
Glamour Magento Responsive Theme - Magik

Magik Glamour is a powerfully responsive Magento theme with full functionality as well as the richest features of your Magento store to help

customer enhance trading competition with other famous themes.

To be right on the top of the site, you will view a compare button, a wishlist button, next to the shopping cart icon, where

clicking on, you will see your selected items. The improved search button has a category box to be picked up before typing


Best sales, featured products and latest blog are visible, including prev/next buttons on Magik Glamour Responsive Magento Theme.

On the category page, basic yet main functions like add to cart, add to wishlist, add to compare are visible at the first sight. Besides, the back to top button runs on all pages, becomes convenient for a user to return the top anytime wanted.

A note is the subscription button to be visible always on homepage. When a customer falls in love with your shop and wants to receive your newsletter, they easily subscribe their email wherever they’re surfing on the homepage with a close button. Falling in love with Magik Glamour Responsive Magento Theme?

Magik Glamour - Responsive Magento Theme

Additional, Ajax flip view module by hover effect allows clients to view 2 images for a product by hovering mouse over the image area

Product Details Layout

Responsive Theme


Automatically Adaptive Screen Detection

Category List/Grid layout

Magik Glamour - Responsive Magento Theme supports two layouts of category page as grid or list

Powerful Menu

The main menu is developed to be suitable with PC screen and mobile devices automatically. It's compact and comprehensive for your store.

Shopping cart

The Ajax drop down cart helps to edit, remove items in the cart easily, the price will change accordingly. Performing checkout or show cart in one click fast.

Zoom Images Plug-in

The cloud zoom is integrated with the theme free. It's easy to enable and disable plug-in on the theme

Product Slider

Magik Glamour - Responsive Magento Theme supports to show image thumbnails along with the main product image.

Preview and Next Button

Users can go to next or previous pages, being right on a details page that you're viewing.

Smart quantity Changer

The smart quantity changer module is availabe with magik glamour responsive theme. To be so easy for a customer to increase numbers of items in the cart.