
Sheet1ESTIMATE OF FERGUSON AND ST. LOUIS AREA RESPONSE STATE COSTSNote: Guard and Patrol still in field, so additional costs being incurred

($s in millions)

Missouri National GuardEstimated Costs Prior to November$0.400Payroll, fuel, meals, communications, travel and supplies for 220 service members and other costs for Ferguson response prior to November. Estimated costs in November$4.700Includes estimated costs for Nov 20-29 for pay for personnel (414 to 2,291 staff per day), meals, fuel, aviation, and communications. subtotal$5.100

Estimated costs 12/1-12/3$1.800Includes estimated costs for pay for personnel, meals, fuel, aviation and communications.

Estimated Total through 12/3$6.900

Missouri State Highway PatrolEstimated costs prior to November$2.115Includes salary, overtime, lodging, meals, transportation, and other expenses prior to November. Estimated costs for 10 days thru Dec 1$2.711Includes the same costs for 270 officers for Nov 22 thru Dec 1

Estimated Total$4.826

Estimated Total MONG and MSHP$11.726
