Download pdf - FAUVE ISSUE 30/31

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Let’s Sparkle!


bohemiennehoroscope 2015

shadow reverberation

karma konversationsmakan minum

Get lit

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falling for the wild things sophisticated nightclub

74 makan minum

66 karma konversations mirror


08 from paris to new york

80 musicget lit

the power of instagramtake over the fashion world

jakarta fashion weekthe future of fashion

68 studio makela


46ThiS iS a lOvE



heart kingdommarble rises

84 horoscope2015




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Copyright © 2014 all right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without written permission from FAUVE, opinions expressed in “FAUVE” are the writer’s and not necessarily endorsed by FAUVE. FAUVE is not responsible or liable in any way for the contents (advertising included)

FAUVE ADVICE: All Fashion Editorial images, created by an array of photographers and creative teams, printed within Fauve Magazine can also be viewed in their HIGHEST QUALITY online at Visit our website to see past and present shoots.


– EdiTOr’S NOTE –

Have a sparkling 2015!

Christmas is just around the corner, and for some, this is a wonderful time of the year but for many people, this is a time when depres-sion overshadows everything else. So just go shopping to feel better and prepare your gifts for your beloved ones.

So here we are. 2014 is almost over and we’re rushing into a brand new year. As the past twelve months flash before our eyes and the air fills with promise, fireworks and general merriment, I often find myself thinking about that little word that has hit most of our minds in the past month or so: resolutions.

I don’t know about you, but my resolu-tions tend to be either rather simple and straightforward.

The funny thing about resolutions is that while they’re nothing but a fluffy, Champagne-fuelled flight of fancy on the night of 31st De-cember, they also hold the power to inspire small to significant life changes throughout the year that once was new.

Many of us vow to better ourselves, learn a language or change our wardrobe (many of us should do that in Bali. Others chase their goals: a new job, a new house, a promo-tion, a move to a new city. And then there are those of us that follow a lifelong dream: to travel, to start a business or embark on the journey of parenthood. Some will stick their resolution onto their everyday life like a bright yellow Post-It while others will forget they ever promised as soon as the bubbly haze wears off around midday 1st January. Resolutions come in every shape and shade, with as much of an alluring excitement as a glittery New Year’s Eve dress.

P h o t o g ra p h y : N a ta s h ah mu : j u l h e n r y

My 2015 resolution will be about one word: sparkle. Through the new year, I’ll try to add as much sparkle to my life as humanly possible. It can be about appreciating the beauty in the little everyday things, like a caramel soy cappuccino or a brand-new glossy magazine. It can be about putting my best dress on and going out on a night when I’m feeling depressed and too lazy to move. It can be about doing good deeds: sign a petition, donate to charity, volunteer. Last but definitely not least, it can be about things that might seem small but are huge to me. Like this magazine.

In 2015, Fauve will boldly and bravely take on the challenge of bringing you the most gorgeous fashion, the best beauty products, the most mouthwatering recipe, the best

d e n i m d r e s s : l i t t l e J o e w oman

restaurants, the most interesting interviews and, quite simply, the fashion magazine you’ll love.

We’ll make every page sparkle.

I hope you have an absolutely fantastic New Year’s Eve. I hope you spend it with people you love, wearing clothes that make you feel fabulous, eating amazing food and feeling excited about the year to come. I hope you start your year with a light heart and curious eyes. I hope your 2015 sparkles. Let’s toast to that!

Peace at last Johnny. Fly and be free!

Xoxo Fauve

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“What do we want?” Freedom. “When do we want it?” Now! Cara Delevingne on megaphone screaming the lines with some of the world’s top model stomp out on an artificial street for a staged protest. The memorable scene took place at the end of Chanel Spring/Summer 2015 women’s ready-to-wear collection during Paris Fashion Week, September 2014.

Staging a street demonstration by fashionably dressed models is not a bad idea, and maybe only Karl Lagerfeld could. The models carried signs saying “Ladies first”, “Be your own stylist”, “We can match the Machos”, “Women’s Rights are More than Alright” and “Make fashion not war”, while the music from Chaka Khan’s hit “I am every Woman” out over the loudspeakers.

Besides the feminist message that Chanel wants to deliver, after all, we can take it as a will to break free and let us choose whatever we want to wear, be what we want to be, and be stylist for our own.

The interesting thing is more street style that we could find from well-known designers, not only in Paris, but also in other international fashion week,

such as New York, London and Milan. Chanel might be playing with tweed and everything, but we should look at others. Junya Watanabe plays and pushed the shape by using his imagination, Alexander McQueen presented kimono-look in black, pink and red, and so on. Take a bit closer to some of the best pieces.

chanelStreet style is on. Feel free to wear what you want to wear. Under Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel releases clothes that even models wear it like that pieces are their own. Some tweedy suits rendered into flared trousers or micro minis, painterly florals over silks, layered over narrow black trousers, and the signature striped cardigan dresses. You may add for the rest. Junya WatanabeHave you ever tried to choose and play with the shapes? Use your imagination and push them as far as it could go. Like what Junya Watanabe did this time. He plays shape from circular and square formed in bold punches of pink, red, black and orange. Yes, it might be not really wearable, but the imagination is something that we could not miss and ignore. Something that we are missing in fashion world lately and it means, we need this one.

Alexander mcQueen Sarah Burton comes with Japanese theme idea which is fresh, delight and unique. These collections bring up with the floral on structured in blossom pink, red and black. The dresses buoyant skirts were festooned in hand-cut floral ruffle and top hand-painted

petals. Every girl will need one on her wardrobe by now. comme des Garcons How we define and express love? This is the way Comme des Garcons did and might give us some inspirations in other way. With the intense effect, there are collections when everything was red and charged with roses, ribbons, and spliced heart helmets on heads too. A bit too aggressive? Maybe. Remind us about Valentine’s motifs and something that we all need.

Saint Laurent What kind of mini dress you have? Saint Laurent has more to offer; from floral prints with one shoulder to outerwear covering of leather jackets. It is minimalist but playful. Looking at these pieces convince us that it’s time to show off our confidence.

Jeremy Scott Three word for these items are funky, free-spirit and youth. It looks like the compilation of street-wear. You can have either bra or tank-top with hot pants, mini dress with a motive, or sweatshirts with shocking colour trousers. The rule is break free of any rules in fashion. Hit the colours and combinations of anything.

burberry Prorsum Denim jacket will be no longer same after this one. With the riffle in soft colours, these collections are very neat and tidy in dusty pink and varying version with a glossy green grass suède plastic collar and breast pockets. Under the jacket were tulle dresses. What else do you need?

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meadham kirchhoffDesign by a duo Edwards and Benjamin, this brand releases a free-spirit, youth and rebel pieces. Every item has a character. At first glance, it looks wild and out of control. But hey, again, be what you want to be. So, wear it now or never.

kenzoWhat about big shirts and baggy trousers? The shapes mostly enveloping and the looks are stunning. There is no surprisingly way that Kenzo did this. And the pieces come into colour palette, from pinks, icy blue and white. These collections are youth, energetic but give us the elegant look at the same time.

maison martin margielaMargiela shows charming collections. Nude sheaths and vest become a backdrop canvas to floral application and prints. While, sarong skirts set out as trousers, and domination of asymmetric skirt. Among them, there is one that really stunning. It’s a rebel and free spirit; long sleeves top, blocking pattern and colour combine with asymmetric black skirt.

Viktor & rolf Sportswear becomes unexpected. That might be the idea behind this piece of Viktor & Rolf. The tops were draped and pulled and fashioned. Twisted floral tops combine with scuba shorts, legging or jogging bottoms and little vest. We cannot help for contrast shape and colours.

Givenchy Imagine black and white striped narrow shoulders jacket with corseted lacing that kept silhoutte tight and lean. Show off the legs in leather legging or spray on jeans. These collections for them who want to show their romantic side and want to look pretty in other way. Or seductive?

Jean Paul GaultierAs we all know that women just want to have some fun and Gaultier knows it very well. From classic pieces to modern one, Gaultier comes with brilliant ideas. Beauty pageants dress, Madonna bustier inspirations, and more fun items. One of them is sportswear with a logo and shorts in black and yellow. What else we could say; it’s just a good humour with extravaganza of cheer.*(all images vogue uk)


JuNYa waTaNabE

alExaNdEr mCQuEEN



SaiNT laurENT

mEadham KirChhOff


JEaN Paul gaulTiEr

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Sapto Djojokartiko appeared at the opening show Indonesia Fashion Forward (IFF), and then becoming one among 8 A-list designers on Capsule Collection (CC) at Senayan City Infinite 8th Program, and last but not least he was the one among five Dewi Fashion Knights (DFK) select designers. Those three programs are important and could be said as must-attend-show at JFW event.

For sure, this must be a huge thing for the designer who finish his study Fashion Design & Pattern Making at L’Ecole Superieure des Art et Technique de la Mode. Fortunately, all the designs that he presents at the fashion week wowed the audience. Indonesia Fashion Forward or IFF initiated by JFW by cooperating with the British Council, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia and the Centre for Fashion Enterprise. Since the program began two years ago, it was delivered of the names of some designers who are quite successful with their collections.

Among them, they are Albert Yanuar, Barli Asmara, Cotton Ink, Dian Pelangi, Jeffry Tan, Major Minor, Josafat Dwi Kurniawan, Jenahara, Monday to Sunday, Nur Zahra and Tex Saverio. This year, IFF carried a work of twelve designers. They are Sapto Djojokartiko, Etu, Norma Hauri, Billy Tjong, Patrick Owen, Andhita Siswandi, Fbudi, JII, Monstore, Peggy hartanto, Capital T- and Rosalyn Citta.

IFF itself is a special program that aims to expose local designers to the world and Djojokartiko almost stole the show among others on that opening night, Saturday (01/11/14) with his pret-a-porter 2015 Spring and Summer collection. It’s fresh, strong and confident dominated by a monochromatic color with a strong silhouette.

Djojokartiko presented ready to wear collection which consist of loose t-shirts, mini dress, jumpsuit and a long dress with beading and laces. The addition of a mini belt pinpoint the body make it look elegant and sophisticated.

This year, let’s say the year of Sapto Djojokartiko. The designer from Solo, Central Java, Indonesia has three shows at the seventh edition of Jakarta Fashion Week 2015. Yes, three different shows with different stunning collections.


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If in the opening show Djojokartiko’s collection predominance the colour of cream, in Capsule Collection Senayan City Infinite, he presented a collection of black mini dress with laces. It’s sexy, elegant and stays classy. If we look details thoroughly, there is a black mini belt too. It seems, this is a signature of the designer in addition to that feminine elements he made. The collections appeared in between among another Indonesian A-list designers like Mel Ahyar, Barli Asmara, Ardistia New York, Major Minor, ISIS, Deden Siswanto and Spous Priyo Octaviano.

At last, Sapto Djojokartiko was one among 5 select designers on Dewi Fashion Knight (DFK). The designers were chosen by Dewi Fashion Panel, a group of influential stakeholder in the fashion industry such as Ni Luh Sekar as Dewi magazine’s CCO, Jati Hidayat as Director of Femina Group editorial development, Mia Egron Plaza Indonesia CCO, and Andien as Indonesian singer and fashionista. Besides Djojokartiko, this year DFK also choose Auguste Soesastro, Nur Zahra, Priyo Octaviano, and Vinora Ng.

For that special session, Djojokartiko presented a series of glamorous evening dresses, made of lace, silk organza and tulle. It’s elegant and classy look. And yes, he did it again. The designer who launched his label since 2007 was awarded crowded applause and standing ovation by some guests in the front row.

a promising fashion future

Sapto Djojokartiko is might be one among promising designers that participated in JFW 2015. The fashion week, which was being held from 1 to 7 November 2014, presented more than hundreds designer local and international in two stages at the Senayan City shopping centre in South Jakarta. Svida Alisjahbana, JFW chairwoman said that JFW is a way for designer to set the trends.

This year, we see more collections in simple look, loose, over-sized clothes and silhouette. While for colour, most designers decide to use black and white or warm colour palette like pastels, peach, orange, or khaki.

Tex Saverio, as always, gives the best impression with his collections; dominated by silver colour and that-sexy-look. Whether it is a mini dress or gown, he works on details and bare some skin on the back or even in front. Billy Tjong translated diversity of Indonesia into a rich mixture of prints, paintings and graphics. He used silk for his collection, dominated by long dress and ball gown. The craftsmanship and appearance got a plus.

Designer Patrick Owen showcased a simpler but attractive, sexy and transparent items. The quirky look for each piece is uniqueness that Patrick has compared to other designer. Priyo Octaviano has two breath-taking collections. First, he showcased his second line Spous at Capsule Collection. The way he played with tradition hand-woven, colour and cutting make us cannot blink from every item of the collestions. While for Dewi Fashion Knights, Priyo showcased his Couture collections. He played more details, beading, and embellishments. Sexy look in blue colours, why not? Priyo has his own stage already.

Through JFW, we also can see the rising of Moslem-wear. This year, the fashion week has two prominent Moslem wear designers that must-see; Itang Yunasz and NurZahra. Yunasz showcased more than 40 fashion designs, both for men and women with variety of colour and pieces. A combination of blue and green or orange and motives is the most potential that Yunasz has. The hijab made a simple version simply reminded us about gipsy look. While, his menswear dominated by loose top and plain trousers. The playing with motifs and colour combination made the collection interesting to follow.

NurZahra impressed audience with her modern-simple-oversized collections. The designer, who just proudly appeared in WWD Japan and Vogue Italia, gave a new hope in the Moslem fashion designs. The way she played with colours, motifs, and even boots at the end bring a collection with a modern look and possible to wear for everyone.

All in all, JFW this year seemed to say better than the previous one. More promising young designers

appear with their impressions designs. We can predict what will happen in the fashion world in the future. For that thing, we just need to wait and see.*

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You might have visited the store in Bali. You might have seen Major Lazer dancers twerking in the outfits. You might have worn the clothes to your favorite music festival. Or you might not know them at all.

Because even though THIS IS A LOVE SONG aka TIALS has an extensive retailer list (they are on ASOS, Urban Outfitters, Dolls Kill and even Harrods’ trendy Fashion Lab to name a few), the brand is still not mainstream and they want to keep it that way in terms of design and aesthetic.

Check the website and it says that they “dance to the beat of their own drum” and oh boy they do, but that drum can be TLC for their fall col-

bY KaTYa

lection, Puff Daddy for their holiday collection, or NAS for their spring collection. Furthermore they have drawn inspiration for their previous collections from music heavy weights Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, The Ramones, and The Beach Boys. So yeah, you can say that they love music and it seems like music loves them back with leading ladies such as Ellie Goulding and Rihanna sport-ing looks and Rih rocking a 2013 look in 2014 (Gasp!). The up and comers are following suit as well with FKA Twigs and Angel Haze taking a liking towards the brand by performing in them at high profile European summer festivals.

Speaking of festivals, you will prob-ably spot countless goers in these duds as well, mimicking their favorite artists that wear them on stage. If you don’t believe this statement, head to Coachella and see for your-self and perhaps get invited to the annual Midchella party they throw, this year with Karmaloop and Mad Decent. And if you can’t make it, that’s fine as the brand’s brains also orchestrates a slew of events in Bali at new venue Warehouse82 with a big one coming up on the 1st of January, 2015 thanks to headliners Baauer and Bag Raiders.

So it seems like THIS IS A LOVE SONG is all about working hard, playing hard, and looking good while you’re at it which is easy to do when you are wearing their current Fall Winter 2014 collection that has everything you need from dungarees, dresses, bikinis, belts, and even iphone cases! Our favorite pieces are the sequin Rock the Boat top (homage to babygirl Aaliyah!), Dungarees in Crazy Sexy Cool Print (hello TLC!) and the 5 ON IT Jersey because just like Luniz I like to smoke some indo weed (lol, kidding!).

But seriously, the 100 something piece collection is buzzing and you can get your hands on it from their website or by visiting the flagship store in Jalan Kayu Aya 3, Seminyak. Soon the brand will be releasing their Holiday collection too and like every thing else that they do, it will be revealed on their instagram @thisisalovesong so follow and be ready.

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The rising of Instagram give a big impact toward fashion world. Even Tom Ford ever saying that today, Instagram is more powerful than any literary fashion reviews. Ups!

According to Tom Ford, Instagram has become a new important platform for fashion world. And in one point, fashion people might be no longer care about reviews or hard copy publications, but they care most what picture Rihanna just instagrammed, what news shoes she has on, or how she’s talking about them. Yes, after Facebook and Twitter world, now it’s time for Instagram. And we can not deny the fact that fashion and Instagram are a match. Don’t you know that someone could take over models’ job and does their ad campaign without need to join the agency?

There is Marc Jacobs, who skipped model casting calls and doing social media contest instead. He just asked public to snap an Insta pic and tag #CastMe Marc. Guess what, almost 70,000 submissions in a week from all around the world. There are nine lucky winners appear in the Marc fall campaign.

October this year, Instagram will be celebrating their fourth year. We

cannot believe that in just a few years, this photo-sharing app has gone far. From a platform for designer houses to tease their ad campaign, to a space for open casting calls, a place for brands to hype up the updates and a place for anyone to be an accidentally-model without an agency.

However, Instagram has quickly become an integral part of a fashion campaign.

Recently, The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) is introducing their first-ever winner Fashion Instagrammer of the Year Award. This award is recognizing the Insta-star who’s exhibited the utmost style savvy via mobile photography. Believe it or not there is now an award for Instagrammer, and the winner is Patrick Janelle, with his account @aguynamedpatrick.

In one of interview, Patrick said, he is inspired by Coco Chanel. Fashion is something that exists. It’s not something that exists in dress only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, and what is happening. That is the way he approach fashion.

Patrick says he does not use filters like many of other fashion instagrammers. He chooses to edit the photos by using Snapseed, VSCO Cam and After Light. Those apps have filters and more specific editing tools. Am I confusing you, now?

I will tell you more. Instagram, nowadays, has become an instrumental tool for all fashion designers, stylists, bloggers, models

and even brands. The social media platform plays a crucial role in visually showing content to a large audience.

Some big names and brands have recognized the great potential of Instagram. It is not just big names find success on this app. Many bloggers and individual instagrammers also can earn money with their own ever-growing Instagram followers’ counts. How? As soon as you have your account, gathering followers and set up an ecommerce website to monetize its instagram fame.

Aside from the foods, pets, or travel, fashion is one of the most industries on Instagram. Let me give you some facts; eight famous brands rank among the top 10 brands on instagram are fashion brands. They are Nike, Forever 21, Adidas, Topshop, Vans, Victoria’s Secret, Red Bull and Michael Kors. There are over 43 million posts on hashtag #fashion. Individual bloggers can profit tremendously from instagram’s fashion loving population.

Once you have thousands or millions followers, it means money follow.

Making money with Instagram is similar to making money with other social media apps, like Pinterest. Interestingly, fashion is favoured topics by today. These photos and videos are visually appealing and entertaining to the public.

If you are a fashion instagrammer and you want to earn money? Here are some tricks.

First, you may register with some

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affiliate programs, set up a website using blogger or wordpress, or make a simple ecommerce website using the big commerce platform. After that, you can market your website and all the products.

With such a massive user base on Instagram (mostly 150 million users, and 50 million post per day), you can get your messages spread out easily and fast. However, the competition is getting tight.

Once you have an account, post an average of four photos a day with a maximum 26 photos in one day. Your followers love to know you are passionate about, what you are doing and always have new fresh content to entertain them.

Then, do not forget to use hashtags to get more followers. How to make it works? Before you sure what hashtags are trending on Instagram, do some research. The more popular hashtags you use for your photos, the more chances your posts will be found by others. For example, use #fashion #instafashion #womenswear #bikini #skirt, etc. There is a way to earn money from Instagram that called Instagram Marketer. Being an instagram marketer means you are hired to market something using Instagram and targeting the communities built within the photo-inspired social network. For example, SnapFluence. Through this app, you can be an ambassador of a brand, product or campaign.

Get paid or exclusive benefits like free products. There is another app, PopularPays. A company will make an offer (sometimes not in cash but goods), and if you like it, can join the request.

Once fashion brand or company do this to individual instagrammers, we could say bye bye to models that used to do it in old times. But the good thing is, Instagram also can be a place for selling items online; marketing your service (if you are a model, stylist, photographer, etc), selling photos, affiliate links or be an ambassador.

Last but not least, have you heard about the term “Instagram models”?

While professional models are still for the most part discovered at casting calls, pageants or malls, agencies and clients are also looking their social media influences, especially on Instagram.

There is no secret anymore that some apparel companies are interested in branding with someone who has base followers. They said, because it is going to make big difference for them, especially in selling. For example, the success story by account @jenselter. With over 2,5 millions followers on her Instagram, Selte has become an endorsement queen making between 50,000 us dollar to 60,000 us dollar for only a month .

The good point is, now, you no need to be worry about finding a job. Just be a good #selfie or put something very interesting on #throwbackthursday. It will attract people and companies. Who knows you can be the next supermodel. Forget about the agency, you have Instagram now!

And on Instagram, people cannot stop scrolling.*

Top fashion Instagrams to follow: @caradelevingne, Cara Delevingne, Model @ttomasihill, Taylor Tomasi Hill, Artistic Director@miraduma, Miroslav Duma, Editor @mirandakerr, Miranda Kerr, Model @chungalexa, Alexa Chung, Model

@anna_dello_russo, Editor@rachelzoe, Rachel Zoe Stylist@showstudio_nick_knight, NIck KNight, Photographer@melzy917, Mel Ottenberg, Rihanna’s Stylist @whowhatwear@rosiehw ; Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Model/actress@derekblasberg; Derek Blasberg, editor/author@prabalgurung, Prabal Gurung, designer@marantisabel, Isabel Marant, designer@jessicaalba, Jessica Alba, actress@thematfinish, Mat Sanders, editorial editor @blaireadiebee, Blair Eadie, blogger@evachen212, Eva Chen, Editor

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In olden days, folks gave thanks for everything turkey. It’s rumored that, after bawdy trysts in Versailles’ boudoirs, Ben Franklin loved a juicy T-L-T with a glass of fine Burgundy — enough that he lobbied for the persnickety, plump fowl deplumes to be America’s national symbol. We’re not so much into turkeys, anymore — either of the feathered or the boy/girlfriend kind. They’re too domesticated. What we want are the Wild Things. It’s time we, as scrumptious and serious people, discuss this.

I’ll go first.

Without question, there’s nothing, which we could ever do, that’s more ridiculous than falling in love. First off, more italics required, you don’t even know the person! Just because he can afford to buy you a drink doesn’t mean he’s mating material. Maybe, you can’t take your eyes off him as he walks past because he has a really (I mean, really) cute butt. Fine, his smile makes you go limp, his sense of humor isn’t overly embarrassing, he looks good in a t-shirt and he can wear sandals without causing you and your friends to divert your eyes because his feet are disgusting. And, yes, he can put more than three words together in a coherent, interesting sentence. So what?

As an Equal Opportunity Disaster-waiting-to-happen, falling in love also means you should be wary of fetching, décolletage-revealing ladies writhing on the dance floor in cherry-red mini-dresses and stiletto heels. And, steer clear of “Stay Away/Come

Hither” glances from the casual-cool clique standing at the end of the bar, in barely buttoned, white-linen shirts over painted-on jeans, with manes of sundrenched hair, a glass of wine and a cigarette held blithely in one slender hand, pretending to chat exclusively among themselves because, of course, no one else of consequence exists. Much to our own chagrin, falling in love is about what we see and what we want, not what we know. It’s all about the Wild Thing — all mystery, so much excitement, small and tantalizing dangers, few regrets and the promise of Eden to come. But, it’s a game, which always favors the House. Except for some groggy memories and unrequited dreams, only the Lucky leave with anything (or anyone) in their pockets at the end of the night.

The bar and the booze aren’t to blame for the odds, though. Wherever we go in the hopes of landing love, God and the proprietors do their best to offer it on a platter. It’s what we bring to the table that matters. Make no mistake, we don’t buy into the game — we bring it with us.

Yes, the best gifts come gift-wrapped. If they don’t, we’re always slightly disappointed. The promise the wrapping offers is part of the joy. And, if there’s an exchange of gifts in the offing, our joy ramps up. To some, it may seem ironic that America’s Day of Giving Thanks kicks off the holiday gift-giving season. But, the truth is, we all expect to be rewarded for showing our appreciation. It’s implied in the process. In the U.S., it may seem blatantly commercial but let’s face it — we’re all into rewards on a very basic level, especially when it comes to falling in love. We want the prize and the glory.

When the wrappings are seductive, it implies the gifts inside are even more so. These promises turn our walking-in-the-door flirtations and hopes for Love into groin-thumping, lip-biting cravings,

if they weren’t already. Naturally, we mask this (women much better than men, ofc). Getting the Presentation of Promise right is like tightrope walking on a double-edged sword in make-up and heels — unless, of course, you find a like-minded prospect, who’ll (hopefully…please God!) graciously settle for whatever you’re offering, no unattractive strings attached. Don’t kid yourself, this is not just a guys’ thing or a girls’ thing, it’s a Wild Thing. I know, it sounds corny. But, if you really think about it, before you finish your drink — and casually nudge someone to buy you another — look in the mirror. You’ll see a lovely creature-of-consequence, who wants something with no unattractive strings attached. That’s the Wild Thing.

Once we’re hooked, everything but the Wild Thing goes out the door. In the one standing next to you, leaning casually closer than anyone else, you don’t see anything but the Wild Thing. Nobody else looks, sounds, smells, walks, talks or breathes more attractively, even if we see our friends across the room dry-heaving and gagging in our direction. The Wild Thing beguiles our minds, hearts and loins and nothing or no one is going to burst that bubble — until we do it ourselves. But, for the moment, that fitful day appears long off and clouded in miscreant mystery, even if it begins tomorrow morning. If Descartes, himself, were falling in Love, he’d say, “I’m infatuated, therefore, I am.”

Bali is a World Capital home of Love, Infatuation and the Wild Thing. Here, we revel in them. They’re our bread-and-butter, our meat, potatoes and our cake-and-coffee. But, if you’re lucky and see beyond the hype and the glitter — translate: listen to the quiet, soulful whispers rising from within your heart — you’ll see, Love is the House and the game is fixed on your behalf. Think with your heart and, all wild things aside, every day will be the loveliest holiday, no matter where you are.

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Pilates is taking over the fitness world. More and more people are turning to this form of exercise in the pursuit of a healthy, strong and beautiful body. Pilates is gentle but very effective, and comparing to other types of fitness it is usually injury-free.

Makela Pilates Studio is one of the most recently opened studios in Bali, that is gaining popularity each day. We decided to ask the owner, Chila Sarawita a few questions about her path towards Pilates and the opening of her Makela Studio.

Tell us a little bit about your background in the field of fitness.I was attending Stott Pilates Acad-emy in Singapore in 2012, but I have been doing Pilates in total for about 8 years.

What inspired you to open a Pilates Studio?Same thing that inspired me to do Pilates in general - I truly believe that Pilates is an intelligent exercise. The Pilates method works very well for a wide range of people - senior,

pregnancy and post natal, athletes, dancer, surfers and people who are at various stages of physical rehabilitation. It works on different levels. Pilates will not just make you more healthy from within, more fit for exercise - it will fix your posture and straighten your spine.

What made you choose this location?I chose Petitenget for my studio location, simply because it is a very prime spot.

What are the practices that you offer at your studio?We offer a lot of different packages in the studio to suit client’s needs in regards of their schedule and financial flexibilities. Makela studio is fully equipped with all the ma-chines, such as Cadillac, Reformers, chairs, ladder barrels and variety of small equipment.

What would you say to someone who has never done Pilates to inspire them to try and what would you recommend to begin with?Pilates is an intelligent exercise, we focus on developing strength, flex-ibility and coordination of muscles and bones, moreover Pilates em-phasizes the balance development of the body through core strength, flexibility and awareness in order to support efficiency, grace and move-ment. I would recommend to begin with the discussion of your fitness goals and postural analysis, that we

do for every client. The instructor will then advise you what will suit you best, regarding your body specifications, injuries and what you wish to achieve with Pilates training.

There are already quite a few Pilates studios on the island. What do you think makela has to offer that makes it dif-ferent from the other studios?Aside from being a fully equipped studio, Makela is also dedicated to creating a comfortable atmosphere for our clients. We want our client to feel relaxed and refreshed. I think this is important. My main chal-lenge and goal is to improve all of my clients’ health, shape and make them feel better about themselves. When my clients reach their goals, that is my best reward.

If you had to give 3 fitness tips, that you consider most useful, what would they be?A. Choose activities you like.

B. Work out at least 2 times a week.

C. Make it fun.

bY KaTYa

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mAkAN mINum

As spoiled as we can possibly be with a variety of dining and drinking places, the islanders and the frequent visitors are always craving for something new. How lucky we are, the development never leaves us bored - new spots are popping up like mushrooms. And an afterhour’s eatery is always a good idea, our drunken heads and stomachs cannot survive solely on burgers after a good night out infused with one too many drinks. New favorite midnight stop on Jalan Petitenget is Makan Minum

restaurant and bar - the place with the concept as simple as its name suggests. And that is the humble beauty of it. We have asked the owners Juno Adhi and Tom Sisk to tell us more about MM and its plans for the near future.

What is the concept of mm?The driving heart of Makan-Minum is a practice and belief in “Value Given For Value Received”. Each and every one of us have wanted to present a real dose of simplicity and ease in the form of a Food & Drink operation to the community of greater Bali. We desire to provide an atmosphere where everyone can just BE. Be Welcomed, Be fed, Be served and BECOME relaxed. All without any hype. Good fresh food ingredients, comfortable seating, an amazing view out back and without beating up people.

What is the idea behind the design, the ambiance?When we were fortunate enough to secure our location here at the top of Jl. Petitenget, we just fell in love with the view and proximity to the Green Belt immediately behind Makan-Minum. The rice field is just lovely. So, we knew we just had to provide a wide opening to allow everyone to enjoy all this “Bali”! From there, the layout and flow of the facility just fell into place. We had always wanted to provide ease and comfort with an obvious social aspect. The Bali we all know is about “Openness” with an abundance of smiles. The entirety of Makan-Minum was to be about pro-viding a relaxed place to Eat, Drink and enjoy the people you are with and perhaps those you will soon be with, too! And then we found the most comfortable barstools EVER! Juno’s Mom designed our fun batiks

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years ago while living here, so we are very fortunate to be able to include her influ-ence and spirit throughout the space in the form of such a perpetual gift.

Tell us about your menu. Our main goal was to create menu that is simple. MM Spicy Wings, Thai Beef Noodle Salad, Schezuan Sesame Chicken, Hainan Chicken Rice, Nasi Goreng MM, Bubur Ayam, BBQ Beef Short Ribs – no extravaganza dishes, just the tasty classics to keep you full and satisfied.

What is on the bar menu, any signature drinks?Our signature is our home-made Sweet Tea vodka. We

infuse Skyy Vodka with tea and let it macerate for a while. Another favorite is Barong Delight – Cinnamon Infused Select Whiskey. There is also something with a very Indonesian flavour – Rujak Colek. It is an Indonesian Punch with Chili Infused Vodka. If you are not up for an alcohol, there are smoothies, shakes, coffee and…Frozen Hot Chocolate. Don’t ask us to explain – you just have to try it.

Your Halloween Party this year was a blast, are you going to do that regularly?We are doing it already. Late Night Fridays - a regular flow of terrific MUSIC!

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Ever season theres a new print on trend and for spring it’s usually your typical florals. Why not change it up with a black and white motif: The Marble Print. We’re into another plucked-from-nature pattern this season, marble print. Well, anything swirly and stone-like, basically. Marble print has crept from our kitchens to our closets — and we couldn’t be happier! Seen on the Spring 2014 runway, with designers such as Phillip Lim, Rachel Comey and Peter Som using it on items such as shirts, sweaters and dresses. Everyone agrees that this moodily swirled pattern trend is bold and eye-catching. It is equal parts sophisticated and edgy.

It’s stunning, contemporary and chic and who better to show us how its done then Alexander Wang for Balenciaga, his first collection for the fashion house and what better way to start it then working the marble print into his classic white tee. “I knew I wanted a pat-tern that evoked a monolithic energy, but was still quite organic,” Mr. Wang said. He evoked the veiny stone in shades of black, white and gray. “I loved the idea of taking marble prints but never just printing them,” Wang continued.

Let’s not forget about Jil Sanders amazing marble print back in SS09 or Kenzo in AW12.

So what I’m trying to say is, this print has made its way from kitchen benches into your wardrobe. Yes, really. Who would’ve thought, huh?

Now then, let’s get decked out in the season’s marble print!Following Wang’s direction, pairing this print with white is a brilliant idea.

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Pairing it with black is also not a bad idea! How could you not? :)

You can also wear a one piece of marble print with no harm. Go ‘head on steppin’ on your marble print shoes.

Or to be more stand out, get your double marble on!

To put on a double marble, it doesn’t have to be the same print you can pull out a look with a reversible print.

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Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the...Most sophisticated international nightclub in town right now? The hottest new spot to hit after dark? Why, MIRROR Lounge +Club, of course…

If you’re going to burst onto Bali’s nightclub scene, then do it in grand-scale fashion, why don’t you! So Jakarta-led, hospitality group, ALL IN, sure did, launching their MIR-ROR Lounge + Club, several weeks ago in downtown Petitenget. First (in geographical and sequen-tial order) ALL IN opened GARDIN Bistro & Patisserie in June, paving the way, literally, for things to de-velop at the rear. Through Medieval-like, heavy wood doors, this earthy-hued, stone and timbered bistro-bar features an all-glass conservatory-style dining room, cute bar-lounge area complete with silk-upholstered sofas, slender terrace facing onto Petitenget’s main drag and DJ’s spinning soulful sounds (Wednes-day through to Saturday nights). All-day dining is casual internation-al bistro-style, while the Patisserie showcases delectable pastries and cakes to take away, or scoffed in High Teas served each afternoon. Don’t miss the daily, two-for-one drinks promos and Ladies Night on Friday’s, where the fairer sex is spoilt rotten from 10.30pm with one-hour free-flow drinks.

Out back, stroll along the stone path cutting through an outdoor terrace and leafy gardens and you’ll come across the rather unexpected sight of colossal-sized, MIRROR nightclub. New kid on the block, maybe, yet impossibly stylish MIRROR – Wednesday to

Saturday nights only – has already created a buzz, from expats and tourists to Indo celebs, Jakarta party animals and the “beauti-ful crowd” (you know who you are), and why not, as it appears to have snatched the island’s most impressive club award. Interiors are Gothic European influenced, with an architectural design mirroring a cathedral, (or my childhood Anglo Saxon churches back in Oxford-shire, or then again, New York’s hip Limelight Club). Hardly a place for prayer and quiet contemplation and far from saintly, but anyway, note the cathedral- like rough hewn masonry (like everything here, from Java) interspersed with stained glass windows and soaring vaulted ceiling with timbered beams. Cover-ing all this is an all-modern glass roof, allowing patrons the illusion to dance under the stars (without getting wet or bitten alive).

Ground-level, elegance abounds with life-size gilded bird cages book-ending an endless marble bar and ample sized, timbered dance floor overhung with crystal chandeliers – all illuminated with state-of-the-art lighting systems. Resi-dent DJ’s up on the elevated booth, are Jakarta boys, and seem pretty slick to me, as, the faultless sound system, pumping out Wednes-day nights, R’n’B and HipHop, Thursday, Mixed-up House and R’n’B and weekend, pure House. International DJs are earmarked for guest appearances.

As an urbane, international-standard nightclub – neither city nor island niche, but something in-between – and obviously Jakarta influenced, there are conditions: those temptingly plush sofas strewn across the dance floor come at a price for resting your weary booty (and need to be reserved on busier nights); bottle service, or minimum charge beginning at Rp. 3m for the smallest, to some VIP sofas at around Rp. 9m. Up marble stairs to the exclusive mezzanine level, private VVIP sofas (with bird’s eye vantage point of the dance floor

excesses below) cost Rp. 50m mini-mum – but you could always invite an army of friends or associates. Alternatively, cocktails cost a more reasonable Rp. 120,000 upwards. Additionally, a fairly strict door policy dictates over 21-year olds en-trance and dress code of absolutely no flip-flops, scruffy attire, male shorts at the weekend and definitely no alcohol-related logo garments. Guys pay a Rp. 200,000 entrance fee, inclusive of first drink, but the ladieez go free (and can wear shorts any time of the week, which they do). As December is now upon us, that means party time; keep up-to-date on social media for forthcoming events, especially MIR-ROR’s grand opening on Christmas day, “Black Christmas” – er, which should be anything but.

MIRROR Lounge +Club, 106 Jalan Petitenget, Petitenget, tel: +62 (0) 361 8499 799, /facebook: mirror bali; Wednesday to Saturday nights 11pm to 5am.GARDIN Bistro & Patisserie, daily 11am to 3am

bY KaTiE TrumaN

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ArIES Arians, as per astrology horoscope 2015, Lord Jupiter is showering blessings on you. Lord of your ninth house (Bhagyesh) is in your fourth and fifth house. Hence, first half of 2015 will keep your familial life beautiful. If you were struggling to go abroad, time seems favorable. Want to own a new car or home? Put some good efforts and your wish will be fulfilled. 2015 horoscope predictions forecast that the second half of 2015 is fabulous for love and marriage. According to the astrology 2015 predictions, married couples who are willing for a baby will be blessed with an angel. Businessmen will spend to expand their work. You may do something new with a brand new planning. 2015 astrology predictions foretell that you may get the support of seniors. As per the predictions of horoscopes 2015, there are beautiful chances of making good money. However, seeing the position of Saturn in eighth house and Rahu in sixth house, you may not be able to stay relaxed from your family and health front. You may have to think about these matters time to time. According to the 2015 predictions, Ketu of twelfth house is indicating that rather than being into trouble and acting like a fanatic, it would be better to take advice. Students will get results as per their hard work.

Remedy: Keep a square piece of silver with you.

TAuruSTaureans, in 2015, Lord Jupiter seems quite happy with you. As per 2015 horoscopes, blessing of Jupiter will lead you toward the right direction, bringing you success. You will not only accomplish your tasks properly, but also will receive the honor and respect along with appreciation. Isn’t that cool? However, position of Saturn in your seventh house may bring hindrances in your income. But, don’t worry, tough times come before the good times to make you realise the worth of happiness. In addition to this, horoscope 2015 astrology predictions foretell that you may face lack of compatibility in your personal life. But, you will be the winner crossing all the barriers just by putting some efforts. If we talk about your love life, Rahu in fifth house is indicating that truthfulness and loyalty is the most important in love. So, make it a

point that you stay loyal to your partner. If we talk about wealth, this year is going to be brilliant. As per 2015 horoscope predictions, some domestic appliances like washing machine, fridge, etc. may call in some expenditure. If we talk about students, they may also get some unexpected results.

Remedy: Offer you service to a black cow.

GEmINIGeminis, 2015 is bringing a magic box of blessings for you. Looks like an amazing time! If you are planning to do something special for your loved ones, your efforts will come out with flying colors. This is what we call “cherry on the top” in a positive way. In 2015, you have strong chances of getting name, fame, wealth and everything that one desires for. What else you can ask for? Health will also stay fine. Even if you are going through an age old ailment, some improvement will be seen. Overall, this is the time coming with a jackpot! According to the 2015 astrology predictions, almost the entire year is wonderful for love matters. If you are working with a firm and planning for a change, there are beautiful chances of something better. So, don’t miss any new opportunity, just grab it! On the other hand, businessmen may have to work a little harder, but remember that hard work always pays off well. Hence, don’t be afraid of working hard at all. If we talk about students, they will keep on getting positive results.

Remedy: Offer your service to the little girls.

cANcErCancerians, 2015 might be mind-blowing for you in some matters. If you have reached the age of getting married, wedding bells are all set to ring. So, be prepared! It doesn’t matter if you are getting married or anyone in your family, wedding bells will definitely ring around you. In the matters of love, insisting for anything won’t be a good idea. So, be a little patient and act very carefully. Even for work related matters, 2015 looks quite brilliant. As per astrology prediction 2015, there are good chances of promotion. Looks like it a fantabulous time for you. You may have to travel due to work. However, most of them may go in vain. But anyways, you will be chilling out. Though your finances seem in better health this

year, yet investing with a blindfold won’t be a good idea. Finally, you got one thing to be concerned about. Health may give you some ups and downs. But, it doesn’t mean that you will definitely fall ill. You just need to be a little cautious. Even for students, 2015 is going to be auspicious. 90% of the year seems to be favoring Cancerians.

Remedy: Donate almonds in a temple.

LEOLions, 2015 has got mixed results for you. Don’t be confused, some will be really nice and some will be adventurous. In the first half of 2015, Jupiter is in your twelfth house and Saturn in fourth. Hence, you may have to face some troubles. Don’t freak out, it is the best time to test your abilities. As per horoscope 2015, you may get upset due to the behavior of some of your loved ones, but the second half of the year looks better, comparatively; and your troubles will vanish away gradually. However, I would suggest you not to bother what anyone says during this time. This is best way to keep calm and live in peace. Also, you will get a good hold over the difficult situations with your intelligent planning. Looks like you are quite intelligent. Astrology 2015 predictions foretell that you will feel quite better being indulged in spiritual as well as religious activities. So overall, things look quite interesting and happening this year. Utilize the best of 2015 and you will be able to find out hidden potentials in you, which may even make you super-human to some extent.

Remedy: Offer a mixture of rice and milk to a cow.

VIrGOVirgonians, in the first half of 2015, position of Jupiter in eleventh house is showing that you may get various types of benefits. You never know how many surprises are awaiting you. As per the predictions made by horoscopes of 2015, family members will also cherish the time, but it will be important to take care of everyone’s health seeing the position of Rahu in first house. But, there is nothing to be worried about. Just stay alert and focused on everybody’s health. In addition to all this, first half is also amazing for love, marriage or children. Along with this, this time is also favorable



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for work, business and education. Looks like 2015 is coming with lots of opportunities to party hard. However, caution is required in everything during the second half of the year. You just need to be a little alert, no need to freak out, nothing very serious is coming toward you. 2015 predictions say that expenditure may increase and your health may also deteriorate in between. Don’t worry, nothing major is going to happen with you. Hence, it will be important to work with patience and intelligence.

Remedy: Offer water to the Peepal tree regularly.

LIbrALibrans, overall, 2015 looks good for you. If we talk about familial life, some minor misunderstandings are possible. However, harmony at home won’t be disturbed. From the health point of view too, 2015 is good. If you are planning to buy a car or home, come out of the dilemmatic situation. This is the high time to take a firm decision. According to the predictions made by 2015 horoscopes, the second half of 2015 has got the fragrance of roses and sweetness of chocolates for your love and personal life. So, be prepared for the ride of a love tunnel. 2015 astrology predictions also foretell that you are going to do something special in your work this year. Looks like you have got some new energy. According to the astrology prediction 2015, chances of promotion are also strong. Respect and honor will increase along with the public support. Beneficial chances will also get strong, as per the predictions made by 2015 horoscope. However, expenditure may also rise due to the placement of Saturn in second house. You need to be a little stingy. 2015 horoscope says that students will get positive results.

Remedy: Apply saffron Tilak (mark on forehead).

ScOrPIOIn 2015, most of the planets seem to be taking your side. Looks like you are on a safer side. Hence, 2015 will be quite amazing for you. As per the astrology 2015, only the position of Saturn might bring some adventure, rest everything looks brilliant. After all, couch is not the only wonder in the world, a joy ride is also important at times. Horoscopes 2015 foretell that harmony will prevail in family. 2015 is quite positive for love matters. Quite ecstatic, isn’t it? However, there might be some disturbances in married life due to the placement of Saturn in first house. Sometimes it is good to crave for love for a little while. Additionally, this may also give you some health related problems. Don’t worry, nothing major is seen. As per 2015 predictions, time is also beneficial for work.

So workaholics, looks like a good time for you. 2015 horoscopes also foretell that financial situation will get better. Start listing down all the things you need to shop. On the other hand, students will get positive results after hard work. As per 2015 horoscopes, students of business studies will cherish the second half of the year the most.

Remedy: Provide your service to monkeys, and avoid the consumption of non vegetarian food as well as alcohol.

SAGITTArIuSSagittarians, in the beginning of 2015, Jupiter is in your eighth house, which is not very positive. It is neither negative. Over that, Saturn is in twelfth house, so financial matters need to be handled cautiously. But, you need not panic managing all this. As you know that a small disturbance in finances may bring what all types of troubles, work hard to stay at bay from any sort of problem. Only a calm and peaceful mind can do this. According to the 2015 astrology predictions, you may also feel change in the behavior of your family members. This change may even hurt you. It looks like that the entire year has taken the pledge to make you strong from all the angles of life. A feeling of insecurity may rise in you, which may also affect your health. As per the astrology prediction 2015, love matters may also stay a little dissatisfactory. But, remember - “Everything happens for good.” On the other hand, in the second half of 2015, all your wishes will start coming true. Total bliss will again start flowing in your life, foretells horoscope for 2015. According to the horoscope 2015, income will improve and students will also get good results. Wow! Quite an adventurous ride for you.

Remedy: Donate Ghee and potato in a temple.

cAPrIcOrNCapricorns, first half of 2015 is quite amazing for you. As per 2015 horoscope predictions, your outstanding plannings will keep on giving you success. You look quite brainy. Astrology 2015 predictions foretell that everything will be quite happening at your place. Everything will be positive at work. Looks like this is a celebration time for you. Financial situation will also be satisfactory. This is something going to take you unawares that so many favors are coming your way. If you have reached the age of marriage, first half of 2015 may add some help to you in this matter. Students will be full of the joys of spring, as they will be getting success in each endeavor. However, in the second half of 2015, the path of life might be asking for troubles. At that time, Jupiter will be in your eighth house. As a result, due to financial troubles, things may seem to be going

far. Hence, you need to be cautious while doing everything. But, don’t worry, this is the perfect time to judge your abilities of standing still under the heavy dark clouds. Along with this, it will be better if you think twice before investing anywhere.

Remedy: Flow 6 coconuts with husk in every four months in the running water.

AQuArIuSAquarians, 2015 will give you mixed results. You may feel some breach within your relations with loved ones. But, don’t cry your eyes out, everything happens for some good reason. Your bitter language could be one of its reasons. So, try to be as polite as possible. As per the horoscopes for 2015, you may stay stressed due to the health of a family member. But, nothing to be worried about, time will pass by swiftly. On the other hand, your health looks fine. Horoscopes 2015 foretell that you may stay busy with lawsuits. But don’t worry, you will break the back of the beast. As per 2015 predictions, the second half of the year will bring betterment to your love life. Married life will be very blissful. Cupids seem quite happy with you. You will be on cloud nine. 2015 horoscopes say that good improvement at workplace is seen. It is a celebration time. According to the 2015 astrology, income and education will also increase. Looks like you are going to be on the ball this time.

Remedy: Donate yellow clothes to a priest.

PIScESPisceans, 2015 is going to begin beautifully for you. An auspicious ceremony may take place at home. It is a time to cherish the celebration at home. However, rude behavior of some family members may hurt you. But, I would suggest you to just ignore. Seeing the position of Ketu over ascendant, you need take good care of your health. In such situation, it will be important to keep an eye on your eating habits. Astrology prediction 2015 suggests you to drive very carefully. According to the horoscope 2015, time can be said nice for love matters, but position of Rahu in seventh is not considered very good, comparatively. Hence, love and faith are the major ingredients that will always be in demand. 2015 horoscope foretell that you may get a better job. You will be seen grinning from ear to ear. However, hard work and responsibilities may increase. So, be prepared. Also, there are good chances of the increment in benefits. It is a double celebration time, so many good things are coming your way. According to the astrology 2015, time will be positive for education. But, some troubles may arise in the second half of 2015.

Remedy: Donate rice, jaggery and gram lentils in a temple.

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