
BudgetingLet’s get started

2015 Finance ConferenceDan Nagelkerke | Curt Gritters

Author Larry Burkett observed, “When we acknowledge God’s ownership, Every spending decision becomes a spiritual decision. No longer do we ask, “Lord, what do you want me to do with my money? The question is restated, ‘Lord, what do You want me to do with Your money?” When we have this perspective, spending and savings decisions are equally as spiritual as giving decisions.

What Does God’s Word say?

The Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, fewer than 500 verses on faith, but more than 2,350 verses on money and possessions.

Following God’s financial principles draws us nearer to Christ.

Possessions can compete with the Lord. Scripture teaches there are two distinct

parts to the handling of money: the part God plays and the part we play.

What Does God’s Word Say?

Church School Any/all debts Everyday items (utilities, food, clothes, etc.) Emergency fund Savings / Retirement Leisure / Vacation

What should our priorities be?

What? A plan: includes giving, saving, spending

Why? Goals:◦ 1. Faithful stewardship of GOD’s resources◦ 2. Balanced cash flow◦ 3. Heart-check: contentment & joy◦ 4. Healthy relationships


When? Annually & with changes; review monthly

Recognize Context

Tips: buy with brain, not heart Don’t try to keep up with Van Jones’ Pleasers of God, not men

◦ Standard of living Start simple, realistic Direct deposit into few bucket accounts

Tools into Toolbox: How

Keep a careful record of all expenditures for 30 days to determine your current situation.

This should be a team effort. Husband and wife.

Almost every budget starts out with expenditures in excess of income. But a solution exists.

Plan and Get Started

Our expenses. What are absolutely necessary? What can I do without.

Reducing cost tips: Lower the cost of utilities by limiting the use

of heating, A/C, Lights, and Appliances. Shop carefully for furniture and appliances.

Use garage sales, Craig’s list, Thrift Stores.

Get Started

Food. Prepare menu for the week. Shop once. Bring lunch with you. Figure expenses / expenditures for the year.

That daily cup of coffee cost? Healthcare cost. Practice preventative

medicine. Perrigo outlet store. Control impulse buying. Stay away from malls

etc. Each time you have a urge to buy put it on a impulse list. Pray about it. Often the impulse will pass.

Get Started (continued)

Irregular expenses Look at W-2 and divide by 12 Big ticket items (save on the front end) Unplanned Expenses Once you start. Don’t stop budgeting.

Budgeting Your Money

Just Do It.

Examples of different spreadsheets