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How To Make Sales in Retail Using Quizzes

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✦ Personalized product recommendations convert 42% better

✦With so many distractions, getting to the point is crucial

Personalization is so key!

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✦ Amazon crushes it with personalization, but they have thousands of engineers to work on it

✦ Most likely you also don’t have tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to build personalization into your product CMS.

✦ Plus, you’re probably a marketer, so doing any coding yourself is incredibly daunting.

But, you’re not Amazon…

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✦ Trust me, I’ve been there…

✦ There is a way to use quizzes to achieve the same personalization power

✦ And achieve those higher conversions (this applies to products and really any industry)

I’ve been there…and found a solution!

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✦ Before you start formulating the innards of your quiz, you have to figure out what the results will be.

✦ These results are always related to your products. The personalities of your personalization quiz can be formed in one of two ways:

Part 1: Identify personalities for your quiz

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✦ If you are a specialty shop and only have a handful of products, you can just make individual products the results of your quiz.

✦ This tactic can also be used for larger brands by making category-specific quizzes. For example: “Which Lipstick is Right for You?” for a makeup brand.

1) Your actual products

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✦ If you have a wide variety of products and they fall into general categories (such as: Chic, Rugged, or Modern clothing), then you can give people a personality based on the categories and then recommend products to the personality.

2) A “style” related to categories of your products

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✦ The title of your quiz is incredibly important, and fortunately equally as simple to come up with for product quizzes.

✦ It’s either “Which (product) are you?” or “What’s Your (blank) Style?” depending on which of the categories you chose in the previous section.

Part 2: Write an attention grabbing title

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✦Creating the questions can be the trickiest part of the process.

✦ You have to walk a fine line between delivering an accurate quiz result and entertaining your audience.

✦ There are a few ways to do this well:

Part 3: Create interesting questions

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✦ Products are highly visual. All of your marketing is visual - don’t drop the ball on your quiz and ask questions with text answers!

✦We did a study and found that all 100 of the top 100 quizzes created at Interact have at least one image question.

1) Use lots of pictures

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✦Remember that your quiz is a one-to-medium - an opportunity to speak directly with customers and ask them preferences.

✦ Since you are only talking to one person at a time, keep it very personal.

2) Inject personality into the text

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✦ This number of questions will take approximately two minutes or so to complete on web and mobile devices.

✦ That’s the sweet-spot for timing to maximize completions and leads generated.

3) 6-8 questions per quiz

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✦ Something to consider when making a quiz is whether you want to collect new leads inside the content.

✦ Since you’ll know the quiz takers’ personality or recommended product, you can send follow-up drip campaigns based on their type.

✦ But, first you have to get the contact information, here’s how to convince people to give you their information:

Part 4: Set up lead capture form

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✦ There is the obvious draw of being able to see your quiz results (they are “gated” by the lead capture form), but you also want to give people an added bonus for subscribing.

✦ For example, the quiz below promises to send out “Personalized messages designed with your style in mind,” which is pretty cool.

1) Incentivize subscription

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✦ Tell people exactly how often you will send marketing communications and what you’ll be sending.

✦ It’s much better to say “We send one email each week” than “We’ll send you our newsletter.”

2) Be honest about what you are going to send

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✦Whether or not someone chooses to opt in, you get an opportunity to make a sale in the results of your quiz by recommending personal products.

✦ There are a couple of tips that will help you get a higher conversion rate:

Part 5: Follow up with personalized recommendations

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✦ Tie in the person’s personality traits (based on what they just told you), to the products you are recommending.

✦ This will seem like magic to the quiz taker, but it’s actually really simple.

1) Connect the personality type to the product

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✦No one likes a downer!

✦ Your result descriptions should be encouraging, not off-putting.

✦ It turns out that positivity is the most shared emotion, so being encouraging in your quiz results can actually increase the effectiveness of the quiz.

2) Be positive!

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✦ This might seem obvious, but make sure to include links or buttons to purchase the products that you recommend.

✦Not everyone will purchase right away, but you can still pique their interest.

3) Include links

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✦Most people won’t buy immediately after taking your quiz. That’s not unexpected.

✦ It would be ridiculous to assume that everyone is immediately ready to buy. However, if someone takes your quiz and chooses to opt-in, there is at least a glimmering of interest in making a purchase down the line.

✦ There is a method for closing sales down the line using what you’ve learned about people from the quiz:

Part 6: Close more deals with pointed automation

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✦ You have to do this to introduce yourself and remind people why you have their email address.

✦Otherwise they’ll forget and you’ll be accused of spamming.

1) Immediately send “Thank You” email

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✦Don’t be overly pushy.

✦Remember that these people are interested, but they found your products through a personality quiz – don’t go for the hard close.

2) Continue to reference their personality type in emails for product recommendation and content.

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✦We can’t all be Amazon and constantly push the envelope of what’s possible with personalization, but we can all use simple personality quiz logic to provide a more tailored experience to web visitors and cash in on the benefits of recommending products to people based on their interests.

All it takes is a good personality quiz!

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✦Hopefully this guide has sparked some ideas for you, and I encourage you to give a product personality quiz a

try today!

Head to our site to make your own:

Give it a shot!