Download pdf - Hopper Bottom Design


Unit wt. of earth 18Unit wt. of water 10Unit wt. of concrete 25 Vol.of tank 50.43Grade of concrete 30 Wt. of tank water 504.30Grade of steel 500 Vol. of hopper 17.45Cover for reinf. 30 Wt. of hopper water 174.50

COMPONENT Len/Dia. Breadth Height HOF No.WallTop of Hopper 4.1 4.1 2 1.4 4

Bottom of Hopper 0.8 0.8 x x xTank 4.1 4.1 3 3 4

Thk. of hopper (mm)= 0.2

Total load on hopper walls = 678.80 kN

Weight of sloping hopper bottom = 142.93

Load on single wall = 205.43 kN

Cosec 0 = 1.54564893

cos 0 = 0.76250914

sin 0 = 0.64697745

Direct tension in sloping wall = 317.53 kN

Working tension /Rm = 77.45 kN/m

Avg height = 3.70

Normal component of water pressure at hopper slab = 37 kN/sqm

Normal component due to wt. of hopper slab = 4.29 kN/sqm

Total normal pressure = 41.29 kN/sqm

Effective span of slab = 2.675 m

Max negative Bending moment = 24.62 kN.m

Thk of slab0.225
