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Management review of procurement of contract with and payment to SWETS Information Services Limited (SWETS UK)

25th May 2015

Background to the contract for journals: Print and electronic 1. DIT has successfully managed a balanced budget in all years, despite budgetary cuts

which commenced in 2008. A balanced budget is also projected for the current year. This has been achieved through fiscal prudence and scrutiny of all operational costs, whilst at the same time implementing an investment programme for Grangegorman. Since 2008 there has been an actual budget reduction of €36 million.

2. Library Services represents a large proportion of the non-pay budget and is crucial in

delivering provision to students. Expenditure in this area has been subject to particular scrutiny as part of the annual budget process. To maintain the level of library service required to underpin the breadth of programmes in DIT, and to support its active research community, access to journals is imperative and DIT is committed to maintain service levels.

A range of cost efficiencies have been implemented in Library Services whereby, in 2015, 95% of the non-pay budget is spent on the purchase of information resources, with much reduced discretionary expenditure on such items as IT equipment and staff training. A review of payments to SWETS UK (the main supplier of journals to DIT) shows a peak of €1,075,000 in 2008 and reduction to €718,000 in 2014. This was due in large part to the active portfolio management exercised by library management and the scrutiny by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in the light of tight budgetary controls imposed by the Government and HEA.

3. Since 2004, DIT has regularly requested access to the Irish Research eLibrary (IReL), an

initiative that delivers high quality journals and databases to users in member institutions with all the advantages and economies of scale gained from consortium purchasing. IReL is funded by the HEA. It serves the 7 Irish universities and, to a lesser degree, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Access through IReL to just two databases was granted to DIT and to all Institutes of Technology in 2009. DIT subscribes to another 80 databases on its own. Lack of full access to IReL, despite being a major research provider, resulted in DIT being disproportionately reliant on services such as those provided by SWETS UK. Consequently, DIT became the biggest customer of SWETS UK in Ireland, purchasing more through that company than any of the universities, thereby increasing the Institute’s financial exposure to SWETS UK.

4. SWETS UK was one of the suppliers in the marketplace that provided a centralised

delivery of multiple journals to academic institutions and other organisations. The company had a long track record of delivery to higher education institutions in the UK, Europe and globally. Founded in 1901 (originally as a bookstore in Amsterdam), it grew

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to be an international content management company serving both publishers and libraries. SWETS UK had more than 8,000 global customers, representing about 800,000 print and electronic subscriptions, with offices in more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and nearly 600 total employees worldwide.

DIT had conducted business with SWETS UK for over 15 years. Originally this relationship was directly with SWETS UK, and more recently was delivered through a procurement exercise run by Education Procurement Service (EPS), the shared procurement service provider. Until their demise in September 2014, the service provided by SWETS UK to DIT was efficient and reliable. As part of the EPS tender process, declarations were sought and given to EPS by SWETS UK on the financial standing of the company and the company provided up-to-date annual Tax Clearance Certificates throughout the contract period, with the latest one valid to March 2015.

5. Prepayments (payments in respect of subscriptions for journals for the coming year) are an inherent element in the purchase of library journals and are a requirement imposed upon customers by all publishers i.e. customers have to pay for the service in advance rather than after receipt of goods. Early prepayments are a common feature and are utilised to avail of discounts. While not highly significant in terms of the overall expenditure, any such savings enable Library Services to maximise services to students within the available budget allocation.

The DIT Budget System 6. The annual budget is approved by the SLT and Governing Body. Thereafter, budget

holders are authorised to manage expenditure within the approved budget allocation for their functional areas, and within specified cost centres and account codes.

The Procurement of the SWETS UK service 7. The Education Procurement Service is based in the University of Limerick. Established

in 2008, it has expanded from providing procurement services for four higher education institutions to twelve in 2013 with a further seven HEIs currently in the process of transitioning to EPS. The EPS is now being reconfigured as the procurement hub for the education and training sector as part of the Government’s Public Procurement Reform Plan. See Appendix 1

8. EPS conducted a public procurement tender process in respect of library publications and DIT participated in such a process for a number of reasons. These included the national financial emergency measures and the ongoing instruction from Department of Education & Skills (See Appendix 1) and HEA from 2010 onwards - see extract from the grant allocation letter: “The progression of shared services and procurement initiatives across the sector continues to be a priority for 2014 … and institutions are requested to engage pro-actively with these new structures.” See Appendix 2. It also made business

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sense to do so, providing improved purchasing power, eliminating duplication of procurement effort and delivering overall financial savings etc. By utilising EPS, therefore, DIT did not need to run an independent procurement exercise and saved the associated resources.

9. SLT was briefed on procurement plans and the decision to join the EPS consortium was

formally noted (SLT minutes 28th March 2013). See Appendix 3

At an operational level, DIT had active engagement in the EPS tender process. The DIT Procurement Specialist and a senior Library Manager with particular experience and expertise in journals oversaw the process. Correspondence between DIT Procurement and EPS are attached. See Appendix 4

10. The University of Limerick published the contract notice ‘Supply of Library Journals and

Periodicals to the Irish Higher Education Sector’ on eTenders on 12th March 2012. The stated aim was a single supplier of journals to all members of the national consortium. See Appendix 5 EPS managed the tender process on behalf of the consortium. Once the preferred bidder was chosen, EPS drafted and negotiated a common Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the HEIs involved, with the relevant items customised as appropriate. As the SLA contained the operational detail, the Head of Library Services assigned the senior Library Manager to review and sign the SLA. See Appendix 6

11. The three-year agreement between DIT and SWETS UK was based on the delivery of a

prescribed list of publications to DIT, signed off by Library Services, for any specific year for the tendered price.

The DIT Payment Approval process 12. Within DIT payments are processed as follows:

a. Agresso1 ‘workflow’ system with orders and invoices authorised at levels

appropriate to the spending threshold (almost 80% of payments) b. ‘Sundry’ payments, usually once-off and up to a value of €1,000 paid on the basis of

payment requisitions approved by the Budget Holder. c. ‘Direct payments’ (about 20% of all payments) includes suppliers paid via direct

debit such as utilities, and pre-payments for rent and library services. These direct payments are processed by Finance after approval by the Budget Holder. This is the process followed in the case of the payments to SWETS UK.

13. The method of payment to SWETS UK and its timing in 2014 is consistent with the

annual practice since 2003. This is demonstrated by an analysis of the payment history. Prepayments, including prepayments to SWETS UK, have been included in the financial

1 Agresso is DIT’s financial system

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statements of DIT which are audited by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General.

SWETS UK in administration 14. DIT paid SWETS UK on 18th July 2014. At the point of payment, there was no indication

that SWETS UK was in financial difficulties. As with other suppliers in the market, the company had apparently experienced some financial challenges in recent years because of the changing nature of the market and the overall global economic downturn. However, the company seemed to be addressing these and there was no obvious indication to the customer base up to this time about its financial viability.

On Friday 22nd August, an employee of SWETS UK communicated with library staff. He advised DIT to seek to reverse its payment with a view to paying into a separate trust account. On Monday 25th August (i.e. within one working day), DIT Finance sought a repayment from SWETS UK. DIT received an acknowledgement from SWETS UK but no repayment followed. See Appendix 7

15. SWETS UK went into administration in October 2014. 16. According to the Administrators’ Report, dated 28th November 2014, approximately 100

higher education institutions in the UK and Ireland were creditors of SWETS UK and eleven of them were owed over £100,000 each. The largest of these was University of Durham which was owed £1.9m. DIT was owed £581,000.

17. DIT Finance sought legal advice from Byrne Wallace in relation to debt recovery. On

foot of this advice, DIT Finance wrote formally to SWETS UK seeking repayment. DIT corresponded with the Administrators Baker Tilly confirming the amount owed to DIT. Despite DIT efforts, the Administrators’ Report indicates that the available funds will not enable recovery of monies owed to unsecured creditors. See Appendix 8 (1) and (2)

Management learning 18. The loss to SWETS UK led to a thorough examination by DIT of its purchasing policies

and procedures. This revealed the need to address a number of issues relating to contracts with third parties, payments to suppliers and risk management – particularly when dealing with the complexity of shared service consortia.

19. Financial exposure

Reducing spend

Stringent portfolio management by Library Services has resulted in significant budget

savings (para.2). This rigour is expected to continue, not only in Library Services but in

other DIT areas also.

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Additional savings in the Library Services budget could be achieved by DIT students and

staff having the same access to IReL as their peers in the universities (para.3). A further

request for such access ought to be progressed.


DIT will continue to engage in shared services opportunities wherever possible, in order

to reduce procurement costs and to avail of economies of scale (para.8). In doing so,

however, it must be recognised that the sector as a whole increases financial risk by a

dependency on single suppliers. It may be wiser for purchasing consortia to consider

ways of spreading risk across a number of separate suppliers.

Managing financial risk of contracts

Following the failure of SWETS UK (para.14-17), DIT has contracted with EBSCO

Industries Inc. as its main supplier of journals. The contract with this new supplier

incorporates an insurance bond to reduce exposure and mitigate risks.

SWETS UK provided a Tax Clearance Certificate valid to March 2015 (para.4) but the

company still failed. The current financial status of large-scale suppliers could be

monitored more closely, in addition to the initial checks undertaken at the tendering


20. Contract management

Establishment of the contract

Responsibilities for securing the SWETS UK contract changed during the process itself

and there was some confusion regarding which body was responsible for signing the

legal agreements (para.9-10). The involvement of DIT legal advisors at an early stage

would ensure such confusion is not repeated in future shared services arrangements.

Management of the contract

For markets in turbulence or major change, DIT could consider reducing the period of

the contract from multiple years to single years (para.11) in order to mitigate risk –

although recognising the likely trade-off of higher contract prices.

21. Payment processes


The additional financial risk associated with prepayments means that they should be

eliminated wherever possible, perhaps replaced by phased payments - although

recognising this may increase the overall price of the contract (para.5).

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The benefit of engaging in early payments to gain discounts is a commercial judgement

(para.5) that must be weighed against the increased financial risk. DIT will not seek to

avail of early payment discounts in future but will pay on the ‘due date’.


Inconsistencies have been identified in the payment process (para.12) and steps need

to be taken to eliminate these as much as possible.

22. General risk management

Risk registers

The failure of a major supplier to DIT is an event that may happen again in the future

and the dependency on such suppliers may again cause significant difficulties for the

Institute. It is suggested, therefore, that DIT risk management procedures be revisited.

Risk Appetite policy

In terms of overall risk management, all DIT managers should be made aware of the

acceptable limits of risk for operations within DIT, particularly in regard to single

supplier dependency and potential supplier insolvency.

Actions 23. Governing Body and SLT will keep under review all issues relating to these matters and

will revise policies as necessary, DIT Finance will ensure that procedures are fit for purpose and Directors will monitor compliance within their own Directorates. Other more-specific actions have been identified and are set out below.

24. SLT will request again from HEA and others full access to IReL for DIT students and staff. 25. DIT Finance has reviewed the policy and procedures for the approval of contracts. The

‘Authority to Bind’ DIT policy was revised and approved at SLT on 1st May, 2015. The approval of Directors is required now for contracts with a value exceeding €50,000. See Appendix 9

26. SLT agreed that all existing contracts in their respective Directorate be reviewed to

ensure that approvals are appropriate under the revised policy. 27. DIT Finance will seek further clarity on roles and responsibilities in national shared

service tenders as to the contracting authority, responsibility for drafting contracts and for seeking legal advice.

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28. DIT Finance has reviewed the policies and procedures relating to the DIT payment approval process. All payment requests exceeding €1,000 are now processed on Agresso through the standard work flow processes, excepting utilities which are paid via direct debit. As a result, these transactions are subject to the common levels of approval at the appropriate level of seniority. This will be formally noted at the SLT meeting on 28th May 2015.

29. DIT Internal Audit has reviewed prepayments for the year ended 30th August 2014 and

to date in 2015. Internal Audit will present a report to the meeting of SLT on 28th May and to the Governing Body Audit Committee meeting on 12th June. No significant issues have been identified.

30. DIT Finance will investigate the possibility of securing phased payments to replace

prepayments. 31. DIT Finance is satisfied that payments made to international partners which may incur

Professional Services Withholding Tax (PSWT) have been dealt with appropriately (PSWT was not a factor in the SWETS UK payment).

32. DIT Finance will perform financial checks on suppliers in advance of making any large


33. DIT Finance is considering insuring for trade debts and company failures more generally. Legal advice will be sought on other potential protective measures.

34. DIT Office of the President will ensure that all risk registers are reviewed to identify the

particular risks associated with major suppliers and that contingency plans are in place in case such suppliers should fail.

35. SLT will roll out as a matter of priority the recently-approved DIT Critical Incident

Management Plan.

36. SLT is finalising a robust Risk Appetite policy to provide an appropriate framework and the necessary clarity for colleagues, prescribing limits of risk within which it is deemed acceptable for DIT managers to function.

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Education and Training Sector

Shared Services Plan 2014 - 2016




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Table of Contents 1. Executive summary ........................................................................................................................ 3

2.1. Vision for Shared Services & External Service Delivery ..................................................... 6

2.2. Governance Structures .......................................................................................................... 7

2.3. Implementation ................................................................................................................... 10

3. Department and Agencies............................................................................................................ 11

3.1. Introduction and context ...................................................................................................... 11

3.2. Operating Environment ........................................................................................................ 11

3.3. Shared Services ..................................................................................................................... 12

3.4. Shared Services Plan 2014 - 2016 ......................................................................................... 13

4. Schools sector ............................................................................................................................... 15

4.1. Introduction and context .................................................................................................... 15

4.2. Operating environment ...................................................................................................... 15

4.3. Shared services in the schools sector ................................................................................ 15

4.4. Shared services plan 2014 - 2016 ...................................................................................... 18

5. SOLAS and Education and Training Boards ................................................................................. 21

5.1. Introduction and context .................................................................................................... 21

5.2. Structural change .................................................................................................................. 21

5.3. Operating environment ...................................................................................................... 22

5.4. Shared services in the further education and training sector ......................................... 23

5.5. Shared services plan for 2014 - 2016 ................................................................................ 23

6. Higher Education sector ............................................................................................................... 27

6.1. Introduction and context .................................................................................................... 27

6.2. Operating Environment ...................................................................................................... 28

6.3. Shared services in the Higher Education sector ............................................................... 29

6.4. Shared services plan for 2014 – 2016 ............................................................................... 30

7. Education and Training Sector Shared Services Plan 2014-2016 ................................................ 36

APPENDIX 1 Existing Shared Services in the Higher Education Sector ............................................ 49

APPENDIX 2 Bodies under the aegis of the Department ................................................................. 61

APPENDIX 3 International review of shared services in education and training systems .............. 62

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1. Executive summary

Shared Services refers to the provision of a service by one part of an organisation, where that

service had previously been found in more than one part of the organisation. The funding and

resourcing of the service is then “shared” and the providing department effectively becomes

an internal service provider. The goal of a shared services delivery model is to allow each part

of the organisation to focus its limited resources on activities that support the organisations

goals. Shared Services is a continuous improvement process with no fixed end point,

therefore this document sets out the scope and expected deliverables for the Education and

Training Sector.

The Department of Education and Skills, under the mandate of Public Service Reform Plan for

2014 – 2016, published in January 2014, proposes to not only actively participate in the roll

out of Traditional Shared Services in areas such as HR, Payroll, Pensions, Finance, IT and

Corporate Services within the Department of Education and Skills, it also intends to

investigate all possible opportunities for Shared Services initiatives across the entire

Education and Training Sector. These opportunities will be individually evaluated using a

standard methodology and should there prove to be a sound business case, the initiatives will

be rolled out for the relevant areas of the Sector.

The Department also intends to investigate current diverse Shared Services which exist within

the Education and Training Sector, should a strong business case exist, these services may be

rolled out to wider groups within the Sector. In drafting this plan, the Department of

Education and Skills reviewed International best practice in the Education and Training Sector

and compared that publicly available information to the Departments existing initiatives,

which compare favourably.

The Education and Training Sector can be broken into four main components –

- Department and its Agencies

- Schools Sector

- SOLAS and Education and Training Boards

- Higher Education Sector.

Shared Service initiatives will be looked at for the Education and Training Sector as a whole

and for specific areas within it. Projects with the greatest potential impact will be prioritised

for roll out but it may be possible to roll out some smaller impact projects which build on

existing services in parallel with larger initiatives.

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The Department of Education and Skills expects that these projects will improve efficiency

primarily through reducing costs and secure effectiveness gains on a sustainable basis


- continuous process improvement

- single deployment of technology

- improved procurement

- improved customer service

- shared knowledge and skills

- Improved cost visibility, internal controls and metrics of back-office operations.

Consequently personnel will be freed up to concentrate on their primary roles and thereby

improving performance across the Education and Training Sector as a whole.

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Summary of Shared Services Plan

Transactional Shared


Centres of Excellence Shared Technology and


Shared Procurement


Department and agency

participation in Civil Service HR

Shared Service

Establishment of a

Knowledge Management

and Analysis Unit in DES

Primary Online Database Establishment of Schools

Procurement Unit

Department and agency

participation in Civil Service

Payroll Shared Service

Assess the potential for new

centres of excellence to

support the operation of the

schools sector

Post Primary Online


Reconfiguring the role of the

Education Procurement

Service as sectoral sourcing


Department and agency

participation in Civil Service

Finance Shared Service

Legal Services

for Education and Training


Rollout of high speed

broadband to all second

level schools

Participation in the

Procurement Reform

Programme and OGP


Department and agency

participation in Civil Service

Learning and Development

Shared Service

Baseline and Business Case

for Quality Assurance for

Further Education and

Training courses

ICT Strategy for Education

and Training Boards

Assess feasibility of shared

corporate services for DES


Baseline and Business Case

for Learning and

Development for Education

and Training Boards

Development of a national course database, a national

course calendar and a national learner database for the

Further Education and Training sector

Baselining and Business Case for

Pensions Shared Service for the

Education and Training Sector

National Forum for Teaching

and Learning (HEIs)

International Student Recruitment for HEIs

Cost Benefit Analysis and

Implementation Road Map for

Payroll Shared Service for ETBs

(including review of DES Athlone

Payroll Division)

Recruitment system for HEIs

Researcher Recruitment for HEIs

Implementation of Corepay

Managed Payroll Service –

Stabilising payroll for 5 ETBs

Access to Research

Infrastructure in HEIs

Online system for the

administration of

volunteering programmes

in HEIs

Baseline and business case for

Financial Management Shared

Service for ETBs

Learning and Development

for Higher Education

Institutions (HEIs)

Leveraging existing ICT

infrastructure in all future

shared service


Baseline and business case for

HR & Payroll Operations for HEIs

(including review of ICT


Student applications and

admissions for full time and

part time students will be

assessed across FET and

Higher Education

Baseline and business case for

Financial Management Shared

Service for HEIs

Assess the future potential of

existing initiatives in the new

Shared Services Landscape

(eg. SUSI)

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2. Introduction

The Government’s Public Service Reform Plan, published in November 2011 gave a strong

mandate for the increased use of shared services across the public sector. This mandate has

been reiterated in the most recent Public Service Reform Plan for 2014-16 which was

published in January 2014.

2.1. Vision for Shared Services & External Service Delivery

In line with Government policy, shared services and external service delivery models will be

core elements of the Education and Training Sector Reform Programme. The purpose of

implementing these delivery models is to deliver cost savings, efficiencies and other benefits

to enable resources to be focused on service delivery.

The mission is to deliver value and benefits to our customers in the Education and Training

Sector through:-

• Customer relationships that are built on quality of service

• People who are skilled, dedicated and enjoy what they do

• Technology that is leading edge

• Optimised business processes

• Focus on delivery of results and continuous improvement

To ensure that this is achieved we have identified a number of design principles that will

underpin our approach to shared services:

• Initiatives will be based on robust data (baselining)

• Initiatives will, where feasible, be cross sector / sub-sectors to achieve requisite scale

• Existing initiatives/infrastructure will be leveraged to the maximum extent possible

(subject to business case)

• The focus will be on administrative and corporate processes, but opportunities for

smaller scale centers of excellence will also be considered

The Government mandate for the implementation of shared services is very clear and comes

directly from Government policy as articulated in the Programme for Government and in the

Public Service Reform Plans. Therefore, public funded bodies across the Education and

Training sector will be required to participate in shared service initiatives undertaken across

the sector and in the schools, further education and training and higher education sub-sectors

where they are shown to be feasible and are supported by a strong business case. All future

developments must be considered in a shared service context.

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• The autonomy of all institutions will be respected (including data confidentiality)

• Options assessment will consider all valid scenarios from do nothing through to shared

services and external service delivery.

2.2. Governance Structures

In line with the Government’s Public Service Reform Plan, external service delivery and shared

services must be considered by all public bodies. Government has mandated that an external

service delivery plan and a shared service plan be prepared by each of the four main sectoral

Deparments (Health, Education, Local Government and Justice).

In the Education and Training sector a dedicated PSR Programme Office has been established

to drive the implementation of the reform plan including the use of external service delivery


Robust governance arrangements have been put in place to drive, manage and monitor

implementation of the reform programme across the Education and Training Sector. An

overarching Education and Training Reform Board has been established and is chaired by the

Secretary General. The governance arrangements also include a PSR Programme Office in the

Department. The PSR Programme Office is the central, overarching, co-ordination function

for Education and Training reform. A fulltime Programme Manager and Shared Service

Advisor have been recruited and are now in situ.

The Programme Office reports to the Education and Training Reform Board, currently


Seán Ó Foghlú, Secretary General, Chair

Peter Baldwin, Assistant Secretary General

Pat Burke, Assistant Secretary General

Ruth Carmody, Assistant Secretary General

Mary Doyle, Deputy Secretary General

Michael Keogh, Assistant Secretary General

Martin Hanevy, Assistant Secretary General

Given the scale and diversity of the Education and Training Sector, two sub-sectoral

governance structures have been put in place for the ETB/SOLAS and Higher Education


The ETB/SOLAS Programme Board is also chaired by the Secretary General and comprises

the following membership:

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Seán Ó Foghlú, Secretary General, Chair

Peter Baldwin, Assistant Secretary General

Pat Burke, Assistant Secretary General

Ruth Carmody, Assistant Secretary General

Michael Keogh, Assistant Secretary General

Martin Hanevy, Assistant Secretary General

Michael Moriarty, CEO, Education and Training Boards Ireland

David Leahy, CEO, Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board

Paddy Lavelle, CEO, Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board

Paul O’Toole, CEO, SOLAS

Dalton Tattan, Programme Manager, SOLAS / ETB Project Office

Phil O’Flaherty, Principal Officer, Further Education and Training

Gráinne Cullen, Programme Manager, Programme Management Office

Marion Edwards, Shared Services Adviser, Programme Management Office

A dedicated project office has been established to lead on the ETB/SOLAS project with a full

time programme manager assigned at Principal Officer level.

A Higher Education Programme Board has been established and is chaired by Mary Doyle,

Deputy Secretary General with responsibility for Higher Education. This board will oversee

the implementation of this plan in the higher education sector. It has the following


Mary Doyle, Deputy Secretary General, Chair

Ruth Carmody, Assistant Secretary General

Mary Kerr, Deputy Chief Executive, Higher Education Authority

Christy Mannion, Principal Officer, Higher Education Research and Finance

Michael Casey, Director, Finance and Operations, Irish Universities Association

Gearoid Hodgins, Director of HR/IR, Institutes of Technology Ireland

Ian Mathews, Treasurer, Treasurer, Trinity College Dublin

Peter McGrath, Financial Controller, Dundalk Institute of Technology

Brian Norton, President, Dublin Institute of Technology

Deirdre McDonnell, Principal Officer, Programme Management Office

Gráinne Cullen, Programme Manager, Programme Management Office

Marion Edwards, Shared Services Adviser, Programme Management Office

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Summary of public service reform governance structure

for the Education and Training Sector

Education and Training Reform BoardChaired by the Secretary General, Séan O Foghlu

Integrated Reform Delivery Plan SRO: Assistant Secretary, Ruth Carmody

Programme Manager and Shared Services Advisor

Further Education and Training Reform (ETB/SOLAS) Programme

Higher Education StrategyIndividual Projects

Project 2 Project N

ETB/SOLAS Programme BoardChaired by the Secretary General, Séan

O Foghlu

Higher Education Programme BoardChaired by the Deputy Secretary, Mary


Project Steering Group (provides governance for one or more projects)

Chaired by SRO or Programme Manager

The Reform Board: Approves Plans (programme and project as appropriate) Reviews progress reports (quarterly) Resolves issues escalated by Programme Boards or Project

Steering Groups Reports progress to Department of Expenditure and

Reform and Cabinet

The Programme Office:Supports the Reform Board and other

programme boards, project offices and project steering groups as appropriate

PMO Governance January 2014

Reports progress to

Reports progress to

Reports progress to

Report Progress to:

Shared Service initiatives led by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER)

will fall under the Governance Policy for Shared Services issued on 1st July 2013 by DPER, in

addition to the Department of Education and Skills governance model outlined above.

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2.3. Implementation

The Shared Services initiatives proposed in this plan for the Education and Training Sector will

be implemented on a phased basis over the period of the plan. All initiatives will be

coordinated and managed by the PSR Programme Office of the Department of Education and

Skills under the Governance model outlined for the Department. They will be reviewed,

scoped and benchmarked and only initiatives which have a strong business case will be

presented for implementation approval.

A project implementation plan will be outlined for each approved Shared Service initiative

and a governance model will be developed to address the future management of Shared

Service Centres and their relationships with the Education and Training Sector. The plans will

set out the relative roles and responsibilities, performance metrics, services provided and

reporting requirements and put in place a Service Management Agreement between the

Shared Service Centre and its customers.

As Shared Services is a continuous improvement model, it is expected that further initiatives

and improvements will be implemented beyond the scope of this plan.

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3. Department and Agencies

3.1. Introduction and context

The Department’s role is to support the educational success of each learner and to drive

improvements in the overall performance of the education and training system. We must also

ensure that we deliver our day-to-day services efficiently and effectively.

The Department carries out a wide range of activities at all levels of the education and training

system, working in collaboration with a number of national agencies. These activities includes

policy development; providing funding, services and support for education providers;

planning and providing education and training infrastructure and enhancing education and

training through co-operation on a North-South basis and through involvement in the

activities of the European Union (EU) and other international agencies.

The Department has also been mandated with a specific role in relation to the Residential

Institutions Redress Board and a number of related bodies operating under the aegis of the


The Department works with a number of specialist agencies in the sector and these are listed

in Appendix 2.

3.2. Operating Environment

The cost of running the Department (including the National Educational Psychological Service)

accounted for approximately €89.4 million in 2013 or about 1% of the total allocation for the

education and training sector.

The Department’s administrative budget has reduced from €97 million (spend) in 2009 to

€89.4 million (allocation) in 2013. This represents a drop of 8%. Some allocations have

reduced by more, for instance the overall pay allocation has reduced by 9%, travel and

subsistence by 20% and the regional office service by 100%. Overtime pay accounts for about

1% of the Department’s total pay allocation (€630,000 in 2012).

The Department’s staff (including school inspectors) reduced by 121 or 10.5% between March

2009 and December 2012 and there have been virtually no internal promotions in the

Department since March 2009.

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Despite these, and other challenges, the Department’s staff and agencies are leading on an

extensive programme of reform across the education and training. This reform programme

centres around four key themes:

Learning for Life

We want an education and training system that provides all learners with the knowledge and

skills they need to participate fully in society and the economy; one that enables learners to

learn how to learn.

Improving Quality and Accountability

We want an education and training system that provides high quality education and training

experiences for all learners.

Supporting Inclusion and Diversity

We want an education and training system that welcomes and meaningfully includes learners

with disabilities and special educational needs and those with language, cultural and social

differences and supports disadvantaged learners.

Building the Right Systems and Infrastructure

We want a modern, flexible education and training system which makes the best use of

available resources.

Shared Services are being progressed in the context of the overall reform plan for the sector.

3.3. Shared Services

The Department provides a number of back-office services for primary, voluntary secondary

and community and comprehensive schools including Payroll, HR and pensions

administration. These operations have been baselined and have been shown to be

comparatively highly efficient. The services provided to schools by the Department are

outlined in more detail in the next section.

In addition, the Department has provided a payroll service for a number of its agencies but

generally they operate their own back office functions involving a variety of models including

outsourcing ICT support, Internal Audit and payroll.

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3.4. Shared Services Plan 2014 - 2016

Civil service shared service projects

The Department and a number of agencies (see Appendix 2) are in scope for Civil Service led

shared services projects for payroll, HR, Financial Management and Learning & Development.

Shared services for agencies

As part of this Shared Services Plan, in Q1 2015, the Department will scope the feasibility of

implementing shared service solutions for the back-office functions of agencies that are not

in scope for civil service led projects. In that regard, account will be taken of the Service

Catalogue which is currently being developed by the Office of the Government Chief

Information Officer (OGCIO) and is due be available in the early part of 2014. We will also

seek to build on the work that has already been undertaken by the Education Agencies Shared

Services Group in recent years.

Procurement Reform Programme

The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) is a major new shared service which impacts

on the entire public service including the education and training sector. Under the OGP, an

estimated six billion of procurement spend will move to being sourced and tendered centrally,

either by OGP itself, or by sector led organisations which will procure specific categories of

products and services on behalf of the entire public sector. The education sector led category

is outlined under section 6.3 of this report.

Knowledge Management

The Department established a Data Advisory Group in September 2013 to advise the

Department and its agencies on the standardisation of the approach to data collection,

storage and sharing of data within the further education and training and higher education

sectors. The Group is also maintaining a focus on data sharing with other Government

agencies and the Department of Social Protection is represented on the Group. The first

priority of the Group is to agree the common minimum individual dataset to be collected by

all agencies. Draft datasets have been circulated and discussed and this work will be

completed by Q2 2014. In addition, the Department is establishing a Knowledge

Management and Analysis Unit to maximize the value of data held by the Department,

including the primary and post primary databases and to evaluate data held by the

Inspectorate. We are also seeking to enhance our analytical and research resources to

support Divisions and Agencies and ensure that policy development is evidence informed and

objectives led. A scoping exercise is currently underway. This work will underpin the

development of related shared services across the sector.

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Continuous Improvement for Shared Services

The Department’s Shared Services Adviser will lead on the development of scorecards and other

tools for management reporting and continuous improvement.

Summary of Department and Agencies

Shared Services Plan

Transactional Shared


Centres of Excellence Shared Technology and


Shared Procurement


Civil Service HR Shared

Service participation

Knowledge Management

and Analysis Unit

Lead on implementation

of the Primary Online


Coordination and

participation in the

Procurement Reform


Civil Service Payroll

Shared Service


Lead on implementation

of the Post Primary

Online Database

Civil Service Finance

Shared Service


Leveraging existing ICT

infrastructure in all

future shared service


Civil Service Learning and

Development Shared


Leading on Pensions

Shared Service

Assessment and


Assess feasibility of

shared corporate services

for DES agencies

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4. Schools sector

4.1. Introduction and context

In terms of the broader policy for the schools sector, significant reforms are currently

underway to ensure that the nature of teaching and learning in our schools is better adapted

to needs of all students into the future. The universal provision of pre-school education will

now be supported by an increasing focus on the quality of that provision, and the outcomes

being delivered.

A multifaceted and coordinated approach to school improvement and better student

outcomes is being pursued across teacher education, curriculum, and school assessment

reforms. The professional teacher development is being advanced to standards comparable

with leading economies with 19 providers being rationalized to create six centres of


4.2. Operating environment

The school sector in Ireland is made up of over 4,000 primary and second level schools, the

majority of which are privately owned and managed by voluntary boards of management. In

the region of 20,000 volunteers serve on primary school boards of management at any one

time. These volunteers carry out a range of functions related to the day-to-day operations of

their schools.

Schools, like all other publicly funded bodies, have been impacted by the required reductions

in funding in recent years, although the treatment has been more favourable than many other

areas of the public sector. In some areas, schools are also dealing with the added pressure of

increasing demand for school places. Enrolment in schools is expected to grow by almost

70,000 between now and 2018. Enrolments are likely to continue to increase towards a peak

of 990,000 pupils by 2024.

4.3. Shared services in the schools sector

Service delivery models with attributes of shared services solutions are a well-established

feature of the schools sector in Ireland. Such services are generally provided by the

following bodies:

School Management bodies and Patrons

Education and Training Boards

Department of Education and Skills


Professional Development Service for Teachers

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School Management Bodies

The school management representative bodies provide advice and support services to schools

on a range of issues including HR, legal and procurement. Along with the Department’s

External Staff Relations Unit, the school management bodies negotiate on behalf of their

schools on IR related issues. The Department is currently working with these bodies on a

number of initiatives to increase the use of centralised procurement to support schools to

manage within reducing budget allocations.

Department of Education and Skills

Payroll / HR

The Department is responsible for the payment of salaries and pensions to teaching and

nonteaching staff who are, or were, employed in primary, secondary and Community and

Comprehensive schools. The Department pays over 95,000 serving and retired teaching and

non‐teaching staff on behalf of the managerial authorities of schools on a fortnightly basis.

This involves 2.4 million transactions per annum. 99.9% of staff paid on the payroll are paid

by Electronic Fund Transfer. The Department’s payroll operations were baselined in 2012 and

have been proven to be highly efficient.

The Employee Assistance Service and Occupational Health Service for teachers and SNAs have

been outsourced to private providers.


Pensions Unit based in Athlone administers the pension schemes of teachers, special needs

assistants and certain other employees in primary, secondary, community and

comprehensive schools, who are members of a public service pension scheme and whose

salary is paid through Department of Education and Skills payroll system. Some processes

have been computerised but much of the work of checking service history for school staff is

done manually by checking paper files. The consolidation of pension’s administration for the

sector would provide consistency, efficiencies and more effective use of resources.

The Pensions Unit also provides advice on pension schemes and has a regulatory role in

respect of pensions in VECs, Institutes of Technology (IoT), Dublin Institute of Technology

(DIT), Universities, Colleges of Education and the agencies/bodies under the aegis of the


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Shared ICT services

Since 1998, the Department has actively pursued the integration of ICT into teaching and

learning and the development of pupils' digital literacy, primarily through its ICT in

Schools programme. This Programme has focused on four key areas:

The provision of essential ICT infrastructure within schools

The provision of access to broadband connectivity to schools

Continuous professional development for teachers in ICT

Integrating ICT within the curriculum and providing curriculum-relevant digital

content and software.

Since 2005, as part of the Broadband for Schools Programme, HEAnet has acted as network

manager of a centralised Schools Network that connects all Irish primary and post-primary

schools to the general Internet and other global Education Networks. Under the Broadband

for Schools Programme HEAnet also offer schools a portfolio of network services including:

network management & monitoring; IP address management; security & filtering of content;

in addition to web hosting and blog services. HEAnet also configure and remotely manage

the router located at each school. Schools are required to sign-up to specific levels of content

filtering as prescribed by the DES. HEAnet provide a dedicated Schools Network Operations

Centre (NOC) which delivers technical support. A first-line Schools Broadband Service Desk is

also provided. HEAnet is also leading on the rollout of high speed broadband to all second

level schools which is due to be completed in 2014. These school connectivity programmes

are leveraging the HEAnet National Backbone with school connections being interconnected

at regional Higher Education Institutions (HEI) campus locations.

In terms of shared systems, as well as the payroll, HR and pensions systems, the Department

of Education and Skills has recently developed a new system called the Post Primary Online

Database (P-POD). The P-POD system is a central database for student and some school data

which is hosted by the Department. Post-primary schools are able to access the system using

the Department's Esinet secure portal to maintain their students' data. From October 2014,

all post-primary schools will be required to make their returns of students known as the

October Returns via P-POD. The October Returns data is used in the allocation of teaching

posts and funding to schools. Details of entrants for the state examinations provided through

the October Returns are shared with the State Examinations Commission. A Primary Online

Database (POD) is also being developed to enable the collation of individual pupil data at

primary level.

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On 02 December 2013, Minister Quinn announced a public consultation process on the use

of technology in teaching and learning in primary and post primary schools. It is envisaged

that the outcomes of this process will help inform policy making in this area. A Strategy

Development Group has been established to draft a new Digital Strategy for Schools. In

addition to this public consultation process, the group will consult widely and draw on

research from Ireland and abroad.

Planning and Building

The Department’s Planning and Building Unit is responsible for identifying the need for

school accommodation, setting out the technical specifications for educational buildings,

ensuring that standards are maintained, prioritising the allocation of resources and

overseeing the delivery of the capital programme for schools and higher education


4.4. Shared services plan 2014 - 2016

A number of priority projects which relate to the schools sector have been identified for

progression over the period of this shared services plan. These are:

The Department is rolling out a new Post Primary Online Database (P-POD) to all second

level schools. The database is being pre-populated with existing data held by the

Department and went live in Q3 2013. Schools will submit pupil data through P-POD from

Q3 2014. In 2015, the Department in consultation with schools and other agencies in the

education and training sector will examine additional requirements which P-POD may be

able to provide to reduce the administration burden on schools and enhance the quality

of data available to schools.

The Department is also working on a new Primary Online Database (POD) which will

enable schools to submit individual primary pupil data for the first time. POD will be

piloted in Q2 2014 and full rollout is planned for Q3 2015.

Continued rollout of high speed broadband to second level schools.

Development of a Digital Strategy for Schools.

Work is currently underway to establish a Schools Procurement Unit (SPU) in Q1 2014 to

support the coordination and aggregation of procurement across primary, voluntary

secondary and community and comprehensive schools. The SPU will be focused on

improving procurement practices in schools, encouraging schools to use central

procurement frameworks and contracts put in place by the OGP and sectoral

procurement functions where appropriate and achieve value for money in the

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procurement of goods and services. The SPU will serve on Category Councils and Category

Sourcing Teams established by the OGP as required.

As part of the cost benefit analysis for a payroll shared service for Education and Training

Boards, which will commence in Q1 2014, a review of DES Athlone Payroll Division will be


Schools already benefit from a shared Pension administration function and retired teacher

payroll which are both based in DES Athlone. The Pensions function in Athlone will be

included in a baselining project, scheduled to commence in Q1 2015, and potentially a

business case (Q2 2015), for a pensions shared service for the education and training

sector as a whole.

We will continue to assess the potential for centres of excellence to support the operation

of the schools sector.

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Summary of Schools Sector - Shared Services Plan

Transactional Shared


Centres of Excellence Shared Technology and


Shared Procurement


Pensions function will be

considered as part of

baselining and business

case for a pension shared

service for the education

and training sector

New centres of excellence

to support the operation

of the schools sector

Rollout of the Primary

Online Database

Establishment of

Schools Procurement

Unit and participation in

Procurement Reform


Review of Payroll function

as part of cost benefit

analysis for ETB payroll

shared service

Rollout of the Post

Primary Online


Rollout of high speed

broadband to all second

level schools by end


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5. SOLAS and Education and Training Boards

5.1. Introduction and context

Unlike many other OECD countries further education and training (FET) have developed as a

twin-track system in Ireland. Programmes have grown organically and in an uncoordinated

way over a number of decades. FET programmes have traditionally been provided by many

different organisations – FÁS, Vocational Education Committees (VECs), community groups,

secondary schools, private bodies etc.

This approach has meant that the FET sector has not realised its full potential as part of both

our educational and economic strategies. A major programme of reform is now underway to

ensure that FET can play a more dynamic and coherent role to ensure that learners are given

educational and training support to progress, whether to employment or other education and


5.2. Structural change

Establishment of Education and Training Boards

In July 2013, underpinned by the most significant programme of legislative reform since their

establishment in the 1930s, thirty three Vocational Education Committees (VECs) were

rationalised and replaced by sixteen Education and Training Boards (ETBs). The ETBs will have

an expanded role in delivering an integrated system of further education and training.

In addition, the VECs had a significant role in supporting the delivery of second level

education, through the schools they manage in their areas. In recent years, the VECs have

also been tasked with taking an active role in the delivery of primary education through the

establishment of a number of Community National Schools. This role is set to expand in the

coming years. ETBs will continue to deliver these important services to their local


Establishment of SOLAS

In October 2013, Minister Quinn signed a Statutory Order for the establishment of the new

further education and training authority, SOLAS. SOLAS will operate under the aegis of the

Department of Education and Skills. FÁS has now been disbanded and work is underway to

transfer the FÁS Training Division to the ETBs. This transfer is scheduled for completion in


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SOLAS, in partnership with the sixteen ETBs, will be responsible for the integration,

coordination and funding of the wide range of training and further education programmes

involving some 270,000 places available across the sector. SOLAS will not deliver

programmes itself – once the restructuring is complete, its key function will be to provide

strategic oversight and funding to ETBs. In turn, the ETBs will have responsibility for managing

training contracted to private, public and not-for-profit providers, in their catchment areas,

to complement and enhance their own provision. The Department will work closely with

SOLAS in exploring the options for Shared Services within the sector.

Further Education and Training Sector

One of the primary reasons for the restructuring of the FET sector is to contribute more

effectively to tackling the high levels of unemployment, especially of a long term nature. A

new integrated employment and support service entitled ‘Intreo’ has been introduced, which

is being managed by the Department of Social Protection. The services and supports involved

were previously provided by three distinct State services.

SOLAS and the ETBs will require strong links with Intreo at national and local level. This will

help to ensure that education and training opportunities are closely aligned with the needs

of the unemployed and national goals and priorities, supported by robust advice and systems.

In parallel, SOLAS is commencing work on the development of a national five year strategy

for further education and training. Delivering services on a shared service basis will underpin

the implementation of that strategy and will promote a consistent approach to delivering

quality services across the sector. Over time, they will also ensure that the right data on

outputs and outcomes is collected so as to facilitate better evidence-based policy decisions.

5.3. Operating environment

In terms of the overall operating environment, it is clear from the previous section that

Government policy is focused on the need for cooperation, collaboration and coordination

between SOLAS, Intreo and ETBs to ensure that appropriate services are delivered. This

overall policy framework will support the implementation of shared services across the

sector. ETB schools must also link in effectively to the wider schools sector.

Both SOLAS and ETBs are required to operate with reducing budget allocations and reducing

staff numbers. The restructuring of the FET sector provides an opportunity to reconfigure the

delivery of services and other functions to ensure that we avoid unnecessary duplication and

inefficient use of scarce resources.

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5.4. Shared services in the further education and training sector

At present, the representative body, Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) provides

some services to ETBs and these relate mostly to procurement, some legal, HR and IR issues.

ETBs themselves provide services to their schools and these vary from ETB to ETB but can

include financial management, HR, payroll and ICT.

FÁS had a number of centralised supports for training centres in place and a number of these

will continue to be provided by SOLAS for an interim period. This includes procurement,

finance systems and ICT functions. There are also shared arrangements between training

centres for certain functions.

In addition, a number of the former VECs had joined together to put in place a managed

service for a financial management system.

5.5. Shared services plan for 2014 - 2016

We have identified a number of priority areas for progression over the course of this plan:

Payroll Shared Service for Education and Training Boards

We have commenced work on the development of a cost benefit analysis and implementation

roadmap for a payroll shared services in the ETB sector and this is scheduled for completion

in Q1 2014. As part of this work, a review will be carried out of the DES Payroll Division in


Payroll Managed Service for five Education and Training Boards

Five ETBs will have their payrolls moved to an externally hosted Corepay Managed Service in

2014. This project along with the cost benefit analysis project will contribute significantly to

the planning and development for payroll shared services across the sector into the future.

Further Education and Training Data

There is a critical need to improve the availability of detailed information on the involvement

and experience of learners accessing further education and training interventions. SOLAS are

working on three elements of a new data system to connect ETBs, SOLAS and Intreo Offices

including a national course database, a national course calendar and a national learner

database. SOLAS is progressing these projects in collaboration with a representative group of

departments and other stakeholders. The first two elements will be completed in 2014.

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Financial Management

There are a variety of financial management systems in place in the ETBs, the training centres

transferring to the ETBs and SOLAS. As a first step we will baseline the existing financial

management landscape in Q2 2014, covering financial and non-financial performance and ICT

provision. Subject to the results of the baselining we will proceed to develop a full business

case for a financial management shared service in Q3 2014. As part of this work, we will

consider the potential to use the new Cloud Service Catalogue being developed by the OGCIO.


Representatives of the ETB sector are actively contributing to the establishment of the Office

of Government Procurement (OGP) and the work of Category Councils as well as continuing

to coordinate and progress procurement initiatives across the ETB sector. This work will

continue in 2014.

Information Technology

There is no overarching information technology strategy or plan for the ETB / SOLAS sector

and we will seek to address this commencing Q2 2014 with the development of an ICT

strategy in consultation with relevant stakeholders. As part of the development of the

strategy we will examine the potential to use the new Cloud Service Catalogue being

developed by the OGCIO. HEAnet are also planning to provide cloud services for the

Education & Research sector in 2014.

Student admissions and registration

There are a number of systems in operation for the processing of student admissions and

registration in further education and training. FÁS had developed tracking systems for

learners attending training courses and these systems will continue to be used by the training

centres following transfer to the ETBs. In addition, the Momentum initiative, which includes

further education and training courses, uses an online application system similar to that used

for initiatives in the higher education sector. There is potential scope to examine the various

admissions systems across the FET and Higher Education sectors (including the system used

for the Springboard programme) with a view to leveraging, sharing or developing existing

online systems to maximise efficiencies. It is intended to commence work on baselining in Q3


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Learning and Development

Staff training is emerging as an issue of concern across the sector particularly in light of the

extensive restructuring programme that is underway. There are a variety of common training

needs across the sector including Health and Safety, PMDS and good practice in HR. We will

examine options for the future design and delivery of Learning and Development for the

sector in Q3 2015.

Quality Assurance

There are a range of internal and external drivers for ETBs quality assurance systems as they

relate to further education and training. QA is a possible area where shared services could

benefit the learner and the sector. Areas for consideration include:

Quality Enhancement initiatives including best practise guidelines and codes of


Programme (course/curriculum) development (national and shared programmes);

Quality assuring assessment (external authentication);

Quality of teaching and learning, sharing best practise (upskilling/inservice);

Support for the introduction of new curricula (development, delivery, assessment);

Appeals mechanism and Certification.

Existing Quality Assurance functions will be baselined in Q1 2015 and subject to positive

findings a business case will be developed in Q2 2015.

Legal Services

ETBI currently provides some legal advice service for ETBs in the area of employment law in

particular. We are also aware that the OGP are also pursuing the centralised procurement

of legal services as part of its work. In that context, we will seek to examine the requirements

for legal services for the sector in Q2 2015.

Continuous Improvement

In the context of Shared Services continuous improvement, other services provided in and

required by the ETB sector will be considered with a view to establishing the optimal structure

for service provision within the sector and additional projects may be identified for

progression as the reform programme progresses.

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Summary of SOLAS & Education and Training Boards - Shared Services Plan

Transactional Shared


Centres of Excellence Shared Technology and


Shared Procurement


Implementation of

Corepay Managed Payroll

Service – Stabilising

payroll for 5 ETBs

Legal Services shared

service baseline and

business case.

ICT Strategy for

Education and Training


Participation in the

Procurement Reform


Cost Benefit Analysis and

Implementation Road

Map for Payroll Shared

Service for ETBs (including

review of DES Athlone

Payroll Division)

Quality Assurance for

Further Education and

Training courses baseline

and business case

Development of a

national course

database, a national

course calendar and a

national learner

database for the Further

Education and Training


Finance Shared Service-

base line & business case

Learning and

Development shared

service baseline and

business case

Pensions functions will be

considered as part of base

lining and business case

for a pension shared

service for the education

and training sector

Student applications and

admissions for all full time

and part time students

will be assessed across

FET and Higher Education

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6. Higher Education sector

6.1. Introduction and context

This shared services plan is being developed at a time of significant change in the higher

education sector in Ireland. The National Strategy for Higher Education to 20301, published

in 2011, will see significant change in Ireland’s higher education sector over the next two

decades, including system reconfiguration, structural change and inter-institution


The National Strategy provides for much greater collaboration between higher education

institutions at regional level, including eliminating unnecessary duplication, maximising

opportunities for collaborations to enhance quality of provision, improving coherence and

flexibility of provision. In addition, the Strategy also notes that “There is considerable scope

for shared services across higher education and a more systematic use of shared services

could help to improve efficiency and reduce costs.”

Implementation of the Strategy is well underway and a new System Performance Framework

for the period 2014 – 2016 is now being put in place by the HEA based on key system

objectives and indicators noted by Government. The purpose of the framework is to

articulate government expectations across higher education and to hold the system

accountable for delivery of national priorities.

Within the performance framework, a specific system objective has been included focusing

on funding and public sector reform indicators. Related monitoring indicators directly

relevant to public service reform refer to shared services, external service delivery,

centralised procurement and property management.

Shared services, external service delivery and procurement are identified as enablers for the

overall objectives for the higher education sector including the work on future funding policy

for the sector.


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6.2. Operating Environment

The marketplace for higher education is now global and covers competition for students in an

institution’s home country and for international students, research funding and various other

funding streams including philanthropic donations.

The performance of higher education institutions are measured and reported worldwide.

Despite widely held reservations about these rankings they have significant currency in the

marketplace and can genuinely impact on an institution’s ability to attract students and staff.

The challenges presented by increasing competition are augmented by the changed funding

environment and the structural changes within the sector.

Between 2007/08 and 2012/13 whole-time equivalent student numbers increased by over

24,000 or 15% and are projected to increase by a further 9,000 by 2015/16 based on DES/ESRI

projections– a total increase of 33,000 or 21%, while over the same period staff numbers

declined by 1,900 or 10%. While overall staff numbers have declined by over 10%, HEIs have

as far as possible minimised reductions to academic or front line staff numbers. Over the

period academic staff numbers have declined by c.9% and non-academic staff have declined

by c. 13%.

Between 2007/08 and 2010/11 the overall break-down of Exchequer versus non-Exchequer

funding across the sector has moved from 73% Exchequer to 67% Exchequer 2 . This

percentage will have decreased further in the last two years. These proportions in some of

the universities are now close to 50/50, Exchequer/non-Exchequer.

HEI’s acknowledge that these challenges should also motivate institutions to examine the best

opportunities to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of delivering ‘commodity

services’ e.g. those services that are not considered to differentiate them from their peers or

provide competitive advantage. In that context, Shared Service initiatives can help HEIs to

redirect resources to their core functions and mission and provide quality services to students

and staff.

2 These proportions relate to the combined university and IoT sectors.

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6.3. Shared services in the Higher Education sector

Although there is competition between institutions for student recruitment, staff recruitment

and for research and other funding, the higher education sector in Ireland has a strong

tradition of collaborating and sharing resources. Large scale examples of existing initiatives


The Central Applications Office (CAO), established in 1976, which now processes nearly

80,000 applications for over 1,300 undergraduate courses at NFQ levels 6, 7 & 8 in 45

higher education institutions.

HEAnet, established by the universities in 1983, provides internet and network services

for over 65 clients across the wider Education and Skills sector, at least 40 of whom are

participating institutions in the higher education sector. HEAnet also provides internet

connectivity services to all primary and second level schools in Ireland.

An Chéim, established in 2000, procures and supports management information systems

for Institutes of Technology e.g. IT applications related to students, library, finance,

timetabling and HR/Payroll.

The Education Procurement Service (EPS), established in 2008, has expanded from

providing procurement services for four higher education institutions to twelve in 2013

with a further seven HEI’s currently in the process of transitioning to EPS. The EPS is now

being reconfigured by the sector as the procurement hub for the education and training

sector as part of the Government’s Public Procurement Reform Plan.

SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland), is the single Awarding Authority for all student

grant applications in Ireland. City of Dublin Education and Training Board operates SUSI

on a national basis and replaces the service previously run by 33 different VEC’s and 33

different local authorities. It is a comprehensive source of information on student grant

schemes and provides a handy step-by-step guide to eligibility and the grants process.

The online application system provides students a quick, user friendly way to apply for

grants. SUSI is managed under a Management Framework Agreement with strict

Performance Measurement Metrics. This initiative is now meeting its Key Performance

Indicators and it may be possible to broaden its scope and build on its success under the

Shared Services mandate from Government. This experience holds out valuable lessons

for other major reform projects and it is important that this learning is captured in a

systematic way. The Department now proposes to identify and disseminate this learning

in a structured way in 2014.

A list of other shared services in the higher education sector is provided at Appendix 1.

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6.4. Shared services plan for 2014 – 2016

As noted in the previous section, there is an extensive range of shared services and sharing of

resources across the Higher Education sector which provides a strong base for the further

development of shared services in both the Higher Education sector and the wider Education

and Training sector. All existing initiatives will be considered with a view to further developing

their scope of service should the business case support such an initiative.

In addition, relatively recent work3 on shared services in the university sector has indicated

that universities are operating on a lean basis as regards headcount however as regards best

practice the study found variations across the sector. In response to the findings the

institutions have agreed that there should be concerted action to adopt a more structured

approach to sharing experience and where possible harmonising business systems and

processes in the interests of improving quality and saving money.

The baselining and assessment of traditional Shared Services initiatives (payroll, HR, training

and research etc.) on a whole of sector basis will take place in the context of different

structural configurations now emerging and against the backdrop of the other challenges

facing the sector.

The following shared service projects are underway or will be prioritised over the period of

this plan:

Education Procurement Service

The Education Procurement Service (EPS) will become the Education and Training Sector led

procurement shared service hub as part of the establishment of the Office of Government

Procurement. EPS will be the lead procurer for research laboratory and diagnostic equipment

and veterinary and agriculture supplies on behalf of the entire public service. The

establishment and resourcing of the EPS in this context will be delivered in 2014.


The university Finance Directors have developed a comprehensive plan for moving

progressively to shared leading practice in respect of financial management services. The

plan includes:

a review of leading practice opportunities (across the full range of finance sub-activities)

sharing of leading practice within the sector (through workshops)

3 IUA commissioned Bearing Point Shared Services Review – April 2013

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piloting procure to pay initiatives for E-catalogues / marketplace portals, E-invoicing and

invoice capturing technologies (OCR/scanning etc.)

a review of all planned finance system/process developments across universities with a

view to deepening collaboration.

pursuing initiatives with research funding agencies in relation to a more co-ordinated and

streamlined approach to audit, reporting and accountability requirements associated with

research grant funding (note this is not something the sector can drive itself alone and

requires buy-in from funding agencies which has been difficult to achieve to date. An

initiative is currently being pursued with SFI & HRB which it is hoped will become a pilot

that could be rolled out to all funding agencies).

In the Institutes of Technology sector, financial systems are already delivered on a shared

technology platform. There is also standardisation across some business processes and

documentation including internal and external audit, funding, reporting, budgetary processes

and other initiatives undertaken in cooperation with the HEA.

Financial Management Shared Services

It is intended as part of this shared services plan to conduct a baselining of financial

management services across the Universities and Institutes of Technology in Q1 2015 and

subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to the development of a business case

for financial management shared services in Q2 2015.

HR and Payroll

(a) University e.recruitment system

Under the aegis of the IUA HR Directors Group (HRDG) the universities have been developing

and testing a new e.recruitment system. Such a system is necessary to streamline the

advertising of university vacancies and present a unified face to the market for global talent.

It is the intention that all vacancies for both academic and non-academic positions will be

advertised on the new platform – Work is underway and the

system will go live by the end of year with a formal launch in March 2014. A review will be

conducted after the first year of operation to determine potential for expansion to other


(b) HR / Payroll shared services

Universities are maximising employee self-service opportunities and a more harmonised

approach to engagement with the service provider (CORE) with a view to moving all

institutions to a common version platform and securing improved services and pricing from

the provider. This engagement has already commenced. Thirteen IoTs use a common version

of CoreHR which is hosted on a managed service provided through An Chéim. We will baseline

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HR and payroll operations across the HEIs in Q2 2014 and subject to positive findings we will

proceed to develop a business case in Q3 2014.

(c) Workload allocation

The HEA is currently undertaking a review of existing practices in HEIs in relation to the

operation of workload allocation models. The outcome of this review should inform further

development in this area.

(d) Pensions

Pensions functions will be considered as part of baselining and business case for a pension

shared service for the education and training sector.

International Student Recruitment

The IUA International Education Office will pilot the roll out of the CSF Irlanda central

applications and placement system into other key international education markets including

the Middle East and Malaysia. The system will go live in Q1 2014 and will be rolled out to the

US market by end Q1 2014. Subsequent rollouts will be assessed post March 2014. This

application system is used by all universities, IoTs, DIT and a number of private colleges.

Researcher Recruitment

A working group established under the IUA International Education Office has been

established to upgrade and improve the current PhD/Science Without Borders section on the

Irish Euraxess portal. This portal allows individuals to search and apply for research jobs in

Ireland and also provides information on admission requirements for Doctoral Programmes.

The official launch of the section is expected in Q1 2014. This service is used by all

Universities, 13 Institutes of Technology, Dublin Institute of Technology, Griffith College

Dublin, Dublin Business School and National College of Ireland.

National Forum for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

The National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 identifies key objectives for the

advancement of the teaching mission at institutional and sectoral levels. The establishment

of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning provides the key,

system-level infrastructure for the support of the implementation of the National Strategy in

respect of the teaching mission of higher education. The forum will lead on the benchmarking

and development of national frameworks for digital capacity for e-learning and distance

learning and professional development for the Higher Education sector in 2014.

Sharing of Learning Resources

Academic Libraries Co-operating in Ireland (ALCID) scheme currently allows postgraduate

students access to reading rights in other institutional libraries – see Appendix 1 for further

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details. A scoping exercise is proposed to consider how this scheme might be extended to

undergraduate students and work on this will commence in Q1 2014.

Online systems for the support and administration of volunteering programmes

In support of their mission to engage with the community and to support students in the

transition to work through work placement and service learning, there has been an increase

in HEI’s developing volunteer programmes and both internal and external volunteering

opportunities. These developments have created a requirement to be able to develop online

systems to support and manage the administration of volunteering programmes. Campus

Engage is now coordinating the development of a cost effective, regionally focused, universal

national system for all HEIs and rollout will be completed by Q3 2015. Opportunities for this

Campus Engage initiative to be closely linked (including at a technical level) with the portals

of bodies such as Volunteering Ireland are currently under examination.

Student applications and admissions

There are a number of systems in operation for the processing of student admissions and

registration in higher education which include:

the CAO which processes applications for undergraduate programmes for 45 HEIs.

the Post Graduate Applications Office which processes applications for a number of

universities and Institutes of Technology.

a shared online application system which has been used to process applications for

over 15,000 participants on part-time/flexible higher education courses via

Springboard and the ICT skills conversion initiative.

As noted earlier, there is potential scope to examine the various admissions systems across

the FET and Higher Education sectors with a view to leveraging, sharing or developing existing

online systems to maximise efficiencies. It is intended to commence work on baselining in Q3


Research infrastructure

The HEA recently approved and circulated guidelines to govern access to items of research

infrastructure hosted within publicly funded institutions. The policy includes existing

infrastructure supported wholly or in part by Exchequer resources, which should be available

for use by other researchers regardless of which Higher Education Institution (HEI) or other

research body hosts it. As part of this shared services plan, the HEA will scope the

requirement for a centralised access model to ensure timely access to research infrastructure

and to maximise the use of existing infrastructure while at the same time seeking to address

the costs associated with the use of these resources.

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Information Technology

Many HEIs have relatively complex IT requirements with a range of specialist IT services

required by different groups of students and staff particularly in relation to research.

Institutions have to provide end-user services to thousands of users over a variety of delivery

channels. Larger institutions tend to have economies of scale and resources to manage

services given the number of students and staff that they have. Smaller institutions have to

spread the costs of similar services over a smaller number of staff and students. This would

appear to suggest there may be opportunities for sharing or outsourcing of some services.

The University IT Directors have agreed a collaborative framework to guide future

developments in the sector. This framework will ensure that future ICT developments will be

objectively assessed to determine if initiatives can be progressed on a collaborative basis

thereby avoiding duplication of effort and cost, and ensuring where it makes strategic sense

to do so that there is commonality and standardisation across universities. Collaboration

options will include sharing of research into technologies, identification of best practice,

shared procurement and full shared services (across specific groups or clusters, the sector or

indeed the wider public sector). HEAnet would expect to participate in this framework as

required, underpinning new services with the pre-existing shared network & services. In

addition, the IT Director’s group will review future strategic investments in IT, for example,

e.learning with a view to ensuring a collective approach in the design and specification of

these systems. We will seek to leverage the existing ICT infrastructure in place across the

higher education sector in all future shared service developments.

We will seek to build a consolidated ICT infrastructure which will support the implementation

of shared services on a sector wide basis and also support the standardisation and

rationalisation of existing ICT systems over time. In addition, we will seek to leverage the

existing ICT infrastructure in place across the higher education sector in all future shared

service developments for the Education and Training sector where this is supported by a

robust business case.

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Summary of Higher Education - Shared Services Plan

Transactional Shared


Centres of Excellence Shared Technology and


Shared Procurement


Baseline and business

case for HR & Payroll

Operations for HEIs

(including review of ICT


National Forum for the

Enhancement of Teaching

and Learning

International Student

Recruitment for HEIs

Reconfiguration of

Education Procurement

Service as sectoral

sourcing hub and

participation in

Procurement Reform


Finance Shared Service

baseline and business


Learning and

Development for HEIs

Researcher Recruitment

for HEIs

Pensions functions will be

considered as part of

baselining and business

case for a pension shared

service for the education

and training sector

Recruitment system for


Online system for the

administration of


programmes in HEIs

Access to Research

Infrastructure in HEIs

Sharing of learning


Assess the future

potential of existing

initiatives in the new

Shared Services

Landscape (eg. SUSI)

Leveraging existing ICT infrastructure in all future

shared service developments

Full-time and part-time

Student Applications and

Admissions will be

assessed across FET and

Higher Education

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7. Education and Training Sector Shared Services Plan 2014-2016

Education and Training sector wide initiatives


Proposed Actions Start Date Completion Date

Estimated Investment Required

Expected Benefit/Saving Senior Responsible Owner


Onboard 7 new partners to EPS and finalising work plan for 2014.

EPS will procure research laboratory and diagnostic equipment on behalf of the entire public service. The establishment and resourcing of the EPS in this context will be delivered in 2014.

Nominees from the sector will serve on Category Councils established by OGP.

Coordination of procurement reform for the ETB / SOLAS sector

Establish Schools Procurement Unit.

Underway Underway Underway Underway Underway

Q1 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2014

€75,000 set up costs €250,000 recurrent costs

Target to achieve €500 million savings from the entire Procurement Reform Programme.

Detailed spend data not available for schools but recent electricity competition for approx. 1,700 schools has potential to yield €1million on existing annual costs.

Improved procurement practices in schools.

Increase in centralised procurement for schools.

Ruth Carmody

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Pensions Shared Service Baselining of pensions functions across the education and training sector (excluding the Single Public Service Pension Scheme which should be administered on a public sector wide basis)

Subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to development of business case for pension administration for the sector.

Q1 2015 Q2 2015

Q1 2015 Q2 2015

Subject to Business Case Subject to Business Case but should include:

Improved pension administration

Reduction in court cases being defended

Pat Burke

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Department and agencies Initiative

Proposed Actions Start Date Completion Date

Estimated Investment Required Expected Benefit/Saving Senior Responsible Owner

Participate in Civil Service led HR Shared Service

DES and SEC to migrate to Peoplepoint. Underway Q2 2014 Led by D/PER Staff and IT savings arising from common process and technology platforms. Streamlined services for staff.

Michael Keogh

Participate in Civil Service led Payroll Shared Service

DES and SEC staff payroll, including T&S, to migrate to shared payroll services hub in D/Finance Tullamore.

Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Led by D/PER Staff and IT savings arising from common process and technology platforms. Streamlined services for staff.

Michael Keogh

Participate in Civil Service led Financial Management Shared Service

DES, SEC and NCSE financial management systems (FMS) to migrate to shared FMS hub.

TBC By end Quarter 3 2018.

Led by D/PER Staff and IT savings arising from common process and technology platforms. Less IT-related risk. Improved and modernised financial processing, management and reporting systems.

Michael Keogh

Participate in Civil Service led Learning and Development Shared Service

TBC TBC TBC Led by D/PER Subject to business case Michael Keogh

Shared Services for DES agencies outside the scope of Civil Service led shared service projects

Baseline existing back office functions in relevant agencies.

Subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to develop business case for shared corporate service for agencies.

Q1 2015 Q2 2015

Q1 2015 Q2 2015

Subject to business case Subject to business case Ruth Carmody

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Department and agencies Establish Knowledge Management and Analysis Unit

Complete scoping exercise Ongoing Q1 2014 Subject to business case To maximize the value of data held by the Department, including the primary and post primary databases and to evaluate data held by the Inspectorate.

We are also seeking to enhance our analytical and research resources to support Divisions and Agencies and ensure that policy development is evidence informed and objectives led.

Ruth Carmody

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Schools sector Initiative

Proposed Actions Start Date Completion Date

Estimated Investment Required Expected Benefit/Saving Senior Responsible Owner

Post Primary

Online Database


Pre-population of P-POD database by DES.

P-POD go live to all second level schools.

Second level schools submit pupil data through P-POD.

The Department in consultation with schools and other agencies in the education sector will examine additional requirements which P-POD may be able to provide to reduce the administration burden on schools and enhance the quality of data available to schools.

Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q3 2014 Q1 2015

Q4 2013 Q4 2014

Cost to develop €575K (€320K - 2012 & €255K - 2013)

Allows for the secure transfer of data to the Department and State Examinations purposes.

The information will be ‘live’ and will allow for data to be updated throughout the year.

Martin Hanevy Michael Keogh

Primary Online

Database (POD)

Pilot POD will be piloted in selected

schools Q2 2014.

Full rollout of POD to over 3,000 primary


Q2 2014 Q3 2015

Estimated development cost €250K approx. Spend to date (€65K - 2013 & €25K to date in 2014)

The information will be ‘live’ and will allow for data to be updated throughout the year.

The National School Annual Census forms will no longer have to be completed and returned to the Department.

Schools will also be able to use POD as a management information system.

Ruth Carmody Michael Keogh

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Schools sector

Will provide data on an individual pupil bases for the first time.

Will allow for pupil progress to be tracked from primary to second level (P-POD).

We will continue to assess the potential for centres of excellence to support the operation of the schools sector

Consult with relevant stakeholders on scope and requirement for new centres of excellence.

Subject to positive findings from consultation, assess feasibility of establishing at least one new centre of excellence.

Q2 2014 Q3 2014

Q2 2014 Q3 2014

Subject to business case Subject to business case SRO - TBC

High speed broadband to second level schools.

Completion of rollout of high speed broadband to second level schools.

Ongoing Q4 2014 The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR) is funding all of the capital costs of this project, estimated to be approximately €11m, as well as contributing some €10m in current costs for the years 2012 to 2015. The Department of Education & Skills (DES) will fund the remaining current costs (estimated to be some €20m up to 2015). DES will also fund the on-going costs on an annual basis into the future.

Will enable teachers and students to use ICT in the learning and teaching process; to share and collaborate online; to use video conferencing, Skype and other online communications tools.

DES, D/CENR, Heanet

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SOLAS and Education and Training Boards Initiative

Proposed Actions Start Date Completion Date

Estimated Investment Required Expected Benefit/Saving Senior Responsible Owner

Payroll stabilisation project for 5 ETBs

Establish Corepay Managed Service for 5 ETBs.

Q4 2013 Q3 2014 €338,250 implementation costs 2013/14 €283,624 ongoing maintenance

Reduction of business risk as current solutions not stable or fit for purpose

Ruth Carmody

Payroll Shared Service

Establish Payroll Project Team to lead on payroll shared service.

Development of a cost benefit analysis and implementation road map for a payroll shared service.

Underway Q1 2014

Q1 2014 Q2 2014

Subject to business case Subject to business case Ruth Carmody

Further Education and Training Data

Development of a national course database which will provide a repository of FET programmes.

Development of a national course calendar which will provide current information on scheduled FET programmes.

Establish national learner database.




Q4 2014

Q4 2014


TBC There is a critical need to improve the availability of detailed information on the involvement and experience of learners accessing further education and training interventions.

Peter Baldwin,

Paul O’Toole (SOLAS)

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SOLAS and Education and Training Boards Financial Management

Baseline existing Financial Management functions.

Subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to development of business case for a Financial Management shared service for the sector.

Q2 2014 Q3 2014

Q2 2014 Q3 2014

Subject to business case Subject to business case Ruth Carmody

ICT Development of an ICT Strategy for the ETBs.

Q2 2014 Q3 2014 €50K Coherent approach to use of ICT across the sector.

Ruth Carmody

Learning and Development

Baseline existing Learning and Development functions.

Subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to development of business case for Learning and Development shared service for the sector.

Q3 2015 Q4 2015

Q3 2015 Q4 2015

Subject to business case Subject to business case Ruth Carmody

Quality Assurance Baseline existing Quality Assurance functions for FET.

Subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to development of business case for Quality Assurance shared service for the FET sector.

Q1 2015 Q2 2015

Q1 2015 Q2 2015

Subject to business case Subject to business case Ruth Carmody

Legal Services Baseline existing legal services used by ETBs.

Subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to development of business case for Learning and Development shared service for the sector.

Q2 2015 Q3 2015

Q2 2015 Q3 2015

Subject to business case Subject to business case Ruth Carmody

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Further Education and Training and Higher Education Initiative

Proposed Actions Start Date Completion Date

Estimated Investment Required Expected Benefit/Saving Senior Responsible Owner

Student applications and admissions

Baseline student admissions and registration processes and systems in FET and Higher Ed.

Subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to development of business case for Quality Assurance shared service for the FET sector.

Q3 2015 Q4 2015

Q4 2015 Q1 2016

Subject to business case Subject to business case Higher Education Programme Board and ETB / SOLAS Programme Board SRO - TBC

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Higher Education sector


Proposed Actions Start Date Completion Date

Estimated Investment Required Expected Benefit/Saving Senior Responsible Owner

HR/Payroll Shared Service

Development and rollout of e.recruitment system and use of for all universities.

Review operation of new system and assess feasibility of rollout to other institutions.

Baselining of HR/payroll operations across the higher education sector (including a review of existing ICT infrastructure in higher education to support shared service developments over the period of this plan)

Depending on the outcome of baselining proceed to preparation of business case.

Underway Q2 2014 Q3 2014

Go live Q4 2013 Q1 2015 Q2 2014 Q2 2014

€14k funded by IUA Subject to business case

Administrative efficiencies from easy to access portal, greater visibility of university jobs. Depending on success of portal, potential to reduce recruitment advertising spend.

Subject to business case

IUA HR Director’s Group

SRO -TBC Tom Boland, HEA

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Higher Education sector

National Forum for Teaching and Learning

Commencement of the work of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

Publication of report on sectoral consultation.

Review of the digital capacity of Irish higher education.

Publication of roadmap for implementation of national digital learning framework.

Initiation of development of Professional Development Framework for Higher Education

Inaugural national conference and Learning Impact Awards ceremony.

Finalisation of Professional Development


Q1 2014 Q1 2014 Q2 2014

Ongoing Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q2 2015

Existing investment in teaching and learning being channelled through the Forum

The National Forum is the key system-level infrastructure for the enhancement of teaching and learning in Irish higher education, and for the implementation of the recommendations of the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 in this area.

National Forum Board Various – SRO’s

International Student Recruitment

Rollout of CSF Irlanda application system on a pilot basis to other markets including the Middle East and Malaysia.

Subsequent roll outs will be assessed post March 2014.

Q1 2014

Q1 2014 for US market

€10k for US rollout – funded by the universities.

Easy to use application system for US students to apply to Ireland’s Start PG Programmes being promoted by Education in Ireland. Service improvements for students who avoid

IUA International Directors SRO - TBC

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Higher Education sector

repetitive application procedures and also administrative efficiencies for institutions.

International Researcher recruitment

Complete review and upgrade of PhD/Science Without Borders section of the Irish Euraxess PhD Portal and launch new section.

Underway Q1 2014 €20k funded by the universities and / or Euraxess programme

Effective and clear representation of all available PhD projects in Ireland open to government funded Brazilian students. Improved quality of service to students.

IUA Deans of Graduate Studies Group SRO - TBC

Online systems for the support and administration of volunteering programmes

Development of a cost effective, regionally focused, universal national system for HEIs

Underway Q3 2015 Campus Engage initial investment of €15k. Further €5k investment for each institution buying into service.

Significantly more cost effective approach. Estimated savings in the region of €10k per institution (up to 17 participating institutions).

Campus Engage Steering Committee SRO - TBC

Access to research infrastructure

Scope the requirement for a centralised access model to ensure timely access to research infrastructure and to maximise the use of existing infrastructure.

Q1 /Q2 2015 TBC TBC Maximise use of research infrastructure in publicly funded institutions

Tom Boland, HEA

Learning and Development (excluding pedagogic training)

Baselining of learning and development functions across the higher education sector.

Depending on the outcome of baselining proceed to preparation of business case.

Q2 2015 Q4 2015

Q3 2015 Q1 2016

Subject to business case Subject to business case Tom Boland, HEA

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Higher Education sector

Sharing of learning resources

The ALCID scheme currently allows postgraduate students access to reading rights in other institutional libraries – see Appendix for further details. A scoping exercise is proposed to consider how this scheme might be extended to undergraduate students.

Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Subject to business case Subject to business case Philip Cowen, DIT

Finance Baselining of financial management operations across the higher education sector.

Subject to positive findings from baselining, proceed to development of business case for financial shared service for the sector.

Q1 2015 Q2 2015

Q1 2015 Q3 2015

Subject to business case Subject to business case Tom Boland, HEA

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APPENDIX 1 Existing Shared Services in the Higher Education Sector

Shared Service description

Organisation availing of shared service

Central Applications Office The Central Applications Office (CAO) is the organisation responsible for overseeing and processing first year undergraduate applications in the Republic of Ireland. Its primary mission is to centrally process applications in a fair, transparent and efficient manner. Established in 1976 by the Irish universities the first students processed through the system commenced courses in 1978. The Central Admissions Service (CAS) was introduced independently by the Regional Technical Colleges and in 1991 the CAO and CAS combined their admissions procedures with two systems effectively running in parallel covering approximately 21 HEI’s. In 1998 the CAS was subsumed within the CAO system. At present there are 45 institutions within the CAO system catering for 77,000 applicants offering 1,380 courses at NFQ levels 6, 7 & 8.

45 HEI’s including all universities, IoT’s, Colleges of Education, RCSI and private institutions.

HEAR/DARE Schemes The seven universities, Dublin Institute of Technology, Athlone Institute of Technology and the National College of Ireland have collaboratively developed and rolled out the reform and extension of third-level access schemes for students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds and for students with a disability. Since 2010, the number of participating HEIs has increased from the initial 8 (all universities and DIT) to 18. Funding from the HEA’s Strategic Innovation Fund, through a project managed by the Irish Universities Association, has been used to improve the previous schemes on offer to these students, while also greatly increasing administrative and other efficiencies in their delivery, for both students and colleges. In doing so, the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) (aimed at school leavers from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds) has been extended from 305 to all 730 secondary schools in Ireland, while the Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is now based on a more transparent use of assessment criteria, has a more streamlined application process and is more student friendly. Both HEAR and DARE aim to greatly increase the numbers of students from these two target groups applying for college by offering quotas of places (an average of 5% for each scheme across all academic areas) on a reduced Leaving Certificate points basis. Students who secure one of these places are also offered a range of academic and personal supports while at college. A key reform element has been the full integration of both these schemes into the online CAO application process. A dedicated website has also been developed to provide full details of the schemes and assist students in making their application, and full communications campaigns across schools and target groups have been rolled out.

All universities, all Colleges of Education, NCI, AIT, DIT, CIT and Pontifical University Maynooth.

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HEAnet HEAnet is Ireland’s National Education and Research Network or NREN and is part of a global network of NRENs. In 1983, HEAnet was established as a collaborative initiative of the Universities to provide national and international network services for the sector. HEAnet was formally constituted as a limited company in 1997, owned and managed by its members. At present there are over 65 participating institutions. HEAnet provides Internet connectivity alongside essential e-Infrastructure and ICT related services to third level institutions (including all of the Universities and Institutes of Technology), Primary and Post-Primary schools, to the HEA, the CAO & the PAC and a number of other research and educational organisations in Ireland. The range of services has expanded over the life time of the company, to include new developments where ICT can effectively share resources and exploit economies of scale. Examples of recent developments include:

1) Inclusion of software licence procurement (formally CHEST

Ireland) within the HEAnet service

2) Development of video conferencing, video streaming and

related multimedia services

3) Full integration of the University and IoT network services

under HEAnet

4) Edugate, the Irish Education Identity Federation

5) Provision of 24 x 7 service and monitoring

6) 100Mb Post-primary Broadband roll-out

7) Edustorage – Cloud storage service

The HEAnet Board and its member Institutions actively review the potential for further sharing of services and the transition of these services to the HEAnet framework.

All universities, IoT’s, other HEI’s & all primary and post-primary schools

Postgraduate Applications Centre The Postgraduate Applications Centre (PAC) is a shared service for postgraduate applications and is currently used by UCC, NUI Galway, NUI Maynooth, DCU, CIT and WIT, as well as for students applying to postgraduate programmes offered under the 3U consortium of DCU, NUIM and RCSI. Established in 1998 by the NUI universities to provide a common applications process for their Postgraduate Diploma in Education (fomerly Higher Diploma in Education) programmes, activities and participating institutions have been expanded in recent years with the introduction of an online postgraduate application system for other postgraduate programmes, both taught and research. From an initial base of 2,456 applicants for the Education programme, PAC in 2009 processed 20,281 applications over a wide range of


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postgraduate programmes. PAC is now an important tool for the promotion of Irish postgraduate education internationally. Further expansion of PAC services is planned and it is hoped that over time PAC will become a common point of application for the university sector, in respect of all programmes not covered by the CAO, both at postgraduate level and in other areas (lifelong learning, continuing education), and that the potential it offers as a common portal for the university and higher education sector can be further exploited. Targeted skills initiatives (Springboard, ICT Skills Conversion) Springboard and ICT Skills Conversion are targeted skills initiatives managed by the Higher Education Authority on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills. is the online applications management system for Springboard. Springboard provides higher education and training courses persons who have lost their job as a result of the recession and require additional skills to gain employment in areas of the economy where there are jobs including ICT, high-end manufacturing, internally-traded services and international financial services. Courses range from awards between Level 6 and Level 9 on the NFQ. In 2013, 38 higher education providers offered a total of 223 courses under Springboard. Providers include universities, institutes of technology and commercial/not-for-profit private providers. The website provides both content and application functions. It is a centralised source of information for prospective learners on each approved Springboard course. It enables learners to make a single online application to multiple higher education providers for up to ten courses. Offers and acceptances are managed by the providers through the site. In addition, the system is used by providers to return data to the HEA on academic and labour market outcomes for participants and is therefore a critical source of data for monitoring and evaluation of Springboard. is based on the Bluebrick technology platform. Since the establishment of Springboard, in 2011, 23,000 applicants have submitted an application through the system, with 15,500 learners enrolling in courses. The ICT Skills Conversion initiative offers Level 8 Conversion Programmes, in collaboration with industry partners, providing graduates from other skills areas with the opportunity to up-skill or re-skill through a 1 year full time H.Dip. conversion programme in core computing/programming, software and data analysis. Course information and applications for courses under this initiative is managed on a dedicated website, Around 15 higher education providers currently participate in the measure.

IRIS Electronic Information Services Limited Irish Research e-Library (IReL), a nationally funded electronic research library is an initiative of the IUA Librarians Group. Through IRIS Electronic Information Services Limited, a company owned by the universities, it procures and provides quality peer-reviewed online research publications journals, databases and index & abstracting services, as well as ebooks - direct to the desktop of researchers

7 Universities, RCSI & for a limited number of resources IoTs also.

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wherever they are located. Work is underway to merge the functions of IRIS into HEAnet.

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Announced in November 2012, the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning ( is the key system-level infrastructure for the enhancement of teaching and learning in Irish higher education, and for the implementation of the recommendations of the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 in this area. Through the establishment of a national digital platform for teaching and learning resources and research outputs, the National Forum will build on the key online teaching and research resources that have been developed for the sector in recent years, as well as on the collegiality that has supported these. This online platform will provide a one-stop-shop and showcase for teaching excellence in Irish higher education that unlocks collective approaches to addressing common challenges. The National Forum strives to ensure that all students have the best environment in which to learn, and that academics have the tools to provide excellence in teaching. The key priority theme that will be advanced through the inaugural work-programme of the National Forum in 2013–2014 is ‘teaching for transitions’. Key dimensions of this work-programme include:

The comprehensive review of digital platforms and capacity across the entire sector, and of professional development activities for teachers and managers supporting teaching and learning;

The establishment of a student-led teaching award programme which will link with an evidence-based professional award fellowship system;

The establishment of a series of research and dissemination activities in the form of scholarships, reports, insights, talks and co-ordinated events;

Engagement in continuous, sectoral dialogue with students, teachers and managers in all higher education institutions in order to shape the future directions of the National Forum’s work.

All universities & IoTs

EURAXESS Ireland Designated by The Office of Science and Technology (OST) in 2004, the Irish Universities Association hosts EURAXESS Ireland (formerly known as the Researcher Mobility office) which provides a centralised dedicated support and advisory service to researchers moving to Ireland particularly in the Higher Education Sector. The office manages the Researcher Hosting Agreement Scheme which has standardised procedures for the immigration of non EU researchers. The scheme enables approved research active organisations to recruit researchers from outside the EEA to carry out research in Ireland without the need for a Green Card or Work Permit, thus eliminating huge significant administrative costs for universities, Institutes of Technology and public and private research active organizations. There is no fee for accreditation of organisations or administration of hosting agreements in Ireland thereby saving institutions significant costs on work visas.

All universities, IoTs and a range of other public & private research active organisations

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The office is the government appointed central processing house for hosting agreements and plays a key role in the official accreditation and immigration process. Further information is available from EURAXESS Ireland Web Portal This portal is dedicated to providing practical information for researchers moving to and from Ireland. This includes detailed information on the fast track immigration scheme and signposting users to information on practical issues including schooling and taxation. The portal is linked directly to the European EURAXESS portal and includes the following facilities:-

Shared Job Opportunities and Funding facility

The portal operates a research job opportunities and funding advertising facility for academic institutions, research agencies and organizations. This free service is co-funded by the DEJI and the IUA and delivers significant efficiencies and cost savings to individual institutions. Any job advertised on this site is automatically uploaded (and vice versa) to the EURAXESS Europe site and NatureJobs, free of charge. Further information can be accessed at


This service is designed to act a central information point for prospective PhD students coming to Ireland and is an important tool to promote PhD education in Ireland to potential candidates. For example, in order to promote the Brazilian “Science without Borders” scheme to bring PhD students from Brazil to Ireland the IUA developed this site to provide detailed project information for universities and institutes of technology. Over 2,000 potential PhD projects for Brazilian researchers have been uploaded to the portal.

EURAXESS Business Portal

This service is designed to act as a dedicated service to promote EURAXESS to business and industry in Ireland. It focuses on the key services of fast track visas, job opportunities and CV database of researchers. It also has a unique search facility enabling a company to carry out a comprehensive search for funding opportunities (including business development, awards, venture capital, R&D funding from Irish and European sources).

EURAXESS Network Since the establishment of the EURAXESS Office, the national support network has brought together representatives, specifically in the Research and Human Resources departments within the seven Irish universities and IOT’s with the aim of strengthening and developing expertise within all aspects of mobility. The network has since grown

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beyond the university sector to incorporate other research-active organisations, academia and industry and their representatives.

Bibliometric Analysis (InCites) This is a service that enables a detailed bibliometric analysis of publications using the Thomson-Reuters state of the art tool, InCites. This followed on from a highly successful SIF project that was mainstreamed in 2013. The partners continued to work together and formed a consortium to purchase a further subscription to InCites for the next four years at a significantly market reduced rate. The consortium shares expertise and enhances the ability of all the universities. This has been used in the past to support HEA/Forfas in carrying out a bibliometric analysis as part of the National Research Prioritisation Process.

All universities, DIT, RCSI, HEA, SFI

Irish Marie Curie Office The Irish Marie Curie Office is jointly operated by the Irish Universities Association (IUA) and the Irish Research Council. The office is hosted by the IUA and supports Irish researchers and research-active organisations to secure funding from the Marie Curie Actions, a European Commission Funding programme which supports researchers at all stages of their careers, across all research disciplines and in all employment sectors. The office has operated throughout the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes (2003 – 2007, and 2007 – 2013) and will be part of the overall National Support Network for Horizon 2020: The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014 – 2020). The office provides advice and support on preparing applications for Marie Curie funding and the management of Marie Curie awards. It is run by the Marie Curie National Contact Point for Ireland under the guidance of the Marie Curie National Delegate. The office has a close working relationship with EURAXESS Ireland.

All universities, IoT’s and a range of other public & private research active organisations, including indigenous and FDI enterprise.

International Education Office The IUA International Education Office is a shared service for the development and promotion of International Education in Irish HEI’s. The development of international education is of key strategic importance to universities but also to the Irish higher education sector as a whole. Although there is a clear competitive element to international education universities recognise that there are benefits and efficiencies to be delivered from a co-ordinated approach to this also. In light of this and in order to maximise efficiencies and deliver maximum value for money, rather than investing resources individually universities have agreed to a shared approach to the marketing of Irish universities and to the development and implementation of a sectoral strategy for the expansion of international education. This will not only ensure the most efficient use of resources but will also deliver long term benefits in terms of expanding income from non-Exchequer sources thereby maximising value to the Exchequer.

All universities

Ciencia sem Fronteiras Irlanda CSF Irlanda is a central application and placement system designed and implemented by a higher education working group led by the IUA and IOTI for Brazilian students to apply to Ireland at undergraduate level. It is used by all 7 Universities, 13 Institutes of Technology, Dublin Institute

All Universities, All Institutes of Technology, Dublin Institute of Technology, Griffith College

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of Technology, Griffith College Dublin, Dublin Business School and National College of Ireland. It is an important tool to promote the undergraduate study abroad experience to Brazilian students who potentially might study at a higher education Institution in Ireland. It has processed and placed more than 1,300 Brazilian students in Ireland at undergraduate level in just 6 months. This central service is expected to place a further 2,000 Brazilian students in 2014. The domain name is owned by the IUA.

Dublin, Dublin Business School and National College of Ireland

Campus Engage Campus Engage is the national network for the promotion of civic engagement activities in Irish higher education. It is an initiative funded by the Irish government, through the HEA Strategic Innovation Fund.

In 2012, steps were taken to broaden the institutional base of an existing network for civic engagement, Campus Engage, moving it from an initial start-up phase of five universities (NUI Galway, UL, UCD, DUC and NUI Maynooth) to a National Network, driven by a Steering Committee with representatives from 17 higher education institutions in Ireland (all universities and most IoT’s and Colleges of Education as at Autumn 2013).

The Network exists to strengthen the relationship between higher education and wider society through promoting and grounding civic engagement teaching, practice-based learning and research initiatives in the communities they serve; to support and increase volunteering and student-led engagement initiatives in higher education.

The Network aims to work in a cost effective manner, facilitating the development and delivery of national capacity building services, tools and resources (such as a national online HEI volunteering promotion and management facility), sharing knowledge of what works, and supporting working partnerships between HEI and community organisation, including voluntary and private enterprise.

In 2013 further steps were taken to migrate a collaborative network into a more formalised working shared service with the appointment of a Campus Engage National Network Coordinator, based at the Irish Universities Association. The Coordinator manages the delivery of Campus Engage national action plans and budgets, 2013-2015; promotes research and publications around civic engagement to create an ‘Irish model’; shares knowledge and tools online and offline, and synchronises work with other SIF projects – including innovation hubs REAP and ACE.

All universities & IoTs

Irish Survey of Student Engagement The Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) ( was developed in response to the recommendation of the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 for the establishment of a comprehensive and anonymous student-feedback system for Irish higher education that is coupled with structures to ensure that action is taken promptly in relation to students’ concerns. Based on the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE), the ISSE was piloted nationally in 2013 with participation by more than 12,700 students and 26 higher education institutions. It is the first national survey of student engagement in Ireland and the first system-

26 institutions including all universities, IoTs and most Colleges of Education. Also includes HEA, IUA, IoTI & USI

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wide survey of its kind in Europe. Co-sponsored by the HEA, the IOTI, the IUA, and the USI, the ISSE is an online survey of first-year undergraduates, final-year undergraduates, and postgraduate students through which information on student-engagement is collected. The Survey asks students about their experience of higher education in the areas such as academic challenge, active learning, student–staff interactions, and work-integrated learning, as well as about their learning outcomes, career-readiness, and overall satisfaction. The results of the survey will inform institutional and programme management, as well as national policy-making and quality assurance processes. Following the 2013 pilot, which tested a number of alternative technical and other options, preferred technical and communications solutions have been recommended for 2014, for use by all HEIs. This shared procurement of a student- survey instrument, adds value at both institutional HEI and national levels, as well as feeding into broader Quality Assurance and student-feedback processes. It therefore, represents a significant gain for those HEIs which did not previously have a student survey mechanism before, and offers a more streamlined and integrated system for those HEIs which were using an in-house mechanism

Irish Universities Association The Irish Universities Association was established by the 7 Irish universities in 1997 to foster and support collaboration across the university sector. Through the IUA universities have collaborated to develop and influence policy and planning at a national level and have also collaborated on an extensive range of sectoral projects including recent projects such as the development of a Full Economic Costing system and the Incites research citations project. Such a sectoral approach maximises efficiency and ensures maximum value for money. In addition universities share experience and disseminate good practice across a wide range of areas as well as engaging specialist/expert advice where necessary on a sectoral basis across a range of areas of common interest thereby avoiding duplication and delivering significant cost savings.

All universities

Procurement Shared Services Education Procurement Services (formerly Shannon Consortium Procurement Network) is the procurement shared service for the HE sector. Operating out of UL it was established under the HEA’s Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) and initially included UL, Mary Immaculate College, IT Tralee and Limerick IT. The consortium has subsequently expanded to include 6 universities and all IoT’s. The decision has also been taken in the context of the overall Office of Government Procurement (OGP) plan that the EPS would become the HE sector procurement hub with responsibility for procuring laboratory and diagnostic equipment on behalf of the public sector and work is currently underway to establishment that.


An Cheim An Chéim (Collaborative Higher Education Information Management) was established by the Department of Education and Science (DoES) along with the Institutes of Technology and Tipperary Institute. An


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Chéim encompasses the management of Student, Library, Finance, Timetabling and HR information in the Institutes of Technology and Tipperary Institute. Systems supported include:

Agresso - Financial Management

Banner - Student

Core - HR/ Payroll

Millennium - Library Records Management

Syllabus Plus - Timetable Package

ALCID is a co-operative access scheme between the Academic Libraries in Ireland. ALCID enables access to the collections of each of the participating libraries, without formality, on production of an ALCID membership card. This card is available to full-time academics, academic-related staff and registered students reading for postgraduate degrees both taught and research. ALCID cards DO NOT provide borrowing rights in other institutions. The university library web pages provide details about ALCID, a good example being

DCU, DIAS, DIT, NCAD, NUIG, NUIM, RCSI, RIA, TCD, UCD, UCC, UL, MIC, Mater Dei Library, Saint Angela’s College, Saint Patrick's College.

Rian The RIAN portal ( was created by the IUA with funding from the HEA’s SIF. It is a national online portal providing open access to the research outputs held in the repositories of the 7 Irish universities. These include over 12,500 documents—peer-reviewed articles, research papers, theses, and books. The RIAN portal has made publicly funded Irish research freely available worldwide, increasing its international visibility.

Seven Universities

Institutes of Technology Ireland (IOTI) IOTI is the representative body for 13 of Ireland’s Institutes of Technology and it also acts as a co-ordinator of a wide range of support activities and shared services for its members. IOTI Support Services The Institutes of Technology have a network of committees including Registrars, Secretary/Financial Controllers, HR Managers, Finance Managers, RDI, Estates Managers, Librarians etc as well as Heads of Schools of Business, Engineering and Science. These groups meet regularly to share information and best practice as well as co-ordinating shared activity and policies. IOTI Shared Services IOTI provides a human resources/industrial relations support function at national level for IoTs. In this regard, work is ongoing in relation to implementation of the Haddington Road Agreement, superannuation, and recruitment/selection in Institutes of Technology. A proposal has been put to the Department of Education and Skills for the Institutes to be brought under the Commision on Public Service Appointments (CPSA) remit which will allow for the quality assurance of IOT recruitment/selection and for the greater use of the Public Appointments Service (PAS) shared service.

13 Institutes of Technology

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In conjunction with DIT, IOTI has been co-ordinating a pension policy group for the last two years. An information portal has been developed on the DIT website to provide practical information to pensions administrators across all IoTs. IOTI has also been active in liaising between the newly established Office of Government Procurement and the Institutes of Technology. The IOTI Academic Affairs Office has also been co-ordinating activity in relation to academic affairs and a shared service project to deliver a Technological Universities Quality Framework (TUQF) Project has been in place for over a year. On 21 June 2013, IOTI published on behalf of the 14 Institutes of Technology a document entitled Principles of Internal Quality Enhancement for Technological Universities, the first module in TUQF. It sets out ten high level principles which will underpin the internal quality cultures of Technological Universities, and which will inform the further development of TUQF. The TUQF project aims to produce a quality framework that will assist and facilitate those institutions who intend applying for Technological University designation, and which may also be used by, and benefit all institutions within the Technology sector. TUQF is being developed on an incremental and modular basis and will comprehend but will not necessarily be restricted to the following areas:

Principles of internal quality assurance and quality enhancement;

Quality Assurance of research provision, including the organisation of PhD programmes;

Quality Assurance of taught undergraduate and postgraduate provision, including validation, monitoring and review of programmes;

Quality Assurance of collaborative provision (national and international);

Quality Assurance of education provided to international students, including requirements relating to the International Education Mark.

Internal Audit services have been provided on an outsourced shared service basis to Institutes of Technology for nearly a decade. Deloitte is the current holder of the contract. This shared service leads to the sharing of good practice and the development of common policies.

IOTI International Office The IOTI International Office provides a shared service on aspects of Institutes’ International Education activities, particularly where international partners favour system to system agreements. The development of international education is of key strategic importance to the higher education sector. One example of this shared service in action is the conclusion of a sectoral agreement with Colleges Ontario in Canada for Ontario students to complete their degrees in Ireland. This agreement was signed in November 2011 and the first Canadian students to benefit from this programme arrived in the Institutes in September 2012.

13 Institutes of Technology

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IOTI also agreed the renewal of a Memorandum of Understanding with Malaysian Technical University Network in 2012 which provides for a range of co-operation in education and research services. On Wednesday 12th September 2012, IOTI signed an agreement in Dublin with Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) which is intended to lead to students from Wisconsin coming to Ireland from 2014 to study in Irish Institutes of Technology. On 28th September 2012, the ten-member Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE) and the 13-member Institutes of Technology Ireland (IOTI) entered into an agreement to strengthen, promote and develop co-operation in education, training, research, and innovation among the member institutions. IOTI has also participated for the first time in 2013 in the Brazilian Government “Science without Borders” scholarship programme. Over 600 students have arrived in IOTs from Brazil during the academic year 2013-14. IOTI has worked closely with the IUA on this project and applications are processed through the CSF Irlanda system.

IOTI Research, Development and Innovation Office IoTs have come together to share services around Research, Development and Innovation via a dedicated support office based in IOTI with the following remit:

To provide a range of services to the Institutes of Technology to support their research, development and knowledge transfer activities, in line with the National Strategy for Higher Education.

To provide a communications and representation function to build a mutually beneficial interface between Institutes, their staff and key stakeholders.

To provide a policy analysis and development function and undertake lobbying and advocacy activity with key policy and funding stakeholders on research, development and innovation issues on behalf of the IoTs.

To facilitate access to European and international collaboration and funding opportunities to support RDI activities across the Institutes.

To develop and implement appropriate governance and management arrangements to ensure the Office of Research, Development and Innovation retains the trust and respect of its main stakeholders.

Specific achievements under this remit have included:

Procurement of e-journal resources across the IoTs for the first time in partnership with the universities.

Delivery of sectoral support programmes to encourage take-up of Research Council, Marie Curie and other opportunities, including a full pre-evaluation service and access to a sectoral panel of expert mentors

Developed, established and managed sectoral postgraduate funding initiative across 11 participating IoTs, providing postgraduate support worth over €500k to IoT postgraduate projects

13 Institutes of Technology

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Shared sectoral RDI promotional website developed with searchable research centre database and industry case studies to promote IoT RDI activities to industry and other potential partners

Sectoral case studies developed as a promotional tool on IoT RDI impact

New sectoral approach to quality assurance of research provision developed as part of wider TUQF process

Sectoral support programme to facilitate access to European framework programmes in partnership with Enterprise Ireland, generating around €15 million of addition EU funding in last 4 years

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APPENDIX 2 Bodies under the aegis of the Department

Aegis Body In scope for civil service

shared services

Chomhairle um Oideachais

Gaeltachta agus

Gaelscolaíochta (COGG)

Commission to Inquire into

Child Abuse (CICA)

Education Finance Board (EFB)


Grangegorman Development

Agency (GGDA)

Higher Education Authority


Irish Research Council

Léargas - The Exchange Bureau

National Centre for Guidance

in Education (NCGE)

National Council for

Curriculum and Assessment


National Council for

Special Education (NCSE)


Quality and Qualifications

Ireland (QQI)


Institutions Redress Board



Institutions Review Committee


Residential Institutions

Statutory Fund Board

Skillnets Ltd

State Examinations

Commission (SEC)


The Teaching Council

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APPENDIX 3 International review of shared services in education and training


A short review of shared services in education and training systems internationally was

undertaken to inform the development of this shared service plan. This review focused on

shared services in the UK, US, Australia, Finland, Canada and Northern Ireland.

Education and training systems are delivered in different ways in different countries. For

example, Ireland is quite unique among developed countries in that there has been no

intermediate tier between the Department of Education and Skills and the vast majority of

schools with the exception of schools under the aegis of the Education and Training Boards

(formerly Vocational Education Committees). In some other jurisdictions, schools tend to be

run by local authority or regional education type structures and this influences how support

structures and functions are delivered.

We found that shared services are also a feature of further education and higher education

systems in these countries with a variety of different models being employed at both national

and regional level.

Indeed, similar structures and functions have been developed to those that exist in Ireland.

Examples include the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) in the UK which

provides similar services to the CAO; JANET which provides similar services to HEAnet and

various procurement organisations which provide similar services to the Education

Procurement Service here in Ireland. NRENs (National Research & Education Networks)

exist in the majority of countries around the world. Further information on European NRENs

can be obtained in the Terena Compendium -

A 2008 report4 on shared services in further education and higher education in the UK found

that the top ranked drivers for shared services was continuity and resilience of service,

followed by quality of service, cost savings and releasing staff for customer facing activities.

4 JISC Study of Shared Services in UK Further and Higher Education, 2008,

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A short summary of shared services we reviewed are provided below:


In Victoria, Australia, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

provides services to other government departments, students, parents and teachers

through it’s eduPass service5.

Australia’s NREN, AARNet, provides some similar services to HEAnet.

In Western Australia, the Education and Training Shared Services Centre commenced

operations in October 2005 with Department of Education and Training (DET) as the pilot

agency. ETSSC now provides HR and Finance services to:

Department of Education (Central Office, District Offices and Schools)

Department of Training and Workforce Development

State Training Providers (Regional and Metropolitan)

School Curriculum and Standards Authority

Department of Education Services


In British Columbia, Canada, the Ministry for Advanced Education is leading on an

Administrative Service Delivery Transformation Initiative, the first wave involved an

Opportunity Assessment Phase which ran from June 2012 to February 2013 and was

undertaken with assistance of external consultants6. This study focused on procurement,

facilities / capital, IT, HR, ancillary services, library services and finance. The

Implementation Phase initiated in March 2013, is currently underway and involves the

development of detailed business cases to support implementing selected opportunities.

Canads’s NREN, Canarie, provides some similar services to HEAnet.


6 The full report is available at

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In Finland, a shared service organisation called Certia ( provides HR, Finance

and some IT services to nine universities and polytechnics.

Finland’s NREN, FUNET, provides some similar services to HEAnet and also connects into

the pan-European GÉANT network.


The UK Department of Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has led on a Shared Schools

Recruitment Project for the delivery of e-recruitment into 24,000 schools in England.

DCSF have linked in with the Association of Colleges in the Eastern Region (ACER) to

replicate this approach and encourage a wider take up so that it can be used nationally by

any further education college.7

In the UK, there are a number of national and regional shared services operating across

higher education. Examples include the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service

(UCAS) processes over 2.5 million applications every year, for some 650,000 prospective

students seeking to enroll in more than 340 UK universities and colleges. UCAS also runs

a number of specialist application services – GTTR (Graduate Teacher Training Registry),

UKPASS (UK Postgraduate Application and Statistical Service) and CUKAS (Conservatoires

UK Admissions Service). UCAS also carries out research, consultancy and advisory work

for schools, colleges, careers services, professional bodies and commercial businesses.

The JANET education and research services network provides and develops a network

infrastructure for the research and education communities across the UK. It connects the

UK’s research and education institutions to each other, as well as to the rest of the world

through links to the global Internet. The Janet network connects UK universities, FE

Colleges, Research Councils, Specialist Colleges and Adult and Community Learning

providers. It also provides connections between the Regional Broadband Consortia to

facilitate the DfE initiative for a national schools’ network. Over 18 million end-users are

currently served by the Janet network in the UK. JANET connects to other European

National Research & Education Networks via the pan-European (and EU funded) GÉANT

network. HEAnet also connects to the GÉANT network.

The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), is funded by the subscriptions of the HE

providers from whom they collect data and it also provides an information service for the

procurement of expertise, analysis and bespoke information. HESA collects a range of data

7National Learning and Skills Council, Shared Services Further Education Centric, March 2010,

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every year UK-wide from universities, higher education colleges and other differently

funded providers of higher education. This data is then provided to UK governments and

higher education funding bodies to support their work in regulating and funding higher

education providers. In addition information derived from the data is published as official

statistics and in many accessible formats for use by a wide range of organisations and

individuals for a variety of purposes, including HE providers, academic researchers,

students, prospective students, private companies, professional bodies and the press and


The M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries is a collaborative organisation that works to

improve library and information services within the M25 region and more widely across

the East and Southeast of the UK. The Consortium has 57 member institutions which

includes a range of universities, colleges, libraries and museums. Its aim is to provide

services and resources for the benefit of learners and researchers.

The London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC) who’s core membership is made

up of universities and colleges of higher education in and around London. LUPC also

includes not-for-profit, public and other higher education organisations. LUPC is one of

the four higher education purchasing consortia in England that together constitute English

National Purchasing (ENP), the national body working to improve collaboration across the

regional purchasing consortia and other sector purchasing organisations.

Advanced Procurement Universities & Colleges (Scotland) is a procurement consortium

which includes nineteen Universities and forty three colleges.

The UK Shared Business Services established by the UK Research Councils provides HR,

finance, procurement, IT, grants and property services to its member organisations.

The Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd administers a pension scheme for

universities, university colleges and other employers.

In addition, the Higher Education Funding Council for England has carried out a number

of feasibility studies for shared services in a range of areas including libraries, research

management, HR, estates, student experience, teaching & learning, legal services and

general administration.

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United States

In the United States, many universities are moving to shared service models for functions such

as payroll, HR, ICT etc. These include:

The ARM shared service centre in UC Davis provides shared services for Facilities

Management, HR, Payroll, ICT (Desktop support and system administration), Accounts

Payable and Purchasing across 4 colleges and 6 professional schools. It includes a

Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, school of medicine and a school of nursing.

The University System of Georgia has a shared service facility which processes HR, Payroll

and Benefits for 31 higher education institutions.

The University of Michigan is currently implementing shared services for Finance and HR.

The project is focused on supporting the university’s cost-containment efforts and

providing high-quality customer service. Savings goal of approximately $17M annually.

Yale as a shared services centre for schools and departments which provides transactional

processing across procurement, accounting, accounts payable, client accounts as well as

finance management functions.

Internet2, the US NREN, provides trans-continental services similar to GÉANT, while

smaller, regional networks provide connectivity on a state-by-state basis. Services similar

to those provided by HEAnet are provided across these organisations.

Northern Ireland

The Association of Northern Ireland Colleges (ANIC) manages the supply of Corporate

Information Services to the country’s six large multi-site further and higher education

colleges (following the merger of 18 colleges). These services include ICT, student

systems, payroll, HR and finance.

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DIT Appendix 8 (1)

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The Joint Administrators are pleased to present their Proposals and Report pursuant to Paragraph 49, Schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended) and Rule 2.33 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 (as amended). This proposal has been prepared solely to comply with the statutory requirements of Paragraph 49, Schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended). It has not been prepared for use in respect of any other purpose, or to inform any investment decision in relation to any debt or financial interest in the Company. Any estimated outcomes for creditors are illustrative and may be subject to significant change. Neither the Administrators nor Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP accept any liability whatsoever arising as a result of any decision or action taken or refrained from as a result of information contained in this proposal.


Brief background Swets Information Services Limited (“Swets” or the “Company”) was incorporated on 11 March 1920 and is part of a global group of companies specialising in sales and delivery of research information. The Group’s ultimate Parent Company is Koninklijke Swets & Zeitlinger Holding N.V. a company registered in the Netherlands. The Group served publishers of scientific, technical and medical information and customers at academic, research, corporate, medical and government institutions. Swets performed an intermediary role connecting publishers with a worldwide network of customers and assisting customers in sourcing publishers. The Company also operated a core subscription management service. The Company had experienced increasing financial difficulties in recent years, which was attributed to two main factors. Firstly, the general global economic downturn, which caused budget pressures for public libraries and institutions. Secondly the continued market shift from print to cheaper digital subscriptions, particularly among large publishers. Commissions on digital products are lower than print subscription. Pressure on gross profit was strongest from the Company’s top ten publishers (who represented 55% of gross revenue) as they shifted from print to digital formats. Digital formats also facilitated large publishers to establish direct customer relationships, resulting in partial customer losses. The Company took steps to offset the decline in profits by focussing on and actively pursuing the development of high-value-added products around core subscription management, often in partnership with third parties and entering into reseller arrangements in order to leverage the global sales, marketing and service platform of the Company. The Group also made some small acquisitions (Accucoms in 2011 and Jongbloed in 2013). In addition the company pursued a cost saving initiative, achieved in part by reducing staff numbers between 2011 and 2014. However, cost savings and other steps taken

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were not sufficient to offset the decline in gross profit. In late 2012 the Group was actively pursuing a large acquisition in an adjacent field in an attempt to change the profile of Group and to be able to offer a wider range of services to publishers. The proposed acquisition was to be funded by a new equity

injection from the Group’s Parent company. However, discussions broke down in mid 2013 due to concerns over the Group’s trading history and as a result the acquisition was aborted. Immediately thereafter the Company prepared a business plan for presentation to the Groups Bankers which highlighted certain critical issues in relation to the banking covenants imposed on the Company. This triggered a series of conversations with the bank syndicate and the appointment of a Chief Restructuring Officer, in early 2014. In March 2014 the stakeholders of Swets decided to start the process of selling the Company, with the support of the American advisors, Berenson & JEGI. Between March and April 2014, two directors of the Group, David Main (CEO) and Elisabeth van Dijk (Chief Legal Officer) left the company and Han Stoop (CFO) took on the role as interim CEO. The Group made significant steps in realising its business plan in preparation for the selling of the Company by stabilising the business and improving cash flow. The trading performance of the Group was in line with the projections made early in the year and was communicated with potential buyers. During the six months preceding the Administration, the Company went through an intense M&A process, involving the preparation of an information memoranda, completing a data room, having meetings with various interested bidders and follow up due diligence. Unfortunately, the Group was able to conclude a transaction and the Banks were unwilling to extend the current financing arrangement that partly expired on 15 October 2014. The circumstances described above resulted in insolvency proceedings commencing in the Netherlands in relation to the immediate parent company, Dutch registered Swets Zeitling Holding NV on 19 September 2014 and bankruptcy proceedings commencing on 29 September 2014, by which time the Group bank facility had been frozen. The interdependencies with Group resulted in the insolvency of the UK based Company and a notice of intention to appoint Administrators was filed at the High Court on 26 September 2014 with Administrators being appointed on 9 October 2014.

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Company’s trading history Relevant extracts from the company’s audited financial statements and management accounts are summarised below.

3. STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS The directors’ estimated Statement of Affairs as at 9 October 2014 is shown at Appendix B. Statement of Concurrence A Statements of Concurrence will be signed by the other Directors of the Company prior to the Statement of Affairs being filed with the Registrar of Companies.

Profit and Loss Account Draft Year Ended

31.12.13 £’000

Audited Year Ended

31.12.12 £’000

Turnover 77,261 94,090 Cost of Sales (73,235) (88,790) Gross Profit 4,026 5,300 Administrative Expenses (2,881) (3,8887) Operating Profit 1,145 1,413 Interest and Charges 115 145 Profit Before Tax 1,260 1,558 Balance Sheet 31.12.13 31.12.12 £’000 £’000 Fixed Assets

2,851 2,880

Current Assets 74,601 95,193 Amounts Due Within One Year (69,043) (90,488) Net Current Assets

5,558 4,705

Amounts Due After One Year (54) (140) Net Assets 8,356 7,445 Called Up Share Capital 424 424 Profit and Loss Account 7,932 7,021 Shareholders’ Funds 8,356 7,445

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4. CONDUCT OF THE ADMINISTRATION 4.1 Purpose of the Administration Paragraph 3 to Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended) sets out the purposes of an administration. The Joint Administrators’ must perform their functions with the objective of either: (a) rescuing the company as a going concern; or (b) achieving a better result for the company’s creditors as a whole than would be

likely if the company were wound up (without first being in administration); or (c) realising property in order to make a distribution to one or more secured or

preferential creditors. The Administrators are pursuing objective (b) as set out above. Given the quantum of the debts due to creditors and the interdependency within the Group for ongoing trading, it was not possible to rescue the Company as a going concern in accordance with objective (a). As regards objective (b), placing the Company into Administration in order to retain certain staff to administer the efficient collection of the trade debtors is expected to result in greater realisations than would have been likely in an immediate Liquidation and close down scenario. 4.2 Strategy As explained above, due to the interdependency of the group companies and the fact that the parent Company was already in an insolvency process, it was not possible for the Administrators to trade the business. A strategy was formulated to maximise realisations for the benefit of the creditors as a whole. The primary asset upon appointment was the Company’s book debts. The Administrators and their team spent significant time with members of the Company’s accounts team to understand the complex structure of the book debts. It was apparent that the accounts team had long standing and valuable relationships with the customers and an in depth understanding of the relationship between customer and publisher and the funds-flow between them. Consequently it was believed that realisations from book debts would be maximised if they were undertaken by the incumbent team and 9 employees were initially retained for this purpose and to secure records. The remaining 125 employees were immediately made redundant upon appointment. In the interest of consistency and to avoid the need to move servers and computer hardware the Administrators entered negotiations with the landlord and their agents. The Company in Administration had insufficient funds with which to meet the rental costs of the property, it was agreed that the Company would remain in-situ whilst the tangible assets were realised and Company records secured. Assurances were provided that, although the Company in Administration would be unable to make rental payments the exit of the property would be conducted in an orderly manner. In this regard, the Administrators appointed Hilco, a firm of asset valuers and

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auctioneers, to find a buyer for the assets who would remove them in a controlled manner. In addition Hilco also explored the possibility of achieving a sale of customer lists to publishers. 4.3 Realisation of Assets

Cash at Bank As noted on the Statement of Affairs the Company held c. £540,000 of cash at bank at the administration date. The account was frozen prior to the appointment of Administrators and the secured lender advised the Administrators that the balance would be retained by them under the terms of the facilities agreement and cross guarantees that they had in place. The Administrators engaged Osborne Clarke, a firm of Solicitors experienced in these matters, to advise on the terms of the facilities agreement. Osborne Clarke confirmed that the secured lender was entitled to retain these funds and they have therefore been reflected as a Fixed Charge realisation in the Statement of Affairs. Book Debts The trade debtors represent the most significant floating charge asset of the Company and are expected to represent the majority of realisations for the benefit of creditors. The Director’s Statement of Affairs details trade debtors with a book value of £1,100,000 and an estimated to realise value of £400,000. Due to possible inaccuracies within the financial information of the Company and other factors such as debtors’ ability to offset amounts or certain disputes regarding the services provided, the Joint Administrators do not anticipate that book debt realisations will exceed £500,000. Book debt collection work is ongoing and £296,230 had been realised as at 26 November 2014. Plant & Machinery The Director’s Estimated Statement of Affairs also shows plant and machinery and fixtures and fittings with book values totalling of £109,000 and an estimated to realise value of £14,120. These assets primarily comprised computer equipment and office furniture and were sold as one lot for £14,120 shortly following the Joint Administrators appointment. The consideration paid was considered adequate, on a forced sale basis, by the Joint Administrators’ independent valuation agents, Hilco Industrial. Customer List One of the Company’s primary customers expressed an interest in obtaining details of the end users for their publications. After significant negotiations between Hilco, the Administrators and the customer, a sale of the details of their customers was achieved on 10 November 2014 for a consideration of £35,000 plus VAT. Beyond the assets described above and any miscellaneous refunds the Joint Administrators do not anticipate any further realisations.

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4.3.1 Potential Claim for Compensation for Mis-selling of Interest Rate Hedging Product As you may be aware, a settlement agreement was recently reached between the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) and certain major banks, including in relation to the sale of interest rate hedging products. We are currently investigating whether or not the Company was sold a relevant Interest Rate Hedging Product, and whether there is an entitlement to redress whether inside the framework of the FCA settlement, or otherwise. We are aware that a number of banks are in the process of developing a methodology to implement the terms of the settlement reached with the FCA in respect of the sale of these products. Our understanding is that this process will take several months to refine and finalise and, until such time, our own investigations cannot be completed. 4.4 Connected Party Transactions The Joint Administrators are not aware of any connected party transactions. 4.5 Case specific Matters Validity of appointment Osborne Clarke have reviewed the appointment documentation along with the secured lenders charge documents and have provided confirmation the Administrators have been validly appointed. Pre-payments A number of the Company’s customers pay in advance for publications in respect of the academic year. The prepayments in previous years have been significant and in the order of £50m as demonstrated in the draft year end accounts for 2013. However, due to the recent financial difficulties and the process of attempting to achieve a sale of the group, the parent company was in the process of setting up a trust account specifically for pre-payments. Consequently, customers had been dissuaded from making pre-payments until this account had been set up and pre-payments at the date of appointment were indicated to be £6,519,703. It is understood that funds were regularly swept from the UK trading bank account under the terms of the facilities agreement; consequently the Company did not hold these pre-payments at the date of appointment. The Administrators will be investigating the position with regards to these pre-payments and will seek direction in this regard from any duly appointed creditors’ committee. 4.6 Administration and planning Work undertaken in this area includes dealing with the commencement of the case and our statutory obligations and filing as well as the day-to-day case administration

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duties. Other matters which are required to be dealt with as part of the appointment and which will fall under this heading include case planning and strategy, case reviews, bonding, obtaining company searches, maintenance and obtaining books and records, general meetings/correspondence, statutory and other advertising, insurance, re-directed mail, statutory receipts and payments accounts, dealing with Company pension schemes where applicable. In particular time costs were incurred in relation to the appointment documentation and the notices thereafter.

5. CREDITORS’ CLAIMS AND DIVIDEND PROSPECTS The value at which creditors’ claims are stated in the Statement of Affairs are, as is required by legislation, those which are provided by the Directors of the Company. It is our view that some balances may not be wholly correct. In addition, certain claims may be subject to reduction in respect of mitigation, set-off or retention of title. The agreement of creditors’ claims by the Joint Administrators (or any subsequently appointed Supervisor or Liquidator) is a separate matter and will be dealt with as appropriate in due course, initially by reference to the proofs of debt lodged in the proceedings by creditors themselves. 5.1 Secured Creditors Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A A debenture was registered over the Company on 26 October 2007 in favour of Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A (the “Bank”) in relation to a cross guarantee entered into by the Company in support for certain borrowing facilities sought by Swets & Zeitlinger Group B.V. The debenture consists of a fixed and floating charge over the undertaking and all property and assets present and future including goodwill, book debts, uncalled capital, buildings, fixtures, fixed plant and machinery. The Joint Administrators have been advised that the Bank’s secured claim will be in the region of €80,875,107 in respect of the Group’s senior facilities agreement and €27,612,578 in respect of the mezzanine facility agreement. From the financial information available at present there may be sufficient realisations in the Administration to consider a distribution to the Bank under its fixed and floating charge. 5.2 Preferential Creditors Preferential creditor claims of £165,345 have been received to date. Based on current expected realisations the Joint Administrators anticipate that there are likely to be sufficient funds to make a distribution to the preferential creditors. 5.3 Unsecured Creditors The Statement of Affairs details unsecured creditors totalling £7,489,405. To date claims totalling £3,200,541 have been received. Given the level of expected realisations and the quantum of the secured debt the Joint Administrators consider that the company will have insufficient property to enable a distribution to be made to unsecured creditors other than by virtue of the Prescribed Part.

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5.4 Prescribed Part The “Prescribed Part” is a statutory amount, calculated as a percentage of net floating charge realisations, which entitles unsecured creditors to a share of realisations. This is calculated on a sliding scale up to maximum of £600,000 before costs. The amount of the Prescribed Part of the assets under Section 176A of the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended) is estimated to be £53,776 in the Statement of Affairs. It must however be noted that the Statement of Affairs does not include the costs of the Administration process which will be deducted prior to calculating the Prescribed Part. We do not propose to make an application to court under Section 176A(5) of the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended) for an order disapplying the Prescribed Part provisions.

6. JOINT ADMINISTRATORS RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS We attach as Appendix C a summary of our receipts and payments. VAT Basis Receipts and payments are shown net of VAT, with any amount due to or from HM Revenue & Customs shown separately.

7. MEETING OF CREDITORS In accordance with Paragraph 52(1) of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended), as it is anticipated that the company has insufficient property to enable a distribution to be made to unsecured creditors other than by virtue of the Prescribed Part, the Administrators are not obliged to convene a meeting of creditors. However, due to the significant interest in the process which has been received from creditors, the Joint Administrators have decided to convene a meeting of creditors, pursuant to paragraph 51 of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended). The following documentation is attached: • Appendix D: formal notice convening the meeting is on Form 2.20B • Appendix E: a form of proxy form for use at the meeting. • Appendix F: an extract from the Insolvency Rules 1986 (as amended)

regarding creditors’ entitlement to vote • Appendix G: a proof of debt to enable creditors who have not yet lodged their

claim to do so (please note that you will not be able to vote at the meeting unless you have lodged your claim with the Joint Administrators)

The purpose of the meeting is for creditors to be able to consider the Administrators’ proposals and resolutions set out at section 8 below and to ask questions as regards the conduct of the administration. At the meeting, creditors are also entitled to establish a

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Creditors’ Committee should they so wish, provided that there are no fewer than three and no more than five wishing to be represented on the committee.


The Joint Administrators’ proposals in relation to the Company are: 8.1 The Administrators should continue to explore the possibility of realising

further assets of the Company upon the terms they consider to be the most beneficial to creditors of the company.

8.2 If a sale of the company and/or its business is unachievable then the Administrators should consider and pursue the most appropriate alternative method of realising the assets for the benefit of the creditors.

8.3 The Administrators should arrange to distribute available funds from the realised assets to those creditors entitled to them in such manner as they consider will lead to an early distribution of the available assets in an economic manner.

8.4 The Administrators be authorised to make such application to court for directions as they consider appropriate with a view to achieving the purposes of the administration or their proposals.

8.5 The Company exits the administration by way of Dissolution or if a distribution to the unsecured creditors becomes a possibility by way of Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation as appropriate.

8.6 In the event of an exit by Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation, that Matthew Richard Meadley Wild and David Ronald Taylor of Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP, Third Floor, One London Square, Cross Lanes, Guildford GU1 1UN be appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company following the cessation of the administration and the Joint Liquidators will have the power to act jointly and severally.

8.7 To consider and if thought fit, appointing a Creditors’ Committee to assist the Administrators and subsequent Joint Liquidators.

8.8 In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the Administrators be discharged from liability in respect of any action of theirs as Administrators immediately following their cessation to act as Administrators.

8.9 In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the Administrators shall be authorised to draw their remuneration based upon their time costs by reference to the time properly given by the Administrators and their staff, in attending to matters arising in the administration at Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP standard hourly rates, at the rates prevailing at the time the work is done.

8.10 In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the Administrators shall be authorised to draw their disbursements and other expenses incurred by them in the administration, such disbursements to include “Category 2 disbursements” at the rates prevailing at the time the cost is incurred. In the event that the administration exits by way of liquidation and the Administrators are appointed Liquidators, such resolution shall be treated as being passed in

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the liquidation

Creditors are also asked to consider the following resolutions in relation to the outstanding pre-administration costs detailed at paragraphs 8.11 and 8.12 below and at Appendix L: 8.11 In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the Administrators

shall be authorised to draw their outstanding pre-appointment remuneration and disbursements as set out in Appendix L, in the sum of £21,893, such disbursements to include “Category 2 disbursements” at the rates prevailing at the time the cost was incurred.

8.12 In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the Administrators shall be authorised to discharge the outstanding pre-appointment expenses as set out in Appendix L, in the sum of £21,328.


It is proposed that the company shall exit administration by way of Dissolution or if a distribution to the unsecured creditors becomes a possibility by way of Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation as appropriate. It is proposed that Matthew Richard Meadley Wild and David Ronald Taylor of Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP, Third Floor, One London Square, Cross Lanes, Guildford GU1 1UN be appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company following the cessation of the administration. The Liquidators will have the power to act jointly and severally and any act required or authorised to be done by the liquidators may be done by all or any one or more of the persons holding the office in question. Creditors should note that they may nominate a different person as the proposed Liquidator, provided that: (a) the nomination is made before the proposals (or any revised proposals) are

approved and; (b) Where the nomination relates to more than one person, or has the effect that the

office is to be held by more than one person, a declaration is made as to whether any act required or authorised to be done by the liquidators is to be done by all or any one or more of the persons for the time being holding the office in question.


Details of the fees charged and expenses incurred by the Administrators prior to appointment are set out in Appendix L, together with details of the amounts paid to discharge these costs (if any), and the balance that remains unpaid (if any).

To the best of my knowledge no fees were charged, or expenses incurred, by any other Insolvency Practitioner prior to my appointment.

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I would advise you that payment of unpaid pre-administration costs as an expense of the administration is: (i) Subject to approval under Rule 2.67A, and (ii) Not part of the proposals subject to approval under paragraph 53 of Schedule B1

of the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended)

I can confirm that I have unpaid pre-administration costs of £21,893. Creditors are asked to consider resolutions as set out at paragraphs 8.11 and 8.12 to approve the payment of the Administrators’ outstanding pre-appointment remuneration and expenses as detailed at Appendix L from the administration estate. Please note that, if a Creditors’ Committee is appointed, it is for the Committee to consider these resolutions. 10.2 Joint Administrators’ Post appointment Remuneration and Disbursements Creditors are asked to consider resolutions as regards the payment of the Administrators’ remuneration and drawing certain disbursements from the administration estate. It is for the creditors or, if a creditors’ committee is appointed, the creditors’ committee, to determine on what basis the administrator is to be remunerated; time cost, percentage, set fee or any combination of these and, where appropriate, the percentages or amounts of any set fee. Expenses and disbursements which are not capable of precise identification and calculation (for example any which include an element of shared or allocated costs) require approval prior to being drawn from the insolvency estate. These expenses are known as “Category 2” disbursements and are also subject to approval by the creditors (or a creditors’ committee if one is appointed). In the event that a creditors’ committee is not appointed, approval is sought for category 2 disbursements and remuneration to be charged and drawn based on the terms set out in the resolution(s) at paragraphs 8.9 and 8.10 of the Joint Administrators’ proposals. For your information the following documentation is attached: • Appendix H Charging, expenses and disbursement policy statement • Appendix I Joint Administrators’ charge out and disbursement rates • Appendix J “Category 2” disbursement table • Appendix K Joint Administrators’ time and charge out summary A Creditors’ Guide to Administrators’ Fees, which provides information for creditors in relation to the remuneration of an Administrator can be accessed by following the links within the website referred to below. - “Regulation and Guidance > Creditors Guides to Fees.

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Appendix A


COMPANY NAME: Swets Information Services Limited


The Joint Administrators’ appointment specified that they would have power to act jointly and severally.

The Joint Administrators’ have exercised, and will continue to exercise, all of their functions jointly and severally as stated in the notice of appointment.


10/11/2003 - Swets Blackwell Limited

09/03/2000 - B.H. Blackwell Limited




TRADING ADDRESS: Swan House Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon Business Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 1UQ

PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY: Supply of periodicals and journals

REGISTERED OFFICE: Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP, Third Floor, One London Square, Cross Lanes, Guildford GU1 1UN


Swan House Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon Business Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 1UQ



Authorised share capital:

£423,527.50 Ordinary shares

Issued: 4,235,275 Ordinary Shares at a par value of £0.10p

SHAREHOLDERS: Swets and Zeitlinger International Holding B.V. - 4,235,275 shares

DIRECTORS: Royal Swets & Zeitlinger Holding N. V., Therese Hawksworth & Johannes Stoop

SECRETARY: Elizabeth Maria Van Dijk


Debenture created on 15 October 2007 and registered on 26 October 2007 in favour of Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A.

APPOINTOR The Directors, Swan House Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon Business Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 1UQ

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Appendix B

A - SUMMARY OF ASSETS Book Value Estimated to Realise £ £ Assets Subject to Specific Charge (banking agreement) Cash at Bank Less: due to secured lender




(86,238,568) Surplus/(shortfall) in respect of Secured Lender



Assets Subject to Fixed Charge Investment (Swets Information Services Inc) Leasehold Property Less: due to Secured Lender (brought down)






(85,698,568) Surplus/(shortfall) in respect of Secured Lender



Assets Subject to Floating Charge Book Debts Plant & Machinery Fixtures & Fittings







Assets not Subject to Charge Available to preferential creditors 1,209,000 414,120

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A1 – SUMMARY OF LIABILITIES Estimated to Realise £ £ Estimated total assets available for preferential creditors 414,120 Preferential creditors (160,240) Estimated Surplus (Deficiency) as regards preferential creditors Less: Prescribed Part


(53,776) Estimated total assets available for floating charge holders 200,104 Floating Charge Claims 85,698,568 Estimated Surplus (Deficiency) as regards floating charge holder Add: Prescribed Part


53,776 Total assets available to unsecured creditors 53,776

Unsecured non-preferential claims Employee related claims Prepayments Trade & Expense


(6,519,703) (15,946)


Floating charge shortfall b/down


Estimated Surplus (Deficiency) as regards creditors Share Capital: Ordinary


424,000 Estimated Surplus (Deficiency) as regards members (93,358,093)

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Appendix B

B COMPANY CREDITORS - SWETS INFORMATION SERVICES LIMITED Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of

debt £ Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

123 Doc Education 72 Harley Street W1G 7HG 0.00 0.00 8el-Aggregated Telecom Ltd Kings Reach, 38-50 Kings Road Reading RG1 3AA 0.00 0.00 Aberdeen Asset Management c/o Rioch UK, Rioch House, PO Box 3115, 15 Ullswater Cres.

Coulsdon CR5 9DS 992.00 0.00

Acorn Press Westmead Drive, Westmead Ind. Est Swindon SN5 7UU 0.00 0.00 Acquaviva, Pietro (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,888.65 0.00Adorjan, Judit (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,313.61 0.00 ADT Fire and Security PO Box 4138 Manchester M1 4HD 0.00 0.00 Aggregated Telecom T/A Selection Networks

Provident House, 122 High Street Bromley BR1 1EZ 0.00 0.00

AHDB Library - Amy Cawood Information Officer, Stoneleigh Park Kenilworth CV8 2TL 22,240.00 0.00 Akzo Nobel ICI Paints AkzoNobel, Librarian, Skrytka Pocztowa 1171 Urzad

Pocztowy 50-986 WROCLAW 44226.00 0.00

Allianz Risk Transfer (UK) Ltd 60 Gracechurch Street London EC3V 0HR 1,473.00 0.00 Amariat, Elise (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 4,430.72 0.00 AMTV Unit 1, Shrivenham Hundred Business park, Watchfield Swindon

SN6 8TZ 0.00 0.00

An Bord Altranais - Library , 18/20 Carysfort Avenue Blackrock - County Dublin 1,871.00 0.00 Anglia Ruskin University East Road Cambridge CB1 1PT 396.00 0.00 Arraes, Cristina (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,476.90 0.00 Ashford and St Peter Hospitals NHS Foundation Tr

Ashford Hospital - Education Centre, RTK Payables A185 Phoenix House, Topcliffe Lane WAKEFIELD WF3 1WE

439.00 0.00

Athlone Institute of Technology Finance Department, Dublin Road Athlone CO WESTMEATH 15,981.00 0.00 Aumaitre, Nina (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,854.67 0.00 Aviagen Turkeys Ltd - Veterinary Lab Veterinary Laboratory, Platts Lane-Old Moss Stapleford Tarvin,

Chester CH3 8HR 239.00 0.00

AWE - Liane Frydland Aldermaston, READING Berkshire RG7 4PR 2,061.00 0.00 Babraham Institute Babraham Research Campus, Babraham Cambridge CB22 3AT 208,564.00 0.00 BAE Systems - Advanced Technology Centre

Portway House, 1 The Pavilions, C/o Warton Aerodrome Mill Lane Preston PR4 1AX

620.00 0.00

Barclays Capital Global Payment Support, 5 North Colonnade, Canary Wharf London E14 4BB

14,272.00 0.00

BBC Accounts Payable, PO Box 479 Manchester M14 0EJ 586.00 0.00Beames, Pauline (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 12,134.57 0.00Bell, Emma (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 9,485.85 0.00 Bergami, Anna (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,118.13 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Berkeley Executive Cars 7 Lawrence Close, Childrey, Wantage Oxfordshire OX12 9YR 0.00 0.00 Biffa Waste Services Po Box 645, High Wycombe H12 3WF 337.82 0.00 Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust

RYW Payables F235, Phoenix House, Topcliffe Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE

951.00 0.00

Black, Andrea (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,486.28 0.00 Blackwells UK Ltd Accounts dept, PO Box 757 Oxford OX1 2ET 0.00 0.00Boisseau, Simon (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 15,970.06 0.00 Bolton, Helen (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 16,956.05 0.00 Bosman, Olivier (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 6,057.76 0.00 Bouaoune, Ania (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 4,511.72 0.00 Bowler, Jeanette (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 11,701.66 0.00 BPJ Construction Ltd The Barns, Fyfield Wick Abingdon OX13 5ND 0.00 0.00 Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Bradford Royal Infirmary, RAE Payables 4405 Phoenix House, Topcliffe Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE

4,687.00 0.00

Braun, Constance (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,786.51 0.00 Bridges Consortium Bristol Central Library, College Green Bristol BS1 5TL 4,817.00 0.00 British Dental Association Library, 64 Wimpole Street London W1G 8YS 50,169.00 0.00 British Library, Alasdair Fraser, Head of Procurement

Serial Acquisitions Unit DSC (SX9), Boston Spa, Wetherby West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ

1,152.00 0.00

British Medical Association BMA Library, Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JP 11,947.00 0.00 British Telecommunications PLC Direct Debit Department Durham DH98 1BT 1,675.80 0.00 Brockbank, Joshua (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,320.53 0.00 Broome, Janet (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 9,270.00 0.00 Browns 7 Sellwood Rd,, Abingdon Oxford OX14 1PE 0.00 0.00Bruce, Christina (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 6,687.45 0.00 Brulez, Chloe c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 276.92 0.00 BUPA Anchorage Quay Salford Quays M5 2XL 0.00 0.00 Burgess, Jacqueline (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 33,273.00 0.00 Burgoyne, Marie (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 12,595.09 0.00 Butler Cox Flooring Ltd Unit 46b, Milton Park Abingdon OX14 4RU 0.00 0.00 CABI - Sarah Somerset-How , Nosworthy Way Wallingford OX10 8DE 219.00 0.00 Calber Facilities Management Limited The Glenmore Cenre, Grove Technology Park, Downside Road

Wantage OX12 9GN 0.00 0.00

Calderon, Maria (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,157.68 0.00 Calor Gas Centre 0.00 0.00 Cambridge University Archaeology Anthropology, JCS - The Librarian Downing Street

Cambridge CB2 3DZ 0.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Cambridge University Chemistry Dept Library JCS, Chemical Laboratory Library Lensfield Road Cambridge CB2 1EW

0.00 0.00

Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Library, Library - JCS- William Gates Building - JJ Thompson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0FD

0.00 0.00

Cambridge University Dept Clinical Veterinary, Medicine Library Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 0ES

0.00 0.00

Cambridge University Earth Sciences Department, JCS - Librarian Downing Street Cambridge CB2 3EQ

0.00 0.00

Cambridge University Engineering Dept, JCS - Librarian Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ

0.00 0.00

Cambridge University Faculty of Education JCS, Library & Information Service 184 Hills Road Cambridge CB2 8PQ

0.00 0.00

Cambridge University Fitzwilliam Museum, The Librarian - Diana Wood Man Printed Books Cambridge CB2 1RB

0.00 0.00

Cambridge University Judge Business School, Library Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1AG

39,027.00 0.00

Cambridge University Squire Law Library 10 West Road Cambridge CB3 9DZ 0.00 0.00 Cardiff Metropolitan Univ-Cyncoed Library

Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road Cardiff CF23 6DX 3,133.00 0.00

Cardiff Metropolitan University Llandaff Learning Centre, Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YB 1,018.00 0.00 Cardiff Metropolitan University - E-Packages

Library & Information Services, Llandaff Campus Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YB

3,756.00 0.00

Cardiff University Acquisitions Cardiff University, PO BOX 430, 1st Floor 30-36 Newport Road Cardiff CF24 0DE

2,806.00 0.00

Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust

PO Box 176, Wilmslow Park, Hathersage Road Manchester M13 0JR

1,300.00 0.00

Central Reference Library - Martin Pavey

PO Box 1756, Postroom Civic Centre Basement Southampton SO18 9JS

4,751.00 0.00

Charles, Alice (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 7,297.61 0.00 Chartered Inst of Personnel and Development

Library and Information Service, 151 The Broadway London SW19 1JQ

260.00 0.00

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Finance Department, Top Road, Calow Chesterfield S44 5BL 700.00 0.00

Chijioke, Anne-Marie (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 4,021.46 0.00 Childcare Vouchers Ltd 50 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 2RS 0.00 0.00 Chilvers, Mark (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,193.00 0.00 City University London - Periodicals Dept

Northampton Square Library, Northampton Square London EC1V 0HB

8,411.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Claudia Lux via di Tramonte 3894, 55100 LUCCA ITALY 0.00 0.00 Cleveland College of Art & Design Green Lane Site Library, Green Lane Linthorpe Middlesbrough

TS5 7RJ 1,115.00 0.00

Cleveland College of Art & Design Green Lane Site Library, Green Lane Linthorpe Middlesbrough TS5 7RJ

1,596.00 0.00

Coles, Michelle (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,247.10 0.00 Commerzbank 30 Gresham Street, PO Box 52715 London EC2P 2XY 225.00 0.00 Company Barclaycard Corporate PO Box 3000, Teesdale Business Park Stockton-on-Tees TS17

6YG 0.00 0.00

Coombe Women's Hospital - Laboratory

FINANCE DEPARTMENT, Cork Street Dublin - 8 1,699.00 0.00

Corker, Shelagh (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,083.99 0.00 Corona Energy Edward Hyde Building, 38 Clarendon Road Watford WD17 1JW 0.00 0.00 Corus (UK) Tata Steel RD & T Library, Purchase Acct Dep - PO Box 108 Port

Talbot Works PSA13 2NG 330.00 0.00

Cox, Aurore (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,313.67 0.00 Crawford College of Art and Design Library

Library, Sharman Crawford Street Cork 7,137.00 0.00

Creative Benefit Solutions Ltd Stephenson House, 2 Cherry Orchard Road Croydon CR0 6BA 0.00 0.00 Crown Agents Bank Chief Forest Officer, Fi2E Dept - St Nicholas House St Nicholas

Road Sutton SM1 1EL 7,708.00 0.00

Croydon Health Services NHS Trust Croydon Health Services Library, Nightingale House London Road Croydon CR7 7YE

1,393.00 0.00

Daivd Eden 12 Swaledale Road Sheffield S7 2BY 639.82 0.00 Darke & Taylor Ltd Langford Locks, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1LH 0.00 0.00 Department for Work and Pensions Porterbrook House, 7 Pear Street Sheffield S11 8JF 626.00 0.00 Department of Health (UK) 6th Floor - Skipton House, 80 London Road London SE1 6LH 6,464.00 0.00 Department of Health (UK) Room 437 Richmond House, 79 Whitehall London SW1A 2NS 0.00 0.00 Department of Justice and Equality - A Ryan

Inform Res Unit - Corp Affairs, 51 St Stephen's Green Dublin 301.00 0.00

Department of The Environment The Library, Custom House Dublin 1 14,271.00 0.00 Dept of Environment & Local Government

, Glasnevin Hill Dublin - 9 6,371.00 0.00

Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Trust

Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Finance Department Top Road, Calow Chesterfield S44 5BL

256.00 0.00

DHL Express (UK) Limited Customer Accounting Dept, PO Box 524 Hounslow TW3 9LP 458.04 0.00DHSC The Learning Team Library & Information Service, Cabinet Office, Isle of Man

Government, Keyll Darree, Braddan Isle of Man IM4 4RH 0.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Doctor, Katy (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,652.75 0.00 DPD Hambridge lane, Newbury Berkshire RG14 5TU 0.00 0.00 Drake & Taylor Ltd Langford Locks, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1LH 0.00 0.00 Drummond, Leeanne (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,375.54 0.00 Drungilaite, Vaiva (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,036.28 0.00 Dublin City Public Library Periodicals Department, Navan Road Dunlin 7 23,448.00 0.00 Dublin City University Library, Glasnevin Dublin - 9 254.00 0.00 Dublin City University - CONS Library, Glasnevin Dublin - 9 551.00 0.00 Dublin City University - CONS UK Library, Glasnevin Dublin - 9 722.00 0.00Dublin Dental Hospital - Librarian Librarian, Lincoln Place Dublin - 2 4,334.00 0.00 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Advanced Studies, 10 Burlington Road Dublin 383.00 0.00 Dublin Institute of Technology , Rathmines Road Dublin - 6 580,967.00 0.00 Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Lib HQ - M McCaughan

Level 1 - Harbour Square 1, Crofton Road Dun Laoghaire - Co Dublin

6,883.00 0.00

Dyer, Robin (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 26,488.20 0.00 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Found Trust

Kent and Canterbury Hospital, PO Box 338, Ethelbert Road Canterbury CT1 3GD

579.00 0.00

Ebiquity Plc - Janet Hudson 1st Floor - Q5, Quorum Business Pk -Benton Lane Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 8BS

2,770.00 0.00

Edge Hill University Dean of Learning Services Ormskirk L39 4QP 0.00 0.00 Edmunson Electrical Ltd 3 Kimbre Road Abingdon OX14 1SG 0.00 0.00 Eduserve Royal Mead, Railway Place Bath BA1 1SR 0.00 0.00 EE Trident Place, Mosquito Way Hatfield AL10 9BW 1,093.59 0.00 English Heritage - Diana Sims - The Library

The Engine House, Fire Fly Avenue Swindon SN2 2EH 13,000.00 0.00

Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

St Helier Hospital - Hirson Library, RVR Payables 7545 Phoenix House, Topcliffe Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE

5,047.00 0.00

EPSRC - Clare Waldron Records Manager, Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1ET

1,694.00 0.00

Eriksson, Henrik c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 276.92 0.00 Essex County Council - Research & Evaluation

PO Box 4488, 345 Edinburgh Avenue Slough SL1 0UF 650.00 0.00

Fedrick-Illsley, Tom c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 779.87 0.00 Fingal County Libraries HQ County Hall, Main Street Swords - Co Dublin 1,250.00 0.00 Finn, Linda (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 21,796.55 0.00 Foreign And Commonwealth Office FCO Estates & Security Dept - G Atiogbe, Room 2/80 - Old

Admiralty Bldg Spring Gardens London SW1A 2AP 755.00 0.00

Forestry Commission - Librarian K Hutchinson-Res Info Serv Mngr, Roslin Midlothian EH25 9SY 41,564.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Franchy Afonso, Nuria (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,535.36 0.00 Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Creditor Payments Office, Portsmouth Road Camberley GU16 7UJ 2,086.00 0.00

Frodsham, Joanne (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 7,065.76 0.00 Fryer, Helena (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 6,939.46 0.00 Gabby Books Ltd PO Box 157-01001 KALIMONI JUJA KENYA 0.00 0.00Galligan, Finbar (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 10,386.05 0.00 Garda College Templemore Co Tipperary 0.00 0.00 Garofolo, Ambra (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 4,847.74 0.00 GAZPROM ENERGY 5th Floor Bauhaus, 27 Quay Street Manchester M3 3GY 0.00 0.00 GCS Supplies Ltd 8 Monument Park, Warpsgrove Lane Chalgrove OX44 7RW 0.00 0.00 Geopost UK Ltd Litigation Department, 15th Floor Castlemead, Lower Castle Street

Bristol BS1 3AG 0.00 0.00

Gilgen Door Systems UK Ltd After Sales Division, Crow House Ringwood BH24 1PD 0.00 0.00 Glasgow University Library - APC Charges

Periodicals Department, Hillhead Street Glasgow G12 8QE 5,984.00 0.00

Glyndwr University D Block, Mold Road Wrexham LL11 2AW 1,090.00 0.00 Goldsmiths College Library Lewisham Way New Cross London SE14 6NW 1,477.00 0.00Gomersall, Matthew (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 10,921.12 0.00 Govt Communications Plannings Directorate

Accounts Department, PO Box 25427 London SW1P 1FW 1,251.00 0.00

GPP Hygiene- Gloucester Paper Products

Athena 3,Olympus Park, Gloucester GL2 4NF 0.00 0.00

Granana Sanz, Ivan (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,307.44 0.00 Grieve, Andrew (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 18,378.13 0.00 Groundwater, Tony (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 15,901.51 0.00 Hallard, Natasha (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,784.56 0.00 Harris Global Ltd Leon House 3rd Floor, 233 High Street Croydon CR0 9XT 0.00 0.00 Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

PO Box 295, Harrogate HG2 7UG 1,037.00 0.00

Harvey, Karen (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 16,901.89 0.00 Hasper, Esther c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,681.80 0.00 Hawker, George (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,840.13 0.00 Hawksworth, Therese (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 77,557.64 0.00 HCL Safety Ltd 882 Plymouth Road, Slough Berkshire SL1 4LP 0.00 0.00 Health & Safety Executive - Information Ctr

3rd Floor Companies House, Crown Way Cardiff CF14 3UW 3,674.00 0.00

Health Service Executive The Library, Lacken - Dublin Road Kilkenny 13,770.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Heigl, Michaela (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 1,000.00 0.00 Henderson UK Property Unit trust C/o Lambert Smith Hampton, United Kingdom House 180 Oxford

Street W1D 1NN 0.00 0.00

Hertfordshire Libraries - Central Stocks Unit

Unit 3 Centrapark, Bessemer Road Welwyn Garden City AL7 1HT 3,121.00 0.00

Hill, Amy (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,453.93 0.00 Hodgson, Rachel c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,323.07 0.00 Hoffman, Dorothy (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 4,258.52 0.00 Hogg, Heidi (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,661.95 0.00 Hold, Bitten (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,961.62 0.00 Holton, Jessica (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 6,981.00 0.00 Hospital of the Assumption - Matron Accounts Department, Thurles Co Tipperary 284.00 0.00 Houlston, Daniel (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,183.10 0.00 Howes, Louise (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 19,347.51 0.00 HR Wallingford Ltd - Helen Stevenson , Howberry Park Wallingford OX10 8BA 1,172.00 0.00 HSE Eastern Region (Dublin Kildare & Wicklow)

Dr Steevens Hospital, Regional Lib Information Unit Eastern Health Shared Services DUBLIN 8

6,829.00 0.00

Hunt, Sandra (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 16,621.37 0.00Huxley, Sharon (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 4,563.65 0.00 IFS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE IFS HOUSE, 4-9 BURGATE LANE CANTERBURY CT1 2XJ 0.00 0.00 Imerys Minerals Ltd Par Moor Centre, Par Moor Road Par PL24 2SQ 361.00 0.00 Immigration Removal Centre Library, Dolphin Way Gosport PO12 2AW 284.00 0.00 Imperial College London, ALEX MARTIN

Financial Division, Level 1 Faculty Building, South Kensinton Campus London SW7 2AZ

9,018.00 0.00

IMS Health IMS Health Philippines, 1209 Philippines 10th Floor BPI Buendia Center MANILA

0.00 0.00

IMS Health IMS Health Spain - Carolina Pastor, MASA Mercados y Analisis S.A Condesa de Venadito 1-7th Floor 28027 MADRID

1,354.00 0.00

Indicator FL Memo Calgarth House, 39-41 Bank Street, Ashford Kent TN23 1DQ 0.00 0.00 ING Lease (UK) Limited 60 High Street, Redhill RH1 1NY 0.00 0.00 Institue for Animal Health The Pirbright Institute, c/o UK SBS Polaris House, North Star Ave

Swindon SN2 1UH 46,213.00 0.00

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Level 2 Exchange Crescent, 7 conference Square Edinburgh EH3 8RA

27,307.00 0.00

Institute of Education (LUPC) Information Services, 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL 352.00 0.00 Institute of Technology - Carlow , Summerhill Road Wexford 2,563.00 0.00 Institute of Technology - Carlow The Library, Kilkenny Road Carlow 37,938.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Institution of Mechanical Engineers Information & Library Service, 1 Birdcage Walk London SW1H 9JJ

1,763.00 0.00

International Maritime Organization Julian Ross, 4 Albert Embankment London SE1 7SR 286.00 0.00 IRIS Payroll Solutions Limited 4 Tetbury Close, Challenge Way, Martland Park Wigan WN5 0LA 0.00 0.00 Isle of Man Government - Department of Health

Isle of Man Treasury , Finance Shared Services , 3rd Floor, St Andrews House , Douglas Isle of Man IM1 2PX

25,108.00 0.00

ITQ Image Through Quality Ltd Alexandra Court, The Moors Thatcham RG19 4WL 15.36 0.00 J & E Davy Stockbrokers Attn Zara Copeland

Information Officer, 49 Dawson Street Dublin 8,536.00 0.00

Jaiteh, Kaddy (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,573.28 0.00 James Gibbon Ltd Vulcan Road, Bilston West Midlands WV14 7JG 0.00 0.00 James Paget University Hospitals NHS Found Trust

Finance Dept., Lowestoft Road Gorleston Great Yarmouth NR31 6LP

814.00 0.00

Jardine, John (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 27,714.99 0.00 Jaschob, Jana (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,504.05 0.00 JBL Office Nathan House, 168-170 Cumnor Road Wootton Boars Hill OX1

5JS 0.00 0.00

John Innes Centre NBI Library, Norwich Research Park Colney Norwich NR4 7UH 34,341.00 0.00 Johnson Matthey Technology Johnson Matthey Catalysts, Royal Mail Sorting Office PO Box

7358 Corby NN17 5XX 815.00 0.00

Jones Lang Lasalle Accounts Payable Dept, Chlodna 52 00-872 WARSAW 230.00 0.00Joseph, Richard (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 6,476.32 0.00Keuning, Lillie (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,474.97 0.00 King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Doug Knock-Library Ed Centre, Farnborough Common Orpington BR6 8ND

3,231.00 0.00

King's College London Finance Department, Strand London WC2R 2LS 1,642.00 0.00 King's College London - FWIC Journals

Room 6.34 JCMB, 57 Waterloo Road London SE1A 8WA 9,131.00 0.00

Knithaki, Christina (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 8,837.79 0.00 Kone Plc 5 Beechwood, Lime Tree Way, Chineham Business Park

Basingstoke RG24 8WA 0.00 0.00

Koskela, Heidi (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,829.88 0.00 Kraft Foods Mondelez - Accounts Payable Dept, PO Box 12 Bournville Lane,

Bournville Birmingham B30 2LU 236.00 0.00

Kurt, Deniz (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 9,398.70 0.00 Laforest, Maria Louise (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,110.85 0.00 Lawton (BES) Ltd Chaloners Road, Braunton North Devon EX33 2ES 0.00 0.00 Leavesley, Nicola (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 11,209.38 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Lee, Sandra (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,338.09 0.00 Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

RY6 Payables C635, Phoenix House, Topcliffe Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE

958.00 0.00

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust PO Box 784 - Leeds General Inf, Great George Street Leeds LS1 9LF

97,365.00 0.00

Lemon & Co Sollicitors 34 Regent Circus, Swindon SN1 1PY 0.00 0.00 Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Healthcare Library, RJ2 Payables 4715

Phoenix House, Topcliffe Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE 4,412.00 0.00

Lex Autolease Limited Heathside Park, Heathside Park Road Stockport SK3 0RB 0.00 0.00 Library - Accrington & Rossendale College

Broad Oak Centre, Broad Oak Road Accrington Lancashire BB5 2AW

5,939.00 0.00

Litt, Simon (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 15,401.02 0.00 Liverpool Hope University Financial Services - Accounts Payable, Hope Park Liverpool L16

9JD 0.00 0.00

Liverpool John Moores University Libr & Student Support Services, Room GF07 Aquinas Building Liverpool L1 9DE

21,525.00 0.00

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Donald Mason Library, Pembroke Place Liverpool L3 5RT 405.00 0.00 Livesey, Jessica (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,579.52 0.00 London Metropolitan Univ - Acquisitions Unit

Accounts Payable, 166-220 Holloway Road London N7 8DB 307.00 0.00

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Med

Library & Archives Service, Keppel Street London WC1E 7HT 8,624.00 0.00

Lythgoe, Kim (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,012.70 0.00 Macaulay Land Use Research Institute The James Hutton Institute, Library & Information Services

Craigiebuckler Aberdeen AB15 8QH173,589.00 0.00

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Maidstone Hospital, Postgrad Med Cent Hermitage Lane Maidstone ME16 9QQ

5,919.00 0.00

Malin, Gemma (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 13,467.19 0.00 Manchester City Council Town Hall Extension - Level 1, PO BOX 532 Manchester M12

6JH 337.00 0.00

Marie Curie Centre - Fairmile National Library Info Manager, Balornock Road Glasgow G21 3US

1,203.00 0.00

Marine Laboratory , 375 Victoria Road Aberdeen AB11 9DB 335.00 0.00 Marks and Spencers -Sue Moore (JYL 59622)

Non merchandise payments, 3 Hardman Street -Spinningfield Manchester M3 3HF

215.00 0.00

Mary Immaculate College Library - Journals Department, South Circular Road Limerick 28,561.00 0.00 Mary Immaculate College Library Library - Journals Dept (CONS), South Circular Road Limerick 13,230.00 0.00

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Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Masterfoods Mars Chocolate UK Ltd - Library, PO2000741568/40 Dundee Road Slough SL1 4JX

229.00 0.00

Matthew Comfort 6 St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1DL 0.00 0.00 McBride, Lucy (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 8,590.31 0.00 McGowan, Caroline (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 7,443.88 0.00 McGowan, Rob (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 12,821.59 0.00McKinsey & Co Accounts Payable, 1 Jermyn Street London SW1Y 4UH 667.00 0.00 Medical Research Council - Librarian C/O UK SBS, Polaris House, North Star Ave Swindon SN2 1UH 549.00 0.00 Medical Research Council - Librarian - APC

C/O UK SBS, Polaris House - North Star Ave Swindon SN2 1UH 17,469.00 0.00

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

151 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 9SZ 0.00 0.00

Medway NHS Foundation Trust Medway Maritime Hospital - Trust Library, Education Centre Windmill Rd Gillingham ME7 5NY

2,216.00 0.00

Meggitt Aerospace Braking Systems W.P. Mathews, Holbrook Lane - Holbrooks Coventry CV6 4AA 371.00 0.00 Mercer Rolls, Ruth (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 865.38 0.00 Met Office - Sarah Pankiewicz Alexandria 1, FitzRoy Road Exeter EX1 3PB 324.00 0.00 METAFRASI Traduccio i Comunicacio S.L.

Rambla Catalunya 124-3r 3a, 08008 BARCELONA SPAIN 0.00 0.00

MHRA NIBSC - Jeremy Evans, Agency Accs Payable 5th Floor 151 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 9SZ

5,061.00 0.00

Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust

Broomfield Hospital - Warner Library, Serco ASP Financial Services PO Box 140 Liverpool L33 7RX

696.00 0.00

Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust

Stafford Hospital , Weston Road Stafford ST16 3SA 0.00 0.00

Middlesex University - Rosemary Weeks

Becky Coles-Sheppard Library, The Burroughs Hendon London NW4 4BT

6,398.00 0.00

Midland Regional Hospital - Nicola Fay

Library, Tullamore Co Offaly IRELAND 928.00 0.00

Milburn, Claire c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 6,346.12 0.00 Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

RD8 Payables F215, Phoenix House - Topcliffe Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE

2,237.00 0.00

MJF Security 4-5 Faraday Court, Rankine Road Basingstoke RG24 8PF 0.00 0.00 MOD - Central Library Andrew Orgill - Central Library Camberley GU15 4PQ 0.00 0.00 MOD - Commando Training Centre- Royal Marines

Library - Robert Wardle Lympstone EX8 5AR 0.00 0.00


Zone C, 1st Floor, Walker House, Exchange Flags Liverpool L2 3YL

0.00 0.00

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Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

MOD - Defence School of CIS - Technical Library

Harrogate Building L1-12, Blandford Camp-Blandford Forum Dorset DT11 8RH

41,919.00 0.00

MOD - RAFC Cranwell College Hall Library Sleaford NG34 8HB 0.00 0.00 Moore, Veronica (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 1,908.86 0.00 Moredun Research Institute - Library International Research Centre, Pentlands Science Prk-Bush Loan

Penicuik Midlothian EH26 0PZ 114,506.00 0.00

Morgen Healy STM Publishing Search Selection

The old Vicarage, Market Street, Castle Donington Derbyshire DE74 2JB

0.00 0.00

Morris, Ann (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 21,052.40 0.00 Moss, Claire (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 13,459.82 0.00 MPM Legal Solution Limited Chiltern House, 45 Station Road Henley on Thames RG9 1AT 316.80 0.00 Mulkern, Jane (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 14,514.53 0.00Napier University Edinburgh Napier University, Learning & Research Services Room

L18 Merchiston Campus Edinburgh EH10 5DT 462.00 0.00

Nash, Wendy (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,284.59 0.00 National College of Art & Design Library, 100 Thomas Street DUBLIN - 8 5,909.00 0.00 National Museum of Ireland Collins Barracks, Benburb Street Dublin - 7 23,362.00 0.00 National Police Library College of Policing, Bramshill Hook RG27 0JW 512.00 0.00 National University of Ireland 1 St Patrick's College, Periodicals Department The Library (CONS)

Maynooth, Co Kildare 1,825.00 0.00

Natural History Museum - Acquisitions Section

Library and Archives, Cromwell Road London SW7 5BD 305,426.00 0.00

Neopost Limited Neopost House, South Street , Romford Essex RM1 2AR 0.00 0.00 Newman University - Library Genners Lane, Bartley Green Birmingham B32 3NT 486.00 0.00 Newnham College Library Company Limited

Cambridge CB3 9DF 216.00 0.00

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside CSU 0CE Payables M165, Phoenix House - Topcliffe Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE

1,871.00 0.00

NHS Lanarkshire Hairmyres Hospital - Lib Education & Training, Corporate Services Building Monkscourt Avenue Airdrie ML6 0JS

2,076.00 0.00

NHS National Services Scotland Scottish Health Service Centre, PL Team - Area 17 Gr Fl 1 South Gyle Crescent Edinburgh EH12 9EB

221.00 0.00

Nilsson, Ricky (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,563.74 0.00 Norfolk & Norwich Hospital Norfolk & Norwich University, Colney Lane Norwich NR4 7UH 976.00 0.00 North Bristol NHS Trust Southmead Hospital, RVJ Payables 6345 Phoenix House, Topcliffe

Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE1,550.00 0.00

North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust

PO Box 858, Unit 7-8 SilverFox Way Newcastle Upon Tyne NE29 8BW

819.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

North Wales NHS Trust (Betsi Cadwaladr University)

Glan Clwyd Hospital - Medical Library, Sarn Lane Bodelwyddan Denbighshire LL18 5UJ

3,085.00 0.00

North Wyke Research - Library , Okehampton Devon EX20 2SB 15,211.00 0.00 Northover, Ian (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 14,952.07 0.00 Nottingham Trent Univ Burton Street Nottingham NG1 4BU 38,446.00 0.00 NPower Ltd Windmill Business Park, Whitehill Way Swindon SN5 6PB 0.00 0.00NSPCC Library & Info Centre - S Pilmer

Diane Engelhardt House - Unit 2, Treglowan Court, Dowlais Road Cardiff CF24 5LQ

17,564.00 0.00

Office Landscapes Midlands Ltd Heeley House, 159 Heeley Road Selly Oaks B29 9EJ 234.25 0.00 Office of Public Works Library, Jonathan Swift Street - Trim County Meath 2,095.00 0.00 Olive Catering Service Barn Farm, Sibson Road, Ratcliffe Culey Warwickshire CV9 3PH 0.00 0.00 Open University Library - PER Attn Barbara Jeffries, Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA 873.00 0.00 Optical & Electronic Information Systems

PO Box 60591, Riydah 11555 Saudi Arabia 0.00 0.00

Overseas Development Institute F.A.O. Nick Scott, 203 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NJ 2,432.00 0.00 Oxendale, Amanda (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 4,278.75 0.00 Oxford University Colleges Brasenose College, Librarian Oxford OX1 4AJ 0.00 0.00 Oxford University Colleges Committee for the Scientific, Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PW 18,612.00 0.00Oxford University Colleges Lincoln College, Lincoln College Oxford OX1 3DR 0.00 0.00 Oxford University Colleges Magdalen College, Libraries and Archives High Street Oxford

OX1 4AU 0.00 0.00

Oxford University Colleges Merton College Oxford OX1 4JD 0.00 0.00 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust

Churchill Hospital, Charitable Funds, Manor House Headley Way, Headington Oxford OX3 9DZ

382.00 0.00

Palmer, Doreen (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 15,738.50 0.00 Park Street People The recruitment specialists, 12 Park Street, Windsor Berkshire SL4

1UN 0.00 0.00

Partridge, Andrew (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 7,310.97 0.00PDH Contracts Ltd 3 House View, Baynards Green Farm, Baynards Green Near

Bicester OX27 7SG 0.00 0.00

Pertemps Recruitment Partnership Ltd Meriden Hall, Main Road, Meriden Coventry CV7 7PT 0.00 0.00 Phipps, Claire (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 21,792.72 0.00 PHS Water Logic Unit 1 Trinity trading Estate, Pump Lane Hayes UB3 3NB 0.00 0.00 Pitchers, Sarah (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 1,191.95 0.00 Plus One Personnel Ltd 29 High Street Banbury OX16 5ER 1,080.00 0.00 Pointer, Sandra (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 22,094.11 0.00 PriceWaterhouseCoopers 3 Diverse Debiteuren UK, Swan Abingdon OX14 1UO 50,000.00 0.00 Princess Alice Hospice Library, West End Lane Esher KT10 8NA 955.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Protest UK Ltd 1 Washington Street, Kingsthorpe Northampton NN2 6NL 0.00 0.00 Pyrotec Services Ltd The Olde Forge, Main Road Fyfield OX13 5LN 0.00 0.00 Queen Elizabeth Hospital 467.00 0.00 Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Trust, Gayton Road King's Lynn PE30 4ET 770.00 0.00 RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine RAF Henlow, Bedfordshire SG16 6DN 324.00 0.00 Rauh, Martin (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,169.25 0.00 Reading College , Oxpens Road Oxford OX1 1SA 8,255.00 0.00 Redbox Fire Control The Cobden Centre, Hawkesworth, South Mead Industrial Park

Didcot OX11 7HL 0.00 0.00

Reed Elsevier Elsevier ltd - Academic Relations, The Boulevard Langford Lane Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB

9,311.00 0.00

Regent's University London Procurement , Inner Circle , Regent's Park London NW1 4NS 0.00 0.00 Richens, Karena (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 26,162.64 0.00 Ricoh UK Ltd PO Box 1363, 800 Pavilion Drive Northampton NN4 4FG 0.00 0.00 Robert Half Washington Hosue, International Square Starley Way B37 7GN 8,640.00 0.00 Rogers, Daryl-Hannah (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,706.29 0.00 Roland Berger Strategy Consultants- Lee Drane

6th Floor, 55 Baker Street London W1U 8EW 242.00 0.00

Romero Gonzalez, Ana (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,635.64 0.00 Rothamsted Research Library, West Common Harpenden AL5 2JQ 17,218.00 0.00 Royal Botanic Garden EDINBURGH The Finance Department, 20a Inverleith Row Edinburgh EH3 5LR 1,040.00 0.00 Royal Bournemouth & Christchurch Hospitals NHS

Library - Education Centre, PO Box box 3810 Royal wootton Bassett Swindon SN4 4DT

1,466.00 0.00

Royal Central School of Speech & Drama

Library Services, Embassy Theatre, 62-64 Eton Avenue London SW3 3HY

0.00 0.00

Royal College of Midwives Royal College of Obstetricians Gynaecologists, 15 Mansfield Street London W1M 0BE

248.00 0.00

Royal College of Nursing RCN Northern Ireland, Finance Dept - RM 405 20 Cavendish Square London W1G 0RN

4,612.00 0.00

Royal Mail Group Limited FREEPOST NAT15921, Royal Mail Retail, P.O Box 605 PETERBOROUGH PE4 5WG

0.00 0.00

RTE Reference Library Assistant Librarian, Donnybrook Dublin - 4 5,679.00 0.00 Ruarus, Ellen (Ms) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 1,985.20 0.00Russell Investment Group The Library 0120 Rex House, 10 Lower Regent Street London

SW1Y 4PE 3,332.00 0.00

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Trust Library & Information Resource Centre, Medical Library Eccles Old Road Salford M6 8HD

17,761.00 0.00

Sandvold, Aina (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,544.20 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Sanofi-Aventis Sanofi Pasteur MSD - Debbie Loader, Finance Department Mallards Reach Bridge Avenue Maidenhead SL6 1QP

241.00 0.00

Schuurman-Damnjanovic, Jill (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,009.84 0.00 Science and Technology Facilities Council

STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory , Harwell Oxford Didcot OX11 0QX

490,419.00 0.00

SCONUL 102 Euston Street London NW1 2HA 0.00 0.00 Selecta UK Ltd 1st Floor, Spinnaker House , Hampshire Int. Business Park ,

Basingstoke Hampshire RG24 8GG 0.00 0.00

Selection Networks Provident House, 122 High Street Bromley BR1 1EZ 1,285.00 0.00 Senate House Library Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Library Acquisitions 17

Russell Square London WC1B 5DR 760.00 0.00

Shannon College of Hotel Management , Shannon Free Airport Shannon 2,183.00 0.00 Sheffield Hallam University - Ms A Nuttall

Adsetts Centre - City Campus, Pond Street Sheffield S1 1WB 420,878.00 0.00

Shionogi Limited 5th Floor, 33 Kingsway, Holborn London WC2B 6UF 0.00 0.00 Shred-it Unit 4, Martor Industrial Estate Chippenham SN14 8LJ 0.00 0.00 Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology

Learning Resource Centre, Radbrook Campus, Radbrook Rd Shrewsbury SY3 9BL

225.00 0.00

SIEMENS - Jacqueline Ellis - Library PO Box 4532 Slough SL1 0TP 550.00 0.00 Signbox Limited Unit 3, Egham Business Village, Crabtree Road Egham TW20 8RB 0.00 0.00 Simlett, Chloe (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 13,073.95 0.00Simlett, Emma (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 19,560.90 0.00Simon Frost (LAN) 1,636.00 0.00 Simon, Johanna (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,907.68 0.00 Simon's News 2 East St Helen Street, Abingdon OX47 5EA 0.00 0.00 SLA MUSCAT 0.00 0.00 Smewing, Edward (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 11,376.60 0.00Smout, Tamsin (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 14,880.33 0.00Soames, Codie-Leigh (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 1,805.60 0.00 SOAS University of London Thornhaugh Street , Russell Square London WC1H 0XG 0.00 0.00 Solihull College - Graeme Muirhead Blossomfield Road - SOLIHULL Solihull B91 1SB 9,590.00 0.00 South Bank University Accounts Payable, 103 Borough Road London SE1 0AA 3,258.00 0.00 South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Torbay Hospital - The Library, Acc. Payable Dept., Regent House, Regent Close Torquay Devon TQ2 7AN

44,644.00 0.00

Spiers, Angie (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,961.64 0.00 Sport England 1st Floor, 21 Bloomsbury Street London WC1B 3HF 2,855.00 0.00 St Bernards Hospital - Library Shirley Sardena - Librarian, Building 3 - 6th Floor Harbours View

GX11 1AA 39,038.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

St Christopher's Hospice (E-deals) Halley Stewart Library, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road Sydenham London SE26 6DZ

1,734.00 0.00

St Columcille's Hospital - Library Edel Byrne - Librarian, Loughlinstown Co Dublin 7,775.00 0.00 St George's Healthcare NHS Trust Accounts Payable, Cranmer Terrace London SW17 0RE 542.00 0.00 St Vincent's Hospital - Library Convent Avenue, Richmond Road - Fairview Dublin - 3 1,468.00 0.00 Staffordshire University - Serials Librarian

PO Box 361, Beaconside Stafford ST16 9EF 1,094.00 0.00

Steen, Mischa (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,763.14 0.00 Stranmillis University College The Library, Stranmillis College Belfast BT9 5DY 474.00 0.00 Suffolk College UCS - Library, Waterfront Building Neptune Quay Ipswich IP4

1QJ 2,091.00 0.00

Suffolk County Council - Library Public Health Suffolk, Endeavour House - 8 Russell Rd Ipswch IP1 2BX

1,218.00 0.00

Sun-Ray Blinds & Shutters 8 The Parade, Oxford Road Kidlington OX5 1EE 0.00 0.00 Sunwater Coolers Ltd Rose Cottage, Lew Road, Curbrige Witney OX29 7PD 0.00 0.00 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

East Surrey Library & Info Serv.- K Stringer, RTP Payables Z955 Phoenix House, Topcliffe Lane Wakefield WF3 1WE

459.00 0.00

Swiech, Renata (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 4,257.24 0.00 T west Catering & Refrigeration Equipment

Karimar, Burford Rd, Brize Norton Oxfordshire OX18 3NN 0.00 0.00

Taylor, Joanne (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 12,430.16 0.00Thames Fixings & Fasteners Gooch, off Collet, Southmead Industrial Estate Didcot OX11 7TA 0.00 0.00The Book Service Limited TBS Distribution Centre, Colchester Road, Frating Green,

Colchester Essex CO7 7DW 0.00 0.00

The Interactive Health & Safety Company Ltd

5 Bracknell Beeches, Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell Berks RG12 7BW

0.00 0.00

The Library - Solihull College , Blossomfield Road Solihull B91 1SB 1,128.00 0.00 The University of Law Limited 14 Store Street London WC1E 7DE 673.00 0.00 The University of Manchester Purchasing Team, John Rylands University Library Manchester

M13 9PP 26,236.00 0.00

The University of Sheffield Department of Finance, Fifth Floor, Western Bank Sheffield S10 2TN

61,489.00 0.00

The Zoological Society of London Booksellers and Publishers, Regents Park London NW1 4RY 2,454.00 0.00 Thomson, Martha (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 1,903.84 0.00 Thorne, Hayley (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 8,316.13 0.00 Time Inc (UK) Ltd Po Box 23128 London SE1 9GG 80.00 0.00 Toms, Diane (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 17,519.03 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Treasury Solicitors Dept - The Librarian

TSol - Admin Invoices, PO Box 1939 Andover SP10 9DT 23,385.00 0.00


0.00 0.00

Trinity College Library - Mr John Cremin

The Treasurer's office, 5 College Green Dublin 2 22,152.00 0.00

Turner, Isabelle (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 7,148.30 0.00 UCL Institute of Child Health, Room 108 - Main Library Gower Street

London WC1E 6BT148,960.00 0.00

UK SBS Ltd North Star House , North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1FF 0.00 0.00 Unilever Research Colworth Laboratory

Omega House - Emerald Way, Stone Business Park Stone Staffordshire ST15 0SR ST15 0SR

4,822.00 0.00

Univ of Cambridge - Fitzwilliam College Lib

The Librarian, Storey's Way Cambridge CB3 0DG 0.00 0.00

Univ of Cambridge - Jesus College Library

The Librarian Cambridge CB5 8BL 0.00 0.00

Univ of Nottingham - Periodicals Acq Group

Information Services, King's Meadow Campus Lenton Ln Nottingham NG7 2NT

0.00 0.00

Univ of Nottingham - Periodicals Acq Group

Information Services, King's Meadow Campus Lenton Ln Nottingham NG7 2NT

7,504.00 0.00

Univ of Wales Trinity St David Swansea Business School Library, Swansea Metropolitan Powell Street Swansea SA1 1NE

3,656.00 0.00

University College Cork Boole Library, Acquisitions Section Cork Ireland 27,813.00 0.00 University for the Creative Arts Library

LSS Collections & Discovery, Falkner Road Farnham SURRREY GU8 7DS

2,989.00 0.00

University of Birmingham - Library Park Hse 40 Edgbaston Park Rd Birmingham B15 2RT 227.00 0.00 University of Birmingham NHS Trust PO Box 881, Selly Oak Birmingham B29 6JS 513.00 0.00 University of Bradford JB Priestley Library Bradford BD7 1DP 1,182.00 0.00 University of Cambridge Gonville & Caius College, Librarian Trinity Street Cambridge CB2

1TA 1,161.00 0.00

University of Chester Parkgate Road Chestser CH1 4BJ 0.00 0.00 University of Durham FINANCE DEPARTMENT, MOUNTJOY CENTRE Stockton

Road Durham DH1 3LE 1,859,604.00 0.00

University Of Essex Albert Sloman Library - University of Essex, Essex PO Box NO 24 Wivenhoe Park ESSEX CO4 3UA

26,667.00 0.00

University of Glamorgan University of South Wales, The Library Trefforest Pontypridd CF37 1DL

3,958.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

University of Glasgow (SNIPES) Glasgow University Library, Periodicals Department Hillhead Street Glasgow G12 8QE

345.00 0.00

UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD , Queensgate Huddersfield HD1 3DH 0.00 0.00 University of Hull - Periodicals Department

Brynmor Jones Library Hull HU6 7RX 3,607.00 0.00

University of Keele UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Staffordshire ST5 5BG 70,899.00 0.00 University of Kent The Templeman Library Canterbury CT2 7NU 6,805.00 0.00 University of Lancaster CETAD Building- (Library Resources), Bailrigg Lancaster LA1

4YH 7,218.00 0.00

University of Leeds Finance Reception, Room 11.23 - E C Stoner Building Leeds LS2 9JT

364.00 0.00

University of Leeds Finance Reception, Room 11.23 - E C Stoner Building Leeds LS2 9JT

10,312.00 0.00

University of Leicester HEAD OF FINANCE, UNIVERSITY ROAD Leicester LE1 7RH 3,001.00 0.00 University of Limerick Regional Medical Library, Glucksman Library LIMERICK 8,645.00 0.00 University of Newcastle upon Tyne LIBRARIAN, Robinson Library Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 4HQ 223,709.00 0.00 UNIVERSITY OF NORTHUMBRIA Finance and Planning Dept., Northumbria University , Room 007,

Sutherland Building Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 8ST 0.00 0.00

University of Oxford Bodleian Latin American Centre Library, St Antony's College Oxford OX2 6JF

115,171.00 0.00

University of Oxford Bodleian Library Acquisitions Serv - C&RD, Osney One Building Osney Mead Oxford OX2 0EW

0.00 0.00

University of Oxford Bodleian Social Science Library, Manor Road Oxford OX1 3UQ 0.00 0.00 University of Oxford Educational Studies, 15 Norham Gardens Oxford OX2 6PY 0.00 0.00 University of Oxford Inst of Social Anthropology, 51 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 6PE 0.00 0.00 University of Oxford Librarian - Univ of Oxford, for Continuing Education Rewley

House Wellington Square Oxford OX1 2JA 0.00 0.00

University of Oxford Oxford University Libr Services - J. McAslan, Bodleian Libr - Broad Street Oxford OX1 3BG

0.00 0.00

University of Oxford Sainsbury Lib FAO Kornelia Sliwinska, The Library Park End Street Oxford OX1 1HP

0.00 0.00

University of Oxford Univ of Oxford - Radcliffe Science Lib, Accessions Dept Parks Road Oxford OX1 3QP

0.00 0.00

University of Portsmouth University House, Winston Churchill Avenue Porthsmouth PO1 2UP

1,115.00 0.00

University of Roehampton University Library , Roehampton Lane London SW15 5SZ 0.00 0.00 University of St Andrews - Library The Librarian-Periodicals Dept, North Street St Andrews KY16

9TR 697.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

University of Stirling Finance Department, Payment Section Stirling FK9 4LA 2,796.00 0.00 University of Strathclyde Andersonian Library - Serials, Curran Bldg - 101 St James' Rd

Glasgow G4 0NS 3,534.00 0.00


0.00 0.00

University of Sussex Inst. of Development Studies, University of Sussex - Falmer Brighton BN1 9RE

22,387.00 0.00

University of Teesside Borough Road Middlesbrough TS1 3BA 491.00 0.00 University of Wales Aberystwyth Aberystwyth University - Materials Acq, Hugh Owen Library

Penglais Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3DZ 3,852.00 0.00

University of Wales Swansea Information Services & Systems, LIBRARIAN - Singleton Park Swansea SA2 8PP

4,642.00 0.00


226,786.00 0.00

University of Wolverhampton C/o Directorate of Academic Support , MX Building , Camp JT Wolverhampton WV1 1AD

18,367.00 0.00

University of Worcester - Angela Hughes

Senior ILS Assistant Periodical, Woodbury 71 - Henwick Grove Worcester WR2 6AJ

705.00 0.00

Vale of White Horse District Council Business Rates, PO Box 161 Erith DA8 9DR 0.00 0.00 Veal, Jennifer (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 14,486.14 0.00 Versteeg, Jacco (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,510.43 0.00 Vertice Dinamico S.L. Pl.del Cordon Nr.1 BJ D, 28005 MADRID SPAIN 0.00 0.00 Vodafone Ltd Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury Berkshire RG14 2FN 0.00 0.00 Von Vignau, Alexander (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 2,221.16 0.00 Von Vignau, Jennifer (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,490.40 0.00 Walker, Rupert (Mr) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 1,994.99 0.00 Warburg Institute , Woburn Square London WC1H 0AB 400.00 0.00 Washbrook, Claire (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 8,331.22 0.00 Waterford Institute of Technology , Cork Road Waterford 442.00 0.00 Watson, Angela (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 20,347.49 0.00 Wellcome Trust - Sanger Centre - CONS US

Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SA 3,280.00 0.00

Wessex Water Claverton Down Road, Claverton Down Bath BA2 7WW 552.00 0.00 Westall, Donna (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 18,891.61 0.00 Westminster Kingsway College LRC Box WKC220, Mayflower House- Caxton Hill Hertford SG13 7NE 284.00 0.00 White, Katrina (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 3,646.62 0.00 Wilkins, Sarah (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 24,038.48 0.00 Withy King LLP 34 Regent Circus, Swindon Wiltshire SN1 1PY 0.00 0.00

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Name of creditor or claimant Address (with postcode) Amount of debt £

Details of any security held

Date security given

Value of security £

Workscap 1 Westpoint Business Park, Bumpers Farm Chippenham SN14 6RB

0.00 0.00

Worldpay (UK) Limited 6th Floor, 3 Hardman Square, Spinningfields Manchester M3 3EB 0.00 0.00 Wright, Susan (Mrs) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 17,775.10 0.00 WWF - UK - Allison Jackson Living Planet Centre, Rufford House - Brewery Road Woking

GU21 4LL 302.00 0.00

Yliruikka, Minna (Miss) c/o 3rd Floor One London Square Cross Lanes Guildford GU1 1UN 5,376.10 0.00

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postcode) Type of shares held

Nominal amount of share £

Number of shares held £

Amount per share called up £

Total amount called up £

Swets and Zeitlinger International Holdings BV

2300 AA Leiden Dellaertweg 9B Leiden 2316 WZ

Ordinary 0.10 4235275 0.10 423,527.50

Total: 423,527.50

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0.00 Bank Interest Gross 5.990.00 Customer List 35,000.000.00 Customer/Miscellaneous Refunds 3,949.87

1,100,000.00 Debtors (Pre-Appointment) 296,293.26335,249.12

COST OF REALISATIONSWages and salaries (24,649.21)PAYE ( 2,665.47)Bank charges ( 240.00)Cleaning Costs (118.00)Advertisements (292.66)


REPRESENTED BYCash at Bank 314,201.65VAT Receivable (Payable) (6,917.87)


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Appendix E

Rule 8.1 Insolvency Act 1986 Proxy Swets Information Services Limited In Administration

Form 8.2

Name of Creditor Address

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

Please insert name of person (who must be 18

or over) or the Chairman of the Meeting . If you

wish to provide for alternative proxy holders in the circumstances that

your first choice is unable to attend please state the name(s) of the

alternatives as well

Name of Proxy Holder 1 ___________________________________________________________________ 2 ___________________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________________

Please delete words in brackets if the proxy

holder is only to vote as directed i.e. he has no


I appoint the above person to be my/the creditor’s proxy holder at the meeting of creditors to be held on 17 December 2014, or at any adjournment of that meeting. The proxy holder is to propose or vote as instructed below (and in respect of any resolution for which no specific instruction is given, may vote or abstain at his/her discretion).

*Please delete as appropriate

Voting Instructions for resolutions:

1. The Joint Administrators’ proposals as set out at paragraphs 8.1 to 8.7 of the report dated 28 November 2014 are approved.

For / Against*

2. In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the

Administrators be discharged from liability in respect of any action of theirs as Administrators immediately following their cessation to act as Administrators.

For / Against*

3. In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the Administrators shall be authorised to draw their remuneration based upon their time costs by reference to the time properly given by the Administrators and their staff, in attending to matters arising in the administration at Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP standard hourly rates, at the rates prevailing at the time the work is done, current details of which are attached at Appendix I

For / Against*

4. In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the Administrators shall be authorised to draw their disbursements and other expenses incurred by them in the administration, such disbursements to include “Category 2 disbursements” at the rates prevailing at the time the cost is incurred, current details of which are attached at Appendix I. In the event that the administration exits by way of liquidation and the administrators are appointed liquidators, such resolution shall be treated as being passed in the liquidation

For / Against*

5. In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the Administrators shall be authorised to draw their outstanding pre-appointment remuneration and disbursements as set out in Appendix L, in the sum of £21,893, such disbursements to include “Category 2 disbursements” at the rates prevailing at the time the cost was incurred, current details of which are attached at Appendix I.

For / Against*

6. In the event that a Creditors’ Committee is not established, the For / Against*

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Administrators shall be authorised to discharge the outstanding pre-appointment expenses as set out in the Joint Administrators’ proposals dated 28 November 2014 in the sum of £21,238.

7. To appoint a creditors’ committee to assist the Administrators and subsequent Joint Liquidators. (Note: If you vote in favour of this resolution please ensure you nominate a representative below)

8. For the appointment of___________________________

___________________________________________________ of


representing __________________________________________ as a

member of the creditors’ committee.

For / Against*

This form must be

signed Signature _______________________________ Date ________________________

Name in CAPITAL LETTERS ____________________________________________

Only to be completed if the creditor has not

signed in person

Position with creditor or relationship to creditor or other authority for signature


Remember: there may be resolutions on the other side of this form

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Appendix F

INSOLVENCY RULES 1986 (AS AMENDED) Entitlement to vote (Rule 2.38)

1) Subject as follows, at a meeting of creditors in administration proceedings a person is entitled to vote only if – a) he has given to the Administrator, not later than 12.00 hours on the business day

before the day fixed for the meeting, details in writing of the debt which – i) he claims to be due to him from the company; or ii) in relation to a Member State Liquidator, is claimed to be due to creditors

in proceedings in relation to which he holds office; b) the claim has been duly admitted under Rule 2.39 or this Rule; and c) there has been lodged with the Administrator any proxy which he intends to be

used on his behalf, and details of the debt must include any calculation for the purposes of Rules 2.40 to 2.42.

2) The chairman of the meeting may allow a creditor to vote, notwithstanding that he has failed to comply with paragraph (1)(a), if satisfied that the failure was due to circumstances beyond the creditor’s control.

3) The chairman of the meeting may call for any document or other evidence to be produced to him, where he thinks it necessary for the purpose of substantiating the whole or any part of the claim.

4) Votes are calculated according to the amount of a creditor’s claim as at the date on which the company entered administration, less any payments that have been made to him after that date in respect of his claim and any adjustment by way of set-off in accordance with Rule 2.85 as if that Rule were applied on the date that the votes are counted.

5) A creditor shall not vote in respect of a debt for an unliquidated amount, or any debt whose value is not ascertained, except where the chairman agrees to put upon the debt an estimated minimum value for the purpose of entitlement to vote and admits the claim for that purpose.

6) No vote shall be cast by virtue of a claim more than once on any resolution put to the meeting.

7) Where – a) a creditor is entitled to vote under this Rule and Rule 2.39; b) has lodged his claim in one or more sets of other proceedings; and c) votes (either in person or by proxy) on a resolution put to the meeting; and d) the Member State Liquidator casts a vote in respect of the same claim, only the creditor’s vote shall be counted.

8) Where – a) a creditor has lodged his claim in more than one set of other proceedings; and b) more than one Member State Liquidator seeks to vote by virtue of that claim, the entitlement to vote by virtue of that claim is exercisable by the Member State Liquidator in main proceedings, whether or not the creditor has lodged his claim in the main proceedings.

9) For the purposes of paragraph (6), the claim of a creditor and of any Member State Liquidator in relation to the same debt are a single claim.

10) For the purposes of paragraphs (7) and (8), “other proceedings” means main proceedings, secondary proceedings or territorial proceedings in another Member State.

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Proof of Debt

Swets Information Services Limited In Administration

Date of administration: 09 October 2014

1 Name of creditor

(If a company please also give company registration


2 Address of creditor for correspondence.

3 Total amount of claim, including any Value Added Tax

and outstanding uncapitalised interest, as at the date the

company went into administration. (Less any payments

made after that date in respect of the claim, and any

adjustment by way of set off in accordance with Rule

2.85 Insolvency Rules 1986).


4 If amount in 3 above includes outstanding uncapitalised

interest please state amount.


5 If amount in 3 above includes VAT please state amount.


6 Whether the whole or any part of the debt falls within

any, and if so which, categories of preferential debts

under s386 Insolvency Act 1986.

7 Details of any documents by reference to which the debt

can be substantiated. (Note: There is no need to attach

them now but the Administrator may call for any

document or evidence to substantiate the claim at his

discretion as may the chairman or convenor of any


8 Particulars of how and when debt incurred

(If you need more space append a continuation sheet to

this form).


9 Particulars of any security held, the value of the security,

and the date it was given.

10 Particulars of any reservation of title claimed in respect

of goods supplied to which the claim relates.

11 Signature of creditor or person authorised to act on his behalf




13 Position with or in relation to creditor


Address of person signing (if different from 2 above)

For office use only:

Admitted to vote for:

Admitted for dividend for:

Date Date




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Appendix H


• Partners, directors, managers, administrators, cashiers, secretarial and support staff are allocated an hourly charge out rate which is reviewed from time to time.

• Work undertaken by cashiers, secretarial and support staff will be or has been charged for separately and such work will not or has not also been charged for as part of the hourly rates charged by partners, directors, managers and administrators.

• Time spent by partners and all staff in relation to the insolvency estate is charged to the estate.

• Time is recorded in 6-minute units at the rates prevailing at the time the work is done • The current charge rates for Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP Guildford

are attached • Time billed is subject to Value Added Tax at the applicable rate, where appropriate. • It is the office holder’s policy to ensure that work undertaken is carried out by the

appropriate grade of staff required for each task, having regard to its complexity and the skill and experience actually required to perform it.

• Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP’s charge out rates are reviewed periodically.

Expenses and disbursements policy

• Only expenses and disbursements properly incurred in relation to an insolvency estate are re-charged to the insolvency estate.

• Expenses and disbursements which comprise external supplies of incidental services specifically identifiable to the insolvency estate require disclosure to the relevant approving party, but do not require approval of the relevant approving party prior to being drawn from the insolvency estate. These are known as “Category 1” disbursements.

• Expenses and disbursements which are not capable of precise identification and calculation (for example any which include an element of shared or allocated costs) or payments to outside parties that the firm or any associate has an interest, require the approval of the relevant approving party prior to be being drawn from the insolvency estate. These are known as “Category 2” disbursements.

• A resolution to consider approving “Category 2” disbursements at the rates prevailing at the time the cost is incurred to Baker Tilly Restructuring and Recovery LLP Guildford will be proposed to the relevant approving party in accordance with the legislative requirements

• General office overheads are not re-charged to the insolvency estate as a disbursement. • Any payments to outside parties in which the office holder or his firm or any associate

has an interest will only be made with the approval of the relevant approving party. • Expenses and disbursements re-charged to or incurred directly by an insolvency estate

are subject to VAT at the applicable rate, where appropriate.

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Appendix I


HOURLY CHARGE OUT RATES Rates at commencement


Current rates£

Partner 420 420

Directors / Associate Directors 320-375 320-375

Manager 195-275 195-275

Assistant Manager 155 155

Administrators 130-175 130-175

Support staff 95 95


Subsistence £25 per night (from 3rd September 2013)

£23 per night (up to 2nd September 2013) Travel (car) 38p per mile (up to and including 31 March 2010)

40p per mile (from 1 April 2010) 42.5p per mile (from 1 April 2011)

“Tracker” searches £10 per case

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Appendix J


Amounts paid or payable to the Office Holder’s firm or to any party in which the office holder or his firm or any associate has an interest

Recipient, Type and Purpose





Staff mileage – daily travel to site






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Hours Spent Partners Directors / Associate Directors

Managers Assistant Managers

Administrators Assistants & Support Staff


TotalTime Costs


Administration and PlanningAppointment 0.0 13.0 0.2 0.0 52.2 0.0 65.4 £ 11,276.00 172.42Background information 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.1 £ 402.00 191.43Case Management 2.2 22.3 1.3 4.5 183.9 6.3 220.5 £ 32,401.00 146.94Director(s)/debtor/bankrupt 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 3.3 £ 763.50 231.36Pension Scheme 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 £ 768.00 320.00Post-appointment - general 0.0 2.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 3.3 £ 993.00 300.91Receipts and Payments 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.7 4.4 12.4 18.2 £ 2,140.00 117.58Statement of Affairs 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 £ 750.00 375.00Tax Matters 0.0 3.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.7 4.4 £ 1,240.50 281.93Total 2.2 49.2 2.4 5.2 240.5 22.1 321.6 £ 50,734.00 157.75

InvestigationsInvestigations/CDDA 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.6 £ 242.00 151.25Total 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.6 £ 242.00 151.25

Realisation of AssetsAssets - general/other 0.0 6.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 6.4 £ 1,980.50 309.45Chattels 0.0 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.7 £ 3,214.00 331.34Debtors & sales finance 0.0 27.8 0.7 6.5 5.0 1.0 41.0 £ 11,253.50 274.48HP/Leasing creditors 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 £ 64.00 320.00Land and Property 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 2.6 £ 737.00 283.46ROT/ Third Party Assets 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.5 £ 367.50 245.00Sale of business 0.0 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 14.5 £ 5,292.00 364.97Total 0.0 60.9 0.7 6.5 5.5 2.3 75.9 £ 22,908.50 301.82

TradingTrading 0.0 17.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.1 £ 6,187.00 361.81Total 0.0 17.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.1 £ 6,187.00 361.81

Creditors1st creds/s'holders meetings and reports 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 7.4 0.0 9.3 £ 1,903.00 204.62Employees 0.0 9.2 75.0 0.1 0.5 0.6 85.4 £ 18,145.00 212.47Preferential Creditors 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 £ 82.50 275.00Secured Creditors 0.0 2.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 £ 965.00 371.15Unsecured Creditors 0.0 23.6 6.8 0.0 14.6 12.9 57.9 £ 13,311.50 229.91Total 0.0 37.2 82.2 0.1 22.5 13.5 155.5 £ 34,407.00 221.27

Case Specific Matters - Legal MattersLegal Matters 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 £ 128.00 320.00Total 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 £ 128.00 320.00

2.2 165.2 85.3 11.8 268.5 39.1 572.1 £ 114,606.50 200.33

£ 924.00 £ 55,669.00 £ 17,776.50 £ 1,862.50 £ 34,660.00 £ 3,714.50 £ 114,606.50

Total Hours 2.2 165.2 85.3 11.8 268.5 39.1 572.1 £ 114,606.50 200.33

Total Time Cost £ 924.00 £ 55,669.00 £ 17,776.50 £ 1,862.50 £ 34,660.00 £ 3,714.50 £ 114,606.50

Average Rates 420.00 336.98 208.40 157.84 129.09 95.00 200.33

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Pre-Administration Costs Charged / Incurred


Charged / Incurred

Paid Unpaid

Administrators’ Fees

21,893 21,893

Administrators’ Expenses

21,328 21,328

Fees charged (by another Insolvency Practitioner)

0 0

Expenses incurred (by another Insolvency Practitioner)

0 0


43,221 43,221

Pre-Administration Costs Paid & Identity of Payer

By whom paid Amount (£)

Administrators’ Fees

Administrators’ Expenses

Fees charged (by another Insolvency Practitioner)

Expenses incurred (by another Insolvency Practitioner)


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Hours Spent Partners Directors / Associate Directors

Managers Assistant Managers

Administrators Assistants & Support Staff


TotalTime Costs


Administration and PlanningAppointment 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.1 0.0 7.3 £ 1,571.50 215.27Background information 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.5 £ 57.00 114.00Case Management 4.0 5.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.8 £ 3,536.00 360.82Pre-appointment matters 1.5 39.0 0.0 0.0 9.5 1.5 51.5 £ 16,110.00 312.82Receipts and Payments 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 £ 39.00 195.00Total 6.7 44.8 0.0 0.2 15.9 1.7 69.3 £ 21,313.50 307.55

Realisation of AssetsAssets - general/other 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 £ 252.00 420.00Total 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 £ 252.00 420.00

CreditorsEmployees 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 £ 55.00 275.00Total 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 £ 55.00 275.00

Case Specific Matters - Legal MattersLegal Matters 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 £ 268.50 179.00Total 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 £ 268.50 179.00

7.3 44.8 1.7 0.2 15.9 1.7 71.6 £ 21,889.00 305.71

£ 3,066.00 £ 15,958.50 £ 323.50 £ 39.00 £ 2,341.50 £ 160.50 £ 21,889.00

Total Hours 7.3 44.8 1.7 0.2 15.9 1.7 71.6 £ 21,889.00 305.71

Total Time Cost £ 3,066.00 £ 15,958.50 £ 323.50 £ 39.00 £ 2,341.50 £ 160.50 £ 21,889.00

Average Rates 420.00 356.22 190.29 195.00 147.26 94.41 305.71

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L1 – Authority to Bind DIT in Contractual Arrangements

Effective: May 2015 Replaces: December 2011

Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to outline the delegation of ‘Authority to Bind’ DIT to external agreements on business and financial matters in line with DIT’s policy to comply with its Code of Governance1 and public procurement guidelines2. This delegation places responsibility specifically on directors to ensure that that there is adherence to procurement, contract approvals and record management procedures.

Scope: This procedure applies to all staff seeking to bind DIT to any external agreements on business and financial matters, whether procurement contracts (where DIT pays a third party for the goods, services or works) or other contracts (where the third party pays DIT for goods, services or works). In all cases, the value of the contract is taken as the total value over the life of the contract. For example, a three year contract with annual payments of €100,000 is valued as €300,000.

Procurement Thresholds

For agreements for present or future goods, services or works from a third party to DIT in return for payments, or a commitment to pay (not already covered by a DIT purchasing central contract), the following requirements apply:

Procurement of Goods and Services Up to €5K €5K-€25K €25K-€125K €125K to EU EU+ >€207K 1 written quote 3 written

quotes Open procedure (i.e. open to all) up to €125K; advertise on e-tenders

Up to €207K Choice of procedure; Must advertise on eTenders

Must advertise in OJEU & eTenders choice of procedure

Procurement of Works Up to €10K €10K-€50K €50K-€250K €250K up to EU EU Level (€5,186,000) 1 written quote 3 written

quotes Open procedure up to €250K; advertise on e-tenders

Up to €5.186M Restricted procedure preferred Must advertise on eTenders

Must advertise in OJEU & eTenders choice of procedure

1 DIT’s Code of Governance (URL), approved by Governing Body on ….. 2 Full procurement details are available at:-

DIT Appendix 9

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FINANCE PROCEDURES MANUAL L1 – Authority to Bind DIT in Contractual Arrangements

Effective: May 2015 Replaces: December 2011

Approval Requirements For all contractual arrangements including grant awards the following approval requirements apply: Contract Value Approval Required Signatures Up to €50,000 Approved by the responsible

budget holder Responsible budget holder

€50,000 to €100,000 Approved by the responsible

Director and brought for noting at SLT by responsible director

Responsible Director to sign

Over €100,000 and up to €500,000

Approved by responsible Director and recommended for approval by responsible Director at SLT

Responsible Director and Director of Finance & Resources Where responsible Director is Director of Finance & Resources President to sign

Over €500,000 and up to €1,000,000

Approved by responsible Director and recommended for approval by responsible director at SLT and brought for noting at Governing Body by President

Responsible Director and Director of Finance & Resources and President

Over €1,000,000 Recommended for approval

by responsible director at SLT and recommended for approval at Governing Body by the President

Responsible Director, Director of Finance & Resources, President; and Chair of Governing Body

o The responsible Director should provide written assurance that all legal

considerations have been addressed.

o Costs for professional legal fees incurred as a result of contractual legal advice will be charged to the responsible Director.

Retention of Contracts

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FINANCE PROCEDURES MANUAL L1 – Authority to Bind DIT in Contractual Arrangements

Effective: May 2015 Replaces: December 2011

o Please note that the Finance & Resources Directorate will retain copies of contracts in excess of €1,000,000.

o The record holder remains the responsible director or designee. It is the responsibility of the responsible Director to ensure that copies of all contracts are retained in their area.

Approvals Record Resolution approved by Governing Body 18th January, 2006 Re-affirmed at SLT (with no changes) 5th December, 2011 Revised policy approved at SLT 1st May, 2015
