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Personal injury

Our lawyers represent people who have been injured by

someone elses negligence including those injured in car ac-

cidents and slip-and-fall or premises liability cases

Workersrsquo Compensation

We represent injured workers in California and make sure

they get all the benefits they are entitled to under the law

including disability payments medical care and job retrain-


Bankruptcy law

Our attorneys represent individuals who want to file for bank-

ruptcy protection primarily Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Lemon Law

We represent clients who have defective cars who would like

to have them declared a lemon

Criminal law

We represent clients charged with state and feder-

al misdemeanor and felony criminal offenses includ-

ing healthcare fraud assault and battery and DUI offenses 818433-7590 18888488408 wwwmosesicom


VOL 27 NO 3 | 2012


Այս հարցին շատ հետաքրքիր պատասխան

տվեց ռուսաստանյան քաղաքական գործիչ-

ներից մեկը (Արբակ) Ըստ նրա գործող

նախագահի այս քայլը հզոր քաղաքական

քայլ էր և նպաստեց նրան որ քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը ոտքի կան-

գնեց և իր բողոքի ձայնը հրապարակայնորեն

ներկայցրեց երկրի իշխանության ուզուր-

պացման սկսված գործընթացի դեմ Ըստ մեր

զրուցակցի հեռու են իրականությունից այն

դատողությունները իբրև գործող նախագահը

վախեցավ որովհետև միայն կույրը կարող է

չտեսնել որ Մեդվեդևը որևէ կապ չունի ոչ

այս գաղափարի ոչ էլ Եդինայա Ռոսիայի


Ինչու է ետ




Այս տարվա Մարտ ամսին Ռուսաստանում տեղի են

ունենալու նախագահական ընտրություններ Իրերի

բերումով այս թեման հայտնվել է հանրային քննարկ-

ման կենտրոնում պայմանավորված առաջադրված

թեկնածուներից մեկով` նախկին նախագահ ներկա-

յիս վարչապետ Պուտինի Երկու ժամկետ այդ պաշ-

տոնում եղած գործչի հայտը ևս երկու ժամկետ վերա-

դառնալու նախագահի պաշտոնին բազում հարցեր է

առաջադրել թե ռուսաստանի այնպես էլ այս հարցով

հետաքրքրված այլ երկրների հասարակությունների

մոտ Բնականաբար առաջնային հարցը դա գործող

նախագահ Մեդվեդևին արտաքուստ փոխպայմա-

նավորվածության պատճառաբանությամբ բայց բա-

ցառված չէ իրականում ուղղակիորեն առաջադրումից

զրկելն էր Հարցականի տակ է Մեդվեդևի կամովին

հրաժարվելը և դրա շուրջ տարբեր մեկնաբա-

նությունները Եվս մեկ հարց ինչու է վերադառնում

Պուտինը ինչի համար Եվ վերջապես ընթացող

ընտրաարշավը որն իրականում գնալով ավելի ու

ավելի է հեռանում ընտրություններ հասկացությունից

Սկսենք առաջին հարցից ինչու Պուտինը երկար

դեգերումներից հետո որոշեց զրկել Մեդվեդևին առա-

ջադրումից Այստեղ մի քանի վարկածներ են առա-

ջադրվում Նախ որքան էլ որ գործող նախագահ

գտնվում է գործադիր իշխանության ղեկավարի հսկո-

ղության ներքո այնուամենայնիվ քաղաքականու-

թյունից քիչ թե շատ հասկացողների համար նա

ինքնուրույն գործիչ է Իրեն հատկացված ժամանակա-

հատվածում նախագահ Մեդվեդև կարողացավ ներ-

կայանալ իր ուրույն պատկերացումներով և ծրա-

գրերով պետության և նրան առնչվող ներ-

քաղաքական և արտաքին քաղաքական

հարցերի հետ կապված որոնք երբևիցե

չեն քննադատվել կամ հակասություններ

ունեցել այդ երկրի իշխանությունը հավա-

սար իրավունքներով կիսող գործադիր իշ-

խանության ղեկավարի կողմից Բնակա-

նաբար հարց է ծագում միգուցե և հենց դա

էր պատճառը որ արտաքուստ Պուտինի

հետ չհակադրվող Մեդվեդևը այնուամե-

նայնիվ իր ծրագրային ելույթների ինչպես

նաև պետական կարևորագույն խնդիր-

ների վերաբերյալ իր յուրօրինակ լուծում-

ների միջոցով սկսել էր ընդունելի դառնալ ինչպես

Ռուսաստանի ներսում այնպես էլ Ռուսաստանից

դուրս որպես այլ տիպի ղեկավար Անկախ ամեն

ինչից բայց նա էր հենց դիտարկվում բոլորի կողմից

Ռուսաստանի հետագա բնականոն զարգացման ջա-

տագովն ու իրականացնողը Ինչ վերաբերվում է այդ

պետության անվտանգության հետ կապված խնդիր-

ներին ապա անկախ այն բանից որ անընդհատ

գործածության մեջ էր դրվում նրա թույլ ղեկավար

լինելու հանգամանքը իրականում դա ոչ մի կապ

չունի իրականության հետ Հակառակը Մեդվեդևը

քաջալերողն է և ջատագովը այնպիսի ուղղություն-

ների զարգացման որոնք երաշխավորելու էին հասա-

րակության և պետության հետագա բնականոն զար-

գացումը Օրինակ Մեդվեդևը առաջնային էր համա-

րում և այդ ուղղությամբ կոնկրետ քայլեր է կատարել

որպեսզի պետության համար առաջնային դիտարկվեն

քաղաքացիական իրավունքները և դրանց ապահո-

վումը օրենքի գերակայության հետ կապված դատա-

կան համակարգի բարեփոխումը հասարակական վե-

րահսկողության մեխանիզմների ներդրումը Պակաս

կարևոր չէր նրա ուղիղ կապը հասարակության

տարբեր շերտերի ներկայացուցիչների հետ ինչպես

որ մեզ փոխանցեց այսօրվա իշխանություններին

ընդդիմադիր մի երիտասարդ գործող նախագահը ցու-

ցաբերում է հանդուրժողականություն իր քաղաքական

մրցակիցների նկատմամբ և պատրաստ է բաց

խոսակցության համարձակորեն ներկայացնում է իր

տեսակետները և ակնառու է որ բացառում է իր

իշխանական զինանոցում ոչ իրավական


Ինչու Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

հետապնդումների ձևաչափը Երկրորդ կարևոր հան-

գամանքը ըստ շատերի գործող նախագահը կար-

ևորում է բարձր տե-

խնոլոգիաների դե-

րը և խանդավառ-

ված է դրանց զար-

գացմամբ Եթե մի-

այն ամփոփենք այս

երկու օրինակները

ապա ակնհայտ է

դառնում որ Մեդ-

վեդևը երկրի անվտ-

անգության ապա-

հովման և ամրապն-

դման խնդրում ժա-



ուղղու վրա էր գտ-

նվում Պարզ է դառ-

նում որ նրա առաջադրվելու դեպքում նա հայտնվելու

էր բավականին շահեկան վիճակում և մեծ է հավա-

նականությունը որ նրա պաշտոնավարության եր-

կրորդ ժամկետի ավարտին լինելու էր այլ որակի

Ռուսաստան և ռուսաստանյան հասարակություն Եր-

կրորդ վարկածը որ երկրորրդ ժամկետում ընտրվելու

դեպքում գործող նախագահ հնարավոր է գործեր

առանց վարչապետի և նա պարտադրված լիներ գնալու

քաղաքական թոշակի որը ի միջայլոց որևէ կապ չունի

երկրի ղեկավարի տարիքի հետ հակառակ պարա-

գայում այսօրվա զարգացած շատ երկրների երիտա-

սարդ ղեկավարներ պետք է ամեն ինչ անեն իրենց

ամբիցաները բավարարելու համար և ուզուրպացնեն


Հարցականի տակ է Մեդվեդևի կամովին հրաժարվելը

և դրա շուրջ տարբեր մեկնաբանությունները Այս-

պիսով ինչու հինգ տարվա ընթացքում անհաջո-

ղություններ և լուրջ բացթողումներ չունեցած երկրի

ղեկավարը որի պաշտոնավարության ժամանակա-

հատվածում գրանցվել են տեսանելի հաջողություններ

այնուամենայնիվ կամովին առանց պայքարի հրա-

ժարվեց Այս հարցին շատ հետաքրքիր պատասխան

տվեց ռուսաստանյան քաղաքական գործիչներից մեկը

(Արբակ) Ըստ նրա գործող նախագահի այս քայլը հզոր

քաղաքական քայլ էր և նպաստեց նրան որ քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը ոտքի կանգնեց և իր

բողոքի ձայնը հրա-պարակայնորեն ներկայցրեց երկրի

իշխանության ուզուր-

պացման սկսված գո-

րծընթացի դեմ Ըստ

մեր զրուցակցի հեռու

են իրականությունից

այն դատողություննե-

րը իբրև գործող նա-

խագահը վախեցավ

որովհետև միայն

կույրը կարող է չտես-

նել որ Մեդվեդևը որ-

ևէ կապ չունի ոչ այս

գաղափարի ոչ էլ Եդ-

ինայա Ռոսիայի հետ

Մեր զրուցակիցն ա-

սաց որ գործող նա-

խագահի այս քայլի

հետևանքով սկսվեց քաղաքացիական հասարա-

կության ձևավորման գործընթացը բացհայտվեց

Եդինայա Ռոսիայի իրական դեմքը ժողովուրդը

հասկացավ որ Մեդվեդեևը մասնակից չէ իշխող

կուսակցության այս անտրամաբանական քաղաքական

խաղերի հետ և որ ամենակարևորը այս քայլի

հետևանքով Կրեմլի կողմից իսկ ստեղծված օպպո-

ցիզիան սկսեց բացահայտորեն պայքարել Պուտինի

դեմ Որքան էլ որ անհավատալի էր Պուտինի

ընտրապայքարը ղեկավարող խամաճիկ-ների համար

ընտրապայքար սկսեց ստանալ մրցակ-ցության

երանգներ օրակարգային հարց դարձավ այն խնդիրը

որ Պուտինի վերադարձը հնարավոր է կործա-նարար

լինի ինչպես Ռուսաստանի այնպես էլ շատերի

համար Մեր կարծիքով Մեդվեդևը որպես պետության

գործող ղեկավար ստեղծված իրավիճակում այլըն-

տրանք չուներ և ոչ թե նրա համար որ Պուտինը ավելի

ուժեղ է կամ նա զուրկ է քաղաքական հենարանից այլ

շատ լավ հասկանում է որ Պուտինիզմի և նրա

քաղաքական ամբիցիաների բավարարման կասեցման

նախաձեռնողը պետք է լինի բացառապես քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը այլապես հակառակ

դեպքում պետությունը կարող է հայտնվել պալա-

տական հեղաշրջումների հորձանուտում կամ քաղա-

քացիական պատերազմի նախաշեմին


Ի տարբերություն իր գործընկերոջ գործող նախագահը

ավելի շատ առաջնորդվեց հասարակական և պետա-

կան շահով այլ ոչ թե հագուրդ տվեց իր ամբիցի-

աններին Մենք կարծում ենք որ այնուամենայնիվ

բոլոր տեսակի տարբերակները այս կամ այն առումով

դեռևս ամբողջական չեն քանի դեռ այս մասին իր

բացատրությունները չի տվել քաղաքական գործիչ

Մեդվեդևը և նա մի օր անպայման կտա դրանք երբ

կգա դրա ժամանակը Հինգը տարի նման հզորություն

ունեցող երկրի ղեկին եղած մարդու համար չի կարող

լինել այսրոպեական և եսապաշտական որոշումներ

մանավանդ եթե այդ գործիչը կայացել է որպես


Այսպիսով ինչու է վերադառնում Պուտինը Ակնհայտ

է որ այս հարցի հիմնավորումը` իբրև այդպես են

որոշել իրենք գործող նախագահի հետ այդպես էլ

շարունակություն ասել է թե հիմնավորում չունեցավ

Այս պայմաններում ավելի շատ խելքին մոտիկ է այն

տեսակետը որ Պուտինը որոշեց վերադառնալ

որովհետև դա հնարավոր էր հիմա և եթե նա որոշեր

վերադառնալ հետո շատ մեծ էր հավանականությունը

որ դա նրա մոտ չէր ստացվելու Նախկին նախագահի

վերադարձը եթե երկիրը շեղվել է իր կողմից սկսված

կուրսից եթե երկրում նկատելի են լուրջ բաց-

թողումներ եթե խաթարվել է ազգային անվտան-

գությունը և վերջապես գործող ղեկավարը չի գտնվում

իր տեղում դեռ կարող էր մոտ լինել տրամաբանու-

թյանը մանավանդ որ հայտնի են նման նախադեպեր

Բայց որպես կանոն այդ դեպքերում ետ եկողները

դառնում են գործող նախագահին ընդդիմադիր կամ

գոնե հրապարակայնորեն քննադատում են նրանց և

հանրությանը ներկայացնում իրենց մոտեցումներն ու

անհամաձայնությունները Այս հարցի կապակցու-

թյամբ հետաքրքրության են արժանի մեկ այլ գործչի

դիտարկումները ըստ որի իշխանության ետ վերա-

դարձող Պուտինը նույն Պուտինն է և բոլորովին կարիք

չկա այս կամ այն կերպ տարբեր տեսակի որա-

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում


կումներով կամ համեմատություններով նրան ներ-

կայացնել որպես նորի որովհետև այն ամենը ինչը որ

հիմա անում է Պուտինը և նրա ldquoիմիջմեյքերներըrdquo լրիվ

փուչիկ է Այո նա փորձում է ինչ որ ծրագրային ել-

ույթներով ներկայանալ

որպես նոր բայց նրա

հոդվածներում ներկայաց-

ված ելույթները պարունա-

կում են մտքեր որոնք դե-

կլարատիվ բնույթ են կր-

ում որոնց նույնիսկ ինքը

չի հավատում Այն որ Պու-

տինը Ռուսաստանյան պե-

տականության ակնառու

գործիչներից է և նա իրոք

ուզում է ամեն ինչ անել իր

երկրի և ժողովրդի համար կասկածից վեր է Բայց

ամբողջ խնդիրը նրանում է որ նա արդեն իսկ կա-

տարել է իր առաքելությունը միսիան և իր իսկ գոր-

ծունեության շնորհիվ երկրում ստեղծվել է այլ իրա-

վիճակ այլ հասարակությունով և երկրի առաջ կան-

գնել են բոլորովին այլ մարտահրավերներ որոնց լու-

ծումների համար անհրաժեշտ են այլ մտածելակերպի

մարդիկ Բոլոր նրանք ովքեր փորձում են համոզել

հենց իրեն Պուտինին որ նա ամենակարողն է և որ

երկիրը կհայտնվի կործանման եզրին եթե նա ետ

չվերադառնա կամ ստում են կամ էլ ունեն իրենց

կոնկրետ շահը Բայց ի տարբերություն այդպիսի

մարդկանց քիչ չեն Ռուսաստանում մարդիկ ովքեր

չեն կարծում որ Պուտինը աստված է և որ նա

անփոխարինելի է Այսօր Պուտինը կարելի է ասել որ

կաշվից դուրս է գալիս որպեսզի բոլորին համոզի որ

միայն ինքն է որ գիտի ինչ անել և ինչպես անել ուստի

հասարակությունը պետք է անվերապահորեն ընդունի

նրա վերադարձը Բայց դրանք ընդամենը խոսքեր են

և չեն համապատասխանում իրականությանը որով-

հետև նրա վերադարձն ամբողջությամբ ի սկզբանե չի

ունեցել որևէ հիմնա-

վորում Ընդհանրապես

ժամանակակից աշխա-

րհը ընդունում է իշխա-

նությունների փոփոխ-

ման միայն մի ձև Ըստ

դրա հինը փոխարին-

վում է նորով որով-

հետև եկել է նրան փո-

խելու ժամանակը Այս

դեպքում ամեն ինչ

ճիշտ հակառակն է

գործող իշխանությանը այն էլ ժողովրդի կամքով փո-

խարինման է գալիսը ոչ թե նորը այլ հինը Պուտինը իր

գալով միայն մեկ բան է ասում կամ եթե չի ասում

նույնիսկ միևնույն է դա այդպես է իմաստավորվում

Ռուսաստանը ես եմ Օրենքը ես եմ և ոչ ոք բացի ինձ-

նից չի կարող ղեկավարել այս երկիրը Ստացվում է մի

շատ հետաքրքիր իրավիճակ այսօրվա ldquoնորrdquo Պուտինը

պայքարում է Պուտինի դեմ որովհետև նրա դեմ կամ

նրա հետ պայքարելու հնարավորություն բացի ժո-

ղովրդից որևէ մեկը այսօր չունի Եվ նրա քարոզ-

արշավի պատասխանատուները հիմնականում այդ

խնդիրն էլ փորձում են լուծել փորձում են վախեցնել

ժողովրդին իբրև երկիրը ետ կվերադառնա իննսու-

նական թվականներ որպեսզի քաղաքացիները հան-

կարծ բացի վոժդին ընտրելուց այլընտրանք չտեսնեն

Իր ելույթներից մեկում Պուտինն ասաց որ ժողովուրդը

միշտ էլ ունի ընտրելու հնարավորություն նա կարող է

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

չընտրել իրեն Շատ հետաքրքիր և բազմանշանակ

պատասխան իրեն առաջադրված հարցին Ասում եմ

բազմանշանակ որովհետև նա չի ասում որ ինքը

կարող է պարտվել կամ որ կարող է ընտրվել մեկ այլ

մարդ նա ուղղակիորեն ասում է ժողովուրդը կարող է

ինձ չընտրել Այսինքն Պուտինի պատկերացրած

ընտրություններում ժողովուրդը ունի ոչ թե այս կամ

այն թեկնածուին ընտրելու հնարավորություն այլ իրեն

ընտրելու կամ չընտրելու տարբերակ

Այն որ Ռուսաստանում ընթացող գործընթացները

որևէ կապ չունեն ընտրության հետ կասկածից վեր է

վերոնշված վերլուծությունից հետո Ընտրությունը

ենթադրում է առաջին հերթին այլընտրանքի

հնարավորություն ասել է մեկից ավելի թեկնածուներ

Այդ այլընտրանքը հնարավոր է եթե նախագահի բոլոր

թեկնածուները ունեն հավասար ընտրվելու կամ

չընտրվելու հնարավորություններ Այս դեպքում

ստացվում է որ Պուտինից բացի մյուս թեկնածուները

ունեն միայն չընտրվելու հնարավորություն Մի

կողմում մի թեկնածուն է որին պաշտպանում

պարտադրում է ողջ պետական համակարգը իր բոլոր

հնարավորություններով և ազդեցությունով իսկ մյուս

կողմում սահամանափակ հնարավորություններ

ունեցող թեկնածուները որոնք բացահայտորեն և

ցուցադրաբար տարբերակվում են իշխանության

թեկնածուի կողմից Ի տարբերություն մյուս

թեկնածուների Պուտինի ընտրարշավը ոչ թե մյուս

թեկնածուներին հաղթելն է նրանց ծրագրերին

հակառակ հիմնավորումներ բերելը այլ ընտրողներին

համոզելը որ իրեն չընտրելու դեպքում երկիրը և

հասարակությունը կկորցնի ամեն ինչ Ստացվում է որ

Պուտինի հիմնական հակառակորդը դա ընտրողն է և

նրա ազատ կամաարտահայտության իրավունքը

Պուտինի թե մասնակցությունը այս ընտրություններին

և թե նրա նախընտրական արշավը դա անհաջող

բեմադրություն է որն իրականացվում է այդ գործում

հմտություններ ի չունեցող դելիտանտ մարդկանց

կողմից ովքեր որևէ կապ չունեն նման լուրջ

քաղաքական միջոցառման հետ Պուտինն այսօր ձեռքը

գցում է ցանկացած քայլի որը նրան առաջարկում է իր

ընտրարշավը իրականացնող փիար խումբը Այդ

խումբը առաջարկում է նրան իր քարոզարշավը

իրականացնել հանրությանը հայտնի մարդկանց

գեղարվեստական խմբերի կինոյի կամ թատրոնի

ներկայացուցիչների միջոցով Բնականաբար սա

կարող է որոշակի արդյունքի բերել բայց բացառված չէ

որ կարող է նաև հակառակ էֆեկտը տալ նրանից

հեռացնել հասարակության գնալով աճող այլ խմբերի

ներկայացուցիչների Ի տարբերություն նրա օրինակ

ավելի էֆեկտիվ նախընտրական արշավ է

իրականացնում թեկնածուներից մեկը միլիարդատեր

Պրոխորովը Նա կարծում ենք ավելի լավ

պատկերացնելով երկրի ներկան ի տարբերություն

Պուտինի ընտրում է այլ լսարան նա հանդիպում է

գործարար շրջանակների հետ որոնք այսօր

Ռուսաստանում թե թվաքանակով և թե ազդեցությամբ

ավելի կարողունակ են Պրոխորովը հանդես է գալիս

ավելի համարձակ և ընտրողի ուշադրությունն է

հրավիրում ինչպես մյուս թեկնածուների այնպես էլ

Պուտինի վրա համարձակորեն քննադատում է իր

բոլոր հակառակորդներին

Ամփոփելով մեր դիտարկումները առաջիկա

նախագահական ընտրությունների հետ կապված

գալիս ենք ետևյալին որ Նախագահի մեկ թեկնածուի և

մյուս թեկնածուների պայքարը շատ է նման

հանրահայտ Գլադիատոր ֆիլմի մենամարտին որտեղ

կայսրը Պուտինը մարտից առաջ մահացու

վիրավորում է իր հակառակորդ Մաքսիմուսին մյուս

թեկնածուներին և նրանց աջակիցներին որ

կարողանա հաղթել բայց ցույց է տալիս թե իբր

հավասար մարտ է ընթանում


Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

Sobchak to work for Prokhorov

Ksenia Sobchaks political TV show called

Госдеп (Gosdep) will be broadcast on the

Сноб (Snob) website from now on report-

ed the owner of the online periodical Rus-

sian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokho-


We remind that Ksenias Gosdep which

was supposed to be broadcast on MTV was

cancelled right after the first time it went on


I suggested that Ksenia restart the show on

the Snob website I think the show was

cancelled because Alexey Navalni was going

to be on the next show I promise that he will

make an appearance said Prokhorov

The billionaire candidate also mentioned that

freedom of speech lied at the core of a

healthy society

If I am elected president I promise the re-

turn of freedom of speech We will put an

end to lies and censure once and for all

said the presidential candidate before the

March 3 presidential elections

Medvedev Prepares Unsteady Ground

For Putin Interesting events are underway in Russia

Dmitri Medvedev decided to propose to the

presidential candidates to sign some public

agreement enabling to hold fair elections

Candidates refused to sign it Though at first

sight Medvedev may turn out to be fulfilling

Putinlsquos order but in practice it can be differ-

ent The point is that the proposal on signing

of such an agreement is nonsense The can-

didates are proposed not to break the Elec-

tion Code refrain from fraudulent elections

and prevent others from fraud At the same

time the candidates are obliged to fulfill all

these points without such an accord because

they live in a legal state An agreement on

compliance with ethics could be signed but

not one on compliance with laws

Proposing this agreement Medvedev as if

points out that there is no rule of law and the

elections are not held in compliance with

laws but by agreements reminding a non-

aggression pact among thugs

Why should Medvedev need to show this

We can presume that his personality has

unfairly been forced out of the current infor-

mation environment The information that it

might happen so that if a state of emergency

is imposed in Russia Medvedev may sud-

denly postpone the election and extend his

office has also been ignored He has already

spelt out he intention to run for president

So it is not ruled out that Medvedev is play-

ing a double game acknowledging from the

beginning that the elections are illegitimate

as if preparing a possibly wobbly ground for


This is just a presumption but it is evident

that the signing of the agreement onrefrain-

ing from fraudulent elections is not honor to

the president of the country who is the guar-

antor of fair elections He has numerous ad-

ministrative and even security levers to en-

sure such elections The fact that he does not

use them but resorts to suspicious agree-

ments also proves Medvedev needs an unfair

election of Putin

By the way the agreement runs that

―statements by opposition political figures

about the illegitimacy of any result of the

upcoming presidential elections question the

legitimacy of the presidential election and

threaten to plunge Russia into a constitution-

al crisis The fact that the agreement has not

been signed supposes that the candidates are

not going to refrain from statements on the

illegitimacy of the elections and would not

mind dipping Russia into a ―constitutional


Police cordon off Yerevan park

With the construction of kiosks going on in

Yerevanlsquos Mashtots Park the policemen

maintaining surveillance over the area have

cordoned it off not to allow anyone to get

into the construction site Our correspondent

reported from the scene that the exterior con-

struction is now nearing the end A crowd of

people protesting against the construction

work have gathered near the garden Arme-

nian writer and publicist Meruzhan Ter-

Gulyanyan is also said to be among them

The environmental group struggling for the

preservation of the parks green lands had

earlier launched a campaign to protect the

mines of Kajaran (Syunik region) Speaking

to Tertam Ter-Gulanyan said it is up to the

kiosk owners not the Yerevan mayor to

solve the problem ―The kiosks must not be

located here My opinion about the mayorlsquos

work is positive and I am sure the problem

was at issue much before he took office I

propose that the owners give up the idea

especially knowing that these kiosks are not

the only property they have he said The

youth activists protesting near the park are

now singing patriotic songs and dancing


Eurozonersquos new bailout for Greece


Eurozone finance ministers have reached

agreement on a vital second bailout for

heavily indebted Greece BBC News re-


The deal which came after more than 13

hours of talks in Brussels will provide Ath-

ens with loans worth more than euro130bn

Greece needs the funds to avoid bankruptcy

next month when maturing loans must be

repaid In return Greece will undertake to

reduce its debts to no more than 121 of its

GDP by 2020 After five straight years of

recession Greeces debts currently amounts

to more than 160 of its Gross Domestic


Around the World


United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 2: Magazine The Century

VOL 27 NO 3 | 2012


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տվեց ռուսաստանյան քաղաքական գործիչ-

ներից մեկը (Արբակ) Ըստ նրա գործող

նախագահի այս քայլը հզոր քաղաքական

քայլ էր և նպաստեց նրան որ քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը ոտքի կան-

գնեց և իր բողոքի ձայնը հրապարակայնորեն

ներկայցրեց երկրի իշխանության ուզուր-

պացման սկսված գործընթացի դեմ Ըստ մեր

զրուցակցի հեռու են իրականությունից այն

դատողությունները իբրև գործող նախագահը

վախեցավ որովհետև միայն կույրը կարող է

չտեսնել որ Մեդվեդևը որևէ կապ չունի ոչ

այս գաղափարի ոչ էլ Եդինայա Ռոսիայի


Ինչու է ետ




Այս տարվա Մարտ ամսին Ռուսաստանում տեղի են

ունենալու նախագահական ընտրություններ Իրերի

բերումով այս թեման հայտնվել է հանրային քննարկ-

ման կենտրոնում պայմանավորված առաջադրված

թեկնածուներից մեկով` նախկին նախագահ ներկա-

յիս վարչապետ Պուտինի Երկու ժամկետ այդ պաշ-

տոնում եղած գործչի հայտը ևս երկու ժամկետ վերա-

դառնալու նախագահի պաշտոնին բազում հարցեր է

առաջադրել թե ռուսաստանի այնպես էլ այս հարցով

հետաքրքրված այլ երկրների հասարակությունների

մոտ Բնականաբար առաջնային հարցը դա գործող

նախագահ Մեդվեդևին արտաքուստ փոխպայմա-

նավորվածության պատճառաբանությամբ բայց բա-

ցառված չէ իրականում ուղղակիորեն առաջադրումից

զրկելն էր Հարցականի տակ է Մեդվեդևի կամովին

հրաժարվելը և դրա շուրջ տարբեր մեկնաբա-

նությունները Եվս մեկ հարց ինչու է վերադառնում

Պուտինը ինչի համար Եվ վերջապես ընթացող

ընտրաարշավը որն իրականում գնալով ավելի ու

ավելի է հեռանում ընտրություններ հասկացությունից

Սկսենք առաջին հարցից ինչու Պուտինը երկար

դեգերումներից հետո որոշեց զրկել Մեդվեդևին առա-

ջադրումից Այստեղ մի քանի վարկածներ են առա-

ջադրվում Նախ որքան էլ որ գործող նախագահ

գտնվում է գործադիր իշխանության ղեկավարի հսկո-

ղության ներքո այնուամենայնիվ քաղաքականու-

թյունից քիչ թե շատ հասկացողների համար նա

ինքնուրույն գործիչ է Իրեն հատկացված ժամանակա-

հատվածում նախագահ Մեդվեդև կարողացավ ներ-

կայանալ իր ուրույն պատկերացումներով և ծրա-

գրերով պետության և նրան առնչվող ներ-

քաղաքական և արտաքին քաղաքական

հարցերի հետ կապված որոնք երբևիցե

չեն քննադատվել կամ հակասություններ

ունեցել այդ երկրի իշխանությունը հավա-

սար իրավունքներով կիսող գործադիր իշ-

խանության ղեկավարի կողմից Բնակա-

նաբար հարց է ծագում միգուցե և հենց դա

էր պատճառը որ արտաքուստ Պուտինի

հետ չհակադրվող Մեդվեդևը այնուամե-

նայնիվ իր ծրագրային ելույթների ինչպես

նաև պետական կարևորագույն խնդիր-

ների վերաբերյալ իր յուրօրինակ լուծում-

ների միջոցով սկսել էր ընդունելի դառնալ ինչպես

Ռուսաստանի ներսում այնպես էլ Ռուսաստանից

դուրս որպես այլ տիպի ղեկավար Անկախ ամեն

ինչից բայց նա էր հենց դիտարկվում բոլորի կողմից

Ռուսաստանի հետագա բնականոն զարգացման ջա-

տագովն ու իրականացնողը Ինչ վերաբերվում է այդ

պետության անվտանգության հետ կապված խնդիր-

ներին ապա անկախ այն բանից որ անընդհատ

գործածության մեջ էր դրվում նրա թույլ ղեկավար

լինելու հանգամանքը իրականում դա ոչ մի կապ

չունի իրականության հետ Հակառակը Մեդվեդևը

քաջալերողն է և ջատագովը այնպիսի ուղղություն-

ների զարգացման որոնք երաշխավորելու էին հասա-

րակության և պետության հետագա բնականոն զար-

գացումը Օրինակ Մեդվեդևը առաջնային էր համա-

րում և այդ ուղղությամբ կոնկրետ քայլեր է կատարել

որպեսզի պետության համար առաջնային դիտարկվեն

քաղաքացիական իրավունքները և դրանց ապահո-

վումը օրենքի գերակայության հետ կապված դատա-

կան համակարգի բարեփոխումը հասարակական վե-

րահսկողության մեխանիզմների ներդրումը Պակաս

կարևոր չէր նրա ուղիղ կապը հասարակության

տարբեր շերտերի ներկայացուցիչների հետ ինչպես

որ մեզ փոխանցեց այսօրվա իշխանություններին

ընդդիմադիր մի երիտասարդ գործող նախագահը ցու-

ցաբերում է հանդուրժողականություն իր քաղաքական

մրցակիցների նկատմամբ և պատրաստ է բաց

խոսակցության համարձակորեն ներկայացնում է իր

տեսակետները և ակնառու է որ բացառում է իր

իշխանական զինանոցում ոչ իրավական


Ինչու Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

հետապնդումների ձևաչափը Երկրորդ կարևոր հան-

գամանքը ըստ շատերի գործող նախագահը կար-

ևորում է բարձր տե-

խնոլոգիաների դե-

րը և խանդավառ-

ված է դրանց զար-

գացմամբ Եթե մի-

այն ամփոփենք այս

երկու օրինակները

ապա ակնհայտ է

դառնում որ Մեդ-

վեդևը երկրի անվտ-

անգության ապա-

հովման և ամրապն-

դման խնդրում ժա-



ուղղու վրա էր գտ-

նվում Պարզ է դառ-

նում որ նրա առաջադրվելու դեպքում նա հայտնվելու

էր բավականին շահեկան վիճակում և մեծ է հավա-

նականությունը որ նրա պաշտոնավարության եր-

կրորդ ժամկետի ավարտին լինելու էր այլ որակի

Ռուսաստան և ռուսաստանյան հասարակություն Եր-

կրորդ վարկածը որ երկրորրդ ժամկետում ընտրվելու

դեպքում գործող նախագահ հնարավոր է գործեր

առանց վարչապետի և նա պարտադրված լիներ գնալու

քաղաքական թոշակի որը ի միջայլոց որևէ կապ չունի

երկրի ղեկավարի տարիքի հետ հակառակ պարա-

գայում այսօրվա զարգացած շատ երկրների երիտա-

սարդ ղեկավարներ պետք է ամեն ինչ անեն իրենց

ամբիցաները բավարարելու համար և ուզուրպացնեն


Հարցականի տակ է Մեդվեդևի կամովին հրաժարվելը

և դրա շուրջ տարբեր մեկնաբանությունները Այս-

պիսով ինչու հինգ տարվա ընթացքում անհաջո-

ղություններ և լուրջ բացթողումներ չունեցած երկրի

ղեկավարը որի պաշտոնավարության ժամանակա-

հատվածում գրանցվել են տեսանելի հաջողություններ

այնուամենայնիվ կամովին առանց պայքարի հրա-

ժարվեց Այս հարցին շատ հետաքրքիր պատասխան

տվեց ռուսաստանյան քաղաքական գործիչներից մեկը

(Արբակ) Ըստ նրա գործող նախագահի այս քայլը հզոր

քաղաքական քայլ էր և նպաստեց նրան որ քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը ոտքի կանգնեց և իր

բողոքի ձայնը հրա-պարակայնորեն ներկայցրեց երկրի

իշխանության ուզուր-

պացման սկսված գո-

րծընթացի դեմ Ըստ

մեր զրուցակցի հեռու

են իրականությունից

այն դատողություննե-

րը իբրև գործող նա-

խագահը վախեցավ

որովհետև միայն

կույրը կարող է չտես-

նել որ Մեդվեդևը որ-

ևէ կապ չունի ոչ այս

գաղափարի ոչ էլ Եդ-

ինայա Ռոսիայի հետ

Մեր զրուցակիցն ա-

սաց որ գործող նա-

խագահի այս քայլի

հետևանքով սկսվեց քաղաքացիական հասարա-

կության ձևավորման գործընթացը բացհայտվեց

Եդինայա Ռոսիայի իրական դեմքը ժողովուրդը

հասկացավ որ Մեդվեդեևը մասնակից չէ իշխող

կուսակցության այս անտրամաբանական քաղաքական

խաղերի հետ և որ ամենակարևորը այս քայլի

հետևանքով Կրեմլի կողմից իսկ ստեղծված օպպո-

ցիզիան սկսեց բացահայտորեն պայքարել Պուտինի

դեմ Որքան էլ որ անհավատալի էր Պուտինի

ընտրապայքարը ղեկավարող խամաճիկ-ների համար

ընտրապայքար սկսեց ստանալ մրցակ-ցության

երանգներ օրակարգային հարց դարձավ այն խնդիրը

որ Պուտինի վերադարձը հնարավոր է կործա-նարար

լինի ինչպես Ռուսաստանի այնպես էլ շատերի

համար Մեր կարծիքով Մեդվեդևը որպես պետության

գործող ղեկավար ստեղծված իրավիճակում այլըն-

տրանք չուներ և ոչ թե նրա համար որ Պուտինը ավելի

ուժեղ է կամ նա զուրկ է քաղաքական հենարանից այլ

շատ լավ հասկանում է որ Պուտինիզմի և նրա

քաղաքական ամբիցիաների բավարարման կասեցման

նախաձեռնողը պետք է լինի բացառապես քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը այլապես հակառակ

դեպքում պետությունը կարող է հայտնվել պալա-

տական հեղաշրջումների հորձանուտում կամ քաղա-

քացիական պատերազմի նախաշեմին


Ի տարբերություն իր գործընկերոջ գործող նախագահը

ավելի շատ առաջնորդվեց հասարակական և պետա-

կան շահով այլ ոչ թե հագուրդ տվեց իր ամբիցի-

աններին Մենք կարծում ենք որ այնուամենայնիվ

բոլոր տեսակի տարբերակները այս կամ այն առումով

դեռևս ամբողջական չեն քանի դեռ այս մասին իր

բացատրությունները չի տվել քաղաքական գործիչ

Մեդվեդևը և նա մի օր անպայման կտա դրանք երբ

կգա դրա ժամանակը Հինգը տարի նման հզորություն

ունեցող երկրի ղեկին եղած մարդու համար չի կարող

լինել այսրոպեական և եսապաշտական որոշումներ

մանավանդ եթե այդ գործիչը կայացել է որպես


Այսպիսով ինչու է վերադառնում Պուտինը Ակնհայտ

է որ այս հարցի հիմնավորումը` իբրև այդպես են

որոշել իրենք գործող նախագահի հետ այդպես էլ

շարունակություն ասել է թե հիմնավորում չունեցավ

Այս պայմաններում ավելի շատ խելքին մոտիկ է այն

տեսակետը որ Պուտինը որոշեց վերադառնալ

որովհետև դա հնարավոր էր հիմա և եթե նա որոշեր

վերադառնալ հետո շատ մեծ էր հավանականությունը

որ դա նրա մոտ չէր ստացվելու Նախկին նախագահի

վերադարձը եթե երկիրը շեղվել է իր կողմից սկսված

կուրսից եթե երկրում նկատելի են լուրջ բաց-

թողումներ եթե խաթարվել է ազգային անվտան-

գությունը և վերջապես գործող ղեկավարը չի գտնվում

իր տեղում դեռ կարող էր մոտ լինել տրամաբանու-

թյանը մանավանդ որ հայտնի են նման նախադեպեր

Բայց որպես կանոն այդ դեպքերում ետ եկողները

դառնում են գործող նախագահին ընդդիմադիր կամ

գոնե հրապարակայնորեն քննադատում են նրանց և

հանրությանը ներկայացնում իրենց մոտեցումներն ու

անհամաձայնությունները Այս հարցի կապակցու-

թյամբ հետաքրքրության են արժանի մեկ այլ գործչի

դիտարկումները ըստ որի իշխանության ետ վերա-

դարձող Պուտինը նույն Պուտինն է և բոլորովին կարիք

չկա այս կամ այն կերպ տարբեր տեսակի որա-

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում


կումներով կամ համեմատություններով նրան ներ-

կայացնել որպես նորի որովհետև այն ամենը ինչը որ

հիմա անում է Պուտինը և նրա ldquoիմիջմեյքերներըrdquo լրիվ

փուչիկ է Այո նա փորձում է ինչ որ ծրագրային ել-

ույթներով ներկայանալ

որպես նոր բայց նրա

հոդվածներում ներկայաց-

ված ելույթները պարունա-

կում են մտքեր որոնք դե-

կլարատիվ բնույթ են կր-

ում որոնց նույնիսկ ինքը

չի հավատում Այն որ Պու-

տինը Ռուսաստանյան պե-

տականության ակնառու

գործիչներից է և նա իրոք

ուզում է ամեն ինչ անել իր

երկրի և ժողովրդի համար կասկածից վեր է Բայց

ամբողջ խնդիրը նրանում է որ նա արդեն իսկ կա-

տարել է իր առաքելությունը միսիան և իր իսկ գոր-

ծունեության շնորհիվ երկրում ստեղծվել է այլ իրա-

վիճակ այլ հասարակությունով և երկրի առաջ կան-

գնել են բոլորովին այլ մարտահրավերներ որոնց լու-

ծումների համար անհրաժեշտ են այլ մտածելակերպի

մարդիկ Բոլոր նրանք ովքեր փորձում են համոզել

հենց իրեն Պուտինին որ նա ամենակարողն է և որ

երկիրը կհայտնվի կործանման եզրին եթե նա ետ

չվերադառնա կամ ստում են կամ էլ ունեն իրենց

կոնկրետ շահը Բայց ի տարբերություն այդպիսի

մարդկանց քիչ չեն Ռուսաստանում մարդիկ ովքեր

չեն կարծում որ Պուտինը աստված է և որ նա

անփոխարինելի է Այսօր Պուտինը կարելի է ասել որ

կաշվից դուրս է գալիս որպեսզի բոլորին համոզի որ

միայն ինքն է որ գիտի ինչ անել և ինչպես անել ուստի

հասարակությունը պետք է անվերապահորեն ընդունի

նրա վերադարձը Բայց դրանք ընդամենը խոսքեր են

և չեն համապատասխանում իրականությանը որով-

հետև նրա վերադարձն ամբողջությամբ ի սկզբանե չի

ունեցել որևէ հիմնա-

վորում Ընդհանրապես

ժամանակակից աշխա-

րհը ընդունում է իշխա-

նությունների փոփոխ-

ման միայն մի ձև Ըստ

դրա հինը փոխարին-

վում է նորով որով-

հետև եկել է նրան փո-

խելու ժամանակը Այս

դեպքում ամեն ինչ

ճիշտ հակառակն է

գործող իշխանությանը այն էլ ժողովրդի կամքով փո-

խարինման է գալիսը ոչ թե նորը այլ հինը Պուտինը իր

գալով միայն մեկ բան է ասում կամ եթե չի ասում

նույնիսկ միևնույն է դա այդպես է իմաստավորվում

Ռուսաստանը ես եմ Օրենքը ես եմ և ոչ ոք բացի ինձ-

նից չի կարող ղեկավարել այս երկիրը Ստացվում է մի

շատ հետաքրքիր իրավիճակ այսօրվա ldquoնորrdquo Պուտինը

պայքարում է Պուտինի դեմ որովհետև նրա դեմ կամ

նրա հետ պայքարելու հնարավորություն բացի ժո-

ղովրդից որևէ մեկը այսօր չունի Եվ նրա քարոզ-

արշավի պատասխանատուները հիմնականում այդ

խնդիրն էլ փորձում են լուծել փորձում են վախեցնել

ժողովրդին իբրև երկիրը ետ կվերադառնա իննսու-

նական թվականներ որպեսզի քաղաքացիները հան-

կարծ բացի վոժդին ընտրելուց այլընտրանք չտեսնեն

Իր ելույթներից մեկում Պուտինն ասաց որ ժողովուրդը

միշտ էլ ունի ընտրելու հնարավորություն նա կարող է

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

չընտրել իրեն Շատ հետաքրքիր և բազմանշանակ

պատասխան իրեն առաջադրված հարցին Ասում եմ

բազմանշանակ որովհետև նա չի ասում որ ինքը

կարող է պարտվել կամ որ կարող է ընտրվել մեկ այլ

մարդ նա ուղղակիորեն ասում է ժողովուրդը կարող է

ինձ չընտրել Այսինքն Պուտինի պատկերացրած

ընտրություններում ժողովուրդը ունի ոչ թե այս կամ

այն թեկնածուին ընտրելու հնարավորություն այլ իրեն

ընտրելու կամ չընտրելու տարբերակ

Այն որ Ռուսաստանում ընթացող գործընթացները

որևէ կապ չունեն ընտրության հետ կասկածից վեր է

վերոնշված վերլուծությունից հետո Ընտրությունը

ենթադրում է առաջին հերթին այլընտրանքի

հնարավորություն ասել է մեկից ավելի թեկնածուներ

Այդ այլընտրանքը հնարավոր է եթե նախագահի բոլոր

թեկնածուները ունեն հավասար ընտրվելու կամ

չընտրվելու հնարավորություններ Այս դեպքում

ստացվում է որ Պուտինից բացի մյուս թեկնածուները

ունեն միայն չընտրվելու հնարավորություն Մի

կողմում մի թեկնածուն է որին պաշտպանում

պարտադրում է ողջ պետական համակարգը իր բոլոր

հնարավորություններով և ազդեցությունով իսկ մյուս

կողմում սահամանափակ հնարավորություններ

ունեցող թեկնածուները որոնք բացահայտորեն և

ցուցադրաբար տարբերակվում են իշխանության

թեկնածուի կողմից Ի տարբերություն մյուս

թեկնածուների Պուտինի ընտրարշավը ոչ թե մյուս

թեկնածուներին հաղթելն է նրանց ծրագրերին

հակառակ հիմնավորումներ բերելը այլ ընտրողներին

համոզելը որ իրեն չընտրելու դեպքում երկիրը և

հասարակությունը կկորցնի ամեն ինչ Ստացվում է որ

Պուտինի հիմնական հակառակորդը դա ընտրողն է և

նրա ազատ կամաարտահայտության իրավունքը

Պուտինի թե մասնակցությունը այս ընտրություններին

և թե նրա նախընտրական արշավը դա անհաջող

բեմադրություն է որն իրականացվում է այդ գործում

հմտություններ ի չունեցող դելիտանտ մարդկանց

կողմից ովքեր որևէ կապ չունեն նման լուրջ

քաղաքական միջոցառման հետ Պուտինն այսօր ձեռքը

գցում է ցանկացած քայլի որը նրան առաջարկում է իր

ընտրարշավը իրականացնող փիար խումբը Այդ

խումբը առաջարկում է նրան իր քարոզարշավը

իրականացնել հանրությանը հայտնի մարդկանց

գեղարվեստական խմբերի կինոյի կամ թատրոնի

ներկայացուցիչների միջոցով Բնականաբար սա

կարող է որոշակի արդյունքի բերել բայց բացառված չէ

որ կարող է նաև հակառակ էֆեկտը տալ նրանից

հեռացնել հասարակության գնալով աճող այլ խմբերի

ներկայացուցիչների Ի տարբերություն նրա օրինակ

ավելի էֆեկտիվ նախընտրական արշավ է

իրականացնում թեկնածուներից մեկը միլիարդատեր

Պրոխորովը Նա կարծում ենք ավելի լավ

պատկերացնելով երկրի ներկան ի տարբերություն

Պուտինի ընտրում է այլ լսարան նա հանդիպում է

գործարար շրջանակների հետ որոնք այսօր

Ռուսաստանում թե թվաքանակով և թե ազդեցությամբ

ավելի կարողունակ են Պրոխորովը հանդես է գալիս

ավելի համարձակ և ընտրողի ուշադրությունն է

հրավիրում ինչպես մյուս թեկնածուների այնպես էլ

Պուտինի վրա համարձակորեն քննադատում է իր

բոլոր հակառակորդներին

Ամփոփելով մեր դիտարկումները առաջիկա

նախագահական ընտրությունների հետ կապված

գալիս ենք ետևյալին որ Նախագահի մեկ թեկնածուի և

մյուս թեկնածուների պայքարը շատ է նման

հանրահայտ Գլադիատոր ֆիլմի մենամարտին որտեղ

կայսրը Պուտինը մարտից առաջ մահացու

վիրավորում է իր հակառակորդ Մաքսիմուսին մյուս

թեկնածուներին և նրանց աջակիցներին որ

կարողանա հաղթել բայց ցույց է տալիս թե իբր

հավասար մարտ է ընթանում


Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

Sobchak to work for Prokhorov

Ksenia Sobchaks political TV show called

Госдеп (Gosdep) will be broadcast on the

Сноб (Snob) website from now on report-

ed the owner of the online periodical Rus-

sian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokho-


We remind that Ksenias Gosdep which

was supposed to be broadcast on MTV was

cancelled right after the first time it went on


I suggested that Ksenia restart the show on

the Snob website I think the show was

cancelled because Alexey Navalni was going

to be on the next show I promise that he will

make an appearance said Prokhorov

The billionaire candidate also mentioned that

freedom of speech lied at the core of a

healthy society

If I am elected president I promise the re-

turn of freedom of speech We will put an

end to lies and censure once and for all

said the presidential candidate before the

March 3 presidential elections

Medvedev Prepares Unsteady Ground

For Putin Interesting events are underway in Russia

Dmitri Medvedev decided to propose to the

presidential candidates to sign some public

agreement enabling to hold fair elections

Candidates refused to sign it Though at first

sight Medvedev may turn out to be fulfilling

Putinlsquos order but in practice it can be differ-

ent The point is that the proposal on signing

of such an agreement is nonsense The can-

didates are proposed not to break the Elec-

tion Code refrain from fraudulent elections

and prevent others from fraud At the same

time the candidates are obliged to fulfill all

these points without such an accord because

they live in a legal state An agreement on

compliance with ethics could be signed but

not one on compliance with laws

Proposing this agreement Medvedev as if

points out that there is no rule of law and the

elections are not held in compliance with

laws but by agreements reminding a non-

aggression pact among thugs

Why should Medvedev need to show this

We can presume that his personality has

unfairly been forced out of the current infor-

mation environment The information that it

might happen so that if a state of emergency

is imposed in Russia Medvedev may sud-

denly postpone the election and extend his

office has also been ignored He has already

spelt out he intention to run for president

So it is not ruled out that Medvedev is play-

ing a double game acknowledging from the

beginning that the elections are illegitimate

as if preparing a possibly wobbly ground for


This is just a presumption but it is evident

that the signing of the agreement onrefrain-

ing from fraudulent elections is not honor to

the president of the country who is the guar-

antor of fair elections He has numerous ad-

ministrative and even security levers to en-

sure such elections The fact that he does not

use them but resorts to suspicious agree-

ments also proves Medvedev needs an unfair

election of Putin

By the way the agreement runs that

―statements by opposition political figures

about the illegitimacy of any result of the

upcoming presidential elections question the

legitimacy of the presidential election and

threaten to plunge Russia into a constitution-

al crisis The fact that the agreement has not

been signed supposes that the candidates are

not going to refrain from statements on the

illegitimacy of the elections and would not

mind dipping Russia into a ―constitutional


Police cordon off Yerevan park

With the construction of kiosks going on in

Yerevanlsquos Mashtots Park the policemen

maintaining surveillance over the area have

cordoned it off not to allow anyone to get

into the construction site Our correspondent

reported from the scene that the exterior con-

struction is now nearing the end A crowd of

people protesting against the construction

work have gathered near the garden Arme-

nian writer and publicist Meruzhan Ter-

Gulyanyan is also said to be among them

The environmental group struggling for the

preservation of the parks green lands had

earlier launched a campaign to protect the

mines of Kajaran (Syunik region) Speaking

to Tertam Ter-Gulanyan said it is up to the

kiosk owners not the Yerevan mayor to

solve the problem ―The kiosks must not be

located here My opinion about the mayorlsquos

work is positive and I am sure the problem

was at issue much before he took office I

propose that the owners give up the idea

especially knowing that these kiosks are not

the only property they have he said The

youth activists protesting near the park are

now singing patriotic songs and dancing


Eurozonersquos new bailout for Greece


Eurozone finance ministers have reached

agreement on a vital second bailout for

heavily indebted Greece BBC News re-


The deal which came after more than 13

hours of talks in Brussels will provide Ath-

ens with loans worth more than euro130bn

Greece needs the funds to avoid bankruptcy

next month when maturing loans must be

repaid In return Greece will undertake to

reduce its debts to no more than 121 of its

GDP by 2020 After five straight years of

recession Greeces debts currently amounts

to more than 160 of its Gross Domestic


Around the World


United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



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обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Sunland CA 91040

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Monday - Friday

0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 3: Magazine The Century


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բերումով այս թեման հայտնվել է հանրային քննարկ-

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նախագահ Մեդվեդևին արտաքուստ փոխպայմա-

նավորվածության պատճառաբանությամբ բայց բա-

ցառված չէ իրականում ուղղակիորեն առաջադրումից

զրկելն էր Հարցականի տակ է Մեդվեդևի կամովին

հրաժարվելը և դրա շուրջ տարբեր մեկնաբա-

նությունները Եվս մեկ հարց ինչու է վերադառնում

Պուտինը ինչի համար Եվ վերջապես ընթացող

ընտրաարշավը որն իրականում գնալով ավելի ու

ավելի է հեռանում ընտրություններ հասկացությունից

Սկսենք առաջին հարցից ինչու Պուտինը երկար

դեգերումներից հետո որոշեց զրկել Մեդվեդևին առա-

ջադրումից Այստեղ մի քանի վարկածներ են առա-

ջադրվում Նախ որքան էլ որ գործող նախագահ

գտնվում է գործադիր իշխանության ղեկավարի հսկո-

ղության ներքո այնուամենայնիվ քաղաքականու-

թյունից քիչ թե շատ հասկացողների համար նա

ինքնուրույն գործիչ է Իրեն հատկացված ժամանակա-

հատվածում նախագահ Մեդվեդև կարողացավ ներ-

կայանալ իր ուրույն պատկերացումներով և ծրա-

գրերով պետության և նրան առնչվող ներ-

քաղաքական և արտաքին քաղաքական

հարցերի հետ կապված որոնք երբևիցե

չեն քննադատվել կամ հակասություններ

ունեցել այդ երկրի իշխանությունը հավա-

սար իրավունքներով կիսող գործադիր իշ-

խանության ղեկավարի կողմից Բնակա-

նաբար հարց է ծագում միգուցե և հենց դա

էր պատճառը որ արտաքուստ Պուտինի

հետ չհակադրվող Մեդվեդևը այնուամե-

նայնիվ իր ծրագրային ելույթների ինչպես

նաև պետական կարևորագույն խնդիր-

ների վերաբերյալ իր յուրօրինակ լուծում-

ների միջոցով սկսել էր ընդունելի դառնալ ինչպես

Ռուսաստանի ներսում այնպես էլ Ռուսաստանից

դուրս որպես այլ տիպի ղեկավար Անկախ ամեն

ինչից բայց նա էր հենց դիտարկվում բոլորի կողմից

Ռուսաստանի հետագա բնականոն զարգացման ջա-

տագովն ու իրականացնողը Ինչ վերաբերվում է այդ

պետության անվտանգության հետ կապված խնդիր-

ներին ապա անկախ այն բանից որ անընդհատ

գործածության մեջ էր դրվում նրա թույլ ղեկավար

լինելու հանգամանքը իրականում դա ոչ մի կապ

չունի իրականության հետ Հակառակը Մեդվեդևը

քաջալերողն է և ջատագովը այնպիսի ուղղություն-

ների զարգացման որոնք երաշխավորելու էին հասա-

րակության և պետության հետագա բնականոն զար-

գացումը Օրինակ Մեդվեդևը առաջնային էր համա-

րում և այդ ուղղությամբ կոնկրետ քայլեր է կատարել

որպեսզի պետության համար առաջնային դիտարկվեն

քաղաքացիական իրավունքները և դրանց ապահո-

վումը օրենքի գերակայության հետ կապված դատա-

կան համակարգի բարեփոխումը հասարակական վե-

րահսկողության մեխանիզմների ներդրումը Պակաս

կարևոր չէր նրա ուղիղ կապը հասարակության

տարբեր շերտերի ներկայացուցիչների հետ ինչպես

որ մեզ փոխանցեց այսօրվա իշխանություններին

ընդդիմադիր մի երիտասարդ գործող նախագահը ցու-

ցաբերում է հանդուրժողականություն իր քաղաքական

մրցակիցների նկատմամբ և պատրաստ է բաց

խոսակցության համարձակորեն ներկայացնում է իր

տեսակետները և ակնառու է որ բացառում է իր

իշխանական զինանոցում ոչ իրավական


Ինչու Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

հետապնդումների ձևաչափը Երկրորդ կարևոր հան-

գամանքը ըստ շատերի գործող նախագահը կար-

ևորում է բարձր տե-

խնոլոգիաների դե-

րը և խանդավառ-

ված է դրանց զար-

գացմամբ Եթե մի-

այն ամփոփենք այս

երկու օրինակները

ապա ակնհայտ է

դառնում որ Մեդ-

վեդևը երկրի անվտ-

անգության ապա-

հովման և ամրապն-

դման խնդրում ժա-



ուղղու վրա էր գտ-

նվում Պարզ է դառ-

նում որ նրա առաջադրվելու դեպքում նա հայտնվելու

էր բավականին շահեկան վիճակում և մեծ է հավա-

նականությունը որ նրա պաշտոնավարության եր-

կրորդ ժամկետի ավարտին լինելու էր այլ որակի

Ռուսաստան և ռուսաստանյան հասարակություն Եր-

կրորդ վարկածը որ երկրորրդ ժամկետում ընտրվելու

դեպքում գործող նախագահ հնարավոր է գործեր

առանց վարչապետի և նա պարտադրված լիներ գնալու

քաղաքական թոշակի որը ի միջայլոց որևէ կապ չունի

երկրի ղեկավարի տարիքի հետ հակառակ պարա-

գայում այսօրվա զարգացած շատ երկրների երիտա-

սարդ ղեկավարներ պետք է ամեն ինչ անեն իրենց

ամբիցաները բավարարելու համար և ուզուրպացնեն


Հարցականի տակ է Մեդվեդևի կամովին հրաժարվելը

և դրա շուրջ տարբեր մեկնաբանությունները Այս-

պիսով ինչու հինգ տարվա ընթացքում անհաջո-

ղություններ և լուրջ բացթողումներ չունեցած երկրի

ղեկավարը որի պաշտոնավարության ժամանակա-

հատվածում գրանցվել են տեսանելի հաջողություններ

այնուամենայնիվ կամովին առանց պայքարի հրա-

ժարվեց Այս հարցին շատ հետաքրքիր պատասխան

տվեց ռուսաստանյան քաղաքական գործիչներից մեկը

(Արբակ) Ըստ նրա գործող նախագահի այս քայլը հզոր

քաղաքական քայլ էր և նպաստեց նրան որ քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը ոտքի կանգնեց և իր

բողոքի ձայնը հրա-պարակայնորեն ներկայցրեց երկրի

իշխանության ուզուր-

պացման սկսված գո-

րծընթացի դեմ Ըստ

մեր զրուցակցի հեռու

են իրականությունից

այն դատողություննե-

րը իբրև գործող նա-

խագահը վախեցավ

որովհետև միայն

կույրը կարող է չտես-

նել որ Մեդվեդևը որ-

ևէ կապ չունի ոչ այս

գաղափարի ոչ էլ Եդ-

ինայա Ռոսիայի հետ

Մեր զրուցակիցն ա-

սաց որ գործող նա-

խագահի այս քայլի

հետևանքով սկսվեց քաղաքացիական հասարա-

կության ձևավորման գործընթացը բացհայտվեց

Եդինայա Ռոսիայի իրական դեմքը ժողովուրդը

հասկացավ որ Մեդվեդեևը մասնակից չէ իշխող

կուսակցության այս անտրամաբանական քաղաքական

խաղերի հետ և որ ամենակարևորը այս քայլի

հետևանքով Կրեմլի կողմից իսկ ստեղծված օպպո-

ցիզիան սկսեց բացահայտորեն պայքարել Պուտինի

դեմ Որքան էլ որ անհավատալի էր Պուտինի

ընտրապայքարը ղեկավարող խամաճիկ-ների համար

ընտրապայքար սկսեց ստանալ մրցակ-ցության

երանգներ օրակարգային հարց դարձավ այն խնդիրը

որ Պուտինի վերադարձը հնարավոր է կործա-նարար

լինի ինչպես Ռուսաստանի այնպես էլ շատերի

համար Մեր կարծիքով Մեդվեդևը որպես պետության

գործող ղեկավար ստեղծված իրավիճակում այլըն-

տրանք չուներ և ոչ թե նրա համար որ Պուտինը ավելի

ուժեղ է կամ նա զուրկ է քաղաքական հենարանից այլ

շատ լավ հասկանում է որ Պուտինիզմի և նրա

քաղաքական ամբիցիաների բավարարման կասեցման

նախաձեռնողը պետք է լինի բացառապես քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը այլապես հակառակ

դեպքում պետությունը կարող է հայտնվել պալա-

տական հեղաշրջումների հորձանուտում կամ քաղա-

քացիական պատերազմի նախաշեմին


Ի տարբերություն իր գործընկերոջ գործող նախագահը

ավելի շատ առաջնորդվեց հասարակական և պետա-

կան շահով այլ ոչ թե հագուրդ տվեց իր ամբիցի-

աններին Մենք կարծում ենք որ այնուամենայնիվ

բոլոր տեսակի տարբերակները այս կամ այն առումով

դեռևս ամբողջական չեն քանի դեռ այս մասին իր

բացատրությունները չի տվել քաղաքական գործիչ

Մեդվեդևը և նա մի օր անպայման կտա դրանք երբ

կգա դրա ժամանակը Հինգը տարի նման հզորություն

ունեցող երկրի ղեկին եղած մարդու համար չի կարող

լինել այսրոպեական և եսապաշտական որոշումներ

մանավանդ եթե այդ գործիչը կայացել է որպես


Այսպիսով ինչու է վերադառնում Պուտինը Ակնհայտ

է որ այս հարցի հիմնավորումը` իբրև այդպես են

որոշել իրենք գործող նախագահի հետ այդպես էլ

շարունակություն ասել է թե հիմնավորում չունեցավ

Այս պայմաններում ավելի շատ խելքին մոտիկ է այն

տեսակետը որ Պուտինը որոշեց վերադառնալ

որովհետև դա հնարավոր էր հիմա և եթե նա որոշեր

վերադառնալ հետո շատ մեծ էր հավանականությունը

որ դա նրա մոտ չէր ստացվելու Նախկին նախագահի

վերադարձը եթե երկիրը շեղվել է իր կողմից սկսված

կուրսից եթե երկրում նկատելի են լուրջ բաց-

թողումներ եթե խաթարվել է ազգային անվտան-

գությունը և վերջապես գործող ղեկավարը չի գտնվում

իր տեղում դեռ կարող էր մոտ լինել տրամաբանու-

թյանը մանավանդ որ հայտնի են նման նախադեպեր

Բայց որպես կանոն այդ դեպքերում ետ եկողները

դառնում են գործող նախագահին ընդդիմադիր կամ

գոնե հրապարակայնորեն քննադատում են նրանց և

հանրությանը ներկայացնում իրենց մոտեցումներն ու

անհամաձայնությունները Այս հարցի կապակցու-

թյամբ հետաքրքրության են արժանի մեկ այլ գործչի

դիտարկումները ըստ որի իշխանության ետ վերա-

դարձող Պուտինը նույն Պուտինն է և բոլորովին կարիք

չկա այս կամ այն կերպ տարբեր տեսակի որա-

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում


կումներով կամ համեմատություններով նրան ներ-

կայացնել որպես նորի որովհետև այն ամենը ինչը որ

հիմա անում է Պուտինը և նրա ldquoիմիջմեյքերներըrdquo լրիվ

փուչիկ է Այո նա փորձում է ինչ որ ծրագրային ել-

ույթներով ներկայանալ

որպես նոր բայց նրա

հոդվածներում ներկայաց-

ված ելույթները պարունա-

կում են մտքեր որոնք դե-

կլարատիվ բնույթ են կր-

ում որոնց նույնիսկ ինքը

չի հավատում Այն որ Պու-

տինը Ռուսաստանյան պե-

տականության ակնառու

գործիչներից է և նա իրոք

ուզում է ամեն ինչ անել իր

երկրի և ժողովրդի համար կասկածից վեր է Բայց

ամբողջ խնդիրը նրանում է որ նա արդեն իսկ կա-

տարել է իր առաքելությունը միսիան և իր իսկ գոր-

ծունեության շնորհիվ երկրում ստեղծվել է այլ իրա-

վիճակ այլ հասարակությունով և երկրի առաջ կան-

գնել են բոլորովին այլ մարտահրավերներ որոնց լու-

ծումների համար անհրաժեշտ են այլ մտածելակերպի

մարդիկ Բոլոր նրանք ովքեր փորձում են համոզել

հենց իրեն Պուտինին որ նա ամենակարողն է և որ

երկիրը կհայտնվի կործանման եզրին եթե նա ետ

չվերադառնա կամ ստում են կամ էլ ունեն իրենց

կոնկրետ շահը Բայց ի տարբերություն այդպիսի

մարդկանց քիչ չեն Ռուսաստանում մարդիկ ովքեր

չեն կարծում որ Պուտինը աստված է և որ նա

անփոխարինելի է Այսօր Պուտինը կարելի է ասել որ

կաշվից դուրս է գալիս որպեսզի բոլորին համոզի որ

միայն ինքն է որ գիտի ինչ անել և ինչպես անել ուստի

հասարակությունը պետք է անվերապահորեն ընդունի

նրա վերադարձը Բայց դրանք ընդամենը խոսքեր են

և չեն համապատասխանում իրականությանը որով-

հետև նրա վերադարձն ամբողջությամբ ի սկզբանե չի

ունեցել որևէ հիմնա-

վորում Ընդհանրապես

ժամանակակից աշխա-

րհը ընդունում է իշխա-

նությունների փոփոխ-

ման միայն մի ձև Ըստ

դրա հինը փոխարին-

վում է նորով որով-

հետև եկել է նրան փո-

խելու ժամանակը Այս

դեպքում ամեն ինչ

ճիշտ հակառակն է

գործող իշխանությանը այն էլ ժողովրդի կամքով փո-

խարինման է գալիսը ոչ թե նորը այլ հինը Պուտինը իր

գալով միայն մեկ բան է ասում կամ եթե չի ասում

նույնիսկ միևնույն է դա այդպես է իմաստավորվում

Ռուսաստանը ես եմ Օրենքը ես եմ և ոչ ոք բացի ինձ-

նից չի կարող ղեկավարել այս երկիրը Ստացվում է մի

շատ հետաքրքիր իրավիճակ այսօրվա ldquoնորrdquo Պուտինը

պայքարում է Պուտինի դեմ որովհետև նրա դեմ կամ

նրա հետ պայքարելու հնարավորություն բացի ժո-

ղովրդից որևէ մեկը այսօր չունի Եվ նրա քարոզ-

արշավի պատասխանատուները հիմնականում այդ

խնդիրն էլ փորձում են լուծել փորձում են վախեցնել

ժողովրդին իբրև երկիրը ետ կվերադառնա իննսու-

նական թվականներ որպեսզի քաղաքացիները հան-

կարծ բացի վոժդին ընտրելուց այլընտրանք չտեսնեն

Իր ելույթներից մեկում Պուտինն ասաց որ ժողովուրդը

միշտ էլ ունի ընտրելու հնարավորություն նա կարող է

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

չընտրել իրեն Շատ հետաքրքիր և բազմանշանակ

պատասխան իրեն առաջադրված հարցին Ասում եմ

բազմանշանակ որովհետև նա չի ասում որ ինքը

կարող է պարտվել կամ որ կարող է ընտրվել մեկ այլ

մարդ նա ուղղակիորեն ասում է ժողովուրդը կարող է

ինձ չընտրել Այսինքն Պուտինի պատկերացրած

ընտրություններում ժողովուրդը ունի ոչ թե այս կամ

այն թեկնածուին ընտրելու հնարավորություն այլ իրեն

ընտրելու կամ չընտրելու տարբերակ

Այն որ Ռուսաստանում ընթացող գործընթացները

որևէ կապ չունեն ընտրության հետ կասկածից վեր է

վերոնշված վերլուծությունից հետո Ընտրությունը

ենթադրում է առաջին հերթին այլընտրանքի

հնարավորություն ասել է մեկից ավելի թեկնածուներ

Այդ այլընտրանքը հնարավոր է եթե նախագահի բոլոր

թեկնածուները ունեն հավասար ընտրվելու կամ

չընտրվելու հնարավորություններ Այս դեպքում

ստացվում է որ Պուտինից բացի մյուս թեկնածուները

ունեն միայն չընտրվելու հնարավորություն Մի

կողմում մի թեկնածուն է որին պաշտպանում

պարտադրում է ողջ պետական համակարգը իր բոլոր

հնարավորություններով և ազդեցությունով իսկ մյուս

կողմում սահամանափակ հնարավորություններ

ունեցող թեկնածուները որոնք բացահայտորեն և

ցուցադրաբար տարբերակվում են իշխանության

թեկնածուի կողմից Ի տարբերություն մյուս

թեկնածուների Պուտինի ընտրարշավը ոչ թե մյուս

թեկնածուներին հաղթելն է նրանց ծրագրերին

հակառակ հիմնավորումներ բերելը այլ ընտրողներին

համոզելը որ իրեն չընտրելու դեպքում երկիրը և

հասարակությունը կկորցնի ամեն ինչ Ստացվում է որ

Պուտինի հիմնական հակառակորդը դա ընտրողն է և

նրա ազատ կամաարտահայտության իրավունքը

Պուտինի թե մասնակցությունը այս ընտրություններին

և թե նրա նախընտրական արշավը դա անհաջող

բեմադրություն է որն իրականացվում է այդ գործում

հմտություններ ի չունեցող դելիտանտ մարդկանց

կողմից ովքեր որևէ կապ չունեն նման լուրջ

քաղաքական միջոցառման հետ Պուտինն այսօր ձեռքը

գցում է ցանկացած քայլի որը նրան առաջարկում է իր

ընտրարշավը իրականացնող փիար խումբը Այդ

խումբը առաջարկում է նրան իր քարոզարշավը

իրականացնել հանրությանը հայտնի մարդկանց

գեղարվեստական խմբերի կինոյի կամ թատրոնի

ներկայացուցիչների միջոցով Բնականաբար սա

կարող է որոշակի արդյունքի բերել բայց բացառված չէ

որ կարող է նաև հակառակ էֆեկտը տալ նրանից

հեռացնել հասարակության գնալով աճող այլ խմբերի

ներկայացուցիչների Ի տարբերություն նրա օրինակ

ավելի էֆեկտիվ նախընտրական արշավ է

իրականացնում թեկնածուներից մեկը միլիարդատեր

Պրոխորովը Նա կարծում ենք ավելի լավ

պատկերացնելով երկրի ներկան ի տարբերություն

Պուտինի ընտրում է այլ լսարան նա հանդիպում է

գործարար շրջանակների հետ որոնք այսօր

Ռուսաստանում թե թվաքանակով և թե ազդեցությամբ

ավելի կարողունակ են Պրոխորովը հանդես է գալիս

ավելի համարձակ և ընտրողի ուշադրությունն է

հրավիրում ինչպես մյուս թեկնածուների այնպես էլ

Պուտինի վրա համարձակորեն քննադատում է իր

բոլոր հակառակորդներին

Ամփոփելով մեր դիտարկումները առաջիկա

նախագահական ընտրությունների հետ կապված

գալիս ենք ետևյալին որ Նախագահի մեկ թեկնածուի և

մյուս թեկնածուների պայքարը շատ է նման

հանրահայտ Գլադիատոր ֆիլմի մենամարտին որտեղ

կայսրը Պուտինը մարտից առաջ մահացու

վիրավորում է իր հակառակորդ Մաքսիմուսին մյուս

թեկնածուներին և նրանց աջակիցներին որ

կարողանա հաղթել բայց ցույց է տալիս թե իբր

հավասար մարտ է ընթանում


Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

Sobchak to work for Prokhorov

Ksenia Sobchaks political TV show called

Госдеп (Gosdep) will be broadcast on the

Сноб (Snob) website from now on report-

ed the owner of the online periodical Rus-

sian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokho-


We remind that Ksenias Gosdep which

was supposed to be broadcast on MTV was

cancelled right after the first time it went on


I suggested that Ksenia restart the show on

the Snob website I think the show was

cancelled because Alexey Navalni was going

to be on the next show I promise that he will

make an appearance said Prokhorov

The billionaire candidate also mentioned that

freedom of speech lied at the core of a

healthy society

If I am elected president I promise the re-

turn of freedom of speech We will put an

end to lies and censure once and for all

said the presidential candidate before the

March 3 presidential elections

Medvedev Prepares Unsteady Ground

For Putin Interesting events are underway in Russia

Dmitri Medvedev decided to propose to the

presidential candidates to sign some public

agreement enabling to hold fair elections

Candidates refused to sign it Though at first

sight Medvedev may turn out to be fulfilling

Putinlsquos order but in practice it can be differ-

ent The point is that the proposal on signing

of such an agreement is nonsense The can-

didates are proposed not to break the Elec-

tion Code refrain from fraudulent elections

and prevent others from fraud At the same

time the candidates are obliged to fulfill all

these points without such an accord because

they live in a legal state An agreement on

compliance with ethics could be signed but

not one on compliance with laws

Proposing this agreement Medvedev as if

points out that there is no rule of law and the

elections are not held in compliance with

laws but by agreements reminding a non-

aggression pact among thugs

Why should Medvedev need to show this

We can presume that his personality has

unfairly been forced out of the current infor-

mation environment The information that it

might happen so that if a state of emergency

is imposed in Russia Medvedev may sud-

denly postpone the election and extend his

office has also been ignored He has already

spelt out he intention to run for president

So it is not ruled out that Medvedev is play-

ing a double game acknowledging from the

beginning that the elections are illegitimate

as if preparing a possibly wobbly ground for


This is just a presumption but it is evident

that the signing of the agreement onrefrain-

ing from fraudulent elections is not honor to

the president of the country who is the guar-

antor of fair elections He has numerous ad-

ministrative and even security levers to en-

sure such elections The fact that he does not

use them but resorts to suspicious agree-

ments also proves Medvedev needs an unfair

election of Putin

By the way the agreement runs that

―statements by opposition political figures

about the illegitimacy of any result of the

upcoming presidential elections question the

legitimacy of the presidential election and

threaten to plunge Russia into a constitution-

al crisis The fact that the agreement has not

been signed supposes that the candidates are

not going to refrain from statements on the

illegitimacy of the elections and would not

mind dipping Russia into a ―constitutional


Police cordon off Yerevan park

With the construction of kiosks going on in

Yerevanlsquos Mashtots Park the policemen

maintaining surveillance over the area have

cordoned it off not to allow anyone to get

into the construction site Our correspondent

reported from the scene that the exterior con-

struction is now nearing the end A crowd of

people protesting against the construction

work have gathered near the garden Arme-

nian writer and publicist Meruzhan Ter-

Gulyanyan is also said to be among them

The environmental group struggling for the

preservation of the parks green lands had

earlier launched a campaign to protect the

mines of Kajaran (Syunik region) Speaking

to Tertam Ter-Gulanyan said it is up to the

kiosk owners not the Yerevan mayor to

solve the problem ―The kiosks must not be

located here My opinion about the mayorlsquos

work is positive and I am sure the problem

was at issue much before he took office I

propose that the owners give up the idea

especially knowing that these kiosks are not

the only property they have he said The

youth activists protesting near the park are

now singing patriotic songs and dancing


Eurozonersquos new bailout for Greece


Eurozone finance ministers have reached

agreement on a vital second bailout for

heavily indebted Greece BBC News re-


The deal which came after more than 13

hours of talks in Brussels will provide Ath-

ens with loans worth more than euro130bn

Greece needs the funds to avoid bankruptcy

next month when maturing loans must be

repaid In return Greece will undertake to

reduce its debts to no more than 121 of its

GDP by 2020 After five straight years of

recession Greeces debts currently amounts

to more than 160 of its Gross Domestic


Around the World


United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Monday - Friday

0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 4: Magazine The Century


Ինչու Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

հետապնդումների ձևաչափը Երկրորդ կարևոր հան-

գամանքը ըստ շատերի գործող նախագահը կար-

ևորում է բարձր տե-

խնոլոգիաների դե-

րը և խանդավառ-

ված է դրանց զար-

գացմամբ Եթե մի-

այն ամփոփենք այս

երկու օրինակները

ապա ակնհայտ է

դառնում որ Մեդ-

վեդևը երկրի անվտ-

անգության ապա-

հովման և ամրապն-

դման խնդրում ժա-



ուղղու վրա էր գտ-

նվում Պարզ է դառ-

նում որ նրա առաջադրվելու դեպքում նա հայտնվելու

էր բավականին շահեկան վիճակում և մեծ է հավա-

նականությունը որ նրա պաշտոնավարության եր-

կրորդ ժամկետի ավարտին լինելու էր այլ որակի

Ռուսաստան և ռուսաստանյան հասարակություն Եր-

կրորդ վարկածը որ երկրորրդ ժամկետում ընտրվելու

դեպքում գործող նախագահ հնարավոր է գործեր

առանց վարչապետի և նա պարտադրված լիներ գնալու

քաղաքական թոշակի որը ի միջայլոց որևէ կապ չունի

երկրի ղեկավարի տարիքի հետ հակառակ պարա-

գայում այսօրվա զարգացած շատ երկրների երիտա-

սարդ ղեկավարներ պետք է ամեն ինչ անեն իրենց

ամբիցաները բավարարելու համար և ուզուրպացնեն


Հարցականի տակ է Մեդվեդևի կամովին հրաժարվելը

և դրա շուրջ տարբեր մեկնաբանությունները Այս-

պիսով ինչու հինգ տարվա ընթացքում անհաջո-

ղություններ և լուրջ բացթողումներ չունեցած երկրի

ղեկավարը որի պաշտոնավարության ժամանակա-

հատվածում գրանցվել են տեսանելի հաջողություններ

այնուամենայնիվ կամովին առանց պայքարի հրա-

ժարվեց Այս հարցին շատ հետաքրքիր պատասխան

տվեց ռուսաստանյան քաղաքական գործիչներից մեկը

(Արբակ) Ըստ նրա գործող նախագահի այս քայլը հզոր

քաղաքական քայլ էր և նպաստեց նրան որ քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը ոտքի կանգնեց և իր

բողոքի ձայնը հրա-պարակայնորեն ներկայցրեց երկրի

իշխանության ուզուր-

պացման սկսված գո-

րծընթացի դեմ Ըստ

մեր զրուցակցի հեռու

են իրականությունից

այն դատողություննե-

րը իբրև գործող նա-

խագահը վախեցավ

որովհետև միայն

կույրը կարող է չտես-

նել որ Մեդվեդևը որ-

ևէ կապ չունի ոչ այս

գաղափարի ոչ էլ Եդ-

ինայա Ռոսիայի հետ

Մեր զրուցակիցն ա-

սաց որ գործող նա-

խագահի այս քայլի

հետևանքով սկսվեց քաղաքացիական հասարա-

կության ձևավորման գործընթացը բացհայտվեց

Եդինայա Ռոսիայի իրական դեմքը ժողովուրդը

հասկացավ որ Մեդվեդեևը մասնակից չէ իշխող

կուսակցության այս անտրամաբանական քաղաքական

խաղերի հետ և որ ամենակարևորը այս քայլի

հետևանքով Կրեմլի կողմից իսկ ստեղծված օպպո-

ցիզիան սկսեց բացահայտորեն պայքարել Պուտինի

դեմ Որքան էլ որ անհավատալի էր Պուտինի

ընտրապայքարը ղեկավարող խամաճիկ-ների համար

ընտրապայքար սկսեց ստանալ մրցակ-ցության

երանգներ օրակարգային հարց դարձավ այն խնդիրը

որ Պուտինի վերադարձը հնարավոր է կործա-նարար

լինի ինչպես Ռուսաստանի այնպես էլ շատերի

համար Մեր կարծիքով Մեդվեդևը որպես պետության

գործող ղեկավար ստեղծված իրավիճակում այլըն-

տրանք չուներ և ոչ թե նրա համար որ Պուտինը ավելի

ուժեղ է կամ նա զուրկ է քաղաքական հենարանից այլ

շատ լավ հասկանում է որ Պուտինիզմի և նրա

քաղաքական ամբիցիաների բավարարման կասեցման

նախաձեռնողը պետք է լինի բացառապես քաղա-

քացիական հասարակությունը այլապես հակառակ

դեպքում պետությունը կարող է հայտնվել պալա-

տական հեղաշրջումների հորձանուտում կամ քաղա-

քացիական պատերազմի նախաշեմին


Ի տարբերություն իր գործընկերոջ գործող նախագահը

ավելի շատ առաջնորդվեց հասարակական և պետա-

կան շահով այլ ոչ թե հագուրդ տվեց իր ամբիցի-

աններին Մենք կարծում ենք որ այնուամենայնիվ

բոլոր տեսակի տարբերակները այս կամ այն առումով

դեռևս ամբողջական չեն քանի դեռ այս մասին իր

բացատրությունները չի տվել քաղաքական գործիչ

Մեդվեդևը և նա մի օր անպայման կտա դրանք երբ

կգա դրա ժամանակը Հինգը տարի նման հզորություն

ունեցող երկրի ղեկին եղած մարդու համար չի կարող

լինել այսրոպեական և եսապաշտական որոշումներ

մանավանդ եթե այդ գործիչը կայացել է որպես


Այսպիսով ինչու է վերադառնում Պուտինը Ակնհայտ

է որ այս հարցի հիմնավորումը` իբրև այդպես են

որոշել իրենք գործող նախագահի հետ այդպես էլ

շարունակություն ասել է թե հիմնավորում չունեցավ

Այս պայմաններում ավելի շատ խելքին մոտիկ է այն

տեսակետը որ Պուտինը որոշեց վերադառնալ

որովհետև դա հնարավոր էր հիմա և եթե նա որոշեր

վերադառնալ հետո շատ մեծ էր հավանականությունը

որ դա նրա մոտ չէր ստացվելու Նախկին նախագահի

վերադարձը եթե երկիրը շեղվել է իր կողմից սկսված

կուրսից եթե երկրում նկատելի են լուրջ բաց-

թողումներ եթե խաթարվել է ազգային անվտան-

գությունը և վերջապես գործող ղեկավարը չի գտնվում

իր տեղում դեռ կարող էր մոտ լինել տրամաբանու-

թյանը մանավանդ որ հայտնի են նման նախադեպեր

Բայց որպես կանոն այդ դեպքերում ետ եկողները

դառնում են գործող նախագահին ընդդիմադիր կամ

գոնե հրապարակայնորեն քննադատում են նրանց և

հանրությանը ներկայացնում իրենց մոտեցումներն ու

անհամաձայնությունները Այս հարցի կապակցու-

թյամբ հետաքրքրության են արժանի մեկ այլ գործչի

դիտարկումները ըստ որի իշխանության ետ վերա-

դարձող Պուտինը նույն Պուտինն է և բոլորովին կարիք

չկա այս կամ այն կերպ տարբեր տեսակի որա-

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում


կումներով կամ համեմատություններով նրան ներ-

կայացնել որպես նորի որովհետև այն ամենը ինչը որ

հիմա անում է Պուտինը և նրա ldquoիմիջմեյքերներըrdquo լրիվ

փուչիկ է Այո նա փորձում է ինչ որ ծրագրային ել-

ույթներով ներկայանալ

որպես նոր բայց նրա

հոդվածներում ներկայաց-

ված ելույթները պարունա-

կում են մտքեր որոնք դե-

կլարատիվ բնույթ են կր-

ում որոնց նույնիսկ ինքը

չի հավատում Այն որ Պու-

տինը Ռուսաստանյան պե-

տականության ակնառու

գործիչներից է և նա իրոք

ուզում է ամեն ինչ անել իր

երկրի և ժողովրդի համար կասկածից վեր է Բայց

ամբողջ խնդիրը նրանում է որ նա արդեն իսկ կա-

տարել է իր առաքելությունը միսիան և իր իսկ գոր-

ծունեության շնորհիվ երկրում ստեղծվել է այլ իրա-

վիճակ այլ հասարակությունով և երկրի առաջ կան-

գնել են բոլորովին այլ մարտահրավերներ որոնց լու-

ծումների համար անհրաժեշտ են այլ մտածելակերպի

մարդիկ Բոլոր նրանք ովքեր փորձում են համոզել

հենց իրեն Պուտինին որ նա ամենակարողն է և որ

երկիրը կհայտնվի կործանման եզրին եթե նա ետ

չվերադառնա կամ ստում են կամ էլ ունեն իրենց

կոնկրետ շահը Բայց ի տարբերություն այդպիսի

մարդկանց քիչ չեն Ռուսաստանում մարդիկ ովքեր

չեն կարծում որ Պուտինը աստված է և որ նա

անփոխարինելի է Այսօր Պուտինը կարելի է ասել որ

կաշվից դուրս է գալիս որպեսզի բոլորին համոզի որ

միայն ինքն է որ գիտի ինչ անել և ինչպես անել ուստի

հասարակությունը պետք է անվերապահորեն ընդունի

նրա վերադարձը Բայց դրանք ընդամենը խոսքեր են

և չեն համապատասխանում իրականությանը որով-

հետև նրա վերադարձն ամբողջությամբ ի սկզբանե չի

ունեցել որևէ հիմնա-

վորում Ընդհանրապես

ժամանակակից աշխա-

րհը ընդունում է իշխա-

նությունների փոփոխ-

ման միայն մի ձև Ըստ

դրա հինը փոխարին-

վում է նորով որով-

հետև եկել է նրան փո-

խելու ժամանակը Այս

դեպքում ամեն ինչ

ճիշտ հակառակն է

գործող իշխանությանը այն էլ ժողովրդի կամքով փո-

խարինման է գալիսը ոչ թե նորը այլ հինը Պուտինը իր

գալով միայն մեկ բան է ասում կամ եթե չի ասում

նույնիսկ միևնույն է դա այդպես է իմաստավորվում

Ռուսաստանը ես եմ Օրենքը ես եմ և ոչ ոք բացի ինձ-

նից չի կարող ղեկավարել այս երկիրը Ստացվում է մի

շատ հետաքրքիր իրավիճակ այսօրվա ldquoնորrdquo Պուտինը

պայքարում է Պուտինի դեմ որովհետև նրա դեմ կամ

նրա հետ պայքարելու հնարավորություն բացի ժո-

ղովրդից որևէ մեկը այսօր չունի Եվ նրա քարոզ-

արշավի պատասխանատուները հիմնականում այդ

խնդիրն էլ փորձում են լուծել փորձում են վախեցնել

ժողովրդին իբրև երկիրը ետ կվերադառնա իննսու-

նական թվականներ որպեսզի քաղաքացիները հան-

կարծ բացի վոժդին ընտրելուց այլընտրանք չտեսնեն

Իր ելույթներից մեկում Պուտինն ասաց որ ժողովուրդը

միշտ էլ ունի ընտրելու հնարավորություն նա կարող է

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

չընտրել իրեն Շատ հետաքրքիր և բազմանշանակ

պատասխան իրեն առաջադրված հարցին Ասում եմ

բազմանշանակ որովհետև նա չի ասում որ ինքը

կարող է պարտվել կամ որ կարող է ընտրվել մեկ այլ

մարդ նա ուղղակիորեն ասում է ժողովուրդը կարող է

ինձ չընտրել Այսինքն Պուտինի պատկերացրած

ընտրություններում ժողովուրդը ունի ոչ թե այս կամ

այն թեկնածուին ընտրելու հնարավորություն այլ իրեն

ընտրելու կամ չընտրելու տարբերակ

Այն որ Ռուսաստանում ընթացող գործընթացները

որևէ կապ չունեն ընտրության հետ կասկածից վեր է

վերոնշված վերլուծությունից հետո Ընտրությունը

ենթադրում է առաջին հերթին այլընտրանքի

հնարավորություն ասել է մեկից ավելի թեկնածուներ

Այդ այլընտրանքը հնարավոր է եթե նախագահի բոլոր

թեկնածուները ունեն հավասար ընտրվելու կամ

չընտրվելու հնարավորություններ Այս դեպքում

ստացվում է որ Պուտինից բացի մյուս թեկնածուները

ունեն միայն չընտրվելու հնարավորություն Մի

կողմում մի թեկնածուն է որին պաշտպանում

պարտադրում է ողջ պետական համակարգը իր բոլոր

հնարավորություններով և ազդեցությունով իսկ մյուս

կողմում սահամանափակ հնարավորություններ

ունեցող թեկնածուները որոնք բացահայտորեն և

ցուցադրաբար տարբերակվում են իշխանության

թեկնածուի կողմից Ի տարբերություն մյուս

թեկնածուների Պուտինի ընտրարշավը ոչ թե մյուս

թեկնածուներին հաղթելն է նրանց ծրագրերին

հակառակ հիմնավորումներ բերելը այլ ընտրողներին

համոզելը որ իրեն չընտրելու դեպքում երկիրը և

հասարակությունը կկորցնի ամեն ինչ Ստացվում է որ

Պուտինի հիմնական հակառակորդը դա ընտրողն է և

նրա ազատ կամաարտահայտության իրավունքը

Պուտինի թե մասնակցությունը այս ընտրություններին

և թե նրա նախընտրական արշավը դա անհաջող

բեմադրություն է որն իրականացվում է այդ գործում

հմտություններ ի չունեցող դելիտանտ մարդկանց

կողմից ովքեր որևէ կապ չունեն նման լուրջ

քաղաքական միջոցառման հետ Պուտինն այսօր ձեռքը

գցում է ցանկացած քայլի որը նրան առաջարկում է իր

ընտրարշավը իրականացնող փիար խումբը Այդ

խումբը առաջարկում է նրան իր քարոզարշավը

իրականացնել հանրությանը հայտնի մարդկանց

գեղարվեստական խմբերի կինոյի կամ թատրոնի

ներկայացուցիչների միջոցով Բնականաբար սա

կարող է որոշակի արդյունքի բերել բայց բացառված չէ

որ կարող է նաև հակառակ էֆեկտը տալ նրանից

հեռացնել հասարակության գնալով աճող այլ խմբերի

ներկայացուցիչների Ի տարբերություն նրա օրինակ

ավելի էֆեկտիվ նախընտրական արշավ է

իրականացնում թեկնածուներից մեկը միլիարդատեր

Պրոխորովը Նա կարծում ենք ավելի լավ

պատկերացնելով երկրի ներկան ի տարբերություն

Պուտինի ընտրում է այլ լսարան նա հանդիպում է

գործարար շրջանակների հետ որոնք այսօր

Ռուսաստանում թե թվաքանակով և թե ազդեցությամբ

ավելի կարողունակ են Պրոխորովը հանդես է գալիս

ավելի համարձակ և ընտրողի ուշադրությունն է

հրավիրում ինչպես մյուս թեկնածուների այնպես էլ

Պուտինի վրա համարձակորեն քննադատում է իր

բոլոր հակառակորդներին

Ամփոփելով մեր դիտարկումները առաջիկա

նախագահական ընտրությունների հետ կապված

գալիս ենք ետևյալին որ Նախագահի մեկ թեկնածուի և

մյուս թեկնածուների պայքարը շատ է նման

հանրահայտ Գլադիատոր ֆիլմի մենամարտին որտեղ

կայսրը Պուտինը մարտից առաջ մահացու

վիրավորում է իր հակառակորդ Մաքսիմուսին մյուս

թեկնածուներին և նրանց աջակիցներին որ

կարողանա հաղթել բայց ցույց է տալիս թե իբր

հավասար մարտ է ընթանում


Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

Sobchak to work for Prokhorov

Ksenia Sobchaks political TV show called

Госдеп (Gosdep) will be broadcast on the

Сноб (Snob) website from now on report-

ed the owner of the online periodical Rus-

sian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokho-


We remind that Ksenias Gosdep which

was supposed to be broadcast on MTV was

cancelled right after the first time it went on


I suggested that Ksenia restart the show on

the Snob website I think the show was

cancelled because Alexey Navalni was going

to be on the next show I promise that he will

make an appearance said Prokhorov

The billionaire candidate also mentioned that

freedom of speech lied at the core of a

healthy society

If I am elected president I promise the re-

turn of freedom of speech We will put an

end to lies and censure once and for all

said the presidential candidate before the

March 3 presidential elections

Medvedev Prepares Unsteady Ground

For Putin Interesting events are underway in Russia

Dmitri Medvedev decided to propose to the

presidential candidates to sign some public

agreement enabling to hold fair elections

Candidates refused to sign it Though at first

sight Medvedev may turn out to be fulfilling

Putinlsquos order but in practice it can be differ-

ent The point is that the proposal on signing

of such an agreement is nonsense The can-

didates are proposed not to break the Elec-

tion Code refrain from fraudulent elections

and prevent others from fraud At the same

time the candidates are obliged to fulfill all

these points without such an accord because

they live in a legal state An agreement on

compliance with ethics could be signed but

not one on compliance with laws

Proposing this agreement Medvedev as if

points out that there is no rule of law and the

elections are not held in compliance with

laws but by agreements reminding a non-

aggression pact among thugs

Why should Medvedev need to show this

We can presume that his personality has

unfairly been forced out of the current infor-

mation environment The information that it

might happen so that if a state of emergency

is imposed in Russia Medvedev may sud-

denly postpone the election and extend his

office has also been ignored He has already

spelt out he intention to run for president

So it is not ruled out that Medvedev is play-

ing a double game acknowledging from the

beginning that the elections are illegitimate

as if preparing a possibly wobbly ground for


This is just a presumption but it is evident

that the signing of the agreement onrefrain-

ing from fraudulent elections is not honor to

the president of the country who is the guar-

antor of fair elections He has numerous ad-

ministrative and even security levers to en-

sure such elections The fact that he does not

use them but resorts to suspicious agree-

ments also proves Medvedev needs an unfair

election of Putin

By the way the agreement runs that

―statements by opposition political figures

about the illegitimacy of any result of the

upcoming presidential elections question the

legitimacy of the presidential election and

threaten to plunge Russia into a constitution-

al crisis The fact that the agreement has not

been signed supposes that the candidates are

not going to refrain from statements on the

illegitimacy of the elections and would not

mind dipping Russia into a ―constitutional


Police cordon off Yerevan park

With the construction of kiosks going on in

Yerevanlsquos Mashtots Park the policemen

maintaining surveillance over the area have

cordoned it off not to allow anyone to get

into the construction site Our correspondent

reported from the scene that the exterior con-

struction is now nearing the end A crowd of

people protesting against the construction

work have gathered near the garden Arme-

nian writer and publicist Meruzhan Ter-

Gulyanyan is also said to be among them

The environmental group struggling for the

preservation of the parks green lands had

earlier launched a campaign to protect the

mines of Kajaran (Syunik region) Speaking

to Tertam Ter-Gulanyan said it is up to the

kiosk owners not the Yerevan mayor to

solve the problem ―The kiosks must not be

located here My opinion about the mayorlsquos

work is positive and I am sure the problem

was at issue much before he took office I

propose that the owners give up the idea

especially knowing that these kiosks are not

the only property they have he said The

youth activists protesting near the park are

now singing patriotic songs and dancing


Eurozonersquos new bailout for Greece


Eurozone finance ministers have reached

agreement on a vital second bailout for

heavily indebted Greece BBC News re-


The deal which came after more than 13

hours of talks in Brussels will provide Ath-

ens with loans worth more than euro130bn

Greece needs the funds to avoid bankruptcy

next month when maturing loans must be

repaid In return Greece will undertake to

reduce its debts to no more than 121 of its

GDP by 2020 After five straight years of

recession Greeces debts currently amounts

to more than 160 of its Gross Domestic


Around the World


United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 5: Magazine The Century


Ի տարբերություն իր գործընկերոջ գործող նախագահը

ավելի շատ առաջնորդվեց հասարակական և պետա-

կան շահով այլ ոչ թե հագուրդ տվեց իր ամբիցի-

աններին Մենք կարծում ենք որ այնուամենայնիվ

բոլոր տեսակի տարբերակները այս կամ այն առումով

դեռևս ամբողջական չեն քանի դեռ այս մասին իր

բացատրությունները չի տվել քաղաքական գործիչ

Մեդվեդևը և նա մի օր անպայման կտա դրանք երբ

կգա դրա ժամանակը Հինգը տարի նման հզորություն

ունեցող երկրի ղեկին եղած մարդու համար չի կարող

լինել այսրոպեական և եսապաշտական որոշումներ

մանավանդ եթե այդ գործիչը կայացել է որպես


Այսպիսով ինչու է վերադառնում Պուտինը Ակնհայտ

է որ այս հարցի հիմնավորումը` իբրև այդպես են

որոշել իրենք գործող նախագահի հետ այդպես էլ

շարունակություն ասել է թե հիմնավորում չունեցավ

Այս պայմաններում ավելի շատ խելքին մոտիկ է այն

տեսակետը որ Պուտինը որոշեց վերադառնալ

որովհետև դա հնարավոր էր հիմա և եթե նա որոշեր

վերադառնալ հետո շատ մեծ էր հավանականությունը

որ դա նրա մոտ չէր ստացվելու Նախկին նախագահի

վերադարձը եթե երկիրը շեղվել է իր կողմից սկսված

կուրսից եթե երկրում նկատելի են լուրջ բաց-

թողումներ եթե խաթարվել է ազգային անվտան-

գությունը և վերջապես գործող ղեկավարը չի գտնվում

իր տեղում դեռ կարող էր մոտ լինել տրամաբանու-

թյանը մանավանդ որ հայտնի են նման նախադեպեր

Բայց որպես կանոն այդ դեպքերում ետ եկողները

դառնում են գործող նախագահին ընդդիմադիր կամ

գոնե հրապարակայնորեն քննադատում են նրանց և

հանրությանը ներկայացնում իրենց մոտեցումներն ու

անհամաձայնությունները Այս հարցի կապակցու-

թյամբ հետաքրքրության են արժանի մեկ այլ գործչի

դիտարկումները ըստ որի իշխանության ետ վերա-

դարձող Պուտինը նույն Պուտինն է և բոլորովին կարիք

չկա այս կամ այն կերպ տարբեր տեսակի որա-

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում


կումներով կամ համեմատություններով նրան ներ-

կայացնել որպես նորի որովհետև այն ամենը ինչը որ

հիմա անում է Պուտինը և նրա ldquoիմիջմեյքերներըrdquo լրիվ

փուչիկ է Այո նա փորձում է ինչ որ ծրագրային ել-

ույթներով ներկայանալ

որպես նոր բայց նրա

հոդվածներում ներկայաց-

ված ելույթները պարունա-

կում են մտքեր որոնք դե-

կլարատիվ բնույթ են կր-

ում որոնց նույնիսկ ինքը

չի հավատում Այն որ Պու-

տինը Ռուսաստանյան պե-

տականության ակնառու

գործիչներից է և նա իրոք

ուզում է ամեն ինչ անել իր

երկրի և ժողովրդի համար կասկածից վեր է Բայց

ամբողջ խնդիրը նրանում է որ նա արդեն իսկ կա-

տարել է իր առաքելությունը միսիան և իր իսկ գոր-

ծունեության շնորհիվ երկրում ստեղծվել է այլ իրա-

վիճակ այլ հասարակությունով և երկրի առաջ կան-

գնել են բոլորովին այլ մարտահրավերներ որոնց լու-

ծումների համար անհրաժեշտ են այլ մտածելակերպի

մարդիկ Բոլոր նրանք ովքեր փորձում են համոզել

հենց իրեն Պուտինին որ նա ամենակարողն է և որ

երկիրը կհայտնվի կործանման եզրին եթե նա ետ

չվերադառնա կամ ստում են կամ էլ ունեն իրենց

կոնկրետ շահը Բայց ի տարբերություն այդպիսի

մարդկանց քիչ չեն Ռուսաստանում մարդիկ ովքեր

չեն կարծում որ Պուտինը աստված է և որ նա

անփոխարինելի է Այսօր Պուտինը կարելի է ասել որ

կաշվից դուրս է գալիս որպեսզի բոլորին համոզի որ

միայն ինքն է որ գիտի ինչ անել և ինչպես անել ուստի

հասարակությունը պետք է անվերապահորեն ընդունի

նրա վերադարձը Բայց դրանք ընդամենը խոսքեր են

և չեն համապատասխանում իրականությանը որով-

հետև նրա վերադարձն ամբողջությամբ ի սկզբանե չի

ունեցել որևէ հիմնա-

վորում Ընդհանրապես

ժամանակակից աշխա-

րհը ընդունում է իշխա-

նությունների փոփոխ-

ման միայն մի ձև Ըստ

դրա հինը փոխարին-

վում է նորով որով-

հետև եկել է նրան փո-

խելու ժամանակը Այս

դեպքում ամեն ինչ

ճիշտ հակառակն է

գործող իշխանությանը այն էլ ժողովրդի կամքով փո-

խարինման է գալիսը ոչ թե նորը այլ հինը Պուտինը իր

գալով միայն մեկ բան է ասում կամ եթե չի ասում

նույնիսկ միևնույն է դա այդպես է իմաստավորվում

Ռուսաստանը ես եմ Օրենքը ես եմ և ոչ ոք բացի ինձ-

նից չի կարող ղեկավարել այս երկիրը Ստացվում է մի

շատ հետաքրքիր իրավիճակ այսօրվա ldquoնորrdquo Պուտինը

պայքարում է Պուտինի դեմ որովհետև նրա դեմ կամ

նրա հետ պայքարելու հնարավորություն բացի ժո-

ղովրդից որևէ մեկը այսօր չունի Եվ նրա քարոզ-

արշավի պատասխանատուները հիմնականում այդ

խնդիրն էլ փորձում են լուծել փորձում են վախեցնել

ժողովրդին իբրև երկիրը ետ կվերադառնա իննսու-

նական թվականներ որպեսզի քաղաքացիները հան-

կարծ բացի վոժդին ընտրելուց այլընտրանք չտեսնեն

Իր ելույթներից մեկում Պուտինն ասաց որ ժողովուրդը

միշտ էլ ունի ընտրելու հնարավորություն նա կարող է

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

չընտրել իրեն Շատ հետաքրքիր և բազմանշանակ

պատասխան իրեն առաջադրված հարցին Ասում եմ

բազմանշանակ որովհետև նա չի ասում որ ինքը

կարող է պարտվել կամ որ կարող է ընտրվել մեկ այլ

մարդ նա ուղղակիորեն ասում է ժողովուրդը կարող է

ինձ չընտրել Այսինքն Պուտինի պատկերացրած

ընտրություններում ժողովուրդը ունի ոչ թե այս կամ

այն թեկնածուին ընտրելու հնարավորություն այլ իրեն

ընտրելու կամ չընտրելու տարբերակ

Այն որ Ռուսաստանում ընթացող գործընթացները

որևէ կապ չունեն ընտրության հետ կասկածից վեր է

վերոնշված վերլուծությունից հետո Ընտրությունը

ենթադրում է առաջին հերթին այլընտրանքի

հնարավորություն ասել է մեկից ավելի թեկնածուներ

Այդ այլընտրանքը հնարավոր է եթե նախագահի բոլոր

թեկնածուները ունեն հավասար ընտրվելու կամ

չընտրվելու հնարավորություններ Այս դեպքում

ստացվում է որ Պուտինից բացի մյուս թեկնածուները

ունեն միայն չընտրվելու հնարավորություն Մի

կողմում մի թեկնածուն է որին պաշտպանում

պարտադրում է ողջ պետական համակարգը իր բոլոր

հնարավորություններով և ազդեցությունով իսկ մյուս

կողմում սահամանափակ հնարավորություններ

ունեցող թեկնածուները որոնք բացահայտորեն և

ցուցադրաբար տարբերակվում են իշխանության

թեկնածուի կողմից Ի տարբերություն մյուս

թեկնածուների Պուտինի ընտրարշավը ոչ թե մյուս

թեկնածուներին հաղթելն է նրանց ծրագրերին

հակառակ հիմնավորումներ բերելը այլ ընտրողներին

համոզելը որ իրեն չընտրելու դեպքում երկիրը և

հասարակությունը կկորցնի ամեն ինչ Ստացվում է որ

Պուտինի հիմնական հակառակորդը դա ընտրողն է և

նրա ազատ կամաարտահայտության իրավունքը

Պուտինի թե մասնակցությունը այս ընտրություններին

և թե նրա նախընտրական արշավը դա անհաջող

բեմադրություն է որն իրականացվում է այդ գործում

հմտություններ ի չունեցող դելիտանտ մարդկանց

կողմից ովքեր որևէ կապ չունեն նման լուրջ

քաղաքական միջոցառման հետ Պուտինն այսօր ձեռքը

գցում է ցանկացած քայլի որը նրան առաջարկում է իր

ընտրարշավը իրականացնող փիար խումբը Այդ

խումբը առաջարկում է նրան իր քարոզարշավը

իրականացնել հանրությանը հայտնի մարդկանց

գեղարվեստական խմբերի կինոյի կամ թատրոնի

ներկայացուցիչների միջոցով Բնականաբար սա

կարող է որոշակի արդյունքի բերել բայց բացառված չէ

որ կարող է նաև հակառակ էֆեկտը տալ նրանից

հեռացնել հասարակության գնալով աճող այլ խմբերի

ներկայացուցիչների Ի տարբերություն նրա օրինակ

ավելի էֆեկտիվ նախընտրական արշավ է

իրականացնում թեկնածուներից մեկը միլիարդատեր

Պրոխորովը Նա կարծում ենք ավելի լավ

պատկերացնելով երկրի ներկան ի տարբերություն

Պուտինի ընտրում է այլ լսարան նա հանդիպում է

գործարար շրջանակների հետ որոնք այսօր

Ռուսաստանում թե թվաքանակով և թե ազդեցությամբ

ավելի կարողունակ են Պրոխորովը հանդես է գալիս

ավելի համարձակ և ընտրողի ուշադրությունն է

հրավիրում ինչպես մյուս թեկնածուների այնպես էլ

Պուտինի վրա համարձակորեն քննադատում է իր

բոլոր հակառակորդներին

Ամփոփելով մեր դիտարկումները առաջիկա

նախագահական ընտրությունների հետ կապված

գալիս ենք ետևյալին որ Նախագահի մեկ թեկնածուի և

մյուս թեկնածուների պայքարը շատ է նման

հանրահայտ Գլադիատոր ֆիլմի մենամարտին որտեղ

կայսրը Պուտինը մարտից առաջ մահացու

վիրավորում է իր հակառակորդ Մաքսիմուսին մյուս

թեկնածուներին և նրանց աջակիցներին որ

կարողանա հաղթել բայց ցույց է տալիս թե իբր

հավասար մարտ է ընթանում


Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

Sobchak to work for Prokhorov

Ksenia Sobchaks political TV show called

Госдеп (Gosdep) will be broadcast on the

Сноб (Snob) website from now on report-

ed the owner of the online periodical Rus-

sian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokho-


We remind that Ksenias Gosdep which

was supposed to be broadcast on MTV was

cancelled right after the first time it went on


I suggested that Ksenia restart the show on

the Snob website I think the show was

cancelled because Alexey Navalni was going

to be on the next show I promise that he will

make an appearance said Prokhorov

The billionaire candidate also mentioned that

freedom of speech lied at the core of a

healthy society

If I am elected president I promise the re-

turn of freedom of speech We will put an

end to lies and censure once and for all

said the presidential candidate before the

March 3 presidential elections

Medvedev Prepares Unsteady Ground

For Putin Interesting events are underway in Russia

Dmitri Medvedev decided to propose to the

presidential candidates to sign some public

agreement enabling to hold fair elections

Candidates refused to sign it Though at first

sight Medvedev may turn out to be fulfilling

Putinlsquos order but in practice it can be differ-

ent The point is that the proposal on signing

of such an agreement is nonsense The can-

didates are proposed not to break the Elec-

tion Code refrain from fraudulent elections

and prevent others from fraud At the same

time the candidates are obliged to fulfill all

these points without such an accord because

they live in a legal state An agreement on

compliance with ethics could be signed but

not one on compliance with laws

Proposing this agreement Medvedev as if

points out that there is no rule of law and the

elections are not held in compliance with

laws but by agreements reminding a non-

aggression pact among thugs

Why should Medvedev need to show this

We can presume that his personality has

unfairly been forced out of the current infor-

mation environment The information that it

might happen so that if a state of emergency

is imposed in Russia Medvedev may sud-

denly postpone the election and extend his

office has also been ignored He has already

spelt out he intention to run for president

So it is not ruled out that Medvedev is play-

ing a double game acknowledging from the

beginning that the elections are illegitimate

as if preparing a possibly wobbly ground for


This is just a presumption but it is evident

that the signing of the agreement onrefrain-

ing from fraudulent elections is not honor to

the president of the country who is the guar-

antor of fair elections He has numerous ad-

ministrative and even security levers to en-

sure such elections The fact that he does not

use them but resorts to suspicious agree-

ments also proves Medvedev needs an unfair

election of Putin

By the way the agreement runs that

―statements by opposition political figures

about the illegitimacy of any result of the

upcoming presidential elections question the

legitimacy of the presidential election and

threaten to plunge Russia into a constitution-

al crisis The fact that the agreement has not

been signed supposes that the candidates are

not going to refrain from statements on the

illegitimacy of the elections and would not

mind dipping Russia into a ―constitutional


Police cordon off Yerevan park

With the construction of kiosks going on in

Yerevanlsquos Mashtots Park the policemen

maintaining surveillance over the area have

cordoned it off not to allow anyone to get

into the construction site Our correspondent

reported from the scene that the exterior con-

struction is now nearing the end A crowd of

people protesting against the construction

work have gathered near the garden Arme-

nian writer and publicist Meruzhan Ter-

Gulyanyan is also said to be among them

The environmental group struggling for the

preservation of the parks green lands had

earlier launched a campaign to protect the

mines of Kajaran (Syunik region) Speaking

to Tertam Ter-Gulanyan said it is up to the

kiosk owners not the Yerevan mayor to

solve the problem ―The kiosks must not be

located here My opinion about the mayorlsquos

work is positive and I am sure the problem

was at issue much before he took office I

propose that the owners give up the idea

especially knowing that these kiosks are not

the only property they have he said The

youth activists protesting near the park are

now singing patriotic songs and dancing


Eurozonersquos new bailout for Greece


Eurozone finance ministers have reached

agreement on a vital second bailout for

heavily indebted Greece BBC News re-


The deal which came after more than 13

hours of talks in Brussels will provide Ath-

ens with loans worth more than euro130bn

Greece needs the funds to avoid bankruptcy

next month when maturing loans must be

repaid In return Greece will undertake to

reduce its debts to no more than 121 of its

GDP by 2020 After five straight years of

recession Greeces debts currently amounts

to more than 160 of its Gross Domestic


Around the World


United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 6: Magazine The Century


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հիմա անում է Պուտինը և նրա ldquoիմիջմեյքերներըrdquo լրիվ

փուչիկ է Այո նա փորձում է ինչ որ ծրագրային ել-

ույթներով ներկայանալ

որպես նոր բայց նրա

հոդվածներում ներկայաց-

ված ելույթները պարունա-

կում են մտքեր որոնք դե-

կլարատիվ բնույթ են կր-

ում որոնց նույնիսկ ինքը

չի հավատում Այն որ Պու-

տինը Ռուսաստանյան պե-

տականության ակնառու

գործիչներից է և նա իրոք

ուզում է ամեն ինչ անել իր

երկրի և ժողովրդի համար կասկածից վեր է Բայց

ամբողջ խնդիրը նրանում է որ նա արդեն իսկ կա-

տարել է իր առաքելությունը միսիան և իր իսկ գոր-

ծունեության շնորհիվ երկրում ստեղծվել է այլ իրա-

վիճակ այլ հասարակությունով և երկրի առաջ կան-

գնել են բոլորովին այլ մարտահրավերներ որոնց լու-

ծումների համար անհրաժեշտ են այլ մտածելակերպի

մարդիկ Բոլոր նրանք ովքեր փորձում են համոզել

հենց իրեն Պուտինին որ նա ամենակարողն է և որ

երկիրը կհայտնվի կործանման եզրին եթե նա ետ

չվերադառնա կամ ստում են կամ էլ ունեն իրենց

կոնկրետ շահը Բայց ի տարբերություն այդպիսի

մարդկանց քիչ չեն Ռուսաստանում մարդիկ ովքեր

չեն կարծում որ Պուտինը աստված է և որ նա

անփոխարինելի է Այսօր Պուտինը կարելի է ասել որ

կաշվից դուրս է գալիս որպեսզի բոլորին համոզի որ

միայն ինքն է որ գիտի ինչ անել և ինչպես անել ուստի

հասարակությունը պետք է անվերապահորեն ընդունի

նրա վերադարձը Բայց դրանք ընդամենը խոսքեր են

և չեն համապատասխանում իրականությանը որով-

հետև նրա վերադարձն ամբողջությամբ ի սկզբանե չի

ունեցել որևէ հիմնա-

վորում Ընդհանրապես

ժամանակակից աշխա-

րհը ընդունում է իշխա-

նությունների փոփոխ-

ման միայն մի ձև Ըստ

դրա հինը փոխարին-

վում է նորով որով-

հետև եկել է նրան փո-

խելու ժամանակը Այս

դեպքում ամեն ինչ

ճիշտ հակառակն է

գործող իշխանությանը այն էլ ժողովրդի կամքով փո-

խարինման է գալիսը ոչ թե նորը այլ հինը Պուտինը իր

գալով միայն մեկ բան է ասում կամ եթե չի ասում

նույնիսկ միևնույն է դա այդպես է իմաստավորվում

Ռուսաստանը ես եմ Օրենքը ես եմ և ոչ ոք բացի ինձ-

նից չի կարող ղեկավարել այս երկիրը Ստացվում է մի

շատ հետաքրքիր իրավիճակ այսօրվա ldquoնորrdquo Պուտինը

պայքարում է Պուտինի դեմ որովհետև նրա դեմ կամ

նրա հետ պայքարելու հնարավորություն բացի ժո-

ղովրդից որևէ մեկը այսօր չունի Եվ նրա քարոզ-

արշավի պատասխանատուները հիմնականում այդ

խնդիրն էլ փորձում են լուծել փորձում են վախեցնել

ժողովրդին իբրև երկիրը ետ կվերադառնա իննսու-

նական թվականներ որպեսզի քաղաքացիները հան-

կարծ բացի վոժդին ընտրելուց այլընտրանք չտեսնեն

Իր ելույթներից մեկում Պուտինն ասաց որ ժողովուրդը

միշտ էլ ունի ընտրելու հնարավորություն նա կարող է

Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

չընտրել իրեն Շատ հետաքրքիր և բազմանշանակ

պատասխան իրեն առաջադրված հարցին Ասում եմ

բազմանշանակ որովհետև նա չի ասում որ ինքը

կարող է պարտվել կամ որ կարող է ընտրվել մեկ այլ

մարդ նա ուղղակիորեն ասում է ժողովուրդը կարող է

ինձ չընտրել Այսինքն Պուտինի պատկերացրած

ընտրություններում ժողովուրդը ունի ոչ թե այս կամ

այն թեկնածուին ընտրելու հնարավորություն այլ իրեն

ընտրելու կամ չընտրելու տարբերակ

Այն որ Ռուսաստանում ընթացող գործընթացները

որևէ կապ չունեն ընտրության հետ կասկածից վեր է

վերոնշված վերլուծությունից հետո Ընտրությունը

ենթադրում է առաջին հերթին այլընտրանքի

հնարավորություն ասել է մեկից ավելի թեկնածուներ

Այդ այլընտրանքը հնարավոր է եթե նախագահի բոլոր

թեկնածուները ունեն հավասար ընտրվելու կամ

չընտրվելու հնարավորություններ Այս դեպքում

ստացվում է որ Պուտինից բացի մյուս թեկնածուները

ունեն միայն չընտրվելու հնարավորություն Մի

կողմում մի թեկնածուն է որին պաշտպանում

պարտադրում է ողջ պետական համակարգը իր բոլոր

հնարավորություններով և ազդեցությունով իսկ մյուս

կողմում սահամանափակ հնարավորություններ

ունեցող թեկնածուները որոնք բացահայտորեն և

ցուցադրաբար տարբերակվում են իշխանության

թեկնածուի կողմից Ի տարբերություն մյուս

թեկնածուների Պուտինի ընտրարշավը ոչ թե մյուս

թեկնածուներին հաղթելն է նրանց ծրագրերին

հակառակ հիմնավորումներ բերելը այլ ընտրողներին

համոզելը որ իրեն չընտրելու դեպքում երկիրը և

հասարակությունը կկորցնի ամեն ինչ Ստացվում է որ

Պուտինի հիմնական հակառակորդը դա ընտրողն է և

նրա ազատ կամաարտահայտության իրավունքը

Պուտինի թե մասնակցությունը այս ընտրություններին

և թե նրա նախընտրական արշավը դա անհաջող

բեմադրություն է որն իրականացվում է այդ գործում

հմտություններ ի չունեցող դելիտանտ մարդկանց

կողմից ովքեր որևէ կապ չունեն նման լուրջ

քաղաքական միջոցառման հետ Պուտինն այսօր ձեռքը

գցում է ցանկացած քայլի որը նրան առաջարկում է իր

ընտրարշավը իրականացնող փիար խումբը Այդ

խումբը առաջարկում է նրան իր քարոզարշավը

իրականացնել հանրությանը հայտնի մարդկանց

գեղարվեստական խմբերի կինոյի կամ թատրոնի

ներկայացուցիչների միջոցով Բնականաբար սա

կարող է որոշակի արդյունքի բերել բայց բացառված չէ

որ կարող է նաև հակառակ էֆեկտը տալ նրանից

հեռացնել հասարակության գնալով աճող այլ խմբերի

ներկայացուցիչների Ի տարբերություն նրա օրինակ

ավելի էֆեկտիվ նախընտրական արշավ է

իրականացնում թեկնածուներից մեկը միլիարդատեր

Պրոխորովը Նա կարծում ենք ավելի լավ

պատկերացնելով երկրի ներկան ի տարբերություն

Պուտինի ընտրում է այլ լսարան նա հանդիպում է

գործարար շրջանակների հետ որոնք այսօր

Ռուսաստանում թե թվաքանակով և թե ազդեցությամբ

ավելի կարողունակ են Պրոխորովը հանդես է գալիս

ավելի համարձակ և ընտրողի ուշադրությունն է

հրավիրում ինչպես մյուս թեկնածուների այնպես էլ

Պուտինի վրա համարձակորեն քննադատում է իր

բոլոր հակառակորդներին

Ամփոփելով մեր դիտարկումները առաջիկա

նախագահական ընտրությունների հետ կապված

գալիս ենք ետևյալին որ Նախագահի մեկ թեկնածուի և

մյուս թեկնածուների պայքարը շատ է նման

հանրահայտ Գլադիատոր ֆիլմի մենամարտին որտեղ

կայսրը Պուտինը մարտից առաջ մահացու

վիրավորում է իր հակառակորդ Մաքսիմուսին մյուս

թեկնածուներին և նրանց աջակիցներին որ

կարողանա հաղթել բայց ցույց է տալիս թե իբր

հավասար մարտ է ընթանում


Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

Sobchak to work for Prokhorov

Ksenia Sobchaks political TV show called

Госдеп (Gosdep) will be broadcast on the

Сноб (Snob) website from now on report-

ed the owner of the online periodical Rus-

sian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokho-


We remind that Ksenias Gosdep which

was supposed to be broadcast on MTV was

cancelled right after the first time it went on


I suggested that Ksenia restart the show on

the Snob website I think the show was

cancelled because Alexey Navalni was going

to be on the next show I promise that he will

make an appearance said Prokhorov

The billionaire candidate also mentioned that

freedom of speech lied at the core of a

healthy society

If I am elected president I promise the re-

turn of freedom of speech We will put an

end to lies and censure once and for all

said the presidential candidate before the

March 3 presidential elections

Medvedev Prepares Unsteady Ground

For Putin Interesting events are underway in Russia

Dmitri Medvedev decided to propose to the

presidential candidates to sign some public

agreement enabling to hold fair elections

Candidates refused to sign it Though at first

sight Medvedev may turn out to be fulfilling

Putinlsquos order but in practice it can be differ-

ent The point is that the proposal on signing

of such an agreement is nonsense The can-

didates are proposed not to break the Elec-

tion Code refrain from fraudulent elections

and prevent others from fraud At the same

time the candidates are obliged to fulfill all

these points without such an accord because

they live in a legal state An agreement on

compliance with ethics could be signed but

not one on compliance with laws

Proposing this agreement Medvedev as if

points out that there is no rule of law and the

elections are not held in compliance with

laws but by agreements reminding a non-

aggression pact among thugs

Why should Medvedev need to show this

We can presume that his personality has

unfairly been forced out of the current infor-

mation environment The information that it

might happen so that if a state of emergency

is imposed in Russia Medvedev may sud-

denly postpone the election and extend his

office has also been ignored He has already

spelt out he intention to run for president

So it is not ruled out that Medvedev is play-

ing a double game acknowledging from the

beginning that the elections are illegitimate

as if preparing a possibly wobbly ground for


This is just a presumption but it is evident

that the signing of the agreement onrefrain-

ing from fraudulent elections is not honor to

the president of the country who is the guar-

antor of fair elections He has numerous ad-

ministrative and even security levers to en-

sure such elections The fact that he does not

use them but resorts to suspicious agree-

ments also proves Medvedev needs an unfair

election of Putin

By the way the agreement runs that

―statements by opposition political figures

about the illegitimacy of any result of the

upcoming presidential elections question the

legitimacy of the presidential election and

threaten to plunge Russia into a constitution-

al crisis The fact that the agreement has not

been signed supposes that the candidates are

not going to refrain from statements on the

illegitimacy of the elections and would not

mind dipping Russia into a ―constitutional


Police cordon off Yerevan park

With the construction of kiosks going on in

Yerevanlsquos Mashtots Park the policemen

maintaining surveillance over the area have

cordoned it off not to allow anyone to get

into the construction site Our correspondent

reported from the scene that the exterior con-

struction is now nearing the end A crowd of

people protesting against the construction

work have gathered near the garden Arme-

nian writer and publicist Meruzhan Ter-

Gulyanyan is also said to be among them

The environmental group struggling for the

preservation of the parks green lands had

earlier launched a campaign to protect the

mines of Kajaran (Syunik region) Speaking

to Tertam Ter-Gulanyan said it is up to the

kiosk owners not the Yerevan mayor to

solve the problem ―The kiosks must not be

located here My opinion about the mayorlsquos

work is positive and I am sure the problem

was at issue much before he took office I

propose that the owners give up the idea

especially knowing that these kiosks are not

the only property they have he said The

youth activists protesting near the park are

now singing patriotic songs and dancing


Eurozonersquos new bailout for Greece


Eurozone finance ministers have reached

agreement on a vital second bailout for

heavily indebted Greece BBC News re-


The deal which came after more than 13

hours of talks in Brussels will provide Ath-

ens with loans worth more than euro130bn

Greece needs the funds to avoid bankruptcy

next month when maturing loans must be

repaid In return Greece will undertake to

reduce its debts to no more than 121 of its

GDP by 2020 After five straight years of

recession Greeces debts currently amounts

to more than 160 of its Gross Domestic


Around the World


United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Sunland CA 91040

Ph 818-951-1565

Fax 818-9511689 Email infofirstsmilehhcorg

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 7: Magazine The Century

չընտրել իրեն Շատ հետաքրքիր և բազմանշանակ

պատասխան իրեն առաջադրված հարցին Ասում եմ

բազմանշանակ որովհետև նա չի ասում որ ինքը

կարող է պարտվել կամ որ կարող է ընտրվել մեկ այլ

մարդ նա ուղղակիորեն ասում է ժողովուրդը կարող է

ինձ չընտրել Այսինքն Պուտինի պատկերացրած

ընտրություններում ժողովուրդը ունի ոչ թե այս կամ

այն թեկնածուին ընտրելու հնարավորություն այլ իրեն

ընտրելու կամ չընտրելու տարբերակ

Այն որ Ռուսաստանում ընթացող գործընթացները

որևէ կապ չունեն ընտրության հետ կասկածից վեր է

վերոնշված վերլուծությունից հետո Ընտրությունը

ենթադրում է առաջին հերթին այլընտրանքի

հնարավորություն ասել է մեկից ավելի թեկնածուներ

Այդ այլընտրանքը հնարավոր է եթե նախագահի բոլոր

թեկնածուները ունեն հավասար ընտրվելու կամ

չընտրվելու հնարավորություններ Այս դեպքում

ստացվում է որ Պուտինից բացի մյուս թեկնածուները

ունեն միայն չընտրվելու հնարավորություն Մի

կողմում մի թեկնածուն է որին պաշտպանում

պարտադրում է ողջ պետական համակարգը իր բոլոր

հնարավորություններով և ազդեցությունով իսկ մյուս

կողմում սահամանափակ հնարավորություններ

ունեցող թեկնածուները որոնք բացահայտորեն և

ցուցադրաբար տարբերակվում են իշխանության

թեկնածուի կողմից Ի տարբերություն մյուս

թեկնածուների Պուտինի ընտրարշավը ոչ թե մյուս

թեկնածուներին հաղթելն է նրանց ծրագրերին

հակառակ հիմնավորումներ բերելը այլ ընտրողներին

համոզելը որ իրեն չընտրելու դեպքում երկիրը և

հասարակությունը կկորցնի ամեն ինչ Ստացվում է որ

Պուտինի հիմնական հակառակորդը դա ընտրողն է և

նրա ազատ կամաարտահայտության իրավունքը

Պուտինի թե մասնակցությունը այս ընտրություններին

և թե նրա նախընտրական արշավը դա անհաջող

բեմադրություն է որն իրականացվում է այդ գործում

հմտություններ ի չունեցող դելիտանտ մարդկանց

կողմից ովքեր որևէ կապ չունեն նման լուրջ

քաղաքական միջոցառման հետ Պուտինն այսօր ձեռքը

գցում է ցանկացած քայլի որը նրան առաջարկում է իր

ընտրարշավը իրականացնող փիար խումբը Այդ

խումբը առաջարկում է նրան իր քարոզարշավը

իրականացնել հանրությանը հայտնի մարդկանց

գեղարվեստական խմբերի կինոյի կամ թատրոնի

ներկայացուցիչների միջոցով Բնականաբար սա

կարող է որոշակի արդյունքի բերել բայց բացառված չէ

որ կարող է նաև հակառակ էֆեկտը տալ նրանից

հեռացնել հասարակության գնալով աճող այլ խմբերի

ներկայացուցիչների Ի տարբերություն նրա օրինակ

ավելի էֆեկտիվ նախընտրական արշավ է

իրականացնում թեկնածուներից մեկը միլիարդատեր

Պրոխորովը Նա կարծում ենք ավելի լավ

պատկերացնելով երկրի ներկան ի տարբերություն

Պուտինի ընտրում է այլ լսարան նա հանդիպում է

գործարար շրջանակների հետ որոնք այսօր

Ռուսաստանում թե թվաքանակով և թե ազդեցությամբ

ավելի կարողունակ են Պրոխորովը հանդես է գալիս

ավելի համարձակ և ընտրողի ուշադրությունն է

հրավիրում ինչպես մյուս թեկնածուների այնպես էլ

Պուտինի վրա համարձակորեն քննադատում է իր

բոլոր հակառակորդներին

Ամփոփելով մեր դիտարկումները առաջիկա

նախագահական ընտրությունների հետ կապված

գալիս ենք ետևյալին որ Նախագահի մեկ թեկնածուի և

մյուս թեկնածուների պայքարը շատ է նման

հանրահայտ Գլադիատոր ֆիլմի մենամարտին որտեղ

կայսրը Պուտինը մարտից առաջ մահացու

վիրավորում է իր հակառակորդ Մաքսիմուսին մյուս

թեկնածուներին և նրանց աջակիցներին որ

կարողանա հաղթել բայց ցույց է տալիս թե իբր

հավասար մարտ է ընթանում


Ինչու է Պուտինը ետ վերադառնում

Sobchak to work for Prokhorov

Ksenia Sobchaks political TV show called

Госдеп (Gosdep) will be broadcast on the

Сноб (Snob) website from now on report-

ed the owner of the online periodical Rus-

sian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokho-


We remind that Ksenias Gosdep which

was supposed to be broadcast on MTV was

cancelled right after the first time it went on


I suggested that Ksenia restart the show on

the Snob website I think the show was

cancelled because Alexey Navalni was going

to be on the next show I promise that he will

make an appearance said Prokhorov

The billionaire candidate also mentioned that

freedom of speech lied at the core of a

healthy society

If I am elected president I promise the re-

turn of freedom of speech We will put an

end to lies and censure once and for all

said the presidential candidate before the

March 3 presidential elections

Medvedev Prepares Unsteady Ground

For Putin Interesting events are underway in Russia

Dmitri Medvedev decided to propose to the

presidential candidates to sign some public

agreement enabling to hold fair elections

Candidates refused to sign it Though at first

sight Medvedev may turn out to be fulfilling

Putinlsquos order but in practice it can be differ-

ent The point is that the proposal on signing

of such an agreement is nonsense The can-

didates are proposed not to break the Elec-

tion Code refrain from fraudulent elections

and prevent others from fraud At the same

time the candidates are obliged to fulfill all

these points without such an accord because

they live in a legal state An agreement on

compliance with ethics could be signed but

not one on compliance with laws

Proposing this agreement Medvedev as if

points out that there is no rule of law and the

elections are not held in compliance with

laws but by agreements reminding a non-

aggression pact among thugs

Why should Medvedev need to show this

We can presume that his personality has

unfairly been forced out of the current infor-

mation environment The information that it

might happen so that if a state of emergency

is imposed in Russia Medvedev may sud-

denly postpone the election and extend his

office has also been ignored He has already

spelt out he intention to run for president

So it is not ruled out that Medvedev is play-

ing a double game acknowledging from the

beginning that the elections are illegitimate

as if preparing a possibly wobbly ground for


This is just a presumption but it is evident

that the signing of the agreement onrefrain-

ing from fraudulent elections is not honor to

the president of the country who is the guar-

antor of fair elections He has numerous ad-

ministrative and even security levers to en-

sure such elections The fact that he does not

use them but resorts to suspicious agree-

ments also proves Medvedev needs an unfair

election of Putin

By the way the agreement runs that

―statements by opposition political figures

about the illegitimacy of any result of the

upcoming presidential elections question the

legitimacy of the presidential election and

threaten to plunge Russia into a constitution-

al crisis The fact that the agreement has not

been signed supposes that the candidates are

not going to refrain from statements on the

illegitimacy of the elections and would not

mind dipping Russia into a ―constitutional


Police cordon off Yerevan park

With the construction of kiosks going on in

Yerevanlsquos Mashtots Park the policemen

maintaining surveillance over the area have

cordoned it off not to allow anyone to get

into the construction site Our correspondent

reported from the scene that the exterior con-

struction is now nearing the end A crowd of

people protesting against the construction

work have gathered near the garden Arme-

nian writer and publicist Meruzhan Ter-

Gulyanyan is also said to be among them

The environmental group struggling for the

preservation of the parks green lands had

earlier launched a campaign to protect the

mines of Kajaran (Syunik region) Speaking

to Tertam Ter-Gulanyan said it is up to the

kiosk owners not the Yerevan mayor to

solve the problem ―The kiosks must not be

located here My opinion about the mayorlsquos

work is positive and I am sure the problem

was at issue much before he took office I

propose that the owners give up the idea

especially knowing that these kiosks are not

the only property they have he said The

youth activists protesting near the park are

now singing patriotic songs and dancing


Eurozonersquos new bailout for Greece


Eurozone finance ministers have reached

agreement on a vital second bailout for

heavily indebted Greece BBC News re-


The deal which came after more than 13

hours of talks in Brussels will provide Ath-

ens with loans worth more than euro130bn

Greece needs the funds to avoid bankruptcy

next month when maturing loans must be

repaid In return Greece will undertake to

reduce its debts to no more than 121 of its

GDP by 2020 After five straight years of

recession Greeces debts currently amounts

to more than 160 of its Gross Domestic


Around the World


United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 8: Magazine The Century

Sobchak to work for Prokhorov

Ksenia Sobchaks political TV show called

Госдеп (Gosdep) will be broadcast on the

Сноб (Snob) website from now on report-

ed the owner of the online periodical Rus-

sian presidential candidate Mikhail Prokho-


We remind that Ksenias Gosdep which

was supposed to be broadcast on MTV was

cancelled right after the first time it went on


I suggested that Ksenia restart the show on

the Snob website I think the show was

cancelled because Alexey Navalni was going

to be on the next show I promise that he will

make an appearance said Prokhorov

The billionaire candidate also mentioned that

freedom of speech lied at the core of a

healthy society

If I am elected president I promise the re-

turn of freedom of speech We will put an

end to lies and censure once and for all

said the presidential candidate before the

March 3 presidential elections

Medvedev Prepares Unsteady Ground

For Putin Interesting events are underway in Russia

Dmitri Medvedev decided to propose to the

presidential candidates to sign some public

agreement enabling to hold fair elections

Candidates refused to sign it Though at first

sight Medvedev may turn out to be fulfilling

Putinlsquos order but in practice it can be differ-

ent The point is that the proposal on signing

of such an agreement is nonsense The can-

didates are proposed not to break the Elec-

tion Code refrain from fraudulent elections

and prevent others from fraud At the same

time the candidates are obliged to fulfill all

these points without such an accord because

they live in a legal state An agreement on

compliance with ethics could be signed but

not one on compliance with laws

Proposing this agreement Medvedev as if

points out that there is no rule of law and the

elections are not held in compliance with

laws but by agreements reminding a non-

aggression pact among thugs

Why should Medvedev need to show this

We can presume that his personality has

unfairly been forced out of the current infor-

mation environment The information that it

might happen so that if a state of emergency

is imposed in Russia Medvedev may sud-

denly postpone the election and extend his

office has also been ignored He has already

spelt out he intention to run for president

So it is not ruled out that Medvedev is play-

ing a double game acknowledging from the

beginning that the elections are illegitimate

as if preparing a possibly wobbly ground for


This is just a presumption but it is evident

that the signing of the agreement onrefrain-

ing from fraudulent elections is not honor to

the president of the country who is the guar-

antor of fair elections He has numerous ad-

ministrative and even security levers to en-

sure such elections The fact that he does not

use them but resorts to suspicious agree-

ments also proves Medvedev needs an unfair

election of Putin

By the way the agreement runs that

―statements by opposition political figures

about the illegitimacy of any result of the

upcoming presidential elections question the

legitimacy of the presidential election and

threaten to plunge Russia into a constitution-

al crisis The fact that the agreement has not

been signed supposes that the candidates are

not going to refrain from statements on the

illegitimacy of the elections and would not

mind dipping Russia into a ―constitutional


Police cordon off Yerevan park

With the construction of kiosks going on in

Yerevanlsquos Mashtots Park the policemen

maintaining surveillance over the area have

cordoned it off not to allow anyone to get

into the construction site Our correspondent

reported from the scene that the exterior con-

struction is now nearing the end A crowd of

people protesting against the construction

work have gathered near the garden Arme-

nian writer and publicist Meruzhan Ter-

Gulyanyan is also said to be among them

The environmental group struggling for the

preservation of the parks green lands had

earlier launched a campaign to protect the

mines of Kajaran (Syunik region) Speaking

to Tertam Ter-Gulanyan said it is up to the

kiosk owners not the Yerevan mayor to

solve the problem ―The kiosks must not be

located here My opinion about the mayorlsquos

work is positive and I am sure the problem

was at issue much before he took office I

propose that the owners give up the idea

especially knowing that these kiosks are not

the only property they have he said The

youth activists protesting near the park are

now singing patriotic songs and dancing


Eurozonersquos new bailout for Greece


Eurozone finance ministers have reached

agreement on a vital second bailout for

heavily indebted Greece BBC News re-


The deal which came after more than 13

hours of talks in Brussels will provide Ath-

ens with loans worth more than euro130bn

Greece needs the funds to avoid bankruptcy

next month when maturing loans must be

repaid In return Greece will undertake to

reduce its debts to no more than 121 of its

GDP by 2020 After five straight years of

recession Greeces debts currently amounts

to more than 160 of its Gross Domestic


Around the World


United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 9: Magazine The Century

United States presidential election 2012

United States presidential election

The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United

States presidential election to be held on Tuesday November 6

2012 It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which

presidential electors who will actually elect the President and the

Vice President of the United States on December 17 2012 will be

chosen Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second

and final term during this election As specified in the Constitution

the 2012 presidential election will coincide with the United States

Senate elections where one-third of the Senators will face re-election

(33 this time) and the United States House of Representatives elec-

tions (which occurs every two years) to elect the members for the

113th Congress Eleven gubernatorial elections and many elections

for state legislatures will also take place at the same time


In 2008 Barack Obama

defeated Republican John

McCain in the presidential

election while the Demo-

crats had net gains in both

chambers of the US Con-

gress maintaining their

majorities The major

theme during the 2008

campaign was the Ameri-

can publics general desire

of change and reform from

both Washington and the

policies of outgoing Republican President George W Bush who was

term limited out of office The economy and other domestic policies

were also dominant issues especially during the last months of the

campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis During Obamas

presidency he signed two pieces of economic stimulus - the Ameri-

can Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and the Tax

Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation

Act of 2010 in December 2010 As President Obama also signed the

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the DoddndashFrank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Dont Ask Dont

Tell Repeal Act of 2010 Obama signed New START an arms con-

trol treaty with Russia began to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq

began to increase troops in Afghanistan and enforced the United Na-

tions-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya And on May 1 2011 Presi-

dent Obama ordered the military operation that resulted in the death

of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan The Democrats did not fare as well

in the 2010 midterm elections suffering major defeats in many na-

tional and state level elections with many seats switching to Republi-

can control The Republicans also recaptured the majority in the

House of Representatives Candidates and voters in 2010 focused on

the worsening national economic conditions and the economic poli-

cies of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats The

passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act also contributed to the low approval ratings of Congress particu-

larly Democrats as well as concerns over tax rates and record deficits[2] The fiscally-focused and quasi-libertarian Tea Party movement

became a vocal force in mobilizing voters in 2010 for Republican

candidates nationwide

Polling in 2011 found that Americans were still increasingly frus-

trated with the US government as a whole and the Republican

Party shared in those high disapproval ratings In particular alt-

hough the majority of Americans felt Obama did not have a suc-

cessful plan to bring jobs they trusted Congress even less to create

them The debt-ceiling crisis further eroded public support for both

Obama and the congressional Republicans

Electoral College changes

The 2010 Census changed the Electoral College vote apportionment

for the Presidential elections from 2012 to 2020 in the states listed

below and mapped right

Eight States (Arizona Florida Georgia Nevada South Carolina

Texas Utah and Washing-

ton) gained votes due to

reapportionment based on

the 2010 Census Similarly

ten States (Illinois Iowa

Louisiana Massachusetts

Michigan Missouri New

Jersey New York Ohio

and Pennsylvania) lost


In the political climate of

2011 this would give the

Democratic Party a net loss

of six electoral votes in

states won by Al Gore

John Kerry and Barack

Obama in the past three presidential elections rendering the party a

national total of 242 Conversely the Republican Party will achieve

a net gain of six electoral votes in states won by George W Bush

and John McCain in the past three presidential elections rendering

the GOP a national total of 181 Votes allocated to remaining states

(ie those where the majority voted for both Democratic and Re-

publican candidates during the last three presidential elections) re-

main unchanged from the national total of 115

In 2011 several states enacted new laws that the Democratic Party

attacked as attempts to improve the Republican Partys presidential

prospects Florida Georgia Ohio Tennessee and West Virginia

made their early voting periods shorter Florida and Iowa barred all

ex-felons from voting Kansas South Carolina Tennessee Texas

and Wisconsin began requiring voters to identify themselves with

government-issued IDs before they could cast their ballots Barack

Obama the NAACP and the Democratic Party fought against

many of the new state laws and Bill Clinton denounced it saying

There has never been in my lifetime since we got rid of the poll

tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting the determined effort to

limit the franchise that we see today He said the moves would

effectively disenfranchise core voter blocs that trend liberal college

students Blacks and Latinos Rolling Stone magazine criticized the

American Legislative Exchange Council for lobbying in states to

bring about these laws The Obama campaign fought against the

Ohio law pushing for a petition and statewide referendum to repeal

it in time for the 2012 election


United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 10: Magazine The Century

United States presidential election 2012

Pennsylvania proposed a new plan that would change its representa-

tion in the electoral college from a winner-take-all model to a district-

by-district model The Governorship and both houses of its congress

were Republican-controlled and the move was seen as an affront to

Obamas re-election

Nomination process

In the United States there are two major political parties the Demo-

cratic Party and the Republican Party There are also several minor

parties usually called third parties none of which has won a presiden-

tial election since 1848 (Lincolns National Union Party which won

in 1864 was a short-lived coalition of Republicans and Northern

Democrats rather than an independent party) although in 1912 former

President Theodore Roosevelt as candidate of the Progressive Party

came in second by a wide margin Most media and public focus is on

the two major parties Each party hosts candidates who go through a

nomination process to determine the presidential nominee for that

party The nomination process consists of primaries and caucuses

held by the 50 states Guam Puerto Rico Washington DC US

Virgin Islands American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands

The winner of each of these primary elections usually receives dele-

gates proportional to the percentage of the popular vote that candidate

received in each states In many Republican primaries all the states

delegates are awarded to the winning candidate In the Democratic

Party high-ranking party members known as super delegates each

receive one vote in the convention Whichever candidate has the ma-

jority of the delegates at the end of the primary elections is designated

the presumptive nominee until he or she is formally nominated and

endorsed for the presidency by his or her political party This is done

by the aforementioned delegates for each party at their respective par-

tys national convention June 20ndash22 2011 Prohibition Party National Conven-

tion in Cullman Alabama Jack Fellure won the nomination October 14ndash16 2011

Socialist Party USA National Convention held in Los Angeles Stewart Alexander won the nomination December 22ndash23 2011 Boston Tea Party National Convention held

online Tiffany Briscoe won the nomination April 18ndash21 2012 2012 Constitution

Party National Convention to be held in Nashville Tennessee May 4ndash6 2012 2012 Libertarian National Convention to be held in Las Vegas Nevada June 2012 Ameri-

cans Elect National Convention to be held over the internet July 13-15 2012 Green

National Convention to be held in Baltimore Maryland August 27ndash30 2012 2012 Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa Florida September 3ndash6 2012

2012 Democratic National Convention to be held in Charlotte North Carolina


The following are individuals who have either formally announced

that they are running for president in 2012 andor have filed as a can-

didate with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) or have formed

an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012

Democratic Party | Formally declared candidates

Republican Party

Other candidates

Warren Mosler businessman from Connecticut

Darey Richardson progressive activist from Florida

Jim Rogers a perennial candidate from Oklahoma

Vermin Supreme performance artist and perennial candi-

date from Massachusetts

Randall Terry pro-life activist from New York Barack


Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker of the

House of Representatives from


Mitt Romney Former Governor of


Rick Santorum

Ron Paul US Representative from


Inactive candidates

Michele Bachmann US Representative from Minneso-ta (withdrew on January 4 2012)

Herman Cain businessman from Georgia (withdrew on

December 3 2011)

Jon Hunstman Jr former US Ambassador to China and former Governor of Utah (withdrew on January 15 2012)

Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico (withdrew

on December 28 2011)

Tim Pawlenty former Governor of Minnesota (withdrew on

August 14 2011)

Rick Perry Governor of Texas (withdrew on January 19 2012)

Other candidates

These candidates are or were running for president but were not

invited to the debates

Perennial candidate Jack Fellure or West Virginia (withdrew June

22 2011)

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania

Political consultant Fred Karger of California

Perennial candidate Andy Martin of Illinois

US Representative Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan (withdrew

September 22 2011)

Perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan of New York

Former Governor Buddy Roemer of Louisiana (campaign)

Perennial candidate Jonathon Sharkey of Florida (withdrew Au-

gust 17 2011)


United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 11: Magazine The Century

United States presidential election 2012

Mitt Romney talks vice president bailout at town hall

SHELBY TOWNSHIP Mich mdash Mitt Romney today aban-

doned his efforts to maintain strict control over his campaignlsquos

message taking questions for nearly 30 minutes at a town hall

here The open forum mdash only the third such event Romney

has held since winning New Hampshire mdash allowed nine

Michiganders and one Canadian to query the Republican in a

manufacturing plant in this affluent Detroit suburb It came

one week before the Michigan primary in which Rick Santo-

rum is essentially tied with Romney in a state in which he was

once heavily favored The event comes as Romneylsquos advisers

insist he and the campaign are upbeat The former Massachu-

setts governor is still operating at a front-runnerlsquos pace hold-

ing one event apiece Monday and Tuesday while Santorum

scurries to three or four events to maximize daily press cover-

age The town hall follows weeks of ―message events careful-

ly stage managed by the Romney campaign Just last week

Romney participated in ―roundtable discussions with a few

hand-picked supporters who posed questions on a pre-selected

topic The result of todaylsquos forum Romney tackling tricky

social issues and his would-be vice presidential pick slam-

ming Santorum defending his opposition to the auto industry

bailout and invoking generations of Mormon persecution That

all came after Romney mdash who was introduced by Michigan

Attorney General Bill Schuette as ―the comeback kid mdash of-

fered a preview of his Friday economic policy speech at the

Detroit Economic Club Schuette said Romney is ―fighting

like an underdog in the state where helsquos tied with Santorum

But he sounded an optimistic tone about his chances while

invoking a phrase made famous by Bill Clinton in 1992 ―You

know what I call this Michigan guy who is fighting like an

underdog in this barn-burner of a campaign thatlsquos closing

fast Schuette said ―Itlsquos closing real fast What I call this

Mitt Romney is the comeback kid Romney took pains to

defend his opposition to the federal governmentlsquos bailout of

Michiganlsquos auto industry which most Michigan Republicans

support At the town hall Romney twice stated that the bailout

of General Motors and Chrysler followed a managed bank-

ruptcy he favored mdash a position Democrats claim is at odds

with the ―Let Detroit Go Bankrupt New York Times op-ed he

authored in 2008 ―I love the auto industry by the way Rom-

ney said ―Ilsquom delighted to see itlsquos coming back By the way

itlsquos a good thing it went through the managed bankruptcy I

said it needed to go through So Ilsquoll get Michigan working

again America working again and Ilsquoll make sure that job one

for me is getting great jobs for people of this great country


US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

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Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 12: Magazine The Century

US electoral nausea lean over the rail and

vote for Romney

Tip when fighting sea-sickness on a ferry the best way

to get through it is to focus on one point dead ahead and

look at nothing else I offer that as a tip for the coming

US presidential election not on your next crossing to

Calais To withstand the sick-feeling of having Mitt

Romney as Republican candidate ndash and with his wins in

the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary and

his lead in the upcoming South Carolina primary his

nomination now looks inevitable ndash any right-thinking

person concerned about the future of America must focus

on the point of getting Barack Obama out of the White

House and on nothing else

Ilsquom trying to do that I really am America must get rid of

President Obama and all efforts must be focused on that

But then at the thought of having to support Mr Romney

the Massachusetts moderatelsquo ndash which is code for a

Democrat in all things except choice of country club

membership and tax-shelter mechanismslsquo -- in order to

do that the nausea starts up again

Mr Romney is a so-called Republican who has tried to

distance himself from the legacy of Ronald Reagan who

once voted in a Democratic Party primary who raised

taxes in Massachusetts when he was governor of that left

-wing state ndash actually the fact that he could be elected in

Massachusetts tells you there is no way he could be any

kind of conservative ndash and who supported tax-payer

funded abortions In 2002 he opposed an amendment to

the Massachusetts constitution that would have prohibit-

ed homosexual marriage Yet now he claims he is a con-

servative Barf

Of course not all Republicans view a Romney nomina-

tion with nausea but most view it with resignation They

have no enthusiasm for the man who is a sort of plastic

Hollywood version of a politician right down to the pic-

ture-book family and the touch of grey at the temples of

his luxuriant hair Worse he has the obnoxious attitude

that the party owes him the nomination

The unenthusiastic Republicans take comfort in telling

themselves that Mr Romney may not inspire excitement

but he is the most electable candidatelsquo

Now normally that is the sort of phrase that ought to set

off alarm bells for any Republican As the American col-

umnist Ann Coulter pointed out last week

Conservatives are naturally suspicious of any candidate

deemed ―electable on the grounds that the mainstream

media always anoint the most liberallsquo ndash liberal in Ameri-

can politics means big tax big government ndash

Republican preferable pro-choice as the ―electable

one And then that guy goes to loselsquo

This by the way is the way the mainstream media ndash or

the MSMlsquo Democrat dominated of course ndash have been

trying to excuse their attempts to ignore the excellent

Ron Paul the only libertarian candidate in the Republi-

can field

They have been saying for months that he is

unelectablelsquo implying he doesnlsquot deserve coverage be-

cause no way is he going to get the party nomination

United States presidential election 2012


United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 13: Magazine The Century

United States presidential election 2012

Yet despite the MSM efforts the support Ron Paul has

won among the Republican primary voters actually

shows he is a lot more electable that any candidate ex-

cept Romney He won 21 percent of the vote in Iowa and

23 percent in New Hampshire But the MSM are not go-

ing to admit that makes him look like

maybe a winner the only candidate

they are going to claim is electablelsquo is

the one who looks most like a Demo-

crat Which alas ndash and here comes that

nausea again ndash is exactly what Mitt

Romney is the one who looks most

like a Democrat Newt Gingrich his

other main rival in the race for the

nomination wonlsquot stop hammering

that home in his campaigning

Mr Gingrich has been relentless in at-

tacking the former Massachusettslsquo

governorlsquos Democrat-like record on

abortion the Second Amendment ndash which guarantees the

right of the people to keep and bear arms ndash taxes and job

creation According to Real Clear Politics reporter Scott

Conroy Mr Gingrich insists the real battle in South Car-

olina is between himself and Mr Romney If we end up

splitting the conservative votelsquo said Mr Gingrich at a

recent campaign rally welsquore going to end up nominat-

ing somebody with whom 95 percent of the people in

this room are going to be very uncomfortablelsquo He meant

Mitt Romney

Mr Gingrich ndash who for some reason despite his two di-

vorces two mistresses and three wives imagines he is

someone with whom conservatives could feel comforta-

ble ndash may be convincing the South Carolina voters The

latest average of opinion polls in the state shows Mr Gin-

grich is trailing Mr Romney by just five percentage

points He maintains that if he can overtake Mr Romney

now with a win in South Carolina he could roll on to a

win in Florida and grab the nomination Yeah iflsquo Too

much winning and Mr Gingrichlsquos exotic personal life

and exotic $16m earnings from Freddie Mac (a federal-

government sponsored mortgage outfit at the core of the

house market collapse) and Democrat-like support for

compulsory universal health insurance will come under

much more scrutiny than they have so far He wonlsquot get

the nomination

Still for the moment what matters about Mr Gingrich are

his attacks on Mr Romney and whether they can turn the

inevitable Romneylsquo into the stumbling Romney

Gingrich supporters have an anti-Romney ad out at the

moment called the French Connection and it is getting a

lot of attention It likens Mr Romney to former Demo-

cratic presidential nominees Michael Duka-

kis (hands up anybody who remembers

him) and John Kerry Both are Massachu-

setts politicians who are despised by Re-

publicans The ad lumps Mr Romney in

with these men and then delivers the punch

line ndash and just like John Kerry he speaks


Which is a punch line that reminds me why

American politics even in a contest as dull

as this one are more fun than politics any-

where else Also alas maybe more stupid

At the same time the pro-Gingrich anti-

Romney camp is attacking Mr Romneylsquos

ability to look into a television camera and say Je mlsquoap-

pelle Mitt Romneylsquo they are also trying to paint him as

some sort of oily Wall Street character

Well helsquos not that He is an oily Boston private equity

man maybe but when significant number of Republi-

cans canlsquot ndash or donlsquot want to -- tell the difference be-

tween someone who plays the casinos and someone who

makes investments you have to wonder what the hell the

party wants in a candidate a life-time career politician


Traditionally Republicans leave that sort of career arc to

Democrats Mr Romney has a lot of things wrong with

him but making investments in companies isnlsquot one of


By M E Synon



Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 14: Magazine The Century


Американцы создали вакцину против

рака почки российская компания

обеспечила право исползования препа-

рата на территории России Российская

сторона пройдя все клинические ис-

пытания и преодалевая все бюрокра-

тические бареры добилась лицензии

применения препарата на территории

России чего не могла сделать Амери-

канская сторона чтобы данный препа-

рат был применен на территории

США Казалось что после всего этого

данное начинание в скором времени

должно было помогать всему чело-

вечеству Представить что кто то

может помешать или приостановить

такое начинание было немыслимо Но

это не так

Американская фирма laquoАнтидже-

никсraquo (Представитель Гаро Армен)

просто напросто без каких либо об-

ьяснении перестал выполнять обяза-

тельств ранее взявший на себя и это

после выполнения основной части ра-

боты Член совета директоров компа-

нии которая добилась лицензии на

территории России Елена Георги-

евна говорит laquoНаши партнѐры тща-

тельно следили за ходом дела посто-

янно говоря мы вам всѐ обеспечим ndash и

финансирование и поддержку только


сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

ставителя Американской стороны не увенчались

успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 15: Magazine The Century

сделайте Но как только первый

этап был пройден их поведение

поменялось Возникло впечатле-

ние что вкладываться во второй

этап они не готовыraquo laquoСамое не-

приятное в этой ситуации ndash то что

поведение поменялось что на-

зывается на полпути - сказала

нашему кореспонденту Ирина Ра-

тманова (директор Российской

компании) ndash На первом этапе мы

и так взяли на себя часть расходов

предложив нашим партнѐрам поу-

частвовать лишь в самых необхо-

димых делах Чтобы что-то полу-

чить надо сначала вложить ndash этот

простой закон никто не отменял А

наши коллеги его почему-то на-

прочь игнорируютraquo Получается

что там где зазвенели деньги гу-

манистические идеи отходят на

второй план Но сегодня команду

взявшу на себя всю ответствен-

ность имеет своих защитников ко-

торые поддержывают команду В

частности о своей готовности под-

держивать компанию неоднократ-

но говорил руководитель Нацио-

нального антикоррупционного ко-

митета России Владимир Мама-

ев Он говорит laquoОтсталость в

медицине ndash это проблема которая

laquoживѐтraquo параллельно кор-

рупционной угрозе ndash Мно-

гие структуры живут по

старинке и не желают ни-

чего менять Чтобы двинуть

процесс вперѐд нужны

огромные усилия Мы знаем

и понимаем это дело изну-

три и программа волнует

нас точно так же как и


Согласно представителя ко-

манды которая разработала

два проекта у нынешней

команды laquoЭпомаraquo (это вто-

рой проект) в руках все ко-

зыри и успешный опыт про-

движения laquoОнкофагаraquo (пер-

вый проект) и юридически

безупречные механизмы де-йствия

(каждый их шаг под-тверждѐн

документально) и под-держка

ведущих врачей учѐных

общественных организаций

Те кто хотя бы краем глаза следят

за нынешней предвыборной кам-

панией не могли не заметить лю-

бопытную тенденцию Кандидат в

президенты В Путин сейчас лихо-

радочно пытается заручиться под-

держкой именно авторитетных об-

щественных организаций и пуб-

личных персон которые как ми-

нимум хорошо узнаваемы Отдель-

но отметим по нашему мнению в

том что некоторые при этом пре-

вращены в laquoпридворных шутовraquo

вины выступающих нет Здесь ва-

жен сам факт того что общест-

венников в кои-то веки выпустили

на публичную арену А значит

есть шанс что к ним будут при-

слушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников

именно в этой средеhellip


Ирина Ратманова

В центре генерал Мамаев

Елена Георгиевна



Отдельно отметим по нашему мнению в том что

некоторые при этом превращены в laquoпридворных

шутовraquo вины выступающих нет Здесь важен сам

факт того что общественников в кои-то веки

выпустили на публичную арену А значит есть шанс

что к ним будут прислушиваться и впоследствии ис-

кать новых единомышленников именно в этой


Наши все попытки получить обяснения от пред-

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успеxом Гаро Армен и его помощники не

отвечайут на наши звонки и запросы Представители Виа Виталиса

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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 16: Magazine The Century


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Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 17: Magazine The Century

Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

In its never-ending attempt to fabricate

mental disorders out of every human ac-

tivity the psychiatric industry is now push-

ing the most ridiculous disease theyve in-

vented yet Healthy eating disorder

This is no joke If you focus on eating

healthy foods youre mentally diseased

and probably need some sort of chemical

treatment involving powerful psychotropic

drugs The Guardian newspaper reports Fixation with healthy eating can be

sign of serious psychologicaldisorder and goes on to claim this disease is

called orthorexia nervosa-- which is basically just Latin for nervous about


But they cant just called it nervoushealthy eatingdisorder because that

doesnt sound like they know what theyre talking about So they translate it

into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isnt) Thats where most

disease names come from Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with

a name like osteoporosis (which means bones with holes in them)

Getting back to this fabricated orthorexia disease the Guardian goes on to

report Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating Refusing to

touchsugar salt caffeine alcohol wheat gluten yeast soya corn

anddairyfoods is just the start of theirdietrestrictions Anyfoodsthat have

come into contact withpesticides herbicides or contain artificial additives are

also out

Wait a second So attempting to avoidchemicals dairy soy and sugar now

makes you amental healthpatient Yep According to theseexperts If you

actually take special care to avoid pesticidesherbicidesand genetically modi-

fied ingredients likesoyand sugar theres something wrong with you

But did you notice that eatingjunk foodis assumed to be normal If you eat

processedjunk foodslaced with synthetic chemicals thats okay with them

The mentalpatientsare the ones who choose organicnatural foods apparently

What is ldquonormalrdquo when it comes to foods

I told you this was coming Years ago I warned Natural News readers that an

attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-

cancer phytonutrients This mentalhealthassault on health-conscious consum-

ers is part of that agenda Its an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by de-

claring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to

mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatricdrugsand fed

institutionalfoodthats all processed dead and full oftoxicchemicals

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying The obsession

about which foods are good and which are bad means orthorexics can end

up malnourished

Follow the non-logic on this if you can Eating good foods will

causemalnutrition Eating bad foods I suppose is assumed to provide all

thenutrientsyou need Thats about as crazy a statement onnutritionas Ive ever

read No wonder people are so diseased today Themainstream mediais telling

them that eating health food is amental disorderthat will cause malnutrition

Shut up and swallow your Soylent Green

Its just like I reported years ago Youre not supposed to question your food

folks Sit down shut up dig in and chow down Stop thinkingabout what

youre eating and just do what youre told by the mainstream media and its

processed food advertisers Questioning the health properties of your junk

food is a mental disorder didnt you know And if you obsess over foods

(by doing such things as reading the ingredients labels for example) then

youre weird Maybe even sick

Thats the message theyre broadcasting now Junk food eaters are normal

and sane and nourished Buthealth foodeaters are diseased abnormal and


But why you ask would they attack healthy eaters People like Dr Gabriel

Cousens can tell you why Because increased mental and spiri tual

awarenessis only possible while on a diet of livingnaturalfoods

Eating junk foods keeps you dumbed down and easy to control you see It

literally messes with your mind numbing your senses with MSG aspar-

tameand yeast extract People who subsist on junk foods are docile and

quickly lose the ability to think for themselves They go along with whatever

theyre told by the TV or those in apparent positions of authority never

questioning their actions or whats really happening in the world around


In contrast to that people who eat health-enhancing natural foods -- with all

the medicinal nutrients still intact -- begin to awaken their minds and spirits

Over time they begin to question the reality around them and they pursue

more enlightened explorations of topics like community nature ethics phi-

losophy and the big picture of things that are happening in the world They

become aware and can start to see the very fabric of the Matrix so to


This of course is a huge danger to those who run our consumption-based

society because consumption depends on ignorance combined with sug-

gestibility For people to keep blindly buying foods medicines health insur-

ance and consumer goods they need to have their higherbrainfunctions

switched off Processed junk foods laced with toxic chemicals just happens

to achieve that rather nicely Why do you think dead processed foods re-

main the default meals in public schools hospitals and prisons Its because

dead foods turn off higher levels of awareness and keep people focused on

whatever distractions you can feed their brains Television violence fear

sports sex and so on

But living as a zombie is in one way quite normal in society today be-

cause so many people are doing it But that doesnt make it normal in my

book The real normal is an empowered healthy awakened person nour-

ished withliving foodsand operating as a sovereign citizen in a free world

Eating living foods is like taking the red pill because over time it opens up a

whole new perspective on the fabric of reality It sets you free to think for


But eating processed junk foods is like taking the blue pill because it keeps

you trapped in a fabricated reality where your life experiences are fabricated

by consumer product companies who hijack your senses with designer

chemicals (like MSG) that fool your brain into thinking youre eating real


If you want to be alive aware and in control of your own life eat more

healthy living foods But dont expect to be popular with mainstream mental

health experts or dieticians -- theyre all being programmed to consider

you to be crazy because you dont follow their mainstream diets of dead

foods laced with synthetic chemicals

But you and I know the truth here We are the normal ones The junk food

eaters are the real mental patients and the only way to wake them up to the

real world is to start feeding them living foods

Some people are ready to take the red pill and others arent All you can do

is show them the door They must open it themselves

In the mean time try to avoid the mental health agents who are trying to

label you as having a mental disorder just because you pay attention to what

you put in your body Theres nothing wrong with avoiding sugar soy

MSG aspartame HFCS and other toxic chemicals in the food supply In

fact your very life depends on it

Oh and by the way if you want to join the health experts who keep invent-

ing new fictitious diseases anddisorders check out my popular Disease

Mongering Engine web page where you can invent your own new diseases

at the click of a button Youll find it at httpwwwnaturalnewscom



Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Sunland CA 91040

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 18: Magazine The Century


Коррупция в России

На вопросы нашего журнала отвечает

руководитель антикоррупционного комитета

России Генерал-полковник Владимир Мамаев

Господин Мамаев в каком состоянии сейчас

находится коррупция в России

К моему сожалению Россия является одним из

самых коррумпированных государств планеты на-

ходясь в 2011 году на 143 месте из 182 Сегодня

коррупции подвержены все области государствен-

ного аппарата от дачи взяток для поступления реб-

ѐнка в детский сад откупа от службы в вооружѐнных

силах до мздоимства на уровне высших госу-

дарственных чиновников Коррупция является при-

вычной составляющей для всех социальных слоѐв

Большое количество жалоб связано с работой право-

охранительных органов и судов Однако если кор-

рупционные схемы в работе правоохранителей еще

можно вычислить то с судами дело обстоит гораздо

сложнее У граждан нет юридического права устанав-

ливать наблюдение за работой судей поэтому обви-

нения в коррупции чаще всего не принимаются к рас-

смотрению так как правоохранительные органы не

имеют права вмешиваться в дела суда В худшем

случае заявителей могут привлечь к ответственности

за клевету Подобный разгул коррупции объясняется

непрочностью политической системы Политическое

руководство России никак не может определиться

каким путем ей идти поэтому коррупция не только

не пропадает но и продолжает разрастаться

Результатом такой непоследовательной политики

становится еще больший рост коррупции возникает

угроза распада российской государственности Если

брать анализ по годам допустим начиная с 90-х

годов то уровень корупции с каждым годом все более

возрастает улучшении нет ни в какиь направлениях

и в медицене в том числе это просто преступление

зарабатывать денеги на здоровье людей


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 19: Magazine The Century


В каких отраслях в основном сильны коррупци-

онные проявления

Сегодня Российское государство пронизано корруп-

цией Берут чиновники ndash от управдома до господ

столь высокопоставленных что вся страна знает их

не по фамилиям не по должности а по имени-

отчеству По неподтвержденной информации общий

объем коррупционных сделок равен пятидесяти

процентам ВВП России При сохранении совре-

менного уровня коррупции страна так и останется

криминально-олигархическим болотом даже если к

верховной власти придут белоснежные рыцари света

и напишут для граждан идеальные законы Я думаю

что нам придется с корупционными силами и за

рубежом тоже готовиться к бою

Были ли случай разоблачения крупных чинов-


Значит по количеству я могу вам сказать так что

особенно крупных чиновников не было это до

уровня регионального чиновника то есть если брать

чиновников в правительстве даже будем говорить

так Лужков может быть но он был отстранен по не-

доверию и собственно говоря ни какого разобла-

чения не было там уголовное дело возбуждено на

его супругу но это уголовное дело связано не с

корупционными действиями а с фальсификацией

махинациями но собственно прикрываясь долж-

ностью мера города мужем своим если бы его не

было то эти финансовые махинации бы не про-

изошли вот это я считаю что этот период такой

более не менее самым крупным Хотя Лужков сейчас

находится в Москве читает лекции но тут к Луж-

кову можно было применить раздел коррупции но у

нас в уголовном кодексе РФ нет такого раздела

поэтому он очень спокойно себя чувствует А так

если брать из количества у нас есть разработка по

региональным я могу сказать что среди чиновников

регионального уровня тех кто арестован кого по-

казывает по телевидению то где-то 18-19 процентов

только доходит до суда остальные или отпускаются

или сбегают но естественно за рубеж Так что сами

цифры за себя говорят Вы знаете если у руково-

дителей страны нету политической воли то и в этом

случае уголоная отвественность не наступает Естес-

твенно с коррупцией нужно боротся но прежде всего

надо боротся с порочной системой которая создает

условия и против чиновников кто эту систему создал

я думаю что вам понятно я не буду называть фами-

лии ну мне кажется вам понятно что это первые

лица государства

Есть хорошая русская поговорка ворон ворону глаз

не выколит и у нас одноглазых в правительстве нет

Давид Смит

―The Century Magazine




Коррупция в России


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 20: Magazine The Century


Healthcare reforms missing link - - nurse practitioners

Healthcare reformrsquos

Millions more Americans soon may be searching for primary care provid-ers Nurse practitioners can do the job and save taxpayer funds

Within the next two years if federal

healthcare reforms proceed as ex-

pected roughly 30 million of the esti-

mated 50 million uninsured people

in the United States mdash 69 million in

California mdash will be trying to find

new healthcare providers

It wont be easy Primary care provid-

ers are already in short supply both

in California and nationwide Thats

because doctors are increasingly leav-

ing primary care for other types of

practices including higher paid spe-

cialties As the demand increases the

squeeze on providers will worsen

leading to potentially lower stand-

ards of care in general and longer

wait times for appointments for

many of the rest of us

Nurse practitioners can help fill this gap We are registerednurses with

graduate school education and train-ing to provide a wide range of both preventive and acute healthcare ser-vices Were trained to provide com-plete physical exams diagnose many problems interpret lab results and X-rays and prescribe and manage medications In other words were fully prepared to provide excellent primary care Moreover there are plenty of us waiting to do just that The most recent federal government statistics show there were nearly 160000 of us in 2008 an increase of 12 over 2004 and our numbers continue to rise

Clinics like the one I direct in the

heart of San Franciscos Tenderloin

district mdash GLIDE Health Services mdash

offer a hopeful glimpse into Califor-

nias healthcare future We are a fed-

erally funded affordable clinic run

almost entirely by nurse practition-

ers At our clinic we nurses and tal-

ented specialists provide high-

quality comprehensive primary care

to more than 3200 patients each


Despite the special hardships of our clientele who daily cope with the negative effects on health caused by poverty unemployment and sub-stance abuse our results routinely compare favorably with those of mainstream physicians Our patients with diabetes for example report regularly for checkups take their meds as directed and maintain rela-tively low average blood-sugar levels

This high standard of care provided

by nurse practitioners has been con-

firmed in several studies including a

2009 Rand Corp report which

found that nurse practitioners pro-

vide care of equivalent quality to phy-

sicians at a lower cost while achiev-

ing high levels of patient satisfaction

and providing more disease preven-

tion counseling health education and

health promotion activities than phy-


At last count there were more than 250 nurse-run clinics nationwide similar to GLIDE Health Services We and about 20 others are funded by a special federal program for af-fordable care In all of these projects nurse practitioners offer both prima-ry and preventive care including mental health services and screening for HIV and diabetes


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 21: Magazine The Century


Researchers have confirmed that such

clinics not only improve local health but

also save taxpayers money Nurse prac-

titioners salaries are generally lower

than those of physicians At the same

time the comprehensive care we pro-

vide can significantly reduce the costly

emergency room visits used by all too

many low-income Americans as their

default healthcare

Unfortunately some major obstacles stand in the way of expanding our mon-ey-saving model One big hurdle is the reluctance of leading private health plans to contract with nurse practition-ers as primary care providers Even as Medicare Medi-Cal and pioneering local programs for the uninsured such as Healthy San Francisco now con-

tract with nurse practitioners to provide such care a 2009 study by the National Nursing Centers Consortium found that nearly half of the countrys major man-aged care organizations dont

Some of the holdout companies require

nurses to bill for their services under a

physicians supervision Californias

insurance code only requires insurance

companies to contract with nurse prac-

titioners for primary care when it in-

volves Medicare or Medi-Cal If the

code were expanded to include all cov-

erage access in the state would be

greatly improved There is room for re-

form on these fronts and others and we

should get started now to enact change

In October 2010 the Institute of Medi-cine an arm of the National Academy of Sciences issued a landmark report called The Future of Nursing in which it urged that nurses be full part-ners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States At clinics such as GLIDE Health Services were showing that were more than ready to answer this challenge and take our places on the front lines of healthcare reform in America

Patricia Dennehy RN NP is the direc-tor of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and a professor at the UC San Francisco School of Nursing Los Angeles Times

By Patricia Dennehy

Healthcare reformrsquos



Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 22: Magazine The Century


Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners wed watch again and again

Therelsquos no way to come up with this list without starting a

fight Which is of course part of the reason welsquore doing it

The big winner on Academy Award night is whoever takes

home best picture Of course itlsquos not always really the best

movie just the one the Academy picks And some are more

deserving than others

But which are the most deserving Who knows For this list we

are not pretending to pick the best of the lot going back to

when ―Wings won the first best picture award in 1927 This is

a list of the Oscarsrsquo10 best-picture winners we would be most

likely to watch again and again -- and to recommend to our

movie-going friends The most watchable of the winners in

other words The ones that never disappoint when found while

late-night channel surfing If you disagree with the choices

here you doubtless have good taste

ldquoThe Silence of the Lambsrdquo (1991)(AT) Jonathan Demmelsquos

masterpiece didnlsquot just win best picture but also best director

(Demme) actor (Anthony Hopkins) actress (Jodie Foster) and

screenplay The story of Clarice Starling an FBI trainee who

uses the help of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to solve a serial-

killer case is just flat-out great as much so now as when it

came out

ldquoThe Departedrdquo (2006)(AT) Calm down calm down I know

itlsquos not even director Martin Scorseselsquos best But it did win best

picture and his remake of a Japanese film about an undercover

cop (Leonardo Di Caprio) and undercover gangster (Matt Da-

mon) is great popcorn fun even with Jack Nicholsonlsquos over-

acting Just try turning it off when you stumble past it on TV

You canlsquot

ldquoThe Deer Hunterrdquo (1978)(AT) Three hours of brutality both phys-

ical and mental But man is it great Michael Cimino makes perfect

use of Robert De Niro Christopher Walken Meryl Streep and more

in his story about three friends from Pennsylvania who enlist to fight

in the Vietnam war and the horrors they endure there -- and after they

return home

ldquoAnnie Hallrdquo (1977)(AT) The rare comedy that wins best pic-

ture Woody Allenlsquos best arguably about the trials and tribula-

tions of the relationship between Alvy Singer (Allen) and An-

nie Hall (Diane Keaton) So funny so many great lines

(―Twins Max) and a great over-the-top performance by

Christopher Walken as Annielsquos brother La-di-da la-di-da

ldquoOne Flew Over the Cuckoorsquos Nestrdquo (1975)(AT) Like

―Silence of the Lambs it won for best picture best actor ac-

tress director and screenplay And like ―Silence of the Lambs

it deserved them Jack Nicholson is great as Randall McMur-

phy a prisoner who schemes to be sent to a ward for the men-

tally ill There he runs into and rebels against Nurse Ratched

(Louise Fletcher) Director Milos Forman does a tremendous

job with Ken Keseylsquos book (which contains the great line ―Itlsquos

the truth even if it didnlsquot happen) and the film manages to be

both disturbing and entertaining at the same time

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this the

sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first

Oscar for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York nar-

cotics cop who drug network with well a French connec-

tion One of the all-time great car-chase scenes among

other great things Director William Friedkin who like

Hackman won an Oscar followed this with The Exor-

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 23: Magazine The Century


cist― Not bad

ldquoThe Godfatherrdquo (1972)(AT) Great Impossible to turn off

All-time champ in that regard

The Godfather Part II (1974)(AT) Except for maybe this

the sequel Francis Ford Coppolalsquos epic tale of a Mafia family

stretches over two movies (well three but letlsquos not count that

last one ― plus it didnlsquot win best picture) two of the greatest

ever made The first film has Marlon Brando handing off the

keys to the kingdom to a reluctant Al Pacino the sequel fol-

lows the rise in power and loss of morality of the latter Bril-

liant Compulsively watchable Tremendous Best to quit now

before there arenlsquot any superlatives left

rdquoThe French Connectionldquo (1971)(AT) The 70s werenlsquot a

bad decade for movies huh Gene Hackman won his first Os-

car for his portrayal of Popeye Doyle a New York narcotics

cop who drug network with well a French connection One

of the all-time great car-chase scenes among other great

things Director William Friedkin who like Hackman won

an Oscar followed this with The Exorcist― Not bad

rdquoCasablancaldquo (1942)(AT) Humphrey Bogart Ingrid Berg-

man a World War II backdrop and genuine romance So play

it again Sam (Yes I know he never really says that Work

with me here) Sometimes old classics are regarded as too

high-brow to really be enjoyable to a modern audience Thatlsquos

not the case with this in which Bogartlsquos Rick Blaine swallows

his pride and the lump in his throat and does the right thing

even if it means losing the woman he loves (Itlsquos also true of

Citizen Kane― a really fun film but it lost best picture to

ahem How Green Was My Valley―)

rdquoIt Happened One Nightldquo (1934)(AT) Newly married Ellie

(Claudette Colbert) escapes from her rich father (Walter Con-

nolly) who has had the marriage annulled and winds up on a

bus beside out-of-work newspaper man Peter (Clark Gable)

who recognizes her and threatens to tell her father where she

is (and get reward money for his troubles) unless she gives

him exclusive rights to the story Comedy ensues as does ro-

mance -- and youlsquoll also get a sure-fire hitchhiking tip at no

extra charge Charming funny and of course bonus points

for making journalism part of the story

Oscars 2012 | Academy Award winners


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 24: Magazine The Century


Obama Administration To Propose Cutting

Corporate Tax Rate From 35 Percent To 28


WASHINGTON mdash President Barack Obama is proposing to cut the

corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 28 percent and wants an even

lower effective rate for manufacturers a senior administration offi-

cial says as the White House lays down an election-year marker in

the debate over tax policy In turn corporations would have to give

up dozens of loopholes and subsidies that they now enjoy Corpora-

tions with overseas operations would also face a minimum tax on

their foreign earnings Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on

Wednesday was to detail aspects of Obamas proposed overhaul of

the corporate tax system a plan the president outlined in general

terms in his State of the Union speech last month Chances of ac-

complishing such change in the tax system are slim in a year domi-

nated mostly with presidential and congressional elections But for

Obama the proposal is part of a larger tax plan that is central to his

re-election strategy The corporate tax plan dovetails with Obamas

call for raising taxes on millionaires and maintaining current rates on

individuals making $200000 or less The 35 percent nominal corpo-

rate tax rate is the highest in the world after Japan But deductions

credits and exemptions allow many corporations to pay taxes at a

much lower rate Under the framework proposed by the administra-

tion the rate cuts closed loopholes and the minimum tax on over-

seas earning would result in no increase to the deficit

That means that many businesses that slip through loopholes or en-

joy subsidies and pay an effective tax rate that is substantially less

than the 35 percent corporate tax could end up paying more under

Obamas plan Others however would pay less while some would

simply benefit from a more simplified system The official said the

Obama plan aims to help US businesses especially manufacturers

who face strong international competition Obamas plan would low-

er the effective rate for manufacturers to 25 percent while emphasiz-

ing development of clean energy systems The administration offi-

cial spoke on condition of anonymity to describe what the admin-

istration will do The New York Times first reported details of the

plan in its online edition early Wednesday Many members of both

parties have said they favor overhauling the nations individual and

corporate tax systems which they complain have rates that are too

high and are riddled with too many deductions The corporate tax

debate has made its way into the presidential contest Former Massa-

chusetts Gov Mitt Romney has called for a 25 percent rate former

House Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga would cut the corporate tax

rate to 125 percent and former Sen Rick Santorum R-Pa would

exempt domestic manufacturers from the corporate tax and halve the

top rate for other businesses While Obama has been promoting vari-

ous aspects of his economic agenda in personal appearances and

speeches the decision to leave the corporate tax plan to the Treasury

Department to unveil signaled its lower priority Whats more the

administrations framework leaves much for Congress to decide ndash a

deliberate move by the administration to encourage negotiations but

which also doesnt subject the plan to detailed scrutiny Obamas

plan is not as ambitious as a House Republican proposal that would

lower the corporate rate to 25 percent Still Obama has said cor-

porate tax rates are too high and has proposed eliminating tax

breaks for American companies that move jobs and profits

overseas He also has proposed giving tax breaks to US man-

ufacturers to firms that return jobs to this country and to

companies that relocate to some communities that have lost

big employers Geithner told a House committee last week

that the administration wants to create more incentives for

corporations to invest in the United States We want to bring

down the rate and we think we can to a level thats closer to the

average of that of our major competitors Geithner told the House

Ways and Means Committee White House economic adviser Gene

Sperling has advocated a minimum tax on global profits Currently

many corporations do not invest overseas profits in the United States

to avoid the 35 percent tax rate Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report

President Barack Obama delivers remarks before signing

legislation into law that will provide business tax credits to

help put veterans back to work during a ceremony at the Ei-

senhower Executive Office Building November 21 2011 in

Washington DC (File photo by Chip SomodevillaGetty

Obama Administration


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

8306 Foothill Blvd

Sunland CA 91040

Ph 818-951-1565

Fax 818-9511689 Email infofirstsmilehhcorg

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 25: Magazine The Century


American War Reporter Killed In Syria

Marie Colvin Dead American War Reporter Killed In Syr-


LONDON (AP) mdash Respected

American journalist Marie

Colvin who spent decades

reporting on conflicts from

Sri Lanka to Syria focusing

on the suffering of women

and children in wartime died

in a fierce shelling attack

Wednesday in SyriaColvin who was 57 was known for her courage

behind the front lines and immediately recognizable for an eye patch

that hid an injury suffered in a Sri Lankan ambush She had been

holed up in the besieged Syrian city of Homs Sunday Times editor

John Witherow confirmed her death during a devastating bombard-

ment by the Syrian army French photojournalist Remi Ochlik died

alongside Colvin the French government announced Freelance pho-

tographer Paul Conroy and journalist Edith Bouvier of Le Figaro

were wounded according to Witherow and Le Figaro Colvin from

Oyster Bay New York had been a foreign correspondent for Brit-

ains Sunday Times for the past two decades making a specialty of

reporting from the worlds most dangerous places Her final dispatch

Tuesday from a cellar offering refuge for women and children hinted

at the horrors that eventually took her own life It is a city of the

cold and hungry echoing to exploding shells and bursts of gunfire

she wrote There are no telephones and the electricity has been cut

off Freezing rain fills potholes and snow drifts in through win-

dows empty of glass No shops are open so families are sharing

what they have with relatives and neighbors Many of the dead and

injured are those who risked foraging for food Fearing the snipers

merciless eyes families resorted last week to throwing bread across

rooftops or breaking through communal walls to pass unseen Col-

vin often focused on the plight of women and children in battles and

Syria was no different She gave interviews to major British broad-

casters on the eve of her death appealing for the world to notice the

slaughter taking place I watched a little baby die today she told

the BBC on Tuesday Absolutely horrific a 2-year old child had

been hit They stripped it and found the shrapnel had gone into the

left chest and the doctor said I cant do anything Colvins boss

media mogul Rupert Murdoch described her as one of the most

outstanding foreign correspondents of her generation Colvin

worked in the Balkans where she went on patrol with the Kosovo

Liberation Army as it engaged Serb military forces She worked in

Chechnya where she came under fire from Russian jets while report-

ing on Chechen rebels She also covered the conflict in East Timor

after its people voted for independence she was one of the few re-

porters to interview ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in his

final days She was outspoken in her defense of independent journal-

ism and a fervent advocate for the cause of unfettered war reporting

During a tribute service for slain journalists at Fleet Streets St

Brides Church in November 2010 she offered a stirring appeal to

media executives pressing the case to continue investing in conflict

zone reporting Our mission is to speak the truth to power she

said We send home that first rough draft of history We can and do

make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the

atrocities that befall civilians Her death comes only days after two

other respected journalists died while reporting on the uprising

against Syrias president Bashar Assad Two-time Pulitzer prize

winning reporter Anthony Shadid a correspondent for The New

York Times died last week of an apparent asthma attack while slip-

ping into Syria Award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier

was killed in an explosion in Homs on Jan 11 becoming the first

Western journalist to die since the uprising began His colleagues

believe he was murdered in an elaborate trap set up by Syrian author-

ities mdash a claim that Assads government denies British Prime Minis-

ter David Cameron led tributes to Colvin Cameron told lawmakers

in the House of Commons that the death of the talented and respect-

ed foreign correspondent was a desperately sad reminder of the

risks journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and

the dreadful events in Syria British Labour Party leader Ed

Miliband called Colvin a brave and tireless reporter an inspiration

to women in her profession Her reports in the hours before her

death showed her work at its finest he said Author Salman Rush-

die who spent years in hiding from death threats sent a message to

his followers on Twitter noting that it was dreadful news A great

reporter fine writer and fearless woman is gone Her many friends

are devastated Colvin lost her sight in one eye during an ambush in

Sri Lanka in 2001 but promised not to hang up my flak jacket and

kept reporting on the worlds most troubled places So was I stupid

Stupid I would feel writing a column about the dinner party I went to

last night she wrote in the Sunday Times after the attack Equally

Id rather be in that middle ground between a desk job and getting

shot no offense to desk jobs For my part the next war I cover Ill

be more awed than ever by the quiet bravery of civilians who endure

far more than I ever will They must stay where they are I can come

home to London


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

8306 Foothill Blvd

Sunland CA 91040

Ph 818-951-1565

Fax 818-9511689 Email infofirstsmilehhcorg

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 26: Magazine The Century


Presidents Day 2012 Barack Obama George W Bush

Bill Clinton Pose With Celebrities

Happy Presidents Day In honor of the holiday were taking a closer

look at one of our favorite perks of being commander-in-chief meet-

ing celebrities

Whether schmoozing at a political fund-raiser greeting each other

during a White House visit or gathering for a worthy cause at a chari-

ty benefit the following US presidents and entertainers appear to be

getting along famously

From Jimmy Carters photo-op with Elvis Presley in the 70s to

Barack Obamas presentation of the National Medal of Arts to actor

Al Pacino this past Monday here are 30 moments that bridge the gap

between Capitol Hill and the Hollywood Hills

Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Ordered To Attend

Anger Management Classes

DALLAS Ore mdash Drummer Deen Castronovo from the rock group

Journey was sentenced to 80 hours of community service in Oregon

and ordered to attend anger-management classes for a domestic vio-

lence dispute The Statesman Journal reported ( ) the sentence

Wednesday based on court documents from a diversion agree-

ment httpstjrnlxAQrd7

The 47-year-old was arrested Jan 20 after a dispute in West Salem

with a woman and charged with recklessly endangering another per-

son interfering with making a police report criminal mischief and


The Statesman Journal reported the woman told police that Castrono-

vo had accused her of cheating and they had broken up


Information from Statesman Journal httpwwwstatesmanjournalcom

John Carter Producers On Budget Rumors amp Creating


His is a story that ushered in the modern age of science fiction in-

spiring a century of authors and sparking the imaginations that

launched Star Wars and Avatar into the cultural canon But its

only now a century after Edgar Rice Burroughs penned his first

excursion to the red planet that John Carters adventures on Mars

are being presented on the big screen And to read the ru-

mors surrounding the films four years in production the story of

how the epic Disney movie got made seems nearly as legendary a

tale Its frustrating because its wrong Lindsey Collins one of

the films co-producers says of years of trade reports that the film

the first live-action effort from Oscar-winning WALL-E director

Andrew Stanton was a bloated over-budget mess Theres no way

to talk about it without sounding defensive but Im going to sound

defensive for a second and say this movie was made on budget

Collins asserted I think Disney took a huge leap of faith with us

early on and said Okay we believe your number and its higher

than we wanted but we believe it so make it for that And in fact

in most areas it came in under and the one area we came in slight-

ly over was offset by all the underages of the others so it came

within I think two percent of the budget The budget they say they

hit was $250 million which went into live shoots in desert locations

and massive computer graphic work to create an elaborate world in

which a leather-clad Taylor Kitsch as Carter leaps into a war be-

tween two rival nations and a race of green horned four-armed

natives Barsoom as Mars is called by its inhabitants is a rocky

desert-scape littered with ornate cities mystical ruins and anachro-

nistic flying machines And its one that took over seventy five

years of technological development to make believable on the

screen Various attempts at adapting Burroughs seminal serial ad-

venture series have been made since MGM and Looney Toons

director Bob Clampett approached Burroughs in 1935 with the idea

of making a cartoon feature from the Civil War veteran-turned-

space heros exploits The test footage however did not impress

and the movie was scrapped The property was acquired by Disney

in the 80s -- Tom Cruise was wooed to star -- but that fell through

as did Paramounts attempts to make it with both Robert Rodriguez

and Jon Favreau attached to direct at different points Stanton the

current director grew up a massive fan of the stories and had al-

ways wanted to make the movie himself Once that was mentioned

to Pixars chief John Lasseter a quick meeting with then-Disney

Presidents Day 2012


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

8306 Foothill Blvd

Sunland CA 91040

Ph 818-951-1565

Fax 818-9511689 Email infofirstsmilehhcorg

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 27: Magazine The Century


The Real Top Chefs

exec Dick Cook led to the studio scooping up the rights to the

seemingly impossible-to-make movie The Curse of John Carter

Yeah I think everybody felt that the fact that this was a huge prop-

erty co-producer Collins laughed adding that a meeting with Dan-

ton Burroughs the authors grandson gave her a sense of the books

long legacy If its not done right its just going to seem silly and

campy youre never going to buy a live action person sitting next to

a CG person And at least that part I completely appreciated I was

like oh my god how the hell are we going to do this Luckily

Collins co-producer on John Carter was Jim Morris a Pixar exec

who spent nearly two decades working for and then running leading

special-effects house Industrial Light amp Magic (ironically Star

Wars creator George Lucas company -- how things come full cir-

cle) Our basic theory was that we wanted to have real stuff under

peoples feet and around them at all times Morris said So what

we did was shot them in these big landscapes and just did a little bit

of enhancement We would add ruins here and there and take natu-

ral formations and turn them into ruins and the interior stuff

whether its in the palace or light or whether its in chambers that

work we shot on stage [in front of a green screen] It requires a

certain buy-in from the viewer -- Carter has Superman-level leaping

ability hes often surrounded by the CGI aliens and the plot is tied

together with magic thread -- but Morris and Stanton didnt want

people to necessarily think of space when they watched it even if it

did take place on Mars One of the ways that gave it a grit and a

reality that differentiated it from some of the other films in the gen-

re was to just shoot it like a period piece -- just a period that you

didnt know existed he explained The production did have some

issues -- Morris explained that they had to condense story lines

give Kitschs Carter a more sympathetic arc as a Civil War soldier

who lost his family and spend a bit more time on re-shoots than

they had planned The real challenge however has come in selling

the film to the public Its been tricky Its been really tricky to mar-

ket Collins admitted The first step was changing the name Ini-

tially called John Carter of Mars Disney chopped off the second

half of the title fearful that the inclusion of the planets name would

mean people wouldnt give it the chance or the time of day to see

that it was multifaceted she explained Pixars Morris acknowl-

edges that the films audience is still likely to skew toward young

males though he says Kitschs hunk appeal has elicited positive

responses from women in test audiences His producing partner

believes that they still have a chance to sell based on the long lega-

cy of Burroughs work What were trying to get across is that

theres a strong story there Ive always been coming at it from the

point of look I think women dont go see action films because ulti-

mately theres no story and I think the more we can be convincing

showing people by the fact that theres a good story Collins said

Well see Its tough Hopefully the word of mouth will help us

too because everyone goes in and says Holy shit thats not what I


The Real Top Chefs

Culinary competitions have been in the air lately especially

because of the recent Bocuse dOr USA at the Culinary Insti-

tute of America in Hyde Park NY where the American

candidate (their word) for the Bocuse dOr 2013 in Lyon

France was selected The most frequent question posed about

culinary competitors consists of one simple word Why

Why do the competitors most of whom are already commit-

ted to grueling daily schedules running or working in profes-

sional kitchens put themselves through the rigors of training

the potential embarrassment or disappointment of losing the

sheer inconvenience of the extra time and commitment If

youre thinking that the answer is obvious The fame and

fortune and the television exposure then youre probably

referring to shows like Top Chef Iron Chef or even maybe

to Hells Kitchen Depending on your personal taste some or

all of those shows may be entertaining but lets be clear about

something They are not cooking competitions at least not in

the classic sense on those shows the individual challenges

are often irreverent or based on pulling the rug out from un-

der the competitors midstream the judges are often actors

musicians firemen postal workers dog walkers ten-year

olds or plain ol restaurant diners rather than accomplished

chefs or food professionals and you cant help but watch the

elimination shows without concluding that inferior contest-

ants are often kept around for entertainment value (you can

pretty much bet that any seasons biggest instigator wont be

kicked off until well past the halfway mark) food is portioned

out and evaluated by some of the best chefs in the world Of-

ten the lesser known regional contests take place in private

or in front of small audiences at trade shows Cash prizes if

any are minimal and the competitors would be lucky to see

their name in the local paper let alone find themselves inter-

viewed on television or even on the radio I hadnt given

much thought to cooking competitions until I wrote the

book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the most prestig-

ious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture of the pro-


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

culinary competitions to push yourself to the absolute limit

whether or not the masses are watching

8306 Foothill Blvd

Sunland CA 91040

Ph 818-951-1565

Fax 818-9511689 Email infofirstsmilehhcorg

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

0900 am to 530 pm


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 28: Magazine The Century


The Real Top Chefs

food is portioned out and evaluated by some of the best chefs

in the world Often the lesser known regional contests take

place in private or in front of small audiences at trade shows

Cash prizes if any are minimal and the competitors would

be lucky to see their name in the local paper let alone find

themselves interviewed on television or even on the radio I

hadnt given much thought to cooking competitions until I

wrote the book Knives at Dawn about the Bocuse dOr the

most prestigious one in the world Its a fascinating subculture

of the professional cooking world Unknown to the masses

Unknown to the masses there are guys in the culinary

competition underground who are superstars within their own

community (Relatively speaking there arent that many wom-

en drawn to it which is a fascinating fact worthy of examina-

tion Is the need to compete distinctly male For another

time ) Unfortunately in the United States theres a great di-

vide between restaurant chefs and hotel and cooking school

chefs Generally speaking the restaurant guys dont have a ton

of respect for or interest in their counterparts who teach or

who run hotel or country club kitchens Neither really do the

media Most competition chefs come from those places and

dont tend to be household names So its all the more remark-

able to me that so many of them choose to train and compete

Ask a culinary competitor why he or she does it and the answer

will include one or more of the following For the challenge

Because it accelerates my learning process To travel and

meet other chefs and see other food I also firmly believe that

at some level chefs are innately masochistic and so they just

want to see if they can add competition to their already taxing

lives and come out alive on the other end Much of this was

summed up by Richard Rosendale executive chef of The

Greenbrier who recently became the US candidate to the Bo-

cuse dOr I interviewed him about the value of cooking compe-

tition for Knives at Dawn This is what he had to say about his

experience on the US Culinary Olympic team In my opinion

one year on the Olympic team is the equivalent of five years in

the industry In doing the team you have obligations to push

yourself and research more and do more and learn more than

what you normally would Ive competed in Germany three

times Luxembourg twice Basel Switzerland twice and all

over the United States Seeing these other countries and the

food theyre putting up really makes you open up your mind

and see food a little differently Theres no boundaries If

Rosendale wins the Bocuse dOr or even earns a precious med-

al (in addition to gold theres silver and bronze) itll be big

news here in the United States But some similarly grand ac-

complishments come with no such fanfare Percy Whatley who

competed in the Bocuse dOr USA in 2008 and 2010 has just

embarked on one of the most solitary and taxing challenges a

chef can undertake He is training for the Certified Master Chef

(CMC) exam a 130-hour eight-day test in which he will have

to demonstrate world-class proficiency in areas as far ranging

as Classical Cuisine Buffet Catering Freestyle cooking Global

Cuisine and Bakery and Pastry Its not a head-to-head compe-

tition but the training is just as intense and at the end of the

day you either win (pass) or lose (fail) Im delighted that

Whatley is publishing a diary of his training over on my

siteToqueland The CMC is such a tough exam that its not reg-

ularly scheduled You sign up and are put on the culinary

equivalent of active duty -- waiting to be called up Periodi-

cally when enough aspirants are on board the ACF schedules

an exam (Whatley is hopeful that hell get to go for it about 16

months from now) Theres also no guarantee of success just

the opposite in fact in 2010 only five of twelve candidates

passed One of them was Rosendale the USs freshly minted

Bocuse dOr candidate Rosendale got his name in the New

York Times on NPR and on food blogs from coast to coast

(including right here on HuffPost) for being selected for the

Bocuse dOr If anybody outside of his ACF peers knew hed

become a CMC before reading this post Id be surprised and

thats a shame Its a huge achievement If Whatley succeeds

hell get to wear the letters CMC on his chef jacket for the rest

of his career joining less than 70 others who have pulled off

the same feat The challenge embodies the core appeal of real

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Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 29: Magazine The Century


Bullied 10-Year-Old Girl Says School

Failed To Intervene In Repeated Attacks

A 10-year-old girl in Chicagos south suburbs severely at-

tacked by a male classmate who has allegedly bullied her for

years has accused her school of doing almost nothing to inter-

vene in the boys repeated taunting despite her familys pleas

for help Elisa Ramirez of Lynwood Ill a fifth grader at San-

dridge School said a 10-year-old boy at the school has for

years verbally and even physically abused her Most recently

the boy allegedly hit her hard in the face and injuring her eye

and causing a trip to the emergency room CBS Chicago re-


After the incident Elisas family has asked for the boy to be

transferred to a different classroom but the schools superinten-

dent told CBS that he did not believe such a change would be

appropriate Her family also alerted local police who have the

option of ticketing the boys family under the parental responsi-

bility ordinance -- a charge not possible because the ordinance

carries with it a minimum age of 13 for any individual involved

in an incident according to CBS As Ramirezs family remains

frustrated the state has been working to change the way bully-

ing is addressed in schools Two years ago Governor Pat

Quinn signed legislation aimed at reducing bullying in schools

by expanding the definition of bullying to include e-mail text

message or social media sites The law also required schools to

have gang-prevention training and created a School Bullying

Prevention Task Force ABC Chicago reported

Bullying was also the subject of a new state law sponsored by

state Rep Dwight Kay which allows school boards and admin-

istrators to suspend or even expel a student who threatens an-

other student or a school employee over the Internet But legis-

lation is clearly not enough to protect students struggling with

being bullied by their classmates Last fall 10-year-old Ash-

lynn Conner a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary

School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois killed her-

self She had told her mother a week before her death that she

was being taunted at school and being called a slut ugly

and fat While bullying and suicide risk can sometimes be

linked experts on the matter also point out that other factors --

ranging from depression and mental illness to family life or the

ending of a relationship -- can also play a role in such tragedies

The Tribune recently outlined a number of tips to help parents

and families prevent bullying

Are more religious people healthier than less religious peo-


A new analysis of Gallup surveys of more than 676000 Ameri-

cans suggests they may be -- and the pattern stands across reli-

gious traditions The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

telephone survey asked a random sample of Americans across

the country to rate or describe how healthy they were in several

categories such as overall quality of life emotional health

physical health healthy behavior habits job satisfaction and

access to doctors and other health resources Responses were

used to give each person well-being scores on a scale of 0 to

100 Interviewees were also asked to identify their religion (if

any) and how religious they were

When well-being scores were compared to religiosity very

religious Americans had modestly higher scores in most areas

compared with moderately religious and nonreligious people

The only area where nonreligious people scored higher than

religious people was in physical health

Religious People

Page 30: Magazine The Century
