckntt a plaoa,11

rented the P. M* Tie )roung man then asked: "How kudh will tU ttampt eottf^ ^Abpnl Mieentt,19 waa lb* reply, "|"wlH gift fou lust IB atota for the sU tUispt^99 taid tba yotog man. Thlt otter wat irmly

Tba young mto1 teemed to bta muscle, tilling the P. M.

t o b - l w l i h bla M j u t * i o v k » ™ %


A. •«. tk k I «Bno>^^W^B9 W v ^HMQploWftWI

ftaaanl to

1 J . II. Fordhttm,

Clayton, aifd the Thousand Itlandsi yesterday, t ;

• Mrs, Mary Ilemenway of ^Vater-i town, spent a couple of days last week visiting friends In town.i ;

; F. L. Porter, amployod lb New York custom houie, was In town lait week on a visit toj Dr. A. J. Spencer.

Letters uucalledj for in Goutemear postoffice: GeoJ Barrlgan, Mr. John Cass, Miss Harcena Kellogg, Mrs. Dr. MansHold, Mr. Slmob Runy. i ' 1 > j 1 j

MrsJ John Adams of Boston, with er two sons Walter tod Henry

aro spending a fWw days with G. & Conger and Ihmilv. <

last Mondayi pre**

Spcriccrs llotol

touted ut with th|roe ripe tomatoesv either of which wkt over three lnohee 1 In dlatdeter, raised In Mr. F's gardtoi

Mr. W. H.i Bul ard, with J. * C. I •tognston, wholesale and retail dry ^oads, N. Y.icity.L is spending a few weeks vacation at his mpther's la tbii village. ! j /

Herbert AtdrloH knd itr. Knot of gooverneur, went to the Woods last Saturday. G. L.i YanNamee wont Monday, and other parties arc expec­ted to leave this week. I Lost—Between and fliat railroad crossing toward Utohvllle, a,, large Uack p*rssoK Finder will please return the tittle to this office kt j request ol owner., • » j

The ^dndiiy night expfets brought a strange acting stranger truest to the home of Charles Onni.Lon. Tha whole household 'Moved at first sight ;f> an eight pound youngster and he*s a screamer! .1

Frod C. Treadwcll wendod lil^ way up from the river last Saturday night #lth the mosf. sheepish looking cxprciilon on his ftc<\imtgloablc> and hei looked lamb llko^ust as one docs after its annual ducVIng; only Fred was ducked from a boat Instead of a shheppen. , ; \ j

Mr. f. P. Cofiger and wife rotntWi from a two weeks trip to the HU Lawrence the first, of the week, They natscd the time most pleasant* IT In trie vicinity of Oak Point neat Allcnsi Dock. The boarding hotis^ of Orvlllc Daniels Is rwomendpd at first clp*t and rates reasonable.)

Mr. I James II. Ford ham closed negotiations fdr the purchase of tire livfry nnd sale stable and goodwill of business of Geo. II. Freeman or! Friday and took possession last Mon­day, Mr. F. IL Kltts is Mr* Ford* ham9s suecessor as proprietor of the barber! shop and bath room's formerly owed by Mr. Fordham.: B>th genu lemen having our best wishes for their success and continued profperlf ly«< I • ;. . • . - ; , ,; '

• Ao biucua COMIRO.—After much patient waiting, the circus-going poo* pit of this section are to bo regarded with i circus in Gotfverneur.l It ll theNtfw Murray's Circus, and'is tin** der tlie management of John IJ. Murf ray, to old and well-known olrcus asaq. The date Is Montrmy July 26th and id will exhibit on J.M.8pencer>, lot and what tl)e show is to constat of wllf bin round in our edvertislng| col< umt>sJ Here is a short account of Mrj Murray's recent flnto^H dlsaster,an<jl how lie managed to Urea himself from I I : i : r . • * . • ' • . • ! • • : S

4*Sdrae be cfur readers may recollect reading* a year of so ago, of tbo lost of John II. Murray's Circus at sea; IP thlt iliaaster the manager lost hit aU,anjd saw swept away that which he had' labored a life timo In aceumulai

DM ba alt blmaelf do#n and r tbo lorn r Not he; on the

, ba bJtopX himself to th ng of hit^fortunee and th

Jof a New Murray Qlroo 00I4 outabine tba old on<

bothlin tmafal outfit and of thief tainment Fortonatery, he

at borne, on emlmrkin|r on bla toluoky ^royaga, tome Shetland

On bla ratombomaha d hit time through many tnon

to tl e education of thaee tiny equln ~ rmanoa of tome remar'

andaxhlblUontof unpa tagacit

tth< » In, tbo autumn _ out lnpuWkln No

Pblindelpbia an

UMT MlfsMnttt Of and Inflnrtaaslmal atmi

tba road In fortnnsL :urray it all hit anandaa to 1 < » u t wow 4bjp


4. -4«TW.

Big Sooth W 4b lea&lr ; but

John P. Matteton B3OI^ of Gouvemior, |d fro#it foil of [the

iThey left Gooflrer-tba 10th bitty tod BHdga the nkme

tjnoon; ] fr<ftrt thence, Sunday mjor ing, thef went eight miles^ up

Inlet, to dktnp Cox, wher| a of Gohveijidur boys were lazily

happily tdeiiding their time, they weiej hospitably enter-

ndd for an anprnoon and nlgbW d ihe next kening left for (J?an-

betrri Lake. ^hsj|r| stayed at Tho#asf

hotelon the! laksj antil Tuesday n<jon, and then left fori {the plains, arr lying at 8 l t tn. jPronj thence, the nex| af-'terndon, to BesslOlt Pond, and ttc^t day (ta Cat Mountain Pond, where two Aays W4re m n t in trouting and (othet wilderncift pi versions. Dick to to the plains Sataplay morning -I At the High Falls, (On the plainsJtheir best fishing was pone. 1 Two ai tod ras


y. s., is [been be­

fore in the history of this cduntry so |- large a d e m a n d for print ing [paper.—

T o g i v e sbme idea of the way! t>rIntor« are riow driven w i t h work land the amount of paper used- wo g ive the fol lowing facts concerning the largb amount of work which ia bd|ng done in the pojblication of MA Treatise on the Horss) and bis I>tseases,[' which is now havflng an' immense aalh throughout this country. It has beohj asoertalndd that \UQ ipuhliMhbrs who) at first had tpcm printed bv a large) printing establishment at Clfremonj N. Hi, found " that the book was bd* t coming so popular and ganre suc„ universal {satisfaction that they mu$t secure the fervlpee of other hrlnteN, and conacduently a j large brinting house In $osjon was j ngagedL and as the demai>a kept increasing | another large printing house in Ckiiago^wsis also eoga|fcd| totHslst the others.! The sale of thisj W0rk in English alone is now about 2v,000 c o n n A IJAV. rVo print and bind these requires tbo ser* vices of arouk 120 persona end ^ight large oyHndcp* presses, two df Which are thoimplrOved fast running, with considerable other machinery, j Be­side* what Is printed at the three et-tabllshmcn|si mentioned abdvc it it also being I printed in Gcamto i t Clcvelsjad, Ohio, and in Frincb snd English ai [Montreal, Ctoads). Being illustrated with about 6ft fine engrat-Ings, fuB df important and | rellabje Informatjion for horse ownjert and told^at ths) l iw prick of 26 Icenls, It the greait seoret of tho large sale of this book which is published by Ds. H. J. Kendbll & Co., Knlosburgh Falls, Vt. lUeing desirous oil placing

pix 21 pounders, pesidea any | u k>f errialler fry, wtlro hauled in].

ay [iras moktlvl spent will prinde of landiorL, Nick Bush, 4t| the

t. Nicholas HotM in Fine; and last Monday thoy fcrriyed home,refreshed land linvigbraiedj by the pure air, »plendId exetjplsfl and good living which the gantgflf the woods affords. *Micager Acketnolb was their guide, and If a firstoUas [mo in every respect

Parties are Codtinually going and jcomifagj from I tfle woods, and the sport) it kept url during the entire Reason, with liittll or no cessation. H you want ta I fun and grow fat, or put the r oym pronie of vigorous health upoii yoorkhecks, don't Isjil to

f lsit ibe Big Ay odds; and remember bat Gouveraebr Its one of the I best

and most coavdaient points from which the best flthing and hunting^ grounds can be readily .reached. /


ImptWiment m HvUeiwchetse Wtr4 beaUrill meyoK of tales at t3ad tLTtitm lassie rails, Canton, COUT* ^rntofv suisl Watertown Boards. < I

NKW TORE IfARKXT. ;. I Urinratt—State goods are a little

niore] plenty, but with no great sup-j pHcl (of stock offering, and there itl np further positive buoyance on any gfade. The export demand for cream*; eryhjasbeen much curtailed of late, [

I and shippers are also handling dairy iudifl»tfmtly,whilo ihe home demand; dpetJnot increase, tod buydrs seem1

Idclitjed to caution beyond immediate wants. > Holders, however, askjusf/w much at before, and appear to haire quite as great confidence in the nj/ar-k^t. It is understood that quite a Urge amount of freight-room has been engaged ahead* Receipts for the past Week 3f,249 package*; exports ",:ir>:i.

rsnoy -i-w ; Wt Jioios.....4...4 2*

C«easser3|ffood'U> prims^..


forts* PW... I 9U11.. . . HnttUifUls. . . wrotsdsnu. EockbotlQBi

:l •ttOBl...

Clover w . H«rmon. tfrosm of VaL|

Oa«t<m_ Morrfstowa. lock Valler KaUe%oro.!

laad Branch owl i s r . . . i . . .


nj, poor to fair..., Ulp and tabs, choice, froth—

20 IS ] » 21 1H 17 IS 10 16 14 IS

ft90 A19 a— sl7 »I7 AlO


< Jur dhoe^e fac or

W e s t F o w l e r . * Juljjr 16.—-Lipnol Lamb is impro Ing. j L. G. Uraper and^Wlfe a spending si few wbeks ariho «prlng Jlbbn Bpriague la^^roturned from tbord feeling uetun Dr. Allen, of kecwville -MaVi afcnty of buslnefts.

tepai ts WeUbt choice to Welsh! flood.. utero foliation creamery, choice

astern dah% choice..... Western dairy, lair to soodc W%ettrn Okciory, eholeo Western factory, aooil to prime Weejbrn factory, poor to fair

€|IKI£8)C--Another "boom" has been worked up during the past week,and whilo the extent of the fluctuations has not covered quite so wide a range as formerly, 4thoro was a touch of ex­citement ikoticcable,espccially toward tho close.] All grades of State were skW op close, with Western, tock

}^toWihg a cort^sponding "cleaning out." Values Wore, of courso, stimu lated "along the entire l|non untii»c. wat reached, and the market virtually bare of anything desirable^ There it simply a clean sweep of stock. The market, however, ofosed in a some­what donbtfuImposition, and neither buyer or BfelMr were willing to nego­tiate foy this week. Receipts for the

as Week 69,034 boxes; exports 78,10$. 0 factory, fancy seleoUons

te factory, choice inrolcos do rood to prime,

d nur. „ J**^'* . • • • - . . . . . . . . • * « . . . . 1 .

s%fma f. and Wsatern, skU&SL

bio. flat, Sne.. . . ^ do' do fair to good. : , .

\ do choddar, Sne d«' do poor to aood

nloa e>itevi>..». menrille..-.,

partLaioed PltcalniCentM K. Bqaselt..! Barats . . . . . . ! N. Hammond HodaKinA....! ElrnQroTe..} ColdSprinflJ

Russell..! V. Cap ton . . ! [Can toe kock islandi kiooTerru liar g J/oneai Potsd(

GoaTcmectr] GOQTI fourernetir H. K. KdwSrtUT



gussetl Vltl.I pple Orove| raoy *.

>epeyster.. frosinati • t>w Path... . .

Ickeit... lemrqlton. lodfltfcinsaCoi iV. Pitrpont

nacktSlIeT llammpnd ZollergKK Icholi Cold Spring. RouUtlM.... ReadYllle^.. ravlil^ .1. itoherta..


N s r i f t m l u . M Utrtaen.... Lffboi

Potsdtia.J. Dtpeister.. aesaetl iltrmta QonTern

erri atsomt Morrisfiown.. fVwrlek.... fnowler, rowiey. flermtn Cantos).. Slorrlitown. Koaele Dianajlsew V PitcaiHi.... Rassell...v. Cantoi Hammond.. KeeneNriUe*. Hormtn. Macombw... ROJRC]L








Is in


manufactures the niilkbf 600 CO^H tfals neason, make U becHc per dav wlikch command the

highest prici ieU Irving Ilamlllion is salesman. makdr, John

Mary Barnef elbbed her sohool, at feteelfB Corner*, 1 M Saturday. Sban-tyvilio school ps laving a vacation Miss Ilattle IkCllyl is teacher*.

We can botnt 01 at least one rriodel avmpr s wife in ttiis town, and th>t s Mrs. 1^ Gravfcft. She kdepsrio

iervkntfl, ao^ tjakw care of the milk df 39 cows. 8ne pilks 10 cows in morning, cooks p| iflcals, does Other house fwprkjycry nicely, rajkejd 10 loadm of baj, chjurncd, packed jone tub of butter ajnd billked 14 cowl i t nig^t. We ^hjalldiigo the town for bigger days wprkjj CoNSTANca.

the her

O x B o w . j July 19.—Mr. A^ B. Lewis foud<\

pocket pistol in the highway, |la*t keeky examined lit as he eupp<is0d carefully, come tM tho -oonplut5on ihat the barrel m a empty, shajiped It In the houso InltWe presence of [Ms Wife and a young lady, Mlss; UsUtlo poena, rretentliysharp repbrt Uke iho crack of arinelwas heard anjfl'a bullet passed thrmigh bit hand. | AS soon as be saw wnu he had donef lie remarked, "M dlbj'iit think that ItUc little d— 01 thing was Iradod. Bin at bo tfas able t i aftend a tempering lcctur;o at OxBowlthe same evening he atitll thinks tlkt it is more Jntl-

_ w ^ m gerourf to handle mie tho intoxicajLi g thein witiit! the" reach of all of thelj>owHa^ a charige Worn tho cupalWh rt

bits tho head pcing somcti^nes f||ow but always surie dpath. ( j Mr. and 'Vfet. M. M. Gillctt their-daughteij] MbiUio v/ill be atltljo Thousand lsla|d Bark for tho iielt $0 days they lcavjo htre Tuesday mprh-l"g

says he h


%< a ar|d

I I C K A L D readers we have pilrchasod a number df J-opiea of tho book whic,h wil l be fUNijishcd by the fo l lowing doalers in atl Lawrence county W m . Whitney , druggist (lOnlrerneur, LaVack ft |qox, O. L. Vao

J . M jewlery (S(

W. E. t| douvcrneju

Or sent ltd dress |n| Canada on

Addresii , Crneur, Nl;

tmeo • no)ds Jr., ' ho^ks rerneur.- 1 • j 1. jthi ^books and jjcwolr ,

mal l , pOHt pajt tfaje Tni tcd Stjstcs

4)c01 pi of price, 23 cts ^ubl iher HKUAIJI ,


* • »

, to atly or



July quiet nan by tho apo of Antoinc object In place hie boldly woij dentburgJji the heart at»fl damsel, MUSM

si sromb« The monotony of o.ir

hfiikrhborhood 14 broken ncement of tho tfiarrlago

IMarshaw. Seeing no ftTlr is vicinity whereon Ito

undivided 1 affections lie |to the great city ol 6^-I there wooed abd won

h»uid of tho aOtiable Lu;y King, j Being

After rut^4

iays ; ant senorv


• ll

only about ninety years of age, and his loved |»le About sixty, he with unosteutatloiis i dignity, h^cbndng tho youthiiil swain, lot) his fair one to Ujfel alter * in tin* Catholic church oijj SablVuh tnoiruiiig Juno 27th, whetitUie two wcr* in fide on 0.

tiu^ in viewing

the citiy a f w the] lleautifol

very^ lovingly aoro 1 by ni

••Spiritual new Hrnu 8chools, hy|[R author of Honfl«.H et York.

\ It wat the series known manual 0 should for the

h i t blushing brllte to his seven iby nine rural hofnA situated in the swampy near thcfhlbtp of Yellow Lakq. When Mrs. Marslslw viewed her homo she was strucij With' astonlshni^ntf) fo^ instead Of I si house sho found merely a aut, and! Doing a city lady, also a dress manor,' they w4ll leave their rude apaHpipnt snd locatb in k higher street, wblri she willtwitbouit doubt, wait uposjllle ladies with tbo latett styles of |tl|o niresjf maker's art* it. .

4 ' j .

c^obl icat lona. j •. . j for, the BIUKIJU tehoor' A

nd Time, Book for Sunday ?. CJiw. a Botlnsba,' D. b . ,

for the taaotuary,*'! dpirtUial r|bai*> * Co., Pikbt., Vl*w

pp^ thought to extend octor HobinsoH's Well-every way admirable

Skcred Song, to that there ojt only 4<8plrltuaa Shngt

/hnrch and- Choir" and "Spiritual 8i>ngs for Social Worship/ hut "SpMtukl 8oogt for tho tkiridey-schoor1 si Wel|| Tho chaijaetetr of the. lelaeuons poetic merit ahd gene­ral literaJjy tWlsctloita, challibge the hlgbati tlmjrations, whUe tn t^fo-f^Pkj W> publlthert have made It an cquUlfcly] beautiful volueBJe using fine papel of] light tint, with oareful printiai^ Ltd gfrtng lt a dutfble ana exoeedipily ^ handsome binding In m d e l o t ^ i j j | . | ^ V ^ & v { h ^ J : , I


* *?

9* ^p;. W; .1

KaKaWLwI iMfraaohna


bcrl II

lallow fifing ubodt y person ever tddn

M. V. tiraina rfectly white *\

barn, tlas AI ihe like bcfbrdl? j We are pleatedUo report that Lucus Uillot \j enjoying goodLhciltb having jut paWl the 94th yca^ k

tiiri a g e ; reads all the n e w s of day, write* a| tflod hand,| is posted in poltiictj and is tltc person In thin JjlMrft. l i e savjHt seems the Mrangest t i l ing to him tin hear a democrat p r 4 * o | IWocock^ at tjils (ate date, ^ r S \ p i | \<

i n d trying,tii'tWi bower by claim ink


(liiriug the ro It i» burah 1

<*rat« t r y i n g toj t?\A sonj( wl»i( i a n g yearii alto, ( m i i o r and u p | w i

Siost of t h e m wittt enew i h e db*qi>rit


'honiaH* Kelc ar&n and iilcroasih)f %u\%

of tjhc

ipping thb rebels,

ellldn. Itutbfrthin to hear dheddnUo-

ji to s ing that good tljrj Uopuhli ian pnrty

4do$vn w l t n i ^ e

thft s ta^! , ' OThe lave it v(ce vwi s i ,

w3 t<!>MMKNI> trio


ihein8elves I n t o to have qeen lpyal

Od coirirhan

iavc :ilwff)8 found helUful; I uflb It i « \ f ichly inerUs* I! I

t excee<iingiy e-ifles o f rheiinlatitjn, as well avfrHtc-t i ions and di^lbealjons. I ^mdej \w? 4>f.lt myself tftvvi broken leg w | t h footj and In ' t w o d^ frlielved froin feslrj.

m tlie pf!ns UlHh^ttt

s)ys I \ \u*


t.4-Vour Ut a


iwaya qaVtaJ MarcH

0o. rd in liror

k l d n e y - l l | o r S

| lB»aaM. WflLJ,S,BtlCllAKHO|l A ; QtnUvmen—reiinit tie to say WjifoiM in rsror

Last Hpring she Wka ab bad aa to] nsweaUfcalS barukingsplrlUtf ndrestlsaat thrsstiUss/a «|Aywhad a most anarmfog ptlp In Mr side autch numbness. I(After Uking oneibox ofl«.v ney-Wert the pun and/ numbness diSAppeVsjred tier appetite ISapifpred at once, and ah© nm noi taken a drop o| irilrlU nitre alnoe. #ho nee<t «nch a tio«ii()|ne to give it a triult

iw s 1 I :. MKS, W. H. rAuk*.

J Rdbert. LuWboqk, ICedaij UajJldg, l owi writes b vt'have used |pr. thOoW K(jledtrid OH both fAr Uiy 4elf hndfafsilf ffr diphthbria, With Very best results, j I regardlti as bne Of the best remedHcs for th|0 disease, •tnd would usdijno other." ]Pops) ft llffllati druggist Itapids, lowaU write: njever told anHr liedicino snob tatlsCtotifin uu the customer land pleasuret6.thai tetter aa l)L Tl n|naa,

Bclectrlc Oll.lj Hold by LaVslkfA < ox, Oouyerpjjur; N. V* 1 i Mw

» •halo laash poW*yer the wide wide WoM, ^ power t l ia^o^p serf e j ^ a a x ^ 1 ]

Bttni«^cnowaaMnonow4ronn^e, y \ \\

la oi4or t^ loonco]

Bft«D«oT A j

ffi Ott ^ I b l n * fo

rfcon b M



>f A •1 uflichfl



•r tl CM Wo tire hU dive*




witt, Ifbnte I)r. Thomas/ b e W t by

aod colds, orktllkaac \\f triad lo


% fTltcsL B o a r i . July 19, 1880—Again we ha^e

a brisk market, although it did not look like it In the middle of thkafter-noon, There were about one! red lotftidtapogcd of, prices , r from nine to ten cents.j Transactions were as follows : 2,(175 boxes commis­sioned ; 100 at 9c; tlC boxes, yic; 4f> at 9|c; 1,0G7 bo^esjat 9|c; 585

008 boxesl at 93c; at9|c,;7j OJc; C7 at 10c; and tlti boxes, at p. t

9HaOV » a9J2 HHa H\ 7. a IX 6Ha 7 * a a fi

a s s s v aT3? a(*^



boxes, 100 at

Corresponding da)J of 1879,117,634 boxes; of 1878, 13,427 boxes. Prices tn 1879, C@6|c; in 1878, 7i@8fo

, j L i t t l e F a l l * B o a r d . \ ^

J u l y 19 .—The transactions to-day were 13,038 boxes , the largest of the season* Of thepe 1,127 w e n t forward on commiss ion, the balance s e l l ing at from 8 | ( ^ 9 | c > only 3G5 cheese sel l ing at the latter pr i ce ; 5,357 boxes sold a£ 9 | c . and 4,834 at 9]c .

- *- C a n t o n B e a r d off TrmAe| ;

JuW 17.—Our telegram quotes the market strong for fancy cheese, 9|c. being the highest'price actually paid; A quarter more wat asked. J\11 told ouL^-Cable 51@52s. Receipts 69,000 ] box^s. Exports 78,000 boxes. Crea­mery butter 24c Welsh tubs 21c: and firm. .. „ 1.

Twenty-tix factories offer] 4,180 boxeja of cheese, and four croslmeries offer/293 tube of butter, I ,

There are no reports of buttbr told. Seventeen „ factories - report cheese sold at the following prices: 200 boxes at 9| ; 194 at 9 516; 30ol at 9 | ; 1,000 at 9 , . 200 at 9 1-16 ; and 530 at

making In all 2,424 boxes. ' . | f M. K. WAITJ Seiri

,clans called Oraval. I bad employed some or the mostjnotod doctors with­out obtaining any permanent relief, and for $ long tine my case was re­garded as hopelfcs* All who knew

I the clroumstancds said I must die. Finally;, my wlfejinduced me to try a bottle o< Dr. Ivtonnedy'a • Favorite Itemedy' which the had somewhere board of oc seen!advertised. With,*] out the slightest faith in it, but solely 16 gratify her, 1 bought a bbtt e of a drugglttjin our hrillage. ' I used that and tW6 or three?bottles more, and— to make a long stary short—1 am now as healthy a man [as there is in the country* I

avo recommended 9 to others whom 1 ered from kidney ints; and. I assure

e publiMhat'ttfe 'Favorite Remedy' hhs done its work with a similar com-rletenost in every single instance, and

Itrust some other sick anf discour­ed mortal mar bear of It and try

the 'Favorite ItetoWy/ as udfd." Jul v I ' ' •'< [>e/» ^''{l / -.

Jacob L^eckrnin, 274 Clinton 61 . ,

1 cheese^

f i o u v e r i i e n r B o a r d of TrsM July ,17.-^-2,200 boxet of1

Wdro offered on this board of trade last Saturday. But one factotW sold on Baturday, price 94a i^oiiaay fol­lowing nnout 1000 boxep were sold, an at 91c The telegjttra to Uie board quOfied the nwirkeirstron^ at 9Ji(f( *J|o. wi h receiptjs art>9,000 bttxes tud ex­ports 78,00 >fH>x€S wltbntho cable at 51 shilling*; ('ompared with the wsekva year ago, / h e receipts in

Vork wore ipmeuts 107,00

shillings, 61 cents.

5,000 boj[bs and

. avaiertownBeaicT. ' July 19.—Larjicnt attendahce at tho board of trade Saturday time of tho season* 7.856 cheesu were offered frokn factories. Six lot* *old at 10 special order. .Mine lots teen lots at 91c, seven lojts at He; and one lot at 8{o., Home held over

bobtes about

at 94c four-

GoiiivernevrlfCaijatef. Uouvawaut^ July,

FCorrcctcd au<l Hcvi«cil rAItafKlt*S WIIOLRSALE

Up NT. • . GaAHH BurrKM.

r snoy.*^«^«.*^. t..»««M*4> •**••< Cf nooce...-.». .^._.......,^^,.. Good to prime...'. Li^tt bottoms* .,

m -|/t *.. i*. • woa Fr^lWahpW.. .

»e . » : ' «ALV. Asttoik, per sack, larae . .4 . . . . .

per sack, small J tilled, per barreL..

Aftton, rso

HI ISH0» Wsokll'l ,


tory Kaotory fllled, per M lb. tack. Coramon line, per barrel

'/ _ DUCSAKD MKATltt. Steer Itetf^—M — . . . . . . . . • - . cWBeef , . . Mjj i t ioa . . . » , . . . . . . . •< . . . . . . 4 . . K v ' a » . ' • - » • » • • • . » • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ » »

Lswtfc',-X*--—-*•••••- * •-VetOs. Ihe weight.

1= 10 w* ' , . Va<iKTA»LKN. ]

Fotaiiesw.^....... HOUtJf-kKKPKnS' BKTAII,! FHIt|£ M«T.

» . j - ^ SUOAM. H Msmiard , LI

> t M A ° I aatra-UH-. . . •. ' ^ C .

O.O. J Mexican. Mooaa.^ ftio, bsstv*. B i o


Oatnieal..... LardM Pork, kilear.. Butterj. . . . . . . . . . . KflflS* i . . . . . . . . * . Fotatoe*. I, rearl|tMurlo)y....

Kttcmaif« OIL-^mnion to toed. . . . .

o a t 34 0 and

Hec i

of any of 70

cts. on

IS M Mir MK<fis

• l l

. SO

. i.oo

l|aoos37.os 6.006*0.00 U.SUSJ7.0Q s . 0 ^ . 0 0

(Mania** notices U tmU took \ KKOS-CULBKETSOK.-ln OonTeraeaT. Jnlr

6Ca« Mr. Geo. P. Baos, ol Bsa?er Falu, Ley Oa>t y . Y.v to |t lss Jtttatit Cnib^rUoti, Gottvssnset^ H. Y.

aa Died

1« 1 &•

{NoHemo/D0CUh /r**-OUhw^i Semi*

fAIgBAXKI^At KenVs Comers, Hersm, t Kealfs July m t , iSSa, of consnnipiion, Mies V. rair-

HOltV-In PaHstWlUs, It, T.t July IStb, Daniel fiolt, aatd 7S jtars. Mr. Von earns U to this W n ia Xttt.a* that

UamaaTotac lata ol 17 years, for Sbot t SO TsarsJoeUf ed on tat fsrsa wbere he .died. Be was foraboatSSysarsaaaeaaber ol (at BapjUft

and 4ttg ta taa ooaadeat hope of a t ss . terUlkv ForSMtsr/years a t lubd s e s ^ a f i U t

H s a W r s M s I s W we h a r t > l t k to be*

AttiowjKhY FrffcK!—AH persona af-flictod^th Dysdepsia, Constipaiion,

Complainjtiliilllousncs6 In any 'ro, Kidney treubles, or Nervous

JebilUy, please tall on (r. L. >an-Namne, DrupgiHt and got a sample bottlo of Dr. Lrfo's New Constjefla-tion; or, if suffering from a Cough or Cold, a bottle oft Frederick's Lung­wort 8yrup, FKKL Only one bpUle willbeglvon to atfamily.

I M » p ^ » ' "•"<-•' '

| .] WO SXatATirY H I S W I F E .

r y - A H a z e l e s s pmmm •Ureetl infntereatings Csnag-pA G o o 4

StaWmeritof rooofCatskill, j -'For many y

from t domplain

] t

sXtaaon f o r Hcjppl

Washington Mon-n County, N. Y.

art I had suffered which the physi-

S T A . iJSkme. K.A.lilUpanflfa M.K oMa.. . . K. B. Chafee.. Wm.li.Lc^ia.

HI. L. Weil urn jit. .T. Kinney iVincent Bvaaa iJohnUHnlta~. u n.Mead....

!J. II. WUson... Kugene Harder] i. w. rox. It- F. OotlB... A. A. Gates...

ia W. Uarrls.. <i. A . Laloae.. F. L».GUl. MenEoBeolU... C. W. Fanner.. ll.Kirkpatrirk. Charica Obey.. C.M. Clark.....

j&U Barnes.... . Wilson Bros .. J, F. Hodcklo. 0 . M.Dow. . . . li.refek. a G. Maine... L . n . i l e a d . . . . J. Ueseelflrars G. & bay ton.. >C, W.prerackcr IW. WIJlaU... tO. WJ Bailey.,

lobn Beeae...« Itowl'hd, Dyfl*rt K. A. pheffner Angle] tantyaiy T.T. Ho Klockaitfchard H. II. F. IKj;arney J>C Welli4.^

rjrelb Steele.. L. i>. fenner^. A. A.flalburvJ fa. C. fell iK. K i l l e y j l l Chan. f\ Keall l .

Jo f f er t . . doflin. v- . tbenlr .f.

\y cetera kl.UobterU.

II. W. Si. .F. i l\ w. K 8 . 1

Bince then I 'ator^ti Reme< ew tp hiave si id liter compl

lluffalo^ N. Y., ttyt lie hat been us* tag Df. Tbotnaf Eclectrfb Oil for rhoumitUiBf he had sucn a lame back hh cuujld not do anything, but one bjottle has, to usdbls own expression, 'Icuredi h;lm urx"|he thinks it is the beet thjiijg in thb market. Sold by IJaVae .jfc Cox. t , lw

A JfditUM NT FOB, A UoBtav—Any one rwiBliing to purchase a monument 4iiliftnd it to their best Interests

Wood tlf

lAitn chr loud list 1

payment to be taken i ALXISB. WIHTKKV Pr

uvofrncur, ^# Y. hl9 UAST^UJI—I will tqu^iny

(kisiness villi of

la my employ aim con^a6rlt~4f gbod reputation *T^'V 1 J suoocfessar to Jf

Boat l-rtavlnt pure

11 r. J. H. For

auy ana every other Ixc tho ttouveraeur


of plater, (w shall rec^iio th

pound road fabraa

w«y to Mstble

Dress Lawnt worth 12|c 12|c. at D.

last ill be the ),atcosl

quantities of By the hun-

$4J$0 perl VoUi in tbnl or upwards.

d|red, 30c. pciHhundred. . x , hiutf I vW-jlC Mciuiir, Wpot.


Cha _ sedthe interest of

orcuiaHl, in the barber includlrig baths and good 1 will say to our

mends qnd ctilttmers that 1 sha l do all iu m>J power [to please one and all who • continue! their patronage, rc-spectfully'soliciting any now custom ujrat may. ba e^t^nded. .1 have now

first-class roan, and sustaining the same the shop hat always

F. II. KITTS, . I. Ford ham, barber.

'Oouvtjrneur, % Y., July 17,1880. h l 9 t f

CrlllNKS*—J Stejtislfi MACridNKS^Messrs. 1. & B, tJjacopson, clothiers, Tof (iouvorneur, have been apppimed local agents for t |e New Uemlngton and tho Wit liim* Singer, chlnei. Both jo ellged by all co Huperlor to any njarketJ The r dpubijed'confi(}« ajid >tiperior|t

roily sewing ma-beso are acknowN >etent judges to be chines now on the ers have 'such un* o in the durability >f those machlncjt

that jjhe'y wari[ait;each«for Ave ycar i. 1 ji i JJitliVn ft T C W L K , f

t iei iT Atrta lor Northern N . Y. Midoue, N . V I July 19, '80. { 1 w It Us your djitr an a Republican \o\

sle t<| it that! >pdr ticrman Neigh-burs lishall vote for the Republican npmqiee fon IfrdRident. One of the best toeaus Af isecuring this result is bjy holidtng iVyUi A good Hcpubllcan gprntau papPr. I l4I)er New Ydrk Repitpiikanerff it Hiich a paper which will Jbo sent for tho Ave months of the (|atnpaignjt(|i any address fon50 cfciits! lor eacli jCterman whom >|ou propose to cnljiHl In 4ftho Itepublioan armyjof voterp.l A few Dollars in-vjpslcd by eathf Kepublican club in this jincthod ! tjf making converts aponjit the only lelement available to tlie llepublican party will do more than J Banners music and fireworks ctarikoftipllsh kith the "thinking

rCff ruian Ameiflcsn voters.'j Addrej-4; r »•' •« ' l - *

••Kfci N K W Yihik IlKrrnKiKAKEnfM

ill Owl i 1 N e w York City . If

M i .

t * elnesa a ioribs an have been * oonjlng th from renco and" horde

tyt Mr. W a cif the m hdad ttnne

iToHMr* New Incraaae In ba tirlbrjuible to t tjreinely reaeoi dr addreat A (^mverneur Mi ie}ri4oulara.


- • • • -

\Aoiir ho rsfc ha*' a spavin u s i Keridairs Spavin CurefM »ee the

Advert isement . 1 * v l w • 0>U ••« 1 . t in* •

rrtbof Pottnf n. -r-^Wh^t ctrefy-ody says must be true,w irrercforo It

>rox)f positlvelthat Kendall's 8pav-ure will cure spavins, splints,

irbs and all unnatural enlargements d frill removeltto bunch without

listj»ring.| Read their advertise-enf for the remedy is having an

deted sate which is entirely merits.. Sit is now if not allfdrusrgistt.

name is Kendal

t . r

' i


W O E X S . * -

onstant* increase M Gouvcrneur rnar ie force of workmen

oygdt Onlera are U of St. I>v-

tb|rht of Jefi&rton itnh# it turning out elegtbU monuroanU ever prodncad in

York and his great neat is directly at-is fact and t\is ibx la prices. C

Whitney, P le Hforka. for

, r* 'hl»ir3

Mr. Fordham.


ttUailf K8S iLrOCALA.

I L A X D P L A S T K U . — I will sell m y lastj; Scar load of plaster, (which wil l be th Hast I shall receive this seasop),at cos v i z : $4.50 per ton, in quantit ies o pne ton or upwards . By the hun dred, 3 0 c per hundred .

b l9t f W. II. MtRttAr, Depot

M V t r y rr%s»rictorsk!i> csiana c. Having told my entire livery out-tl

lit and good-will to M. J. UJTPordT ham, In retiring from the business, I take pleasure in assuring my friends over tha count* who have given me^ a most liberal patronage, that my4| successor will serve their every with and requirement fully as satisfactory as I have been ftble to do. Thanking alitor patronage extended to me, 1 shall esteem It a further favor to see the tame liberal support contlnbed to

Very truly, GEO. JI. FRXEMAK.

proprietorship of the Mtflt sale stables and

> In assuming entire livery oi good-wlU of business formerly owned bv Geo. II. Freeman, 1 can "onlyf pled go the former patrons, and the public generally, that I shall devote my entire attention and utmost en gy to favor all with anv style o fa i ig they may desire, and always ar satis factory prices. J. II. FoRptfAM, *

hl9tf . Er^rietor

Hundreds of clergymen, doctors and others hare' uied ^Kendalls Spavin Cure' with the beH of suc­cess. KeadV tho Advertisement, wl

•»-r Cottehadat reduced trofc

at D . G* WOOD'S . . • • • •

WOOD WASTSD.-50 oo wood wanted at the IIKRA

10 to 25c hUtf

-^4VO- -»—i Correct your habits of crooked

lag Lyon's Patent MetaUic Heel

l ! l r V - ^ » # ^

A Mots' 'r*J*Mif}fK ''ii-if'I^W

' ^ ,

Lace Bunting's reduced irom to25catjl>.U. Woods, , hUtf

— " » • • < •« •

slntil n n d Si lver Wsrtcfct*. ?

A beautiful and complete Ude of gold andliliver watches Just rfcceivfd by J. MJJteynolds, Jr., G^uvomeur.

b2tf 1 -I —*#v ' Muslhis /or 8c.

ues for Clc^ worth! oods. hUtf

Euntlngs reduced from 2oc. atD. G. Woods. hl4U

HOUSE AHD Lor FOB I SAL!.—Any one wishing to purcbaseil a detlrable| house and lot in Gouvcrneur at thej rock bottom price, should inquire off

hitf^ , FBX4>LAVA|P4

<Jood isrvles. WsTadrlae trery family to keep D S w a s * E l i x i r a|war» on band. It Is ibe best rswedy tor coaabs and |oo|da tver oSTar-edtotbe public ^ , , £

For clednsififl Ute ajsteia of all morbid auttttr ardbgoff

A ! a liniment for horse* . i r tvav of Joat*-ao^H AJLKICA and Oil. LIJUMKKT IS tin* eqaallcd. It curee sprains, braises, and lame-nesf, at once. ' Julyy

,.,, 1 . . . . . ^ - ^ 0 ) » y . <...l. *— J*'

500 SUrflmer Hats to close 6tH re­gardless of cost at I>. G* Woods . b l 4

uaparallsttd gshury sg ssjrs. M < r V H f t > / r ^^v vclrcts cMsapaay tf j ; _ . ^ T ' T i r


7 *Ar\ ' % * ,4 4hSKlll

-\ .

» ; •


l;i::v ^tmnasl Mtllpmtla*

f y i V I v M I V i U K %f|C . J i U J I i l *". . . . I SWA V W WU.WW. and wardlig off dtj»ea*o«. no midlGine pmnessos inch e/tteacy as BAXTEB'9 MABOBAKB niTTEBU, - l

* .

• ^ * >

estrt; Killmer ft Jcpaon have a very large aitock of clothe and catai-meret which 111 be told at a great sacrifice to close out. ,.. hlltf

- ^ o > * -

Bd BDEBS WAHTED.—-The "uiidlr-signed is prepared to take a few! boarders, ladles or gentlemen, or] both;. residency tfre Morris Kllltter] house. Price offioard reasonable.

h2tf 1 E. 8. FAVIULE. N..

Lohmn WAKTKD.—One quarter mi'lion feet of beach, maple, cjierry| and ash lumber wanted by 8. B. Van-Duxee to Co., GouverneoT, K. TL

jNTThose having lumber ^hoold avail themselves of this favorable op­portunity of selling it*. For further particulars call at their furniture warcrooms, Union Hall block, or ad* drees tbe firm at Gouvcrneur, N. Y,

CM^tomer-^W^y arc'•Malt liltters'ao pdpt >ruggi4t—**Becsiise, as a Food Had lar?M Druggls1!—'•Beossise. as a Food Medi­

cine, they eariab the blood, bardeo taa muscles, il aiet tbe net v#s, pcrfec4 digcsUon." blSwS

farmers wilf consult their own ln-1 terests by buying their lard oil, ma chincoil and castor oil of F. )». Bea>| man. Uichvllle. N. Y. hl4tf

Heady mixed paints, white lead and oil varnishes, and brushes for tale cheap, by F. 11. Beaman, Kich-Villc, K. V.' lildtf

J " ^ e j # ii

I A THo of Celebrated Ctowas, and a

late Class of OaniDie

r*. .'«*?


* |

m If. if errays Cel&ratad 6aqss of 1^;J

: r u ^ % { | >i:::|


? -\ ^ - ' j s : v : ^ 1 '

Great Elder, and

* t

<, ^ - e . ,

***% - r:^ IM.-,, ii 'film

? 1

" • • • "

2<hawle, reduced from| $3.00 to $2.00 and from $2.00 to $1*251 at D. O. Woods. W4tf *

u. APFLY AT OKCK.—A good

ist wanted immediately. 14tf Pi H,

m kchkn-


J All wool DreasGoods reduced fromf SOc to 15c at D. ii. Woods. hl4tf

^ * Go to

• • • •

LaVack & Cox's for Mrs. Freeman's New National Dyes. For I brightness sfnd durability of coinrare uoequeled. Color from 2 to 5 pounds.| Price, 15 cent*. g50yi

— • * • » '

r i v e Hsisiareel Tlae>Soesuaa Sironsi . In tbe past few m<mtba toers has been more

than ftUO.000 bottles ftbilofa'a Cora aol^. Otit of tbe vast nanrber of people who hare used ft, J more taan S,0U0 cases of oonaumpiioa have been 1 cured. All eongbs, cronn, astbma, and broa- i otitis, yield atone*, bencc It Is that everybody 1 Speaks In Us>raise. To those who nave not4

usfd it, let us lay, if you have a tonga, or your child tbe orotiDTand you value life doPt fall

Aoesitlon froettbe |

Af 1 F. at Moaa, wonderful feat of '

^ * *",

I.L - At io A. M. wdA* 'mte*4h S ; i ' ^ I M4M.UO. t r o a i ^ r i n M toO&tov of tkt ^M

t .

I -•$ V: t '-Mm •v-r-

> ' :

L»d you value life doa't fall to baoL aide or cheat, use StUtoh'* |old Ly yoar druggist

• i . j try H. For ^ ~ s o l d by 1 porous pUsUr 1 Hr^wllr ' * n s r s ^ T r e a p l ^

b p a v l n r>o you know that there are strange pet] 1W our oommun*T, we j*y strange teetaea

soent to prefer to suffer and pass their days erably, made ap by uyspepsla. and Uver <

f plaint, IndigesUon, eonstlpa^ioa. and speneral ] HeUiity, when Hbiloh'4 ViUUixer bj guar ran tood

to cure Wehaveaspeody and poaiUvs core, f r ba-

^rrb, dipbthnxta. canker me nth, and head ache. In hbllotfe Catarrh Reaasdr. A nasal hOeeterl

meeSOoenta. tekt Lawrence Co.

tarrh.di Inabiiot Ires with each bottle. health, and sweet breath. by all druggists tn St. La

• o«

>rs open at 1 and TF/W'Cotsla^^

idailttienf 50c

DB.Eendall'8 Treatise on tbe Uorte and hit Dlteaie^ to highly spoken, ol by the leadjtag horsemen of thla county. It selling rapidly. ' Call and secure a copy for 25 cents either of Wm. Whitney, G. U VanKamaej J% M. Reynolds Jr., LaVack * Cox or — Eo Smith. hl8tf


% l i

X v ,v,* ii,

'>:f •4.;



•' • • " • > i * * - j

tolV*sb;am^M*«Kd Goanrornook


C*nton, 8*to |d»^^oly »4ik ^

i-. :