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B a l i B r o a d c a s tC o m m i s s i o n A s k sB r o a d c a s t a n d C a b l eTelevision Operators toSuspend All Signals for 24Hours on Nyepi March 23,2012

The Bali office of theNational Broadcast Commission(KPI ) has reminded cable

television operators in Bali tosuspend all transmissions for a 24-hour period from 6:00 a.m. Friday,March 23, 2012 until 6:00 a.m. thefollowing morning in deference toBali's absolute day of silenceNyepi.

The KPI has complainedthat in the past TV Cable operatorshave largely ignored their requeststo suspend all broadcasts to Bali inkeeping with proscription ofactivities and noise during the 24-hour period of mandatory silence.

The chairman ofK P I B a l i , K o m a n gSuarsana, said that inaddition to the refusal ofc a b l eoperator s t of o l l o winstructi o n sissuedby theK P I ,broadca s t e r shave generally been steadfast inrefusing to obtain broadcast permitsfrom the KPI, making any efforts atenforcement extremely problematic.

“It's hard for us to monitorcable TV because of the variety ofmethods used.

Continue to page11

KUTAWEEKLYVolume 6, Issue 275

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8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

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All AFL Stock Reduced

AFL Clearance Sale

All AFL Stock ReducedSTART Rp. 30,000 (whi le s tock last)

Sports schedule see page 23

We Interrupt this Broadcast

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8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

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many var ia t ions s tar t ing a t $ 65.00 to $ 150.00.Cal l today

Ocean v iew.

Stud io o r huge Apar tmen t s w i t h 2 large bedrooms

and se l f con ta ined l i v ing a reas. . .

Beau t i fu l on s i te Restauran t w i th g rea t food and se rv ice

Ocean v iew.

S tud i o or huge A pa r tmen ts w i t h 2 l a rge bed rooms

and se l f con t a ined l i v ing areas . ..

B eau t i f u l on s i t e Res tau ran t w i t h g rea t f ood and s e rv i c e

MEADS NUSA DUA.....E A D S N U S A D U A . ... .

Bali's Kintamani BreedOfficially Acknowledgedby Asian Kennel Union

Radar Bali reports that theKintamani breed of dog has wonacknowledgement as adistinct breed from the Asian

Kennel Union (AKU), pavingt h e w a y f o r s i m i l a rr e co g n i t i o n f r o m t h eFederation CynologiqueInternationale (FCI).

The breed is tracedto the village of Sukawana,Paketan near the Kintamanivolcano in Bali.

Dr. (Veterinarian)Pudji Raharjo, chairman of anassociation researching theK in t a ma n i d o g b re e d(HTAKB), welcomed the AKUannouncement, saying:“What remains is only thesounding of the gavel from

the FCI officially recognizing theIndonesian Kintamani breed. TheFCI is the world authority oncanine breeds.”

The formal recognition ofthe “Kintamani” bred took place ata meeting of the AKU in thePhilippines.

“It's been admitted by theAKU, that has made us proud,”explained Pudji from her home inthe Biaung Candra Asri suburb ofDenpasar.

The announcementmakes the Kintamani breed thefirst endemic Indonesian breed toever be registered by the AKU.Efforts are now underway that willsee the breed also registered by

FCI, a step made possible by theAKU certification.

There are currently some400 breeds of dog registered bythe FCI.

The Kintamani breed isbelieved to have evolved from abreed of feral dog, with localfolklore linking the dogs toChinese Chow Chows introducedto Bali 600-800 years ago. It isequally plausible the breedtravelled to Bali with Majapahit

travelled to Bali withMajapahit conquerors, who cameto Bali in the 14th century

Scientific studies of DNAlink the Kintamani closely with thebreed of Bali Street Dog and the

Australian Dingo. Long hair,broad face, flat forehead andflat cheeks distinguish theKintamani. An expert climbernot afraid of heights, theKintamani reveals its feralroots by digging dirt holes tobirth its pups. Intelligent,t h e y ma ke e xce l l e n twatchdogs due to their closeattachment to their ownersand ferocious territoriality.Aggressive in guarding theproperty of their owners, theKintamani is at the samet i m e a g e n t l e a n daffectionate companion to itsowning family.

While the officialcertification of the Kintamani islikely to create added worldinterest in the breed, current lawsabsolutely banning the export ofany dogs from Bali will meanthose desiring to obtain aKintamani dog will have to sourcethem from one of the few breedingpopulations located outside ofBali. 

How Much is that Doggie on the Mountain?

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Times are looking t oughfor Tokyo's cat cafes,where feline aficionadoscan drop in for tea andsome time with a cat.

A t m o s t s u c h

establishments, it's the post-work rushthat brings int h e m o s tcash, witht i r e d a n dh a r r i e dprofessionals droppingby on theirway homesto pet andplay with theanimals as aw a y o fr e l i e v i n g

stress.B u tn o w t h ep u r r s o fdelight maybe gettingquieter.

A revision to Japan'sAnimal Protection Law, due tocome into force on June 1, willslap a curfew on the publicdisplay of cats and dogs, forcingcat cafes to shut up shop at 8p.m.

"There's this new revisionwhich says we should be open

from eight in the morning untileight at night. After 8 p.m. wehave to put the cats in the back,away from the customers, andclose," said Hiromi Kawase, theowner of one Tokyo cat cafe.

"Everybody knows catsare really happy in the evening,with their big, cute eyes. So I justcan't understand why the peopleat the top are ignoring this. It'sreally strange."

Cat cafes have longbeen popular, catering to themany cat lovers who can't keepthe animals at home because ofstrict housing regulations thatforbid pets in many apartments.

Visitors to Kawase's cafe

pay about 1,000 yen ($12) an

hour to play with any of her 24cats, who dart around the roomchasing toys or sleep in basketsset on tables. Drinks are pricedfrom around 300 yen each.

The government saysthe real targets of the tighteranimal protection law are late-night pet shops, which often sell

dogs and cats around the clock.The animals are kept in smallcages under bright lights thatare never switched off.

Kawase's establishmentis far from a 24-hour operation.Her doors close at 10 p.m., butshe says many of her customersonly arrive around eight, afterwork, and stay through to theclose.

"If I can't see the cats,

Japanese cat lovers snarl at new lawwell, I won't come. Of

course I come here because theyhave cats," said Tatsuo Karuishi,41.

Karuishi visits the cafe atleast twice a week, usuallychecking in at around eight, as

does fellow feline fancier Ayumi

Sekigushi."It's a great place, it calms

the stresses of working life," saidSekigushi, 23. "If this law goes,through that enjoyment is goingto disappear. It's a real shame."

While Kawase says thelost business hours will take a tollon profits, it's what that might

mean for her cats that worriesher the most."If our business hours go

down and we lose two hours ofprofits, of course it's going toaffect us, but it'll also affect thecats," she said.

"You know, in gettingthem all the things they need, likethe correct amount of food andproper nutrition."

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See Page 38

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day again folks and lets rip into the latest edition of theKuta Weekly, “Bali”s Premier Weekly Newspaper” What aweek it's been with the mighty pies dropping out of the preG

season contest to ready themselves for the real footy. It looksas if the Eagles Might get the 500k prize money this year, timewill tell I guess. Bring on the real footy, I say this pre season

stuff is too hard to follow.Moving along this week it seems the age old issue of thewhite man taking to the streets on their motor scooters after downing four buckets of fullstrength beer is becoming a major problem for some. Old mate turtle head, or pig, as known bysome (due to the amount of Bundaberg rum he can drink) had a great session the other nighton the little green bottles in good company and with good friend, then decided it was hometime, so he hops on his trusted scooter to bee-line it straight for the sack, and wammo, he'sdropped the bastard. The not so funny and funny thing is, he is still recovering from droppingthe naughty bike only a few weeks ago, so this latest drop has re-opened almost healed scabsand re-bruised sensitive spots all over him. I guess I don't have to say to you all that the game isvery different here and for what reason or another if you have dropped a bike here you knowwhat I mean. The roads are deadly and full of very highly trained riders that use the safest andmost sensible way to get around that they can. Now if we were in a third world country andpeople didn't look before they pulled out then things may be different. If the roads were maybein terrible disrepair and had water filled potholes in them, I'd understand why you would ride the

bikes pissed up. Being that we have the best roads in the world, I suggest you all drink as muchas you can, then ride your bike home, as fast as you can. Don't worry about the broken heart, just get on the throttle and flatten it. Now before you comment Ken, please understand that thelast few sentences were an absolute Mickey take on old mate turtle head for riding his bikewhile completely splattered. I wonder folk, will we get the hat trick over the next few weeks. I'llkeep you all up to speed on the outcome. Bloody Richmond Spuds supporters.

It seems we all need to remember that many of the local riders are maybe not so apt atusing the road rules we are used too and will just do whatever it takes to get from one place tothe next at any expense. I did hear a story about a fellow who likes to walk everywhere he goesmost days and usually keeps himself that little bit fitter than most by doing so. Again it seemsthis particular old mate was wondering home one afternoon ready for his kindy nap beforeheading back out for a few quite evening beers with the crew, when suddenly wammo, out ofnowhere he is hit by a motorbike. The thing is he looked the way the traffic was supposed to becoming from and didn't see anything coming, but, low and behold a local rider was comingagainst the traffic, and was in a hurry so whack, old mate cops it. I can't stress to you enough

that these roads are dangerous and require great courage and skill to traverse and if you don'thave both of these attributes then stick to a taxi.Ok folks it seems that the powers that be want this load of rubbish ready for publishing, so I willleave you all to your thing for another week, I hope the most of you stay safe, happy, healthyand always remember, "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogicalminority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth theproposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"......

Enjoy your week,ALIASJ………


[email protected]


Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)


For lucky sheep, it's like atrip to the hair salon. Forthe unlucky ones, it canresemble a wi ld andwoolly wrestling matchagainst an opponenta rmed w i th a sha rpobject.

The 4,600 sheep picked forthe 2012 World Sheep ShearingCompetition in Masterton, NewZealand, and the national GoldenShears championships are in for apampering this week, when topclippers from around the globecompete for a top prize ofNZ$3,000.

The return of the biennialevent to New Zealand for the firsttime since 1996 is seen as ahomecoming by the sheep-

s h e a r i n gcommunity.

T h a t ' s n o tsurprising in a nationwhere sheep outnumberhumans 10 to one andwhich this year lobbied for

sheep shearing to ber e c o g n i s e d a s a nOlympic sport.

"People here saythe Golden Shears is theWimbledon of sheepshearing," said DougLaing, media officer at

Shearing Sports New Zealand.S h e a r e r s f r o m

heavyweight countries NewZealand, Australia and Britain arecompeting with entries from lesser-known shearing countr ies,including Germany, Estonia andJapan.

They will be judged on

speed and accuracy in bothmachine and hand-blade cuttingcategories.

Penalty points are givenaccording to how long eachshearing takes, as well as"imperfections" that include nicksand cuts to the sheep and doublecutting.

Laing, a descendant of ashearing family, says nimblenesswith the "blades" -- a colloquialterm for manual and electric shears-- and getting the sheep positioned

correctly are the keycomponents of a close,comfortable shave.

"Once you've got thesheep's balance sorted, andyou've got them seated all right,it's just like giving them a

haircut," Laing said.Best results are alsoachieved by following the"Bowen style" favoured in NewZealand. Developed in the1950s by a famed pair ofshearing brothers namedGodfrey and Ivan Bowen, thesheep is shorn in rhythmicalsweeps while pulling the skinaway from the body.

"Otherwise it ends uplooking like a wrestling match,"Laing said.

Local shearer JohnKirkpatrick, a three-timeGolden Shears champion, istipped to take the top machine-shearing prize at both theWorld Championships and thenat ional Golden Shearscompetition.

Kirkpatrick, however, ise xp e c t e d t o f a ce s t i f fcompetition from compatriotCam Ferguson in Saturday'sfinals. Ferguson holds theworld record for shearinglongwool lambs -- a whopping742 in eight hours.

World clippers raise the baa in NZ for the sheer fun of it

Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

Bride's wardrobe malfunction leaves guestsEverything was in place

f o r a w e d d i n g t oremember - but it will ber e m e m b er e d w i t hembarrassment andhumour.

The music heralds theentry of the bride and groom.

The photographers andvideographers scurry from sideto side to capture the moment asthe couple enter to a ripple of

applause from their

guests. And then, as the lovebirdshead towards their life togetherand along the red carpet to theirwedding vows, disaster strikes.

The bride, wearing aflowing white gown, stumbles onthe carpet.

Her husband to be comesto her aid, preventing her fromfalling completely.

But as he helps her to her

appears to get stuck in the

train of the dress, wrenching itfrom her and exposing her whitelingerie for all to see.

Embarrassed, the bridegathers the dress and rather thantry to fix it on the red carpet shetake its off completely and runsaway - giving her guests slightlymore than they bargained for.

Was it an accident or setup? You decide.

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Thai festival puts magic back into tattoosShrieks and wails hangin the air as thousandsof tattoo d evotees packinto a Thai temple for anannual festival they

bel ieve renews theprotective magic in theelaborate designs ontheir skin.

C r o w d ss e e t h e dthrough thet e m p l egrounds, withmen roaring,h iss ing ands c r e a m i n gwhile imitatingthe creaturesta t to o e d o ntheir bodies, as

i f t h e y h a db e e npossessed byt h e m . O n ep e c k e dtowards theground as if hewas a chicken, others flung uptheir arms and danced.

The yearly ceremonytook place at the weekend atWat Bang Phra in NakonPathom, 80 km (30 miles) westof Bangkok, which is known formagically charged tattoos andamulets said to protect their

bearers against danger.While honouring the

founding masters of theBuddhist temple, the gatheringis also seen by believers as anopportunity to "recharge" theirtattoos.

"You get many things: topay your respects, to makeyour body and spirit happy, toworship our masters," said

Nakhom Tonghum, 35,who had a tiger tattoo on hisback and chest.

The tattoos vary fromlegendary heroes from epicssuch as the Ramayana tomythical creatures or Pali and

Sanskrit writing. In most tattoos,animals such as panthers, tigers

and snakes are intricatelywoven into magical signs andscriptures.

"I'm a believer. I like this,"said Akkaporn Silom. He saidthat when possessed, it's an out-of-body experience and oneg o e s n u m b a n d g e t sgoosebumps.

Not all Thai Buddhistsbelieve in the mystical powers ofprotection of the sacred tattoos,known as Sak Yant. But manydo, and an increasing number ofWesterners are also beingenticed by the purported magic.

Nearly 100 people cometo Wat Bang Phra for tattoosevery day, drawn by the fameand artistry of the temple's

founder, late tattoo masterLuang Poh Pern.

"People come here fortattoos because they wantprotection and also have faith inthe monks," said KampanatJittayano, a monk from the

northern province of Nan.The monks who inscribe

the tattoos willdip the tip of a4 6 - c m ( 1 8 -inch) needleinto a mix ofs p e c i a l i n kmade with as m a l lproportion ofsnake venom,h e r b s a n dcigarette ash.

A typicaltattoo takes

about 3,000pricks of then e e d le a n da b o u t 1 5m i n u t e s t oc o m p l e t e ,t h o u g h

elaborate ones take longer.Once done, the monk will

bless the tattoo and blow on it toinfuse it with power.

To maintain the holiness ofthe tattoo, people who bearthem are required to obey fivemore precepts of Buddhism,such as abstaining from taking

life, stealing, sexual misconduct,lying and drinking or takingdrugs.

But never fear. Shouldbelievers break any of the rules,the festival gives them a chanceto make their tattoos holy onceagain, thus keeping theprotection going for anotheryear.

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Bali Environmental AgencyDeclares Bali's Tukad Riveras 'Very Polluted' reports thatbio-indicator tests measuring lifeforms found in the Badung riverthat flows through Bali's capital of

Denpasar have resulted in a bioticreading of 2.7. A clean river wouldhave a reading of 7, meaning thatthe Badung River in Bali can beofficially considered as “verypolluted.”

The water-quality testswere conducted by the Bali Centrefor Environmental Education(PPLH).

Th e c o o r d i n a t o r o feducational programs for thePPLH in Bali, Herni Frilia Hastuti,declared the Badung River hasvery polluted water quality aftertaking samples at five differentlocations.

At the subject five


locatio n s o n l yb o t t o m -feeding fishand mollusksw e r eencountered

. S u c h af i n d i n gindicates thatthe waters ofthe BadungR i v e r a r eu n f i t f o rhuman use including even forsecondary uses such as bathing,washing or toilet use.

According to Herni FriliaHastuti, every bottom sample fromthe River uncovered largequantities of mollusks and bottom-feeding fish. Of some furtherconcern is that fact that localpopulations are eating the fishliving off the waste that collects on

the bottom of the highlypolluted river way.

She also confirmed thatthe pollution of the river starts fromits source and extends to where itempties into the ocean. Heavilypopulated areas at the river'ssource are causing householdpollution to be deposited into theriver in substantial quantities. 

Bali's Clogged Arteries

Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)


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The Shark You B ite May Kil l YouWhat Not to Eat on a BaliHol iday: Shark FinsSoup Linked to FatalDegenera t i ve B ra inDiseases

E n d a n g e r e d b y

overfishing and a wastefulslaughter that seeks to harvestonly their fins, new researchconducted by the University ofMiami (U.S.A.) may have struck amajor blow for the survival ofshark species.

The study by University ofMiami (UM) researchers andpublished in the scientific j ournalMarine Drugs has demonstratedhigh concentrations of beta-n-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA)a n e u r o t o x i n l i k e d t oneurodegenerative diseasessuch as Alzheimer's and LouGehrig Disease (ALS) in shark's

fin and shark's cartilage.The study suggests that

people who consume shark finsoup and take pills made of sharkcartilage may be at significant riskof developing degenerative braindisease.

The co-author of thesc ien t i f ic s tudy, Dr . Ne i lHammerschlag, research

assistant professor ofMarine Affairs & Policy anddirector of the RJ Dunlap MarineConservation Programs (RJD) atUM said: “Shark fins are primarilyderived through finning, a practicewhere by shark fins are removed

at sea and the rest of the mutilatedanimal is thrown back in the waterto die. Estimates suggest that finsfrom as many as 70 mil lion sharksend up in soup. As a result, manyshark species are on the road toextinction. Because sharks playimportant roles in maintainingbalance in the oceans, not only isshark fin soup injurious to themarine environment, but ourstudy suggests that it is likelyharmful to the people who areconsuming them.”

Seven different species ofshark were tested in the study.

The presence of BMAA in

shark's fin and shark's cartilages h o u l d c a u s e C h i n e s erestaurants to review their menucontent and prompt a re-evaluation by those who takehealth supplements derived fromshark bones.

Related research showsthat people dying of Alzheimer'sdisease and ALS have unusually

high levels of BMAA intheir brains, while healthyindividuals have no measurableBMAA present.

Separate studies havea lso f o u n d a l i n k i n t odegenerative disease by people

who consume fruit bats as part oftheir diet regime. The bats exhibithigh levels of BMAA from their dietof BMAA-rich cycad seeds.

Bali rapid ly r ise inChinese visitors has put addedpressure on Indonesia's sharkpopulation as visitors dine on theshark's fin and often purchaseprocessed shark's fin during a Baliholiday to bring back to theircountry of origin. 

Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

A Big Fish that Always Gets AwayCalls to Protect EnormousMo la -Mo la F ish Tha tM a k e s W a t e r sSu r r o u n d i n g Ba l i i t sSeasonal Home

A non -gov e rnm en t a lo rgan i z a t i on ded i c a t ed t opreserving the ocean's ecosystem,the Coral Triangle Center (CTC), isurging the government to list theenormous Mola-mola fish as aprotected species.

The Mola-mola is a rareOceanic Sunfish the world'sheaviest bony fish that can grow upto 3 meters in diameter and weigh

more than 350 kilograms.The CTC is asking that this

huge fish, a seasonal visitor to thewaters of Nusa Penida Islands, ashort distance off Bali southeasterncoast, be registered under theConvention on International Tradein Endangered Species (CITES) toprevent people from selling andbuying the aquatic behemoth.

A s r e p o r t e d b, Marthen Welly, themanager of CTC, declared that it isnow time for the Mola-mola to beprotected because of its verylimited remaining population andthe limited area in the Nusa Penida

Islands where the fish is stillfound.

Welly also praised the fish'svalue to tourism due to the Mola-mola's ability to draw drivers fromaround the world to Bali and NusaPenida, hoping to dive these watersand see the large but relativelyreclusive fish.

According to Welly, thereare five diving locations know inNusa Penida where the Mola-molacan be seen between the months ofJuly and September. 


Market jumps to new high fo r yearT h e A u s t r a l i a nsharemarket hit a newhigh for the year, beforeparing gains, as risksentiment soared aheadof the European Central

bank three-year liquidityoffering.

In a broad based rally thatfailed to pierce technical resistancethe S&P/ASX 200 index closed35.9 points, or 0.84 per cent, up at4298.6 points, with domesticstocks boosted by January retailsales that met forecasts of 0.3 percent growth, while ignoring softercredit growth a slump inconstruction spending.

Forecasts for the ECBlong term refinancing offeruptake remain spread between€500 billion and €1 trillion, but

concerns over being tainted ascash-strapped could see manyof the larger eurozone banksforsaking the offer.

National Australia Bankstrategist Emma Lawson wrotein a client note that a lower thanexpected number could be seenas e i the r good o r bad ,depending on the prevailingmood.

“It may be positive, asbanks don't need the money or itmay be bad as banks couldn't raisethe collateral or didn't want to beviewed as tainted,” she said.

“The market direction on

that outcome will depend on thedetails and likely media spin.”Overnight Wall Street

closed 0.3 per cent up despite abigger than expected 0.4 per centdrop in January durable goodsorders, with markets hoping USFederal Reserve chairman BenBernanke hinted at further stimulusin his testimony to Congress.

The Shanghai compositeindex was down 0.6 per cent at the

close of the ASX as onceagain investor's hopes for aneasing of property market andlending curbs were dashed.Japan's Nikkei index was up 1.1per cent.

The Australian dollarclimbed 0.5¢ to a high of$US1.0820 as the pending ECBliquidity injection triggered ascramble for risk assets.

The broader All Ordinariesindex was up 36.9 points, or 0.85per cent, at 4388.1.

On the ASX 24, the Marchshare price index futures contractwas up 36 points at 4293, with41,612 contracts traded.

City Index chief marketanalyst Peter Esho said the localbourse was boosted by favourableeconomic data out of Japan andSouth Korea, and by Australianretail sales data that showed a lifton the prior month and were in linewith expectations.

“Despite a lot of companiesgoing ex-dividend, our market stillmanaged to climb nearly one percent - that's a pretty bullish sign forour market,” Mr Esho said.

The Japanese governmentsaid Japan's factory productionhad risen for a second straightmonth, boosted by car and cameramanufacturing.

Figures from South Koreashowed that its industrial output

in January, easing fearsof an economic slowdown.

O n t h e Au s t r a l i a nsharemarket, electronics retailerHarvey Norman was nine centslower at $2.07 after it announceda fall in first half net profit of 2.1per cent, citing unprecedentedchallenges in Austra l ia 'sdiscretionary retail sector.

Seven Group Holdingswas 33 cents higher at $8.99after the diversified investmentscompany forecast buoyant fullyear earnings.

Engineering companyWorley Parsons dropped 43cents to $29.37 despite reporting

a rise in first half profit of 18per cent.

Global to l l roadowner Macquarie AtlasRoads was 0.5 cents lower at$1.67 after it said revenueand earnings from its tollroads had risen, and itsassets were set to benefitwhen economic conditionsimprove.

Reg iona l a i r l ineoperator Regional ExpressHoldings eased two cents to$1.08 despite reporting a biglift in first half net profit on the

back of rising demand formining-related charter services.

In the resources sector,global miner BHP Billiton jumped35 cents to $36.10, and Rio Tintoreversed 25 cents to $67.45.

Among the major banks,Na t iona l Aust ra l ia Bankadvanced 38 cents to $23.67,Westpac gained 22 cents to$20.90, ANZ improved sevenc e n t s t o $ 2 1 . 9 5 , a n dCommonwealth bank found 28cents at $49.43.

Preliminary nationalturnover was 2.35 billion shares,worth $6.65 billion, with 663stocks up, 410 down and 383unchanged.

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Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)


B A L I F R E I GH T T O P E R T HW i t h


Co n t a i n e r s L ea v i n g E v e r y 2 M o n t h s t o

P e r t h - P i c k U p i n Ou r y a r d a t M a l a g a

B a l i Con t a c t : K ETUT - 0 8 1 3 3 8 7 1 3 5 4 1

P e r t h Con t a c t : B ROD DY - 0 4 0 2 4 1 5 5 9 3

“ F r e e P i c k - U p i n B a l i ”

Humans 'to live forever' throughrobots

A Russian entrepreneur wants to make humans "liveforever" through robots within the next 10 years.

Itskov, a media entrepreneur, claims he has hired 30scientists for his hi-tech research project named "Avatar"

and is looking for others to help.The project includes uploading human minds, without

surgery, into robots. He hopes to make his goal a reality

in the next 10 years and target "disabled people andpeople at the edge of dying" first."This project is leading down the road to immortality,"

Itskov said."A person with a perfect Avatar will be able to remain

part of society. People don't want to die."Itskov also told newspapers he his "next effort" will be to

create a new body for the human."It will have a perfect brain-machine interface to allowcontrol and a human brain life support system so the

brain can survive outside the body," he said.A third phase will be to create an artificial human brain

before a final goal of being able to "upload" humanminds into holographic bodies.

"Remember in Star Wars, Obi-Wan's hologram? Thatwas pretty amazing," he said.

Itskov says he wants to work with the Defense AdvanceResearch Projects Agency in the U.S military.

The agency is already researching ways for its troops to

use their minds to remotely control androids who willtake human soldiers' place on the battlefield.

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Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)


AriesMar 20 - Apr 19After weeks of having to think carefully about what yousaid or did for fear of upsetting or offending somebody, thecommunication planet Mercury's moved into Aries. Notonly that, its encounter with Uranus triggering events sounexpected and exciting that, within days, you'll be able tomake up for lost time.

TaurusApr 20 - May 20You're usually able to deal with even the trickiest of issueswith a combination of tact and gentle persuasion the comewith being ruled by charming Venus. But judging by its runin with stern Saturn, if you're to rein in certain troublesomeindividuals, you may have to employ somewhat moreforthright methods.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20While sidestepping issues you know are likely t o clash canbe a good strategy, at the moment it's unwise. In fact, withThursday's Full Moon bringing these and other matters toa head, the sooner you talk things through, the more likelyyou are to find a solution without the accompanyingdramas.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22Uncomfortable as recent altercations were, at leastcertain tense issues came to light. Tempting as it is to hopethere'll be no need to raise these again, you're urged to doexactly that. The more often these are discussed, the lesslikely it is tensions will build in the sam e way again.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22It's not that situations are difficult which bothers you. It's

that the process of working things out so everybody ishappy can be so time consuming. However, what you'vedealt with should not only have put these matters to rest,you've eliminated confusion that would have causedproblems in the future as well.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22With your ruler Mercury encountering the unsettling butinnovative Uranus now, on 18 March and again in lateApril, your mind is bound to be overflowing with excitingnew ideas. Explore each and commit to whatever lookspromising, ensuring that as circumstances and yourpriorities shift, so, too, can your plans.

LibraSep 23 - Oct 22It's been a rather difficult period focused to large extent onacknowledging and untangling tense issues in closerelationships, during which you've discussed and dealtwith many more such issues than you intended. Now thatthey're history, you can pat yourself on the back and takea well-earned rest.

ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21When you look back on March, you'll remember it ashaving been a turning point. Now, however, you're

probably more conscious of your efforts to shore upcertain long-standing arrangements. Actually, these needto go, and soon. Their disappearance is paving the wayfor the coming weeks' extraordinary ideas, offers andopportunities.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21Others may struggle with change. But for you, it's not onlywise, it's necessary. Still, you could be uneasy about theextent and nature of the events currently reshaping yourlife. While these are far-reaching, those feelings probablyowe more to the heightened emotions that accompanythe Full Moon than the changes taking place.

CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19The line between making irresponsible decisions andthose that are inspired isn't always a clear one.Consequently you may not be sure how to react to thedirection others choose to take. Questionable as theiractions seem, aspects involving the planet of innovation,Uranus, suggest their ideas actually are fantastic.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18For weeks you've been wrestling not only with certain

issues, but with finding a way you could explain yourviews to others. The encounter between Mercury andyour ruler Uranus isn't just doing wonders to clear up suchissues, you're feeling more confident as well. E nough youcan finally work things out.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 19Having had to say farewell to several activities and evenpassions that have been part of your life for ages, youneed time for reflection. However, you won't get it. Difficultas this is initially, being kept busy will prevent you dwellingon the past and focus your attention on the future.

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In the Still o f the Night

K u t a T o u r i s m O f f i c i a l sPromise to Start EnforcingClosing Hours for Nightspots 

In a late response to growingcommunity anger over rising rates ofcrime and nightlong noise pollutionfrom Kuta's nightspots, the Head ofthe Badung Tourism Office, TjokordaRaka Darmawan, has promised to

i m p r o v eenforcement.

A c c o r d i n g t oB i s n i s . B a l i , f o l l ow i ngunilateral action taken byhundreds of local residents toclose down errant nightspots,R a k a D a r m a w a n h a s

admitted the shortcomings ofhis office, saying “We admitthere has been weak

enforcement in the past. This is dueto our limitations in the field. Becauseof this, in the future we will tightenenforcement by involving therelevant components.”

He told the press that hisoffice is in the process of preparing acircular notice limiting the hours ofoperations for nightspots. Raka

would be made upon hisreturn from a tourism promotionaltrip to ITB-Berlin after March 11,2012.

While local citizens aredemanding a 2:00 a.m. closingtime, it appears the regulation tobe enforced by Badung officials

will stipulate a 3:00 a.m. closingtime.

R ak a D a rm aw an i spromising to strictly enforce thenew rules by involving elements ofthe police and local citizenry. Hehas also promised a system ofwarnings culminating in eventualclosure by nightspots that chooseto ignore the rules. 

Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

Prayers Offered in SilenceRegent of Badung ProvidesG u i d e l i n e s o n N y e p iC e l e b r a t i o n s I n c l u d i n g

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s f o rMoslems Praying at Mosqueson Day of Silence

Muslims living in the Badungregency of south Bali wishing toparticipate in Friday prayers duringNyepi - Bali's absolute day of silenceon March 23, 2012, are beingadvised to do so at their nearestmosque and travel on foot.

The first day of the Bali-Hindu New Year, Nyepi,, sees Balicome to a complete standstill for 24-hours, in which the public aregenerally prohibited from venturingforth onto any public street

The advice to prayerfulMoslems was offered by the regent

of Badung, Anak Agung GedeAgung, after a coordinating meetingbetween local officials, Hindureligious leaders and a foruminvolved in maintaining religiousharmony in Bali.

In suggesting Moslems prayat their nearest mosque, Agung hasasked that those attending Fridayprayers do not use their cars ormotorcycles when travel l ingbetween their residences and local

mosque.The Regent also asked that

m o s q u e s n o t t o u s e t h eloudspeakers normally employed to

call people to Friday prayers onNyepi.

The Regent said, “Thecelebration of Nyepi and on the samesacred day set aside for prayer forMos lems must serve as amomentum to enhance the feelingsof fellowship and tolerance between

the different faiths.”At the same time, Agung

called on Hindus to refrain from usingnoisemakers, firecrackers andfireworks in the period leading up to,during and after the celebration ofNyepi.

Addressing the traditionalparading of ogoh-ogoh, the papier-mâché floats are carried throughBali's streets, the Regent reminded

Hindu participants to obeythe guidelines set out by the HinduHigh Council (Parisada HinduDarma - PHDI) stipulating the

themes used in creating the floatss h o u l d n o t b e p o l i t i c a l ,pornographic or offend religioussensitivities.

Agung added: “Thetraditional villages, banjars andpecalang (neighbourhood civilianenforcement corps) must take alarger role in ensuring the peaceduring the celebration of Nyepi. Ialso urge all Hindus to undertake'catur berata penyepian' (for fourdogm as o f N y ep i ) i n anatmosphere that is safe, orderlyand filled with an atmosphere ofpeace.”

He also called on lawenforcement officials to carry out

raids on illegal sellers of alcoholand fireworks prior to the comingNyepi period.

At the same meeting,Denpasar po l i ce o f f i c ia l sannounced that 1,902 officersfrom Denpasar and 268 fromBadung would be on stand-byover the Nyepi period to ensurepublic order. 


Tumpek Krulut

Tumpek Krulut Day falls on Saturday, 17thMarch 2012, kliwon, wuku Krulut, every 6months (210 days) once. So, this holiday iscelebrated one month after celebratingBrass. 

On this day we worship God in manistasinyaas the god Iswara. We are grateful for the creati on ofsacred sounds / percussion. In society, 'tetabuhan'

is synonymous with "Gong", rather than by the term'gamelan'. Therefore,this day is also often referredto as Odalan Gong. The goal to be the voice for thecompleteness of the ceremony has a beautiful voiceand "taksu".

Tumpek Krulut also a day of love. Affectionwas manifested in the form of beauty, in this case thesound of gamelan. Who was revered in TumpekKrulut is Ida Sanghyang Widi Wasa in itsmanifestation as Dewi Semara Ratih.

T u m p e k K r u l u t a l s o k n o w n a s"Contemporary Lulut". The word "Lulut" in Balineselanguage means that the fabric / circuit. But it couldalso be interpreted as a blend with the beauty of thehearts (Sundaram) so that the mind becomespeaceful. In that context, we really need to balancethe art of live entertainment.

Some sources also mention that TumpekKrulut, is the day on which God in his prestige asSiwanataraja comes down to earth to dance to 36tatwa in order to improve the life of the great globeand globe alit. To accompany the dance, people playa gamelan or gong. In the city of Denpasar, since afew years ago, there was a procession of meaningTumpek Krulut by displaying a variety of arts, danceand percussion. In Tumpek Krulut, the entire deviceto create a gong sounded Santha taste or sense ofpeace. With a sense of peace, is expected to createinner and outer wellbeing.

In Balinese concept of sound is important,so is there a term wija holy script. From there camethe sound of civilization that is known clapper,Sunari, pinekan, kulkul and various types ofgamelan made of openwork, iron or bamboo. In

addition to the voice of civilization, in Bali also knowncivilizations colors and flavors. While the ritualTumpek Krulut, related to vote in this civilization orthe gamelan gong. Associated with voice, soundgriengan beetle is also of concern to the Kawi inancient times either during the sasih Kapat knownas Ngapat tradition. Purnama Kapat be a goodopportunity for nyastra, to write and discuss worksbeautifully. The poet usually goes to the beach andthe mountains to capture the beauty of nature,listening to birds singing, waves, watching thebeauty of flower petals, hearing the voice grienganbeetles and so on. That's all captured and thenpoured in the form of li terature.

Meaning of worship is none other TumpekKrulut explore tetabuhan spirit that gave birth to theshade and strength. The tone and the sound has an

incredible supernatural powers, even believed to bea major force. In the context of the worship of thenatural harmony can be achieved by raising thepower of Shiva in order to move. Creativemovement of Shiva as the strains are knownSiwanataraja tone. In philosophical cult soundswhen Tumpek Krulut control implies Tri Guna(satwam, rajas, and tamas) and Tri Marga namelydharma, artha and kama.

When the strains further understand thetones of nature is a process towards harmonization.In order to achieve harmonization of this natureneeds to be done contemplation and praying to Godin its manifestation as Shiva.


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Continue from page 1There are those that rebroadcastexisting programs and otherswho use cables to broadcastVCDs to neighbouring homes.We have no data on thesetransmissions but know suchoperations do exist based oncomplaints received from varioussources,” explained Suarsana.The KPI-Bali has written to all

formal broadcast and cableoperators in Bali ordering thecessation of broadcasts for theentire 24-hour period.The four guiding principles setdown for celebrating the Bali-Hindu New Year Catur BerataPenyepian stipulate:

Amati Geni: Prohibitingthe lighting of fires, the use oflighting or the satisfaction of

pleasurable humanappetites.

A ma t i K a r ya :Prohibiting all forms ofphysical work other thanthose dedicated tospiritual cleansing andrenewal.

Amati Lelungan:Prohibiting movement ortravel; requiring people

to stay within theirresidences.

A m a t iLelangunan: Prohibitinga l l f o r m s o fe n t e r t a i n m e n t ,recreations or generalmerrymaking. 

Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

C o m i n g F u e l a n dElectricity Hikes for BaliPredicted to ReduceEconomic Growth Rates

Plans by the governmentto soon increase the price of fuel

and the basic cost of electricity arepredicted to threaten projectedgrowth rates for Bali's economy.The impact of the predictedincrease in the cost of fuel andelectricity will result in a correctionin the island's economy.

The chief of the Denpasarbranch of Bank Indonesia, JeffreyKairupan, was quoted in BisnisBali, saying: “Yes, the new policies(electricity and fuel costs) willprecipitate a significant increase inprices if the decision to introducethese price hikes is delayed, Thisfact will have a significant effectgenerally on the Bali economy.”

According to Kairupan,Bank Indonesia has yet tocalculate the exact amount theyexpect economic growth rates to

be slowed by higher fueland energy costs. He said thecurrent condition is complicatedfurther by tensions in the Straits ofHormus in the Middle East, a majorpathway for the distribution of theworld's fuel supply. The BankIndonesia official warned that if thesituation in the Middle Eastremains unresolved, world fuel

i n c r e a s e e v e nfurther.

S a y i n g t h echallenges of the worldeconomy are becomingin c re a s in g l y co mp le x ,Kairupan added, “all this will

have a significant effect of thedeve lopment o f Ba l i ' seconomy in the future.”

This year, Kariupanexplained, Bali's economy istargeted to grow between6.2-6.6% with tourismremaining the prime driver ofgrowth. He said tourismwould remain the island'se c o n o m i c b a c k b o n e .“Hopefully, the European

economy will not have asignificant effect on the numberof tourists visiting Bali.

Let's hope the peopleunder stress in Europe will seek

Bali to refresh themselves,” saidthe Bank Indonesia chief. 

Bal i 's Econom y Poised t o Slow


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New Urologist

An old guy goes to his doctor for his physical

and gets sent to th e urologis t as a precau tion.

When he gets there, he discovers the urologistis a very pretty female doctor.

The female doctor says, "I'm going to check 

your pros ta te today, but this new procedure is

a little different from what you are probablyused to . I want you to l ie on your r ight s ide ,

bend your k nees , then while I check your

pros ta te , take a deep brea th and sa y, '99 '.

The old guy obeys and says,"99".The pretty doctor says, "Great. Now turn over

on your left side and again, while I repeat thecheck, take a deep brea th a nd sa y, '99 ' ."

Again, the old guy says, '99'."The doctor said, Very good. Now then, I want

you to l ie on your ba ck with your knees ra ised

slightly. I'm going to check your prostate with

this han d, and with the other hand I 'm goingto hold on to your penis to keep i t out of the

way. Now take a deep brea th and say, '99 ' .

The old guy begins, "One ... Two ... Three ...”

I t c o u ld h a p p e n to y o u .

Toward the end of the Sunday service, the Ministerasked,

"How many of you have forgiven your enemies?"80%held up their hands.

The Minister then repeated hisquestion. All respondedthis time, except one man,an avid golfer named WalterBarnes, who attended church only when the weather

wasbad."Mr. Barnes, it'sobviously not a good morning for golf.

It'sgood to see you here today.Are you not willing to forgive your enemies?"

"I don't have any," he replied gruffly.

"Mr Barnes, that isvery unusual. How old are you?""Ninety-eight," he replied. The congregation stood upand clapped their hands.

"Oh, Mr. Barnes, would you please come down in front& t ell usall how a person can live ninety-eight years&

not have an enemy in the world?"The old golfer tottered down the aisle, stopped in front

of the pulpit,turned around, faced the congregation, and said simply,

"I outlived the bastards.”

The Irish Millionaire.Mick, from Dublin, appeared on 'Who Wants To Be AMillionaire' and towards the end of the program had

already won 500,000 euros."You've done very well so far," said Chris Tarrant, the

show's presenter, “but for a million euros you've only gotone life-line left ? phone a friend.

Everything is riding on this question..... will you go for it?""Sure," said Mick. "I'll have a go!"

"Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest?a) Sparrow b) Thrush, c) Magpie, d) Cuckoo?"

"I haven't got a clue." said Mick, ''so I'll use last lifeline andphone my friend Paddy back home in Dublin ."

Mick called up his mate, and told him thecircumstancesand repeated the question to him.

"Bloody hell, Mick!" cried Paddy."Dat's simple...... It's a cuckoo."

"Are you sure?" “I'm bloodysure."

Mick hung up the phone and told Chris, "I'll go wit Cuckooas my answer."

"Is that your final answer?" asked Chris."Dat it is, Sir."

There was a long - long pause, and then the presenterscreamed, "Cuckoo is the correct answer!

Mick, you've won 1 million euros!"The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy

him a drink."Tell me, Paddy? How in Heaven's name did you know it

was da Cuckoo that doesn't build itsown nest?"

"Because he lives in a bloody clock!"

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Kuta W eek l y Spor ts Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

Red Bull Racing focuses on the positi ves aftergearbox problems thwarted test efforts in Barcelona 

Red Bull Racing headChristian Horner hasshrugged off reliabilityconcerns after the team

s u f f e r e d atruncated testingp r o g r a m i nB a r c e l o n a ,A u t o S p o r treports.

Agearbox issue meantSebas t i an Ve t t e lcompleted just 23 lapson the final day oftesting while othersc o m p l e t e d t r i p l efigures.

Despite thatsetback Horner saysthe test period wasproductive citing theKERS (Kinetic EnergyRecovery System) issueswhich plagued the team in 2011as an example.

"I think it [thep r e s e a s o n ] h a s b e e nconstructive," Horner told UKMagazine AutoSport.

"Looking back to 12months ago when we werefaced with a lot of KERS issuesand so on, I think it has been apositive winter testing period.

"I don't thinkthere is anything too differentfrom the last couple of years.Certainly last year was tougherbecause KERS was a biggerissue and we ended up notrunning at the first race, but 12months on KERS has hardly

been mentioned thisyear."

Horner made nomention of the gearbox issuefrom the test day.

Regardless of anyissues during testing mostexpect Red Bull to again leadthe Formula 1 pack with afloundering Ferrari alreadywriting off the Australian GrandPrix in Melbourne after the 2012car failed to perform in tests.



The answer w ill be published in th e next Edit ion


1 Secret listeningdevices (4)3 Naughtiness (8)9 Mariners (7)10 Not seriously(2,3)11 Broom made oftwigs (5)12 Vanquish (6)14 Wish for (6)16 Equals (anag.)(6)19 Irritate (6)

21 More competent(5)24 Hop it (5)25 Mobile home (7)26 Common-or-garden (8)27 Gait faster than awalk (4)

1 Meddler (8)2 Profits (5)4 Interior (6)5 Leader (5)6 Blow up (7)7 Cash penalty (4)8 Erstwhile (6)13 Woodwindinstrument (8)15 Bedaubed (7)17 Hunted animal(6)18 Sportingswordsman (6)20 Devil (5)22 Bile-secretingorgan (5)23 Scandinaviancapital (4)

Across Down

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Represen ta t i ve p rop Pe te roCivoniceva will make his homecomingfor the Brisbane Broncos off the benchin Friday night's clash with the NorthQueensland Cowboys at Lang Park.

Civoniceva missed theBroncos' f irst-round win overParramatta last week after beingsuspended for a careless high tackle ina trial game against Melbourne in


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Coach Anthony Griffin saidCivoniceva was kept out of the startingline-up due to his lack of game time inthe trials and the outstanding form oflast week's man-of-the-match BenHannant against Parramatta.

Sam Thaiday has retained hisplace in the front row for what will behis 150th game for the Broncos.

Thaiday made his debut as

captain against the Eels last Friday

night when Brisbane openedthe season with 18-6 win.

Townsvil le-born Thaidaypredicted the Cowboys would hit backfrom their embarrassing 18-0 loss tothe Titans at the weekend suggestingplaymaker Johnathan Thurston andco-captain Matt Scott would lift forthe Queensland derby clash.

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Petero propp ing up bench


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Late collapse won't happen again: KingSouth Sydney co-captainMatt King insists his sidewill learn valuable lessonsfrom Monday night's gut-wrenching 24-20 NRLdefeat to the SydneyRoosters.

Souths were thebetter side for most of thegame, but two tries in thelast three minutes fromJared Waerea-Hargreavesand Anthony Minichiello,who touched down with 20seconds left on the clock,sealed an unlikely win fortheir bitter rivals at ANZStadium.

However, the formerNSW winger believes there weremore positives to come out of thegames than negatives.

"It was a pretty tough pillto swallow to see the Roosters

players celebrating in the manner

that they did," King saidon Tuesday.

"But we were the betterside for most of the game and we

can take a lot from the manner inwhich we played for most of it."

King denied Souths tooktheir foot off the pedal thinkingthey had won the game anddispelled any notion his sideunderestimated the Roosters inthe latter stages.

"We gave away a penaltyfor offside and that gave them ane a sy f i e l d p o s i t i o n a n dHargreaves scored," he said.

"We were sayingbehind the line that we justhad to hold on for one moreset.

"But we gave theRoosters full respect andnot at any point did we thinkwe had the game won andyou have to tip your hat tothem.

"The one positivewe have to take from thisgame is that we will learnfrom it and won't let it

happen like that again."It's round one so it's not

panic stations yet, but if we don'tlearn from the mistakes of lastnight then it will be a disaster.”

West Indies cr icketer Morton dies at 33West Indies' cricketershave spoken of theirshock and sadness at thed e a t h o f f o r m e ri n t e r n a t i o n a lb a t s m a nR u n a k oMor ton , whowas killed in acar crash on

Sunday, aged33.Morton died

when the car he wasdriving hit a pole inTrinidad.

The Nevisianb a t s m a n ' s l a s tinternational was in a Twenty20against Australia in Sydney twoyears ago.

Morton played in 15 tests

a n d 5 6 o n e - d a yinternationals for West Indies. Hescored 573 test runs at anaverage of 22.03, including fourhalf-centuries, but enjoyed better

success in limited overs cricket.In ODIs, he scored 1,519

ODI runs at an average of 33.75with two hundreds and 10 fifties.

"RIP Runako Morton.Shocked and saddened at the lossof my former WI team mate," all-rounder Dwayne Bravo tweeted.

Chris Gayle said: "We losta True Warrior W.IC r i c k e t e r R u n a k oMorton-May is soul restin peace! Our memoriestogether Live On!-MyCondolences to hisFamily."

" A c r i c k e t

warrior gone but notforgotten," Darren Bravosaid. "A tough competitorand total team man."

E n g l a n db a t s m a n K e v i nPietersen also gave histribute: "What a lovelyguy & fierce competitor!!

RIP bossman!"


A diamond coveted by kings,queens and pr inces forcenturies, used to reinforcealliances between nationsand pawned to pay off royaldebts goes on sale atSotheby's i n Geneva in May.

The auction house calledthe "Beau Sancy" "one of the mostimportant historic diamonds ever tocome to auction," reflecting its partin the fluctuating fortunes ofEurope's royal families for morethan 400 years.

The stone, a 35-caratmodified "pear double rose cut"diamond belonging to GeorgFriedrich, Prince of Prussia andhead of the former ruling dynasty ofthe German empire, is expected tofetch $2-4 million (1.26 million-2.5million pounds).

"It's a stone that appeals to

me greatly as a survivor of all thosetumultuous events," said DavidBennett, chairman of Sotheby's jewellery in Europe and the MiddleEast.

" S t o n e s f r o m r o y a lcollections hardly ever appear atauction. In my career this is anabsolute one-off," he said bytelephone from New York.

Bennett, who sold a pinkdiamond for $46.2 million in 2010which was a record for any jewel atauction, said estimating the value ofa stone like the Beau Sancy wasdifficult given its rarity.

The diamond originatedfrom the mines in India near

Golconda and was acquired byNicolas de Harlay, Lord of Sancy, inConstantinople in the 1500s,explaining its name.

In 1604 it was bought for75,000 livres by French king HenryIV as a gift for his wife, Marie deMedici.

JEALOUS QUEEN?According to Sotheby's, the

queen had long coveted the stone,especially after learning that de

Harlay had sold a largerdiamond called the Sancy andnow part of the Louvre Collectionto King James I of England.

H e n r y I V w a sassassinated in 1610, and afteryears of rivalry between Marie andher son King Louis XIII, she waseventually exiled in disgrace.

She escaped to theNetherlands, and to settle herdebts her possessions were sold,including the Beau Sancy whichwas acquired by Prince FrederickHenry of Orange-Nassau for80,000 f lorins, the largestexpenditure in the state budget of1641.

In the same year, thediamond was used as a sweetenerto help seal the wedding ofFrederick's son William to MaryStuart, daughter of King Charles Iof England.

Following Mary's death in1660, the Beau Sancy waspawned to settle her debts, but in1677 the stone reentered theTreasure of the House of Orange-Nassau following the wedding ofWilliam III to Mary II Stuart.

The couple ascended thethrone of England in 1689,meaning the Beau Sancy enteredthe collection of the Queen ofEngland, but since the couple hadno children, the diamond returnedto the Netherlands.

From there it moved to thePrussian monarchy in 1702,becoming the principal ornamentof the new royal crown of Prussia,

but its dramatic story did not endthere.The diamond remained in

Berlin after the last king of Prussiafled to exile in November, 1918 atthe end of World War One, and atthe end of World War Two it wastransferred to a bricked-up cryptfor safe-keeping.

British troops found thestone and returned it to the estateof House of Prussia, where it hasremained ever since.

Diamond at heart of royalupheavals up for sale

A a  t

 “  s k   M r  h a


Dear Martha,My daughter nagged and naggedus to get her a puppy and weeventually gave in. I have neverbeen keen on dogs - or, in fact,animals of any kind - but I thought Icould learn to love it once we hadone. This has proved not to be thecase - I can't stand its hair-shedding and constant slaveringand yapping - and my daughter'senthusi asm has also waned. I want

to give it to a dogs' home butseveral of our friends have treatedthis suggestion with horror (eventhough none of them is the animal-loving type either and will not takethe dog themselves), saying thatwe have made a commitment tothe animal and must see itthrough. They have made me feelbad, but haven't made me want thedog more. What can I do?Reg

Dear Reg,My sympathies are entirely with the woofer, poor little creature. He should not stay with you and the sooner he f inds a loving, responsible,

enthusiastic owner the better. I suggest you advertise him at the local pet shops & continue to ask around town you just may find a real dog lover to adore him dear! And if you want a dog that does not yap, slaver or shed its hair then get one from a toyshop.Martha 

Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

If you have anyquestions for Martha

please email [email protected]


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Hunt re-signs with SunsKarmichael Hunt claimshe did not even considera return to rugby leaguebefore re-signing withthe Gold Coast Sunsuntil t he end of the 2014

season.The Suns ended any

speculation over the formerBrisbane Broncosstar's future onM o n d a y b yannouncing the 25-year-old had putpen to paper on an e w c o n t r a c t ,again partly fundedby the AFL.

D e s p i t es u g g e s t i o n s areturn to the NRL

was on the cardsf o r Hun t a f t e rbringing the Sunshuge publicity withhis init ial codeswitch ahead oftheir start up, he said healways wanted to persist withhis AFL career with the club.

That decision wasmade easier with the AFLagain topping up his deal,recontracting him as anambassador to promote thegame.

He's reportedly set to

continue earning more than $1million a season.

"It's good that the AFLwant me to stay," Hunt said.

"Obviously they'vehelped the contract out interms of letting me stay withthe Gold Coast Suns and I lookforward to continuing myrelationship with the leagueand also the Suns, promoting

t h e i r g a m e a n dobviously helping the team outon the football field."

He insisted he neverconsidered going back torugby league.

"A couple of months

ago I said (to my manager) thatI wanted to stay on the GoldCoast," said Hunt.

"Obviously there was alot of interest out there but inno way did I entertain it or evenask about it (a return to rugbyleague).

"It was just up to mymanager, the club and the AFLto get the deal done andthankfully they want me to stayand I'm looking forward to thefuture."

Hunt said he felt he wason his way to becoming a bonafide AFL player after improvingthroughout his 16 games lastseason.

"It's a new experienceand something extra I have tolearn but I enjoy turning upevery day to training andgetting better with the teamand the coaches and look

forward to improvingthroughout the year," Huntsaid.

" T h a t s t a r t s t h i sweekend when we play(Greater Western Sydney inthe preseason cup).

Hunt said the fact thathe and his wife were expectinga baby played a part in his

decision butwas not themajor reason.

" I f Iwasn't enjoyingmy time on theG o l d C o a s tand enjoyingAFL there'd ben o p o i n ts tay ing jus tbecause we'rehaving a babyand sticking byour family," hesaid.

"But i tmakes it even

more special that we arehaving a little one and we canstay on the Gold Coast andhave our parents just up theroad in Brisbane which willmake it a lot easier."

S u n s c o a c h G u yMcKenna paid tribute to Hunt'scommitment and work ethic.

"Karmichael would

have to be one of the mostprofessional athletes I'vecome across," McKenna said.

"It's been really excitingwatching him grow. The workhe has done over the pre-season to earn himself a spotin our midfield has beenphenomenal. I have no doubtsthat he will continue to getbetter."

Kuta W eek l y Spor ts Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)


Bad day on Venus gets even worseKuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

Contrary to i ts al luringname, Venus is the planetf r o m h e l l , w i t h a natmosphere so hot, toxicand heavy that any visitorw o u l d r i s k b e i n gs imu l t aneous ly me l t ed ,

suffocated and crushed.But not just that: the

second planet from the Sunturns on its axis so slowly that,for any survivor, a Venusianday would seem interminable,for it is the equivalent of 243days on Earth.

To make things worse,a day on Venus is getting evenlonger, French astronomershave discovered.

A team from the ParisObservatory analysed datafrom a spectrometer aboard aEuropean orbiter, the VenusExpress.

Called VIRTIS, thegadget measures infrared andvisible light and is used to scanthe planet's surface beneath thethick, roiling atmosphere.

The astronomers werestunned when they checkedlandmarks against the lastmapping of Venus, carried outbetween 1990 and 1994 by theUS probe Magellan.

At a given point in theVenusian day, landmarks were afull 20 kilometres behind wherethey should have been.

The team, publishing in the journal Icarus, say they have beenover the observations again andagain.

"After eliminating possiblesources of error, we believe that

the duration of the Venusian daymust have changed over the 16years," they said in a pressrelease.

Their calculation is that anextra six and a half terrestrialminutes have been added to theVenusian day during this time.

"On the astronomicalscale, this is a major change," saidinvestigator Pierre Drossart.

T h e a s t r o n o m e r s 'hypothesis is that friction byVenus' atmosphere is braking themovement of the terrain below.

That sounds bizarre untilone realises that the atmosphereis 100 kms thick, with extremelydense clouds of 96 per cent

carbon dioxide, driven bysuperwinds reaching some 350kilometres per hour.

Atmospheric pressure atthe surface is 92 times that ofEarth - the equivalent of beingmore than 900 metres below theocean.

"A braking effect fromthe atmosphere also occurserratically on Earth, but thediscrepancy is only a matter of afew tenths of a second and it isimperceptible,"

So will Venus eventuallystop spinning - or even go intoreverse rotation?

"It's difficult to say, giventhat we only have two points ofmeasurement," said Drossart.

"But theoretical modelssuggest that this is probably just acyclical phenomenon. If theatmosphere speeds up, the planetslows. Then the energy goes intoreverse, in a pendulum effect."

* FR E E Po o l Ta b le * H o m e m a d e O z z ie b u r g er & B in t a n g f r o m 4 0 k

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Kuta W eek l y Spor ts Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

Maxwell dumped over Sharks blunderJared Maxwell has beendumped for round two ofthe NRL season, withreferees co-coach BillHarrigan admitting thewhist leblower robbed

Cronulla in Sunday's 17-16 golden-point loss toWests Tigers.

The Sharks wereon the verge of a thrillinground one upset atLeichhardt Oval whenhalf-back Todd Carney'sfield goal attempt wascharged down in the firstminute of extra-time, withthe ball bouncing towardsTigers five-eighth BenjiMarshall.

Marshall knockedon as the defence movedin to tackle him, withMaxwell penalising theSharks for being in front ofthe kicker.

T h e T i g e r smarched upfield from thep e n a l t y t o s e t u pMarshall's match-winningfield goal at the end of the set and,given the timing of the blunder, itcould be argued the mistake costthe Sharks two competitionpoints.

Harrigan has made it clearthat Maxwell's mistake isunacceptable.

"We are not going to dropevery referee who makes amistake but this is a mistake thatclearly should not have beenmade and the circumstances ofthis decision warrant the actionwe have taken," Harrigan said ina statement.

NRL rules stipulate thatplayers are deemed to be on-sidefollowing a charge down.

"That decis ion wasincorrect," Harrigan wrote

"The players were nolonger offside due to the act of thecharge down. The touch judgeand the referee got that decision

wrong."Harrigan says the correctdecision would have been to

award the Sharks a scrum in theTigers' red zone, followingMarshall's knock-on.

Sharks coach ShaneFlanagan was irate following thematch, claiming refereeingdecisions cost his side the match.

Flanagan also questioneda no-try ruling on centre ColinBest late in the match, butHarrigan confirmed the correctdecision had been made to ruleBest had committed a doublemovement while scoring the try.

"I 100 per cent agree withthe double movement ruling onthe Colin Best no-try call, as doesreferees co-coach Stuart Raper,"Harrigan said.

"Colin Best's arm carrying

the ball hits the ground,his momentum stops and thenthere is a second effort to getthe ball over the line.

"At no stage does thetackler drop off him, so thetackle was correctly deemed

complete."There is no grey areawith this ruling; it is a clear

double movement."In h is post-match

comments, Flanagan claimedvideo referee Steve Clark hadindicated to him the try wouldhave been awarded if it hadbeen sent upstairs, butH a r r i g a n s a y s n oconversations had taken placebetween Sharks officials andthe referees.

"It is important to makeclear that at the end of thegame or at any time during theg a m e , t h e r e w a s n oconversation between Sharksofficials and the referees," hesaid.


Dramatic move for 500kg Broome crocAfter 15 yearsliving in the samefetid pond at theC a b l e B e a c hCrocodi le Park,Fatso the 4.7m

c r o c o d i l e w a sunders tandab lyaggrieved when hewas ev ic ted at6am.

Dripping withsweat and stinkingw a t e r , M a l c o l mDouglas WildernessPark manager MarshallBlack led a team of fivemen as they battled formore than an hour tocoax the unwil l ingbeast out.

Believed to beabout 50 years old, the 500kgsaltwater crocodile achievedinternational notoriety in July2010 after pulverising the legof a man who dared to climb afence to try to pat him.

F e a r s o m e a n daggressive, he was thesecond biggest croc to everreside at the famed Broometourist attraction.

Late conservationistMalcolm Douglas took him inwith another giant croc, Bluey,after the pair was caughtmenacing boats at TimberCreek in the NorthernTerritory's Victoria River.

In capt iv ity, Fatsosulked for more than a yearand refused to eat anything orcome out from underwater for14 months.

After that, he recoveredto become one of the park's

most popular residents.Since the croc park

closed last month to make wayfor a new tourist venture, staffhave been busy with theunenviable task of movingangry and uncooperat ivecrocodiles like Fatso to theDouglas family's wildernesspark 16km from Broome.

After snapping a fewropes, Mr Black f inal lymanaged t oloop a ropea r o u n d t h e

h i s s i n ganimal's top  jaw before thecroc went into ad e a t h r o l l ,s p l a s h i n gw a t e reverywhere.

W h e nhe temporarilygave up the

fight, a wet ragwas draped over hiseyes to calm him beforehis jaw was ropedtogether and gaffer-taped shut.

About 10 men

were then needed todrag him onto a metalstretcher and tie himsecurely to prevent histail lashing as he washoisted onto the back ofa ute.

Douglas' widowValerie, daughter Mandyand grandson Max,t h r e e , w a t c h e dproceedings but from asafe distance.

“I've been hit inthe head by a crocodile'stail before it's the only

time in my life I've seenstars,” Mrs Douglas said.

Before being taken toh i s s i zeab le new pondcomplete with two femalecompanions, Fatso wasparaded through the mainstreet of Broome.

T h a t i n c l u d e d , t otourists' delight, a photoopportunity in front of the town'siconic outdoor movie theatre,Sun Pictures.

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Newcastle v Gold Coast @5.00pm


Melb Heart v Wel l ington @2.30pm

Sydney v Melb Victory @4.30pm


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1st Test

New Zealand v South a f r i ca

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Oly roos v I raq

Wednesday 14th @4.30pm

Kuta W eek l y Spor ts Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)


NRL Footy Show @7.30pm


Broncos v Cowboys @5.30pm

Sea Eagles v West Tiger @7.30pm


Titans v Raiders @2.30pm

Bul ldogs v Dragons @4.30pm


Sharks v Knights 11.00am

Roosters v Panthers 1.00pm

Stroms v Rabbitohs @4.00pm


Eels v Warriors @4.00pm



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Reds v Rebels @5.00pm




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Newcas t l e v Go ld Coas t @ 5.00pm


Melb Heart v Wel l i ng ton @ 2.30pm

Sydney v Me lb V i c to ry @ 4.30pm


Bri sbane v Ade la i de @ 2.00pm

Perth v Cent ra l Coas t @ 4.30pm

1st Test

New Zealand v South af r ica

wednesday Sunday @8.30am


Olyroos v I raq

Wednesday 14th @4.30pm


Crusaders v Chiefs @ 2.30pm

Force v Hurr icanes @7.00pm


Brumbies v Cheetahs @12.30pm

Highlanders v Waratahs @2.30pm

Reds v Rebels @5.00pm

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Swansea City v Man City @10.00pm

Norwich v Wigan @11.55pm





Essendon v Sydney @3.00pm

Adela ide v Col l ingwood @5.30pm


Geelong v R ichmond @12.00noon

Melbourne v Hawthor n @2.30pm

West Coas t v St Ki lda @5.00pm


Nth Melbourne v Bul ldogs @12.30pm



NRL Footy Show @7.30pmFRIDAY

Broncos v Cowboys @5.30pm

Sea Eagles v Wes t T iger @7.30pm


Ti tans v Raiders @2.30pm

Bul ldogs v Dragons @4.30pm


Sharks v Knights 11.00am

Roos ters v Panthers 1.00pm

St roms v Rabbi tohs @4.00pm


Eels v Warr iors @4.00pm

Kuta W eek l y News Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)


Wales v Italy @10.00pm


Ireland v Scotland @12.30am

France v England @10.30pm






Live EverydaySKY RACING 1 &

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plays," Sheedy said."He'll be out there

amongst it, and he'll see howathletic (Franklin is) and whathis endurance is like."

The Hawks were rare inhaving a near full-strengthsquad for their preseasonopener.

Dean Brogan andSetanta O'hAilpin, GWS's onlyAFL-experienced players tomiss their preseason start, areboth a chance to return.

"It depends on howmany we take down and howmany tall players we takedown," Sheedy said.

"Because Hawthorn's apretty good running side.They've got tough gut-runnersin the midfield, so we've got tobe careful of the balance of thelist that we take down.

"Brogan and Setantacould both play in the ruck,could play forward."

Brogan was rested fromthe clashes against the Magpiesand the Bulldogs, whileO'hAilpin copped a knock to hisleg a couple of days before thegames.

While some criticssharpened their knives afterFolau's modest start, Sheedylamented his side's poordelivery into the forward line.

"He should havekicked three goals on theweekend. Some of our

players didn't even see himwhen he was free," Sheedysaid.

"We've looked at thegames on the camera and Ithink to myself - we've got theball, we kick it into ourforward line and there's IsraelFolau (presenting) twice.

"He's five to sevenmetres apart by himself. Hegot away from his opponent."

Sheedy suggested theformer rugby league internationalwould have kicked three or fourgoals had he been playing for thelikes of premier Geelong.

"Because their playersare very experienced, most ofthem have got 100, 150 or 200games. They know what the dealis," he said.

"So if you find a freeperson in the forward line, youkick it to them i f they're in a prettygood position.

"We didn't. But that'llcome through, eventually."

G W S w i l l t a ke o nHawthorn in Launceston onSaturday in its most seriouschallenge to date.

Folau is likely to have afirst-hand look at a host of classy

f o o t b a l l e r s , n o n e m o r eme a n in g f u l t h a n H a w kssuperstar Lance Franklin - if he isnot rested.

Franklin, who was movedinto the midfield two weeks ago,was one of the players Folaustudied last year in an effort toimprove his own game.

"He'll know how BuddyFranklin is on Saturday, if he

As Israel Folau gears upfor his first full-lengthm a t c h a g a i n s t A F Lo p p o s i t i o n f o r 2 0 1 2 ,Greater Western Sydneycoach Kevin Sheedy has a

s i m p l e m e s s a g e f o rFolau's team-mates: kick itto him.

Folau registered only threehandballs in the Giants' competitivestart to the preseason, whichfeatured tight losses to Collingwoodand Western Bulldogs.

Folau needs Giants assistanceKuta W eek l y Spor ts Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)

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Sea Eagles lose Matai to injurybe able to line up against

the Tigers."Stevie looks like he's

going to be out between four to

s i x w e e k s , w h i c h i sdisappointing as he's a bigplayer for us," Toovey said.

"We have a few other

bumps and bruises and are nowwaiting on the results of a scan

Manly centre Steve Mataihas been ruled out for upt o s i x w e e k s a f t e rb r e a k i n g h i sthumb in the SeaEagles' 26-20 win

over the Warriorson Sunday.

Eagles' coachG e o f f T o o v e yconfirmed the newsearlier this week anda d m i t s t h e N e wZealand internationalwill be a big loss to hisside ahead of Fridaynight's match withW e s t s T i g e r s i nGosford.

Glenn Stewart is alsobattling to be fit after dislocatinghis finger in the clash at Eden

Park but Toovey is hopeful theNew South Wales back rower will

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on Glenn."We're hoping he'll be

right, but we can't decide untilhe's spoken to the specialist and

hopefully we'll findo u t t o n i g h t(Tuesday)."

Five-eighthKieran Foran wassporting ice packson his knee andankle at the SeaEagles' trainingground on Sydney'snorthern beaches,but Toovey is moreoptimistic about himrecovering in timefor Friday.

"He's shouldbe fine. It's just a bump and abruise and he'll be off his feet fora few days and we'll rest him upuntil the game," he said.

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Chelsea owner RomanAbramovich has told hisplayers he blames themfor the dismissal of Andre

Villas-Boas.Chelsea's owner hadreluctantly fired his Portuguese"project" after an emergencyt w o - h o u rb o a r dmeeting thate n d e d o nSunday.

Villas-Boas wassacked after27 PremierL e a g u egames andr e p l a c e d

temporari lyby assistantRoberto diMatteo.

Abramovich told theplayers they were responsiblefor his demise and warned themthere would be "massivechanges" at Chelsea in thesummer.

Vi l las-Boas was soconsumed - some believeobsessed - with the job, he hadeven slept at the training groundin a Japanese-style pod onSaturday evening.

On Sunday morning, theformer Porto coach had takentraining, some warm-down workin the pool and technical detailon the training pitches in the lightrain.

By then, Abramovich,director Eugene Tenenbaumand chief executive Ron Gourlayhad arrived with heavy security.

Villas-Boas knew thegame was up and he was tobecome the seventh ex-manager of the Abramovich era.

There had been many

signs he couldn't handle a job hedescribed on Friday as one ofthe toughest in world football.

When one of the playersremarked that he looked"knackered" after they had lost5-3 to Arsenal in October, heresponded by revealing that hehad slept at the training ground -even though his family livesmoments away from StamfordBridge in Chelsea Harbour.

H e a p p e a r e d s oobsessed w i t h p leas ingAbramovich and carrying out hisdemands that he became aworkaholic, spending 12-hourdays at the training ground.

His black BMW 4x4 was afixture in the car park, first toarrive and last to leave.

In the dressing-room, theplayers grew tired of histimekeeping, fed-up with hismonitoring their arrival some e.

days from the balconyof his first-floor office.

Some started a gameamong themselves, flyinginto the car park as the

seconds counted down tothe scheduled arrival time.They would jump out of their

c a r s w i t hmoments tos p a r e ,winding upthe managerb yacknowledging him with as a r c a s t i cwave.

Ba t t l el i n e s h a dbeen drawn,

w i t h t h ep l a y e r schal lengingevery aspect

of Villas-Boas's micro-management.

That included theexile of Nicolas Anelka andAlex, two popular dressing-room characters. They wereno longer welcome in thefirst-team building, could notuse the first-team car parkand Anelka was evenexcluded from the annual

silver service Christmasdinner at the training ground.Villas-Boas said on

Friday that it was difficult tomake friends at a footballclub, clear in his mind that itwas strictly a professionalrelationship with the players.

After this, it was neverprofessional. Just personal.

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich blames hisplayers for dismissal of coach Andre Villas-Boas

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Kuta W eek l y Spor ts Corner8 Mar - 14 Mar 2012 (275)