
• ECD and its Contribution to Quality, Equaty and Efficiency

in Education Workshop UNICEF Presentation

Aferdita Spahiu,

18 September 2013

How does UNICEF Contribute to ECD in Kosovo?

• Capacity development for improved child survival and development ( immunization, breast feeding etc.)

• Support to child protection ( Child Rights Strategy, monitoring child rights etc.)

• Advocacy for quality education for all, from early childhood onwards ( ECD and access to pre-primary education, Child-friendly schools, Quality education through curriculum development, Inclusion of vulnerable groups in education

ECD Support for Education

• Preschool education Law• Preschool curriculum• Capacity development of

MEST • Community based

education for preschool children

• Women literacy

• Early Learning Development Standards

• Assessment of ECD in Kosovo with the University of Yale

• Networking and building partnership o ECD


• ECD not a priority • Limited multi-sectoral and comprehensive policy

frameworks, none for ECD• Lack of coordination across-sectorial mechanisms to

ensure adequate ECD related services• Underfunded health and welfare sectors not able to

meet the basic needs, especially for the most vulnerable and poor groups



The Biggest Challenges

GIZ Workshkop on ECCD18 September 2013

We will…

build partnershipscollaborate with children, civil society organizations, communities, governments and the private sector to share knowledge to ensure children’s rights are met

THEORY OF CHANGE:how we work to create impact for children

… be the voiceadvocate and campaign for better practices and policies to fulfill children's rights and to ensure that children’svoices are heard (particularly those children most marginalized or living in poverty)

… be the innovatordevelop and prove evidence-based, replicable breakthrough solutions to problems facing children

… achieve results at scalesupport effective implementation of best practices, programs and policies for children, leveraging our knowledge to ensure sustainable impact at scale

Our vision: Every child receives a good quality education and learns the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the 21st century.

Save the Children - Objectives

The Four Principles of SC’s ECCD Program

All children gain access to & benefit from quality pre-school, pre-primary and primary education and non-formal education.

Work in 9 pre-primary/kindergartens & 14 primary schools, in 9 project locations

Support training of teachers on IE methodologies, PRT members

Directly work with MEST, MED, CSO, kindergartens, pre-primary and primary schools, parents and children to increase awareness on importance of ECCD and focus on key areas of interventions

By end of 2012, Inclusive Education (IE) program has reached 10,162 children, including children with disability, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children, IDP communities.

What we do

Quality pre-school and pre-primary education

IfI – accredited in 2012 as pilot project by the MEST.

Included in the Strategic Plan of Education for Children with Special Education Needs 2010-2015 and the Strategic Plan for Education in Kosova/o 2011-2016

Improve skills of pre-school institutions’ management on budget planning

Support pre-school development processes in 9 pre-schools & 11 primary schools

Index of Inclusion (IfI) and other

Engage municipal education structures to commit more funds for inclusion of most marginalized groups of children

To conduct an ECCD situation analysis (focus on children 0-3 & families), in 5 municipalities

Advocacy events

Quality pre-school and pre-primary education

IfI – accredited in 2012 as pilot project by the MEST.

Included in the Strategic Plan of Education for Children with Special Education Needs 2010-2015 and the Strategic Plan for Education in Kosova/o 2011-2016

Improve skills of pre-school institutions’ management on budget planning

Support pre-school development processes in 9 pre-schools & 11 primary schools

Index of Inclusion (IfI) and other

Engage municipal education structures to commit more funds for inclusion of most marginalized groups of children

To conduct an ECCD situation analysis (focus on children 0-3 & families), in 5 municipalities

Advocacy events

Inclusion of Children with Disabilities

Realizing rights of children with disabilities – inclusion in pre school and primary

Promote inclusive education - raise awareness and advocacy campaigns (including self-sustaining advocacy bodies) through local partners & NGOs

Lobby at governmental level and capacity building of local administration

Support 8 regional resource centers

Develop and increase school capacities - staff training, school materials, rehabilitation and other

Opened an ECCD center in Mitrovica - creating an opportunity & environment for the early development of children

Conducted a needs assessment on RAE children, ages of 3-6. Based on the findings, different approaches were identified & implemented

Inclusion of RAE children and IDP communities

Activities to foster child participation, peer to peer support & child school links

Provide supplementary & extra curriculum classes

Decrease drop-out from mainstream

education through raising awareness

Inclusion of children from non-majority communities

“MOZAIK “– Lessons Learned

Help different ethnic communities collaborate & communicate with each other

Accepted by MEST and currently financed in 3 kindergartens located in Obiliq, Peje and Prishtina.

Bilingual approach in kindergartens (age groups 3-5)

Teach tolerance and respect for a diversity of cultures

Socialization children into a multicultural environment at the earliest possible

Develop a child-centered pedagogical approach which includes age appropriate training in conflict-resolution skills aimed at children


No strong tradition of ECCD programs or preschool education

Not a priority at government and municipal level

No resource allocation support as per policy initiatives to increase access to school

Small number of public kindergartens and pre-primary classes

Lack of qualified educators and teachers (specifically those working with children 0-3)

Location - urban vs. rural

Monitoring of implementation of IfI from respective educational structures

Slow process of accreditation of private preschools


Melita KabashiSave the Children, Country Kosova/o Office

Advocacy, Communication Media CoordinatorTel: +381 (0) 38 55 26 91 (ext.101)

Mob : +377 44  507 [email protected]

Early Detection and Education

The Aim

• The Aim of "Early Detection and Education" project is focused on improving the performance of the child's development, improvement of living and social conditions of children with disabilities, and provides assistance to their parents.

• It is very necessary to intensively support children in early age 0-6 years old, in early development and learning ability because perception is greater in the first period of development and helps to improve children further development

• Early Education in regular education system accepted

Importance of the early childhood education• This project offers better possibilities for the early

development of children with disabilities (0-6 years old) consultancy help for their parents, and creates a link with education, social and health institutions on integration of the children into the Kosovar Society. The motto is: “EARLY HELP- BEST HELP”.

• It eases the life of children and their parents, it eases the enrolment of children into kindergarten and schools, which by our help on their development it eases the work of parents and teachers too for further education.

Why do we do this?

• Equal opportunities-every child has the right of education

• To easy integration of children with disabilities in regular school system


• Lack of coordination and cooperation with CSO-s acting in this field

• The interest of local and governmental institutions on supporting the idea -no local funding support

• Sustainability of the project


• Increase possibilities of education in early childhood for children with disabilities

• Create policies for education in early childhood • To evaluate /use existing development and learning

standards in early childhood – (2011/MEST publication- supported by UNICEF)

“ An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

- Benjamin Franklin -



Primary School Drop-Out Rates fall 80%

Between 450-500 children come daily to the Centers for preschool preparation, language club, homework help, enjoyment and support, lunch, school materials

Enrollments are up!

In Fushë Kosova, increasing enrollments and plummeting early leaving rates mean that primary school enrollment of Ashkali and Egyptian minority children has increased from around 350 to almost 600. The old dropout rate was 120 from

350. The most recent rate is 14 from almost 600.

LEARNING CENTERS NETWORK Preschool Program – ages 5-6/7

5 LC in Kosova ( Fushë Kosova, Graçanica, Plemetina 2x, Shtime ) All children prior to beginning primary school, or preschool if already available in their communities, are

welcomed to participate Goals: Through art, music, and play activities the program focuses on strengthening the social and cognitive

skills necessary for adaptation to primary school:

developing gross and fine motor skills, improving language skills necessary for participation in the school of the

community where the children live Language skills will be enhanced through learning songs, experience with

teachers using that language in appropriate ways, alphabet exercises and games, play, etc.

Awareness raising regarding early childhood education and development

Regular meetings with parents Facilitating school enrollment of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children in regular

schools Facilitate co-operation between teachers, school directors and parents in order

to promote enrollment and prevent drop -outs ,through the school mediators program

Find more information here: www.learningcentersnetwork.orgBALKAN SUNFLOWERS

P R E C E D EPartnership for Reconciliation through Early Childhood Education and Development in Europe


All of the partner countries have either suffered violent conflict during the last 25 years, or at least profound social dislocation.

Though children have unique capacities for resilience, they are also vulnerable, including to the wounds of their parents.

Poor investment in early childhood is among society’s most important short-comings, and the best opportunities for

investment, and particularly that bringing methodology and activities of diversity, inclusion and acceptance into early

childhood work contributes to healthier, happier children with increased likelihood of enjoying a good and productive life. A productivity that the hole society will benefit from in the

present as well as in the future.


PRECEDE Partnership for reconciliation through early childhood education and development in Europe• Partnership with

• Albania • Croatia • Macedonia • Northern Ireland and • Serbia

•General Objective:

• to support civil society’s influence over reconciliation processes and social cohesion, through education and development in early years in the Balkan region and Europe


PRECEDE Network • Main Activities:

– Research and publication of a country ECED assessment in each partner country– Based on this initial country ECED assessment, on-going identification of gaps in

ECED laws, policies, strategies or their implementation– Formation of country networks with working groups that will develop around

research, monitoring, advocacy, programmatic tool kits, and CSO quality management

– Link country networks to the International Network for Peace-Building with Young Children

– Development of advocacy strategies and materials for each partner country– Advocacy actions on identified needs within the program mandate– Evaluation, research and adaptation or development of “tool kits” (games,

activities, curricula, objects), specific to each country, for peace-building and reconciliation in ECED

– Capacity building work for CSOs according to the gaps they identify– Support management quality certification at a European level for network



PRECEDE Network • Participation of partner NGOs from different projects in

joint training for • research • monitoring • advocacy • organisational capacity building

• Exchange of experience and findings among the projects

through common mailing lists of newsletters, policy briefs, announcements of events, participation in conferences, meetings …


“When you know better you do better.” 

- Maya Angelou -