
Issue No.1 15.9.2017

Head of School Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

What an exciting time we have had over the last two weeks.

Hip Hop Hop have been in to see the children again this week for an assembly. Myself and

Mrs Harman had our own personal dance off but the biggest stars by far were the children.

Hip Hop runs every Thursday night for years 1 - 3 and Friday night for years 4 - 6. Sessions

are from 5:10pm—6:10pm, I sometimes make an appearance there too.

Friends of Katherines have met to discuss the forth coming Valentine Disco. We have had

some decorations in for the hall but we are still in need of some more. Tickets are on sale for

the disco and the Friends of Katherines can be found at their usual station on the play-


It was chocolate galore last week as we at

Katherines Primary broke from our usual

healthy lunches to sneak in a chocolate

feast to mark our Charlie and the Chocolate

themed lunch. Thank you to all those par-

ents that spent time making and decorating

hats. There really were some extra special

chocolate hats, some even had real choco-

late inside—that had to be tested.

Katherines Chronicle


This week’s news quiz

1. Which superhero has an assistant called Robin? 2. What does water turn into when it freezes? 3. Which sport involves two small bats, a ball and a table? 4. What country, beginning with the letter R, is the biggest country in the world? 5. How many zeros are there in one hundred thou-sand? 6. Stockholm is the capital city of which country? 7. Can you unscramble this word to reveal a number between one and ten: VNSEE 8. What is a habitat? 9. Which country used picture writing many years ago called hieroglyphics? 10. Who released a song in 2016 called Can't Stop the Feeling?

Book Worms Fancy getting to know a new book? Here is our recommendation this week

The Squirrels who squabbled Rachel Bright

Two greedy squirrels learn to share in the third hilarious rhyming adventure from the bestselling creators of The Lion Inside and The Koala Who Could.

Greedy squirrels Cyril and Bruce both have their sights on a very special prize: THE VERY LAST NUT OF THE SEA-SON! As the nut bounces crazily though the forest, the squirrels race after it, between the trees, over boulders, down the river and - ARGH! - right to the edge of a water-fall! Working together might be the only way to save themselves now ...

A laugh-out-loud tale about friendship and sharing from the award-winning creators of The Lion Inside and The Koala Who Could. Perfect for competitive friends and sibling rivals

'Fabulous rhymes, I'm in love with Kevin and would like to

buy this for all my friends' children.' Claudia Winkleman

Sensational Work this fortnight A look inside…

Beatrix Potter

Our stories of the week over the last fortnight have been ‘Dear Zoo’ and ‘Night

Monkey, Day Monkey’. After reading the ‘Dear Zoo’ story, the next day we ar-

rived to find that the zoo had sent us parcels with our very own zoo animals in.

The frog was very jumpy, he kept on jumping out of his box all over the chil-

dren so we sent him back! We all enjoyed making a photo of ourselves into a

wild animal.

We have started our daily phonic

lesson, so far we have learnt the

sounds m, a, s, and d, every day

we practice writing these sounds

in the air, using our magic finger

to write the sound on the carpet,

on our partners back and then

we get to write them on the pa-


This week our story is ‘Night Mon-

key, Day Monkey’ the story is about

two monkeys that are as different as

night and day yet still learn to be

friends. We have loved exploring

the dark with

our torches, have even looked at books in there.

Sensational Work this fortnight

Dr Seuss and Ahlberg

Claws and teeth - Dinosaurs

We have had a very exciting time in Reception. We had so much fun making our own vol-canoes. We learnt all about how they erupt and even got to make a working volcano. It erupted all over the playground!

The next week we read Dear Zoo. After writing to the zoo to send us a pet they sent us a snake! We learnt all about what he eats and were even brave enough to stroke him! We decided the snake was too scary so we sent him back! We wrote to the zoo again and asked them for lots of different animals. A few days later we got another package, it was a hamster! We learnt all about how she was a nocturnal pet and wrote how to look after different pets.

Nursery were also writing letters this week. We were so happy when we found out they had written to us to ask us if we had any pets. They came into reception and delivered them to all the individual children. After reading our letters we replied to all the children and got to visit nursery to deliver them. They were very grateful for our replies.

In maths we learnt all about positioning. We had fun racing the BeeBots indoors and giv-ing them first, second and third place. Then we got to go outside and have animal sack races around the garden. We found it very funny when the teachers joined in with the rac-es and cheered them on!

A look inside…

Sensational Work this fortnight

Eric Carle

A look inside…

We are practising our football

skills ready for the goal scoring

charity fund raiser

We enjoyed the Willy Wonka day,

especially the special lunch menu.

We have made animals and houses

ready for making our cars and wa-

terproofs for our toys. Here Maci is

making a house for the 3 little pigs

as we are learning about materials'.

We have named all the 2D and 3D

shapes and now we are doing

number bonds to 20 in maths.

Sensational Work this fortnight A look inside…

Oliver Jeffers

This fortnight we have been reading marvellous dragon poems and

dragon stories. We wrote poems of our own, including some beautiful

similes and rhymes. Jack’s dragon was as naughty as a Christmas elf

and Musa’s dragon was a white heaven dragon. The class were very

proud of their writing.

We began our ‘Toys’ topic by describing the toys we had brought in

from home. The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity. They ex-

plained how their toy worked, then created an advert to persuade

someone to buy it.

Sensational Work this fortnight A look inside…


The children enjoyed a wonderful Roald

Dahl themed lunch and made some amazing

hats to wear during lunch. Some of the crea-

tive designs were filled to the

brim with chocolate. One was

even covered in spaghetti bo-

lognaise! Thank you to everyone for joining in on the fun!

In maths, we have been working hard in maths, learning to re-

call multiplication facts and

count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.We have

learnt to draw arrays and number

lines to calculate the answers problems we are

not sure on. We’ve also discovered multiplication

can be done in any order!

In English, we a have read a new book called

‘George and the Dragon.’ It is about a mighty dragon, with a powerful tail and

fiery breath. We were surprised to discover he is actually scared of mice! We

had great fun acting out the story in small groups.

In science, we have continued to investigate materials and were fascinated by

all the different materials we could find in just our classroom.

We are looking forward to our trip next week, to

discover more about materials.

Sensational Work this fortnight A look inside…

Roald Dahl

Year 3 News letter blurb– Roald Dahl (weekly)

In our PE lessons we have been playing dodgeball and learning about working together as a team and playing by the rules. It’s very hard work!

As usual we have been really busy. In our English lessons we have been

learning about poetry. We then shared some of our poems with every-

one in our class assembly, which we finished with the whole class recit-

ing ‘Ning Nang Nong’, without any words!

Our Hindu afternoon was a

great success. Mrs Hindocha

told us all about life as Hindu.

We found out more about Di-

wali and she shared her spe-

cial clothes with us . We then

had a opportunity to have

mendhi designs painted on

our hands—including Mrs

Chapman! Some of us didn’t

want to because it did stink a


Some of us even designed their own

mendhi pattern!

Sensational Work this fortnight

A look inside…

Sensational Work this fortnight

David Walliams Class

A look inside…

In the pictures we were doing science, really! We were particles in a solid, liquid and in

gas. When we were close together we were a solid. Particles in gas are so far away from

each other they spread out everywhere!

In English we have studied poetry and just begun looking at speech with Horrid Henry.

Our poetry gave some very pleasing results. We have made a book from one set of po-

ems, written a poem full of similes and used descriptive poetry to examine the animals

of the Great Barrier reef. We are working hard on multiplication in maths, improving

our mental methods and our times tables.

For ICT we have been generating ideas for a survey

and learning how to create a form in Google which

will be our questionnaire. We have learned there

are many gods in Hinduism:;some of their names

and their qualities. We are enjoying learning

Spanish too—we are learning the days of the

week, colours and numbers.

There was a fabulous day last week when we had a

special dinner and brought in our home-made

hats based on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate

Factory by Roald Dahl.

Sensational Work this fortnight

A look inside…

Sensational Work this fortnight A look inside…

CS Lewis

C.S. Lewis Class spent a day leaning about Hinduism? Mrs Hin-

docha Spent the morning with us and we learnt lots about her

culture. We even had our hands painted with Mehndi. We had

such a fabulous day, thank you Mrs Hindocha!

Sensational Work this fortnight A look inside…

JK Rowling

Finding out about the Vikings

We’ve had great fun finding out about the Vikings, from looking at Viking and Anglo

Saxon artefacts, to making superb shields.

In English, we have started to read ‘The Highwayman’. The class have wrote in role as

Tim, deciding for themselves whether he did the right thing by telling the soldiers

about the Highwayman’s location.

In Mathematics, our class have begun long

and short multiplication: the progress has

been phenomenal! They should be very

proud of themselves.

In addition, we have begun collecting our

attendance certificates. Each week, they

can get a certificate for 100% attendance and

no late marks. There will be prizes for them

to exchange these certificates at the end of

term, as well as a reward for the most improved attendance.

Sensational Work this fortnight A look inside…

Charles Dickens

This term Charles Dickens class are enjoying learning about Anglo-Saxons. They were

amazed to find out the origins of names given to different parts of Great Britain, e.g.

Angles, the fierce tribe that invaded our country, settled in the South of Britain, eventu-

ally giving it the name England. Scots, who came from Ireland, invaded northern Brit-

ain, were they settled and renamed that part of the country as Scotland.

Children have been creating their own Viking artefacts- shields, swords and boats.

They have done a tremendous job as you can see below.

Jacqueline Wilson

Year 6 from Jacqueline Wilson class have had a really busy two weeks! We have contin-

ued preparing ourselves for SATs, as well as participating in, and thoroughly enjoying

the Body Care lessons, which form part of our PE sessions. This week we looked at

healthy eating and the different food groups. The children discussed what is needed

for a healthy, balanced diet. Children looked at what foods form part of the food

groups. The lesson ended on a very active note! All played a super game of dodge ball

- which they all thoroughly enjoyed.

Recipe Corner

Ingredients 375g sweet potatoes

125g red lentils

200ml coconut kilk

200g chopped tomatoes

1 teaspoon Curry powder

100g chickpeas

Handful coriander

1 litre of vegetable stock


1. Peel potatoes and cube in 1cm chunks

2. Put coconut milk, chopped tomatoes and curry

powder in a pan heat it until it begins to bubble.

3. Add remaining ingredients, transfer to a

ovenproof dish and bake in preheated oven at

180C for 45-55minutes until the potato is cooked

through and lentils are soft

4. Sprinkle with coriander and serve.

Have fun cooking these delicious fritters at home. As ever, if they turn out well I know

lots of teachers that would appreciate them. However they turn out I hope you enjoy the

experience of baking by yourself or with your family.

This week’s recipe from our school’s kitchen

is as follows:

Sweet Potato and Lentil Curry — Serves 6

Diary Dates

31st January—Yrs 1 /2 and 2 visit Science Alive

1st February—Yr1 Toy workshop session

1st February—Friends of Katherines meeting 3pm

2nd February : Yr3 Yr3 /4 Yr 4 Coffee Morning

5th February : Mental Health Week

5th February—Yr3 Roman Workshop—Latton Green

9th February: Valentines Disco

9th February: Last Day of Half Term

12th—16th February: Spring Half Term

19th February: INSET School closed

20th February: Return from Spring Half Term

20th February—G.O.D visits Yrs 3 and 4

23rd February: EYFS Coffee Morning

26th February—Winter Olympic Day

1st March—Parents Evening

2nd March—World Book Day

9th March—Winter Sports Day

16th March—year 6 at Crucial Crew

Contact Details We would like to continue to remind you that for your child’s own health and safety, we re-

quire any change in your existing contact details, including email address, to be updated with

the school office. Remember we always need to have two emergency contact numbers for

your child in order to be able to reach you in case of an emergency.

To request a place for your child: Nursery

For a nursery place please contact our school directly.


School year places are allocated by Essex County Council

0345 603 2200

[email protected]

Katherines Primary Academy and Nursery Brookside Harlow Essex, CM19 5NJ

01279 421495

[email protected]
